Léon Sanche
Professeur, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Dép. médecine nucléaire et radiobiologie
Sujet de recherche
Électron et neutron, Chimiothérapie, Radiothérapie, Instruments, Interactions rayonnement-matière
Disciplines de recherche
Chimie, Physique
Dommage des électr. secon, Physique des radiations, Physique radiobiologique, Radiation femtoseconde, Radiothérapie, Santé environnementale
Intérêts de recherche
Durant la prochaine année, nous poursuivrons notre programme de recherche sur les dommages causés aux constituents moléculaires des cellules par les particules secondaires générées par le rayonnement ionisant. Notre attention se portera plus particulièrement sur les effets des électrons secondaires de basse énergie.
Centre de recherche
Centre de recherche du CHUS
Langues parlées et écrites
Anglais, Français
(1972). (Doctorat, Doctorat en philosophie). Yale University.
(1968). (Baccalauréat, Baccalauréat en sciences). Université Laval.
Prix et distinctions
- (2015) Research Chair in the Biomedical Radiation Sciences. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prix / Récompense).
- (2012) Research Chair of the Physics Triangle. Université de Paris XI (Paris-Sud). (Honneur).
- (2008) Senior Canada Research Chair in the Radiation Sciences. Canada Research Chairs 2000. (Prix / Récompense).
- (2001) Investigator Salary Award. Conseil de recherche médicale du Canada. (Prix / Récompense).
- Failla Medal. Radiation Research Society. (Honneur).
- Fellow of the Academy of Science. Royal Society of Canada. (Distinction).
- Marie-Curie Fellow. European Commission. (Distinction).
- Member of the College of Reviewers. Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada. (Honneur).
- Prix Étienne-LeBel. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prix / Récompense).
- Scientifique émérite (Distinguished Scientist Award). Medical Research Council of Canada. (Prix / Récompense).
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Collaborateur. Monte Carlo techniques in the optimization of radiation therapy delivery and outcomes. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Foundation. 596 694 $. (2015-2022)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Co-demandeur. A phase II study (clinical trial) in relapsing GBM of IA concurrent chemoradiation therapy using IA carboplatin. Institut de pharmacologie de Sherbrooke (IPS). Concours IPS 2017. 40 000 $. (2017-2020)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Demandeur principal. Low energy electron induced processes of relevance to radiation damage to DNA, astrobiology and related fields.. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Discovery Grant. 320 000 $.
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Demandeur principal. Secondary electron collision cross sections for micro- and nano-dosimetry of emerging radiation and chemo-radiation therapies.. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Project. 634 950 $.
Articles de revue
- L. Zhou, W. Liu, N. Brodeur, P. Cloutier, Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. (2019). Absolute Cross Sections for Chemoradiation Therapy:Damages to Cisplatin DNA Complexes Induced by 10 eV Electron. The Journal of Chemical Physics 150 (19), 195101. (Article publié).
- Y. Dong, Y. Gao, W. Liu, T. Gao, Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. (2019). Clustered DNA Damage Induced by 2–20 eV Electronsand Transient Anions: General Mechanism and Correlation to Cell Death. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (11), 1. (Article publié).
- Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. (2019). Clustered DNA Damages induced by 0.5 to 30 eV Electrons. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (15), 3749. (Article publié).
- M. Shi* & L. Sanche. (2019). Convection-Enhanced Delivery in Malignant Gliomas: AReview of Toxicity and Efficacy. Journal of Oncology 2019 9342796. (Article publié).
- H. Belmouaddine*, G.S. Madugundu, J.R. Wagner, A. Couairon, D. Houde & L. Sanche. (2019). DNA Base Modifications Mediated by FemtosecondLaser-Induced Cold Low-Density Plasma in Aqueous Solutions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (11), 2753. (Article publié).
- K. Shulenberger, J. Zhu, K Tran, S.A. Abdullahi, C. Belvin, J. Lukens, Z. Peeler, E. Mullikin, H.M. Cumberbatch, J. Huang, K. Regovich, A. Zhou, L. Heller, M. Markovic, L. Gates, C. Buffo, R. Tano-Menka, C.R. Arumainayagam, E. Böhler, P. Swiderek, S. Esmaili*, A.D. Bass*, M. Huels, & L. Sanche. (2019). Electron-Induced Radiolysis of Astrochemically Relevant Ammonia Ices. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 3 (5), 800. (Article publié).
- Thititip Tippayamontri, Brigitte Guérin, René Ouellet, Otman Sarrhini, Jacques Rousseau, Roger Lecomte, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche. (2019). Intra-tumoral 18F-FLT infusion in metabolic targeted radiotherapy. EJNMMI Research 9 (33), 1. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2019). Low-energy electron interactions with biomolecules. As part of: Roadmap on photonic, electronic and atomic collision physics II. Electron and Antimatter Interactions, 1.Electron Scattering. Journal of Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 171002. (Article publié).
- V. Lemelin, A.D. Bass, P. Cloutier & L. Sanche. (2019). Low energy (1-19 eV) electron scattering from condensed thymidine (dT) I: Absolute vibrational excitation cross sections. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 23808-23817. DOI. (Article publié).
- V. Lemelin, A.D. Bass, P. Cloutier & L. Sanche. (2019). Low energy (1-19 eV) electron scattering from condensed thymidine (dT) II: Comparison ofvibrational excitation cross sections with those of tetrahydrofuran and therecalibrated values of thymine. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 23818-2382. (Article publié).
- G. Khorsandgolchin*, L. Sanche, P. Coutier & J.R. Wagner. (2019). Strand Breaks Induced by Very Low Energy Electrons:Product Analysis and Mechanistic Insight into the Reaction with TpT. Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 10315. (Article publié).
- Nicolas Brodeur*, Pierre Cloutier*, Andrew D.Bass*, Guillaume Bertrand, Darel Hunting, Michel Grandbois, Leon Sanche. (2018). Absolute cross section for DNA damage induced by low energy (10 eV) electrons: experimental refinements and sample characterization by AFM. Journal of Chemical Physics 149 164904. (Article publié).
- Yi Zheng and Léon Sanche. (2018). Effective and absolute cross sections for low-energy (1-30 eV) electron interactions with condensed biomolecules. Applied Physics Reviews 5 021302. (Article publié).
- Tamon Kusumoto*, Michel Fromm, Pierre Cloutier*, Andrew D. Bass*, Leon Sanche, Remi Barillon, Tomoya Yamauchi,. (2018). Elucidation of the Two-Step Damage Formation Process of Latent Tracks in Poly(allyl Diglycol Carbonate), PADC: Role of Secondary Low-Energy Electrons. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (36), 21056–21061. (Article publié).
- Sasan Esmaili*, Andrew D. Bass*, Pierre Cloutier*, Leon Sanche, and Michael A. Huels. (2018). Glycine formation in CO2:CH4:NH3 ices induced by 0-70 eV electrons. Journal of Chemical Physics 148 164702. (Article publié).
- Minghan Shi*, Malathi Anantha, Mohamed Wehbe, Marcel Bally, David Fortin, Laurent-Olivier Roy, Gabriel Charest, Maxime Richer, Benoit Paquette, Léon Sanche. (2018). Liposomal formulations of carboplatin injected by convection-enhanced delivery increases the median survival time of F98 glioma bearing rats. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 16 (1), 77. (Article accepté).
- Tamon Kusumoto*, Ziad EL Bitar, Shogo Okada, Pierre Gillet, Nicolas Arbor, Masato Kanasakia, Yutaka Mori, Keiji Oda, Abdel-Mjid Nourreddine, Hisaya Kurashigec, Michel Fromm, Pierre Cloutier*, Andrew D Bass*, Léon Sanche, Satoshi Kodaira, Rémi Barillon, and Tomoya Yamauchi. (2018). Radial electron fluence around ion tracks as a new physical parameter for the detection threshold of PADC using Geant4-DNA toolkit. Radiation Measurements 118 50-33. (Article publié).
- Thititip Thippayamontri*, Minghan Shi*, Benoit Paquette, Andrew D. Bass* and Léon Sanche. (2018). Radiosensitization induced by ultra-stable PVA-coated gold nanoparticles: A study with Fricke dosimeter, plasmid DNA and F98 glioma cells. Current Nanomedicine 8 1-14. (Article publié).
- Hakim Belmouaddine*, Minghan Shi*, Léon Sanche, Daniel Houde. (2018). Tuning the size of gold nanoparticles produced by multiple filamentation of femtosecond laser pulses in aqueous solution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 23403-23413. (Article publié).
- Shao, Yu*; Dong, Yanfang*; Hunting, Darel; Zheng, Yi; Sanche, Leon. (2017). A Unified Mechanism for the Generation of Isolated and Clustered DNA Damages by a Single Low Energy (5-10 eV) Electron. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (4), 2466-2472. (Article publié).
- V Lemelin*, AD Bass*, JR Wagner, L Sanche. (2017). Absolute vibrational excitation cross sections for 1-18 eV electron scattering from condensed dimethyl phosphate (DMP). The Journal of chemical physics 147 (23), 234305. (Article publié).
- Yanfang Dong*, Li-Mei Zhou*, Qinfen Tian, Yi Zheng, and Leon Sanche. (2017). Chemoradiation Cancer Therapy: Molecular Mechanisms of Cisplatin Radiosensitization. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 17505–17513. (Article publié).
- Hakim Belmouaddine*, Minghan Shi*, Paul-Ludovic Karsenti, Ridthee Meesat, LéonSanche and Daniel Houde. (2017). Dense Ionization and Subsequent Non-Homogeneous Radical-Mediated Chemistry of Femtosecond Laser-Induced Low Density Plasma in Aqueous Solutions: Synthesis of Colloidal Gold. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 7897-7909. (Article publié).
- Mohamed Wehbe, Malathi Anantha Minghan Shi*, Ada Wai-yin Leung, Wieslawa H Dragowska, Léon Sanche, Marcel B Bally. (2017). Development and optimization of an injectable formulation of copper diethyldithiocarbamate, an active anticancer agent. International Journal of Nanomedicine 12 4129-4146. (Article publié).
