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Carrefour d'innovation en technologies écologiques (CITE)

The Carrefour d’innovation en technologies écologiques (CITÉ) gathers the main players in developing biomass valorization and eco-design of environmentally friendly, innovative products.

It offers an open environment for close collaboration between academic research teams and companies producing or utilizing developed or future technologies. By creating a facility conducive to collaborative research, we have established an infrastructure enabling the emergence of new technologies that can revitalize existing companies or even launch new ones. Activities are being deployed in the region of Granby—industry leader in sustainable development—and are providing us with an additional anchoring point to positively act on the environment. 

The CITÉ is a joint initiative between the Université de Sherbrooke, the Ville de Granby, and the company Protec-Style. The collaborations are open to any Quebec, Canada, or international company.

Contact the CITÉ

Carrefour d'innovation en technologies écologiques - CITÉ
730, rue Bernard
Granby (Québec) Canada
J2J 0H6
819 821-8000, Ext. 65136