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Mélanie Morin

Professeure, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS École de réadaptation


Sujet de recherche

Female Urogenital System Disorders, Pain, Sexual Dysfunctions, Prenatal and Perinatal Trauma, Imaging, Diagnostic Techniques, Muscle

Disciplines de recherche

Physiotherapy, Sexology, Obstetrics and Gynecology


Pelvic floor muscles, Physiotherapy, Vulvodynia, Ultrasound imaging, Muscle physiology, Women's Health, Urinary incontinence

Intérêts de recherche

Pathophysiology of urogynecological conditions (vulvodynia, sexual dysfonctions, incontinence, pelvic organ prolapsus). Effectiveness of conservative treatment for these conditions

Centre de recherche

Centre de recherche du CHUS

Recherche clinique


Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français


(2018). (Certificate, Certification in Leadership and Management).

(2015). (Habilitation, Certification in ultrasound imaging).

(2010). (Post-doctorate, Gynecological pain).

(2008). Propriétés passives des muscles du plancher pelvien dans le maintien de la continence urinaire chez la femme. (Doctorate, Philisophiae doctor). Université de Montréal.

(2003). La fonction musculaire du plancher pelvien chez les femmes continentes et atteintes d’incontinence urinaire à l’effort. (Master's Thesis, Master's in Science - Masters). Université de Montréal.

(2001). (Bachelor's, Bachelor's in Science). Université de Montréal.

(2001). (Habilitation, Internship - Fellow).

(2000). (Habilitation, Research trainee - Fellow). Université de Montréal.

Titres de compétence

Attestation rééducation périnéale.


Expérience académique

Full Professor. (2019-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Prix et distinctions

  • (2024) Research salary award senior. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prize / Award).
  • (2020) Research salary award Junior 1 & 2. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prize / Award).
  • (2020) Research salary award Junior 2. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prize / Award).
  • (2016) Research Junior 1 - salary award. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prize / Award).
  • (2013) Best presentation award - 1st world congress on abdominal & pelvic pain. 1st world congress on abdominal & pelvic pain. (Distinction).
  • (2012) Best poster presentation - Symposium École de réadaptation (Pfizer prices). Université de Sherbrooke. (Prize / Award).
  • (2010) Postdoctoral fellowship award. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prize / Award).
  • (2010) Postdoctoral fellowship award. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. (Prize / Award).
  • (2008) Doctoral writing scholarship. Université de Montréal. (Prize / Award).
  • (2006) Excellence sholarship - Fondation JA De Sève, Faculté des études graduées. Université de Montréal. (Prize / Award).
  • (2005) 4th annual workshop for graduate students. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. (Distinction).
  • Best Clinical Presentation. International Continence Society. (Prize / Award).
  • Dean honor list. Université de Sherbrooke. (Honor).
  • Dean honor list. Université de Sherbrooke. (Honor).
  • Dean honor list. Université de Sherbrooke. (Honor).
  • Dean honor list for excellence and engagement 2015-2017-2018. Université de Sherbrooke. (Honor).
  • Finalist Pierre-et-Danielle-Bourgaux Award. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prize / Award).
  • ICS/Pfizer 2018 Fellowship. ICS/Pfizer. (Prize / Award).
  • Prize Award: Best in Category Prize. International Continence Society (ICS). (Prize / Award).
  • Researcher of the year 2020. Research center of the CHUS. (Distinction).
  • Top rated abstract in vulvodynia. IPPS & 3rd World Congress of Abdominal and Pelvic Pain. (Honor).


  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Effet du traitement Endocare à domicile sur la douleur chez les femmes souffrant de douleurs pelvi-périnéales chroniques liées à l'endométriose. Lucine. Operating Grant. 500 000 $. (2022-2026)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Applicant. Efficacy of high intensity laser therapy for reducing pain during intercourse in women with provoked vestibulodynia: A multicenter randomized controlled trial. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant. 627 516 $. (2022-2026)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Soulager la douleur chronique chez les aînés à l'aide de la stimulation transcrânienne par courant direct. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant. 745 000 $. (2022-2026)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Training Intervention and Program of Support (TIPS) for fostering the adoption of family-centred telehealth interventions in pediatric rehabilitation: a pan-Canadian implementation-effectiveness study. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Knowledge Translation Research. 749 701 $. (2021-2025)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. A state-of the art infrastructure for improving women’s pelvic health. Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation. Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans – Financement de l'infrastructure de recherche. 504 075 $. (2019-2024)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. A pilot randomized trial: The effect of local androgenotherapy combined with pelvic muscle floor therapy on SUI in Women. (2022-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Applicant. Punctures physiothérapiques avec aiguilles sèches pour la vestibulodynie provoquée : une étude de faisabilité randomisée et contrôlée. (2022-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Validation des mesures pour évaluer la fidélité d'une intervention en télécoaching chez des familles avec des enfants avec troubles moteurs. Centre de recherche du CHUS et Fondation des Étoiles. Concours interne de la recherche sur la mère et l’enfant. 12 500 $. (2021-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Effets de l’entraînement musculaire sur la morphométrie et la fonction des muscles du plancher pelvien chez des femmes avec dystrophie myotonique de type 1 atteintes d’incontinence urinaire. Centre de recherche du CHUS. PAFI - Programme d’aide de financement interne 2020-2021. 25 000 $. (2021-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Efficacité de la rééducation sensitive pour réduire la douleur lors des relations sexuelles chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée : essai clinique randomisé. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant: Women’s Health Clinical Mentorship Grant. 49 537 $. (2020-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Efficacy of physiotherapy for stress urinary incontinence in women with a known avulsion injury of the puborectalis muscle: A randomized controlled trial. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant: Transitional Operating Grant: 2014-2015. 680 404 $. (2016-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Les fascias pelviens - la découverte d'un nouvel acteur impliqué dans les douleurs vulvaires. Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ). Audace. 127 000 $. (2020-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Using telerehabilitation to support families of children with motor difficulties aged 3-8 years old. A patient-centred, mixedmethod innovative pragmatic trial. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant: Early Career Investigator Grants in Maternal, Reproductive, Child & Youth Health 20. 210 000 $. (2018-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Les femmes ont-elles accès aux services de physiothérapie en rééducation périnéale au Québec? États de situation et stratégies d’amélioration. Réseau Provincial de Recherche en Adaptation-Réadaptation (REPAR). Programme 4.6 Partenariat de recherche clinique AQP-REPAR 2020-2021. 29 991 $. (2021-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Modélisation dynamique de tissus conjonctifs et musculaires. CRASH-UdeS. Aide Agile d’Amorçage : A3. 6 000 $. (2021-2022)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Assessing pelvic floor muscle tone in women with provoked vestibulodynia: the association between digital palpation, dynamometry and ultrasound imaging. Ordre professionnel des physiothérapeutes du Québec. Subvention de stage en recherche clinique - physiothérapeutes. 7 500 $. (2019-2021)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Développement de nouveaux traitements laser pour les femmes atteintes de douleurs vulvaires. Centre de recherche du CHUS et Axe Inflammation et douleur. Programme projets structurants 2019. 75 000 $. (2019-2021)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Applicant. Exercices des muscles du plancher pelvien pour les femmes atteintes de maladie neuromusculaire atteintes d’incontinence urinaire. Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec (OPPQ). Subvention. 7 500 $. (2019-2021)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Facteurs de risque de blessure : un premier pas vers le maintien au travail des danseurs. Réseau Provincial de Recherche en Adaptation-Réadaptation (REPAR). Programme 4.1 Partenariat en réadaptation au travail (IRSST-REPAR). 39 562 $. (2018-2020)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Revue systématique évaluant l’efficacité des traitements de laser pour les douleurs vulvaires et les douleurs musculo-squelettiques. Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Sherbrooke Inc. (CRCHUS) (Sherbrooke, QC). CE Inflammation-Douleur. 14 225 $. (2017-2020)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Shearwave elastography for evaluating the pelvic floor muscle. International Continence Society / Pfizer. Training Grant. 5 000 $. (2018-2020)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Plausibilité des effets neurophysiologiques, biomécaniques et cliniques de la poncture avec aiguilles sèches sur le point gâchette du muscle infraépineux chez des personnes atteintes de tendinopathie de la coiffe des rotateurs. Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Sherbrooke Inc. (CRCHUS) (Sherbrooke, QC). operating grant. 10 000 $. (2018-2019)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. The MyotonPro: a valid and reliable tool to measure the viscoelastic properties of myofascial trigger points treated with dry needling?. Fondation de physiothérapie du Canada- division d’acupuncture. Acupuncture division. 10 000 $. (2018-2019)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Efficacité de la neurostimulation tibiale postérieure transcutanée comparativement à un groupe recevant un traitement simulé chez des patients âgés atteints d’hyperactivité et d’hypocontractilité vésicale. Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement. operating grant. 20 000 $. (2018-2019)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Prédicteurs de l'efficacité des traitements de physiothérapie multimodale et de lidocaïne topique chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée. Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec (OPPQ). Suvbvention de stage. 7 500 $. (2016-2018)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. What do we really know about the role of caffeine on urinary tract symptoms in aging adults? A systematic review. Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQ-S) - Réseau Québécois de Recherche sur le Vieillissement. operating grant. 20 000 $. (2017-2018)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Étude pilote sur l'association du pessaire et de la progestérone afin de prévenir la prématurité spontanée. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant: Transitional Operating Grant: 2014-2015. 374 606 $. (2016-2018)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Repenser l’intervention précoce pour les enfants âgés de 3 à 7 ans ayant des difficultés motrices : Validation conceptuelle de services virtuels de première ligne et étude de faisabilité préimplantation. Institut universitaire de première ligne en santé et services sociaux. Volet axe Développement de l’enfant dans sa famille et sa communauté 2017-2018. 10 000 $. (2017-2018)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Efficacité des traitements de physiothérapie chez les survivantes d’un cancer de l’endomètre atteintes d’incontinence urinaire : une étude de faisabilité. Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement. operating grant. 19 350 $. (2016-2018)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. La morphologie et la fonction des muscles du plancher pelvien chez les femmes survivantes d’un cancer de l’endomètre souffrant de dyspareunie. Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec (OPPQ). operating grant. 7 500 $. (2016-2018)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Evaluation of the effectiveness of a telehealth rehabilitation intervention for children with DCD to increase their self-efficacy: a pilot clinical trial. Réseau Provincial de Recherche en Adaptation-Réadaptation (REPAR). Operating grant. 20 000 $. (2016-2017)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Évaluation de l'efficacité d'une téléintervention en réadaptation pour les enfants ayant un trouble de l'acquisition de la coordination (TAC) afin d'augmenter leur sentiment d'efficacité personnelle: Un essai clinique randomisé pilote. Réseau Provincial de Recherche en Adaptation-Réadaptation (REPAR). operating grant. 20 000 $. (2016-2017)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Peer support : Does it hold the key to improving self-perceptions and social engagement for older women with urinary incontinence. Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement. Regroupement thématique Incontinence et Sexualité. 19 432 $. (2015-2016)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Comparaison de l’effet des contractions excentriques et concentriques sur la déformation du tendon d’Achille chez des individus sains et atteints d’une tendinopathie: preuve de concept. Ordre professionnel des physiothérapeutes du Québec. Operating grant. 7 500 $. (2015-2016)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Transperineal 3D/4D ultrasound assessment of the urethral sphincter following AMDC or placebo injection in women suffering from stress urinary incontinence. COOK Medical Inc. (USA). CookMyosite. 64 000 $. (2013-2016)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Priorités de recherche chez la femme âgée avec incontinence urinaire: résultats d'un jury citoyen. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). Quebec Network for Research on Aging - Incontinence and Sexuality Thematic group. 14 770 $. (2010-2011)