- L. Ellis-Gibbings*, A. D. Bass*, P. Cloutier*, G. Garc?a and L. Sanche. (2017). Electron stimulated desorption from condensed pyrimidine and pyridazine. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 13038 - 13048. (Article publié).
- V. Lemelin*, A. D. Bass* and L. Sanche. (2017). Note: Absolute electronic excitation crosssections for 1-18 eV electron scattering from condensed dimethyl phosphate (DMP). Journal of Chemical Physics 149 (24), 246101. (Article publié).
- Sasan Esmaili*, Andrew D. Bass*, Pierre Cloutier*, Leon Sanche, and Michael A. Huels. (2017). Synthesis of complex organic molecules in simulated methane rich astrophysical ices. The Journal of Chemical Physics 147 224704. (Article publié).
- Surakarn Choofong*, Pierre Cloutier*, Léon Sanche, J. Richard Wagner. (2016). Radiation Research 186 (5), 520-530. (Article publié).
- Wenzhuang Chen*, Shiliang Chen*, Yanfang Dong*, Pierre Cloutier*, Yi Zheng and Léon Sanche. (2016). Absolute Cross Sections for DNA strand breaks and crosslinks induced by Low Energy Electrons. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 32762-771. DOI. (Article publié).
- V. Lemelin*, A.D. Bass*, P. Cloutier*, and L.Sanche. (2016). Absolute cross sections for electronic excitation of condensed tetrahydrofuran (THF) by 11-16 eV electrons. J. Chem. Phys. 145 (17), 174703. (Article publié).
- V. Lemelin*, A.D. Bass*, P. Cloutier*, L. Sanche. (2016). Absolute vibrational cross sections for 1-19 eV electron scattering from condensed tetrahydrofuran. Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (7), 074701. (Article publié).
- M. Shi*, D Fortin, B Paquette, L. Sanche. (2016). Convection-enhancement delivery of liposomal formulation of oxaliplatin (LipoxalTM) shows less toxicity yet maintains a similar median survival time in F98 glioma-bearing ratmodel. New Invest. Drugs 34 (3), 269-276. (Article publié).
- J. Liu*, X. Yao*, P. Cloutier*, Y. Zheng, L. Sanche. (2016). DNA strand breaks induced by 0-1.5 eV UV photoelectrons under atmospheric pressure. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (1), 487-495. (Article publié).
- M. Shi*, B. Paquette, T. Thippayamontri*, L. Gendron, B. Guérin, L. Sanche. (2016). Increased radio-sensitivity of colorectal tumor with intra-tumoral injection of low dose of gold nanoparticles. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2016 (11), 5323-5333. DOI. (Article publié).
- Léon Sanche. (2016). Interaction of low energy electrons with DNA: Applications to cancer radiation therapy. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 128 36-43. (Article publié).
- Elahe Alizadeh, Sylvain Massey*, Léon Sanche and Paul A. Rowntree. (2016). Low-energy electron-induced dissociation in condensed-phase L-cysteine II: a comparative study on anion desorption from chemisorbed and physisorbed films. Eur. Phys. D. 70 75. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh, S. Massey*, L. Sanche, P.A. Rowntree. (2016). Low-energy electron-induced dissociation in condensed-phase L-cysteine II: a comparative study on anion desorption from chemisorbed and physisorbed films. The European Physical Journal D 70 75-80. DOI. (Article publié).
- Sylvain Massey*, Elahe Alizadeh, Paul A. Rowntree, Léon Sanche. (2016). On the possibility of using low-energy electron stimulated desorption of ions as a surface probe: Analysis of Au substrates. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 394 (1), 33-41. DOI. (Article publié).
- V. Lemelin*, L. Sanche, E. Alizadeh*, P. Cloutier*. (2015). Absolute vibrational cross sections for low energy electron (1-19 eV) scattering from condensed tetrahydrofuran (THF). Journal of Physics Conference Series 635 062013. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh, T. Orlando & L. Sanche. (2015). Biomolecular Damage Induced by Ionizing Radiation: The Direct and Indirect Effects of Low-Energy Electrons on DNA. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 66 379-398. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2015). Cancer treatment: low-energy electron therapy. Nature Materials 14 861-863. (Article publié).
- X. Yao*, C. Huang*, X. Chen*, Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. (2015). Chemical radiosensitivity of DNA induced by gold nanoparticles. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 11 (3), 478-85. (Article publié).
- M. Shi*, D. Fortin, L. Sanche, B. Paquette. (2015). Convection-enhancement delivery of platinum-based drugs and LipoplatinTM to optimize the concomitant effect with radiotherapy in F98 glioma rat model. Invest New Drugs 33 (3), 555-563. (Article publié).
- S. Kouass Sahbani*, P. Cloutier*, A.D. Bass*, D.J. Hunting, L. Sanche. (2015). Electron Resonance Decay into a Biological Function: Decrease in Viability of E. coli Transformed byPlasmid DNA Irradiated with 0.5-18 eV Electrons. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6 3911–3914. (Article publié).
- S. Massey*, A. D Bass*, E. Alizadeh*, L. Sanche. (2015). Electron induced degradation of condensed Fe(CO)5 studied by electron stimulated desorption. Journal of Physics Conference Series 635 (062012), . (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh, S. Massey*, L. Sanche, P.A. Rowntree. (2015). Low-energy Electrons Interactions with Chemisorbed and Physisorbed Films of L-cysteine/Au(111). Physics Conference Series 635 062008. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh, S. Massey*, P. A. Rowntree, L. Sanche. (2015). Low-energy electron-induced dissociation in condensed-phase L-cysteine I: Desorption of anions from chemisorbed films. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 635 012001. (Article publié).
- B. Behmand*, J. R. Wagner, D. Hunting, J. L. Marignier, M. Mostafavi, L. Sanche. (2015). Radiosensitization of DNA by Cisplatin Adducts Results from an Increase in the Rate Constant for the Reaction with Hydrated Electrons and Formation of Pt. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119 (30), 9496-9500. (Article publié).
- S. Massey*, A.D. Bass*, L. Sanche. (2015). Role of Low-Energy Electrons (<35 eV) in the Degradation of Fe(CO)5 for Focused Electron Beam Induced Deposition Applications: Study by Electron Stimulated Desorption of Negative and Positive Ions. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (22), 12708-12719. (Article publié).
- O. Boulanouar, M. Rezaee*, M. Fromm, P. Cloutier*, Y. Zheng, A.D. Bass*, M. Michaud*, D.J. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2014). Absolute measurement of low energy electron-induced strand-break damage in films of plasmid DNA/Dap²? complexes. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488 (5), 052030. (Article publié).
- B. Behmand*, J.R. Wagner, L. Sanche & D.J. Hunting. (2014). Cisplatin Intrastrand Adducts Sensitize DNA to Base Damage by Hydrated Electrons. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (18), 4803-4808. (Article publié).
- Q. Bao*, Y. Chen*, Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. (2014). Cisplatin radiosensitization of DNA irradiated with 2-20 eV electrons: Role of transient anions. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (28), 15516-15524. (Article publié).
- M. Rezaee*, D.J. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2014). Correlation between energy deposition and molecular damage from Auger electrons: A case study of ultra-low energy (5–18 eV) electron interactions with DNA. Medical Physics 41 (7), 072502. (Article publié).
- X. Luo*, Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. (2014). DNA strand breaks and crosslinks induced by transient anions in the electron-energy range 2-20 eV. Journal of Chemical Physics 140 155101. (Article publié).
- M.C. Boyer, M.D. Boamah, K.K. Sullivan, C.R. Arumainayagam, M.M. Bazin*, A.D. Bass* & L. Sanche. (2014). Dynamics of dissociative electron-molecule interactions in condensed methanol. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (39), 22592-22600. (Article publié).
- S. Kouass Sahbani*, L. Sanche, P. Cloutier*, A.D. Bass* & D.J. Hunting. (2014). Loss of cellular transformation efficiency induced by DNA irradiation with low-energy (10 eV) electrons. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (46), 13123-13131. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh* & L. Sanche. (2014). Low-energy-electron interactions with DNA: Approaching cellular conditions with atmospheric experiments. European Physical Journal D 68 (97), 40775. (Article publié).
- S. Massey*, N. Mirsaleh-Konan*, Y. Zheng, A.D. Bass* & L. Sanche. (2014). Low-energy electron-induced "oxygen fixation" to DNA SAMs studied by stimulated anion desorption. The Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488 (5), 052029. (Article soumis).
- T. Tippayamontri*, R. Kotb, L. Sanche & B. Paquette. (2014). New therapeutic possibilities of combined treatment of radiotherapy with oxaliplatin and its liposomal formulations LipoxalTM in rectal cancer using nude mouse xenograft. Anticancer Research 34 (10), 5303-5312. (Article publié).
- S. Kouass Sahbani*, M. Rezaee*, P. Cloutier*, L. Sanche & D.J. Hunting. (2014). Non-DSB clustered DNA lesions induced by ionizing radiation are largely responsible for the loss of plasmid DNA functionality in the presence of cisplatin. Chemico-Biological Interactions 217 9-18. (Article publié).
- S. Sabahni*, S. Girouard, P. Cloutier*, D.J. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2014). The relative contributions of DNA strand breaks, base damage and clustered lesions to the loss of DNA functionality induced by ionizing radiation. Radiation Research 181 (1), 99-110. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh*, A.G. Sanz*, G.S. Madugundu, G. Garcia, J.R. Wagner & L. Sanche. (2014). Thymidine decomposition induced by low-energy electrons and soft X-rays under N? and O? atmospheres. Radiation Research 181 (6), 629-640. (Article publié).
- Boulanouar O* , Fromm M , Bass AD* , Cloutier P* , Sanche L. (2013). Absolute cross section for loss of supercoiled topology induced by 10 eV electrons in highly uniform /DNA/1,3-diaminopropane films deposited on highly ordered pyrolitic graphite. The Journal of Chemical Physics 139 (5), 055104. (Article publié).
