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Postdoctoral Fellowship | ELIGIBILITY

Are you eligible for admission?

Before sending your application, make sure you respect the eligibility conditions:

  • Holder of a doctoral degree (PhD) for less than five years
  • Recommended by a professor (fellowship supervisor) and the director of the academic unit concerned (faculty, school, department, program) 
  • Scholarship recipient or funded by the mentor or unit for the duration of the fellowship

Your registration will provide you access to some essential services:

  • Student number to identify you with university and government bodies
  • Official attestation for the fellowship issued by the UdeS at the end of the fellowship (by request)
  • Access to the UdeS’s library resources and IT services
  • Map of the UdeS and a range of connected services

Were you invited for a postdoctoral fellowship, but you are not a Canadian citizen?


Duration of the fellowship

The normal duration of a postdoctoral fellowship is two years, renewable one year after assessment, for a maximum of three years. In any case, the minimum duration of a postdoctoral fellowship cannot be less than six months. In the event of a justified interruption (e.g. illness, maternity leave), the fellowship can be extended.

Become a postdoctoral fellow at the UdeS

All postdoctoral fellows must be admitted and registered with the UdeS. To do so, they must first contact the contact person of the faculty concerned to find out about the admission and registration process for a postdoctoral fellowship in that faculty, and receive any other information and documents that may be required according to the current regulations. It is only after discussion with this contact person that the admission and registration form for a postdoctoral fellowship should be completed and submitted to the direction of the faculty.