Sophie Calmé
Professeure, Faculté des sciences
Sujet de recherche
Animal, Comportement biologique, Milieux et habitats
Disciplines de recherche
Biologie et autres sciences connexes
conservation, échelle paysagère
Intérêts de recherche
Ma recherche en conservation a deux axes principaux. Le premier porte sur les réponses de la faune aux changements dans l'habitat, d'origine anthropique et climatique, et est orientée de manière à pouvoir fournir de l'information utile aux preneurs de décision en matière de conservation. Le deuxième axe porte sur les dimensions humaines de la conservation, en particulier les conflits en lien avec la biodiversité. Mes travaux intègrent plusieurs échelles d'analyse, en particulier l'échelle paysagère. Presque tous mes travaux se déroulent en milieu tropical, dans des zones de haute concentration de la biodiversité.
Langues parlées et écrites
Anglais, Espagnol (castillan), Français
(1998). (Doctorat, Ph.D. en sciences forestières). Université Laval.
(1991). (Maîtrise avec mémoire, Maîtrise en sciences forestières - Maîtrise). Université Laval.
(1989). (Baccalauréat, Maîtrise ès sciences). Université de Lille I (Sci. & Tech.).
(1988). (Baccalauréat, Licence ès sciences). Université de Lille I (Sci. & Tech.).
(1987). (Baccalauréat, D.E.U.G.). Université de Caen.
Expérience académique
Professeure titulaire. (2019-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
Invited researcher. (2015-2015). University of St. Andrews. Royaume-Uni.
Invited researcher. (2006-2007). McGill University. Canada.
Invited researcher. (1997-1997).
Prix et distinctions
- (2025) Membre du Système National de Chercheurs (SNI). (Distinction).
- (2024) Éditrice en chef, revue Tropical Conservation Science (Sage Publications). (Honneur).
- (2017) Membre du Système National de Chercheurs (SNI). Conseil National des Sciences et Technologie (CONACYT). (Distinction).
- (2013) Membre du Système National de Chercheurs (SNI). Conseil National des Sciences et Technologie (CONACYT). (Distinction).
- (2012) Membre du Comité National de Direction. Programme de Petites Donations, Fonds pour l'Environnement Mondial. (Distinction).
- (2012) Membre du Comité National de Sélection. Programme COMPACT, Fonds pour l'Environnement Mondial. (Distinction).
- (2009) Membre du Système National de Chercheurs (SNI). Conseil national des Sciences et Technologies (CONACYT). (Distinction).
- (2004) Membre du Système National de Chercheurs (SNI). Conseil national des Sciences et Technologies (CONACYT). (Distinction).
- (2001) Chaire patrimoniale d'excellence pour chercheur étranger. Conseil National des Sciences et Technologie (CONACYT). (Distinction).
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Centre de la Science de la Biodiversité du Québec (CSBQ). Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). 3 420 000 $. (2022-2027)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Centre de recherche en écologie terrestre. Université de Sherbrooke. PIFIR. 90 000 $. (2021-2024)
- Chaire de recherche. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Chaire de recherche sur les enjeux sociaux de la conservation. Gouvernement du Québec. 300 000 $. (2018-2023)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Engaging communities through participatory agreements: the implementation of a mobile intervention unit to facilitate human-jaguar coexistence around the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve (Mexico). United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 85 500 $. (2020-2022)
- Contrat. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Perceptions et attitudes des producteurs ruraux de la Selva Maya envers le jaguar et le conflit autour du jaguar (Percepciones y actitudes de los productores rurales de la Selva Maya sobre el jaguar y el conflicto humano-jaguar). WWF Mexico. 395 200 $. (2021-2021)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. SCALE: Supporting Skills, Competencies And Learning for Engagement in sustainable forest management. Scottish Funding Councils for Further and Higher Education. Great Challenges Research Fund. 37 200 $. (2021-2021)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Sustainability transitions in the Selva Maya: mapping the policy landscape and livelihood responses. Scottish Funding Councils for Further and Higher Education. Great Challenges. 36 610 $. (2019-2020)
- Contrat. (Obtenu). Collaborateur. Strengthening the management of the protected area system to conserve endangered species and their habitat better (in Mexico): Jaguar and tapir in Calakmul Biosphere Reserve. Global Environment Facility (GEF) (USA). 2 800 000 $. (2018-2020)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Beyond the frontier: Selva Maya sustainable livelihoods. Scottish Funding Councils for Further and Higher Education. Great Challenges Research Fund. 20 780 $. (2018-2019)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Conflicts around jaguar in Calakmul: Identifying the factors interfering with the coexistence with jaguars. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. Fonds Institutionnel de Développement. 197 000 $. (2018-2019)
- Subvention. (Refusé). Cochercheur. Evaluation of the state of conservation and international trade of Crax rubra, Meleagris ocellata and Penelope purpurascens. CONABIO (National Commission for the Use and Knowledge of Biodiversity). 500 000 $.
