Transforming Personalized citizen assistance for social participation (APIC) trial: action research to better support community organizations during a period of lockdown
- Mélanie Levasseur, Professeure - School of Rehabilitation
Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
Département des sciences de la santé communautaire
École de réadaptation
2e cycle
3e cycle
Stage postdoctoral - LOCATION(S)
- Campus de la santé
Project Description
The Master's project (or doctorate or post-doctorate) is part of an innovative research project aimed at better understanding the co-creation and effects of a transformation of the Personalized citizen assistance for social participation (APIC), an intervention designed to improve the mobility, social participation and leisure activities of older adults. Specifically, the project aims to: 1) document the adaptations made to the APIC; 2) describe the implementation of the adapted version of the APIC in a local organization, the Service d'aide et de référencement aîné (SARA) d'Anjou, including the facilitators, obstacles and essential conditions ensuring the fidelity and quality of the intervention; 3) examine its effects on older adults; 4) explore the applicability of the adapted version of the APIC in other local organizations. Thanks to its action-research approach, this project will mobilize and involve older adults and the various stakeholders in the community (caregivers, care workers, managers, partners). This project will contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in the field of implementing programs to promote active aging, by documenting an innovative, personalized intervention focused on the social participation needs of older adults. Under the supervision of Pre Mélanie Levasseur and the research team, the student will play an active role in data collection and analysis, and in disseminating results to stakeholders, knowledge users and members of the scientific community. The Master's project will be carried out at the Research Centre on Aging (CdRV) of the CIUSSS de l'Estrie-CHUS, one of the most important specialized centers on aging in Canada, and home to some fifty nationally and internationally recognized researchers in several disciplines. This renowned and well-established environment offers a dynamic setting, conducive to professional growth and the emergence of interdisciplinary research collaborations. Special requirement: Apply for CdRV, FRQ and CIHR research grants
Discipline(s) by sector
Sciences de la santé
Ergothérapie, Gériatrie-gérontologie, Kinésiologie, Médecine préventive et communautaire, Physiologie, Sciences infirmières
Sciences sociales et humaines
Service social et travail social, Sociologie
The last update was on 23 November 2023. The University reserves the right to modify its projects without notice.