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Substitution of Cu by other 3d metals in Sr1-xNdxCuO2: influence on superconductivity and the transport properties


Patrick Fournier, Professeur - Department of Physics
Faculté des sciences
Département de physique
Institut quantique
2e cycle
3e cycle
Institut Quantique Sherbrooke
Laboratoire d’études des propriétés physiques de matériaux et composants quantiques
Laboratoire d'épitaxie avancée par ablation laser

Project Description

The project targets the exploration of the effect of substitution of copper with other 3d metals such as Ni, Fe, Co or Zn in the infinite-layer superconductor Sr1-xNdxCuO2.  Physical properties in general will be studied with a particular focus on the Hall effect. The project includes the growth of thin films deposited by pulsed laser ablation, their structural, magnetic and electrical characterization. Extensive transport measurement studies will be carried out at low temperature and large magnetic field on samples micro-fabricated by photolithography. This study will allow us to better understand how changes in carrier scattering correlate or do not correlate with changes in the band structure of the material as a function of substitution density. This project therefore aims to explain the origin of superconductivity in superconducting cuprates. Project can begin in the Fall 2024 or Winter 2025 semester.

Funding offered

To be discussed

Lien complémentaire

The last update was on 16 February 2024. The University reserves the right to modify its projects without notice.