STP114 - Practicum I Exploring the School Environment
- Cycle
- 1er cycle
- Crédits
- 3 crédits
- Faculté ou centre
- Faculté d'éducation
- Trimestres *
- Automne 2024
Cible(s) de formation
Exploring teaching and learning activities in primary and secondary schools. Distinguish between the foundations, orientations, missions, goals and principles of the institutional context of teaching in Quebec. Explain the role of the curriculum and other government documents in the organization of teaching work. Use various means of collaboration, based on teamwork communication principles. Describe one's self-perception as an adult and as a future teacher.
Implementation: Institutional teaching context: Foundations, orientations, missions, goals and principles of the institutional teaching context, school organization and management in Quebec, past and present.
Collaboration: Intra-professional collaboration, importance of collaborative work in the school environment (cycle team, resource teacher, grade team, subject team). Communication principles and skills for teamwork, active listening, effective feedback.
Acting ethically: Ethical awareness in dealing with students and peers; values, biases and prejudices.
* Sujet à changement