Articles de revue

  • Cyr M-P*, Dostie R, Camden C, Dumoulin C, Bessette P, Pina A, Gotlieb W H, Lapointe-Milot K, Mayrand M-H, Morin M. (2022). Acceptability of multimodal pelvic floor physical therapy to treat dyspareunia after gynecological malignancies: a qualitative study of women's views and experiences. Int Urogynecol J 1-13. (Published).
  • Cyr, M.-P.*, Dumoulin, C., Bessette, P., Pina, A., Gotlieb W. H., Lapointe-Milot, K., Mayrand, M.-H., Morin, M. (2022). Changes in pelvic floor morphometry and muscle function after multimodal physiotherapy for gynaecological cancer survivors suffering from dyspareunia: A prospective interventional study. J Physiother 114 54-62. (Published).
  • Fraser, S; Saint-Onge, K; Forest, L; Southall, K; Morin, M; Dumoulin, C. (2022). Changing self-perceptions and self-management of urinary incontinence with pelvic floor rehabilitation and peer support. Nurs Open (In Press).
  • Allaire C, Bajzak K, Morin M, Miller C. (2022). Chronic pelvic pain guidelines. J Obstet Gynaecol Can (Submitted).
  • Fisette-Paulhus, I*; Gagnon, C; Barton, D; Morin, M. (2022). Clinical practice guideline in physiotherapy to promote sexuality in adults with neuromuscular disease (short version). Savoir UdeS : Université de Sherbrooke / Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les maladies neuromusculaires 1-14. (Published).
  • Fisette-Paulhus, I*; Gagnon, C; Fortin, J; Plourde, A; Tremblay, L; Girard-Côté, L; Morin, M. (2022). Clinical practice guideline on roles and intervention in physiotherapy to promote sexuality of adults with neuromuscular disease. Savoir UdeS : Université de Sherbrooke / Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les maladies neuromusculaires 1-67. (Published).
  • Grigol Bardin, M*; Cesar Giraldo, P; Gustavo Oliveira Brito, L; Santos Cordeiro, E; Amaral, R; Morin, M. (2022). Clitoral blood flow measurements using color Doppler ultrasonography in women with and without provoked vestibulodynia. Int Uroynecol J 33 DOI. (Published).
  • Bardin M, Giraldo P, Lenzi J, Witkin S, Mira T, Morin M. (2022). Does the addition of electrical stimulation or kinesiotherapy improve outcomes of amitriptyline treatment for women with vulvodynia? A randomized clinical trial. Int Urogynecol J (Submitted).
  • Benoit-Piau, J*; Benoit-Piau, C; Gaudreault, N; Chrysagis, M; Thibert, A; Lambert-Hevey, R; Pintal, J; Giroux, C; Dubé, L; Moreilli-Valiquette, L; Morin M. (2022). Effect of conservative interventions for musculoskeletal disorders in preprofessional and professional dancers: A systematic review. JDMS (Submitted).
  • Devantéry, K*; Morin, M; Grimard, J; Gaudreault, N. (2022). Effects of a myofascial technique on the stiffness andthickness of the thoracolumbar fascia and the lumbar erector spinae muscle inadults with chronic low back. Bioengineering (Submitted).
  • Choinière, R*; Violette, PD; Morin, M; Tu, LM; Guyatt, G; Reed, C; Philie, C; Legault, B; Beaudry, M; Ahmed, M; Richard, P. (2022). Evaluation of benefits and harms of surgical treatments for post-radical prostatectomy urinary incontinence: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Eur Urol Focus 8 (4), (Published).
  • Fisette-Paulhus I*, Gagnon C, Girard-Côté I, Morin M. (2022). Genitourinary and lower gastrointestinal conditions in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1: a systematic review of evidence and implications for clinical practice. Neuromuscul Disord 32 (5), 361-376. (Published).
  • Cacciari, L*; Kouakou, C; Poder, T; Vale, L; Morin, M; Mayrand, M-H; Tousignant, M; Dumoulin, C. (2022). Group-based pelvic floor muscle training is a more cost-effective approach to treat urinary incontinence in older women: economic analysis of a randomised trial. J Physiother 68 (3), (Published).
  • Fisette-Paulhus, I; Gagnon, C; Barton, D; Morin, M. (2022). Guide de pratique clinique pour les physiothérapeutes désirant aborder la sexualité en maladie neuromusculaire. Savoir UdeS : Université de Sherbrooke / Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les maladies neuromusculaires 1-6. (Published).
  • Starzec-Proserpio, M*; Grigol Bardin, M*; Fradette, J*; Tu, L-M; Bérubé-Lauzière, Y; Paré, J; Caroll, M-S; Morin, M. (2022). High-intensity laser therapy (HILT) as an emerging treatment for vulvodyniaand chronic musculoskeletal pain disorders : a systematic review oftreatment efficacy. J Clin Med 11 (13), (Published).
  • Roch, M*; Morin, M; Gaudreault, N. (2022). Immediate effect of dry needling on the viscoelastic properties of atrigger point on the infraspinatus muscle measured with the MyotonPro. Physiother Can 74 (3), 232-239. (Published).
  • Cyr, M-P*; Dostie, R; Camden, C; Dumoulin, C; Bessette, P; Pina, A; Gotlieb, WH; Lapointe-Milot, K; Mayrand, M-H; Morin, M. (2022). Improvements following multimodal pelvic floorphysical therapy in gynecological cancer survivors suffering from pain duringsexual intercourse: results from a one-year follow-up mixed-method study. PloS One 17 (1), (Published).
  • Fisette-Paulhus, I, Gagnon, C, Fortin, J, Morin, M. (2022). Introducing a clinical practice guideline in physiotherapy to address sexuality in adultswith a neuromuscular disorder. Physiotherapy Canada (Accepted).
  • Kadah, S*; Ee Soh, S; Morin, M; Schneider, M; Heron, E; Frawley, H. (2022). Is there a difference in pelvic floor muscle tone between women with and without pelvic pain? A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Sex Med (Accepted).
  • Benoit-Piau J*, Morin M, Guptill C, Fortin S, Gaudreault N. (2022). Movement competency screen: rethinking the rating. Int Journal of Sports Phys Ther 17 (7), (Published).
  • Cacciari, L; Morin, M; Mayrand, M-H; Dumoulin, C. (2022). Never too late to train :The effects of pelvic floor muscle training on the shape of the levator hiatusin incontinent older women. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19 (17), (Published).
  • Bélanger C*, Morin M, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Dubois M-F. (2022). Pain characteristics, fear-avoidance variables and pelvic floor function as predictors of treatment response to physical therapy in women with provoked vestibulodynia. Clin J Pain 38 (5), 360-367. DOI. (Published).
  • Benoit-Piau, J*; Morin, M; Vallerand, R; Fortin, S; Guptill, C; Gaudreault, N. (2022). Passion and performance anxiety: How it affects musculoskeletal disorders in dancers. PSE (Submitted).
  • Fisette-Paulhus F*; Gagnon C; Morin M. (2022). Prevalence of urinary incontinence and other pelvic floor disorders in women with myotonic dystrophy type 1. Neuromuscul Disord (In Press).
  • Hurtubise, K; Gadoury, I; Berbari, J; Battista, M-C; Schuster, T; Phoenix, M; Rosenbaum, P; De Camargo, O K; Lovo, S; Pritchard-Wiart, L; Zwicker, J; Morin, M; Poder, T; Gagnon, M-P; Roch, G; Levac, D; Tousignant, M; Colquhoun, H; Miller, K; Churchill, J; Robeson, P; Ruegg, A; Nault, M. (2022). Training Intervention and Program of Support (TIPS) for fostering adoption of family-centred telehealth in pediatricrehabilitation: Protocol for a multi-method, prospective hybrid type 3 implementation-effectiveness study. JMIR Res Protoc 11 (10), (Published).
  • Benoit-Piau, J*; Gaudreault, N; Massé-Alaire, H; Guptill, C; Fortin, S; Morin, M. (2022). Understanding musculoskeletal disorders in dancers: the role of lumbopelvic muscles and movement competency. BJSM (Submitted).
  • Morin, M; Salomoni, S; Stafford, RE; Hall, LM; Hodges, P. (2022). Validation of shear wave elastography as a non-invasive measure of pelvic floor muscle stiffness. Neurourol Urodyn 1-9. (Published).
  • Frawley, H., B. Shelly, M. Morin, S. Bernard, K. Bo, A. Digesu, T. Dickinson, S. Goonewardene, D. McClurg, S. Rahnama’I, A. Schizas, M. C. P. Slieker-ten Hove, S. Takahashi and J. Guevera. (2021). An International Continence Society (ICS) report on the terminology for pelvic floor muscle assessment. Neurourol Urodyn 40 (5), 1217-1260. (Published).
  • Cyr M-P*, Dumoulin C, Bessette P, Pina A, Gotlieb W, Lapointe-Milot K, Mayrand M-H, Morin M. (2021). A prospective single-arm study evaluating the effects of a multimodal physical therapy intervention on psychosexual outcomes in women with dyspareunia after gynecologic cancer. J Sex Med 18 (5), 946-954. (Published).
  • Cyr M-P*, Dumoulin C, Bessette P, Pina A, Gotlieb W, Lapointe-Milot K, Morin M. (2021). Characterizing pelvic floor muscle function and morphometry in gynecological cancer survivors who have dyspareunia: a comparative cross-sectional study. Phys Ther 101 (4), pzab042. (Published).
  • Benoit-Piau J*, Morin M, Fortin S, Guptill C, Gaudreault N. (2021). Does the Movement Competency Screen Correlate with Deep Abdominals Activation and Hip Strength for Professional and Pre-professional Dancers?. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 16 (1), 31-40. (Published).
  • Fisette-Paulhus, I*; Gagnon, C; Barton, D; Morin, M. (2021). Guide de pratique sur les rôles et interventions en physiothérapie pour favoriser la sexualité des adultes atteintes d'une maladie neuromusculaire. Savoir UdeS : Université de Sherbrooke / Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les maladies neuromusculaires 1-54. (Published).
  • Fisette-Paulhus, I, Gagnon, C, Fortin, J, Plourde, A, Tremblay, M, Girard-Côté, L, Morin, M. (2021). Guide pratique sur les rôles et interventions enphysiothérapie pour favoriser la sexualité des adultes atteints d’une maladieneuromusculaire. Savoirs UdeS (Published).
  • Morin M, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Kalifé S, Waddell G, Dubois M-F, PVD Study Group. (2021). Multimodal physical therapy versus topical lidocaine for provoked vestibulodynia: a multicenter, randomized trial. AJOG 224 (2), 189.e1-189.e12. (Published).
  • Laramée A*, Léonard G, Morin M, Roch M, Gaudreault N. (2021). Neurophysiological and psychophysical effects of dry versus sham needling of the infraspinatus muscle in patients with chronic shoulder pain: A randomized feasibility study. Arch Physiother 11 (23), 1-13. (Published).
  • Padoa A, McLean L, Morin M, Vandyken C. (2021). Overactive Pelvic Floor and Sexual Function, Part 2: Evaluation and Treatment of Sexual Dysfonction in Overactive Pelvic Floor Patients. J Sex Med 9 (1), 76-92. (Published).
  • Cacciari L*, Morin M, Mayrand M-H, Tousignant M, Abrahamowicz M, Dumoulin C. (2021). Pelvic floor morphometrical and functional changes immediately after pelvic floor muscle training and at 1-year follow-up, in older incontinent women. Neurourol Urodyn 40 (1), 245-255. (Published).
  • Roch, M*; Gaudreault, N; Cyr, M-P*; Venne, G; Bureau, GN; Morin, M. (2021). The female pelvic floor fascia anatomy: a systematic search and review. Life 11 (900), 1-43. (Published).
  • Morin, M., Morin, A.*, Gougeon, V.*, Marchand, S., Waddell, G., Bureau, Y.-A., Girard, I., Brassard, A., Benoit-Piau, J.*, Léonard, G. (2021). Transcranial direct current stimulation for provoked vestibulodynia: What roles do psychosexual factors play in treatment response?. J Clin Neurosci 93 54-60. (Published).
  • Camden C, Zwicker JG, Morin M, Schuster T, Couture M, Poder TG, Maltais DB, Battista M-C, Baillargeon J-P, Goyette M, Pratte G, Hurtubise K, Phoenix M, Nguyen T, Berbari J, Tousignan M and the WECARE Team. (2021). Web-based Early intervention for Children with motor difficulties aged 3-8 years old using multimodAl REhabilitation (WECARE): Protocol of a patient-centred pragmatic randomized trial of pediatric telerehabilitation to support. BMJ 11 e046561. (Published).
  • Padoa A, McLean L, Morin M, Vandyken C. (2020). "Overactive Pelvic Floor and Sexual Function" Part 1: Pathophysiology of OPF and its Impact on the Sexual Response. Sex Med Rev 29 64-75. (Published).
  • Ismail, S.*, Morin, M., Tu, L.-M. (2020). Assessment of the effects of autologous muscle derived cell injections on urethral sphincter morphometry using 3D/4D ultrasound. Wolrd J Urol 38 2881-2889. (Published).
  • Benoît-Piau J*, Dumoulin C, Carroll M-S, Mayrand M-H, Bergeron S, Khalifé S, Waddel G, Morin M. (2020). Efficiency and cost: E-recruitment is a promising method in gynecological trials. J Sex Med 17 (7), 1304-1311. (Published).
  • Pratte G, Couture M, Morin M, Berbari J, Tousignant M, Camden C. (2020). Evaluation of a web platform aiming to support parents having a child with developmental coordination disorder: Brief report. Dev Neurorehabilit 23 (1), 64-67. (Published).
  • Bardin M*, Morin M, Brassard A, Dumoulin C, Mayrand M-H, Waddell G, Khalifé S. (2020). Examining the role of the physical therapist in treatment response for provoked vestibulodynia. Clin J Pain (Submitted).
  • Cyr M-P*, Dumoulin C, Bessette P, Pina A, Gotlieb W, Lapointe-Milot K, Mayrand M-H, Morin M. (2020). Feasibility, acceptability and effects of multimodal pelvic floor physical therapy for gynecological cancer survivors suffering from painful sexual intercourse: a multicenter prospective interventional study. Gynecol Oncol 159 778-784. (Published).
  • Le Berre M*, Morin M, Corriveau H, Hamel M, Dupuis K, Filiatrault J, Lefebvre I, Nadeau S, Dumoulin C. (2020). Force musculaire des membres inférieurs, équilibre, locomotion et fonction des femmes âgées avec incontinence urinaire d’urgence ou mixte et des femmes âgées sans incontinence. Revue Physio-Québec (Published).
  • Dumoulin, C; Morin, M; Danielli, C; Cacciari, L*; Mayrand, M.-H; Tousignant, M; Abrahamowicz, M; Urinary Incontinence and aging (UIA) Study Group. (2020). Group-based versus individual pelvic floor muscle training to treat urinary incontinence in older women. JAMA 180 1284-1293. (Published).
  • Mercier J, Tang A, Morin M, Lemieux M-C, Khalifé S, Reichetzer B, Dumoulin C. (2020). Impact d’un programme d’exercices des muscles du plancher pelvien sur la vascularisation pelvi-périnéale de femmes avec syndromegénito-urinaire de la ménopause. Physio-Québec 46 (2), 28-31. (Published).
  • Cyr M-P*, Dumoulin C, Bessette P, Pina A, Gotlieb WH, Lapointe-Milot K, Morin M. (2020). La douleur lors des relations sexuelles chez les femmes traitées pour un cancer gynécologique : une condition liée à des dysfonctions des muscles du plancher pelvien. Revue Physio-Québec (Published).
  • Paquin M-H, Duclos C, Dubreucq L, Lapierre N, Rousseau J, Meunier J, Filiatrault J, Morin M, Dumoulin C. (2020). L’effet d’une enviepressante d’uriner sur les paramètresde marche des femmes âgées, ayant des antécédents de chute, qu’elles soientcontinentes ou incontinentes. Revue Physio-Québec 47 (5), 30-33. (Published).
  • Mercier J*, Morin M, Tang A, Reichetzer B, Lemieux M-C, Samir K, Zaki D, Gougeon F, Dumoulin C. (2020). Pelvic floor muscle training: mechanisms of action for the improvement of genitourinary syndrome of menopause. Climacteric 23 (5), 468-473. (Published).
  • Roch M*, Morin M, Gaudreault N. (2020). The MyotonPRO: a reliable and valid tool for quantifying the viscoelastic properties of a trigger point on the infraspinatus in non-traumatic chronic shoulder pain. J Body Mov They 24 (4), 379-385. (Published).
  • Camden C, Couture M, Pratte G, Morin M, Roberge P, Poder T, Maltais B. (2020). The PedTelerehabTeam. Recruitement, use and satisfaction with a webplatform supporting families of children with suspectedor diagnosed developmental coordination disorder: A randomized feasibility trial. Dev Neurorehabil 22 (7), 470-478. (Published).
  • Paquin M-H, Duclos C, Lapierre N, Dubreucq L, Morin M, Meunier J, Rousseau J, Dumoulin C. (2020). The effects of a strong desire to void on gait for incontinent and continent older community-dwelling women at risk of falls. Neurourol Urodyn 39 (2), 642-649. (Published).
  • Le Berre, M.*, Presse, N., Huyu, Y., Reid, I., Morin, M., Larouche, M., Campeau, L., Dumoulin, C. (2020). What do we really know about the role of caffeine on urinary tract symptoms? A scoping review on caffeine consumption and lower urinary tract symptoms in adults. Neurourol Urodyn 39 (5), 1217-1233. (Published).
  • Le Berre M*, Morin M, Corriveau H, Hamel M, Nadeau S, Filiatrault J, Dumoulin C. (2019). Characteristics of lower limb muscle strength, balance, mobility andfunction in older women with urge and mixed urinary incontinence: anobservational pilot study. Physiother Can 71 (3), 250-260. (Published).
  • Choinière R*, P.O. Richard, M. Morin, L.M. Tu, G. Guyatt, P.D. Violette. (2019). Evaluation of benefits and harms of surgical treatments for post-radical prostatectomy urinary incontinence: a systematic review and meta-analysis. F1000Research 22 (8), 1155. (Published).
  • Mercier, J.*, Reichetzer, B., Morin, M., Khalifé, S., Zaki, D., Lemieux, M.-C., Dumoulin, C. (2019). Pelvic floor muscle training as a treatment for genitourinary syndrome of menopause : a single-arm feasability study. Maturitas 125 57-62. (Published).
  • Cyr, M-P*; Pinard, A; Dubois, O*; Morin, M. (2019). Reliability of vulvar blood perfusion in women with provoked vestibulodynia using laser Doppler perfusion imaging and laser speckle. Microvas Res 121 1-6. (Published).
  • Fontaine F*, Tu L, Carroll M-S, Morin M. (2018). Agreement between simple catheter method and 3D transperineal ultrasound for assessing urethral length measurement before stress urinary incontinence treatment. Neurourol Urodyn 37 (8), 2875-2880. (Published).
  • Rogers R, Pauls R, Thakar R, Morin M, Kuhn A, Petri E, Fatton B, Whitmore K, Kingsberg S. (2018). An International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) / International Continence Society (ICS) Joint Report on the Terminology for the Assessment of Sexual Health of Women with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. Neurourol and Urodyn 37 (4), 1220-1240. (Published).
  • Benoit-Piau J*, Bergeron S, Brassard A, Dumoulin C, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Morin M. (2018). Fear-avoidance and pelvic floor muscle function are associated with pain intensity in women with vulvodynia. Clin J Pain 34 (9), 804-810. (Published).
  • Mercier J*, Morin M, Lemieux M-C, Khalifé S, Reichetzer B, Dumoulin C. (2018). Genitourinary syndrome of menopause symptom severity and impact outcome measures: Are they reliable and correlated?. Menopause Int 26 (6), 659-664. (Published).
  • Fradet S*, Morin M, Kruger J, Dumoulin C. (2018). Pelvic Floor Morphometric Differences in Elderly Women with or without Urinary Incontinence. Phys Ther 70 (1), 49-56. (Published).
  • Fontaine F*, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Morin M. (2018). Pelvic floor muscle morphometry and function in women with primary and secondary provoked vestibulodynia. J Sex Med 15 (8), 1149-1157. (Published).
  • Bo K, Frawley H, Haylen B, Morin M, Shelly E. (2018). Response to comment on the IUGA/ICS joint report on the terminology for the conservative and nonpharmacological management of female pelvic floor dysfunction. Neurourol Urodyn 37 (2), 877-878. (Published).
  • Mercier J*, Tang A, Morin M, Khalifé S, Lemieux M-C, Reichetzer B, Dumoulin C. (2018). Test-retest reliability of clitoral blood flow measurements using color Doppler ultrasonography at rest and after a pelvic floor contraction task in healthy adult women. Neurourol Urodyn 37 (7), 2249-2256. (Published).
  • Mercier J*, Tang A, Morin M, Lemieux M-C, Khalifé S, Reichetzer B, Dumoulin C. (2018). Test-retest reliability of internal pudendal artery blood flow using color doppler ultrasonography in healthy women. Int Urogynecol J 29 (12), 1817-1824. (Published).
  • Morin A*, Léonard G, Gougeon V*, Cyr M-P*, Waddell G, Bureau Y-A, Girard I, Morin M. (2017). Efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation in women with provoked vestibulodynia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 216 (6), 584.e1–584.e11. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Morin M, Mayrand M-H, Tousignant M. (2017). Group physiotherapy compared to individual physiotherapy to treat urinary incontinence in aging women: Design and methods of a non-inferiority randomised controlled trial. Trials 18 544. (Published).
  • Morin M, Bergeron S, Binik Y, Khalifé S, Ouellet S, Bourbonnais D. (2017). Heightened pelvic floor muscle tone and altered contractility in women with provoked vestibulodynia. J Sex Med 14 592-600. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Tang A, Pontbriand-Drolet SJ, Morin M. (2017). Pelvic floor morphometry: a predictor of pelvic floor muscle training's success for women with stress and mixed urinary. Int Urogynecol J 28 (8), 1233-1239. (Published).
  • Cyr M-P*, Kruger J, Wong V, Dumoulin C, Girard I, Morin M. (2017). Pelvic floor morphometry and function in women with and without puborectalis avulsion in the early postpartum period. Am J Obst Gynecol 216 (3), 274.e1–274.e8. (Published).
  • Bo K, Frawley H, Haylen B, Morin M, Shelly E. (2017). Response to comment on the IUGA/ICS joint report on the terminology for the conservative and nonpharmacological management of female pelvic floor dysfunction. Int Urogynecol J 28 (8), 1269-1270. (Published).
  • Morin M, Carroll M-S, Bergeron S. (2017). Systematic review of the effectiveness of physical therapy modalities in women with provoked vestibulodynia. Sex Med Rev 5 (3), 295-322. (Published).
  • Morin A*, Léonard G, Gougeon V*, Waddell G, Bureau Y.A, Girard I, Morin M. (2016). Efficacy of transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) in women with provoked vestibulodynia: study protocol for a triple-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial. Trials 17 (-), 243. (Published).
  • Mercier J*, Dumoulin C, Morin M, Reichetzer B, Lemieux M-C, Khalifé S. (2016). Pelvic floor muscles training to reduce symptoms and signs of vulvo-vaginal atrophy: a case study. Menopause Int 23 (7), 816-820. (Published).
  • Morin M, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Dubois M-F, PVD GROUP. (2016). Randomized clinical trial of multimodal physiotherapy treatment compared to overnight lidocaine ointment in women with provoked vestibulodynia: Design and methods. Contemp Clin Trials 46 52-59. (Published).
  • Thibault-Gagnon S*, Morin M. (2015). Active and passive components of pelvic floor muscle tone in the pathophysiology of provoked vestibulodynia: A perspective based on a review of the literature. J Sex Med 12 (11), 2178-2189. (Published).
  • Cyr M-P*, Pinard A*, Dubois O*, Bourbonnais D, Morin M. (2015). Reliability and convergent validity of the algometer for vestibular pain asessment in women with provoked vestibulodynia. Pain Med 17 (7), 1220-1228. (Published).
  • Morin M, Bergeron S, Khalifé S, Mayrand MH, Binik YM. (2014). Morphometry of the Pelvic Floor Muscles in Women With and Without Provoked Vestibulodynia Using 4D Ultrasound. J Sex Med 11 (3), 776-785. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Martin C, Elliott V, Bourbonnais D, Morin M, Lemieux MC, Gauthier R. (2013). Randomized controlled trial of physiotherapy for postpartum stress incontinence: 7-year follow-up. Neurourol Urodyn 32 (5), 449-454. (Published).
  • Bergeron S, Rosen NO, Morin M. (2011). Genital pain in women: Beyond interference with intercourse. Pain 152 (6), 1223-1225. (Published).
  • Davis SN, Morin M, Binik YM, Khalife S, Carrier S. (2011). Use of pelvic floor ultrasound to assess pelvic floor muscle function in Urological Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome in men. J Sex Med 8 (11), 3173-3180. (Published).
  • Morin M, Gravel D, Bourbonnais D, Dumoulin C, Ouellet S, Pilon JF. (2010). Application of a new method in the study of pelvic floor muscle passive properties in continent women. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 20 (5), 795-803. (Published).
  • Bergeron S, Morin M, Lord MJ. (2010). Integrating pelvic floor rehabilitation and cognitive-behavioural therapy for sexual pain: what have we learned and where do we go from here. J Sex Marital Ther 25 (3), 289-298. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Bourbonnais D, Morin M, Gravel D, Lemieux MC. (2010). Predictors of success for physiotherapy treatment in women with persistent postpartum stress urinary incontinence. Arch Phys Med Rehab 91 (7), 1059-1063. (Published).
  • Morin M, Bergeron S. (2009). La rééducation périnéale dans le traitement de la dyspareunie chez la femme. Sexologies 18 134-140. (Published).
  • Morin M, Bergeron S. (2009). Pelvic floor rehabilitation in the treatment of dyspareunia in women. Sexologies 18 91-94. (Published).
  • Morin M, Gravel D, Bourbonnais D, Dumoulin C, Ouellet S. (2008). Reliability of dynamometric passive properties of the pelvic floor muscles in postmenopausal women with stress urinary incontinence. Neurourology and Urodynamics 27 (8), 819-825. (Published).
  • Morin M, Dumoulin C, Gravel D, Bourbonnais D, Lemieux MC. (2007). Reliability of speed of contraction and endurance dynamometric measurements of the pelvic floor musculature in stress incontinent parous women. Neurourol Urodyn 26 (3), 397-403. (Published).
  • Morin M, Dumoulin C, Bourbonnais D, Gravel D, Lemieux MC. (2004). Pelvic floor maximal strength using vaginal digital assessment compared to dynamometric measurements. Neurourol Urodyn 23 (4), 336-341. (Published).
  • Morin M, Bourbonnais D, Gravel D, Dumoulin C, Lemieux MC. (2004). Pelvic floor muscle function in continent and stress urinary incontinent women using dynamometric measurements. Neurourol Urodyn 23 (7), 668-674. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Lemieux MC, Bourbonnais D, Gravel D, Bravo G, Morin M. (2004). Physiotherapy for persistent postnatal stress urinary incontinence: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol 104 (3), 504-510. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Gravel D, Bourbonnais D, Lemieux MC, Morin M. (2004). Reliability of dynamometric measurements of the pelvic floor musculature. Neurourol Urodyn 23 (2), 134-142. (Published).

