PED627 - The Digital Classroom, Level 2
- Cycle
- 2e cycle
- Crédits
- 2 crédits
- Habituellement offert
- Automne, Hiver, Été
- Faculté ou centre
- Faculté d'éducation
Cible(s) de formation
The focus of this level two course is to use a learning management system to extend the classroom beyond four walls. Participants will redesign a traditional course into a digital format that is web-enhanced, flipped, blended or online.
To fully appreciate the role and potential of learning technologies, teachers will critically analyze the instructional design of their courses to determine the ‘pedagogical advantage’ that technology will bring. Upon course completion, the participants will be able to integrate a learning management system into their courses, optimizing student engagement, learning and success.
Backward design, educational technology, Learning Management System, Flipped Classroom, Hybrid, Hyflex, Blended and Online Learning.