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Pierre-Michel Bernier

Vice-doyen, Faculté des sciences de l'activité physique
FASAP Administration


Sujet de recherche

Intégration sensorimotrice, Système moteur, Système somato-sensoriel, Système visuel, Apprentissage et mémoire

Disciplines de recherche

Neurosciences, Physiologie


adaptation sensorimotrice, apprentissage moteur, contrôle moteur, cortex pariétal, cortex pré-moteur, électro-encéphalographie, neuro-imagerie, neuroplasticité, proprioception, vision

Intérêts de recherche

Mécanismes neurophysiologiques impliqués dans le contrôle et l'apprentissage du mouvement chez l'humain sain

Centre de recherche

Centre de recherche du CHUS

Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français


(2011). (Postdoctorat, Psychological and Brain Sciences). University of California, Santa Barbara.

(2009). (Doctorat, Sciences du mouvement humain). Université d'Aix-Marseille II.

(2005). (Maîtrise avec mémoire, Human kinetics). University of British Columbia.

(2003). (Baccalauréat, Baccalauréat ès sciences). Université de Montréal.

Expérience académique

Professeur titulaire. (2022-).

Prix et distinctions

  • (2021) Programme de bourses de chercheur-boursier « Junior-2 » ; Volet « Fondamental »; Rythmes cérébraux impliqués dans le traitement des erreurs et des récompenses pour l'apprentissage moteur. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Distinction).
  • (2019) Campagne 2019 FIR Enseignants-chercheurs invités. Université d'Aix-Marseille II. (Prix).
  • (2017) Programme de bourses de chercheur-boursier « Junior-1 » ; Volet « Fondamental »; Neuroplasticité des réseaux sensori-moteurs après un accident vasculaire cérébral : au-delà des zones motrices primaires. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Distinction).
  • (2011) Bourse post-doctorale. Fondation Fyssen. (Distinction).
  • (2011) Bourse post-doctorale. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). (Distinction).
  • (2010) Bourse doctorale Alexander-Graham-Bell. Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie (CRSNG). (Distinction).
  • (2009) Bourse doctorale. Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie (CRSNG). (Distinction).
  • (2008) Bourse doctorale. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). (Distinction).
  • Prix de thèse 2010. Université de la Méditerranée. (Prix).
  • Travel award. Neural Control of Movement Society (NCM). (Prix).


  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Uncovering the drivers of human sensorimotor learning: EEG oscillatory manifestations of error, repetition and reward processing. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). 250 000 $. (2019-2022)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Beneficial influence of acute exercise on motor control and learning: exploring the neurophysiological bases. Fondation Canadienne pour l'Innovation (FCI). Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans. 637 703 $. (2021-2021)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Development and implementation of a gait rehabilitation device for persons living with multiple sclerosis. Age-Well. Catalyst Program. 50 000 $. (2018-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Neuroplasticity within the parieto-frontal network for action control. (2012-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. L’activité physique associée à une intervention cognitivo-comportementale améliorerait-elle le sommeil de sujets insomniaques âgés ?. Centre d'excellence en Neurosciences de l'Université de Sherbrooke. Programme des projets pilotes. 10 000 $. (2017-2018)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Hypohydratation: Son impact sur la perception de la douleur chez les personnes âgées.. Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement de l'IUGS. Initiatives stratégiques. 20 000 $.
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Influence des oscillations cérébrales en bande bêta (15-30 Hz) sur la rétention des mémoires motrices. Faculté des sciences de l'activité physique. Fonds départemental de recherche. 6 000 $.
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. L’alcool comme agent pharmacologique afin d’étudier les mécanismes de la consolidation des mémoires motrices chez l’humain sain. Faculté des sciences de l'activité physique. Fonds départemental de recherche. 6 000 $.
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Modularité de l'adaptation sensorimotrice chez l'homme: principes comportementaux et corrélats neurophysiologiques. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) (France). Action émergente internationale (IEA). 10 000 $.
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Uncovering the drivers of human sensorimotor learning: EEG oscillatory manifestations of error, repetition and reward processing. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Discovery Accelerator Supplement (DAS). 120 000 $.


