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Martino Pelli

Professeur, École de gestion
École de gestion Économique


Sujet de recherche

Development Policies, Econometrics, Economic Policies, Economic Growth and Cycles, Foreign Aid

Disciplines de recherche



applied economics, development economics, energy economics, environmental and ressource economics

Recherche clinique

Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français, Italien, Espagnol (castillan)


(2013). (Post-doctorate, Post-doctorate). University of Alberta.

(2011). Essays in the Macroeconomic Effects of the Environment (Doctorate, PhD). Université de Lausanne.

(2005). (Master's Equivalent, Licence en Sciences Economiques). Université de Lausanne.

Expérience académique

Head of Department. (2022-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Associate Professor. (2018-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Assistant professor. (2013-2018). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Instructor. (2012-2013). University of Alberta. Canada.

Prix et distinctions

  • Prix d'Excellence en Recherche 2021. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prize / Award).


  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Applicant. On the Road to Recovery. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Insight. 152 188 $. (2021-2026)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Collaborator. On the Road to Recovery. Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). 500 000 $. (2021-2023)
  • Contract. (Awarded). Principal Applicant. Accès 5: un paris économique. MITACS. Accelerate. 15 000 $. (2022-2022)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Environmental Justice in India. University of Manchester (The) (UK). Faculty of Humanities Research Recovery Funds. 17 000 $. (2022-2022)
  • Contract. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Pollution atmosphérique et développement cognitif des jeunes. Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Analyse des Organismes (CIRANO) (Mtl, QC). 32 410 $. (2020-2022)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Impact of Air Pollution on Health and Productivity in India. French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) (France). Projet International de Cooperation Scientifique. 20 000 $. (2019-2021)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Applicant. Air Pollution and Labour Market. Université de Sherbrooke. SSHRC Institutional Grant. 3 320 $. (2020-2021)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Applicant. Soutien à la Recherche pour la Relève Professorale. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC). 56 218 $. (2017-2020)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-applicant. Electrification and Cooking Fuel Choice in Rural India. Duke University (USA). Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative. 5 000 $. (2018-2018)
  • Grant. (Completed). Collaborator. REduction soutenable de la pauVreté Énergétique (REVE). (2014-2018)
  • Fellowship. (Completed). Principal Applicant. CAS President's International Fellowship Initiative. (2016-2018)
  • Fellowship. (Completed). Principal Applicant. Fellowship for Prospective Researchers. (2009-2010)


Articles de revue

  • Pelli, M; Tschopp, J; Bezmaternykh, N (*); Eklou, K (*). (2023). In the Eye of the Storm: firms and Capital Destruction in India. Journal of Urban Economics 134 103529. DOI. (Published).
  • Boskovic, B; Chakravorty, U; Pelli, M; Risch, A. (2023). The Effect of Forest Access on the Market for Fuelwood in India. Journal of Development Economics (160), 102956. DOI. (Published).
  • Barattieri, B; Borda, P; Brugnoli, A; Pelli, M; Tschopp, J. (2023). The Short-Run, Dynamic Employment Effects of Natural Disaster: New Insights. Ecological Economics 205 107693. (Published).
  • Naguib, C; Pelli, M; Poirier, D; Tschopp, J. (2022). The Impact of Cyclones on Local Economic Growth: Evidence from Local Projections. Economics Letters 220 110871. DOI. (Published).
  • Gupta, R; Pelli, M. (2021). Electrification and Cooking Fuel Choice in Rural India. World Development 146 (11), DOI. (Published).
  • Bernabé, A; Diop, B; Pelli, M; Tschopp, J. (2021). The Long-Term Effects of Unexpected Interruptions in Compulsory Schooling. (Submitted).
  • Pelli, M; Tschopp, J. (2017). Comparative Advantage, Capital Destruction, and Hurricanes. Journal of International Economics 108 315-337. DOI. (Published).
  • Lazkano, I; Nostbakken, L; Pelli, M. (2017). From Fossil Fuels to Renewables: The Role of Electricity Storage. European Economic Review 99 113-129. DOI. (Published).
  • Chakravorty, U; Pelli, M; Ural Marchand, B. (2014). Does the quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 107 (A), 228-247. DOI. (Published).

