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Simon Couillard

Professeur, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Département de médecine


Sujet de recherche

Asthma, Cell Signaling and Infectious and Immune Diseases, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Immune Mediators: Cytokines and Chemokines

Disciplines de recherche

Immunology, Pneumology


Asthma, Airway inflammation, Clinical prediction models, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Intérêts de recherche

Asthma of all severities: biomarkers, phenotypes, personalised medicine - specifically for clinical problems encountered by primary care providers. Airway inflammation: epithelial response, eosinophil biology. Clinical prediction modelling: prognostic modelling and prevention of asthma attacks. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): biomarkers, phenotypes, personalised medicine.

Centre de recherche

Centre de recherche du CHUS

Recherche clinique


Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français


(2022). (Master's Thesis, MSc). University of Oxford.

(2021). Severe asthma (Post-doctorate, Clinical research fellowship). University of Oxford.

(2019). (Post-doctorate, Residency). Université de Sherbrooke.

(2017). (Certificate, Microprogram of 2nd cycle). Université de Sherbrooke.

(2017). (Post-doctorate, Residency). Université de Sherbrooke.

(2014). (Doctorate, MD). Université Laval.

Titres de compétence

Certificat de spécialiste (médecine interne) Specialist certificate (internal medicine). Collège des médecins du Québec.

Certificat de spécialiste (pneumologie) Specialist certificate (respirology). Collège des médecins du Québec.

FRCPC (médecine interne)(internal medicine). Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (The).

FRCPC (pneumologie)(respirology). Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (The).

Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada. Medical Council of Canada.

Expérience académique

Assistant-professor in medicine. (2022-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Clinical research fellow; Area: severe asthma. (2019-2021). University of Oxford. United Kingdom.

Médecin résident (médecine interne puis pneumologie). (2014-2019). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Stages de recherche clinique sous la supervision des Docteurs Jean-Louis Aubé et Pierre Larivée - 2 x 4 semaines Sujet : syndrome de chevauchement asthme sévère & apnée obstructive du sommeil. (2017-2018). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Stage de recherche clinique sous la supervision des Docteurs Pierre Larivée et Alain Vanasse - 4 semaines Sujet : prédicteurs d’une réadmission pour exacerbation aigue de MPOC. (2016-2016). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Stage de recherche clinique sous la supervision du Dr Louis-Philippe Boulet - 6 mois Sujet : santé respiratoire de l’athlète. (2011-2011). Université Laval. Canada.

Prix et distinctions

  • (2027) Chaire de recherche en santé respiratoire de l'Association Pulmonaire du Québec. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prize / Award).
  • (2027) FRQS clinical research scholar salary award (Junior 1). Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prize / Award).
  • (2012) Tableau d’honneur académique canadien (Étudiant-athlète avec >80% moyenne générale). Sport interuniversitaire canadien. (Citation).
  • 11e position (hommes), Coupe du monde FINA * 32 km de nage en eau libre - 7h51min. Traversée internationale du Lac Saint-Jean. (Distinction).
  • 2018 ATS Abstract Scholarship. American Thoracic Society. (Prize / Award).
  • 2021 ATS Abstract Scholarship. American Thoracic Society. (Prize / Award).
  • BTS winter meeting conference grant. British Thoracic Society. (Prize / Award).
  • Bourse de finaliste national. Bourses Loran. (Prize / Award).
  • Boursier local. Bourses d’Excellence du Millénaire. (Prize / Award).
  • Distinction from the University of Oxford MSc in Experimental and Translational Therapeutics. University of Oxford. (Distinction).
  • Meilleure qualité scientifique de l’exposé (Journée scientifique du département de médecine). Université de Sherbrooke. (Prize / Award).
  • Mention Honorable. Harvard National Model UN (simulation des nations unies). (Honor).
  • Reconnaissance de la FMRQ pour contribution remarquable au sein de ses instances. Fédération des médecins résidents du Québec (FMRQ). (Prize / Award).
  • Reconnaissance de l’implication étudiante. Université Laval. (Citation).
  • Étudiant athlète & service communautaire Lauréat national (SIC) & provincial (RSEQ) Natation. Sport interuniversitaire canadien. (Prize / Award).