Articles de revue

  • Hamel, R., Dallaire-Jean, L., De La Fontaine, É., Lepage, J-F., Bernier, P-M. (2021). Learning the same motor task twice impairs its retention ina time-and dose - dependent manner. Proceedings of the Royal Society B
  • Canaveral, C.A., Savoie, F.A., Danion, F.R., Bernier, P-M. (2020). Dissociation between Temporal and Spatial Anticipation in the Neural Dynamics of Goal-directed Movement Preparation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 1-15. (Article publié).
  • Hamel, R., De La Fontaine, É., Bernier, P-M., Lepage, J-F. (2020). Letter to the editor : No influence of static magnetic stimulation applied for 30 minutes over the human M1 on corticospinal excitability. Brain Stimulation 13 (3), 594-596. (Article publié).
  • Butler, R., Mieerzwinski, G., Bernier, P-M., Descoteaux, M., Gilbert, G., Whittingstall, K. (2020). Neurophysiological basis of contrast dependent BOLD orientation tuning. NeuroImage (206), 116323.
  • Hamel, R., De La Fontaine, É., Bernier, P-M., Lepage, J-F. (2020). Response to significant influence of static magnetic stimulation applied for 30 minutes over the human M1 on corticospinal excitability. Brain Stimulation 13 (5), 1157-1158. (Article publié).
  • Savoie, F.A., Dallaire-jean, L., Thénault, F., Whittingstall, K., Bernier, P-M. (2020). Single-Pulse TMS over the Parietal Cortex Does Not Impair Sensorimotor Perturbation-Induced Changes in Motor Commands. eNeuro 7 (2), 0209-19. (Article publié).
  • Jahani, A., Schwey, A., Bernier, P-M., Malfait, N.J. (2020). Spatially Distinct Beta-Band Activities Relfect Implicit Sensorimotor Adaptation and Explicit Re-aiming Strategy. Journal of Neuroscience 40 (12), 2498-2509. (Article publié).
  • Butler, R., Bernier, P-M., Mierzwinski, G., Descoteaux, M., Gilbert, G., Whittingstall, K. (2019). Cortical distance, not cancellation, dominates inter-subject EEG gamma rhythm amplitude. NeuroImage (192), 156-165. (Article publié).
  • Mathew, J., Sarlegna, F.R., Bernier, P-M., Danion, F. (2019). Handedness matters for motor control but not for prediction. eNeuro (0136-19),
  • Savoie, F-A., Hamel, R., Lacroix, A., Thénault, F., Whittingstall, K., Bernier, P-M. (2019). Luring the Motor System : Impact of Performance-Contingent Incentives on Pre-Movement Beta-band Activity and Motor Performance. Journal of Neuroscience (39), 2903-2914.
  • Hamel, R., Côté, K., Matte, A., Lepage, J-F., Bernier, P-M. (2019). Rewards interact with repetition-dependent learning to enhance long-term retention of motor memories. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (Article publié).
  • Lacroix, A., Proulx-Bégin, L., Hamel, R., De Beaumont, L., Bernier, P-M., Lepage, J-F. (2019). Static Magnetic stimulation of the primary motor cortex impairs online but not offline motor sequence learning. Scentific Reports (9), 9886. (Article publié).
  • Pagé, C., Bernier, P-M., Trempe, M. (2019). Using video-simulations and virtual reality to improve decision-making skills. Journal of sports sciences
  • Deslauriers-Gauthier, S., Lina, J-M., Butler, R., Whittingstall, K., Gilbert, G., Bernier, P-M., Deriche, R., Descoteaux, M. (2019). White matter information flow mapping from diffusion MRI and EEG. NeuroImage (201), 116017. (Article publié).
  • Hamel*, R., Savoie, F-A., Lacroix, A., Whittingstall, K., Trempe, M., Bernier, P-M. (2018). Added value of monetary feedback on motor performance feedback: increased motor beta-band and mid-frontal theta-band power for rewards and punishments. NeuroImage (179), 63-78. (Article publié).
  • Mathew, J., Bernier, P-M., Danion, F. (2018). Asymmetrical relationship between prediction and control during sensorimotor adaptation. eNeuro. (Article accepté).
  • Butler*, R., Bernier, P-M., Mierzwinski, G., Descoteaux, M., Gilbert, G., Whittingstall, K. (2018). Brain Morphology Predicts Inter-individual Differences in Visually Induced Gamma Amplitude but not Peak Frequency. NeuroImage (Article soumis).
  • Canaveral*, C., Danion, F., Bernier, P-M. (2018). Dissociation between temporal and spatial expectancy in the neural dynamics of goal-directed movement preparation. Journal of Neuroscience (Article soumis).
  • Savoie*, F-A., Hamel*, R., Lacroix*, A., Thénault, F., Whittingstall, K., Bernier, P-M. (2018). Luring the Motor System: Impact of Performance-Contingent Incentives on Pre-Movement Beta-band Activity and Motor Performance. Journal of Neuroscience (Article soumis).
  • Dufour*, B., Thénault, F., Bernier, P-M. (2018). Oscillatory activity in motor cortical regions is modulated by expected visual reafferent feedback. Neuroscience (385), 47-58. (Article publié).