Chapitres de livre

  • Chakravorty, U; Pelli, M. (2023). Electrification and Development: Empirical evidence on the effect of electricity provision on household welfare. Acharyya, A. Environmental Economics in Developing Countries: Issues and Challenges (109-123). Rutledge. (Published).
  • Chakravorty, U; Gupta, R; Pelli, M. (2023). The Economics of Rural Energy Use in Developing Countries. K. F. Zimmermann. Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics (Springer, X-X). Springer. (Accepted).

Documents de travail

  • Bernabé, A; Diop, B; Pelli, M; Tschopp, J. (2023). The Long-Term Effects of Unexpected Interruptions in Compulsory Schooling. 70 p.
  • Chan, R; Pelli, M; Vienne, V. (2022). Wildfires, Smoky Days, and Labor Supply. 47 p.
  • Drouard, J; Hubert, M-H; Pelli, M. (2020). Climate and Civil Unrest. 30 p.
  • Chakravorty U, Deng X, Gong Y, Pelli M, Zhang Q. (2020). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. 62 p.
  • Pelli M. (2012). The Elasticity of Substitution between Clean and Dirty Inputs in the Production of Electricity. 44 p.
  • Pelli M. (2011). Oil Shocks and the Great Moderation: Different Sources, Different Effects. 50 p.

Ressources en ligne

  • Chan, R; Pelli, M; Vienne, V. (2021). Polluting the economy: the hidden cost of air pollution. Site Web.
  • Chakravorty U, Pelli M. (2014). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter?. Site Web.

Autres contributions

Cours enseignés

  • Économie des ressources naturelles. ECN809. (2021-01-04).(3CR).
  • Optimization économique. ECN107. (2015-09-01).(3CR).
  • Introduction à la microéconomie. ECN204. (2013-09-02).(3CR).
  • Statistiques préparatoires à l'économétrie. ECN323. (2013-09-02).(3CR).
  • Économie du commerce international. ECN807. (2013-08-26 à 2013-12-12).(3CR).
  • Intermediate macroeconomic theory. ECON282. (2013-01-07 à 2013-04-19).(3CR).
  • Intermediate macroeconomic theory. ECON282. (2012-01-09 à 2012-04-20).(3CR).

Gestion d'évènements

  • Program Committee Member. (2022) Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Miami. (Conference).
  • Program Committee Member. (2022) European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Rimini. (Conference).
  • Program Committee Member. (2021) European Association of Environment and Resource Economists Meeting, Berlin. (Conference).
  • Program Committee Member. (2021) Association of Environment and Resource Economists Meeting, Miami. (Conference).
  • Program Committee Member. (2020) European Association of Environment and Resource Economists Meeting, Berlin. (Conference).
  • Co-chair. (2019) Second PhD students workshop Sherbrooke-Laval. (Workshop).
  • Program committee member. (2019) FAERE meeting, Rennes. (Conference).
  • Program committee member. (2019) AERE Annual Meeting, Lake Taohe. (Conference).
  • Program committee member. (2019) EAERE meeting, Manchester. (Conference).
  • Program committee member. (2019) EEME Meeting, Québec. (Conference).
  • Program committee member. (2018) CREE Meeting Montreal. (Conference).
  • Program committee member. (2018) World Congress of Environ and Resource Economists, Goteborg. (Conference).
  • Co-chair. (2018) First PhD students workshop Sherbrooke-Laval. (Workshop).
  • Program committee member. (2017) 6th Annual AERE Meeting, Pittsburgh. (Conference).
  • Program committee member. (2016) 5th Annual AERE Meeting, Breckenridge. (Conference).
  • Co-Chair. (2015) Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Study Group Annual Conference, Sherbrooke. (Conference).
  • Program Committee Member. (2015) 4th Association of Environmental and Resource Economicsts Meeting, San Diego. (Conference).
  • Program committee member. (2015) 49th Annual Conference of the CEA, Toronto. (Conference).
  • Program Committee Member. (2014) 5th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Istanbul. (Conference).
  • Program Committee Member. (2013) 3rd Association of Environmental and Resource Economicsts Meeting, Banff. (Conference).