  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Canadian Consortium for understanding the role of airway mucus occlusions in cough, COPD and asthma (CANMuc). Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Team Grant: Lung Health. 2 000 000 $. (2024-2029)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. The Canadian Lung Outcomes in Users of Vaping Devices (CLOUD) Study. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Team Grant: Lung Health 2023-11-16. 2 000 000 $. (2024-2029)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. A clinical and translational research program for personalised prediction, prevention, and management of asthma. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). Starting grant for young clinician investigators - Junior 1. 60 000 $. (2023-2027)
  • Research Chair. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Chaire de recherche en santé respiratoire de l’Association Pulmonaire du Québec (capitalised funds, interests for research). Association Pulmonaire du Québec. Chaire de recherche en santé respiratoire. 388 800 $. (2022-2027)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Quebec Respiratory Health Research Biobank -Sherbrooke site. Quebec Respiratory Health Research Network. Biobank funds. 60 000 $. (2022-2026)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. L’évaluation de l’efficacité de la bromotyrosine urinaire à diagnostiquer l’asthme. J.A. de Sève Foundation. Investigator-initiated research. 250 000 $. (2023-2025)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Diagnostic and translational values of point-of-care blood eosinophils and exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) in people referred by primary care for suspected asthma: a pilot study. AstraZeneca Canada Inc.. Externally Sponsored Research. 106 400 $. (2022-2025)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Applicant. L’inflammométrie pour améliorer la trajectoire diagnostique dans les situations d’asthme suspecté chez l’enfant et l’adulte.. Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (Québec). Propulsion Santé. 400 000 $. (2024-2025)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Type-2 and alarmin-mediated nitric oxide (NO)/eotaxin-3 production in the airway epithelium: start-up request for preliminary in vitro experiments. Réseau de recherche en santé respiratoire du Québec. Programme de démarrage de carrière de jeunes chercheurs avec mentorat. 25 000 $. (2024-2025)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Applicant. Blood Eosinophils and Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide for Prediction of Asthma Attacks: Patient-Level Meta-Analysis and Risk Modelling. Academy of Medical Sciences (The). Networking Grants Round 1. 25 000 $. (2024-2025)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Point-of-care phenotyping responses to systemic therapies in the management asthma (PRISMA): a microbiomic substudy. bioMérieux sa (France). Investigator-initiated research. 81 900 $. (2022-2024)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Étude pilote DIVE: faisabilité, performance diagnostique et valeur mécanistique des éosinophiles sanguins et de l’oxyde nitrique expiré (FeNO) en situation d’asthme suspecté par la première ligne. Association Pulmonaire du Québec. Fonds de recherche de la FQSR. 40 000 $. (2022-2024)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Phenotyping Responses to Systemic Corticosteroids in the Management Asthma Attacks (PRISMA): Clinical and Translational Correlation to Type-2 Inflammatory Biomarkers. Sanofi. Pathways Global Innovation Grant. 207 200 $. (2022-2024)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Impact de la stimulation du nerf vague sur la fonction respiratoire chez les asthmatiques. Quebec Respiratory Health Research Network. Projet intersectoriel. 40 000 $. (2023-2024)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Local startup funds. Centre de recherche du CHUS. Start-up funds. 110 000 $. (2022-2024)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Point-of-care precision medicine for airways disease. Fondation du CHUS (Sherbrooke, QC). Directed donation from AstraZeneca. 40 000 $. (2022-2023)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Point-of-care precision medicine for airways disease. Fondation du CHUS (Sherbrooke, QC). Directed donation from GlaxoSmithKline. 50 000 $. (2022-2023)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Quebec Respiratory Health Research Network - Career Start-Up and Mentorship Program for Young Investigators 2022-23. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). Quebec Respiratory Health Research Network - Career Start-Up and Mentorship Program for Young Invest. 25 000 $. (2022-2023)
  • Scholarship. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Scholarship for clinical research fellowship in asthma. Société des Médecins (Sherbrooke, QC). Support aux formations complémentaires. 150 000 $. (2019-2022)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Type 2 Innovation Grant- Mechanisms of FeNO non-suppression. Sanofi. Type 2 Innovation Grant. 80 000 $. (2019-2021)
  • Grant. (Under Review). Principal Investigator. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study assessing the effect of dupilumab on inducing clinical remission in at-risk type-2 inflammatory asthma (HOTHOT). Sanofi-Regeneron. 6 525 000 $.