Chapitres de livre

  • Tu, L T; Morin, M; Girard, N. (2022). Chapitre 11 : Troubles urinaires. Guide d’intervention Pratique en Sclérose en plaques (Published).
  • Morin, M. (2022). Section 16 – Chapitre 7 : La vulvodynie. Manuel de médecine de la douleur (DUNOD: Ouvrage collectif coordonné par Pierrick Po). (Submitted).
  • H. Frawley, M. Morin. (2021). Chapter 9.2: Chronic pelvic pain. In: K. Bo, B. Berghmans, M. Van Kampen, S. Morkved. Evidence based physiotherapy for the pelvic floor: Bridging research and clinical practice (Third edition). United States of America : Elsevier. (Published).
  • M. Morin. H. Frawley. (2021). Chapter 9.3: Conservative therapies to treat female pelvic floor pain. In: K. Bo, B. Berghmans, M. Van Kampen, S. Morkved. Evidence based physiotherapy for the pelvic floor: Bridging research and clinical practice United States of America : Elsevier. (Published).
  • Dumoulin, C; Morin, M; Hagen, S; Campbell, P; Booth, J; Mørkved, S; Williams, K; Cacciari, L*; Yamanishim, T; Terzoni, S; Pang, R; Panicker, J. (2021). Chapter 12: Adult Conservative management. In: P. Abrahams, L. Cardozo, A. Wagg, A. Wein. International Consultation on Incontinence (76th Edition). United Kingdom : International continence society. (Published).
  • Bergeron, S., Morin, M. (2021). Dyspareunie et vulvodynie. In: F. Courtois, M. Bonnierbale. Médecine sexuelle : Fondements et pratiques France : Éditions Lavoisier. (Published).
  • M. Morin. (2021). Pelvic floor electromyography. In: K. Bo, B. Berghmans, M. Van Kampen, S. Morkved. Evidence based physiotherapy for the pelvic floor: Bridging research and clinical practice (Third edition). United States of America : Elsevier. (Published).
  • Girard N, Morin M, Tu LM. (2019). Chapitre 3: Troubles urinaires. Centre de santé et de services sociaux. Un guide d'informations pratiques en sclérose en plaque destiné aux intervenants de la santé Canada : Centre de santé et de services sociaux. (Published).
  • B. Shelly, C. Neville, A. Snyder, M.Morin. (2019). Chapter 11: What Is the Role of Physical Therapy, a Healthy Diet, and Exercise in Managing Pelvic Pain?. E. Dee. Facing Pelvic Pain United States of America : Harvard Publication. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Adewuyi T, Bradley C, Burgio K, Hagen S, Hunter K, Imamura M, Morin M, Morkved S, Thakar R, Wallace K, Williams K. (2017). Adult Conservative management. Adrian Wagg, Linda Cardozo and Paul Abrams. International Consultation on Incontinence, 6th Edition United Kingdom : International continence society. (Published).
  • Morin M. (2015). Objective Assessment of the Overactive Pelvic Floor. Padoa A, MD, and Rosenbaum, T Y, PT, Msc. The Overactive Pelvic Floor Canada : Springer Science and Business Media. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Morin M. (2014). Chapter 6: Measurement of the pelvic floor muscle function and strength & pelvic organ prolapse. Bo K, Berghmans B, Van Kampen M, Morkved S. Pelvic floor dynamometry in Evidence based physiotherapy for the pelvic floor: Bridging research and clinical practice, Second edition (Elsevier). United States of America : Elsevier. (Published).
  • Bergeron S, Morin M. (2014). Dyspareunie, vaginisme et vulvodynie. Éditions Lavoisier. Fondements et pratiques en médecine sexuelle France : Éditions Lavoisier. (Published).


  • Morin M, Girard I. (2021). Algorithme de prise en charge des patientes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée. Gouvernement du Québec. 32 p.
  • Brunynx S*, Brassard A*, Morin M. (2013). Relation entre le fonctionnement sexuel, les insécurités d’attachement, le perfectionnisme, la catastrophisation et la peur de la douleur chez les patientes souffrant de vestibulodynie provoquée. Université de Sherbrooke. 12 p.
  • Cyr MP*, Morin M, Pinard A*, Bourbonnais D, Dubois O*. (2013). Reliability and convergent validity of the algometer for vestibular pain assessment in women with provoked vestibulodynia. Université de Sherbrooke. 12 p.
  • Cyr MP*, Waddell G, Bureau YA, Girard I, Morin M. (2012). Étude pilote : un essai clinique randomisé comparant les effets des traitements de physiothérapie et de lidocaïne sur la fonction musculaire et sur l’amélioration de la douleur chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée. Université de Sherbrooke. 12 p.
  • Pinard A*, Morin M, Bourbonnais D. (2012). Évaluation de la validité et de la fidélité d’un nouvel instrument de mesure de la douleur chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée. Université de Sherbrooke. 12 p.
  • Dupuis K*, Morin M, Dumoulin C, Corriveau H, Nadeau S. (2011). Identifier les déficits musculaires des membres inférieurs, de l’équilibre et de la mobilité chez les femmes âgées avec incontinence urinaire mixte. Université de Sherbrooke. 12 p.

Lignes directrices en matière de soins cliniques

  • Allaire C, Bajzak K, Morin M. (2019). Chronic pelvic pain guidelines for the Société des Obstétriens et Gynécologues du Canada (SOGC), (Submitted).