  • Pagé*, C., Bernier, P-M., Trempe, M. (2018). Using video-simulations and virtual reality to improve decision-making skills. Journal of sports sciences (Article accepté).
  • Deslauriers-Gauthier, S., Lina, J-M., Butler, R., Bernier, P-M., Whittingstall, K., Deriche, R., Descoteaux, M. (2018). White matter information flow mapping from diffusion MRI and EEG. NeuroImage (Article soumis).
  • Butler*, R., Gilbert, G., Descoteaux, M., Bernier, P-M., Whittingstall, K. (2017). Application of polymer sensitive MRI sequence to localization of EEG electrodes. Journal of Neuroscience Methods (278), 36-45. (Article publié).
  • Butler*, R., Bernier, P-M., Lefebvre, J., & Whittingstall, K. (2017). Decorrelated input dissociates EEG gamma power and BOLD in human visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience (37), 5408-5418. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Whittingstall, K., & Grafton, S.T. (2017). Differential recruitment of parietal cortex during spatial and non-spatial reach planning. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (11), 249. (Article publié).
  • Hamel*, R., Trempe, M., Bernier, P-M. (2017). Disruption of M1 activity during performance plateau impairs consolidation of motor memories. Journal of Neuroscience (37), 9197-9206. (Article publié).
  • Canaveral*, C.A., Danion, F., Berrigan, F., Bernier, P-M. (2017). Variance in exposed perturbations impairs retention of visuomotor adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology (118), 2745-2754. (Article publié).
  • Hamel-Thibault*, A., Thénault, F., Whittingstall, K. Bernier, P-M. (2016). Delta-band oscillations in motor regions predict hand selection for reaching. Cerebral Cortex (28), 574-584. (Article publié).
  • Benazet*, M., Thénault, F., Whittingstall, K. Bernier, P-M. (2016). Selective attenuation of visual reafferent signals in parietal cortex during movement. Journal of Neurophysiology (116), 1831-1839. (Article publié).
  • Lebar, N., Bernier P-M., Guillaume A., & Mouchnino, L., Blouin, J. (2015). Neural correlates for task-relevant facilitation of visual inputs during visually guided hand movements. NeuroImage (121), 39-50. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Cieslak, M., & Grafton, S.T. (2012). Effector selection precedes reach planning in the dorsal parieto-frontal cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology (108), 57-68. (Article publié).
  • Lawrence, G.P., Khan, M.A., Mourton, S., & Bernier, P-M. (2011). The reliance on visualfeedback for online and offline processing. Motor Control (15), 232-246. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., & Grafton, S.T. (2010). Human posterior parietal cortex flexibly determinesreference frames for reaching based on sensory context. Neuron (68), 776-788. (Article publié).
  • Sarlegna, F.R., & Bernier, P-M. (2010). On the link between sensorimotor adaptation andsensory recalibration. Journal of Neuroscience (30), 11555-11557.
  • Bernier, P-M., Burle, B., Vidal, F., Hasbroucq, T., & Blouin, J. (2009). Direct evidence for cortical suppression ofsomatosensory afferents during visuomotor adaptation. Cerebral Cortex (19), 2106-2113. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Burle, B., Hasbroucq, T., & Blouin, J. (2009). Spatio-temporal dynamics of reach-related neuralactivity for visual and somatosensory targets. NeuroImage (47), 1767-1777.
  • Bernier, P-M., Gauthier, G.M., & Blouin, J. (2007). Evidence for distinct,differentially adaptable sensorimotor transformations for reaches to visual andproprioceptive targets. Journal of Neurophysiology (98), 1815-1819. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Chua, R., Inglis, J.T., & Franks, I.M. (2007). Sensorimotor adaptationin response to proprioceptive bias. Experimental Brain Research (177), 147-156. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Chua, R., Franks, I.M., & Khan, M.A. (2006). Determinantsof offline processing of visual information for the control of reachingmovements. Journal of Motor Behavior (38), 331-338. (Article publié).
  • Khan, M.A., Franks, I.M., Elliott, D., Lawrence, G.P., Chua, R., Bernier, P-M., Hansen, S., & Weeks, D.J. (2006). Inferringonline and offline processing of visual feedback in target-directed movementsfrom kinematic data. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews (30), 1106-1121. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Chua, R., Bard, C., & Franks, I.M. (2006). Updatingof an internal model without proprioception: a deafferentation study. Neuroreport (17), 1421-1425. (Article publié).