Articles de revue

  • (2024). Acute COPD Presentations With and Without Pneumonia:To Lump or Split, That is the Question. Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine - Decision on Manuscript ID UCTS-2024-0063
  • Celis, Carlos Lachapelle, Philippe Couillard, Simon. (2024). Blood eosinophils take centre stage in predicting theresponse to sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) – a familiar twist. Thorax - (-), -. (Accepted).
  • Roy, MA; Gronnier, M; Ramphul, M; Divall, P; Lemaire-Paquette, S; Cote, A; M Ducharme, F; A Gaillard, E; Couillard, S. (2024). Diagnostic accuracy of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) with or without blood eosinophils in childhood, adolescent, and adult asthma: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. medRxiv DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard S, Jackson DJ, Pavord ID, Wechsley ME. (2024). How I Do It: Choosing the right biologic for the right patient with severe asthma. Chest - (-), -. (Revision Requested).
  • Jackson, D Couillard, S Akuthota, P Wechsler, M. (2024). Management of Uncontrolled & Severe Asthma. BMJ (Revision Requested).
  • Masse, S ; Delisle, T ; St-Pierre, J ; Vezina, FA ; Iorio-Morin, C ; Couillard, S. (2024). Neuromodulation of Dyspnea – A Literature Review. Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine (Accepted).
  • Pouliot, L Désy, L Lemieux, S-E Celis-Preciado, C Lemaire-Paquette, S Duval, M Leclerc, S Vézina, F-A Lachapelle, P Couillard, S. (2024). The carbon footprintof diagnostic delays in asthma. ERJ Open (Revision Requested).
  • Couillard S, Pavord I, Hoyte F, Siddiqui S, Martin, N, Menzies-Gow A, Lommatzsch M. (2024). Treat-to-target: a call for earlier targeted intervention in asthma. European Respitatory Journal (Submitted).
  • Corrado Pelaia1, James Melhorn2, Timothy SC Hinks2, Simon Couillard3, Alessandro Vatrella4, Girolamo Pelaia5, Ian D Pavord2. (2024). Type 2 severe asthma: Pathophysiology andtreatment with biologics. Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine, Manuscript ID ERRX-2024--0145.R1 (Accepted).
  • Lugogo, N Mohan, A Akukthota, P Couillard, S Rhoads, S Wechsler, M E. (2023). Are We Ready for Asthma Remission as a Clinical Outcome?. Chest 164 (4), 831-834. DOI. (Published).
  • Gupta, S Couillard, S Digby, G Tse, S Green, S Aceron, R Carlsten, C Hubick, J Penz, E. (2023). Canadian Thoracic Society Position Statement on Climate Change and Choice of Inhalers for Patients with Respiratory Disease. Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine - (-), -. DOI. (Published).
  • Gupta, S; Couillard, S; Digby, G; Tse, SM; Green, S; Penz, E. (2023). Climate Change and Inhaler Selection in Patients with Respiratory Disease. Chest - (-), -. (Accepted).
  • Couillard, S Ducharme, F Pavord, ID. (2023). Clinically accessible biomarkers to assess the modifiable risk of asthma/wheezing attacks in toddlers. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice 11 (6), 1984-1985. DOI. (Published).
  • Blaiss, M Oppenheimer, J Corbett, M L Chipps, B Bacharier, L Bernstein, J Carr, T Chipps, B Couillard, S Forno, E Grant, T Lugogo, N May, K Schauberger, E. (2023). Consensus of an ACAAI, AAAAI, and ATS Workgroup on Definition of Clinical Remission in Asthma on Treatment. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology - (-), -. DOI. (Published).
  • Celis-Preciado, Carlos A Lachapelle, P Couillard, S. (2023). Exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO): bridging a knowledge gap in asthma diagnosis and treatment. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 54 (8), 791-793. DOI. (Published).
  • Bourdin, A Brusselle, G Couillard, S Fajt, M Heaney, LG Elliot, E McDowell, PJ Menzies-Gow, A Martin, N Mitchell, PD Petousi, N Quirce, S Schleich, F Pavord, ID. (2023). Phenotyping of Severe Asthma in the Era of Broad-acting Anti-asthma Biologics. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice - (-), -. DOI. (In Press).
  • Couillard, S Côté, A. (2023). Predicting on-biologic remission in asthma: insight from the airways. Chest 163 (6), 1341-1343. DOI. (Published).
  • Celis-Preciado, C; Leclerc S; Duval M; Cliche, DO; Larivée, P; Lemaire-Paquette, S; Lévesque, S; Côté, A; Lachapelle, P; Couillard, S. (2023). Protocol for an Observational and Translational Study Phenotyping the Responsesto Systemic Corticosteroids in the Management Asthma Attacks (PRISMA). BMJ Open Respiratory Research - (-), -. DOI. (Published).
  • Petousi, N Pavord, I Couillard, S. (2023). The Lancet COPD Commission: broader questions remain. The Lancet 401 (10338), 1569-1570. DOI. (Published).
  • Desy, L Lachapelle, P Couillard, S. (2023). The excessive carbon footprint of inhalers used in airway disease – and its remedies. Touch Respiratory - (-), -. (In Press).
  • Couillard, S Petousi, N Smigiel, K Molfino, N. (2023). Towards a Predict and Prevent Approach in Obstructive Airways Diseases. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice 11 (3), 704-712. DOI. (Published).
  • Farmer MJS, Couillard S, Lastra AC, Ramakrishnan S. (2023). Trailblazing Clinical Trials in Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Sleep Medicine, and Education and Clinical Practice in 2023. Chest - (-), -. (Accepted).
  • Khalfaoui L; Symon FA; Couillard S; Hargadon B; Chaudhuri R; Bicknell S; Mansur AH; Shrimanker R; Hinks TSC: Pavord ID; Fowler S; Brown V; McGarvey LP; Heaney LG; Austin CD; Howarth PH; Arron JR; Bradding P. (2022). Airway remodelling rather than cellular infiltration characterises both type2 cytokine biomarker-high and -low severe asthma. Allergy 77 (10), 2974-2986. DOI. (Published).
