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Xavier Garant

Professeur, Faculté de génie
FAC. GÉNIE Mécanique


Sujet de recherche

Robotics and Automation

Disciplines de recherche

Mechanical Engineering


Physical human-robot interaction, Flexible robots, Impedance control, Mechanisms, Mechanical design

Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français, Allemand


(2024). Découplage de la proprioception et de l’actionnement des manipulateurs robotiques sériels comme court-circuit au critère de raideur élevée (Doctorate, Ph. D.). Université Laval.

(2019). Conception et validation expérimentale de manœuvres inspirées du réflexe de redressement du chat pour la réorientation d'un robot articulé en chute libre (Master's Thesis, M. Sc.). Université Laval.

(2017). Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor's, B. Ing.). Université Laval.

Expérience académique

Assistant Professor. (2024-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Prix et distinctions

  • (2024) Honour Roll of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Université Laval. (Distinction).
  • (2019) Honour Roll of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Université Laval. (Distinction).
  • (2017) 1st place and current standing record for most fuel efficient vehicle of the Americas. SAE. (Prize / Award).


  • Grant. (Under Review). Collaborator. PRL+: Raising PhD Readiness Level for technological innovation. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE). 1 650 000 $. (2025-2030)
  • Grant. (Under Review). Principal Applicant. Discovery Grant. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). (2025-2030)
  • (Awarded). Principal Applicant. Start-up funds. University of Sherbrooke. 70 000 $. (2024-2027)
  • (Awarded). Principal Applicant. Early Career Researcher voucher. Replaces up to 10 000$ of the cash contributions required from partner organizations, with a 2:1 match from NSERC.. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Alliance Advantage. 30 000 $. (2024-2025)
  • (Completed). Principal Applicant. Decoupling prorioception and actuation in serial robotic manipulators to circumvent the high stiffness criteria. Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (L') (IRSST). Doctoral scholarship. 68 000 $. (2020-2023)
  • (Completed). Principal Applicant. Control strategies for contact between an uncooperative target and a robotic manipulator during on-orbit servicing. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). International internship program. 12 500 $. (2019-2019)


Articles de revue

  • Garant, Xavier; Gosselin, Clément. (2024). Generalising series elastic actuation to n-dof flexible-link flexible-joint robot control using end-point sensing. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (Submitted).
  • Garant, X; Gosselin, C. (2024). Whole-body Intuitive Physical Human-Robot Interaction with Flexible Robots Using Non-Collocated Proprioceptive Sensing. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 9 (3), 2112-2119. (Published).
  • Garant, X; Gosselin, C. (2023). Noncollocated Proprioceptive Sensing for Lightweight Flexible Robotic Manipulators. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 28 (6), 3272-3283. (Published).
  • Garant, X; Gosselin, C. (2020). Design and experimental validation of reorientation manoeuvres for a free falling robot inspired from the cat righting reflex. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 37 (2), 482-493. (Published).


  • Garant, X. (2019). Practical implementation and validation of a velocity matching impedance controller on a KUKA LWR-III arm (internal report). Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt. 21 p.

Articles de conférence

  • Garant, X; Campeau-Lecours, A; Cardou, P; Gosselin, C. (2018). Improving the forward kinematics of cable-driven parallel robots through cable angle sensors. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, 167-179. (Published).

Autres contributions

Activités de collaboration internationale

  • Visiting student. Germany. Research internship at the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics of the DLR (German Aerospace Center) under the supervision of Prof. Alin Albu-Schäffer. Fully funded by a FRQNT international internship scholarship after joint project proposal.


  • (2024). Decoupling actuation and proprioception to improve physical human-robot interaction. Createk seminar, Interdisciplinary Institute for Technological Innovation (3IT). Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2024). Decoupling proprioception and acutation to improve physical human-robot interaction. Invited Webinar, Dynamium Lab, Université de Moncton. Moncton, Canada
  • (2024). Noncollocated proprioceptive sensing for lightweight flexible robotic manipulators (Invited session). 2024 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2024). Boston, United States of America
  • (2024). Whole-body Intuitive Physical Human-Robot Interaction with Flexible Robots Using Non-Collocated Proprioceptive Sensing. ICRA@40 - 40th Anniversary of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation. Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • (2023). Decoupling proprioception and actuation in serial robotic manipulators. Journée de la robotique de l'Université Laval. Québec, Canada
  • (2023). Physical Human-Robot Interaction at the Laval University Robotics Lab. 2023 CCToMM M3 Symposium, Lab tour. Québec, Canada
  • (2022). Building dynamic models of mechanisms in the Siemens NX CAD software and simulating them with MATLAB (Webinar). Centre for robotics, vision and machine intelligence research (CeRVIM), Université Laval. Québec, Canada
  • (2020). Serial manipulator design: Decoupling proprioception and actuation to circumvent the high stiffness requirement. Advances in collaborative robotics - Third forum of the COROM. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2018). Design and experimental validation of reorientation manoeuvres for a free falling robot inspired from the cat righting reflex. Research Seminar, Université Laval. Québec, Canada