Articles de conférence

  • M*. Roch, M. Morin, N. Gaudreault. (2021). **Award for Best Abstract**Effets d'une puncture sèche sur les propriétés viscoélastiques d'un point gâchette dans l'infraépineux mesuré avec le MyotonPro chez une population avec douleur à l'épaule. 88e Congrès de l’Association Canadienne-Française pour l'avancement des Sciences (ACFAS) Postponed to May 2021. (Published).
  • M.P. Cyr*, C. Dumoulin, P. Bessette, A. Pina, W.H. Gotlieb, K. Lapointe-Milot, M.H. Mayrand, M. Morin. (2021). **Award for Best Abstract**La physiothérapie pour les survivantes d’un cancer gynécologique souffrant de douleur lors des relations sexuelles. 88e Congrès de l’Association Canadienne-Française pour l'avancement des Sciences (ACFAS). (Published).
  • *Laramée, A., *Roch, M., Gaudreault, N., Morin, M., Léonard, G. (2021). **Award for Best Abstract**Poncture avec aiguilles sèches au niveau d’un point gâchette du muscle infra-épineux dans des cas de douleur chronique: plausibilité des effets neurophysiologiques et cliniques. 88e Congrès de l’Association Canadienne-Française pour l'avancement des Sciences (ACFAS), Sherbrooke, Canada. May 9, 2020. (Accepted) Postponed to May 2021. (Published).
  • *M-P. Cyr, R. Dostie, C. Camden, C. Dumoulin, P. Bessette, A. Pina, W.H. Gotlieb, K. Lapointe-Milot, M.H. Mayrand, M. Morin. (2021). **Award for Best Presentation (PhD level)**Physiotherapy reduces dyspareunia and improves sexual function through biopsychosocial changes in gynecological cancer survivors: a mixed-method study. REPAR-INTER Scientific Day. (Published).
  • *M-P. Cyr, R. Dostie, C. Camden, C. Dumoulin, P. Bessette, A. Pina, W.H. Gotlieb, K. Lapointe-Milot, M.H. Mayrand, M. Morin. (2021). **Award for Best Presentation**Effects of pelvic floor physiotherapy treatment on pain and sexual outcomes in gynecological cancer survivors with dyspareunia: a 12-month follow-up mixed methods study. Pain Retreat. (Published).
  • *M.P. Cyr, C. Dumoulin, P. Bessette, A. Pina, W.H. Gotlieb, K. Lapointe-Milot, M.H. Mayrand, M. Morin. (2021). **Award for Best Presentation**La physiothérapie pour les survivantes d’un cancer gynécologique souffrant de douleur lors des relations sexuelles. Journée Scientifique de la FMSS de l’Université de Sherbrooke. (Published).
  • *M-P. Cyr, C. Dumoulin, P. Bessette, A. Pina, W.H. Gotlieb, K. Lapointe-Milot, M.H. Mayrand, M. Morin. (2021). **Award for Best Presentation in the Category Human /Clinical**Physiotherapy treatment to address painful sexual intercourse after gynecological cancer: a pilot study. 25th Annual McGill Pain Day. (Published).
  • *M-P. Cyr, R. Dostie, C. Camden, C. Dumoulin, P. Bessette, A. Pina, W.H. Gotlieb, K. Lapointe-Milot, M.H. Mayrand, M. Morin. (2021). **Best Conservative Management Abstract; Best of Rehab**Understanding the impact of multimodal pelvic floor physiotherapy in gynecological cancer survivors with dyspareunia: a prospective mixed methods research with a 12-month follow-up. 51th International Continence Society (ICS) Annual Meeting. (Accepted).
  • *Cyr, M.P., Dumoulin, C. Bessette, P., Pina, A., Gotlieb, W.H., Lapointe-Milot, K., Mayrand, M.-H., Morin, M. (2021). Effects of a physical therapy intervention on psychological variables in women with dyspareunia after a gynecological cancer. 8th Conference of the Scientific Network on Female Sexual Health and Cancer. (Published).
  • *A. Laramée, *M. Roch, N. Gaudreault, M. Morin, G. Léonard. (2021). Effets d’une puncture sèche sur les propriétés viscoélastiques d’un point gâchette dans l’infraépineux mesuré avec le MyotonPro chez une population avec douleur à l’épaule. Journée Scientifique de la FMSS de l’Université de Sherbrooke. (Published).
  • Roch, M*; Morin, M; Gaudreault, N. (2021). Effets d’une puncture sèche sur les propriétés viscoélastiques d’un point gâchette localisé dans le muscle infraépineux. Journée de recherche du programme de résidence en orthopédie de Sherbrooke. (Published).
  • *A. Laramée, M. Roch, N. Gaudreault, G. Léonard, M. Morin. (2021). Poncture avec aiguilles sèches au niveau d’un point gâchette du muscle infra-épineux dans des cas de douleur chronique: Plausibilité des effets neurophysiologiques et cliniques. Journée Scientifique de la FMSS de l’Université de Sherbrooke. (Published).
  • Abuani S*, Dumoulin C, Morin M. (2020). **Best in Category Prize**Assessing Pelvic Floor Muscle Tone using Digital Palpation in Women with Provoked Vestibulodynia: Association and Comparison with Dynamometry and Ultrasound Imaging. 50th ICS Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, USA. November 18-21, 2020. (Published).
  • Cacciari L*, Morin M, Mayrand M, Abrahamowicz M, Tousignant M, Dumoulin C. (2020). **Best in Category Prize**Morphometrical and functional changes following pelvic floor physiotherapy for urinary incontinence in older women. 50th ICS Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, USA. November 18-21, 2020. (Published).
  • *Bardin M, Brassard A, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M, Waddell G, Khalifé S, Morin M. (2020). **Prize for Best Presentation**Examining the role of the physiotherapist in treatment response of women with provoked vestibulodynia. 50th ICS Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, USA. November 18-21, 2020. (Published).
  • *Quintal I, Bourbonnais D, Morin M, Dyer JO. (2020). Caractérisation des approches de stimulation tactiles pour traiter l'allodynie. 13e retraite annuelle de Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur. (Published).
  • *Bardin M, Giraldo P, Amaral R, Cordeiro E, Morin M. (2020). Clitoral blood flow assessed with color doppler ultrasonography in women with provoked vestibulodynia. 50th ICS Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, USA. November 18-21, 2020. (Published).
  • Dumoulin, C; Cacciari, L*; Couacou, C.C; Morin, M; Tousignant, M; Vale, L; Mayrand, M-H; Poder, T. (2020). Cost-effectiveness of group-based pelvic floor muscle training compared to standard individual pelvic floor muscle training for treating urinary incontinence in women age 60 and over. PDF week American Urogynecology Society Annual Meeting. (Published).
  • Cacciari, L*; Vale, L; Morin, M; Tousignant, M; Mayrand, M-H; Abrahamowicz, M; Poder, T; Claver Jouakou C.R; Dumoulin, C. (2020). Cost-effectiveness of group-based pelvic floor muscle training for urinary incontinence in older women. IUGA 45th Annual Meeting, The Hague, Netherlands. (Published).
  • *Devantéry, K., Morin, M., Gaudreault, N. (2020). Effects of a myofascial technique on the structure and biomechanical properties of the thoracolumbar fascia in chronic low backpain adults: a pre-experimental study protocol. 6th Annual meeting of the Foundation COME Collaboration. (Published).
  • *Devantéry, K, Morin, M., Gaudreault, N. (2020). Effects of a myofascial technique on the structure and biomechanical properties of the thoracolumbar fascia in chronic low back pain adults assessed by sonoelastography and myotonometry: a pre-experimental study protocol. INCAM research symposium. (Published).
  • *Cyr MP, Dumoulin C, Bessette P, Pina A, Gotlieb WH, Lapointe-Milot K, Mayrand M, Morin M. (2020). Effects of physiotherapy treatment on the pelvic floor muscle function and morphology in gynecological cancer survivors with dyspareunia: a prospective study. 50th ICS Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, USA. November 18-21, 2020. (Published).
  • *Bourget, A.-M., Hudon, A., Morin, M., Perreault, K. (2020). Enquête sur l’accès aux services de santé périnéale et pelvienne chez les femmes québécoises à la suited’un accouchement. Journée synthèse des étudiants d’été du CIRRIS 2020. (Published).
  • R. Choinière*, P. O. Richard, M. Morin, L. M. Tu, G. Guyatt, P. D. Violette. (2020). Evaluation of benefits and harms of surgical treatments for post-radical prostatectomy urinary incontinence: systematic review and meta-analysis. 75th Annual meeting of the Association des urologues du Canada. (Published).
  • *M.P. Cyr, C. Dumoulin, P. Bessette, A. Pina, W.H. Gotlieb, K. Lapointe-Milot, M.H. Mayrand, M. Morin. (2020). Feasibility, acceptability and effects of physical therapy treatment for gynecological cancer survivors with dyspareunia. J of Sex Med, 17(7), Suppl 3, S240. (Published).
  • Fisette-Paulhus I.*, Morin M., Gagnon C. (2020). Genitourinary and lower gastrointestinal signs and symptoms in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1: a systematic review. 25th International Congress of the World Muscle Society. (Published).
  • *Laramée, A., *Roch, M, Gaudreault, N., Léonard, G., Morin, M. (2020). Poncture avec aiguille sèche d’un point gâchette de l’infra-épineux chez des personnes avec douleur chronique à l’épaule: Plausibilité des effets neurophysiologiques et cliniques. Journée scientifique REPAR-INTER 2020. (Published).
  • A. Laramée*, M. Morin, N. Gaudreault. (2020). The effects of dry needling on arthrokinematics of the shoulder when applied to the infraspinatus muscle in people with chronic pain: a exploratory study. Canadian Society for Biomechanics 21st Biennial meeting. (Published).
  • *M. Roch, M. Morin, N. Gaudreault. (2020). The immediate effects of dry needling on the viscoelastic properties of a trigger point in people with chronic shoulder pain. International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists IFOMPT2020. (Published).
  • M. Roch*, M. Morin, N. Gaudreault. (2020). The immediate effect of dry needling onthe viscoelasticity of a trigger point **CBJC 2020 Conference Awardee **. 4th Biennal Canadian Bone and Joint Conference, Virtual Conference. June 12-13, 2020. (Published).
  • *Roch, M., Morin, M., Gaudreault, N. (2020). Trigger point dry needling evidence: measuring, effects and clinical reasoning. CPA virtual summit: a new event for a new world 2020. (Published).
  • *M.P. Cyr, C. Dumoulin, P. Bessette, A. Pina, W.H. Gotlieb, K. Lapointe-Milot, M.H. Mayrand, M. Morin. (2020). Évaluation des effets de la physiothérapie sur les muscles du plancher pelvien chez les survivantes d'un cancer gynécologique avec dyspareunie. Journée scientifique REPAR-INTER 2020. (Published).
  • *M.-P. Cyr, C. Dumoulin, P. Bessette, A. Pina, W. H. Gotlieb, M. Morin. (2019). **Best Abstract for Vulvar/Vaginal Pain Syndromes; Selected for an OralPresentation**Altered pelvic floor muscle function in gynecological cancer survivors suffering from dyspareunia: a case-control study. Pain Rep, 5(2):e815. (Published).
  • *Benoît-Piau, J., Morin, M., Fortin, S., Guptill, C., Gaudreault, N. (2019). Assessing Lumbopelvic Stability in Dancers :Functional Movement Tests vs Transversus Abdominis Activation. Annual Conference of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science,. (Published).
  • *Starzec, M., *Fradette, J., *Bardin, M., Tu, L. M., Bérubé-Lauzière, Y., Paré, J., Carroll, M.-S., Morin, M. (2019). A systematic review evaluating the efficacy of high intensity laser therapy (HILT) for vulvodynia and musculoskeletal pain. IPPS, Toronto 2019. (Published).
  • Benoît-Piau, J.*, Morin, M., Fortin, S., Guptill, C., Gaudreault, N. (2019). Douleur lombaire chez les danseurs: différences entre ballet et contemporain. 3e Congrès Québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation (REPAR). (Published).
  • Cacciari, L*; Vale, L; Morin, M; Tousignant, M; Mayrand, M-H; Abrahamowicz, M; Dumoulin, C. (2019). Economic evaluation of group-based vs. Individual pelvic floor physiotherapy for urinary incontinence in older women. 49th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society. (Published).
  • *R. Choinière, P. Violette, M. Morin, L. M. Tu, C. Reed, C. Philie, B. Legault, M. Beaudry, G. Guyatt, P. Richard. (2019). Evaluation of benefits and harms of surgical treatments for post-radical prostatectomy urinary incontinence: systematic review and meta-analysis. 49th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society. (Published).
  • *J. Mercier, M. Morin, D. Zaki, B. Reichetzer, M.C. Lemieux, S. Khalifé, C. Dumoulin. (2019). Impact d’un programme d’exercices des muscles du plancher pelvien sur les symptômes, les signes et la vascularisation pelvi-périnéales des femmes atteintes du syndrome génitourinaire de la ménopause et d’incontinence urinaire. Physiothérapie 360 – Congrès de l’Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec. (Published).
  • *M. Roch, M. Morin, N. Gaudreault. (2019). Le MyotonPro pour mesurer les propriétés viscoélastiques des points gâchettes du muscle infraépineux chez des personnes atteintes de douleur chronique non traumatique à l’épaule. Physiothérapie 360 – Congrès de l’Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec. (Published).
  • *A. Laramée, N. Gaudreault, M. Roch, M. Morin, G. Léonard, F. Balg. (2019). Les points gâchettes : Ennemis méconnus ou simplement oubliés. INNO-SANTÉ 360. (Published).
  • J Benoit-Piau*, M Morin, S Fortin, C Guptill, N Gaudreault. (2019). Lumbar Pain in Dancers: Differences Between Ballet and Contemporary. 10th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain. (Published).
  • *A Laramée, N. Gaudreault, M. Roch, M. Morin, F. Balg et G. Léonard. (2019). Plausibilité des effets neurophysiologiques, biomécaniques et cliniques de la poncture avec aiguilles sèches sur le point gâchette du muscle infraépineux chez des personnes atteintes de douleur chronique d’origine non-traumatique à l’épaule. Journée scientifique de l'axe et du thème Inflammation-Douleur. (Published).
  • Dumoulin, C; Morin, M; Danieli, C; Cacciari, L*; Mayrand, M-H; Tousignant, M; Abrahamowicz, M. (2019). Prize Award: Toileting and Containment Abstract Award**Group physiotherapy compared to individual physiotherapy to treat urinary incontinence in older women: a non-inferiority randomized control trial **. 49th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society. (Published).
  • M. Roch*, M. Morin, N. Gaudreault. (2019). Sensitivity of the MyotonPro to measure the changesin the viscoelastic properties of a trigger point on the infraspinatus innon-traumatic chronic shoulder pain after a dry needling intervention. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 14(6):S26. (Published).
  • Roch, M.*, Gaudreault, N., Morin, M. (2019). The MyotonPro: A reliable and valid tool to quantify the vicoelastic properties of trigger point on the infraspinatus muscle in nontraumatic chronic shoulder pain. Symposium de la division orthopédique de l'Association Canadienne de Physiothérapie en collaboration avec CAMPT (Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy). (Published).
  • *G. Pratte, M. Couture, M. Morin, K. Hurtubise, J. Zwicker, T. Poder, E. Jasmin, E. Ducreux, M. Tousignant et C. Camden. (2019). Using a web platform to support parents of children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD): Results from a randomized controlled feasibility trial. 13th International Conference on Developmental Coordination Disorder. Finland, June 5-8, 2019. (Published).
  • *G. Pratte, M. Couture, M. Morin, K. Hurtubise, J. Zwicker, T. Poder, E. Jasmin, E. Ducreux, M. Tousignant et C. Camden. (2019). Using a web platform to support parents of children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD): Results from a randomized controlled feasibility trial. 31st Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD). France, May 23-25 2019. (Published).
  • M. Morin, S. Salomoni, R. Stafford, L. Hall, P. Hodges. (2019). Validation of shear-wave elastography for evaluating pelvic floor muscle stiffness. 49th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society. (Published).
  • *M. Roch, N. Gaudreault, M. Morin. (2019). Vers la validation du MoytonPro pour mesurer les propriétés viscoélastiquesdes points gâchettes dans le muscle infraépineux chez des personnes atteintesde douleur chronique non traumatiques à l’épaule. 3e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation (REPAR). (Published).
  • *M Le Berre, N Presse, Y Huyu, I Reid, M Morin, M Larouche, L Campeau, C Dumoulin. (2019). What do we know about the caffeine and lower urinary tract symptoms? A scoping review. 16e édition des Journées de recherche du RQRV. (Published).
