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Appel à contributions

Revue Libraries: Culture, History, and Society (LCHS)

Un appel à contributions a été lancé pour les deux prochains numéros de la revue Libraries: Culture, History, and Society (LCHS). Les soumissions pour le 2e numéro du 3e volume sont attendues pour le 28 février 2019, et la date limite d’envoi des soumissions pour le 1er numéro du 4e volume est sera prévue pour la fin du mois d’août.

Retrouvez ci-dessous le texte complet de l'appel, en anglais seulement.


Libraries: Culture, History, and Society (LCHS) is now accepting submissions for volume 3, issue 2, and for subsequent issues, to be published semiannually. A peer-reviewed publication of the Library History Round Table (LHRT) of the American Library Association and the Penn State University Press, LCHS is available in print and will be available online via JSTOR and Project Muse.

The only journal in the United States devoted to library history, LCHS positions library history as its own field of scholarship while promoting innovative cross-disciplinary research on libraries’ relationships with their unique environments. LCHS brings together scholars from many disciplines to examine the history of libraries as institutions, collections, and services, as well as the experiences of library workers and users. There are no limits of time and space, and libraries of every type are included (private, public, corporate, and academic libraries, and special collections). In addition to Library Science, the journal welcomes contributors from History, English, Literary Studies, Sociology,  Gender/Women’s Studies, Race/Ethnic Studies, Political Science, Architecture, and other disciplines.

Submissions for volume 3, issue 2, are due February 28th, 2019, and the deadline for volume 4, issue 1 will be in late August. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through LCHS’s Editorial Manager system at They must also conform to the instructions for authors at New scholars, and authors whose work is in the "idea" stage, are welcomed to contact the editors if they would like guidance prior to submission.