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Michel Nguyen

Professeur, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Département de médecine


Sujet de recherche

Angioplastie, Insuffisance cardiaque, Maladie coronarienne, Maladies cardiovasculaires, Thromboses et embolies

Disciplines de recherche



Activation plaquettaire, Cardiologie, Cardiologie Interventionnelle, Ins Cardiaque, Marqueurs

Intérêts de recherche

Cardiologie Cardiologie Interventionnele SCA Ins Cardiaque Marqueurs

Centre de recherche

Centre de recherche du CHUS

Recherche clinique


Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français, Vietnamien


(1992). (Postdoctorat, Certificat de spécialiste - Collège Royal Canada Cardiologie). Université de Montréal.

(1990). (Postdoctorat, Certificat de spécialiste - Collège Royal Canada Médecine interne). Université de Montréal.

(1984). (Doctorat, Médecine). Université de Sherbrooke.

Titres de compétence

Speciality certificate - Cardiology. Collège Royal des Médecins et Chirurgiens du Canada.

Speciality certificate - Internal medicine. Collège Royal des Médecins et Chirurgiens du Canada.

Expérience académique

Full Professor. (2010-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Associate Professor. (2005-2010). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Assistant Professor. (1994-1996). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Prix et distinctions

  • (2012) Gala Excellence CHUS. Catégorie Rayonnement. Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke. (Prix / Récompense).


  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Co-chercheur. L'inflammation artérielle comme facteur de risque pour les maladies cardio-vasculaires et sa prévention par la diète riche en polyphénols. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). 933 300 $. (2019-2024)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Valeur pronostique du niveau d’activine A circulante chez les patients diabétiques de type 2 initiés à la metformine. Fonds Jean-Luc Montrain. Fonctionnement. 25 000 $. (2013-2015)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Co-chercheur. Adhésion aux recommandations des guides de pratique concernant l'utilisation des antiplaquettaires et anticoagulants lors d'une hospitalisation ou au congé suite à un syndrome coronarien aigu (SCA) en Estrie. AstraZeneca Canada Inc.. Subventionnement. 91 000 $. (2013-2014)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. NÉPHRON : Prévention de la néphropathie au produit de contraste lors d’une procédure diagnostique et/ou interventionnelle en hémodynamie par une préhydratation ajustée en fonction de la pression télédiastolique du ventricule gauche. Département de médecine, Université de Sherbrooke. Subvention. 30 000 $. (2011-2014)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Registre d'infarctus avec élévation ST, RUIS de Sherbrooke. Département de médecine, Université de Sherbrooke. Subvention. 30 000 $. (2005-2013)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Co-chercheur. AMI On-Time et AMI-Optima. AMI-Québec. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Fonctionnement. 600 000 $. (2009-2012)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Co-chercheur. Outil de diagnostic médical pour l'évaluation de l'activation plaquettaire à partir du sang complet. Ministère du développement économique, de l'innovation et de l'exportation (MDEIE). Subvention. 639 182 $. (2009-2011)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Co-chercheur. Outil de diagnostic médical pour l'évaluation de l'activation plaquettaire à partir du sang complet. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Programme INNOV. 119 491 $. (2007-2008)