  • (2023). A Tale of Two Roads: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plain. Departement of Economics, Université de Savoie Mont Blanc. Annecy, France
  • (2023). The Short-Run, Dynamic Employment Effects of Natural Disasters: New Insights. Central Bank of Colombia, Research Department. virtual, Colombia
  • (2022). The Long-Term Effects of Unexpected Interruptions in Compulsory Schooling. International Association of Applied Econometrics. London, United Kingdom
  • (2022). The Short-Run, Dynamic Employment Effects of Natural Disasters: New Insights. EAERE Annual Meeting. Rimini, Italy
  • (2022). The Short-Run, Dynamic Employment Effects of Natural Disasters: New Insights. AERE Summer Conference. Miami, United States of America
  • (2022). The Short-Run, Dynamic Employment Effects of Natural Disasters: New Insights. Université de Rennes 1, Department of Economics. Rennes, France
  • (2022). The Short-Run, Dynamic Employment Effects of Natural Disasters: New Insights. Atelier d'économie des resources naturelles et de l'environnement de Montréal. Montreal, Canada
  • (2022). The Short-Run, Dynamic Employment Effects of Natural Disasters: New Insights. International Association of Applied Econometrics. London, United Kingdom
  • (2022). The Short-Run, Dynamic Employment Effects of Natural Disasters: New Insights. Annual Meeting of the Society for Computational Economics. Dallas, United States of America
  • (2022). The Short-Run, Dynamic Employment Effects of Natural Disasters: New Insights. International Atmospheric Rivers Conference. Santiago, Chile
  • (2022). Wildfires, Smoky Days, and Labor Supply. 17th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development. Delhi, India
  • (2022). Wildfires, Smoky Days, and Labor Supply. Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society. Lima, Peru
  • (2022). Wildfires, Smoky Days, and Labor Supply. Southern Economic Association Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, United States of America
  • (2022). Wildfires, Smoky Days, and Labor Supply. Université de Sherbrooke, Department of Economics. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2021). In the Eye of the Storm: Firms and Capital Destruction in India. Annual Meeting of the Association of Environment and Resource Economists. Miami, United States of America
  • (2021). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. University of Bern, Department of Economics. Bern, Switzerland
  • (2021). The Long-Term Effects of Unexpected Interruptions in Compulsory Schooling. Series of Webinars in Economics of Environment, Energy, and Transports. online, France
  • (2021). The Long-Term Effects of Unexpected Interruptions in Compulsory Schooling. 54th Meeting of the Canadian Economic Association. Vancouver, Canada
  • (2021). The Long-Term Effects of Unexpected Interruptions in Compulsory Schooling. 16th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development. New Delhi, India
  • (2021). The Short-Run, Dynamic Employment Effects of Natural Disasters: New Insights. Università della Calabria, Department of Economics. Cosenza, Italy
  • (2021). Wildfires, Smoky Days, and Labor Supply. Université de Savoie - Department of Economics. Annecy, France
  • (2021). Wildfires, Smoky Days, and Labor Supply. Atelier d'économie des resources naturelles et de l'environnement de Montréal. Montréal, Canada
  • (2021). Wildfires, Smoky Days, and Labor Supply. Université de Grenoble. Grenoble, France
  • (2021). Wildfires, Smoky Days, and Labor Supply. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Association. online, Canada
  • (2021). Wildfires, Smoky Days, and Labor Supply. American Economic Association Meeting. Boston, United States of America
  • (2021). Wildfires, Smoky Days, and Labor Supply. Annual Meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Online, United States of America
  • (2021). Wildfires, Smoky Days, and Labor Supply. Annual Meeting of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Berlin, Germany
  • (2020). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. American Economic Association Meeting. San Diego, United States of America
  • (2019). Electrification and Cooking Fuel Choice in Rural India. 53rd Annual Meeting of the CEA. Banff, Canada
  • (2019). Electrification and Cooking Fuel Choice in Rural India. Meeting of the Canadian Resource and Environmental Economists Association. Charlottetown, Canada
  • (2019). Electrification and Cooking Fuel Choice in Rural India. Economics Workshop on Renewable Energy Adoption and Environmental Quality Protection. Kansas City, United States of America
  • (2019). In the Eye of the Storm: Firms and Capital Destruction in India. South Asian University. New Delhi, India
  • (2019). In the Eye of the Storm: Firms and Capital Destruction in India. 15th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development. New Delhi, India
  • (2019). In the Eye of the Storm: Firms and Capital Destruction in India. Université du Québec à Montreal (UQAM). Montréal, Canada
  • (2019). In the Eye of the Storm: Firms and Capital Destruction in India. World Bank. Washington, United States of America
  • (2019). In the Eye of the Storm: Firms and Capital Destruction in India. Université de Rennes 1. Rennes, France
  • (2018). Climate and Civil Unrest. Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada
  • (2018). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. Carleton University, Department of Economics. Ottawa, Canada
