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Notebooks on living together

(Cahiers du vivre ensemble)

Raising awareness of and promoting living together

The Cahiers du vivre ensemble project has been implemented to:

  • Create an accessible collection to disseminate, promote, and popularize university research in relation to the theme of living together.
  • Open an inclusive written discourse space for the academic community, for both teachers and students.
  • Provide support to present and report on activities on the unifying theme of living together: culture, plurality, governance, and equity.
  • Propose an active platform to promote living together, not only in relation to its values but also its knowledge and practices, to contribute to forming concrete avenues to apply research to current challenges of society.

Summer 2022 edition - Vivre ensemble en temps de pandémie (living together during a pandemic)

In this first thematic project “Vivre ensemble en temps de pandémie”, learn about the effects of the pandemic, highlighted through varied subjects such as public health, social inequalities, education, music teaching, and political and religious relationships.

Learn about the multiple approaches, disciplines, methods, and objects of the study to better understand the humans and societies at the heart of this unprecedented period, to better understand the issues at stake, and to better live together.

Download the Summer 2022 edition (in French)