Articles de revue

  • SM Sedighi, P Prud'Homme, A Ghachem, S Lepage, M Nguyen, T Fulop, A Khalil. (2019). Increased level of high-sensitivity cardiac Troponin T in a geriatric population is determined by comorbidities compared to age. Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc 8 (22), 187-191. (Article publié).
  • DA Wood, JA Cairns, J Wang, R Mehran, RF Storey, H Nguyen, B Meeks, V Kunadian, JF Tanguay, HH Kim, A Cheema, P Deghani, MK Natarajan, SS Jolly, J Amerena, M Keltai, S James, O Hlinomaz, K Niemela, K AlHabib, BS Lewis, M Nguyen, J Sarma, V Dzavik, A Della Siega, SR Mehta; COMPLETE Investigators. (2019). Timing of Staged Non-Culprit Lesion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Insights from the COMPLETE trial. J Am Coll Cardiol 74 (22), 2713-2723. (Article publié).
  • EL Couture, P Farand, M Nguyen, C Allard, GA Wells, S Mansour, S Rinfret, J Afilalo, M Eisenberg, M Montigny, S Kouz, M Afilalo, C Lauzon, JP Dery, P L'Allier, E Schampaert, JC Tardif, T Huynh. (2018). Impact of an invasive strategy in the elderly hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome with emphasis on the nonagenarians. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 92 (7), E441-E448. (Article publié).
  • T Huynh, M Montigny, U Iftikhar, R Gagnon, M Eisenberg, C Lauzon, S Mansour, S Rinfret, M Afilalo, M Nguyen, S Kouz, JP Déry, R Harvey, R De LaRocheliere, B Cantin, E Schampaert, JC Tardif. (2018). Recurrent Cardiovascular Events in Survivors of Myocardial Infarction with St-Segment Elevation (from the Ami-Quebec Study). American Journal of Cardiology 121 (8), 897-902. (Article publié).
  • T Huynh, P Lecca, M Montigny, R Gagnon, MJ Eisenberg, C Lauzon, S Mansour, S Rinfret, M Afilalo, M Nguyen, JP Dery, R Harvey, E Schampaert, JC Tardif. (2018). Ten-year statin adherence in survivors of ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction. J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol 52 (2), e63-e77. (Article publié).
  • EL Couture, S Bérubé, K Dalery, A Gervais, R Harvey, M Nguyen, É Parenteau, B Daneault. (2016). Culprit Vessel Revascularization Prior to Diagnostic Angiography as a Strategy to Reduce Delays in Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions 9 (5), e003510. (Article publié).
  • E Couture, M Nguyen, S Berube, K Dalery, A Gervais, R Harvey, B Daneault. (2015). Imipact on delays and outcomes of a strategy of initial ECG-guided culprit vessel intervention compared to contralateral or complete diagnoctic angiography prior to intervention in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 65 (10), A1861.
  • Levi M, Bonenfant F, Brouwers FM, Farand P, Corbin F, Nguyen M. (2015). Impact of hemodialysis on the level ofhigh-sensitivity cardiac troponins T in patients with end-stage renal disease. Minerva Cardioangiologica 63 (3), 179-186. (Article publié).
  • T Huynh, S Kouz, M Afilalo, S Rinfret, E Schampaert, S Mansour, M Montigny, M Eisenberg, C Lauzon, JP Dery, M Nguyen, P L’Allier, R Harvey, C Boudreault, JC Tardif. (2015). Knowledge Translation to Improve Prescription of Evidence-Based Medical Therapy for Patients Admitted with Acute Coronary Syndromes: Insights from The AMI-OPTIMA Study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 65 (10), A5.