- M. Rezaee*, E. Alizadeh*, P. Cloutier*, D.J. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2013). A single subexcitation-energy electron can induce a double strand break in DNA modified by platinum chemotherapeutic drugs. Chem. Med. Chem 9 (6), 1145-1149. (Article publié).
- Rezaee M*, Sanche L , Hunting DJ. (2013). Cisplatin enhances the formation of DNA single- and double-strand breaks by hydrated electrons and hydroxyl radicals. Radiation research 179 (3), 323-31. (Article publié).
- Huang C*, Bao Q*, Hunting D, Zheng Y, Sanche L. (2013). Conformation-dependent DNA damage induced by gold nanoparticles. Journal of biomedical nanotechnology 9 (5), 856-862. (Article publié).
- Boulanouar O*, Fromm M , Mavon C , Cloutier* P , Sanche L. (2013). Dissociative electron attachment to DNA-diamine thin films: impact of the DNA close environment on the OH- and O- decay channels. The Journal of Chemical Physics 139 (5), 055101. (Article publié).
- Tippayamontri T* , Kotb R , Paquette B , Sanche L. (2013). Efficacy of cisplatin and Lipoplatin™ in combined treatment with radiation of a colorectal tumor in nude mouse. Anticancer research 33 (8), 3005-3014. (Article publié).
- Behmand B* , Cloutier P* , Girouard S , Wagner RJ , Sanche L , Hunting DJ. (2013). Hydrated Electrons React with High Specificity with Cisplatin Bound to Single Stranded DNA. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B 117 (50), 15994-15999. (Article publié).
- Y. Zheng and L. Sanche. (2013). Low energy electrons in nanoscale radiation physics: Relationship to radiosensitization and chemoradiation therapy. Reviews in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2 (1), 1-28. (Article publié).
- M. Michaud*, M. Bazin* & L. Sanche. (2013). Nanodosimetry of Auger electrons: A case study from the decay of 125I and 0–18-eV electron stopping cross sections of cytosine. Physical Review E 87 (3), 032701. (Article publié).
- Rezaee M*, Hunting DJ, Sanche L. (2013). New insights into the mechanism underlying the synergistic action of ionizing radiation with platinum chemotherapeutic drugs: the role of low-energy electrons. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 87 (4), 827-843. (Article publié).
- Massey S* , Bass AD* , Sanche L. (2013). Note: Transient negative ions as initiators of oxygen fixation in <20 eV electron-irradiated DNA. The Journal of Chemical Physics 139 (18), 186101/1. (Article publié).
- Charest G*, Sanche L, Fortin D, Mathieu D, Paquette B. (2013). Optimization of the route of platinum drugs administration to optimize the concomitant treatment with radiotherapy for glioblastoma implanted in the Fischer rat brain. J. Neurooncol. 115 (3), 365-73. (Article publié).
- Massey S*, Bass AD*, Steffenhagen M*, Sanche L. (2013). Oxygen attachment on alkanethiolate SAMs induced by low-energy electron irradiation. Langmuir 29 (17), 5222-9. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh*, A. G. Sanz*, G. García & L. Sanche. (2013). Radiation Damage to DNA: The Indirect Effect of Low-Energy Electrons. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4 (5), 820-825. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh* & L. Sanche. (2013). Role of Humidity and Oxygen Level on Damage to DNA Induced by Soft X-rays and Low-Energy Electrons. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (43), 22445-22453. (Article publié).
- Park Y* , Peoples AR , Madugundu GS , Sanche L , Wagner JR. (2013). Side-by-side comparison of DNA damage induced by low-energy electrons and high-energy photons with solid TpTpT trinucleotide. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B 117 (35), 10122-31. (Article publié).
- Rezaee M*, Cloutier P*, Bass AD*, Michaud M*, Hunting DJ, Sanche L. (2012). Absolute cross section for low-energy-electron damage to condensed macromolecules: a case study of DNA. Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 86 (3 Pt 1), 031913. (Article publié).
- Michaud M*, Bazin M*, Sanche L. (2012). Absolute cross sections for vibrational excitations of cytosine by low energy electron impact. The Journal of Chemical Physics 137 (11), 115103. (Article publié).
- Alizadeh E*, Sanche L. (2012). Absolute measurements of radiation damage in nanometer-thick films. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 151 (3), 591-9. (Article publié).
- Rezaee M*, Alizadeh E*, Hunting D, Sanche L. (2012). DNA-Platinum Thin Films for Use in Chemoradiation Therapy Studies. Bioinorganic chemistry and applications 2012 923914. (Article publié).
- Polska K*, Rak J , Bass AD* , Cloutier P*, Sanche L. (2012). Electron stimulated desorption of anions from native and brominated single stranded oligonucleotide trimers. The Journal of Chemical Physics 136 (7), 075101. (Article publié).
- Park Y,* Polska K*, Rak J, Wagner JR, Sanche L. (2012). Fundamental mechanisms of DNA radiosensitization: damage induced by low-energy electrons in brominated oligonucleotide trimers. The journal of physical chemistry. B 116 (32), 9676-82. (Article publié).
- Charest G*, Sanche L, Fortin D, Mathieu D, Paquette B. (2012). Glioblastoma treatment: bypassing the toxicity of platinum compounds by using liposomal formulation and increasing treatment efficiency with concomitant radiotherapy. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 84 (1), 244-9. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh* & L. Sanche. (2012). Induction of Strand Breaks in DNA films by Low Energy Electrons and Soft X-ray under Nitrous Oxide Atmosphere. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 81 (1), 33-39. (Article publié).
- Y. Yildirim*, M. Balcan, A. Kinal, A.D. Bass*, P. Cloutier* & L. Sanche. (2012). Low energy electron induced dissociation in condensed diallyl disulfide. European Journal of Physics D 66 (7), 181. (Article publié).
- Mirsaleh-Kohan N*, Bass AD*, Cloutier P*, Massey S*, Sanche L. (2012). Low energy electron stimulated desorption from DNA films dosed with oxygen. The Journal of Chemical Physics 136 (23), 235104. (Article publié).
- Michaud M* , Bazin M* , Sanche L. (2012). Measurement of inelastic cross sections for low-energy electron scattering from DNA bases. International journal of radiation biology 88 (1-2), 15-21. (Article publié).
- Alizadeh E*, Sanche L. (2012). Precursors of solvated electrons in radiobiological physics and chemistry. Chemical reviews 112 (11), 5578-602. (Article publié).
- Madugundu GS, Park Y*, Sanche L, Wagner JR. (2012). Radiation-induced formation of 2',3'-dideoxyribonucleosides in DNA: a potential signature of low-energy electrons. Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (42), 17366-8. (Article publié).
- A.D. Bass*, J.H. Bredehöft, E. Böhler, L. Sanche & P. Swiderek. (2012). Reactions and anion desorption induced by low-energy electron exposure of condensed acetonitrile. The European Physical Journal D 66 (2), 53. (Article publié).
- Tippayamontri T*, Kotb R, Paquette B, Sanche L. (2012). Synergism in concomitant chemoradiotherapy of cisplatin and oxaliplatin and their liposomal formulation in the human colorectal cancer HCT116 model. Anticancer research 32 (10), 4395-404. (Article publié).
- T. Tippayamontri*, R. Kobt, B. Paquette & L. Sanche. (2011). Cellular uptake and cytoplasm/DNA distribution of liposomal formulation of cisplatin and oxaliplatin in human colorectal cancer cell HCT116. Invest New Drugs 29 (6), 1321-1327. (Article publié).
- Park Y* , Li Z* , Cloutier P*, Sanche L , Wagner JR. (2011). DNA Damage Induced by Low-Energy Electrons: Conversion of Thymine to 5,6-Dihydrothymine in the Oligonucleotide Trimer TpTpT. Radiation Research 175 (2), 240-246. (Article publié).
- Mirsaleh-Kohan N*, Bass AD*, Sanche L. (2011). Effect of morphology of thin DNA films on the electron stimulated desorption of anions. The Journal of Chemical Physics 134 (1), 015102. (Article publié).
- S. McMahon, W. Hyland, E. Brun*, K. Butterworth, J. Coulter, T. Douki, D. Hirst, S. Jain, A. Kavanagh, Z. Krpetic, M. Mendenhall, M. Muir, K. Prise, H. Requardt, L. Sanche, et al. (2011). Energy Dependence of Gold Nanoparticle Radio-Sensitisation in Plasmid DNA. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (41), 20160-20167. (Article publié).
- Z. Li*, P. Cloutier*, L. Sanche & J.R. Wagner. (2011). Low energy electron induced DNA damage in a trinucleotide containing 5-bromouracil. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (46), 13668-13673. (Article publié).
- Alizadeh E*, Sanche L. (2011). Measurements of G values for DNA damage induced by low-energy electrons. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B 115 (49), 14852–14858. (Article publié).
- F. Xiao*, Y. Zheng, P. Cloutier*, Y. He, D. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2011). On the role of low-energy electron in the radiosensitization of DNA by gold nanoparticles. Nanotechnology 22 (46), 465101. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh*, P. Cloutier*, D. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2011). Soft X-ray and LEE induced damage to DNA in N2 and O2 atmospheres. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (15), 4523-4531. (Article publié).
- O. Boulamouar*, A. Khatyr, G. Herlem, F. Palmino, L. Sanche and M. Fromm. (2011). Soft adsorption of densely packed multi-layer of DNA-plasmid • 1,3-diaminopropane complexes onto highly oriented pyrolitic graphite designed to erode in water. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (43), 21291-21298. (Article publié).
- Bazin M , Michaud M , Sanche L. (2010). Absolute cross sections for electronic excitations of cytosine by low energy electron impact. The Journal of Chemical Physics 133 (15), 155104. (Article publié).