- Bourse de recherche. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Social aspects of biodiversity conflicts: the case of human-jaguar coexistence in Calakmul, Mexico. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). 5 000 $.
Articles de revue
- Lecuyer, L*; Borger, T; Calmé, S; Schmook, B; White, RM. (2023). Cattle ranchers’ tolerance to jaguar revealed through a spectrum of intended behaviours across a gradient of losses in a gamified survey-based field experiment. Biological Conservation 285 110253. DOI. (Article publié).
- White, RM; Schmook, B; Calmé, S; Giordano, AJ; Hausser, Y; Kimmel, L; Lecuyer, L*; Lucherini, M; Méndez-Medina, C; Peña-Mondragón, JL. (2023). Facilitating biodiversity conservation through partnerships to achieve transformative outcomes. Conservation Biology 37 e14057. DOI. (Article publié).
- Ramírez, L.; Schmook, B.; Mier y Terán Giménez Cacho, M.; Calmé, S.; Mendez-Medina, C. (2023). Public policies shaping Mexican small farmer practices and environmental conservation: The impacts of 28 years of PROCAMPO (1994-2022) in the Yucatan Peninsula. Land 12 (12), 2124. DOI. (Article publié).
- Fouqueray, T; Lévesque, A; Turgeon, K; Bissonnette, JF; Calmé, S; Dupras, J. (2023). Remote participatory research has logistical benefits, but presents scientific and ethical challenges. Environmental Research Letters 18 021002. DOI. (Article publié).
- Mardero, S*; Schmook, B; Calmé, S; White, RM; Joo Chan, JC; Casanova, G; Castelar, J. (2023). Traditional knowledge for climate change adaptation in Mesoamerica: a systematic review. Social Sciences and Humanities Open 7 100473. DOI. (Article publié).
- Lecuyer, L; Calmé, S; Schmook, B; White, RM. (2022). Conservation conflict hotspots: mapping impacts, risk perception and tolerance for sustainable conservation management. Frontiers in Conservation 3 909908. (Article publié).
- Pérez-Flores, J*; Hénaut, Y; Sanvicente, M; Pablo-Rodríguez, N; Calmé, S. (2022). Jaguar’s Predation and Human Shield, a Tapir Story. Diversity 14 1103. DOI. (Article publié).
- Schmook, B; Mardero, S; Calmé, S; White, R; Radel, C; Carte, L; Casanova, G; Castelar Cayetano, JD; Joo Chang, JC. (2022). The Border-Development-Climate Change Nexus: Precarious Campesinos at the Selva Maya Mexico–Guatemala Border. Borders in Globalization Review 3 (2), 38-52. (Article publié).
- Tanguay, L*; Bissonnette, JF; Turgeon, K; Calmé, S. (2021). Intervention levers for increasing social acceptance of conservation measures on private land: a systematic literature review and comprehensive typology. Environmental Research Letters 16 073007. DOI. (Article publié).
- Marshall, H; Lecuyer, L; Calmé, S. (2021). Using local actors’ perceptions to evaluate a conservation tool: the case of the Mexican compensation scheme for predation in Calakmul. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 26 DOI. (Article publié).
- Torres-Cristiani, L; Machkour-M’Rabet, S; Calmé, S; Weissenberger, H; Escalona-Segura, G. (2020). Assessment of the American Flamingo distribution, trends, and important breeding areas. PLoS ONE 15 (12), e0244117. (Article publié).