  • *M. Le Berre, N. Presse, Y. Huyu, I. Reid, M. Morin, M. Larouche, L. Campeau, C. Dumoulin. (2019). What do we know about the caffeine and lower urinary tract symptoms? A scoping review. 16e édition des Journées de recherche du Réseau Québécois de Recherche sur le Vieillissement. (Published).
  • *M. Le Berre, N. Presse, Huyu Y, M. Morin, M. Larouche, L. Campeau, C. Dumoulin. (2019). What do we really know about the effects of caffeine on lower urinary tract symptoms in adults?. Student Science Day of the CRIUGM-CAREC. (Published).
  • M. Le Berre*, N. Presse, Y. Huyu, L. Campeau, M. Morin, M. Larouche, I. Reid, C. Dumoulin. (2019). What do we really know about the role of caffeine on urinary tract symptoms? A critical systematic scoping review on caffeine consumption and urinary symptoms in adults. 49th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society. (Published).
  • *J. Benoit-Piau, S. Bergeron, A. Brassard, C. Dumoulin, S. Khalifé, G. Waddell, M. Morin. (2018). .Psycho-socialvariables and pelvic floor muscle function are related to pain intensity inwomen with provoked vestibulodynia. Congrès de l’association canadienne de physiothérapie, Montréal, novembre 2018. (Published).
  • *J. Mercier, M. Morin, D. Zaki, B. Reichtzer, M.C. Lemieux, S. Khalife, C. Dumoulin. (2018). 12-week pelvic floor muscle physiotherapy as a treatment approach for genitourinary syndrome of menopause. Scientific Day and Annual Meeting REPAR-INTER **Prize for Best Poster**. (Published).
  • Saint-Onge, K., Fraser, S., Southall, K., Fréchette-Chaîné, É., Morin, M., Dumoulin, C. (2018). Beyond the training: the benefits of peer support and improved self-perceptionsexperiences by women completing a 12 week PFM training program. Neurourol and Urodyn, 77-78. (Published).
  • Benoit-Piau J*, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Carroll M-S, Morin M. (2018). E-recruitment for clinical trials in physiotherapy– a rising method for a modern world?. Congress Montreal18, Montreal, Canada, November 2018. (Published).
  • *J. Benoit-Piau, S. Bergeron, A. Brassard, C. Dumoulin, S. Khalifé, G. Waddell, M. Morin. (2018). Facteurs de risque de blessure : un premier pas vers le maintien au travail des danseurs. 10e Journée Scientifique du CNS (Club d’excellence en neurosciences de l’Université de Sherbrooke. (Published).
  • Benoit-Piau J*, Bergeron S, Brassard A, Dumoulin C, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Morin M. (2018). Fear-avoidance and pelvic floor muscle function are associated with pain intensity in women with vulvodynia. Congress Montreal18, Montreal, Canada, November 2018. (Published).
  • *Mercier, J., Tang, A., Morin, M., Lemieux, M., Reichetzer, B., Khalifé, S., Dumoulin, C. (2018). Impact of a pelvic floor muscle training program on the internal pudendal artery and thedorsal clitoral artery blood flow in women with genitourinary syndrome of menopause. Neurourol and Urodyn, 75-77. (Published).
  • Paquin, M., Duclos, C., Dubreucq, L., Lapierre, N., Rousseau, J., Meunier, J., Filiatrault, J., Milot, M., Morin, M., Moffett, H., Nadeau, S., Dumoulin, C. (2018). Impact of a strong desire to void on gait in continent and incontinent community-dwelling older women who have experienced fall in the last year **Prize :Best in category prize ‘’Geriatrics/Gerontology’’**. Neurourol and Urodyn, 322-324. (Published).
  • *J. Benoit-Piau, C. Dumoulin, S. Bergeron, MH. Mayrand, S. Khalifé, G. Waddell, MS. Carroll, M. Morin. (2018). Le recrutement web pour des essais cliniques enphysiothérapie – une méthode montante pour un monde moderne?. Journée scientifique de la Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l’Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, mai 2018. (Published).
  • *J. Benoit-Piau, S. Bergeron, A. Brassard, C. Dumoulin, S. Khalifé, G. Waddell, M. Morin. (2018). Les variables peur-évitement et la function des muscles du plancher pelviensont associés à l’intensité de la douleur chez les femmes atteintes devestibulodynie provoquée. Colloque 10e anniversaire du microprogramme en rééducation périnéale et pelvienne du programme de physiothérapie de l’École de réadaptation de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, novembre 2018. (Published).
  • *M. Le Berre, M. Morin, H. Corriveau, M. Hamel, J. Filiatrault, S. Nadeau, C. Dumoulin. (2018). Lower limb muscle strenght, balance, mobility and function in older women with urge and mixed urinary incontinence: an observational study. Scientific Day and Annual Meeting REPAR-INTER. (Published).
  • M.P. Cyr*, C. Dumoulin, P. Bessette, W.H. Gotlieb, M. Morin. (2018). Pelvic floor muscle and sexual function in endometrial cancer survivors suffering from dyspareunia. Physiotherapy Congress. (Published).
  • *Mercier, J., Morin, M., Zaki, D., Reichetzer, B., Lemieux, M., Khalifé, S., Dumoulin, C. (2018). Pelvic floor muscle training as a treatment approach for genitourinary syndrome of menopause. Neurourol and Urodyn, 266-268. (Published).
  • *Pratte G, Couture M, Morin M, Ducreux E, Jasmin E, Roberge P, Poder T, Tousignant M, Maltais D.B, Zwicker J.G, Camden C. (2018). Plateforme web en ergothérapie: faisable pour soutenirles parents d’enfant ayant un trouble développemental de la coordination (TDC)?. Journée scientifique REPAR-INTER, Québec, Qc (poster presentation). (Published).
  • G. Pratte, M. Couture, M. Tousignant, M. Morin, T. Poder, D. B. Maltais, E. Jasmin, E. Ducreux, C. Camden. (2018). Plateforme web en ergothérapie – utile pour soutenir les parents d’enfants présentant des difficultés motrices?. Public Health Congress. (Published).
  • *M.P. Cyr, C. Dumoulin, P. Bessette, W.H. Gotlieb, A. Pina, M.H. Mayrand, M. Morin. (2018). Preliminary results regarding pelvic floor function and sexual function in gynecological cancer survivors suffering from dyspareunia AND pilot study to explore physiotherapy treatment effects in this population. Symposium du Laboratoire de recherche en urogynécologie. (Published).
  • Fréchette-Chaîné, É., Mercier, J., Fraser, S., Southall, K., Morin, M., Dumoulin, C. (2018). Psychosocial factors influencing physiotherapeutic adherence to group-based or individualized pelvic floor rehabilitation: perceptions of older women with urinary incontinence. Neurourol and Urodyn, 273-274. (Published).
  • Paquin MH, Duclos C, Dubreucq L, Lapierre N, Rousseau, J, Meunier J, Filiatrault J, St-Arnaud A, Milot MH, Morin M, Moffet H, Nadeau S, Dumoulin C. (2018). The impact of bladder sensation on gait in continent and incontinent community-dwelling women fallers. Physiotherapy congres, Canadian association of physiotherapy (ACP)/ Ordre professionnel physiotérapie du Québec (OPPQ), november 1-3, 2018, Montreal. (Published).
  • Lapierre N, Meunier J, Filiatrault J, St-Arnaud A, Paquin M-H, Duclos C, Dubreucq L, Moffet H, Morin M, Milot M-H, Dumoulin C, Rousseau J. (2018). Using a video monitoring system at home to observe person-environment interactions. 11th World Conference of Gerontechnoloy. St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. (Published).
  • *Pratte G, Couture M, Tousignant M, Morin M, Poder T, Maltais DB, Jasmin E, Ducreux E, Camden C. (2018). Utilisation et effets d’une plateforme web poursoutenir les parents d’enfant présentant des difficultés motrices. Public Health Congress, May 2018, Montréal, Canada. (Published).
  • Dubreucq L, Paquin M-H, Meunier J, Filiatrault J, St-Arnaud A, Lapierre N, Moffet H, Morin M, Milot M-H, Rousseau J, Dumoulin C, Duclos C. (2017). Alterations of gait and balance in relation tourgent desire to void in older female fallers with and without incontinence. International Society of Posture & Gait Research, Lauderdale, Florida, United States, June 2017. (Published).
  • Morin M, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Dubois M-F, Group P.V.D. (2017). A randomized clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of multimodal physical therapy in comparison to overnight topical lidocaine in women with provoked vestibulodynia. IPPS Congress, October 2017 ***Top rated abstract***. (Published).
  • *Cacciari L, Morin M, Dumoulin C. (2017). Association between digital assessment (flexibility and strength) and ultrasound morphometric parameters of the pelvic floor. 47th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Florence, Italy, September 2017. (Published).
  • Fontaine F*, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Morin M. (2017). Does the involvement of pelvic floor muscles differ in primary and secondary provoked vestibulodynia?. 47th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Florence, Italy, September 2017. (Published).
  • *J. Benoit-Piau, C. Houle, VE. Chabot, M. Rochon, *MP. Cyr, M. Morin. (2017). Effet de laphysiothérapie multimodale et de la lidocaïne topique sur la sensibilitévulvaire chez les femmes avec vestibulodynie provoquée. Symposium des programmes d’ergothérapie et de physiothérapie de l’Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, avril 2017. (Published).
  • Fallon F, Berbari J, Léger F, Pratte G, Couture M, Morin M, Camden C. (2017). Est-ce que la télésanté pourrait permettre de développer des services de première ligne pour les familles ayant un enfant avec un trouble développement de la coordination (TDC)? Exploration des perceptions des familles. Journée scientifique de la FMSS de l'Université de Sherbrooke, September 22th 2017, Sherbrooke, Quebec. (Published).
  • Le Berre M*, Morin M, Corriveau H, Hamel M, Dupuis K, Filiatrault J, Lefebvre I, Nadeau S, Dumoulin C. (2017). Force, équilibre et mobilité chez les femmes âgées avec incontinence urinaire mixte. 14ème Édition des Journées de la Recherche du RQRV. (Published).
  • Mercier J*, Morin M, Lemieux M-C, Khalifé S, Reichetzer B, Dumoulin C. (2017). Genitourinary syndrome of menopause questionnaires’ repeatability and correlation. Quebec Network for Reasearch on aging, Montréal, Canada, September 28th 2017. (Published).
  • Mercier J*, Morin M, Lemieux M, Khalifé S, Reichetzer B, Dumoulin C. (2017). Genitourinary syndrome of menopause symptoms and quality of life questionnaires: are they repeatable and correlated?. 47th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Florence, Italy, September 2017. (Published).
  • Ruella Y, Morin M, Mayrand M-H, Abrahamowicz M, Dumoulin C. (2017). Group physiotherapy compared to individual physiotherapy to treat urinary incontinence in aging women: design and methods of a non-inferiority randomised controlled trial. 47th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Florence, Italy, September 2017. (Published).
  • *Le Berre M, Morin M, Corriveau H, Hamel M, Dupuis K, Filiatrault J, Lefebvre I, Nadeau S, Dumoulin C. (2017). Identification des déficits musculaires des membres inférieurs, de l'équilibre et de la mobilité chez les femmes âgées avec incontinence urinaire mixte. Journée scientifique de l'École de réadaptation et Conférence Gustave Gingras, Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 24th 2017. (Published).
  • *Le Berre M, Morin M, Corriveau H, Hamel M, Dupuis K, Filiatrault J, Lefebvre I, Nadeau S, Dumoulin C. (2017). Identification des déficits musculaires des membres inférieurs, de l'équilibre et de la mobilité chez les femmes âgées avec incontinence urinaire mixte. Réunion étudiante CRIUGM de l'Axe 2 – Promotion de la santé, soins et intervention, Montréal, Québec, Canada, April 12nd 2017. (Published).
  • *Le Berre M, Morin M, Corriveau H, Hamel M, Dupuis K, Filiatrault J, Lefebvre I, Nadeau S, Dumoulin C. (2017). Identification des déficits musculaires des membres inférieurs, de l'équilibre et de la mobilité chez les femmes âgées avec incontinence urinaire mixte. Journée scientifique du CRIUGM/CAREC, poster presentation, Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 17th 2017. (Published).
  • Bélanger C*, Bergeron S, Brassard A, Dumoulin C, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Morin M. (2017). La physiothérapie multimodale comme traitement de la vestibulodynie provoquée; qui réponds mieux?. 360o de l’Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec, Lévis, Québec, Canada, November 2017. (Published).
  • L.A. Danylewick, Y. Ruella, M. Morin, M-H. Mayrand, M. Abrahamowicz, C. Dumoulin. (2017). Méthodologie d’un ECR de physiothérapie pour l’incontinence chez la femme âgée. 35th anniversary colloquium of the CRIUGM « L’innovation au service des aînés ». (Published).
  • Ruella Y, Saint-Onge K, Fraser S, Southall K, Fréchette-Chaîné É, Morin M, Dumoulin C. (2017). Peer support: does it hold the key to decreasing self-stigma and improving self-management in older women with urinary incontinence?. 47th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Florence, Italy, September 2017. (Published).
  • Bélanger C*, Bergeron S, Dumoulin C, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, McDuff P, Morin M. (2017). Predictors of the efficacy of multimodal physiotherapy in women with provoked vestibulodynia. IPPS Congress, October 2017. (Published).
  • Lapierre N, Meunier J, Filiatrault J, St-Arnaud A, Paquin M-H, Duclos C, Dubreucq L, Moffet H, Morin M, Milot M-H, Dumoulin C, Rousseau J. (2017). Quelles variables faut-il considérer pour implanter une gérontechnologie à domicile?. 85e Congrès de l’Association Canadienne-Française pour l'avancement des Sciences (ACFAS), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 2017, abrégé # 7468. (Published).
  • Morin M, Carroll M-S, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Dumoulin C. (2017). Recruitment strategies in a pelvic pain trial: Is e-recruitment a promising method?. 47th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Florence, Italy, September 2017. (Published).
  • Morin A*, Léonard G, Gougeon V*, Cyr M-P*, Waddell G, Bureau Y-A, Girard I, Morin M. (2017). Soulager la douleur lors des relations sexuelles chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée avec la tDCS... Et si nous personnalisions le traitement?. 85e Congrès de l’Association Canadienne-Française pour l'avancement des Sciences (ACFAS), University McGill, Montreal, Québec, Canada, May 9th 2017. (Published).
  • Mercier J*, An T, Morin M, Lemieux M, Khalifé S, Reichetzer B, Dumoulin C. (2017). Test-retest reliability of clitoral and pudendal arteries’ blood flow using color doppler ultrasonography women with genitourinary syndrome of menopause. 47th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Florence, Italy, September 2017. (Published).
  • Mercier J*, Morin M, Lemieux M-C, Khalifé S, Reichetzer B, Dumoulin C. (2017). Test-retest reliabilityof internal pudendal artery blood flow using color Doppler ultrasonography inhealthy women at rest and after a pelvic floor muscle contractions sequence. 2e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation (REPAR), Montreal, Québec, Canada, May 18th 2017. (Published).
  • Morin M, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Wadell G, Dubois M-F, Study Group P.V.D. (2017). Un essai clinique randomisé évaluant l’efficacité des traitements de physiothérapie en comparaison avec la lidocaïne topique chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée. 2e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation réadaptation (REPAR), Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 2017. (Published).
  • Benoit-Piau J*, Bergeron S, Dumoulin C, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Morin M. (2017). Vulvodynie : explorer l'association entre l'intensité de la douleur et les variables psychologiques et musculaires en utilisant le modèle peur-évitement modifié?. 85e Congrès de l’Association Canadienne-Française pour l'avancement des Sciences (ACFAS), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 2017. (Published).
  • Benoit-Piau J*, Bergeron S, Brassard S, Dumoulin C, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Morin M. (2017). Vulvodynie : le modèle peur-évitement pour explorer l’association entre l’intensité de la douleur et les variables psychologiques et musculaires. 2e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation réadaptation, Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 2017. (Published).