- Charest G , Paquette B , Fortin D , Mathieu D , Sanche L. (2010). Concomitant treatment of F98 glioma cells with new liposomal platinum compounds and ionizing radiation. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 97 (2), 187-193. (Article publié).
- S. Ptasi?ska, Z. Li, N.J. Mason & L. Sanche. (2010). Damage to amino acid-nucleotide pairs induced by 1 eV electrons. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (32), 9367-9372. (Article publié).
- N. Mirsaleh-Kohan, A.D. Bass, P. Cloutier & L. Sanche. (2010). Electron Stimulated Desorption of Anions Containing Oxygen and Nitrogen from Self-Assembled Monolayers of DNA. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 204 (1), 012005. (Article publié).
- Y. Yildirim, M. Balcan A.D. Bass, P. Cloutier & L. Sanche. (2010). Electron Stimulated Desorption of anions and cations from condensed allyl-glycidyl ether. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (28), 7950-7958. (Article publié).
- Bazin M, Ptasinska S, Bass AD, Sanche L, Burean E, Swiderek P. (2010). Electron induced dissociation in the condensed-phase nitromethane: II. Desorption of neutral fragments. Journal of physics. Condensed matter 22 (8), 084003. (Article publié).
- Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. (2010). Influence of organic ions on DNA damage induced by 1 eV to 60 keV electrons. The Journal of Chemical Physics 133 (15), 155102. (Article publié).
- S. Massey, E. Gallino, P. Cloutier, M. Tatoulian, L. Sanche, D. Mantovani & D. Roy. (2010). Low-energy electrons and X-ray irradiation effects on plasma-polymerized allylamine bioactive coatings for stents. Polymer Degradation and Stability 95 (2), 153-163. (Article publié).
- Z. Li, P. Cloutier, L. Sanche & J.R. Wagner. (2010). Low Energy Electron Induced DNA Damage: Effect of Base Sequence in Oligonucleotide Trimers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (15), 5422-5427. (Article publié).
- Hébert EM , Debouttière PJ , Lepage M , Sanche L , Hunting DJ. (2010). Preferential tumour accumulation of gold nanoparticles, visualised by Magnetic Resonance Imaging: radiosensitisation studies in vivo and in vitro. International journal of radiation biology 86 (8), 692-700. (Article publié).
- Dumont A, Zheng Y, Hunting D, Sanche L. (2010). Protection by organic ions against DNA damage induced by low energy electrons. The Journal of Chemical Physics 132 (4), 0455102. (Article publié).
- Mirsaleh-Kohan N , Bass AD , Sanche L. (2010). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of gold surfaces after removal of thiolated DNA oligomers by ultraviolet/ozone treatment. Langmuir 26 (9), 6508–6514. (Article publié).
- Sanche L. (2009). Biological chemistry: Beyond radical thinking. Nature 461 (7262), 358-359. (Article publié).
- Brun E , Cloutier P , Sicard-Roselli C , Fromm M , Sanche L. (2009). Damage induced to DNA by low-energy (0-30 eV) electrons under vacuum and atmospheric conditions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B 113 (29), 10008–10013. (Article publié).
- Brun E , Sanche L , Sicard-Roselli C. (2009). Parameters governing gold nanoparticle X-ray radiosensitization of DNA in solution. Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces 72 (1), 128–134. (Article publié).
- B. Behmand, A.M. Noronha, C.J. Wilds, J.L. Marignier, M. Mostafavi, J.R. Wagner, D.J. Hunting & L. Sanche. Hydrated Electrons Induce the Formation of Interstrand Cross-links in DNA Modified by Cisplatin Adducts. Radiation Research (Article sous presse).
- V. Lemelin, A.D. Bass, and L. Sanche. Low energy (1-19 eV) electron scattering from condensed thymidine (dT) III:Absolute electronic excitation cross sections for electrons of 6 to 18 eV. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Révisions requises).
- L. Sanche. Roadmap on "Role of low energy electrons in local MNP radiation enhancement". Physics in Medecine and Biology. (Article soumis).
- Yanfang Dong, Yaxiao Wang, Puxiang Zhuang, Xianzhi Fu, Yi Zheng and Léon Sanche. Role of transient anions in chemoradiation therapy: Base modifications, crosslinks and cluster damages to cisplatin-DNA complexesinduced by 1-20 eV electrons. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Article soumis).
Chapitres de livre
- Vincent Lemelin*, Leon Sanche. (2019). High-Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy: Absolute cross section measurements for low energy electron scattering from biomolecules. Paulo Limão-Vieira, Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares. Radiation in Bioanalysis - Spectroscopic Techniques and Theoretical Methods (1). Springer Nature. DOI. (Article publié).
- P. M. Dinh , L. Bouëssel du Bourg, C.-Z. Gao, Bin Gu, L. Lacombe, M. McAllister, M. Smyth, G. Tribello, M. Vincendon, J. Kohanoff, P.-G. Reinhard, L. Sanche, E. Suraud. (2016). On the Quantum Description of Irradiation Dynamics in Systems of Biological Relevance. Andrey V. Solov’yov. Nanoscale Insights into Ion-Beam Cancer Therapy (277-309). Suisse : Springer International Publishing. DOI. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh, S. Ptasinska and L. Sanche. (2016). Transient Anions in Radiobiology and Radiotherapy: From Gaseous Biomolecules to Condensed Organic and Biolomolecular Solids. W.A. Monteiro. Radiation Effects in Materials (179-230). Croatie : InTech. (Article publié).
- S. Massey, L. Sanche. (2013). Low-energy electron mechanisms inducing damage in organic molecules and polymers. B.I. Khatisov, O.V. Kharissova, U. O. Mendéz. Radiation synthesis of materials and compounds (381-402). États-Unis : CRC Press. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2012). Nanoscale Dynamics of Radiosensitivity: Role of low energy electrons. G. G. Gómez-Tejedor, M. C. Fuss. Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems (3-43). États-Unis : Gustavo García Gómez-Tejedor, Ed., RADAM, Springer. (Article publié).
- L. Caron & L. Sanche. (2011). Theoretical studies of electron interactions with DNA and its subunits: From tetrahydrofuran to plasmid DNA. P. Carsky and R. Curik. Low-Energy Electron Scattering from Molecules, Biomolecules and Surfaces (161-230). États-Unis : CRC Press. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2009). Low-Energy Electron Interaction with DNA: Bond Dissociation and Formation of Transient Anions, Radicals and Radical Anions. M. Greenberg. Radical and Radical Ion Reactivity in Nucleic Acid Chemistry États-Unis : John Wiley & Sons. (Article publié).
Articles de conférence
- Vincent Lemelin*, Andrew D. Bass* and Léon Sanche. (2018). Cross sections for nanodosimetry: absolute cross sections for vibrational and electronic excitation induced by 1-18 eV electron scattering from condensed dimethyl phosphate. 15th Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA. (Article publié).
- Ghazal Khorsandgolchin*, Vincent Lemelin*, Pierre Cloutier*, Léon Sanche, J. Richard Wagner. (2018). DNA damage in TpT induced by very low energy electrons. 15th Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA. (Article publié).
- Michel Fromm, Pierre Cloutier*, Léon Sanche. (2018). Different roles of arginine and lysine in protecting DNA from the direct effect of ionizing radiation. Journées d’Etude de la Chimie sous Rayonnement et de la Radiochimie 2018. (Article publié).
- Hakim Belmouaddine*, Guru S. Madugundu, Daniel Houde, Léon Sanche and J. Richard Wagner. (2018). Femtosecond Laser-Induced Low Density Plasma mediated DNA damage in Aerated Aqueous Solutions. 15th Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA. (Article publié).
- Meysam Khorsandgolchin*, Leon Sanche, Brigitte Guérin. (2018). In-vitro cytotoxic effect of 64Cu/NOTA-terpyridineplatinumcomplex, as a novel chemoradiation therapy (CRT) agent. Club de Recherches Cliniques du Québec. (Article accepté).
- Nicolas Brodeur*, Vincent Lemelin*, Darel Hunting, Michel Grandbois and Léon Sanche. (2018). Nanoscale DNA film characterization and absolute cross sections measurement for DNA damage induced by low-energy electrons. 15th Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA. (Article publié).
- Hakim Belmouaddine*, Guru S. Madugundu, Daniel Houde, Léon Sanche and J. Richard Wagner. (2018). Oxidatively Generated Base Damage to DNA in Aqueous Solutions by Femtosecond Laser-Induced Low Density Plasma Multi-Channels Controlled with a Spatial Light Modulator. 15th Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA. (Article publié).
- Yanfang Dong*, Hakim Belmouaddine*, Yingxia Gao*, Wenhui Liu*, Yi Zheng, Leon Sanche. (2018). Unified Mechanism for the Generation of Isolated and Clustered DNA Damages by a Single Low Energy (5?10 eV) Electron. 15th Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA. (Article publié).
- H. Belmouaddine*, G. S. Madugundu, S. Lefebvre, R. Wagner, L. Sanche and D. Houde. (2017). 63rd Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- Y. Dong*, L. Zhou*, Q. Tian, Y. Zheng, and L. Sanche. (2017). 63rd Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- Vincent Lemelin*, Andrew D. Bass*, and Léon Sanche. (2017). Absolute vibrational cross sections for 1-18 eV electron scattering from condensed (di- and mono-) methyl phosphate. Sources, Interaction with Matter, Detection and Analysis of Low Energy Electrons 2017 (SIMDALEE2017). (Article accepté).
- Thititip Tippayamontri*, Brigitte Guérin, Roger Lecomte, Benoit Paquette, and Léon Sanche. (2017). Chimioradiothérapie métabolique ciblée: Administration intra-tumorale d’un émetteur de positron ¹?F-FLT et du 5-fluorouracile dans un modèle de cancer colorectal chez la souris. 13ème Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée. (Article publié).
- B. Behmand*, A. Noronha, C. J. Wilds, J-L. Marignier, M. Mostafavi, D. J. Hunting and L. Sanche. (2017). Cisplatin Adducts Sensitize double-stranded DNA to Attack by Hydrated Electrons Leading to Interstrand Crosslink Formation. The 30th Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry. (Article publié).