Articles de conférence

  • Pierrieau, E., Lepage, J-F., Bernier, P-M. (2021). Action costs rapidly and automatically interfere with reward-based decision-making in a reaching task. Society for the Neural Control of Movement.
  • Hamel, R., Lepage, J-F., Bernier, P-M. (2021). Memory competition is not necessary to generate anterograde interference. Society for the Neural Control of Movement.
  • De La Fontaine, E., Hamel, R., Lepage, J-F., Bernier, P-M. (2021). The duration of exposure to a perturbation accounts for retention. Society for the Neural Control of Movement.
  • Savoie, F-A., Dallaire-Jean, L., Thénault, F., Whittingstall, K., Bernier, P-M. (2019). Application of single-pulse TMS over P3/P4 of the 10-20 electrode system does not impair implicit visuomotor adaptation. Society for Neuroscience.
  • Butler, R., Bernier, P-M., Mierzwinski, G., Descoteaux, M., Gilbert, G., Whittingstall, K. (2019). Effects of distance and cancellation on inter-subject EEG gamma rhythm amplitude. Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
  • Gaudreau, D., Bernier, P-M., Sarlegna, F. (2019). Evidence for sequential recruitment of contralateral PPC and motor regions for rapid online control. Society for Neuroscience.
  • Hamel, R., Lepage, J-F., Bernier, P-M. (2019). Saturated of Learning : Prior History of Learning Saturates the Brain's Capacities to form Motor Memories. Society for Neuroscience.
  • Savoie, F.-A., Dallaire-Jean, L., Thénault, F., Whittingstall, K. Bernier, P-M. (2019). Single-pulse TMS over the parietal cortex does not impair trial-by-trial adaptation. SCAPPS.
  • Hamel, R., Dallaire-Jean, L., Marsault, J., Lepage, J-F., Bernier, P-M. (2019). Temporally graded impairment of retention induced by prior learning of the same motor task. SCAPPS.
  • Mathew, J., Bernier, P-M., Goulon, C., Danion, F. (2018). Asymetrical transfer of adaptation between eye and hand tracking when adapting to a visuomotor rotation. Workshop on probabilities and optimal inferences to understand the brain. (Article publié).
  • Canaveral*, C., Danion, F., Bernier, P-M. (2018). Dissociation between temporal and spatial precueing in the neural dynamics of goal-directed movement preparation. Society for the Neural Control of Movement. (Article publié).
  • Butler*, R., Bernier, P-M., Descoteaux, M., Whittingstall, K. (2018). Frequency specific retinotopic and orientation tuning and relationship to hemodynamic responses in healthy human V1. Society for Neuroscience. (Article soumis).
  • Butler*, R., Bernier, P-M., Gilbert, G., Descoteaux, M., Whittingstall, K. (2018). Retinotopic and orientation tuning of EEG alpha/beta and gamma frequencies and their relationship to BOLD FMRI. Organization for Human Brain Mapping. (Article publié).
  • Hamel*, R., Côté*, K., Matte*, A., Lepage, J-F., Bernier, P-M. (2018). Rewards undermine late facilitating effects of practice on performance and retention. SCAPPS. (Article accepté).
  • Mathew, J., Bernier, P-M., Goulon, C., Danion, F. (2018). Transfer of learning between eye and hand tracking when adapting to a visuomotor rotation. 14th Karniel Computational Motor Control Workshop. (Article publié).
  • Mathew, J., Bernier, P-M., Goulon, C., Danion, F. (2018). Transfer of visuomotor adaptation between eye and hand tracking. Visual Sciences Society. (Article publié).
  • Canaveral*, C., Danion, F., Bernier, P-M. (2017). Dissociation between temporal and spatial precueing in the neural dynamics of action preparation. SCAPPS. (Article publié).
  • Deslauriers-Gauthier, S., Lina, J-M., Butler, R., Bernier, P-M., Whittingstall, K., Deriche, R., Descoteaux, M. (2017). Inference and visualization of information flow in the visual pathway. MICCAI. (Article publié).
  • Butler*, R., Bernier, P-M., Mierzwinski, G., Gilbert, G., Descoteaux, M., Whittingstall, K. (2017). Inter-subject variability in healthy human EEG gamma power is explained primarily by distance from cortex to electrode, and cortical dipole cancellation index. Society for Human Brain Mapping. (Article publié).
  • Hamel*, R., Lacroix*, A., Trempe, M., Bernier, P-M. (2017). Oscillatory dynamics of reward and punishment processing in the human brain. Society for the Neural Control of Movement. (Article publié).