  • Fontaine F*, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Morin M. (2017). Évaluation de la morphométrie et la fonction des muscles du plancher pelvien chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée primaire et secondaire. 2e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation réadaptation, Montreal, Québec, Canada, May 18th 2017. (Published).
  • Lapierre N, Meunier J, Filiatrault J, St-Arnaud A, Paquin M-H, Duclos C, Dubreucq L, Moffet H, Morin M, Milot M-H, Dumoulin C, Rousseau J. (2016). A methodology of implementing a video monitoring system in community-dwelling elderly. Gerontechnology, May 2016; 15(suppl). (Published).
  • Gougeon V*, Marchand S, Morin A*, Léonard G, Girard I, Waddell G, Bureau Y-A, Morin M. (2016). Assessment of central pain processing and autonomic responses in women with provoked vestibulodynia. Canadian Pain Society Annual Conference. (Published).
  • Gougeon V*, Marchand S, Morin A, Léonard G, Girard I, Waddell G, Bureau Y-A, Morin M. (2016). Assessment of central pain processing and autonomic responses in women with provoked vestibulodynia. Canadian Pain Society Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada **Selected as "Hot topic"**. (Published).
  • Carroll M-S, Morin M, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Dubois M-F. (2016). Digital recruitment forclinical trials in sexual medicine – adapting research for a modern world. Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health, Charleston, SC, February 2016. (Published).
  • Morin M, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Dubois M-F, Dubois O*, Study Group P.V.D. (2016). Efficacy of Multimodal Physiotherapy Treatment Compared to Overnight Topical Lidocaine in Women with Provoked Vestibulodynia: A Bi-center Randomized Controlled Trial. Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health, Charleston, SC. (Published).
  • Morin A*, Léonard G, Gougeon V*, Waddell G, Bureau Y-A, Girard I, Morin M. (2016). Est-ce possible de réduire la douleur lors des relations sexuelles chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée avec la tDCS?. Colloque Interfacultaire des Cycles Supérieurs (CICS) de l'Université de Sherbrooke. (Published).
  • M.P. Cyr*, C. Dumoulin, P. Bessette, W. Gotlieb, M. Morin. (2016). La morphologie et la fonction des muscles du plancher pelvien chez lesfemmes survivantes d’un cancer de l’endomètre souffrant de dyspareunie. Pain Retreat of Quebec Pain Research Network. (Published).
  • Morin A*, Léonard G, Gougeon V*, Cyr M-P*, Waddell G, Bureau Y-A, Girard I, Morin M. (2016). La tDCS?: Une modalité de traitement efficace pour traiter la douleur lors des relations sexuelles chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée ?. Journée scientifique du Centre d'excellence en neurosciences de l'Université de Sherbrooke (CNS). (Published).
  • Fontaine F*, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Morin M. (2016). Morphométrie et fonction des muscles du plancher pelvien chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée primaire et secondaire. Journée scientifique du 1er cycle de la Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences de la Santé. (Published).
  • Fontaine F*, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Morin M. (2016). Morphométrie et fonction des muscles du plancher pelvien chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée primaire et secondaire. Journée scientifique du thème de l'axe et du thème inflammation-douleur de l'Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada, 2016. (Published).
  • Fontaine F*, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Morin M. (2016). Morphométrie et fonction des muscles du plancher pelvien chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée primaire et secondaire?. Journée Phare, Bromont, Canada, December 2016. (Published).
  • Morin A*, Léonard G, Gougeon V*, Cyr M-P*, Waddell G, Bureau Y-A, Girard I, Morin M. (2016). Randomized controlled trial comparing active transcranial direct-current stimulation and sham stimulation in reducing pain in women with provoked vestibulodynia. 23rd Biennial Conference on Diseases of the Vulva & Vagina, Chicago, Illinois, USA. (Published).
  • Cyr M-P*, Morin M, Pinard A, Dubois O*, Bourbonnais D. (2016). Reliability and convergent validity of the algometer for vestibular pain assessment in women with provoked vestibulodynia. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress, Victoria, Canada **Ann-Collins-Whitmore AWARD**. (Published).
  • Mercier J*, Morin M, Tang A, Lemieux M-C, Reichetzer B, Khalifé S, Dumoulin C. (2016). Reliability of internal pudendal artery blood flow before and after pelvic floor muscle contractions in healthy adult women using a color doppler ultrasonography system. International Continence Society annual meeting, Tokyo, September 2016. (Published).
  • Mercier J*, Morin M, Tang A, Lemieux M-C, Reichetzer B, Khalife S, Dumoulin C. (2016). Reliability of internal pudendal artery bloodflow before and after pelvic floor muscle contractions in healthy adult womenusing a color doppler ultrasonography system. International Urogynecology Meeting, Cape Town, South Africa, August 6th, 2016. (Published).
  • Gougeon V*, Marchand S, Morin A*, Léonard G, Girard I, Waddell G, Bureau Y-A, Morin M. (2016). Suffering from chronic pain influences the empathic pain modulation when observing someone else’s pain. Canadian Pain Society Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada. (Published).
  • Mercier J*, Morin M, Tang A, Reichetzer B, Lemieux M-C, Khalifé S, Dumoulin C. (2016). Test-retest reliability of internal pudendal artery blood flow measurements at real and after pelvic floor muscle contractions in healthy adult women using color Doppler ultrasonography. CRIUGM/CAREC Scientific Day, Quebec, Canada, May 26th, 2016. (Published).
  • Benoit-Piau J*, Bergeron S, Dumoulin C, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Morin M. (2016). Vulvodynia : exploring the association between pain intensity and psychological and muscular variables using the modified fear avoidance model. Journée phare, Bromont, Canada, December 2016. (Published).
  • Bantan N, Dumoulin C, Morin M. (2015). Can we predict pelvic floor muscle training in women with stress and mixed urinary incontinence using demographic, clinical and morphological parameters?. 45th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Montréal, Canada, October 2015. Neurourol Urodyn, 2015; 33(S3): 43-44. (Published).
  • Morin M, Cyr MP*, Marquis MP*, Larose N*, Besette J*, Phaneuf S*. (2015). Comparing urogynecological symptoms and pelvic floor morphometry in women with and without puborectalis avulsion. Symposium annuel des programmes d'ergothérapie et de physiothérapie: 5e édition. (Published).
  • *M.P. Cyr, *J. Bessette, *S. Villeneuve, *N. Larose, *M.P. Marquis, *S. Phaneuf, J. Kruger, V. Wong, C. Dumoulin, I. Girard, M. Morin. (2015). Early postpartum pelvic floor function and morphometry in women with and without puborectalis avulsion. 5e Symposium Annuel des Programmes d’ergothérapie et de physiothérapie. (Published).
  • *M.P. Cyr, *J. Bessette, *S. Villeneuve, *N. Larose, *M.P. Marquis, *S. Phaneuf, J. Kruger, V. Wong, C. Dumoulin, I. Girard, M. Morin. (2015). Early postpartum pelvic floor function and morphometry in women with and without puborectalis avulsion. 44e Journée Scientifique de la FMSS de l’Université de Sherbrooke. (Published).
  • Morin M, Kruger J, Wong V, Sherbrun M, Dumoulin C. (2015). Effect of physiotherapy on pelvic floor muscle (PFM) morphometry in women with and without avulsion injury of the puborectalis muscle after vaginal delivery: Preliminary results. Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Congress. (Published).
  • Morin M, Kruger J, Wong V, Sherbrun M, Dumoulin C. (2015). Effect of physiotherapy on pelvic floor muscle (PFM) morphometry in women with and without avulsion injury of the puborectalis muscle after vaginal delivery: Preliminary results. Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Congress, Halifax, Canada. (Published).
  • Morin M, Kruger J, Wong V, Girard I, Sherbrun M, Dumoulin C. (2015). Effect ofphysiotherapy on pelvic floor muscle morphometry in women with avulsion injuryof the puborectalis muscle after vaginal delivery. 45th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Montréal, Canada, octobre 2015. Neurourol Urodyn, 2015; 33(S3): 39-40. (Published).
  • Morin M, Kruger J, Wong V, Girard I, Sherbrun M, Dumoulin C. (2015). Effect of physiotherapy on pelvic floor muscle morphometry in women with avulsion injury of the puborectalis muscle after vaginal delivery. International Continence Society for the 45th Annual Meeting, Neurourol Urodyn, 2015; 33(S3): 39-40. (Published).
  • Morin M, Kruger J, Wong V, Girard I, Sherbrun M, Dumoulin C. (2015). Effect of physiotherapy on pelvic floor muscle morphometry in women with avulsion injury of the puborectalis muscle after vaginal delivery. 45th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society Neurourol Urodyn, 2015, 33(S3); 39-40 **Best Clinical Presentation Award**. (Published).
  • Morin A*, Léonard G, Gougeon V*, Morin M. (2015). Efficacité de la stimulation transcrânienne par courant direct chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée: Devis et méthodes d’une étude pilote randomisée à triple insu. Colloque "Les techniques de neurostimulation pour évaluer et traiter le système nerveux chez l’humain : où en est rendue la science?" de l'Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS). (Published).
  • Morin A*, Léonard G, Gougeon V*, Morin M. (2015). Efficacité de la stimulation transcrânienne par courant direct chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée: Devis et méthodes d’une étude pilote randomisée à triple insu. Colloque "Les techniques de neurostimulation pour évaluer et traiter le système nerveux chez l’humain : où en est rendue la science?" de l'Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS). (Published).
  • Morin M, Cyr MP*, Marquis MP*, Larose N*, Besette J*, Phaneuf S*. (2015). Is non-invasive perineal ultrasound useful in teaching pelvic floor muscle exercises to women 60 and over with or without urinary incontinence. International Urogynecological Association for the 40th Annual Meeting. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Morin M, Kruger J, Fradet S. (2015). Is non-invasive perineal ultrasound useful in teaching pelvic floor muscle exercises to women 60 and over with or withouturinary incontinence, InternationalUrogynecology Journal, 1(Supp – June 2015). 40th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association. (Published).
  • Morin M, Cyr MP*, Marquis MP*, Larose N*, Besette J*, Phaneuf S*. (2015). Is non-invasive perineal ultrasound useful in teaching pelvic floor muscle exercises to women 60 and over with or without urinary incontinence, International Urogynecology Journal, 1(Supp – June 2015): 22. 40th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association, Nice, France. (Published).
  • Cyr M-P*, Bessette J*, Villeneuve S*, Phaneuf S*, Larose N*, Marquis M-P*, Kruger J*, Wong V, Dumoulin C, Girard I, Morin M. (2015). Pelvic floor function and morphometry in women with and without puborectalis avulsion in early postpartum period. Journée scientifique de la Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l'Université de Sherbrooke: 44e édition. (Published).
  • Cyr MP*, Bessette J*, Villeneuve S*, Kruger J, Wong V, Dumoulin C, Morin M. (2015). Pelvic floor muscle morphology and function in women with and without a puborectalis avulsion injury after childbirth. Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Congress. (Published).
  • Cyr MP*, Bessette J*, Villeneuve S*, Morin M et al. (2015). Pelvic floor muscle morphology and function in women with and without a puborectalis avulsion injury after childbirth. Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Congress. (Published).
  • Mercier J*, Morin M, Reichetzer B, Lemieux M-C, Khalifé S, Dumoulin C. (2015). Pelvic floor muscles training to improve vaginal atrophy signs and symptoms: a case study. International and interdisciplinary association on the pharmaceutical life cycle, Montréal, Canada. (Published).
  • Mercier J*, Morin M, Reichetzer B, Lemieux MC, Khalifé S, Dumoulin C. (2015). Pelvic floor muscles training to improve vaginalatrophy signs and symptoms: a case study. International and interdisciplinary association on the pharmaceutical life cycle. (Published).
  • Morin A*, Leonard G, Gougeon V*, Morin M. (2015). Quand les relations sexuelles sont synonymes de douleur. 1st edition, Québec Network of Junior Pain Investigators (RQJID/QNJPI) PAIN Talks, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada – November 6th 2015. (Published).
  • Morin M, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Dubois O, Dubois M-F, PVD Study Group. (2015). Randomized controlled trial of multimodal physiotherapy treatment compared to overnight topical lidocaine in women suffering from provoked vestibulodynia. 40th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association, Nice, France, 2015. Int Urogynecol J, 2015; 1(Supp – June 2015): PP22. (Published).
  • Morin M, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, et al. (2015). Randomized controlled trial of multimodal physiotherapy treatment compared to overnigth topical lidocaine in women suffering from provoked vestibulodynia. International Urogynecological Association for the 40th Annual Meeting. (Published).
  • Morin M, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand M-H, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Dubois O*, Dubois M-F, PVD Study Group. (2015). Randomized controlled trial of multimodal physiotherapy treatment compared to overnigth topical lidocaine in women suffering from provoked vestibulodynia, International Urogynecology Journal, 1(Supp – June 2015): 22. 40th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association. (Published).
  • *V. Gougeon, *A. Morin, *M.P. Cyr, I. Girard, G. Waddell, Y.A. Bureau, M. Morin, S. Marchand. (. (2015). Ta douleuraffecte mes mécanismes de défense!. 7th Sherbrooke Neuroscience Center’s Annual Scientific Conference. (Published).
  • Gougeon V*, Morin M, Morin A*, Cyr M-P*, Girard I, Waddell G, Bureau Y-A, Marchand S. (2015). Ta douleur affecte mes mécanismes de défense!. 7e édition de la Journée scientifique du centre des neurosciences de Sherbrooke **2nd place for the best presentation. (Published).
  • Morin M, Tu L-M. (2014). Assessing urethral length measurement: comparison between simple catheter method and 3D transperineal ultrasound, Neurourol Urodyn, 33(6) : 1021-1022. Neurourol Urodyn, 33(6), 1021-1022. (Published).
  • Bruyninx S*, Morin M, Brassard A, Dumoulin C, Dubois O*, Mayrand MH. (2014). Liens entre des variables psychosociales et le fonctionnement sexuel chez les patients souffrant de vestibulodynie provoquée: résultats préliminaires. Congrès de la société québécoise de recherche en psychologie. (Published).
  • Cyr MP*, Morin M, Pinard A*, Dubois O*, Bourbonnais D. (2014). Reliability and validity of a new instrument for vestibular pain assessment in women with provoked vestibulodynia, J Sex Med, 11(supp 2) : 11. J Sex Med, 11(supp 2), 11. (Published).
  • Cyr MP*, Morin M, Pinard A*, Dubois O*. (2014). Reliability and validity of the laser Doppler and laser Speckle in the evaluation of blood flow in the vestibular mucosa in women with provoked vestibulodynia, J Sex Med, 11(supp 2) : 11. J Sex Med, 11(supp 2), 11. (Published).
  • Morin M, Bergeron S, Khalifé S, Binik YM, Ouellet S. (2013). Dynamometric assessment of the pelvic floor muscles in women with genito-pelvic pain and psychological correlates. 1st World Congress on Abdominal and Pelvic Pain. (Published).
  • Cyr MP*, Morin M. (2013). Fidélité et validité d’un nouvel instrument de mesure de la douleur chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée. Journée scientifique de la FMSS de l’Université de Sherbrooke -PRIX MEILLEURE PRÉSENTATION-. (Published).