- V. Lemelin*, A. D. Bass* and L. Sanche. (2017). Cross sections for targeted radionuclide therapy: absolute values for vibrational excitation induced by 1-18 eV electron scattering from condensed (di- and mono-) methyl phosphate. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- L. K. Ellis-Gibbings* A. D. Bass*, P. Cloutier*, G. Garcia, L. Sanche. (2017). Electron Stimulated Desorption shows Dissociative Electron Attachment above the ionization threshold in condensed diazines. XIX International Workshop on Low-Energy Positron and Positronium Physics XX International Symposium on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms. (Article publié).
- L K Ellis-Gibbings*, A D Bass*, P Cloutier*, G Garcia, L Sanche. (2017). Fragmentation of condenseddiazenes. The 30th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC XXX). (Article publié).
- Sasan Esmaili*, Andrew D Bass*, Pierre Cloutier*, Leon Sanche, Michael A Huels. (2017). Glycine formation from low energy electron irradiation of CO2:CH4:NH3. Ices in the Solar System. (Article publié).
- N, Brodeur*, D.J. Hunting, L. Sanche. (2017). Improvements in the cross section measurements for DNA damage induced bylow energy electrons. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- Sasan Esmali*, Andrew D. Bass*, Pierre Cloutier*, Michael A. Huels and Léon Sanche. (2017). Low energy electron driven chemistry in astrophysical ice analogs: Production of glycine in CO2:CH4:NH3 mixtures. Sources, Interaction with Matter, Detection and Analysis of Low Energy Electrons 2017 (SIMDALEE2017). (Article accepté).
- Hakim Belmouaddine*, Guru S. Madugundu, Simon Lefebvre, Richard J. Wagner, Léon Sanche, Daniel Houde. (2017). Oxidatively Generated Base Damage to DNA in Aqueous Solutions by Femtosecond Laser-Induced Low Density Plasma Multi-Channels Controlled with a Spatial Light Modulator. Biophysics, Biology and Biophotonics II: the Crossroads, part of SPIE BiOS. (Article publié).
- Andrew D. Bass* and L. Sanche. (2017). Principles of low energy electron interactions with simple molecular solids and condensed biomolecules. Sources, Interaction with Matter, Detection and Analysis of Low Energy Electrons 2017 (SIMDALEE2017). (Article accepté).
- L. Sanche, B. Guérin, R. Ouellet, R. Lecomte, B. Paquette,T. Tippayamontri*. (2017). Targeted metabolic chemoradiation therapy: Intratumoral administration of 5FU and 18F-FLT positron source in a colorectal cancer mouse model. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- V. Lemelin*, A. D. Bass*, T. Tippayamontri*, P. Cloutier and L. Sanche. (2016). Absolute electron scattering cross sections fromDNA constituents for targeted radionuclide therapy: condensed tetrahydrofuran (THF). Nuclear Science and Technology Conference (INST2016). (Article publié).
- N. Brodeur*, P. Cloutier*, AD. Bass*, D. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2016). Approche expérimentale pour une meilleure compréhension des dommages à l’ADN en radiothérapie: Le rôle des électrons de basse énergie. Association Canadienne Française pour l’Avancement des Sciences (ACFAS). (Article publié).
- Sasan Esmaili*, Andrew D. Bass*, Pierre Cloutier*, Leon Sanche, and Michael A. Huels. (2016). Astrochemistry Simulated in Electron-irradiated CO2/NH3 Ices. Molecular Gas in Galactic Enviroments. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2016). DNA damage as a probe to determine the range of electrons emitted by irradiated gold nanoparticles. Herald International Conference and Exhibition on Nanomedicine and Technology. (Article accepté).
- S. Kouass Sahbani*, P. Cloutier*, A.D. Bass*, D.J. Hunting, and L. Sanche. (2016). Effect of Gamma radiation and low energy electrons on DNA functionality. International workshop on Damage to DNA. (Article publié).
- S. Kouass-Sahbani*, P. Cloutier*, A. D. Bass*, D.J. Hunting, and L. Sanche. (2016). Effect of low energy (0.5 - 18 eV) electrons in the viability of E. coli transformed by plasmid DNA. 62nd Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. (Article sous presse).
- H. Belmouaddine*, M. Shi*, P.-L. Karsenti, R. Meesat, L. Sanche , D. Houde. (2016). Laser-Induced Low Density Plasma Micro-Channels as a Source of Tunable Dose Rate Radiation: Production of Gold Nanoparticles. Photonics North, Ottawa, 2016. (Article publié).
- Leon Sanche. (2016). Les aspects nanoscopiques de la radiosensibilisation : nouveau role pour les physiciens medicaux cliniques. Association Quebecoise des Physicien(ne)s Medicaux Cliniques. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2016). Low energy electron interactions and cross sections of relevance to radiation dose calculations in biological media. Symposium on low energy electron interactions and cross sections of relevance to radiation dose calculations in biological media. (Article publié).
- Yanfang Dong*, Limei Zhou*, Qinfen Tian, Yi Zheng & Léon Sanche. (2016). Low energy electrons emitted by 60-kev irradiation of gold nanoparticles and DNA damage. The 2016 International Conference of Nanobiology and Nanomedicine, The Fourth Annual Conference of Chinese Society of Micro- & Nanoscience and Technology,. (Article publié).
- Yi Zheng, Leon Sanche. (2016). Nanoscopic aspects of low energy electron interactions with DNA: application to chemoradiationtherapy. The 2016 International Conference of Nanobiology and Nanomedicine, The Fourth Annual Conference of Chinese Society of Micro- & Nanoscience and Technology,. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2016). Nanoscopic aspects of radiosensitisation: applicationto chemoradiation therapy. Herald International Conference and Exhibition on Nanomedicine and Technology. (Article accepté).
- Leslie Gates, Christopher R. Arumainayagam, Esther Böhler, Petra Swiderek, Sasan Esmaili*, Andrew D. Bass*, and Léon Sanche. (2016). Radiolysis of Cosmic Ice Analogs of Ammonia, An Interstellar Hydride. The Hydride Toolbox. (Article publié).
- T. Thippayamontri*, M. Shi*, D. Hunting, B.Paquette and L. Sanche. (2016). Radiosensitizing effect of PVA coated goldnanoparticles: Study in the Fricke dosimeter and plasmid DNA damage. Nuclear Science and Technology Conference (INST2016). (Article publié).
- M. Wehbe, M. Anantha, I. Backstrom, A. Leung, K. Chen, A. Malhotra, M. Shi*, L. Sanche, K. Edwards, M.B. Bally. (2016). Repurposing disulfirame for use as an anticancer drug: A strory about metabolism and metal binding. Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). (Article publié).
- T. Tippayamontri*, B. Guerin, R. Lecomte, B. Paquette & L. Sanche. (2016). Utilization of the Ferrous Sulfate (Fricke) Dosimeter for evaluating the radiation absorbed doseof 18F-FDG PET radiotracer. Alfim 2016. (Article publié).
- V. Lemelin*, L. Sanche, E. Alizadeh, P. Cloutier*. (2015). Absolute vibrational cross sections for low energy (1-19 eV) electron scattering from condensed tetrahydrofuran (THF). XXIX International Congress of photonic, electronic and atomic collisions. (Article publié).
- S.Esmaili*, A.D. Bass*, P.Cloutier*, L. Sanche, M.A. Huels. (2015). Cyanide and old ice:radiation induced C-N bond coupling in simulated interstellar CO2/NH3 ices. Second Workshop on Experimental Laboratory Astrophysics. (Article publié).
- S. Massey*, A. D. Bass*, E. Alizadeh, L. Sanche. (2015). Electron induced degradation of condensed Fe(CO)5 studied by electron stimulated desorption. XXIX International Congress of photonic, electronic and atomic collisions. (Article publié).
- M. Shi*, T. Thippayamontri*, L. Gendron, B. Guérin, L. Sanche & B. Paquette. (2015). Intra-tumoral injection of gold nanoparticles to increase the radio-sensitivity of colorectal tumor in nude mice. 61st Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh, S. Massey*, L. Sanche & P. A. Rowntree. (2015). Low-energy Electrons Interactions with Chemisorbed and Physisorbed Films of L-cysteine on Au(111). XXIX International Congress of photonic, electronic and atomic collisions. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh, P. A. Rowntree, S. Massey*, L. Sanche. (2015). Low-energy electron-induced dissociation in chemisorbed L-cysteine/Au (111). Surface Canada. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh, P. A. Rowntree, L. Sanche. (2015). Low-energy electron-induced dissociation in condensed-phase L-cysteine. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. (Article publié).
- S.Choofong*, P. Cloutier*, L.Sanche, R.Wagner. (2015). Low energy electron (LEE) induced damage to DNA. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. (Article publié).
- H. Belmouaddine*, G. S Madugundu, J R. Wagner, L. Sanche, D. Houde. (2015). Low energy secondary electron-induced DNA damage through femtosecond laser pulse filamentation in aqueous solutions. International Congress of Radiation Research. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2015). Mechanisms of low-energy electron- induced processes in atomic and molecular solids. Second Workshop on Experimental Laboratory Astrophysics. (Article publié).
- S. Choofong*, P. Coutier*, L. Sanche, J. R. Wagner. (2015). Radiation damage to DNA specifically induced by low energy electrons. 61st Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- M. Rezaee*, D. J. Hunting, L. Sanche. (2015). Sensitization of DNA to ionizing radiation by platinum chemotherapeutic drugs. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh*, M. Rezaee*, D. J. Hunting, L. Sanche. (2015). Synergistic action of ionizing radiation with platinum based chemotherapeutic drugs: Soft X-rays and low energy electrons. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. (Article publié).