- Aguilar‐Melo, AR; Calmé, S; Pinacho‐Guendulain, B; Smith‐Aguilar, SE; Ramos‐Fernández, G. (2020). Ecological and social determinants of association and proximity patterns in the fission–fusion society of spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). American Journal of Primatology 82 e23077. DOI. (Article publié).
- Pérez Flores, J; Weissenberger, H; López-Cen, A; Calmé, S. (2020). Environmental factors influencing the occurrence of unhealthy tapirs in the Southern Yucatan Peninsula. EcoHealth 17 359-369. DOI. (Article publié).
- Turton, SM; Lynam, A; Hughes, AC; Parolin, P; Calmé, S; Fragoso, JMV; Sheherazade, S; Linkie, M. (2020). The future for ATBC conservation declarations. Biotropica 52 795-802. DOI. (Article publié).
- Lecuyer, L; Calmé, S; Blanchet, FG; Schmook, B; White, RM. (2019). Factors affecting feelings of justice in biodiversity conflicts: Toward fairer jaguar management in Calakmul, Mexico. Biological Conservation 237 133-144. DOI. (Article publié).
- Reyna-Hurtado, R; Sima-Pantí, D; Andrade, M; Padilla, A; Retana-Guaiscon, OR; Sanchez-Pinzón, K; Martinez, W; Meyer, N; Moreira-Ramírez, JF; Carrillo-Reyna, N; Rivero-Hernández, CM; Serrano Macgregor, I; Calme, S; Arias Dominguez, N. (2019). Tapir population patterns under the disappearance of free-standing water. Therya 10 353-358. DOI. (Article publié).
- Lecuyer, L; White, RM; Schmook, B; Calmé, S. (2018). Building on common ground to address biodiversity conflicts and foster collaboration in environmental management. Journal of Environmental Management 220 217-226. DOI. (Article publié).
- Aguilar-Melo, AR; Calmé, S; Smith-Aguilar, SE; Ramos-Fernandez, G. (2018). Fission-fusion dynamics as a temporally and spatially flexible behavioral strategy in spider monkeys. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72 150-160. DOI. (Article publié).
- Lecuyer, L; White, RM; Schmook, B; Lemay, V; Calmé, S. (2018). The construction of feelings of justice in environmental management: An empirical study of multiple biodiversity conflicts in Calakmul, Mexico. Journal of Environmental Management 213 363-373. DOI. (Article publié).
- Reyna-Hurtado, R; Sanvicente-Lopez, M; Pérez-Flores, J; Carrillo-Reyna, N; Calmé, S. (2016). Insights into the multiannual home range of a Baird's tapir in the Maya forest. Therya 7 271-276. DOI. (Article publié).
- Pérez-Flores, J; Calmé, S; Reyna-Hurtado, R. (2016). Scoring Body Condition in Wild Baird’s Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) Using Camera Traps and Opportunistic Photographic Material. Tropical Conservation Science 9 1-12. DOI. (Article publié).
- Chapman CA, Schoof VAM, Bonnell TR, *Gogarten JF, Calmé S. (2015). Competing pressures on populations: long-term dynamics of food availability, food quality, disease, stress and animal abundance. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B 370 e20140112. (Article publié).
- Velázquez-Vázquez, G; Reyna-Hurtado, R; Arroyo-Rodríguez, V; Calmé, S, Léger-Dalcourt, M; Navarrete, DA. (2015). Sleeping sites of spider monkeys () in logged and unlogged tropical forests. International Journal of Primatology 36 1154-1171. DOI. (Article publié).
- Haenn N, Schmook B, *Reyes Y, Calmé S. (2014). A cultural consensus regarding the king vulture? Preliminary findings and their application to Mexican conservation. Ethnobiology and Conservation 3 e1. (Article publié).
- Vander Wal E, Garant D, Calmé S, Chapman CA, Festa-Bianchet M, Millien V, Rioux-Paquette S, Pelletier F. (2014). Applying evolutionary concepts to wildlife disease ecology and management. Evolutionary Applications 7 856-868. (Article publié).
- *Plante S, Colchero F, Calmé S. (2014). Foraging strategy of a Neotropical primate: how intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence destination and residence time. Journal of Animal Ecology 83 116-125. (Article publié).
- Haenn N, Schmook B, *Reyes Y, Calmé S. (2014). Improving conservation outcomes with insights from local experts and bureaucracies. Conservation Biology 28 951-958. (Article publié).