  • Crossingham I, Richardson R, Hinks TSC, Spencer S, Couillard S, Maynard-Paquette AC, Howell I, Thomassen D. (2022). Biologics for chronic severe asthma: a network meta-analysis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews - (10), -. DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard S, Steyerberg EW, Beasley R, Pavord ID. (2022). Blood eosinophils, fractional exhaled nitric oxide, and the risk of asthma attacks in randomised controlled trials: protocol for a systemic review and control arm patient-level meta-analysis for clinical prediction modelling. BMJ Open 12 (4), e058215. DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Laugerud A; Jabeen M; Ramakrishnan S; Melhorn J; Hinks TSC; Pavord ID. (2022). Derivation of a prototype asthma attack risk scale centred on blood eosinophils and exhaled nitric oxide. Thorax 77 (2), 199-202. DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard S Pavord ID. (2022). Fluticasone furoate: CAPTAIN of fluticasones in type-2 inflammatory asthma. Respirology 27 (3), 184-186. DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard, S. (2022). Le tezepelumab en asthme sévère. InfoRQESR Décembre 2022 (-), 3-10. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Shrimanker R; Lemaire-Paquette S; Hynes GM; Borg C; Connolly C; Thulborn S; Moran AM; Poole S; Morgan S; Powell T; Pavord ID; Hinks TSC. (2022). Longitudinal changes in sputum and blood inflammatory mediators during FeNO suppression testing. Thorax 77 (8), 933-938. DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard S, Do W, Beasley R, Hinks TSC, Pavord ID. (2022). Predicting the benefits of type-2 targeted anti-inflammatory treatment with the prototype OxfoRd Asthma attaCk risk scaLE (ORACLE). ERJ Open Research 8 (1), 00570. DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard S Pavord ID Heaney LG Petousi N Hinks TSC. (2022). Sub-stratification oftype-2 high airway disease for therapeutic decision-making: a ‘bomb’ (bloodeosinophils) meets ‘magnet’ (FeNO) framework. Respirology 27 (8), 573-477. DOI. (Published).
  • St-Germain O Lachapelle P Pavord ID Couillard S. (2022). Tackling ‘people remodelling’ in corticosteroid dependent asthma with type-2 targeting biologics and a formal corticosteroid weaning protocol. touchREVIEWS in Respiratory & Pulmonary Diseases 7 (2), 44-7. DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard, S. (2022). The alarmin(g) effect of interleukin-5 blockade on residual eosinophil function is of clinical consequence. European Respiratory Journal 60 (1), 2200597. DOI. (Published).
  • Ramakrishnan S; Couillard S. (2021). Antibiotics for asthma attacks – masking uncertainty. European Respiratory Journal 58 (1), 00183. DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Connolly C; Borg C; Pavord ID. (2021). Asthma in pregnancy: An update. Obstetric Medicine 14 (3), 135-144. DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Shrimanker R; Chaudhuri R; Mansur AH; McGarvey LP; Heaney LG; Fowler SJ; Bradding P; Pavord ID; Hinks TSC. (2021). Fractional Exhaled Nonsuppression Identifies Corticosteroid-Resistant Type-2 Signaling in SevereAsthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 204 (6), 731-734. DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Jackson DJ; Wechsler M; Pavord ID. (2021). How I do it. Work-up of severe asthma. Chest 160 (6), 2019-2029. DOI. (Published).
  • Turnbull CD Porter BML Evans SB Smith O Lardner R Hallifax R Bettinson HV Talbot NP Bafadhel M Rahman NM Petousi N Achaiah A Addala D Banka R Bedawi E Chapman S Danbury H Couillard S Douglas E Elder P Fries A Flight W Fraser E Hardinge M Hinks TSC Ho LP Hoyles R Melhorn J Moore A Nathwani V Nickol A Park J Patel S Pavord ID Saunders P Laurenson-Schafer H Roxburgh F Sundaralingam A Sykes A Tsakok M Wilson R Wrightson JM. (2021). Improved COVID-19 outcomes in a large non-invasive respiratory support cohort despite emergence of the alpha variant. BMJ Open Respiratory Research 8 (1), 001044. DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Boulet LP; Lachapelle P. (2021). The controversial role of as-needed short-acting β2-agonist monotherapy in mild asthma: a short review of current guidelines. Can J of Resp Crit Care and Sleep Medicine 5 (5), 273-275. DOI. (Published).
  • Moran AM; Ramakrishnan S; Borg CA; Connolly CM; Couillard S; Mwasuku CM; Pavord ID; Hinks TSC; Lehtimaki L. (2020). Blood Eosinophil Depletion with Mepolizumab, Benralizumab and Prednisolone in Eosinophilic Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 202 (9), 1314-1316. DOI. (Published).
  • Vanasse A; Courteau J; Courteau M; Benigeri M; Chiu YM; Dufour I; Couillard S; Larivée P; Hudon C. (2020). Healthcare utilization after a first hospitalization for COPD: a new approach of State Sequence Analysis based on the '6W' multidimensional model of care trajectories. BMC Health Serv Res 20 (1), 177. DOI. (Published).
  • Moran AM; Ramakrishnan S; Borg CA; Connolly CM; Couillard S; Mwasuku CM; Pavord ID; Hinks TSC; Lehtimӓki L. (2020). Reply to Lipworth et al.: Don't Forget about Facilitatory Effects of Corticosteroids on β 2-Adrenoceptors in Acute Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 202 (12), 1743-1744. DOI. (Published).
  • Qing L; Larivée P; Courteau J; Couillard S; Poder TG; Carrier N; Bélanger M; Vanasse A. (2019). Greater eosinophil counts at first COPD hospitalization are associated with more readmissions and fewer deaths. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2019 (14), 331-341. DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Bélanger M; Bouchard N. (2019). Q fever presenting as miliary pneumonia: Case imagery and differential diagnosis. Can J of Resp Crit Care and Sleep Medicine 3 (3), 164-165. DOI. (Published).
  • Poder TG; Carrier N; Bélanger M; Couillard S; Courteau, J; Larivée, P; Vanasse A. (2018). Eosinophil counts in first COPD hospitalizations: a 1-year cost analysis in Quebec. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 8 (13), 3065-3076. DOI. (Published).
  • Bélanger M; Couillard S; Courteau J; Larivée P; Poder TG; Carrier N; Girard K; Vézina FA; Vanasse A. (2018). Eosinophil counts in first COPD hospitalizations: a comparison of health service utilization. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2018 (13), 3045-3054. DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Larivée P; Courteau J; Vanasse A. (2017). Eosinophils in COPD Exacerbations Are Associated With Increased Readmissions. Chest 151 (2), 366-373. DOI. (Published).
  • Vanasse A, Courteau J, Couillard S, Beauchesne MF, Larivée P. (2017). Predicting One-year Mortality After a “First” Hospitalization for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: An Eight-Variable Assessment Score Tool. Journal of COPD 14 (5), 490-497. DOI. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Bougault V; Turmel J; Boulet LP. (2014). Perception of bronchoconstriction following methacholine and eucapnicvoluntary hyperpnea challenges in elite athletes. Chest 145 (4), 794-802. DOI. (Published).