- T. Tippayamontri*, E. Betancourt-Santander, B. Guerin, R. Lecomte, B. Paquette & L. Sanche. (2015). Tumor response inducedby intratumoral injection of 5-FU chemotherapy drug and 18F-radiolabelled compounds in a colorectal cancer mouse model. 61st Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- S. Massey*, A.D. Bass*, N. Mirsaleh-Kohan* & L. Sanche. (2014). "Oxygen effects" on DNA studied by low-energy electron stimulated desorption. Gordon Research Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Proctor Academy. (Article publié).
- B. Behmand*, P. Cloutier*, R. Wagner, L. Sanche, D. Hunting, J.-L. Marignier & M. Mostafavi. (2014). A model comparing the clinical application of a variable relative biological effectiveness based on high resolution in vitro studies. 60th Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
- M. Shi*, S.K. Sahbani*, B. Guérin, D. Fortin, B. Paquette & L. Sanche. (2014). Carboplatin-based chemotherapy by convection-enhanced delivery plus radiotherapy in glioma treatment. 25e Forum des Sciences Biologiques et Biothechnologie. (Article publié).
- Y. Zheng, S. Chen*, Y. Chen* & L. Sanche. (2014). Chemical radiosensitivity of DNA induced by gold nanoparticles. 60th Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
- B. Behnaz*, D, Hunting & L. Sanche. (2014). Cisplatin Adducts Sensitize DNA to Attack by hydrated Electrons Leading to Cisplatin Detachment and Base Damage. Gordon Research Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Proctor Academy. (Article publié).
- B. Behmand*, P. Cloutier*, R. Wagner, L. Sanche, D. Hunting, J.-L. Marignier & M. Mostafavi. (2014). Cisplatin adducts sensitize DNA to attack by hydrated electrons leading to cisplatin detachment and base damage. 60th Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
- G. Charest* & L. Sanche. (2014). Combined effect of gold nanoparticles, platinum compounds, radiation and hyperthermia in treatment of cancer. 60th Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
- T. Tippayamontri*, S.K. Sahbani*, R. Kotb, B. Paquette & L. Sanche. (2014). Concomitant chemoradiotherapy with cisplatin, oxaliplatin, or their liposomal formulations (Lipoplatin and Lipoxal) in colorectal cancer using nude mouse xenograft. 25e Forum des Sciences Biologiques et Biotechnologie. (Article publié).
- M. Shi*, B. Guérin, D. Fortin, B. Paquette & L. Sanche. (2014). Convention-enhanced delivery of platimun-based drugs: chemotherapy plus time-optimized radiotherapy in F98 glioma-bearing Fischer rats. 60th Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2014). DNA Damage caused by low-energy electrons: Applications to radiosensitization by gold nanoparticles and Pt-drugs. 13th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA. (Article publié).
- Y. Chen*, Y. Zheng, A.D. Bass* & L. Sanche. (2014). DNA Strand breaks and crosslinks induced by transient anions in the range 2-20 eV. 248th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. (Article publié).
- M.C. Boyer, M.D. Boamah, K.K. Sullivan, C.R. Arumainayaga, M.M. Bazin*, A.D. Bass* & L. Sanche. (2014). Dynamics of Dissociative Electron-Molecule Interactions in Condensed Methanol. Astrochemistry of Dust, Ice, Gas Faraday Discussion 168. (Article publié).
- S. Massey*, A.D. Bass* & L. Sanche. (2014). Electron stimulated desorption study of the electron-induced degradation of condensed (Fe(CO)? films in the 4-22 eV energy range. 248th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. (Article publié).
- S. Massey*, A.D. Bass*, N. Mirsaleh-Kohan* & L. Sanche. (2014). Fixation induite par électrons de basse énergie de l'oxygène à l'ADN: Étude par désorption stimulée électonique. 17e Journées d'Études de la chimie sous Rayonnement. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2014). From low energy electron DNA damage to Chemoradiation therapy. 60th Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
- A.D. Bass* & L. Sanche. (2014). Interactions of Slow Electrons with Organic Matter. Low Energy Electron Microscopy Workshop(LEEM/PEEM 9). (Article publié).
- S. Chen*, Y. Chen*, Y. Shao, X. Wang, Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. (2014). Interface chemical sensitization of DNA to ionizing radiation by gold nanoparticles. XIV National Conference of Solar Energy Photochemistry and Photocatalysis. (Article publié).
- A.D. Bass* & L. Sanche. (2014). Low-energy Electron Induced Chemistry of simple Molecular Solids. 248th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. (Article publié).
- S. Massey, A.D. Bass, N. Mirsaleh-Kohan & L. Sanche. (2014). Low-energy electron-induced degradation of Fe(CO)? for focused electron beam induced deposition (FEBID) applications. Low Energy Electron Microscopy Workshop(LEEM/PEEM 9). (Article publié).
- S. Massey*, M.N. Hedilli, A.D. Bass* & L. Sanche. (2014). Low-energy electron degradation of surface-absorbed precursors for use in electron beam induced deposition (FEBID) nanolithography. CSC 2014, 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. (Article publié).
- S.K. Sahbani*, P. Cloutier*, A.D. Bass*, L. Sanche & D.J. Hunting. (2014). Low energy electrons induce lethal lesions in DNA as measured by the loss of plasmid functionality. Gordon Research Conference on Radiation Cemistry, Proctor Academy. (Article publié).
- S.K. Sahbani*, P. Cloutier*, A.D. Bass*, L. Sanche & D. Hunting. (2014). Low energy electrons induce loss of plasmid functionality by producing lethal lesions in DNA. 60th Annual International Meeting, Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- N. Mirsaleh-Kohan, S. Esmaili*, P. Cloutier, A. Bass*, L. Sanche & M.A. Huels. (2014). New chemical species produced by low-energy electrons in simple molecular surface ices containing N2O and C2D2: Chemical transformation of surface ices. 248th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. (Article publié).
- S. Massey*, A.D. Bass*, N. Mirsaleh-Kohan* & L. Sanche. (2014). Oxygen Chemical Fixation onto DNA Induced by Low-Energy Electrons: Relationship to the "Oxygen Effect". 13th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA. (Article publié).
- S. K-Sahbani*, D. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2014). Quantification de bases endommagées et de dommage multiples localisés de l'ADN double-brins induits par des électrons de basse énergie. 82e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Université Concordia. (Article publié).
- P.-O. Lahaie*, A.D. Bass*, L. Sanche & M.A. Huels. (2014). Quantification of desorption and polymerisation induced by low energy (<50 eV) electron impact on thin DNA films. GRC: The Gordon Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Proctor Academy. (Article publié).
- P.-O. Lahaie*, A.D. Bass*, L. Sanche, M.A. Huels. (2014). Quantification of electron induced desorption and polymerisation in thin films of thymine and thymidine. 60th Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
- M. Rezaee*, M. Michaud*, D.J. Hunting, & L. Sanche. (2014). Radiobiological Effects and Nanodosimetry of Auger Electrons: A case study 5-18 eV Electron Interactions with DNA. 13th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA. (Article publié).
- B. Behmand*, P. Cloutier*, S. Girouard, J.R. Wagner, D. Hunting, J.-L. Marignier, M. Mostafavi & L. Sanche. (2014). Radiosensibilisation du dommage induit par les électrons hydratés aux bases de l'ADN par le cisplatine et son détachement. 17e Journées d'Études de la chimie sous Rayonnement. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh*, A.G. Sanz*, G. Garcia, J.R. Wagner & L. Sanche. (2014). Thymidine Decomposition Induced by Low-Energy Electrons and Soft X-rays under N? and O? Atmospheres. CSC, 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. (Article publié).
- O. Boulanouar*, M. Rezaee*, M. Fromm, P. Cloutier*, Y. Zheng, A. D. Bass*, M. Michaud*, D. J. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2013). Absolute measurement of low energy electron-induced strand-break damage in films of plasmid DNA and plasmid DNA/Dap2+ compl. XXVIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions. (Article publié).
- M. Rezaee*, D. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2013). Carboplatin is more efficient than cisplatin in sensitizing DNA to direct effects of ionizing radiation. 59th Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
- S. Kouass Sahbani*, M. Rezaee*, P. Cloutier*, L. Sanche & D.J. Hunting. (2013). Cisplatin enhances the formation of DNA damage and the loss of functionality induced by ionizing radiation. 59th Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
- X. Yao*, S. Chen*, Y. Chen*, S. Sahbani*, D. Hunting, Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. (2013). DNA damage induced by gold nanoparticles is Conformation-dependent. 40th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh*, M. Rezaee*, D. J. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2013). Damage induced by low energy electrons and soft X-rays to DNA modified by platinum chemotherapeutic drugs. 2nd Nano-Ion Beam Cancer Therapy. (Article publié).
- O. Boulanouar*, L. Amiaud, C. Sicard-Roselli, M. Fromm, L. Sanche & A. Lafosse. (2013). Desorption of neutral DNA subunits under low-energy electron irradiation below electronic excitation threshold. 2nd Nano-Ion Beam Cancer Therapy, Sopot. (Article publié).
- B. Behmand*, S. Girouard, P. Cloutier*, R. Wagner, D. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2013). Dommages au complexe cisplatine-ADN induits par des électrons hydratés. 81e Congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
- H. Belmouaddine*, G. Madugundu, R.Wagner, L. Sanche & D. Houde. (2013). Dommages induits à des oligonucléotides suite à la filamentation d'un laser femtoseconde: une source exclusive d'électrons lents générés in situ en solution aqueuse. 81e Congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
- S. Massey*, A.D. Bass* & L. Sanche. (2013). Electron-induced oxygen attachment on n-alkanethiolate SAMs studied by electron stimulated desorption. Surface Canada Conference. (Article publié).
- S. Massey*, A.D. Bass* & L. Sanche. (2013). Electron-stimulated desorption measurements of low-energy electron (~ 18 eV) damage to DNA in the presence of rare gases. Canadian Association of Physics Congress, Montréal, Canada. (Article publié).