  • T Huynh, JC Tardif, E Segal, P L’Allier, M Nguyen, JP Dery, M Afilalo, S Mansour, M Montigny, M Eisenberg, D Ross, L Whittom, S Kouz, R Harvey, A Vadeboncoeur, C Lauzon, A Lynch, E Schampaert. (2015). Knowledge translation to reduce delays of primary percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation: insights from the AMI-on time study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 65 (10), A134.
  • T Huynh, R Gagnon, U Iftikhar, S Rinfret, S Mansour, M Montigny, M Afilalo, S Kouz, C Lauzon, M Nguyen, R Harvey, M Eisenberg, P L'Allier, JC Tardif, E Schampaert. (2015). Long-term recurrent ischemic cardiovascular events among patients with STEMI: insights from the AMI Qc registry. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 31 (10),
  • T Huynh, R Gagnon, S Mansour, S Rinfret, M Montigny, M Afilalo, S Kouz, C Lauzon, M Nguyen, M Eisenberg, R Harvey, J Dery, P L'Allier, E Schampaert, JC Tardif. (2015). Long-term statin use and adherence in patients with STEMI - insight fron the AMI ON-TIME study. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 31 (10), S305.
  • LJ Lambert, G Sas, N Dragieva, F Reeves, M Nguyen, L Bilodeau, Y Langlois, P Voisine, M Carrier, M Pellerin, JE Morin, KA Brown, P Bogaty. (2014). Characteristics of patients with coronary artery disease treated with multivessel percutaneous coronary intervention in hospitals with and without on-site cardiac surgery in Qc: a province-wide field evaluation. Canadian Journal of Cardiology Supp Oct
  • LJ Lambert, G Sas, N Dragieva, F Reeves, M Nguyen, L Bilodeau, Y Langlois, P Voisine, M Carrier, M Pellerin, JE Morin, KA Brown, P Bogaty. (2014). Characteristics of patients with coronary artery disease treated with multivessel percutaneous coronary intervention in hospitals with and without on-site cardiac surgery in Quebec. A province wide field evaluation. Canadian journal of cardiology Supp Oct
  • Nguyen M, Robert A, Sournia-Saquet A, Vendier L, Meunier B. (2014). Characterization of new specific copper chelators as potential drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Chemistry 20 (22), 6771-6785. (Article publié).
  • M Levi, F Bonenfant, F Brouwers, P Farand, F Corbin, M Mguyen. (2014). Impact of hemodialysis on the level of high-sensitivity cardiac troponins T in patients with end-stage renal disease. Canadian journal of Cardiology Supp Oct
  • T Huynh, JC Tarfif, E Segal, M Nguyen, JP Dery, M Afilalo, S Mansour, M Montigny, R Harvey, S Kouz, M Eisenberg, A Lynch, L Whittom, A Vadeboncoeur, C Lauzon, E Schampaert. (2014). Knowledge translation to reduce delays of primary percutaneous coronary intervention in patients in Quebec - Insights from the ami on time study. Canadian journal of cardiology Supp Oct
  • K Dubé, M Nguyen, S Bérubé, K Dalery, A Gervais, R Harvey, B Daneault. (2014). Safety of ticagrelor after a prasugrel loading dose in STEMI patients. Canadian Journal of Cardiology Supp Oct
  • LJ Lambert, G Sas, N Dragieva, F Reeves, Y Langlois, M Nguyen, L Bilodeau, P Voisine, M Carrier, M Pellerin, JE Morin, P Bogaty. (2014). What kinds of patients with coronary artery disease are treated with multivessel percutaneous intervention versus bypass surgery? A province-wide field evaluation in Quebec hospitals with on-site cardiac surgery. Canadian Journal of Cardiology Supp Oct