  • Couillard, S Belzile, M Campagna, C Vézina, FA Laferrière-Langlois, P Sirois-Giguère, G. (2016). Résumé en vue du Juniorat. (1.2). Canada : Internal medicine residency program, Université de Sherbrooke. (Published).

Chapitres de livre

  • Couillard S; Pavord I. (2022). Biological Therapies for Asthma. Laurent, G J Shapiro, S D. Encyclopedia of Respiratory Medicine (2, 412-430). Netherlands : Elsevier. DOI. (Published).

Articles de magazine

  • Désy, Laurence Couillard, Simon. (2023). Impact environnemental: les aérosols-doseurs au banc des accusés. Le Spécialiste.
  • Couillard, S. (2022). La famille des biologiques approuvés en asthme sévère s’élargit avec l’autorisation du tezepelumab. Info-RQESR. (Décembre).
  • Selina Wellbelove. (2022). Targeting the ‘bomb’ or the ‘magnet’: a new therapeuticframework for asthma?. The Limbic Respiratory.


  • Couillard S, Tanguay-Rioux X, Grandjean-Blanchet C, Dufour S, Labossière M, Ruel-Laliberté J. (2018). The Impact of Competence by Design (CBD): Report on semi-structured interviews conducted on the 2017-2018 cohort of R1s in anesthesiology and Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery in Quebec. Fédération des médecins résidents du Québec. 80 p.