  • Savoie*, F-A., Hamel*, R., Lacroix*, A., Thénault, F., Whittingstall, K., Bernier, P-M. (2017). The anticipation of reward and punishment differentially modulates oscillatory brain activity during reach planning: An electroencephalogram study. Society for Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • Pagé*, C., Bernier, P-M., Trempe, M. (2017). Using video-simulations and virtual reality to improve decision-making skills. Rendez-vous des entraîneurs 2017 - Institut National du Sport. (Article publié).
  • Pagé*, C., Bernier, P-M., Trempe, M. (2017). Using video-simulations and virtual reality to improve decision-making skills. SCAPPS. (Article publié).
  • Butler*, R., Bernier, P-M., Gilbert, G., Descoteaux, M., Whittingstall, K. (2017). Voxel-wise simultaneous EEG-BOLD correlations reveal state and area dependent neurovascular coupling in human. Organization for Human Brain Mapping. (Article publié).
  • Hamel-Thibault*, A., Thénault, F., Whittingstall, K. Bernier, P-M. (2016). Delta-band oscillations predict hand selection for reaching. 38th international symposium of the GRSNC: The neuroscience of decision making. (Article publié).
  • Butler*, R., Gilbert, G., Bernier, P-M., Whittingstall, K. (2016). EEG power dependence of non-invasive neurovascular coupling. RBIQ workshop. (Article publié).
  • Canaveral*, C.A., Berrigan, F., Bernier, P-M. (2016). Effect of perturbation uncertainty on the retention of a new visuomotor relationship. Society for Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • Deslauriers-Gauthier, S., Lina, J-M., Butler, R., Whittingstall, K., Bernier, P-M., Descoteaux, M. (2016). Fibre directionality and information flow through the white matter: Preliminary results on the fusion of diffusion MRI and EEG. ISMRM. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Dufour*, B., Thénault, F., Whittingstall, K. (2016). Oscillatory activity in motor cortical regions is modulated by expected visual reafferent feedback. Society for Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • Hamel*, R., Trempe, M., Bernier, P-M. (2016). Post-movement activity in M1 contributes to retention when movements become repetitive. Society for Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • Butler*, R., Bernier, P-M., Gilbert, G., Descoteaux, M., Whittingstall, K. (2016). Quality of single trial and subject specific EEG alpha/beta and gamma power acquired simultaneously with multiband BOLD. Organization for human brain mapping. (Article publié).
  • Savoie*, F-A., Whittingstall, K., Bernier, P-M. (2016). Reach-related sensory prediction errors produce event-related potentials similar tofeedback-related negativity during visuomotor rotation. Society for Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • Hamel*, R., Trempe, M., Bernier, P-M. (2016). TMS disruption of post-movement activity in M1 impairs retention only when motor commands tend to repeat. 38th international symposium of the GRSNC: The neuroscience of decision making. (Article publié).
  • Canaveral*, C.A., Berrigan, F., Bernier, P-M. (2016). Variance in visuomotor rotation selectively impairs retention but not acquisition. 38th international symposium of the GRSNC: The neuroscience of decision making. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Hamel-Thibault*, A., Thénault, F., Whittingstall, K. (2015). Delta band oscillations predict hand selection for reaching. SCAPPS conference. (Article publié).
  • Berrigan, F., Turcotte, S., Beaudoin, S., Gignac, C. & Bernier, P.-M. (2015). Improving academic achievement through physical activity before class. International Association of Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP). (Article publié).
  • Gignac, C., Beaudoin, S., Turcotte, S., Berrigan, F. & Bernier, P.-M. (2015). Learning to be a professional development coach: a new role for thephysical and health education teacher. International Association of Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP). (Article publié).