  • Huynh T, Kouz S, Yan AT, Danchin N, O'Loughlin J, Schampaert E, Yan RT, Rinfret S, Tardif JC, Eisenberg MJ, Afilalo M, Chong A, Dery JP, Nguyen M, Lauzon C, Mansour S, Ko DT, Tu JV, Goodman S. (2013). Canada Acute Coronary Syndrome Risk Score: a new risk score for early prognostication in acute coronary syndromes. American Heart Journal 166 (1), 58-63. (Article publié).
  • Nguyen M. (2013). PERSPECTIVE PROFESSIONNELLE - L’heure est au PROTOCOLE. Perspective régionale : Évolution de la pratique découlant de donnéesfactuelles avril 2013. Réseau d’éducation médicale Canada inc n/d n/d. (Article publié).
  • Khan NA, Daskalopoulou SS, Karp I, Eisenberg MJ, Pelletier R, Tsadok MA, Dasgupta K, Norris CM, Pilote L, GENESIS PRAXY Team. (2013). Sex differences in acute coronary syndrome symptom presentation in young patients. JAMA Internal Medicine 173 (20), 1863-1871. (Article publié).
  • Nguyen M. (2012). IMAEST : Quelle option de reperfusion adopter?. Le Clinicien Plus Nov-Dec 58-61. (Article publié).
  • Nguyen V, Kouz S, Tardif J-C, Afilalo M, Schampaert E, Nguyen M, et al. (2012). Impact of beta-blockers on long-term survival in the reperfusion ERA circulation. Circulation 2012 (126), A11889. (Article publié).
  • Boothroyd LJ, Spaziano M, Guertin JR, Lambert LJ, Rodés-Cabau J, Noiseux N, Nguyen M, Dumont E, Carrier M, de Varennes B, Ibrahim R, Martucci G, Xiao Y, Morin JE, Bogaty P. (2012). Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: Recommendations for Practice Based on a Multidisciplinary Review Including Cost-Effectiveness and Ethical and Organizational Issue. Can J Cardiol 29 (6), 718-726. (Article publié).
  • Joncas SX, Carrier N, Nguyen M Farand P. (2011). Biorhythm theory does not predict admission for acute myocardial infarction. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Vol 17 (No 2), 143-6. (Article publié).
  • Daneault B, Do DH, Maltais A, Bérubé S, Harvey R, Gervais A, Dalery K, Nguyen M. (2011). Reduction of delays in primary PCI. Can J Cardiol 27 (5), 562-566. (Article publié).
  • Ben-Yedder N, Carrier N, Vanasse A, Corbin F, Nguyen M. (2011). The new definition of myocardial infarction: impact on incidence, management and prognostic in Quebec subpopulation. International Journal of Cardiology Volume 151 (Issue 3), 361-363. (Article publié).
  • Kouz R, Kouz S, Schampaert E, Rinfret S, Tardif JC, , Nguyen M, Eisenberg M, Harvey R, Afilalo M, Lauzon C, Dery JP, Mansour S, Huynh T. (2010). Effectiveness and safety of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors in patients with myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: A meta-analysis of observational studies. Int J Cardiol 153 (3), 249-255. (Article publié).
  • El-Rayes M, Schampaert E, Tardif JC, Eisenberg M, Afilalo A, Kouz S, Lauzon C, Harvey R, Nguyen M, Kouz R, Déry JP, Mansour S, Van Kieu AM, Rinfret S, Huynh T. (2010). Safety and effectiveness of enoxaparin following fibrinolytic therapy : results of the AMI-QUEBEC registry. Can J Cardiol Vol 26 (No 8), 431-6. (Article publié).

