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Double appel à communications

Pour la rencontre annuelle de l'American Historical Association

SHARP (The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing) a diffusé un double appel à communications pour la rencontre annuelle de l'American Historical Association, qui aura lieu à Chicago, en Illinois, du 3 au 6 janvier 2019.

Les propositions de communication devront être soumises au plus tard le 9 mai 2018.

Voici les détails de l'appel (en anglais seulement) :

Call for Papers, SHARP/AHA Affiliate Panels
The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP) seeks participants for its affiliated society sessions at the January 3-6, 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association in Chicago, Illinois. 

Digital Approaches to Book History will be a roundtable session with brief presentations. We seek creative work highlighting how digital methods can inform the work of book history in research, in teaching, and in the presentation of findings. Potential topics might include digital projects on book history, thinking about the materiality of books in the digital age, teaching book history with digital tools, or preservation of e-books and other born digital ephemera. Thematically, the panel aims to provide a snapshot of the many ways digital work/tools/thinking intersects with the work of book historians.
Specific questions about this panel should be directed to Jessica Linker (

Children’s Books and Ephemera will be a traditional panel with 3-4 paper presentations. We seek scholarship that explores issues of children’s literature and childhood studies from a book history perspective. Potential topics might include the emergence of literature aimed explicitly at young readers; print culture for schools; periodicals for or by children; print culture developed for gendered or racialized young audiences; games or other ephemera; or children’s lit in the digital age. 
Specific questions about this panel should be directed to Amy Sopcak-Joseph (

Generally, the AHA Liasions welcome scholarly work from all geographical areas, historical eras, and disciplines. We furthermore encourage applicants with creative or interdisciplinary methodologies to apply.  Because MLA’s annual meeting will be held in conjunction with AHA’s, we are particularly interested in topics that engage with both constituencies. 

To submit a proposal: The original deadline has been extended to Wednesday, May 9. Those interested in participating in either panel session should submit a paper title, a short abstract of the presentation (up to 300 words), and a biographical paragraph or CV summary (up to 250 words) to Amy Sopcak-Joseph at You should indicate which panel you are applying for in the subject line of your email. 
Participants must be SHARP members at the time of the conference and are expected to register for the American Historical Association if selected. 

Your SHARP Liaisons, Jessica C. Linker and Amy Sopcak-Joseph