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GEI175 - Electrical Power Generation IGEE418



1er cycle
3 crédits
Faculté ou centre
Faculté de génie
Trimestres *
Hiver 2025

Cible(s) de formation

The specific course objectives are:

To understand the principles of operation of electrical power generators and related energy storage assemblies; to understand the structure and principles of the controls related to electrical power generators and generating stations; to understand the principles governing the design and sizing of electrical generators; to understand the principles governing generation dispatch, including management of hydro reservoirs and generating units; to understand the standards governing the integration of electrical power generators to the power grid (grid codes); to understand the standards governing the interconnection of dispersed electrical power generation to the power grid (interconnection standards).


To introduce the fundamental principles and challenges arising in power generation.


Complete admission requirements are available:

* Sujet à changement