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Appel à contributions

Pour l'ouvrage The Literature Under the Press: Bibliology, Book History and Philological-Literary Studies, dirigé par Flavia Bruni, Matteo Fadini, Chiara Lastraioli

Un appel à contributions pour l'ouvrage The Literature Under the Press: Bibliology, Book History and Philological-Literary Studies, dirigé par Flavia Bruni, Matteo Fadini, Chiara Lastraioli, est lancé. La publication est prévue pour le printemps 2019. Les propositions de chapitre devront êtres soumises au plus tard le 28 mai 2018.

Vous trouverez tous les détails de l'appel (en anglais seulement) ci-dessous :

The Literature Under the Press: Bibliology, Book History and Philological-Literary Studies

Monographic issue of the journal «Ticontre. Teoria Testo Traduzione» XI (May 2019)

edited by Flavia Bruni, Matteo Fadini, Chiara Lastraioli

The material features of the book as a printed object have traditionally attracted little interest from scholars of literature or philology on the Continent. Thirty years after the issue of Conor Fahy’s Saggi di bibliografia testuale – the book that, together with the volume edited by Pasquale Stoppelli and published the previous year, Filologia dei testi a stampa, raised for the first time the issue of the interaction between literature and print –, bibliographies and catalogues are still seldom exploited to their full potential to expand the knowledge in the field of philological and literary studies. A promising opening towards a new and wider perspective was eventually promoted by the recent development of online catalogues and databases, and by the resulting exponential growth of information available on the editorial production and book circulation in the early modern age.

A collection of essays, to be published in spring 2019, is going to include case-studies which, by combining bibliology, textual bibliography and philology of printed texts, will show the role of such disciplines for the knowledge of literary works. Proposals should focus on Europe in the period of the hand printing press, before the third decade of the nineteenth century, when automatic procedures took over the task of typographic composition. Chapters on the printed tradition of classic, mediaeval or Renaissance literature would be particularly welcome. Contributions on significant printing shops, comparisons between case-studies, theoretic essays on specific facets of the book production or trade would be appropriate as long as they are focused on the editorial production of literary works.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • preparatory manuscripts: state of the art, new findings;
  • editorial work and literary transmission: how classics were read and through which editions and paratext;
  • the literary canon and the printing press: printing and genres;
  • the role of printed books cataloguing in the history of literary tradition;
  • the transmission of texts through manuscript and printed books: breaks and continuity;
  • authors’ corrections and variant states: case-studies and how to approach them;
  • privileges, literary production, printing and book trade;
  • inferring date and authorship for literary works from material and bibliographic features.

Those interested in submitting a chapter should offer a synopsis (300 words) in .doc or .pdf format of their proposed contribution and a short biography to the address Proposals and papers must be in one of the languages of the journal (Italian, French, English, Spanish). The deadline for the submission of proposals is 28 May 2018. The authors of accepted papers will be notified by 30 June 2018; the selected contributions will be due by 15 October 2018 and will be subject to peer-review. For further information:;


Languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish

Max length: 50,000 characters

Abstract: 300 words

Bio-bibliographical note: 150 words

Deadline for abstracts & bio-bi: 28 May 2018

Notice of acceptance: 30 June 2018

Deadline for accepted contributions: 15 October 2018

Publication: May 2019.

Peer-review: yes


Dr Flavia Bruni
ICCU – Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche
viale Castro Pretorio, 105
00185 Roma
tel. +39 06 4921 0422 – 4989 512

fax + 39 06 4959 302