  • (2018). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. Waterloo Economics Workshop. Waterloo, Canada
  • (2018). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. 15th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development. New Delhi, India
  • (2018). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. IISER Bhopal, Department of Economics. Bhopal, India
  • (2018). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. 14th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development. New Delhi, India
  • (2018). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. University of Manitoba, Department of Economics. Winnipeg, Canada
  • (2018). The Effect of Forest Access on the Market for Fuelwood in India. 12th Annual Meeting of the Environment for Development Network. Hanoi, Viet Nam
  • (2018). The Effect of Forest Access on the Market for Fuelwood in India. School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University. Beijing, China
  • (2018). The Effect of Forest Access on the Market for Fuelwood in India. 52nd Annual Meeting of the CEA. Montreal, Canada
  • (2018). The Effect of Forest Access on the Market for Fuelwood in India. Workshop Gestion Durable des Ressources Naturelles et de Territoires. Rennes, France
  • (2018). The Effect of Forest Access on the Market for Fuelwood in India. Workshop Projet REVE - ANR. Annecy, France
  • (2017). Forest Cover and the Market for Fuelwood in Rural India. 12th End-of Year Conference of Swiss Economists Abroad. Lugano, Switzerland
  • (2017). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. 1st Meeting of the Chinese Association of Environment and Resource Economists. Beijing, China
  • (2017). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. Italian Economic Association Meeting. Cosenza, Italy
  • (2017). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. University of Hebei - Department of Economics. Baoding, China
  • (2017). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Resource and Environment Economists Study Group. London, Canada
  • (2017). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. Rencontres Scientifiques Montpellier-Sherbrooke. Montpellier, France
  • (2017). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. University of Manchester - Department of Economics. Manchester, United Kingdom
  • (2017). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. Seminar at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beijing, China
  • (2016). Comparative Advantage, Capital Destruction, and Hurricanes. Seminar at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beijing, China
  • (2016). Comparative Advantage, Capital Destruction, and Hurricanes. Hubei University - School of the Environment and Natural Resources. Wuhan, China
  • (2016). Comparative Advantage, Capital Destruction, and Hurricanes. Université du Québec à Montréal - Department of Economics. Montréal, Canada
  • (2016). Forest Cover and the Market for Fuelwood in Rural India. University of Ottawa - Institute for the Environment. Ottawa, Canada
  • (2016). Forest Cover and the Market for Fuelwood in Rural India. Meeting of the Association for Public Economic Theory. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • (2016). From Fossil Fuels to Renewables: The Role of Electricity Storage. Meeting of the Canadian Resource and Environmental Economists Study Group. Banff, Canada
  • (2016). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. Renmin University of China - Department of Economics. Beijing, China
  • (2016). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. 50th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Economic Association. Ottawa, Canada
  • (2016). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. PACE 2016. Ningbo, China
  • (2016). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. 5th Thematic Days of the FAERE. Rennes, France
  • (2015). Forest Cover and the Market for Fuelwood in Rural India. 49th Meeting of the Canadian Economic Association. Toronto, Canada
  • (2015). Forest Cover and the Market for Fuelwood in Rural India. AERE 4th Summer Conference. San Diego, United States of America
  • (2015). From Fossil Fuels to Renewables: The Role of Electricity Storage. Ryerson University - Department of Economics. Toronto, Canada
  • (2015). From Fossil Fuels to Renewables: The Role of Electricity Storage. Rencontres Scientifiques Montpellier-Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2015). From Fossil Fuels to Renewables: The Role of Electricity Storage. Université Laval - Department of Economics. Quebec, Canada
  • (2015). From Fossil Fuels to Renewables: The Role of Electricity Storage. 55th Annual Congress of the Société Canadienne des Sciences Économiques. Montréal, Canada
  • (2015). From Fossil Fuels to Renewables: The Role of Electricity Storage. 17th Annual CU Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop. Vail, United States of America
  • (2015). Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plains. Atelier d'Économie des Ressources Naturelles et de l'Environnement. Montreal, Canada
  • (2014). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. 54th Annual Congress of the Société Canadienne des Sciences Économiques. Ottawa, Canada
  • (2014). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. Energy Industry at a Crossroads: Preparing the Low Carbon Future, Tiger Forum 2014. Toulouse, France
  • (2014). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. Seminar at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beijing, China
