Application process for exchange students
To apply as an exchange student, you have to complete our Exchange Application Form provided by your home university. Do NOT complete the Université de Sherbrooke Admission Form online.
The home exchange coordinator must send his student's complete application and not the student itself.
DEADLINE : March 31 of each year (Fall and/or Winter)
@ - 1 PDF per student please
Admission Criteria
- Have authorization from your university to take the courses in which you wish to register at the Université de Sherbrooke;
- Have a good grade-point average and demonstrate proficiency in French;
- Pay your own transportation, lodging and food expenses as well as health insurance costs, if applicable;
- Adhere to the Université de Sherbrooke admission requirements for exchange students.
Required Documents
- Application Form to the exchange program
- Letter of interest (one-page maximum)
- Letter of recommendation
- Course selection approved by your university (document not necessary for FSLXXX courses)
- Transcript documenting completed studies, every years after high school if possible (photocopy)
- Birth certificate or passport identification page (photocopy)
- Proof of your proficiency in French. You do not need to provide this document if you are currently enrolled in a French speaking school or if you are applying to our French as a Second Language program or Modern languages. This proof can be a C1 (CEFR test) or your score to our online French Placement Test (free). Most faculties require minimum FLS 060 and FLS 083-084 to apply for regular courses. A student with a strong B2 can maybe pass our placement test or be invited to do a mix of regular courses and advance FSL courses. To register to the test, please e-mail us.
We reserve the right to refuse all incomplete application files without explanations.
To help you select your courses
Students admitted to an exchange program cannot apply for work terms off campus. When selecting your courses, please be sure you have not chosen off-campus activities.
If you wish to take a language course, please consult the Centre de langues.
Number of credits required during the exchange program
- Minimum of 12 credits per trimester for undergraduate programs (Bachelor’s)
- Minimum of 9 credits per trimester for graduate programs (Master’s and Doctoral)
1 credit at UdeS = 15 class hours, 15 work hours, 15 study hours over a 15-week period
1 credit in Québec = 2 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
It is best to indicate a complete list of courses (with replacement options) on the application form. Preferably, you should select your courses from one program or one faculty. Most faculties offer students the possibility to take one course outside their home faculty but, in such a case, students are responsible for the registration process once they are on campus.
Acceptance to a program does not guarantee access to selected courses. Circumstances may require that you select new courses upon your arrival on campus. If you are required to take a particular course, please check with us before leaving your home country.