Articles de conférence

  • Celis-Preciado, C Leclerc, S Duval, M Cliche, DO Larivée, P Lemaire-Paquette, S Lévèsque, S Côté, A Lachapelle, P Couillard, S. (2024). An Observational And Translational Pilot Study Phenotyping The Response To Systemic Corticosteroids In The Management Of Asthma Attacks (Prisma): Interim Results. American Thoracic Society meeting. (Submitted).
  • Celis-Preciado, Carlos St-Germain, Olivierr Phan, Frédéric Lachapelle, Philippe Larivée, P Poulin, Y Grondin-Beaudoin, B Garand, G Lemaire-Paquette, S Malick, M Couillard, S. (2024). Liberal Withdrawal From Oral Corticosteroids Maintenance Therapy After Introduction Of A Biological Agent Targeting Type 2 Inflammation In Severe Asthma. American Thoracic Society meeting. (Submitted).
  • S. Ramakrishnan Z.R. McCaw S Couillard I D Pavord P Haldar. (2024). Multiple Event-time Analysis: A New Approach For Event Based Clinical Trials In Obstructive Airway Diseases. American Thoracic Society meeting. (Submitted).
  • Meulmeester FL, Celis-Preciado CA, Ramakrishnan S, Brusselle G, Corren J, Hardy J, Diver SE, Brightling CE, Castro M, Hanania NA, Wechsler ME, Jackson DJ, Martin N, Clarke D, Laugerud A, Santoro E, Compton C, Hardin ME, Holweg CT, Jaumont X, Hinks, TS, Beasley RW, Sont JK, Steyerberg EW, Pavord D, Couillard S. (2024). Multivariable prognostic relations of asthma attack risk factors in the ORACLE patient-level dataset. European Respiratory Society congress. (Submitted).
  • S. Couillard F. L. Meulmeester C. A. Celis-Preciado S. Ramakrishnan G. Brusselle J. Corren J. Hardy S. E. Diver C. E. Brightling M. Castro N.A. Hanania M. E. Wechsler D. J. Jackson N. Martin D. Clarke A. Laugerud E. Santoro C. Compton M. E. Hardin C. T. J. Holweg X. Jaumont T. S.C. Hinks R. W. Beasley J. K. Sont E. W. Steyerberg I. D. Pavord. (2024). Predicting Severe Asthma Attacks With Blood Eosinophils And Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO): Initial Data Analysis For The ORACLE Patient-level Meta-analysis. American Thoracic Society meeting. (Submitted).
  • Melhorn, J Pelaia, C Hynes, G Petousi, N Xu, H Mahdi, M Shrimanker, R Borg, C Gamlen, E Bermejo-Sanchez, L Seymour, J Couillard, S Pavord, I Hinks, T. (2024). The Differential Effects of Inhaled and Oral Corticosteroids on Type-2 Inflammation in the Blood and Airway Compartments of Eosinophilic Asthmatics. American Thoracic Society meeting. (Submitted).
  • Pouliot, L Désy, L Lemieux, S. È. Celis-Preciado, C Lemaire-Paquette, S Duval, M Leclerc, S Vézina, F-A Lachapelle, P Couillard, S. (2024). The carbon footprint of diagnostic delays in asthma. European Respiratory Society congress. (Submitted).
  • Meulmeester FL, Celis-Preciado C, Ramakrishnan S, Bruselle G, Corren J, Hardy J, Diver SE, Brightling CE, Castro M, Hanania NA, Jackson DJ, Wechsler ME' Martin N, Clarke D, Laugerud A, Santoro E, Compton C, ME, Holweg CTJ, Jaumont X, Hinks TSC, RW, Sont JK, Steyerberg EW, Pavord ID, Couillard S. (2024). Type-2 biomarker elevation across asthmatreatment steps in the ORACLE patient-leveldataset of all-comer trials. European Respiratory Society congress. (Submitted).
  • Reed, P Beauchesne, MF Lachapelle, P Larivée, P Couillard, S. (2023). A Rare Case of Congenital Defects in the Newborn of a Patient with Uncontrolled Asthma on Dual Omalizumab-Dupilumab Biological Therapy. American Thoracicy Society meeting. (Accepted).
  • Celis-Preciado, C Leclerc, S Duval, M Cliche, DO Larivée, P Lemaire-Paquette, S Lévèsque, S Côté, A Lachapelle, P Couillard, S. (2023). An Observational and Translational Pilot Study Phenotyping the Responses to Systemic Corticosteroids in the Management Asthma Attacks (PRISMA). Journées Québécoises de Recherche en Santé Respiratoire. (Submitted).
  • Fortin, A Gendron, R Lachapelle, P LeBlanc, L Roy, V Couillard, S. (2023). Blastomycosis and Multiple Concurrent Pulmonary Infections in a Benralizumab-Treated Asthmatic. American Thoracicy Society meeting. (Accepted).
  • Melhorn, J Pelaia, C Hynes, G Mahdi, M Shrimanker, R Borg, C Gamlen, E Bermejo-Sanchez, L Seymour, J Couillard, S Pavord, ID Hinks, TSC. (2023). Comparing responsiveness to inhaled versus oral corticosteroid treatment highlights differential effects in blood and airway compartments in eosinophilic asthma. British Thoracic Society meeting. (Submitted).
  • J Melhorn, C Pelaia, G Hynes, M Mahdi, R Shrimanker, C Borg, E Gamlen, L Bermejo-Sanchez, J Seymour, S Couillard, I D Pavord, T SC Hinks. (2023). Inhaled and oral corticosteroid treatment highlights differential effects in blood and airway compartments in type-2 high asthma. British Thoracic Society Meeting. (Submitted).
  • Diver S, Haldar K, Khalfaoui L, Symon FA, Couillard S, Hargadon B, Chaudhuri R, Bicknell S, Mansur AH, Shrimanker R, Hinks TSC, Pavord ID, Fowler SJ, Brown V, McGarvey LP, Heaney LG, Austin CD, Howarth PH, Arron JR, Choy DF, Bradding P. (2023). Relative abundance of Haemophilus as a component of the respiratory microbiome is not associated with airway epithelial MUC5AC staining. European Respiratory Society congress. (Published).
  • St-Germain, O Phan, F Lachapelle, P Larivée, P Poulin, Y Beaudoin-Grondin, B Garand, G Lemaire-Paquette, S Mandy, M Celis-Preciado, C Couillard, S. (2023). Sevrage libéral du traitement d’entretien de corticostéroïdes oraux après l’introduction d’un agent biologique ciblant l’inflammation de type 2 en asthme sévère. Journées Québécoises du Réseau de Recherche en Santé Respiratoire. (Accepted).
  • Do W; Beasley R; Hinks TSC; Pavord ID; Couillard S. (2022). Development of a Prototype ORACLE Web-app to Predict Treatment Benefits of Type-2 Targeted Anti-inflammatory Treatment in Asthma. American Thoracic Society meeting. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Peterson S; Bengtson T; van den Berge M; Price D; Beasley R; Sadatsafavi M; Janson C; Belton L; Fageras M; Mullerova H; Pavord ID. (2022). Prototype ORACLE Score Validation in NOVELTY: Predicted versus Observed Asthma Exacerbation Rates. American Thoracic Society meeting. (Published).