Articles de conférence

  • Dumont J, Deneault B, Farand P, Nguyen M. (2016). Evolution of door to balloon delay and the effect on mortality in a single center retrospective analysis. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 67(13sup5), 642. (Article publié).
  • Couture EL, Farand P, Nguyen M, Allard C, Afilalo J, Afilalo M, et al. (2016). Impact of an invasive strategy on in-hospital outcomes in nonagenarians with acute coronary syndrome: insights from the AMI-OPTIMA study. Circulation, 134 (sup1), A17788. (Article publié).
  • Huynh T, Gagnon R, Iftikhar U, Rinfret S, Mansour S, Montigny M, Afilalo M, Kouz S, Nguyen M, et al. (2016). Recurrent ischmic cardio/cerebrovascular events among patients with ST segment elevation muocardial infarction: insights from the AMI-Quebec registry. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 67(13sup5), 483. (Article publié).
  • Couture, E, Nguyen M, Bérubé S, Dalery K, Gervais A, Harvey R, Daneault B. (2015). Impact on delays and outcomes of a strategy of initial ECG-guides culprit vessel intervention compared to contralateral or complete diagnostic angiography in STEMI. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 65 (10s7), A1861. (Article publié).
  • Huynh t., Kouz S., Afilalo M, Rinfret S, Schampaert E, Mansour S., Montigny M, Eisenberg M, et al. (2015). Knowledge translation to improve prescription of evidence-based medical therapy for patients admitted with acute coronary sundromes: insights from the AMI-OPTIMA study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 65 (10s7), A5. (Article publié).
  • Huynh t, Tardif J-C, Segal E, L'Allier P, Nguyen M, Dery J-P, Agilalo M, Mansour S, et al. (2015). Knowledge translation to reduce delays of primary percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with myocardial infarctino with ST segment elevation: insights from the AMI-ON time study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 65 (10s7), A134. (Article publié).
  • Huynh T, Gagnon R, Iftikhar U, Rinfret S, Mansour S, Montigny M, Afilalo M, Kouz S, Lauzon C, Nguyen M, et al. (2015). Long-term recurrent ischemic cardiovascular events among patients with STEMI: insights from the AMI Qc registry. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 31(10), S62. (Article publié).
  • Huynh T, Gagnon R, Mansour S, Rinfret S, Montigny M, Afilalo M, Kouz S, Lauzon C, Nguyen M, et al. (2015). Long-term statin use and adherence in patients with STEMI - insight from the AMI ON-TIME study. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 31(10), S305. (Article publié).
  • LJ Lambert, G Sas, N Dragieva, F Reeves, M Nguyen, L Bilodeau, Y Langlois, P Voisine, M Carrier, M Pellerin, JE Morin, KA Brown, P Bogaty. (2014). Characteristics of patients with coronary arterydisease treated with multivessel percutaneous coronary intervention inhospitals with and without on-site cardiac surgery in Quebec. A province widefield evaluation. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 30(10), S147-S148. (Article publié).
  • M Levi, F Bonenfant, F Brouwers, P Farand, F Corbin, M Mguyen. (2014). Impact of hemodialysis on the level of high-sensitivity cardiac troponins T in patients with end-stage renal disease. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 30(10), S75. (Article publié).
  • T Huynh, JC Tardif, E Segal, M Nguyen, JP Dery, M Afilalo, S Mansour, M Montigny, R Harvey, S Kouz, M Eisenberg, A Lynch, L Whittom, A Vadeboncoeur, C Lauzon, E Schampaert. (2014). Knowledge translation to reduce delays of primary percutaneous coronary intervention in patients in Quebec – Insights from the AMI on time study. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 30(10), S249. (Article publié).
  • K Dubé, M Nguyen, S Bérubé, K Dalery, A Gervais, R Harvey, B Daneault. (2014). Safety of ticagrelor after aprasugrel loading dose in STEMI patients. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 30(10), S327-S328. (Article publié).
  • LJ Lambert, G Sas, N Dragieva, F Reeves, Y Langlois, M Nguyen, L Bilodeau, P Voisine, M Carrier, M Pellerin, JE Morin, P Bogaty. (2014). What kinds of patients with coronary artery diseaseare treated with multivessel percutaneous intervention versus bypass surgery? Aprovince-wide field evaluation in Quebec hospitals with on-site cardiac surgery. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 30(10), S259. (Article publié).
  • Nguyen V, Kouz S, Tardif J-C, Afilalo M, Schampaert E, Nguyen M, Montigny M, et al. (2012). Impact of beta-blockers on long-term survival in the reperfusion ERA. Circulation, 126, A11889. (Article publié).
  • Dussault C, Harvey R, Farand P, Paulin M, Pelletier M-E, Nguyen M. (2012). Routine angiographic follow-up after left main PCI: Result of the Sherbrooke Registry. ACC Rockies, Banff. (Article publié).
  • Lambert LJ, Boothroyd LJ, Spazian M, Guertin JR, Rodés-Cabau J, Noiseux N, Nguyen M, Dumont É, Carrier M. (2012). Where clinical practice, emerging medical eechnology, and evaluation intersect in a healthcare system based on equal access: the example of transcatheter aortic valve replacement. QCOR, Atlanta. (Article publié).
  • Mongeon M, Bélanger D, Farand P, Benko AJ, Nguyen M, Gahide G. (2011). Imaging finding of endocarditis on Multidetector CT Scan. RSNA Chicago. (Article publié).
  • Déry JP, deLarochelière R, Cantin B, Nguyen M, Harvey R, Kouz S, Montigny M, Schampeart E, Rinfret S, Afilalo M, Eisenberg M, Kieu AM, Lauzon C, Lévesque C, Mansour S, Lallier P Tardif JC, Huynh T. (2011). Type of reperfusion therapy and impact on late mortality in patients with STEMI : insights from AMI-Qc study. CCC. Vancouver, Canada. (Article publié).
  • Kouz R, Kouz S, Mansour S, Dery JP, Schampeart E, Rinfret S, Nguyen M, Harvey R, L’Allier P, Lévesque C, Tardif JC, Huynh T. (2010). Predictors of long term survival in STEMI with impaired and preserved LV function. CCS Montréal. (Article publié).
  • Cormier L, Nguyen M, Farand P. (2010). Taux de mortalité après une intervention coronarienne percutanée : expérience contemporaine. XIII Congrès francophone de Cardiologie Interventionnelle. Paris, France. (Article publié).

