PRF751 - Fostering Creativity in Teaching and Learning
- Cycle
- 2e cycle
- Crédits
- 2 crédits
- Habituellement offert
- Automne, Hiver, Été
- Faculté ou centre
- Faculté d'éducation
Cible(s) de formation
Participants will explore creativity and examine ways to increase creativity in themselves, their students, and in teaching and learning practices. After identifying and addressing common misconceptions about creativity, participants will demonstrate an understanding of creativity and how it can be used to enhance students’ engagement and support student learning, develop strategies that use creativity to enhance teaching and learning, and apply best practices and strategies to foster the development of creativity in students. They will design learning activities that encourage students to develop creative skills.
Creativity in Education, Development of creativity, Teaching and Learning creativity, Students’ engagement, Creativity across disciplines, Assessment of Creativity.