- H. Belmouaddine*, G.S.Madugundu, J. R. Wagner, L. Sanche & D. Houde. (2013). Femtosecond laser pulse filamentation yielding in situ low energy secondary electron-induced DNA damage in aqueous solutions. Photonic North 2013. (Article publié).
- M. Rezaee*, S. Kouass Sahbani*, D. J. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2013). Hydrated Electrons Induce both DNA Single and Double Strand Breaks in the Presence of Cisplatin. 40th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- G. Charest*, D. Mathieu, D. Fortin, L. Sanche & B. Paquette. (2013). Importance of the Route of Administration of Platinum Drugs to Optimize the Concomitant Treatment with Radiotherapy for Glioblastoma Implanted in the Rat Brain Fischer (oral). Congrès annuel de l’Association canadienne de radioprotection. (Article publié).
- S. Esmaili*, A.D. Bass*, P. Cloutier*, M.A. Huels & L. Sanche. (2013). Laboratory studies of electron-induced processed occurring in simulated interstellar ices. Surface Canada Conference. (Article publié).
- S. Kouass Sahbani*, P. Cloutier*, S. Girouard, L. Sanche & D. Hunting. (2013). Les cassures doubles brins ne sont pas les lésions létales les plus fréquentes induites par les effest indirects du rayonnement ionisant. 81e Congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
- G. Charest*, L. Sanche & B. Paquette. (2013). LipoGold : antinéoplasique radiopotentialisant. Colloque RQRM Industrie: "Le développement du médicament au Québec: émergence de nouvelles opportunités. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2013). Low-energy (0-30 eV) electron induced processes in laboratory ices. 1st Workshop on Experimental laboratory Astrophysics. (Article publié).
- S. Massey*, N. Mirsaleh-Kohan*, Y. Zheng, A.D. Bass* & L. Sanche. (2013). Low-energy electron-induced “oxygen fixation” to DNA SAMs studied by stimulated anion desorption. XXVIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions. (Article publié).
- H. Belmouaddine*, G.S. Madugundu, E. Alizadeh, J.R. Wagner, L. Sanche & D. Houde. (2013). Low energy secondary electron-induced DNA damge through femtosecond laser pulse filamentation in aqueous solutions. 2nd Nano-Ion Beam Cancer Therapy, Sopot. (Article publié).
- T. Tippayamontri*, R. Kotb, B. Paquette & L. Sanche. (2013). New therapeutic possibilities of combined treatment of radiotherapy with cisplatin, oxaliplatin or their liposomal formulations (Lipoplatin and Lipoxal) in colorectal cancer using nude mouse xenograft. Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
- P.-O. Lahaie*, A.D. Bass*, L. Sanche & M.A. Huels. (2013). Nouvelle méthode expérimentale pour mesurer les dommages induits à l’ADN par les électrons de faible énergie. 81e Congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh*, M. Rezaee*, D. J. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2013). Platinum chemotherapeutic drugs sensitize DNA towards sub-excitation-energy electrons to induce cluster lesions. 59th Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
- S. Kouass Sahbani*, M. Rezaee*, P. Cloutier*, L. Sanche & D.J. Hunting. (2013). Radiosensitization of plasmid DNA by cisplatin: enhancement in damage and loss of functionality. 40th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- S. Esmaili*, A. D. Bass*, P. Cloutier*, L. Sanche, M.A. Huels. (2013). Synthesis of organic molecules in simulated interstellar ices. 1st Workshop on Experimental laboratory Astrophysics. (Article publié).
- M. Rezaee*, E. Alizadeh*, D.J. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2013). The role of dissociative electron attachment in the formation of strand breaks in DNA modified by platinum chemotherapeutic drugs. 2nd Nano-Ion Beam Cancer Therapy. (Article publié).
- G. Charest*, L. Sanche, B. Paquette, D. Fortin & M. David. (2013). Évaluation comparative de différents traitements (5 composés platinés en 3 routes d’administration) combinés ou non avec la radiation ionisante pour améliorer les traitements de glioblastome. Congrès de Neurochirurgie 2013. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh* & L. Sanche. (2012). Absolute measurements of radiation damage in nanometer thick films. 12th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA. (Article publié).
- S. Kouass Sahbani*, P. Cloutier*, S. Girouard, L. Sanche & D. Hunting. (2012). Double strand breaks are not the most frequent lethal lesion created by the indirect effect of ionizing radiation. Gordon Research Conference on radiation chemistry. (Article publié).
- M. Rezaee*, D. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2012). Effect of platinum chemotherapeutic drugs on DNA cluster damage induced by low energy electrons. 12th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA. (Article publié).
- H. Belmouaddine*, R. Meesat, J.-F. Allard, M. Lepage, J.-P. Jay-Gerin, D. Houde & L. Sanche. (2012). Filamentation of powerful femtosecond laser pulses as a new source of high dose rate radiation for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles. Gordon Research Conference on radiation chemistry. (Article publié).
- S. Kouass Sahbani*, P. Cloutier*, L. Sanche & D. Hunting. (2012). Les cassures doubles brins ne sont pas les lésions létales les plus fréquentes induites par les effets indirects du rayonnement ionisant. 16èmes Journées d’Études de la Chimie sous Rayonnement (JECR 2012). (Article publié).
- A.D. Bass*, E. Böhler, J.H. Bredehöft, L. Sanche & P. Swiderek. (2012). Low-energy electron-induced reactions in condensed CH3CN. Electron Controlled Chemical Lithography Meeting. (Article publié).
- M. Michaud*, M. Rezaee*, M. Bazin* & L. Sanche. (2012). Low-energy electron scattering from cytosine : absolute vibrational excitation cross sections. Quantum scattering calculations and Monte Carlo simulations to model dynamical processes in biosystems. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2012). Low energy electron driven processes in physics, chemistry, biology, and their applications. Gordon Research Conference on Radiation Chemistry. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh* & L. Sanche. (2012). Measurement of G-values for DNA damage induced by low energy electrons. Gordon Research Conference on radiation chemistry. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh* & L. Sanche. (2012). Measurement of G-values for DNA damage induced by low energy electrons. Gordon Research Conferences on radiation chemistry. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh*, M. Rezaee* & L. Sanche. (2012). Measurements of G-values for DNA damage induced by low energy electrons under atmospheric conditions. Quantum scattering codes and Monte Carlo simulations to model dynamical processes in biosystems, Madrid. (Article publié).
- S. Massey*, A.D. Bass*, M. Steffenhagen*, Nasrin Mirsaleh-Kohan* & L. Sanche. (2012). Oxygen attachment on alkanethiols and DNA SAMs by low-energy electron bombardment. 4th Focused Electron Beam Induced Processing Workshop. (Article publié).
- M. Rezaee*, P. Cloutier*, A.D. Bass*, M. Michaud*, D.J. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2012). Quasi-absolute cross section for DNA damage induced by low energy electrons. Quantum scattering calculations and Monte Carlo simulations to model dynamical processes in biosystems. (Article publié).
- M. Rezaee*, P. Cloutier*, A.D. Bass*, D.J. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2012). Quasi-absolute cross section for low energy electron damage to condensed macromolecules : a case study of DNA. 4th Focused Electron Beam Induced Processing Workshop. (Article publié).
- M. Rezaee*, D.J. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2012). Radiosensitisation of DNA to low energy electrons by platinum-based chemotherapeutic drugs. Gordon Research Conferences on radiation chemistry. (Article publié).
- F. Xiao*, Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. (2012). Role of low-energy electrons in the radiosensitization of DNA by gold nanoparticles. 12th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA. (Article publié).
- T. Tippayamontri*, R. Kotb, L. Sanche & B. Paquette. (2012). Synergism in concomitant chemoradiotherapy of cisplatin and oxaliplatin and its liposomal formulation in human colorectal cancer cell HCT116. 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic conference. (Article publié).
- N. Mirsaleh-Kohan*, S. Esmaili*, P. Cloutier*, A. D. Bass*, L. Sanche, M. A. Huels. (2012). Synthesis of organic molecules in astrophysical ices by low energy electron induced cation reactions. Astrobiology Science Conference 2012. (Article publié).
- A. Bass* & L. Sanche. (2012). The interactions of low energy electrons with molecules in the condensed phase. 4th Focused Electron Beam Induced Processing Workshop. (Article publié).
- G. Charest*, L. Sanche, B. Paquette, D. Mathieu & D. Fortin. (2012). Évaluation comparative de différents traitements (5 composés platinés en 3 routes d’administration) combinés ou non avec la radiation ionisante pour améliorer les traitements de glioblastome: Études in vivo. Congrès annuel de l’Association de Neurochirurgie du Québec (ANCQ). (Article publié).
- O. Boulanouar, P. Cloutier, L. Sanche & M. Fromm. (2011). Condensation d’ADN plasmidique par des diamines sur un substrat de graphite. 79e Congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
- B. Behnaz, P. Cloutier, S. Girouard, A.Bass, L. Sanche & D.Hunting. (2011). Damage induced by hydrated electrons to the cisplatin-DNA complex. 14th International Congress of Radiation Research. (Article publié).
- Y. Yildirim, A.D. Bass, M. Balcan, A. Kinal, P. Cloutier & L. Sanche. (2011). Dissociation induite par des électrons de basses énergies dans des films minces de disulfure de diallyle (DSDA). 79e Congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
- B. Behmand, P. Cloutier, S. Girouard, A. Bass, D. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2011). Dommages au complexe cis-platine-ADN induits par des électrons de basse énergie et par des électrons hydratés. 79e Congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh, P. Cloutier, D. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2011). Dommages à l'ADN maintenu sous atmosphère d’azote ou d’oxygène, induits par des rayons-X et des électrons de basses énergies. 79e Congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
- M. Fromm, O. Boulanouar*, P. Cloutier* & L. Sanche. (2011). Exposing very thin DNA plasmid layers to low energy electrons (0–20 eV) : Determination of the effective cross-section for a single strand break. 26th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids. (Article publié).