  • (2014). Far Away from the Forest and Close to Town: Fuelwood Markets in Rural India. Atélier d'Économie des Ressources Naturelles et de l'Environnement de Montréal. Montréal, Canada
  • (2014). Far Away from the Forest and Close to Town: Fuelwood Markets in Rural India. 10th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development. New Delhi, India
  • (2014). Far Away from the Forest and Close to Town: Fuelwood Markets in Rural India. Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Study Group Annual Conference 2014. Saskatoon, Canada
  • (2014). Far Away from the Forest and Close to Town: Fuelwood Markets in Rural India. 9th IZA/World Bank Conference on Employment and Development. Lima, Peru
  • (2014). Far Away from the Forest and Close to Town: Fuelwood Markets in Rural India. 5th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists. Istanbul, Turkey
  • (2014). From fossil fuels to renewables: The role of electricity storage. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - Department of Economics. Milwaukee, United States of America
  • (2014). From fossil fuels to renewables: The role of electricity storage. University of Alberta - Department of Economics. Edmonton, Canada
  • (2013). Doea the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. 28th Congress of the European Economic Association. Gothenburg, Sweden
  • (2013). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. Royal Economic Society PhD Presentation Meeting. London, United Kingdom
  • (2013). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. Canadian Economic Association Meeting. Montréal, Canada
  • (2013). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. University of Alberta - Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology. Edmonton, Canada
  • (2013). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. Identification of Casual Effects in Environmental and Energy Economics. Knoxville, United States of America
  • (2013). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. University of Savoie - Department of Economics. Annecy, France
  • (2013). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. University of Alberta - Department of Economics. Edmonton, Canada
  • (2013). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. 3rd Annual Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Meeting. Banff, Canada
  • (2013). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. 2nd Canadian PhD and Early Career Workshop in Environmental Economics & Policy. Ottawa, Canada
  • (2013). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Study Group Annual Conference 2013. St. Catharines, Canada
  • (2013). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2012). Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. 8th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development. New Delhi, India
  • (2012). The Creative Destruction of Hurricanes. 19th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Prague, Czechia
  • (2012). The Elasticity of Substitution between Clean and Dirty Inputs in the Production of Electricity. Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics. Ascona, Switzerland
  • (2012). The Elasticity of Substitution between Clean and Dirty Inputs in the Production of Electricity. 2nd SEEK Conference, The green Growth Challenge, ZEW. Mannheim, Germany
  • (2012). The Elasticity of Substitution between Clean and Dirty Inputs in the Production of Electricity. Università della Svizzera Italiana - Department of Economics. Lugano, Switzerland
  • (2012). The Elasticity of Substitution between Clean and Dirty Inputs in the Production of Electricity. 19th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Prague, Czechia
  • (2012). The Elasticity of Substitution between Clean and Dirty Inputs in the Production of Electricity. University of Alberta - Department of Economics. Edmonton, Canada
  • (2011). The Creative Destruction of Hurricanes. University of Savoie - Department of Economics. Annecy, France
  • (2011). The Elasticity of Substitution between Clean and Dirty Inputs in the Production of Electricity. Young Swiss Economists Meeting. Bern, Switzerland
  • (2011). The Elasticity of Substitution between Clean and Dirty Inputs in the Production of Electricity. Envecon 2011. London, United Kingdom
  • (2011). The Elasticity of Substitution between Clean and Dirty Inputs in the Production of Electricity. Meeting of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics. Luzern, Switzerland
  • (2011). The Elasticity of Substitution between Clean and Dirty Inputs in the Production of Electricity. 26th Congress of the European Economic Association. Oslo, Norway
  • (2011). The Elasticity of Substitution between Clean and Dirty Inputs in the Production of Electricity. University of Lausanne - Department of Economics. Lausanne, Switzerland
  • (2008). Oil Shocks and the Great Moderation: Different Sources, Different Effects. The 37th Australian Conference of Economists (ACE). Surfer's Paradise, Australia
  • (2008). Oil Shocks and the Great Moderation: Different Sources, Different Effects. University of Lausanne - Department of Economics. Lausanne, Switzerland
  • (2008). Oil Shocks and the Great Moderation: Different Sources, Different Effects. Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research. Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • (2008). Oil Shocks and the Great Moderation: Different Sources, Different Effects. Spring Meeting of Young Economists. Lille, France