  • Butler*, R., Bernier, P-M., Whittingstall, K. (2015). Robust frequency specific coupling between EEG and BOLD in response to diverse visual stimuli. Society for Human Brain Mapping. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Benazet*, M., Thénault, F., Whittingstall, K. (2015). Selective attenuation of visual reafferent signals in parietal cortex during movement. Society for Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • Hamel*, R., Trempe, M., Bernier, P-M. (2015). TMS over M1 late in learning impairs retention of motor memory. SCAPPS conference. (Article publié).
  • Turcotte, S., Berrigan, F., Beaudoin, S., Bernier, P.-M. & Gignac, C. (2014). Integrating a period of daily physical activity in the school activity timetable to promote academic achievement. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. (Article publié).
  • Turcotte, S., Berrigan, F., Beaudoin, S., Bernier, P.-M. & Gignac, C. (2014). Integrating a period of daily physical activity in the school activity timetable to promote academic achievement. Global summit on the Physical Activity of Children. (Article publié).
  • Beaudoin, S., Turcotte, S., Berrigan, F., Bernier, P.-M., Gignac, C. & Daudelin-Gauthier, L. (2014). La contribution d’un dispositif d’accompagnement professionnel sur la mise en œuvre d’un programme d’activité physique quotidien. 8ème Biennale de l’Aris. (Article publié).
  • Berrigan, F., Bernier, P.-M., Turcotte, S., Beaudoin, S. & Daudelin-Gauthier, L. (2014). Physical activity before class enhances attention during the school day. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. (Article publié).
  • Berrigan, F., Bernier, P.-M., Turcotte, S., Beaudoin, S. & Daudelin-Gauthier, L. (2014). Physical activity before class enhances attention during the school day. Global summit on the Physical Activity of Children. (Article publié).
  • Sarlegna, F. R., Lefumat, H., Hétu*, A., & Bernier, P-M. (2014). Prismatic adaptation of movements toward visual and proprioceptive targets. Society for Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • Beaudoin, S., Berrigan, F., Turcotte, S., Bernier, P.-M., Daudelin-Gauthier, L., Bezeau, D. & Tessier, O. (2014). Project « Je Bouge »: Individual professional development processes and outcomes. International Association of Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP). (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Gaudreau*, D., Thénault, F., Gagné*, M-È., & Whittingstall, K. (2014). Rapid premotor cortex recruitment for online corrections for reaching. Neural Control of Movement. (Article publié).
  • Blouin, J., Lebar, N., Bernier P-M., Guillaume A., & Mouchnino, L. (2013). Functional facilitation of visual inputs in extrastriate cortex during visual guidance of movements. Society for Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Gaudreau*, D., Thénault, F., Gagné*, M-È., Marchese*, A., & Whittingstall, K. (2013). Neural correlates of visuo-proprioceptive integration for online movement control. Society for Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • Beaudoin, S., Turcotte, S., Berrigan, F., Daudelin-Gauthier, L., Morin, P. & Bernier, P.-M. (2013). Project « Je Bouge » (Let’s Move): Initiating a Professional Development Approach to Implement a Daily Physical Activity Program. International Association of Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP). (Article publié).
  • Turcotte, S., Berrigan, F., Beaudoin, S., Bezeau, D., Morin, P. & Bernier, P.-M. (2013). Project « Je Bouge » (Let’s Move): a Daily Physical Activity Program ontributing to Student Academic Learning. International Association of Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP). (Article publié).
  • Beaudoin, S., Turcotte, S., Berrigan, F., Bernier, P.-M., Morin, P. & Tardif, G. (2013). Projet Je Bouge: accompagnement professionnel des membres de l’équipe-école. Colloque international du Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante (CRIFPE). (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Donoyan, S. & Grafton, S.T. (2012). Oscillations in parieto-frontal circuits for reach planning: a simultaneous EEG-fMRI experiment. Society for Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., & Grafton, S.T. (2011). Effector selectiverecruitment of human dorso-medial PPC during reaching. Neural Control of Movement. (Article publié).