  • Cyr MP*, Pinard A*, Dubois O*, Morin M. (2013). Fidélité test-retest inter-séance et validité du laser Doppler et du laser Speckle dans l’évaluation de la microcirculation sanguine vulvaire chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée. 5e journée scientifique du Centre des Neurosciences de Sherbrooke -PRIX MEILLEURE PRÉSENTATION-. (Published).
  • Morin M, Corriveau H, Dupuis K*, Lefebvre I, Nadeau S, Filiatrault J, Dumoulin C. (2013). Identifying deficits in lower limb muscle strength, balance and mobility in elderly women suffering from urge and mixed urinary incontinence. 43rd Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Morin M, Fradet S, Krugger J. (2013). Pelvic floor biometrics in continent and urinary incontinent elderly women, Neurourol Urodyn, 32(6) : 610-611. Neurourol Urodyn, 32(6), 610-611. (Published).
  • Pinard A*, Bourbonnais D, Morin M. (2013). Validité et fidélité d’un nouvel instrument de mesure de la douleur chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée. Congrès de l’Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec. (Published).
  • Cyr MP*, Waddell G, Bureau YA, Girard I, Morin M. (2013). Étude pilote évaluant l’efficacité des traitements de physiothérapie et de lidocaïne chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée. Congrès de l’Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec. (Published).
  • Cyr MP*, Pinard A*, Bourbonnais D, Dubois O*, Morin M. (2013). Évaluation de la fidélité et de la validité de construit d’un nouvel instrument de mesure de la douleur chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée. Congrès Axe Inflammation-Douleur. (Published).
  • Dupuis K*, Gagné MC*, Robidoux K*, Sohier C*, Stachecki T*, Morin M. (2012). Efficacité d’un traitement de physiothérapie complet chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée : une étude de cas. Symposium annuel de l’École de réadaptation, Faculté de médicine et des sciences de la santé. (Published).
  • Dupuis K*, Gagné MC*, Robidoux K*, Sohier C*, Stachecki T*, Morin M. (2012). Efficacité d’un traitement de physiothérapie complet chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée : une étude de cas. Physiothérapie 360 degrés : l’événement annuel de développement professionnel. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Gareau A, Morin M, Tang A, Lemieux M, Jolivest M, Liberman D, Jardin M, Elliott V, Faro-Dussault V, Pontbriand-Drolet S, Plouffe P. (2012). From passive subjects to well-informed active participant : the impact of a citizens’ jury on urinary incontinence self-management, Neurourol Urodyn, 31(6) : 911-912. Neurourol Urodyn, 31(6), 911-912. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Pontbriand-Drolet S, Tang A, Maddill S, Morin M. (2012). Pelvic-floor morphology: a predictor of physiotherapy success for women with stress and mixed urinary incontinence. International Urogynecology Journal, 23(2), S51-S52. (Published).
  • Cyr MP*, Waddell G, Bureau YA, Girard I, Morin M. (2012). Projet pilote : un essai clinique randomisé visant à évaluer l’efficacité des traitements de physiothérapie et de lidocaïne chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée. 4e journée scientifique du Centre des Neurosciences de Sherbrooke. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Gareau A, Morin M, Tang A, Jolivest M, Lemieux M, Liberman D, Jardin M, Elliott V, Faro-Dussault V, Pontbriand-Drolet S, Bergeron J. (2012). Research priorities for elderly women with urinary incontinence: Results of a Citizens Jury, Neurourol Urodyn, 31(6) : 776-777. Neurourol Urodyn, 31(6), 776-777. (Published).
  • Cyr M-P*, Waddell G, Bureau Y-A, Girard I, Morin M. (2012). Étude pilote évaluant l'efficacité des traitements de physiothérapie et de lidocaïne chez les femmes atteintes de vestibulodynie provoquée. Journée scientifique du 1er cycle. (Published).
  • Morin M, Bergeron S, Khalifé S, Binik Y, Dupuis MJ, Bourbonnais D. (2011). Characterizing and comparing pelvic floor muscle function in women with provoked vestibulodynia using a dynamometric speculum: A controlled study, Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, 15(supp) : S20. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, 15(supp), S20. (Published).
  • Morin M, Bergeron S, Khalifé S, Binik Y, Ouellet S. (2011). Comparing pelvic floor muscle biometry in women with and without dyspareunia using 4D real time transperineal ultrasound, Neurourol Urodyn, 30(6) : 1033-1034. Neurourol Urodyn, 30(6), 1033-1034. (Published).
  • Morin M, Bergeron S, Khalifé S, Binik Y, Mayrand MH. (2011). Morphometry of the pelvic floor muscles in women with and without provoked vestibulodynia using real time 4D ultrasound, J Sex Med, 8(supp 2) : 56-77. J Sex Med, 8(supp 2), 56-77. (Published).
  • Morin M, Bergeron S, Khalifé S, Binik Y, Mayrand MH. (2011). Real time 4D ultrasonography measurements of the pelvic floor muscles in women with and without provoked vestibulodynia, Neurourol Urodyn, 31(6) : 911-912. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, 15(supp), S1. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Morin M, Corriveau H, Tang A. (2010). Characterizing and comparing pelvic floor muscle function in continent and urinary incontinent older women using dynamometry. Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society and the International Urogynecological Association. (Published).
  • Morin M, Bergeron S, Khalifé S, Binik I, Ouellet S. (2010). Dynamometric assessment of the pelvic floor muscle function in women with and without provoked vestibulodynia, Neurourol Urodyn, 29(6) : 1140-1141. Neurourol Urodyn, 29(6), 1140-1141. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Boudreault N, Morin M, Corriveau H, Tang A, Corcos J, Tannenbaum C, Lemieux M. (2010). In older women, does pelvic floor muscle function differ between those who are continent and those with mixed urinary incontinence?. Réunion scientifique et éducative annuelle de l’Association canadienne de gérontologie. (Published).
  • Morin M. (2009). La dynamométrie, une méthode de choix pour l’évaluation de la fonction musculaire du plancher pelvien chez la femme. 1er colloque en rééducation périnéale et pelvienne de l’École de réadaptation de l’Université de Montréal.
  • Morin M, Bergeron S, Binik I, Ouellet S. (2009). Le développement d’une nouvelle méthodologie pour évaluer le tonus musculaire du plancher pelvien. 5e journée scientifique annuel du département de psychologie, Université de Montréal.
  • Elliott V, Dumoulin C, Morin M, Bourbonnais D, Lemieux MC, Gauthier R. (2009). Physical Therapy for persistent postpartum stress urinary incontinence : a seven year follow-up study. Neurourol and Urodyn, 28(7), 820-821. (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Elliott V, Martin C, Morin M, Bourbonnais D. (2009). Predictors of continued urinary continence seven years after completion of an intensive supervised physiotherapy program for women with persistent postpartum stress urinary incontinence. 34e assemblée annuelle du International Urogynecological Association.
  • Morin M, Gravel D, Bourbonnais D, Dumoulin C, Ouellet S. (2008). Comparing pelvic floor muscle tone in postmenopausal continent and stress urinary incontinent women. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 27(7), (Published).
  • Dumoulin C, Lamoureux J, Morin M, Gravel D, Bourbonnais D. (2008). Predictors of success of physiotherapy intervention in women with persistent postpartum stress urinary incontinence. 4e consultation internationale sur l’incontinence.
  • Morin M, Gravel D, Bourbonnais D, Dumoulin C, Ouellet S. (2008). Reliability of a new approach for assessing the pelvic floor muscle tone in postmenopausal stress incontinent women. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 27(7), (Published).
  • Morin M, Bergeron S, Binik I, Ouellet S. (2008). Une nouvelle méthodologie évaluant le tonus musculaire du plancher pelvien. Congrès international francophone de médecine sexuelle.
  • M. Morin, S. Bergeron, I. Binik, S. Ouellet. (2008). Une nouvelle méthodologie évaluant le tonus musculaire du plancher pelvien. congrès international francophone de médecine sexuelle.
  • Morin M, Bourbonnais D, Dumoulin C, Gravel D, Ouellet S, Pilon JF. (2007). Pelvic floor involuntary response during coughing in continent and stress urinary incontinent postmenopausal women. International Continence Society Congress.
  • Starzec-Proserpio, M*; Grigol Bardin, M*; Morin, M. **Best Scored Abstract**Lasers in the treatment of vulvodynia: A scoping review. 25th Annual Scientific Meeting on Pelvic Pain.
  • Bourget, R-M*; Gamache, K*; Morin, M; Hudon, A; Simard, C; Girard, I; Gareau-Labelle, A-K; Charbonneau, V; Plouffe, L; Boisvert, C; Morin, G; Levasseur, E; Déry-Rouleau, G; Wilhelmy, C; Perreault, K. Accès aux services de physiothérapie pour les femmes présentant des douleurs pelviennes : résultats préliminaires d’une enquête provinciale. Congrès de l’Association Canadienne-Française pour l’avancement des Sciences (ACFAS).
  • Cyr, M-P*; Dostie, R; Camden, C; Dumoulin, C; Bessette, P; Pina, A; Gotlieb, W. H.; Lapointe-Milot, K; Mayrand, M-H; Morin, M. A qualitative study of women’s views and experiences of multimodal pelvicfloor physiotherapy for treating dyspareunia after gynecological cancer: aninsight into this treatment’s acceptability. ICS 2022. (Published).
  • Morin, M; Paré, J; Dumont, V*; Bérubé-Lauzière, Y; Tu L.M. A randomized prospective pilot study investigating the feasibility and effects of high intensity laser therapy for women with vulvodynia. ISSWSH Annual Meeting. (Published).
  • Benoit-Piau, J*; Morin, M; Gaudreault, N. Danseurs: Déconstruire l'image de martyrs. PAINTalks.
  • Roch, M*; Morin, M; Gaudreault, N. Des punctures par aiguilles sèches pour diminuer la douleur. Pain Talks 2021.
  • Bourget, R-M*; Gamache, K*; Morin, M; Hudon, A; Simard, C; Girard, I; Gareau-Labelle, A-K; Charbonneau, V; Plouffe, L; Boisvert, C; Morin, G; Levasseur, È; Déry-Rouleau, G; Wilhelmy, C; Perreault, K. Do women with chronic pelvic pain have access to pelvic floor physiotherapy in Quebec?. IASP 2022 World Congress on Pain. (Published).
  • Fisette-Paulhus, I*; Morin, M; Fortin, J; Girard-Côté, L; Gagnon, C. Développement d’un guide de pratique clinique sur les rôles et interventions en physiothérapie pour favoriser la sexualité des adultes atteints d’une maladie neuromusculaire. 4e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation. (Published).
  • Devantéry, K*; Morin, M; Grimard, J; Gaudreault, N. Effects of a myofascial technique on tissue state and pain intensity of adults presenting chronic nonspecific low back pain. Fascia research congress 2022.
  • Devantéry, K*; Morin, M; Gaudreault, N. Effet d’une technique myofasciale sur l’intensité de la douleur chez les personnes atteintes de lombalgie chronique non spécifique. 4e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation.
  • Benoit-Piau, C; Benoit-Piau, J*; Morin, M; Gaudreault, N. Effets des traitements conservateurs sur les troubles musculosquelettiques chez les danseurs : une revue systématique. Congrès de l’Association Canadienne-Française pour l’avancement des Sciences (ACFAS).
  • M. Roch, M. Morin, N. Gaudreault. Effets d’une puncture sèche sur les propriétés viscoélastiques d’un pointgâchette dans l’infraépineux mesuré avec le MyotonPro chez une population avecdouleur à l’épaule. Journée Scientifique de la FMSS de l’Université de Sherbrooke. (Published).
  • Roch, M*; Gaudreault, N; Cyr, M-P*; Venne, G; Bureau, N J; Morin, M. Fascia anatomy of the female pelvic floor: a systematic search and review. Fascia research congress 2022. (Published).
  • Morin, M; Paré, J; Bérubé-Lauzière, Y; Simard, C; Tu L-M. Feasibility, acceptability and effects of high intensity laser therapy for women withvulvodynia: a randomized prospective pilot study. ICS.
  • Fisette-Paulhus, I*; Morin, M. Introducing a guide in physical therapy addressing sexual function in adults with neuromuscular disorders. ISSWSH Annual Meeting.
  • Fisette-Paulhus, I*; Gagnon, C; Fortin, J; Girard-Côté, L; Morin, M. Introducing a guide in physiotherapy addressing sexual function in adults with neuromuscular disorders. Virtual Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation Annual Conference.
  • Kadah, S*; Soh, S-E; Morin, M; Schneider, M; Heron, E; Frawley, H. Is there a difference in pelvic floor muscle tonebetween woman with and without chronic pelvic pain? A systematic review and meta-analysis. The MENA Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress.
  • Kadah, S*; Soh, S; Morin, M; Schneider, M; Ang, W; McPhate, L; Frawley, H. Is there an association between pelvic pain and pelvic floor muscle tone in women with persistent pelvic pain?. ICS 2022.
  • Bourget, R-M*; Gamache, K*; Morin, M; Hudon, A; Simard, C; Girard, I; Gareau-Labelle, A-K; Charbonneau, V; Plouffe, L; Boisvert, C; Morin, G; Levasseur, E; Déry-Rouleau, G; Wilhelmy, C; Perreault, K. Les femmes ayant des douleurs pelviennes ont-elles accès à des services de physiothérapie en rééducation périnéale et pelvienne au Québec? Résultats préliminaires d’un sondage provincial. 4e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation.
  • Gamache, K*; Bourget, R-M*; Morin, M; Hudon, A; Simard, C; Girard, I; Gareau-Labelle, A-K; Charbonneau, V; Plouffe, L; Boisvert, C; Morin, G; Levasseur, E; Déry-Rouleau, G; Wilhelmy, C; Perreault, K. Les femmes québécoises ont-elles accès à des services de physiothérapie en rééducation périnéale et pelvienne en post-partum? Résultats préliminaires d’un sondage provincial. 4e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation.
  • Quintal, I*; Bourbonnais, D; Dyer, O; Morin, M. Méthode de rééducation sensitive appliquée chez les femmes avec dyspareunie post-partum : une étude de cas multiples rétrospective. World Federation of Occupational Therapists. (Published).
  • Benoit-Piau, J*; Gaudreault, N; Vallerand, R; Fortin, S; Guptill, C; Morin, M. Obsessive and harmonious passion: Their role in musculoskeletal disorders among dancers. IASP 2022 World Congress on Pain. (Published).
  • Fisette-Paulhus, I*; Morin, M; Gagnon, C. Prevalence and characteristics of pelvic floor disorders in adult women with myotonic dystrophy type 1. 17th International congress on neuromuscular diseases (ICNMD 2022). (Published).
  • Fisette-Paulhus, I*; Gagnon, C; Morin, M. Prévalence, caractéristiques et impacts de l’incontinence urinaire et des autres désordres du plancher pelvien chez des femmes atteintes de dystrophie myotonique de type1. 49e Journée scientifique de la FMSS. (Published).
  • Michaud, C; Almadin, C; Morin, M; Simard-Émond, L; Roy, J; Mayrand, M-H. Prévalence et prise encharge des problématiques de santé gynécologiques après allogreffe de celluleshématopoïétiques : Revue narrative. Journée annuelle de la recherche du département d’obstétrique-gynécologie (JAROG).
  • Benoit-Piau, J*; Boudreau, I; Gaudreault, N; Morin, M. Quand le sexe est douloureux: la vestibuolodynie provoquée. 88e Congrès de l'Association Canadienne-Française pour l'avancement des Sciences (ACFAS).
  • Benoit-Piau, J*; Gaudreault, N; Morin, M. Repenser la cotation du Movement Competency Screen. Congrès de l’Association Canadienne-Française pour l’avancement des Sciences (ACFAS).
  • Benoit-Piau, J*; Gaudreault, N; Morin, M. Rethinking the rating of the movement competency screen. Virtual physiotherapy congress 2021.
  • *J. Benoit-Piau, M. Morin, S. Fortin, C. Guptill, N. Gaudreault. Stabilisation lombopelvienne chez les danseurs : comment l’évaluer?. 19e Journée annuelle de recherche du Programme de résidence en orthopédie de Sherbrooke, **Prize for best oral presentation**.
  • Benoit-Piau, J*; Gaudreault, N; Massé-Alarie, H; Morin, M. The role of control and strength of lumbopelvic muscles, and movement competency in musculoskeletal disorder episodes in dancers. The Canadian Pain Society (CPS) 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting.
  • Cyr, M-P*; Morin, M. Women’s experiences of dyspareunia after gynecological cancer treatment and care-seeking behavior: an insight from a qualitative study. ISSWSH Annual Meeting.