- *Briceño-Méndez M, Reyna-Hurtado R, Calmé S, García-Gil G. (2014). Preferencias de hábitat y abundancia relativa de Tayassu pecari en un área con cacería en la región de Calakmul, Campeche, México. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 85 242-250. (Article publié).
- *O’Farrill G, *Gauthier Schampaert K, Rayfield B, Bodin Ö, Calmé S, Sengupta R, Gonzalez A. (2014). The potential connectivity of waterhole networks and the effectiveness of a protected area under various drought scenarios. PLoS One 9 e95049. (Article publié).
- *Roldán-Clarà B, *LaPergola JB, Chapa-Vargas L, Calmé S. (2013). Melanoptila glabrNest survival in the Neotropical Black Catbird (). Journal of Ornithology 154 491-499. (Article publié).
- Machkour M’Rabet S, Hénaut Y, Calmé S, Legal L. (2012). BrachypelmavagansWhen landscape modifications are advantageous for protected species: Thecase of a synanthropic tarantula,. Journal of Insect Conservation 16 479-488. (Article publié).
- *O’Farrill G, Calmé S, Sengupta R, Gonzalez A. (2012). Effective dispersal of large seeds by tapir: A large-scale experiment. Journal of Tropical Ecology 28 119-122. (Article publié).
- *Ramírez-Barajas PJ, Islebe GA, Calmé S. (2012). Impact of Hurricane Dean (2007) on game species of the Selva Maya,Mexico. Biotropica 44 402-411. (Article publié).
- *Hernández-Díaz M, *Ramírez-Barajas PJ, Chávez C, Schmook B, Calmé S. (2012). Ocurrencia y abundancia relativa de carnívoros en una selva impactada por el Huracán Dean (2007). Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 83 790-801. (Article publié).
- *Reyna-Hurtado R, Chapman CA, Calmé S, Pedersen E. (2012). Tayassu pecariSearching in heterogeneous and limiting environments: foraging strategies of a social ungulate, the white-lipped peccary (). Journal of Mammalogy 93 124-133. (Article publié).
- *Dor A, Calmé S, Hénaut Y. (2011). Centruroides Predator interactions between scorpions and the tarantula. Journal of Arachnology 39 201-204. (Article publié).
- *Charette MR, Calmé S, Pelletier F. (2011). Coragyps atratusObservation of nocturnal feeding in Black Vultures (). Journal of Raptor Research 45 279-280. (Article publié).
- Kampichler C, Wieland R, Calmé S, Weissenberger H, Arriaga-Weiss S. (2010). Classification in conservation biology: a comparison of five machine-learning methods. Ecological Informatics 5 441-450. (Article publié).
- Kampichler C, Calmé S, Weissenberger H, Arriaga-Weiss S. (2010). Meleagris ocellataIndication of a species in an extinction vortex: the case of the ocellated turkey () on Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. Acta Oecologica 36 561-568. (Article publié).
- Hénaut Y, Machkour M’Rabet S, Winterton P, Calmé S. (2010). Nephila clavipesInsect attraction by (Araneae: Tetragnathidae)webs. Journal of Arachnology 38 135-138. (Article publié).
- *Cobos VM, Mora MA, Escalona G, Calmé S, Jiménez J. (2010). Turdus grayiVariation in plasma cholinesterase activity in the clay-colored robin () in relation to time ofday, season, and Diazinon exposure. Ecotoxicology 19 267-272. (Article publié).
- Calmé, S. & A. Desrochers. (1999). Nested bird and micro-habitat assemblages in a peatland archipelago. Oecologia 118 361-370. (Article publié).
- Calmé, S., H.A. Margolis & F.J. Bigras. (1993). Influence of cultural practices on the relationship between frost tolerance and water content of containerized black spruce, white spruce and jack pine seedlings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23 503-511. (Article publié).
- (2015). Biodiversity and conservation of the Yucatán Peninsula. États-Unis d'Amérique : Springer. (Article publié).
- Enriquez P, Coutiño Molina J, Calmé S, López Argoytia L. (2012). Zopilotes : Los limpiadores del ambiente. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. (Article publié).
- (2011). Riqueza Biológica de Quintana Roo. Un análisis para su conservación. (1). Mexique : CONABIO. (Article publié).