  • Bernier P-M, Grafton S.T. (2011). Effector selective recruitment of human dorso-medial PPC during reaching. Neural Control of Movement. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M, Grafton S.T. (2011). Fronto-parietal interactions for effector selection during reaching: a simultaneous EEG-fMRI study. Organization for Human Brain Mapping. (Article publié).
  • Viswanathan, S., Bernier, P-M., Wymbs, & Grafton, S.T. (2011). Sensitivity of repetition suppression to functionalnetwork structure. Cognitive Neuroscience Society. (Article publié).
  • Viswanathan S, Bernier P-M, Wymbs, Grafton, S.T. (2011). Sensitivity of repetition suppression to functional network structure. Cognitive Neuroscience Society. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., & Grafton, S.T. (2010). Reaches toproprioceptive targets are encoded in body-centered coordinates in the human“Parietal Reach Region”. 32nd International Symposium - Groupe de recherche sur le système nerveux central (GRSNC). (Article publié).
  • Bernier P-M, Grafton S.T. (2010). Reaches to proprioceptive targets are encoded in body-centered coordinates in the human “Parietal Reach Region”. 32e Symposium International - Groupe de recherche sur le système nerveux central (GRSNC). (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., & Grafton, S.T. (2010). Sensory contextdetermines motor goal representation in human “parietal reach region”. Organization for Human Brain Mapping. (Article publié).
  • Bernier P-M, Grafton S.T. (2010). Sensory context determines motor goal representation in human “parietal reach region”. Organization for Human Brain Mapping. (Article publié).
  • Viswanathan, S., Bernier, P-M., Wymbs, N., Johnson, A., & Grafton, S.T. (2010). The effect of functional network structure onrepetition suppression. New horizons in human brain imaging. (Article publié).
  • Viswanathan S, Bernier P-M, Wymbs N, Johnson A, Grafton S.T. (2010). The effect of functional network structure on repetition suppression. New horizons in human brain imaging. (Article publié).
  • Ortigue, S.T., Bernier, P-M., Hamilton, A.H., & Grafton, S.T. (2010). Virtual lesions of theright anterior intraparietal sulcus disrupt the decoding of action intent: aTMS study. Organization for Human Brain Mapping. (Article publié).
  • Ortigue S.T, Bernier P-M, Hamilton A.H, Grafton S.T. (2010). Virtual lesions of the right anterior intraparietal sulcus disrupt the decoding of action intent: a TMS study. Organization for Human Brain Mapping. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Burle, B., Vidal, F., Hasbroucq, T., & Blouin, J. (2008). L’Electro-encéphalographie et l’étude du mouvementhumain. 4ème Colloque Pluridisciplinaire École Doctorale Sciences du Mouvement Humain. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Burle, B., Vidal, F., Hasbroucq, T., & Blouin, J. (2008). Sensory modality of target affects temporal dynamicsof reach planning. Neural Control of Movement. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Gauthier, G.M., & Blouin, J. (2007). Evidencefor distinct, differentially adaptable sensorimotor transformations for reachesto visual and proprioceptive targets. CVR Vision Conference. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Burle, B., Vidal, F., Hasbroucq, T., & Blouin, J. (2007). Filtrage central des afférences proprioceptiveslors de l’apprentissage d’une nouvelle relation visuo-motrice : une étudeélectroencéphalographique. 3ème Colloque Pluridisciplinaire École Doctorale Sciences du Mouvement Humain. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Burle, B., Vidal, F., Hasbroucq, T., & Blouin, J. (2007). Proprioceptionis gated when a sudden visuomotor conflict occurs. ESF-EMBO Symposium on Three Dimensional Sensory and Motor Space. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Burle, B., Vidal, F., Hasbroucq, T., & Blouin, J. (2007). Proprioceptionis suppressed at the cortical level during visuomotor adaptation: asomatosensory evoked potentials study. Society for Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • Bernier, P-M., Gauthier, G., & Blouin, J. (2006). La planification du mouvement et ses substratssensoriels. 2ème Colloque Pluridisciplinaire École Doctorale Sciences du Mouvement Humain. (Article publié).

