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Development of a SiGe-Based Spin QuBit Manufacturing Process


Dominique Drouin, Professeur - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculté de génie
Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique
Département de génie mécanique
Institut interdisciplinaire d'innovation technologique (3IT)
Institut quantique
Stage postdoctoral
3IT - Institut interdisciplinaire d'innovation technologique

Project Description

Context: As part of the project: Consortium on Quantum Simulation with Spin Qubits (CQS2Q) the goal is to create demonstrate quantum computer based on semiconductor quantum dots that offers unprecedented capabilities for quantum simulation. Indeed, these quantum computers could help meet current social needs such as mimicking molecules to discover new drugs or putting oneself in the shoes of a quantum material to unravel the mystery of high temperature superconductivity.

The team partners with entities with expertise in microelectronics and quantum computers to model, manufacture and control the machine. The partners are the University of British Columbia (UBC), the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and CMC Microsystems. In addition, strategic partners such as the BC Quantum Algorithms Institute and the DistriQ industrial ecosystem in Sherbrooke.

Research project: The postdoc fellow will participate in numerous collaborative projects with industrial and institutional partners.
• Scaling up a qubit manufacturing using semi-industrial processes on Ge wafer.
• Wafer design/manufacturing including multi-project projects wafer (MPW).
• Standardization: Classical and quantum metrology, process control and monitoring.

The postdoc fellow will be in charge of the (i)Road-mapping activities with users and material providers to identify critical activities, gap analysis and task leaders and teams. (ii)Rapid screening of devices using a 4K cryo probing station. (iii)Development of an initial PDK containing basic design elements will be done in collaboration with CMC. (iv) Fabrication run to generate statistical data and define the fabrication process tolerances and design window. 

Supervision & work environment: The project will be realized under the direction of Pr. Dominique Drouin. The work will be carried out mainly at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Technological Innovation (3IT). The 3IT is a unique institute in Canada, specializing in the research and development of innovative technologies for energy, electronics, robotics and health. The student will thus benefit from an exceptional research environment that combines students, professionals, professors and industrialists working hand-in-hand to develop the future technologies.

Researched profile: 
• Specialization in nanotechnology, electrical engineering, or materials science
• Strengths: knowledge in nanofabrication, cryogenic measurements
• Excellent adaptability, autonomy, teamwork and problem solving skills
• Strong interest for design, experimental cleanroom work and interdisciplinary research and development

Documents to provide:  
• Letter 
• CV with list of publications  
• Name and contact of 2 references

Discipline(s) by sector

Sciences naturelles et génie

Génie électrique et génie électronique, Génie mécanique

Funding offered



CMC Microsystems

The last update was on 12 March 2024. The University reserves the right to modify its projects without notice.