- (2010). Uso y manejo de fauna silvestre en el norte de Mesoamérica. Mexique : Secretaria de Educación de Veracruz. (Article publié).
Chapitres de livre
- Calmé, S; O'Farrill, G; Pérez-Flores, J; Reyna-Hurtado, R; Sanvicente Lopez, M; Ceballos, G. (2020). Ecologia y conservacion en la region de Calakmul. Ceballos, G; Mendoza, L; O'Farrill, G. El tapir en Mexico: distribucion, ecologia y conservacion (1, 101-112). Mexique : Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. DOI. (Article publié).
- O'Farrill, G; Calmé, S; Gonzalez, A. (2020). El ultimo dispersor de las grandes semillas. Ceballos, G; Mendoza, L; O'Farrill, G. El tapir en Mexico: distribucion, ecologia y conservacion (1, 29-42). Mexique : Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. DOI. (Article publié).
- Calmé S, MacKinnon-H B, Leyequién E, Escalona-Segura G. (2015). Birds. Islebe GA, Calmé S, Schmook B, Léon-Cortés JL. Biodiversity and conservation of the Yucatán Peninsula (295-332). États-Unis d'Amérique : Springer. (Article publié).
- Islebe GA, Schmook B, Calmé S, Léon-Cortés JL. (2015). Introduction. Islebe GA, Calmé S, Schmook B, Léon-Cortés JL. Biodiversity and conservation of the Yucatán Peninsula (1-5). États-Unis d'Amérique : Springer. (Article publié).
- *Ramirez-Barajas P, Calmé S. (2015). Subsistence hunting and conservation. Islebe GA, Calmé S, Schmook B, Léon-Cortés JL. Biodiversity and conservation of the Yucatán Peninsula (333-352). États-Unis d'Amérique : Springer. (Article publié).
- Calmé S, Pozo C, Armijo Canto N. (2011). Desafíos para la conservación de la biodiversidad en Quintana Roo. Pozo C, Armijo Canto N, Calmé S. Riqueza Biológica de Quintana Roo. Un análisis para su conservación (1, 336-344). Mexique : CONABIO. (Article publié).
- Calmé S. (2011). Uso y manejo de fauna silvestre. Pozo C, Armijo Canto N, Calmé S. Riqueza Biológica de Quintana Roo. Un análisis para su conservación (1, 165-170). Mexique : CONABIO. (Article publié).
- Calmé S, Guerra Roa MM, Schmook B. (2010). Epilogo. Guerra Roa MM, Calmé S, Gallina Tessaro S, Naranjo Piñera EJ. Uso y manejo de fauna silvestre en el norte de Mesoamérica (435-441). Mexique : Secretaria de Educación de Veracruz. (Article publié).
- Calmé S, Sanvicente M, Weissenberger H. (2010). Estudio de caso: manejo del pavo ocelado. Villalobos-Zapata GJ, Mendoza Vega J. La Biodiversidad en Campeche: Estudio de Estado (501-503). Mexique : CONABIO. (Article publié).
- Naranjo Piñera EJ, Guerra Roa MM, Gallina Tessaro S, Calmé S. (2010). Uso de fauna silvestre en el norte de Mesoamérica: aspectos generales. Guerra Roa MM, Calmé S, Gallina Tessaro S, Naranjo Piñera EJ. Uso y manejo de fauna silvestre en el norte de Mesoamérica (19-24). Mexique : Secretaria de Educación de Veracruz. (Article publié).
- Rivera, A & S Calmé. (2006). Forest fragmentation and the changes in the feeding ecology of the Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta pigra) in Calakmul region. Estrada A., Garber P., Pavelka M., Luecke L.. New perspectives on the distribution, ecology and conservation of Mesoamerican Primates. (189-213). Springer, New York.
Articles de magazine
- Tanguay, L; Turgeon, K; Calmé, S; Bissonnette, JF; Koutouki, K; Buttin, V; Priori, P. (2022). Comment la conservation des habitats fauniques en terres privées est-elle perçue par les acteurs concernés ?. Natura. 2(1). 15-23.
- Calmé, S; Schmook, B; White, RM; Lecuyer, L. (2019). Tierra de sueños encontrados entre la ganadería y la conservación. Ecofronteras. 23(66). 15-17.