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Scientific publications

Journal articles

  • Ayotte-Beaudet, J. P., Hasni, A., Vinuesa, V., Rodrigue-Poulin, É., Quintela Do Carmo, G., Beaudry, M. C., … Paquette, A. (2024). Impact of outdoor place-based learning on elementary school students’ ability to make unsolicited observations about living organisms over time. Journal of Biological Education, 1–19. Access the publication
  • L'Heureux, K., Ayotte-Beaudet, J-P., et Hasni, A. (2024). Apprendre à contextualiser l’éducation scientifique en formation initiale. Didactique, 5 (3), 74-106. Access the publication
  • Beaudry, M.-C. et Ayotte-Beaudet, J.-P. « La contextualisation des apprentissages scientifiques en plein air à proximité de l’école », Éducation relative à l'environnement, Volume 18.2 | 2023. Access the publication
  • Quintela Do Carmo, G., Vinuesa, V., Dembélé, M., & Ayotte-Beaudet, J.-P. (2024). Going Beyond Adaptation: An Integrative Review and Ethical Considerations of Semi-Structured Interviews With Elementary-Aged Children. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23. Access the publication
  • Ayotte-Beaudet J.-P., Chastenay P., Beaudry M.-C., L’Heureux K., Giamellaro M., Smith J., Desjarlais E. et Paquette A. (2023). Exploring the impacts of contextualised outdoor science education on learning : The case of primary school students learning about ecosystem relationships. Journal of Biological Education 57 (3), 277-294. Access the publication. (Article publié).
  • Ayotte-Beaudet, J. P., Berrigan, F., Deschamps, A., L’Heureux, K., Beaudry, M. C., & Turcotte, S. (2023). K-11 teachers’ school-based outdoor education practices in the province of Québec, Canada: from local initiatives to a grassroots movement. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 24(2), 334–347. Access the publication
  • Deschamps A., Scrutton R. and Ayotte-Beaudet J.-P. (2022) School-based outdoor education and teacher subjective well-being : An exploratory study. Front. Educ.7:961054. Access the publication. (Article publié).
  • Ayotte-Beaudet J.-P. and Potvin P. (2020). Factors related to students' perception of learning during outdoor science lessons in schools' immediate surroundings. Interdisciplinary. Journal of Environmental and Science Education 16 (2), 13 pages. Access the publication. (Article publié).
  • Ayotte-Beaudet J.-P., Potvin P. and Riopel M. (2019). Factors related to middle-school students’ situational interest in science in outdoor lessons in their schools’ immediate surroundings. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 14 (1), 13-32. (Article publié).