Autres contributions


  • SL Lepage, SMS Mahdi Sedighi, AG Ghachem, TF Fulop, P Prud'homme, AK Khalil. (2018). Revisiting the association between ageing and increased level of troponin. European society of cardiology (ESC) - Annual meeting. Munich, Allemagne
  • P Prud'homme, G Fortin, H El Kamouni, S Lepage, P Farand, AM Côté, M Godin. (2018). Troponin and brain-type natriuretic peptide fluctuation during hemodyalysis and their potential clinical application on cardiovascular prognosis. Canadian cardiovascular congress (CCC) - Annual meeting. Toronto, Canada
  • (2017). Mise à jour sur les troponines hautes sensisbilité. Association des cardiologues du Québec - Congrès annuel. Florence, Italie
  • (2015). Les troponines. Journée de formation interdisciplinaire. FMSQ. Québec, Canada
  • (2015). Stratégie interventionnelle ou pas chez la personne âgée. Cardiologie tertiaire opur non cardiologues / RUIS de Sherbrooke. CFC, Faculté de médecine, Université de Sherbrooke. Colloque régional/provincial. Orford, Canada
  • (2014). Délais STEMI RUIS de Sherbrooke. Cardiologie tertiaire pour non cardiologues / RUIS de Sherbrooke. CFC, Faculté de médecine, Université de Sherbrooke. Colloque régional/provincial. Orford, Canada
  • M Levi, F Bonenfant, F Brouwers, P Farand, F Corbin. (2014). Impact of hemodialysis on the level of high-sensitivity cardiac troponins T in patients with end-stage renal disease. Canadian cardiovascular society (CCS) 2014. Vancouver, Canada
  • (2014). Troponines sans SCA. Cardiologie tertiaire pour non cardiologues / RUIS de Sherbrooke. CFC, Faculté de médecine, Université de Sherbrooke. Colloque régional/provincial. Orford, Canada
  • (2013). L'infarctus avec élévation ST au Québec. Congrès annuel de l'ACQ. Bordeaux, France
  • (2013). Les nouveaux anticoagulants. CFC, Faculté de médecine, Université de Sherbrooke. Tadoussac, Canada
  • (2013). Résultats délais ICPP RUIS de Sherbrooke. Cariologie tertiaire pour non cardiologues / RUIS de Sherbrooke. CFC, Faculté de médecine, Université de Sherbrooke. Colloque régional/provincial. Orford, Canada
  • (2012). Antiplaquettaires dans le SCA, mise à jour. Cardiologie tertiaire opur non cardiologues / RUIS de Sherbrooke. CFC, Faculté de médecine, Université de Sherbrooke. Colloque régional/provincial. Orford, Canada
  • (2012). Les novueaux antiplaquettaires dans le SCA. Congrès annuel de l'AMUQ. Charlevoix, Canada