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Promotion of cognitive health for elders with and without neurocognitive disorders


Chantal Viscogliosi, Professeure - School of Rehabilitation
Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
École de réadaptation
2e cycle
3e cycle
Stage postdoctoral
Campus de la santé

Project Description

The candidate's mandate will be integrated into the participation in various research projects aiming the development of resources and support tools for the promotion of cognitive health. 
More specifically, the candidate will collaborate in the following projects :

- In partnership with a residence for the elderly, implementation of cognitive strategies based on preserved abilities with residents living with a major neurocognitive disorder. This project has 3 components: 
1.	Training caregivers, healthcare workers, volunteers and community members on the optimal approach to adopt when interacting with people living with a major neurocognitive disorder and the use of cognitive strategies to facilitate the realization of their activities;  
2.	Documentation of healthcare workers’ experience of the implementation of cognitive strategies;
3.	Evaluation of the effects of cognitive strategies on people living with a major neurocognitive disorder. 
In parallel to this project, creation of a bistro offering intergenerational activities to allow young people in the community to become familiar with the approach to be adopted when interacting with people living with cognitive difficulties and to reduce the associated preconceived ideas. 
- Creation of tools dedicated to caregivers to allow elders living with a major neurocognitive disorder to continue living at home in  an active, stimulating and safe manner .  This project has 3 components: 
1.	Development of tools for caregivers of people living with a major neurocognitive disorder (video clips, web application, support booklets) 
2.	Development of workshops to support caregivers in the daily application of strategies for their loved one 
3.	Development of trainings for caregivers to help them maintain the activities of people living with a neurocognitive disorder. 
- Implementation of cognitive rehabilitation for people living with a loss of cognitive autonomy and their caregivers: interdisciplinary collaboration in home support. This project aims to evaluate the implementation and effects of cognitive rehabilitation on the functional independence and quality of life of people living with a loss of cognitive autonomy in a home support context, the burden of family caregivers and the quality of the dyad's relationship through collaboration between occupational therapists and other healthcare workers involved. 

Roles of the candidate: 
- Conducting interviews with users, caregivers, and care workers 
- Training and coaching of caregivers and family members 
- Collecting data during bistro activities 
- Analysis of quantitative and qualitative data 
- Writing of articles 

Desired qualities: 
- Research expertise, knowledge of data collection and analysis methods, good interpersonal skills, good organizational skills, strong sense of responsibility, good teamwork skills

Specific requirements:
Apply for a CIHR/SSHRC scholarship.

Discipline(s) by sector

Sciences de la santé

Ergothérapie, Gériatrie-gérontologie, Neurosciences

Sciences sociales et humaines

Psychologie, Service social et travail social

Funding offered

To be discussed

The last update was on 12 October 2023. The University reserves the right to modify its projects without notice.