PRF752 - Motivation, Engagement, and Learning
- Cycle
- 2e cycle
- Crédits
- 2 crédits
- Faculté ou centre
- Faculté d'éducation
- Trimestres *
- Automne 2024
Cible(s) de formation
This course aims to equip participants to:
Understand and apply key theories and concepts of motivation in an educational setting.
- Analyze and use motivational theories to improve teaching practices and student engagement.
- Effectively implement research-based motivational strategies in classroom instruction.
These goals are designed to enhance educators' abilities to foster an engaging and motivating learning environment, thereby optimizing student outcomes.
This course focuses on aspects of student motivation that influence learning and the role of the teacher in creating a motivating classroom environment. Participants will examine concepts, principles, and theories of motivation with a focus on how to translate these ideas into effective instruction.
* Sujet à changement