Autres contributions

Gestion d'évènements

  • Comité organisateur. (2017) Association québécoise des sciences de l'activité physique. (Conférence).


  • (2021). Nos capacités d'adaptation sont-elles limitées?. Congrès virtuel de l'Association Québécoise des Sciences de l'activité physique.
  • (2020). Oscillatory markers of sensory prediction errors and target errors during human sensorimotor adaptation. Psychophysiology of error processing workshop. Giessen, Allemagne
  • (2019). Cortical mechanisms of error and reward processing during motor learning. Institut des Sciences du Mouvement Étienne-Jules Marey (Université Aix-Marseille). Marseille, France
  • (2019). Neural bases of error and reward processing during human sensorimortor learning. Laboratoire de neurosciences Coginitves (Université Aix-Marseille). Marseille, France
  • (2019). Neural mechanisims involved in anticipation of visual reafferent feedback. International conference on predictive vision (York University Centre for Vision Research). Toronto, Canada
  • (2019). Uncovering the drivers of human sensorimotor learning : EEG manifestations of error and reward processing. Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon. Lyon, France
  • (2018). Cortical mechanisms of error and reward processing during motor learning. Congreso International FOD. Monterrey, Mexique
  • (2018). Cortical mechanisms of reward processing during motor learning. York University. Toronto, Canada
  • (2018). Cortical mechanisms of reward processing during motor learning. Conférences du Groupe de recherche sur le système nerveux central (GRSNC) (Université de Montréal). Montréal, Canada
  • (2018). Manifestations ÉEG du traitement des erreurs et des succès au cours de l’apprentissage moteur. Consortium d'imagerie en neurosciences et santé mentale (Université Laval). Québec, Canada
  • (2018). Neural bases of error processing during human sensorimotor learning. SCAPPS. Toronto, Canada
  • (2018). Processus associés au traitement des succès et des erreurs au cours de l’apprentissage moteur. 1er Symposium québécois sur la neurostimulation. Drummondville, Canada
  • (2015). Cortical mechanisms for motor planning: the long, winding and recurrent road from sensory input to motor output. Séminaires de l’Unité de neuroimagerie fonctionnelle de l’Université de Montréal. Montréal, Canada
  • (2015). Intégration multisensorielle pour le contrôle du mouvement humain. Conférences scientifiques du Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement (CDRV) (Université de Sherbrooke). Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2015). Intégration multisensorielle pour le contrôle du mouvement humain. Conférences scientifiques du Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement (CDRV). Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2015). Neuroimaging methods to study motor control. NSERC CREATE Program in medical image analysis. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2015). Neuroimaging methods to study motor control. NSERC CREATE Program in medical image analysis. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2015). What makes Carey Price special? Insights into the neural bases of sports expertise. Brain Awareness Week. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2015). What makes Carey Price special? Insights into the neural bases of sports expertise. Brain Awareness Week. Bishop's University. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2014). Décrypter comment le cerveau contrôle le mouvement humain. Faculté des sciences de l’activité physique, Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2014). Décrypter comment le cerveau contrôle le mouvement humain. Faculté des sciences de l’activité physique. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2014). Neural dynamics of reach trajectory formation in the parieto-frontal network. Society for Neuroscience. Washington, États-Unis
  • (2012). Intégration multisensorielle pour le contrôle du mouvement humain. Groupe de recherche en activité physique adaptée. Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Montréal, Canada
  • (2012). Le cerveau et le mouvement humain. Faculté d’Éducation Physique et Sportive, Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2012). Neuroimagerie pour l’étude de la neuroplasticité post-AVC. Centre de réadaptation - Estrie. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2012). Neurophysiologie de la sensorimotricité. 4e journée du Centre des neurosciences de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2012). Planification et contrôle du mouvement. Centre des neurosciences de Sherbrooke. Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Sherbrooke (CHUS). Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2011). Spatio-temporal dynamics of effector selection for action. Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. Santa Barbara, États-Unis
  • (2010). Adaptation sensori-motrice. Département de chiropratique. Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Trois-Rivières, Canada
  • (2009). Bringing the hand to the target: multisensory integration for reach planning. Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education. Montréal, Canada
  • (2009). Direct evidence for cortical suppression of somatosensory afferents during visuomotor adaptation. Département de médecine sociale et préventive (division de kinésiologie), Faculté de médecine de l’Université Laval. Québec, Canada
  • (2009). Motor planning : the long, winding and recurrent road from sensory input to motor output. Department of kinesiology. Toronto, Canada
  • (2009). The parieto-frontal network for reaching: the long, winding and recurrent road from sensory input to motor output. Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. Santa Barbara, États-Unis