  • Couillard, S; Peterson, S; Bengtsson, T; van den Berge, M; Price, D; Beasley, R; Sadatsafavi, M; Janson, C; Papi, Alberto; Belton, L; Fagerås, M; Müllerová, H; Pavord, I. (2022). Risk factors for corticosteroid- and antibiotic only-treated asthma attacks in the NOVELTY cohort. European Respiratory Society congress. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Laugerud A; Jabeen M; Ramakrishnan S; Melorn J; Hinks T; Pavord I. (2021). A proof-of-concept scale to predict asthma attacks: the OxfoRd Asthma attaCk risk scaLE (ORACLE). American Thoracic Society meeting. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Beasley R; Steyerberg EW; Pavord ID. (2021). Blood eosinophils, exhaled nitric oxide, and the risk of asthma attacks in randomised controlled trials: protocol for a systemic review and control arm patient-level meta-analysis for clinical prediction modelling. Journées Québécoises de Recherche en Santé Respiratoire. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Melhorn J; Singhania A; Horowitz D; Djukanovic C; Woelk CH; Hinks TSC. (2021). Correlation of eotaxin-3 gene expression and other IL-13-induced genes in patients with asthma. European Respiratory Society congress. (Published).
  • Couillard, S; Melhorn J; Singhania A; Horowitz D; Djukanovic R; Woelk CH; Hinks TSC. (2021). Correlation of eotaxin-3 gene expression and other IL-13-induced genes in patients with asthma. British Thoracic Society winter meeting. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Melhorn J; Singhania A; Horowitz D; Djukanovíc R; Woelk C; Hinks TSC. (2021). Correlation of eotaxin-3 gene expression and other IL-13-induced genes in patients with asthma. Journées Québécoises de Recherche en Santé Respiratoire. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Laugerud A; Jabeen M; Ramakrishnan R; Melhorn J; Hinks TSC; Pavord ID. (2021). Derivation of a prototype asthmaattack risk scale centred on blood eosinophils and exhaled nitric oxide. Journées Québécoises de Recherche en Santé Respiratoire. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Laugerud A; Jabeen M; Ramakrishnan S; Melhorn J; Hinks TSC: Pavord ID. (2021). Derivation of a prototype asthma attack risk scale centred on blood eosinophils and exhaled nitric oxide. British Thoracic Society winter meeting. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Shrimanker R; Hynes G; Connolly C: Hayman A; Thulborn S; Poole S; Chaudhuri R; Mansur AH; McGarvey LP; Heaney LG; Fowler SJ; Bradding P; Pavord I; Hinks TSC. (2021). FeNO non-suppression identifies corticosteroid-resistant type-2 signaling in severe asthma. British Thoracic Society winter meeting. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Shrimanker R; Hynes G; Connolly C; Haryman A; Thulborn S; Moran A; Poole S; Powell T; Chaudhuri R; Mansur AH; McGarvey LP; Heaney LG; Fowler S; Bradding P; Pavord ID; Hinks TSC. (2021). Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide Nonsuppression Identifies Corticosteroid-Resistant Type 2 Signaling in Severe Asthma. Journées Québécoises de Recherche en Santé Respiratoire. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Do W; Beasley R; Laugerud A; Jabeen M; Ramakrishnan S; Melhorn J; Hinks TSC; Pavord ID. (2021). Predicting the benefits of type-2 targeted anti-inflammatory treatment with the prototype OxfoRd Asthma attaCk risk scaLE (ORACLE). Journées Québécoises de Recherche en Santé Respiratoire. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Shrimanker R; Hynes G; Borg C; Connolly C; Hayman A; Thulborn S; Moran A; Poole S; Powell T; Chaudhuri R; Mansur AH; McGarvey LP; Heaney LG; Fowler SJ; Bradding P; Pavord ID; Hinks TSC. (2021). Raised FeNO in optimally-treated severe asthma identifies persistent eosinophilic chemotactic pull towards the airway. European Respiratory Society congress. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Do W; Beasley R; Laugerud A; Jabeen M; Ramakrishnan S; Melhorn J; Hinks TSC; Pavord ID. (2021). To what extent does the prototype ORACLE scale predict treatment benefits? Predicted versus observed impact of anti-inflammatory treatments. British Thoracic Society winter meeting. (Published).
  • Oliver ME; Poole S; Borg C; Connolly C; Pavord ID; Hinks TSC; Couillard S. (2021). Utility of adherence checks in patients with severe asthma eligible for biologics: a single centreretrospective analysis. European Respiratory Society congress. (Published).
  • Oliver M.E.; Poole S; Borg C; Connolly C; Pavord ID; Hinks TSC: Couillard S. (2021). Utility of adherence checks in patients with severe asthma eligible for biologics: a single centre retrospective analysis. British Thoracic Society winter meeting. (Published).
  • Dupras-Boileaum C; Couillard S; Gaudette E; Poulin Y. (2020). A Case of Follicular Lymphoma Presenting as Severe Interstitial Pneumonia. American Thoracic Society meeting. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Shrimanker R; Hynes G; Borg C; Connolly C; Harman A; Poole S; Moran A; Powell T; Pavord I; Hinks T. (2020). Mechanisms of FeNO Non-Suppression in Severe Asthma: Analysis of Sputum Type 2 Cytokines and Chemokines. European Respiratory Society congress. (Published).
  • Bélanger M; Couillard S; Vézina FA; Girard K; Larivée P; Poder TG; Courteau J; Vanasse A. (2018). Blood Eosinophil levels in First Hospitalization for Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Are Associated with Increased COPD-Related Readmissions. American Thoracic Society meeting. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Bélanger M; Courteau J; Larivée P; Vanasse A. (2018). Blood eosinophils, readmissions and healthcare costs in COPD: a retrospective analysis. AstraZeneca Scientific Summit – Respiratory medicine. (Published).
  • Couillard S; Bélanger M; Bouchard N. (2018). Miliary pneumonia asa novel radiological manifestation of Q fever. American Thoracic Society meeting. (Published).
  • Tanguay-Rioux X; Grandjean-Blanchet C; Dufour S; Labossière M; Ruel-Laliberté J; Couillard S. (2018). The Impact of Competency by Design. Canadian Conference on Medical Education. (Published).
  • Tanguay-Rioux X; Grandjean-Blanchet C; Dufour S; Labossière M; Ruel-Laliberté J; Couillard S. (2018). The Impact of Competency by Design. International Conference on Residency Education. (Published).
  • Meulmeester FL, Celis-Preciado C, Ramakrishnan S, Brusselle G, Corren J, Hardy J, Diver SE, Brightling CE, Castro M, Hanania NA, Jackson DJ, Wechsler ME, Martin N, Clarke D, Laugerud A, Santoro E, Compton C, Hardin ME, CTJ, Jaumont X, Hinks TSC, Beasley RW, Sont JK, EW, Pavord ID, Couillard S. Additive prognostic value of blood eosinophilsand exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) to predict asthmaattacks in the ORACLE patient-level dataset. European Respiratory Society congress. (Submitted).

