Laser femto set-up - Mai Tai and OPO
Ultrafast VIS-IR laser source with OPO (ultrafast laser system)
Manufacturer and model
Spectra-Physics Mai Tai HP Fastscan
Technical specifications
- Pulse Width : <100 fs
- Tuning Range: 690–1040 nm
- Average Power at 800 nm : >2.5 W
- Average Power, Alternative Wavelengths:
- >500 mW at 690 nm
- >1.35 W at 710 nm
- >1.35 W at 920 nm
- >300 mW at 1040 nm
- Beam Roundness: 0.9–1.1
- Astigmatis: <10%
- Repetition Rate: 80 MHz ±1 MHz
- Beam Pointing Stability : <50 µrad/100 nm
- Noise : <0.15%
- Stability: <±1%
- Spatial Mode: TEMoo, M² <1.1
- Polarization: >500:1 horizontal
- Beam Divergence: <1.2 mrad
- Beam Diameter (1/e²): <1.2 mm
Examples of processes available
- TCSPC measures (Time correlated single-photon counting)
- Characterization of single photon avalanche photodiode temporal resolution
- Temporal characterization for detector and ultrafast electronics (SPAD, PMT, TDC, etc)