Propriétés intellectuelles


  • Algometer for assessing vulvar sensitivity. 282181.44. Canada. (Pending).

Autres contributions


  • Morin, M; Starzec-Proserpio, M. (2022). About pelvic floor muscle from a Canadian perspective – Webinar for women with vulvodynia (Original title: Rozmowy o dnie miednicy prosto z Kanady). The family health week. Warsaw (Online), Poland
  • (2022). Démystifier les douleurs vulvaires chroniques : de la pathophysiologie au traitement. Health Impact SARL. Paris, France
  • (2022). High intensity laser therapy for treating vulvodynia: Results from a randomized prospective pilot study. VELA Academy annual conference by Fotona. Rome (Online), Italy
  • (2022). La rééducation périnéale et pelvienne : D’hier à aujourd’hui. Québec, Canada
  • (2022). Pathophysiologie et traitement des douleurs vulvovaginales : Quel est le rôle des physiothérapeutes?. Association Contact Physio. Québec, Canada
  • (2022). Pelvic floor physical therapy and orgasm. ISSWSH orgasm consensus panel. Minnesota (Online), United States of America
  • (2022). Évoluer en recherche en santé périnéale et pelvienne. Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2022). Évoluer en recherche en santé périnéale et pelvienne. Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal. Montréal (Online), Canada
  • (2021). Assessment of pelvic floor muscle function and dysfunction: consensus on terminology. 51th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society (Online). Melbourne, Australia
  • S. Marchand, L. Colloca. (2021). Chronic pelvic pain mechanisms, neuroscience education and physiology in clinical practice. International Continence Society Podcast.
  • (2021). Fasciae of the pelvic floor. Winter school “Fascial anatomy” Online edition, Università Degli Studi di Padova, Italy (Online). Italy
  • (2021). Gynaecological and prostate cancer treatment and pelvic floor function. 51th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society. Australia
  • Prince, M-È. (2021). Les thérapies myofasciales. Obstetrics and Gynecology Department. Canada
  • (2021). Muscles and fasciae of the pelvic floor: What are their involvements in urinary incontinence in women?. Pink fascia, Online. Canada
  • M. Morin, H. Frawley. (2021). Pelvi-perineal pain: physiotherapy management in endometriosis and provoked vestibulodynia. 51th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society (Online). Melbourne, Australia
  • M. Robert. (2021). Pelvic floor physio for urogynecology and for pain. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada’s Annual Clinical and Scientific Conference (Online). Canada
  • (2021). Reprise de l’activité physique et incontinence urinaire post-partum. Colloque provinciale signature en post-partum : Soins de la mère. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2020). Assessment and treatment of vulvar pain and sexual dysfunction. Presentation at the Akdeniz University. Turkey
  • M. Morin. (2020). Laser therapy for vulvodynia ICS Core Curriculum: Institute of Physiotherapy: New Frontiers in Conservative Management for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. 50th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Las Vegas, United-States (Online). Las Vegas (Online), United States of America
  • M. Morin. (2020). Physiotherapy for management of vulvovaginal pain: how to improve care for women with vulvodynia and for gynecological cancer survivors. Continence Foundation of Australia Physiotherapy Group. Victoria (webinar), Australia
  • (2020). Évaluation et traitement de la douleur vulvovaginale. Conférence in Paris to physiotherapy student. Paris, France
  • (2019). Capsule didactique sur l'algorithme sur la vulvodynie. PROGRAMME ECHO CHUM Douleur chronique. Montreal, Canada
  • M. Morin. (2019). Definition, diagnosis and physiopathology of vulvodynia and research updates. Vulvodynia Symposium, Campinas University. Brazil
  • (2019). ICS Institute – School of Physiotherapy: Conservative Management for Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions. 49th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society (ICS). Gothenburg, Sweden
  • (2019). La douleur pelvi-périnéale – Une condition débilitante méconnue. Congrès 2019 de la Société Québécoise de la douleur. Québec, Canada
  • (2019). Overview of research on vulvodynia. Presentation in Brazil to the Obstetrian and gynecology department. Brazil
  • (2019). Pelvic Floor Muscle Dynamics in Vestibulodynia. The ISSWSH/ISSM Joint Meeting “It Takes Two to Tango”. Atlanta, United States of America
  • (2018). Efficacité des modalités physiothérapiques pour le traitement de la vestibulodynie provoquée. Seminar for the 10th anniversary of the Microprogram in pelvic floor re-education of the Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada
  • Morin M. (2018). ICS core curriculum (free): update on the evidence for conservative management of female pelvic floor dysfunction. 48th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Philadelphia, USA, August 2018. Philadelphia, United States of America
  • (2018). Physical therapy modalities for provoked vestibulodynia: does it work?. 6th Biennial scientific session and advanced vulvar course of the North American Chapter of the ISSVD. Montreal, Canada
  • (2018). Physiotherapy for women with provoked Vestibulodynia. CFA Victorian Physiotherapy Group and Continence Foundation Physiotherapy Group. Australia
  • (2018). Physiotherapy for women with provoked vestibulodynia. The University of Queensland, St Lucia. Australia
  • Morin M. (2018). The Physiotherapist’s Approach to the Overactive Pelvic Floor. Webinar on Chronic Genito-pelvic Pain and Overactive Pelvic, IUGA. Vienne, Austria
  • M. Morin. (2018). Vulvodynia and the Pelvic Floor. International Pelvic Pain Society, Chicago, USA, October 20th 2018. Chicago, United States of America
  • Morin M. (2018). Workshop: The overactive pelvic floor. 48th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Philadelphia, USA, August 2018. Philadelphia, United States of America
  • Morin M. (2017). La physiothérapie pour les douleurs vulvaires : est-ce efficace?. 1er Colloque provincial de la Table nationale des experts en douleur chronique, Québec, Canada, 9 novembre 2017. Québec, Canada
  • Morin M. (2017). Workshop “ICS Core Curriculum (Free): Wiki What? - Be A Part of The Future of ICS and Urology Terms. 47th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Florence, Italy, September 2017. Florence, Italy
  • Morin M. (2016). Physiotherapy for women with vulvodynia: Is it effective?. 46th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Tokyo, Japan, September 2016. Japan
  • Morin M. (2016). The Overactive Pelvic Floor. 46th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society, Tokyo, Japan, September 2016. Japan
  • Morin M. (2016). Vulvodynia in the postpartum period. Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health. Charleston, United States of America
  • Morin M. (2015). Incontinence et sexualité : Les avancées du regroupement thématique du RQRV. 28e Congrès scientifique annuel de la Société québécoise de gériatrie. Canada
  • Morin M. (2015). Mieux comprendre et traiter les douleurs gynécologiques. Chercheure étoile du CRCHUS, Passé et future – 35 ans de découvertes. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Morin M. (2015). Patient Adherence: Understanding motivation. International Continence Society for the 45th Annual Meeting. Montréal, Canada
  • Morin M. (2015). The Overactive Pelvic Floor. International Continence Society for the 45th Annual Meeting. Montréal, Canada
  • Morin M. (2014). Digital palpation to imaging: How do or should pelvic-floor-muscle evaluation tools influence physiotherapy practice. International Continence Society for the 44nd Annual Meeting. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Morin M. (2014). How do PFM evaluation tool influence our practice with perineal pain in women. In Digital papation to imaging: How do or should pelvic-floor-muscle evaluation tools influence physiotherapy practice?. International Continence Society for the 44nd Annual Meeting. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Morin M. (2014). Manometry. In Digital palpation to imaging: How do or should pelvic-floor-muscle evaluation tools influence physiotherapy practice?. International Continence Society for the 44nd Annual Meeting. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Morin M. (2014). Meet the experts in pelvic floor muscles training. International Continence Society for the 44nd Annual Meeting. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Morin M. (2013). Dynamometry. In Digital palpation to imaging: How do or should pelvic-floor-muscle evaluation tools influence physiotherapy practice?. Pre-congress workshop, International Continence Society annual meeting. Barcelone, Spain
  • Morin M. (2013). Dynamometry. In Digital palpation to imaging: How do or should pelvic-floor-muscle evaluation tools influence physiotherapy practice?. Pre-congress workshop IUGA 38th annual meeting. Dublin, Ireland
  • Morin M. (2013). How do PFM evaluation tool influence our practice with perineal pain in women. In Digital palpation to imaging: How do or should pelvic-floor-muscle evaluation tools influence physiotherapy practice?. Pre-congress workshop, International Continence Society annual meeting. Barcelone, Spain
  • Morin M. (2013). How do PFM evaluation tools influence our practice with vulvodynia. In Digital palpation to imaging: How do or should pelvic-floor-muscle evaluation tools influence physiotherapy practice?. Pre-congress workshop IUGA 38th annual meeting. Dublin, Ireland
  • Morin M, Prince ME. (2013). La grossesse et la période post-natale: Osez en parler. Centre de ressources périnatales. Naissance-Renaissance estrie. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Morin M. (2013). Les dysfonctions des muscles du plancher pelvien chez la femme. Congrès de la Fédération des kinésiologues du Québec. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Morin M. (2013). Manometry. In Digital palpation to imaging: How do or should pelvic-floor-muscle evaluation tools influence physiotherapy practice?. Pre-congress workshop, International Continence Society ICS annual meeting. Barcelone, Spain
  • Morin M. (2013). Manometry. In Digital palpation to imaging: How do or should pelvic-floor-muscle evaluation tools influence physiotherapy practice?. Pre-congress workshop IUGA 38th annual meeting. Dublin, Ireland
  • Morin M, Dumoulin C. (2013). Rééducation pelvienne, ça avance!. Invitation spéciale pour la rééducation périnéale et pelvienne, Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec. Montréal, Canada
  • Morin M. (2013). Vestibulodynia (PVD): Defining the dysfunction and providing effective management. Congrès de l’Association nationale des physiothérapeutes. Montréal, Canada
  • Morin M. (2012). Dynamometry- Workshop 22: Pelvic Floor Muscle Evaluations: From digital palpation to imaging. International Continence Society for the 42nd Annual Meeting. Beijing, China
  • Morin M. (2012). Les avulsions du releveur de l’anus à l’accouchement: une problématique majeure. Journée annuelle de la recherche du département d'obstétrique-gynécologie: 11e édition. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Morin M. (2012). Manometry- Workshop 22: Pelvic Floor Muscle Evaluations: From digital palpation to imaging. International Continence Society for the 42nd Annual Meeting. Beijing, China
  • Morin M. (2012). Meet the experts in Electromyography (EMG) of pelvic floor muscles. International Continence Society for the 42nd Annual Meeting. Beijing, China
  • Morin M. (2012). Meet the experts in pelvic floor muscles training. International Continence Society for the 42nd Annual Meeting. Beijing, China
  • Morin M. (2012). Prevention and treatment of prenatal and postpartum urinary incontinence. Workshop # 39, Evidence?based Physical Therapies for Treating Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Women. International Continence Society for the 42nd Annual Meeting. Beijing, China
  • Morin M. (2011). Données probantes en physiothérapie pour les conditions uro-gynécologiques. Présentation orale aux médecins gynécologues. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Morin M. (2011). L’évaluation des muscles du plancher pelvien chez les femmes atteintes de douleurs gynécologiques. Microprogramme en rééducation périnéale et pelvienne. Montréal, Canada
  • Morin M. (2011). Manometry, electromyography and dynamometry. Course entitled State of the Art Pelvic Floor Muscle Assessment – Which Tool Should We Use?. Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society. Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • Morin M. (2011). Prevention and treatment of prenatal and postpartum urinary incontinence. Workshop entitled Physical Therapies for Urinary Incontinence: from the Young Adult to Elderly Patient. Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society. Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • (2010). Comparing pelvic floor muscle function in women with and without provoked vestibulodynia using dynamometry. Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology Colloquium and Workshop. Montréal, Canada
  • (2009). La dynamométrie, une méthode de choix pour l’évaluation de la fonction musculaire du plancher pelvien chez la femme. Colloque en rééducation périnéale et pelvienne de l’École de réadaptation de l’Université de Montréal: 1ere édition. Montréal, Canada
  • (2008). Enhancing compliance to pelvic floor physical therapies, Workshop entitled Physical therapies for urinary incontinence. International Continence Society. Cairo, Egypt
  • (2006). EMG measurements of the pelvic floor. Course entitled Pelvic floor evaluation in physiotherapy. International Continence Society. Christchurch, New Zealand
  • (2006). L’incontinence urinaire féminine. Johnson & Johnson. Montréal, Canada
  • (2005). EMG measurements of the pelvic floor. Course entitled Pelvic floor evaluation in physiotherapy. International Continence Society. Montréal, Canada
  • (2004). What parameters can and should be tested in dynamometry? Workshop entitled Pelvic floor evaluation in physiotherapy. International Continence Society and International Urogynecological Association meeting. Paris, France
  • (2003). Pelvic floor muscle maximal strength: vaginal digital assessment compared to dynamometric measurements. International Continence Society for the 33rd annual meeting. Florence, Italy