Autres contributions

Cours enseignés

  • Le microbiome dans la physiologie, l'immunologie et le métabolisme de l'hôte. MCR717. (2024-02-15 à 2024-02-15).(2CR).
  • Cells and molecules of inflammation - course on Eosinophils. IML703. (2023-03-08 à 2024-03-31).(2CR).
  • Applied Respiratory Pathophysiology. (2020-02-10 à 2021-02-10).(3CR).

Activités de collaboration internationale

  • Lead investigator. United Kingdom. Blood eosinophils, fractional exhaled nitric oxide, and the risk of asthma attacks in randomised controlled trials: systemic review and control arm patient-level meta-analysis for clinical prediction modelling.
  • Co-investigator. United Kingdom. Biomarker-stratified asthma exacerbation rates in the NOVELTY prospectiveobservational cohort and validation of the prototype Oxford Asthma attaCk risk scaLE (ORACLE).


  • Wechsler M. (2023). "How I do it" Severe Asthma Biologic case Discusssion. Severe Asthma Medical Conference. Montréal, Canada
  • (2023). Asthme: pas besoin d'un rendez-vous pour agir. Asthme léger-modéré. Téléconférence provinciale aux médecins de famille. Canada
  • (2023). Clinical and Translational signifiance of FeNO non-suppression in asthma. CRS - CTS meeting. Montréal, Canada
  • Vézina FA. (2023). Dispositifs d'inhalation: caractéristiques et utilisation dans la pratique clinique. Conférence-midi aux pneumologues et résidents. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2023). Drinking the Kool-Aid in Oxford: Prédire et traduire le risque modifiable des crises d'asthme. Conférence hebdomadaire du département de médecine, Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2023). Exhaled nitric oxide, blood eosinophils, and the modifiable risk of asthma attacks. CSACI ASM. Ottawa, Canada
  • (2023). FeNO 101 pour le risque modifiable des crises d'asthme. Conférence-midi local des pneumologues. Trois-Rivières, Canada
  • (2023). FeNO le risque modifiable des crises d'asthme. Conférence-midi locale aux internistes. Chicoutimi, Canada
  • (2023). FeNO le risque modifiable des crises d'asthme. Conférence-midi aux pneumologues et résidents, Sacré-Coeur. Montréal, Canada
  • St-Jean M. (2023). In Practice: Wearing of OCS in severe asthma and managing the risk ok adrenal insufficiency. GSK sevrage corticos national. Téléconférence nationale aux pneumologues et allergologues. Canada
  • (2023). L'asthme précisément - conférence aux internistes. Colloque de médecine interne. sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2023). L'investigation de l'asthme sévère. Conférence-midi aux internistes. Granby, Canada
  • St-Jean M. (2023). L'étudiant(e) MD et le programme clinicien-chercheur. Cours aux étudiants de médecine, Université de Sherbrooke. sherbrooke, Canada
  • St-Jean M. (2023). Pratico-pratique: Le sevrage des CSO en asthme sévère et insuffisance surrénalienne. GSK sevrage corticos national (téléconférence). Canada
  • (2023). Precisely severe asthma. GSK Calgary. Calgary, Canada
  • Couillard S. (2023). Prediction and Prevention of asthma attacks. World Congress of Asthma (Interasma). Canada
  • (2023). Treatable Traits. GSK late night with Richard Leigh Peter Gibson. Téléconférence nationale aux pneumologues et allergologues. Canada
  • (2023). Work-up of severe asthma. Sanofi Masterclass (Téléconférence). Norway
  • Couillard S, Pavord I. (2022). Blood eosinophils, FeNO, and the modifiable risk of asthma attacks. AstraZeneca National Speaker Tour. Calgary, Canada
  • Couillard, S Busse, W. (2022). Can a predict and prevent treatment strategy help achieve clinical remission for asthma?. European Respiratory Society (ERS) conference. Barcelona, Spain
  • Couillard S. (2022). Longitudinal changes in sputum and blood inflammatory mediators during FeNO suppression testing. Canadian Respiratory Research Network meeting. Ottawa, Canada
  • Couillard S. (2022). L’asthme, précisément – le programme PRISMA. GESER (groupe de recherche de l'IUCPQ). Québec, Canada
  • Couillard S. (2022). L’asthme professionnel. Conférence aux résidents et pneumologues de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Couillard S. (2022). Measuring eosinophilic airway inflammation. TADIS 2022: Treatable Traits Initiative. United Kingdom
  • Couillard S. (2022). Oxyde nitrique expiré (FeNO) 101. Réseau Québécois d’Éducation en Santé Respiratoire - webinaire. Canada
  • Couillard S Bhutani M Chan C Côté A Dorscheid D Ducharme F Nair, P. (2022). Post-ATS National Webinar. Post-ATS National Webinar. Canada
  • Couillard S. (2022). Prédire et prévenir le remodelage bronchique et humain en asthme. Webconférence québécoise. Canada
  • (2022). Quiz et mise à jour en asthme sévère. Association des pneumologues de la province de Québec. Montréal, Canada
  • (2022). Revue de l'année 2022: Asthme sévère et inflammation de type 2 - de l'enfance à l'âge adulte. Webinaire québécoise. Canada
  • Couillard S. (2022). Revue sur les traitements de l'asthme sévère. Communauté de pratique en santé respiratoire du Réseau Québécois d’Éducation en Santé Respiratoire. Réseau Québécois d’Éducation en Santé Respiratoire - webinaire. Canada
  • Couillard S. (2022). The OxfoRd Asthma attaCk risk scaLE (ORACLE). GSK UK Scientific Workshop: Biomarkers in Severe Asthma. Londres, United Kingdom
  • Couillard S. (2022). The OxfoRd Asthma attaCk risk scaLE (ORACLE) papers. Centre of Excellence in Treatable Traits Journal Club. Newcastle, Australia
  • Couillard S, Pavord I. (2022). Type-2 inflammation as a treatable trait. Treatable Trait Symposium. Helsinki, Finland
  • Couillard S Ducharme F Côté A. (2022). Une mise-à-jour provinciale du congrès 2022 de l’American Thoracic Society (ATS) International Conference. Quebec-wide webinar. Canada
  • Pavord I, Hinks T, Couillard S. (2022). Work-up of severe asthma. Oxford Masterclass on Difficult Asthma. Oxford, United Kingdom
  • Couillard, S. (2022). Échec et réponse partielle à la biothérapie: comment gérer la 2e ligne de traitements. Congrès Québécois en Santé Respiratoire. Montréal, Canada
  • Couillard S. (2021). Blood eosinophils, FeNO, and the modifiable risk of asthma attacks. Grupo de Rasgos Tratables y Medicini de Precisión. Bogota, Colombia
  • Côté A, Couillard S. (2021). Débat sur l’utilisation des biomarqueurs dans la prise en charge de l’asthme sévère. Forum québécois d'échanges scientifiques en santé respiratoire. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Couillard S. (2021). L’investigation de l’asthme sévère. Congrès annuel de l'APPQ. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Pavord I, Russell R, Hinks T, Couillard S. (2021). Work-up of severe asthma. Oxford Masterclass on Difficult Asthma. Oxford, United Kingdom
  • Pavord I, Bafadhel M, Hinks TSC, Russell R, Couillard S. (2021). Work-up of severe asthma. Optimising the Management of Severe Asthma. Oxford, United Kingdom
  • Pavord I, Couillard S. (2019). Grand Rounds clinical case: aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease. Oxford Grand Rounds, Acute General Medicine. Sherbrooke, United Kingdom