- G. Charest, D. Fortin, D. Mathieu, L. Sanche & B. Paquette. (2011). Glioblastoma treatment: comparative studies of three routes of administration, platinum formulations and combination or not with radiation. In vivo experiments. XXVth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function & the Xth International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET. (Article publié).
- O. Boulanouar*, L. Amiaud, A. Lafosse, L. Sanche & C. Sicard-Roselli. (2011). Gold nanoparticles (GNP) and DNA radiosensitization in solution: impact of the DNA close-environment and the GNP-DNA interaction. The 1st Nano-Ion Beam Cancer Therapy Conference. (Article publié).
- D. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2011). How can we exploit the properties of low energy and hydrated electrons to improve radiotherapy?. 14th International Congress of radiation Research. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh, D. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2011). Induction of Strand Breaks in DNA by Low Energy Electrons and Soft X-rays under Nitrous Oxide Atmosphere. 14th International Congress of Radiation Research. (Article publié).
- Y. Park, P. Cloutier, L. Sanche & J.R. Wagner. (2011). Mécanisme de modification de la thymidine par irradiation à l'aide d'électrons de basse énergie sur l'oligonucléotide TpTpT. 79e Congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
- C. Sicard-Roselli & L. Sanche. (2011). Mécanisme de radiosensibilisation par les nanoparticules métalliques. 10e Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (CIRFA). (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh, P. Cloutier & L. Sanche. (2011). Nanoscopic Aspects of Radiotherapy: The Oxygen Effect of Low Energy Electrons. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications. (Article publié).
- O. Boulanouar*, L. Amiaud, M. Fromm, C. Sicard-Roselli, L. Sanche & A. Lafosse. (2011). Neutral products desorption from DNA thin films induced by low-energy electrons (0.5-20 eV). The 1st Nano-IBCT (Nano-scale Insights into Ion Beam Cancer Therapy) Conference. (Article publié).
- M. Rezaee, E. Alizadeh, D. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2011). Optimized Method for Preparation of Nanoscale DNA-Platinum Films for Use in Chemoradiation Therapy Studies. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications. (Article publié).
- Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. (2011). Radiosensitization by gold nanoparticles: implication for radiotherapy. ESP International Congress on Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. (Article publié).
- M. Rezaee, P. Cloutier, D.J. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2011). Radiosensitization of DNA to low energy electron by carboplatin and cisplatin. 14th International Congress of radiation Research. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh & L. Sanche. (2011). Reactions Induced by Low Energy Electrons and Soft X-ray in DNA under Nitrous Oxide Atmosphere. 242nd American Chemical Society. (Article publié).
- M. Michaud, M. Bazin & L. Sanche. (2011). Sections efficaces de collisions des électrons de basses énergies ( 0 – 18 eV) avec les bases de l’ADN et nanodosimétrie. 79e Congrès de l'ACFAS. (Article publié).
- S. Ptasinska, A. Stypczynska, B. Bahnev, L. Sanche & N. J. Mason. (2011). The action of amino acids on irradiated DNA films. 14th International Congress of Radiation Research. (Article publié).
- G. Charest*, B. Paquette, D. Fortin & L. Sanche. (2011). Évaluation comparative de différents traitements (5 composés platinés en 3 routes d’administration) combinés ou non avec la radiation ionisante pour améliorer les traitements de glioblastome. 10e Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (CIRFA). (Article publié).
- M. Huels, A.D. Bass, N. Mirsaleh-Kohan & L. Sanche. (2010). Before the Ring: synthesis of linear organic molecules in astrophysical ices by low energy electron impact. 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. (Article publié).
- G. Charest, B. Paquette, D. Fortin, D. Mathieu, L. Sanche. (2010). Comparative evaluation of liposomal and non-liposomal platinum drugs combined or not with radiation to improve treatment of glioblastoma implanted in rat brain Gagnant du 2e prix de présentation. Rencontre annuelle 2010 IROC-CORI (Initiative de Recherche en Oncologie Clinique). (Article publié).
- G. Charest, D. Fortin, D. Mathieu, L. Sanche & B. Paquette. (2010). Comparative evaluation of liposomal and nonliposomal platinum compounds combined or not with concomitant focal radiation to improve treatment of glioblastoma bearing rat. 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology. (Article publié).
- G. Charest, D. Fortin, D. Mathieu, L. Sanche & B. Paquette. (2010). Comparative evaluation of liposomal and nonliposomal platinum drugs combined or not with concomitant radiation to improve treatment of glioblastoma implanted in rat brain. 56th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- T. Tippayamontri, R. Kotb, L. Sanche & B. Paquette. (2010). Concomitant platinum-based chemotherapy and radiation treatment for colorectal cancer: Studies on toxicity, pharmacokinetics of platinum and synergism. American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
- D.J. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2010). DNA damage by low energy electrons: What we have learned and what we wish to know. Gordon Research Conference on Radiochemistry. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche, M. Bazin, and M. Michaud. (2010). Electronic excitation cross sections for low-energy electron (< 18 eV) scattering from cytosine: applications in nanodosimetry. Biomolecules Symposium, ACS Fall Meeting. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche, Y. Yildirim, M. Balcan, A.D. Bass & P. Cloutier. (2010). Electron stimulated desorption of anions and cations from condensed allyl glycidyl ether. 10th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons, ECAMP10. (Article publié).
- N. Mirsaleh-Kohan, A.D. Bass, P. Cloutier & L. Sanche. (2010). Electron stimulated desorption of anions from DNA: effect of oxygen. 7th International Conference on radiation damage on biomolecular systems. (Article publié).
- G. Charest, B. Paquette, D. Mathieu, D. Fortin & L. Sanche. (2010). Glioblastoma treatment: Bypassing the toxicity of platinum compound via liposomal formulation and increasing treatment efficiency with concomitant focal radiotherapy. In vivo experiments. 14th Biennial Canadian Neuro Oncology Meeting. (Article publié).
- Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. (2010). Gold nanoparticles enhance the radiosensitization of DNA induced by anti-cancer drugs. International Workshop on Radiosensitization : From fundamental processes involved in radiosensitization to biological applications. (Article publié).
- F. Ferreira da Silva, L. Amiaud, A. Lafosse, C. Sicard-Roselli & L. Sanche. (2010). Interaction d'électrons de basse énergie avec des complexes ADN-nanoparticules d'or. Journées d'Études en Chimie des Radiations. (Article publié).
- S.K. Sahbani*, P. Cloutier*, AD. Bass*, D. Hunting & L. Sanche. (2010). Les dommages aux bases et les dommages multiples localisés de l'ADN double-brins peuvent être induits par les électrons de basse énergie. 25e Forum des Sciences Biologiques et Biotechnologie. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche, N. Mirsaleh-Kohan, A.D. Bass, P. Cloutier. (2010). Low-energy-electron interaction with self-assembled monolayers of DNA containing O2 at cryogenic temperatures. Biomolecules Symposium, ACS Fall Meeting. (Article publié).
- L. Amiaud, L. Sanche, C. Sicard-Roselli & A. Lafosse. (2010). Low-energy electron induced damages. A chemical & physical approach dealing with model systems. International Workshop on Radiosensitization : From fundamental processes involved in radiosensitization to biological applications. (Article publié).
- A. Lafosse, F. Ferreira da Silva, L. Amiaud, L. Sanche & C. Sicard-Roselli. (2010). Low-energy electron induced damages – A chemical and physical approach dealing with model systems. 7th International Conference on radiation damage on biomolecular systems. (Article publié).
- Leon Sanche. (2010). Low energy electron damage to DNA undervacuum, atmospheric and cellular conditions. 7th International Conference on radiation damage on biomolecular systems. (Article publié).
- J.R. Wagner & L. Sanche. (2010). Low energy electron induced DNA damage: product analysis and possible mechanisms. 56th Annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche, M. Bazin & M. Michaud. (2010). Low energy electron induced electronic excitations and scattering cross sections in condensed cytosine. 10th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons, ECAMP10. (Article publié).
- Y. Park, J.R. Wagner, Z. Li, P. Cloutier & L. Sanche. (2010). Low energy electron induced formation of 5,6-dihydrothymine in TTT oligonucleotide trimers. Gordon Research Congerences. (Article publié).
- Y. Park, Z. Li, P. Cloutier, L. Sanche & J.R. Wagner. (2010). Low energy electrons (LEEs) induced DNA damage: Formation of 5,6-dihydrothymine as major product in the irradiation of TpTpT oligonucleotide trimer. 56th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- M. Michaud and L. Sanche. (2010). Measurement of inelastic cross sections for low-energy electron scattering from DNA bases. MC2010 Workshop,. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2010). Mechanisms of low energy electron (LEE) damage to DNA: From vacuum to cellular environment. Biomolecules Symposium, ACS Fall Meeting. (Article publié).
- M. Michaud, M. Bazin & L. Sanche. (2010). Nanodosimetry of low energy electrons (0 – 18 eV) in DNA basis. MC2010 Stockholm. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2010). Nanoscale dynamics of radiosensitivity: role of low energy electrons". International Conference on the Dynamics of Systems on the Nanoscale. International Conference on the Dynamics of Systems on the Nanoscale. (Article publié).
- E. Brun, L. Sanche & C. Sicard-Roselli. (2010). On the mechanisms of gold nanoparticle radiosensitization. International Workshop on Radiosensitization : From fundamental processes involved in radiosensitization to biological applications. (Article publié).
- B. Paquette, G. Charest, D. Fortin, D. Mathieu and L. Sanche. (2010). Optimisation of the concomitance treatment of radiotherapy with liposomal and non liposomal platinum drugs for glioblastoma brain tumour. International Workshop on Radiosensitization : From fundamental processes involved in radiosensitization to biological applications. (Article publié).
- E. Brun, L. Sanche & C. Sicard-Roselli. (2010). Optimization of gold nanoparticle radiosensitization of DNA in solution. International Workshop on Radiosensitization : From fundamental processes involved in radiosensitization to biological applications. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche, N. Mirsaleh-Kohan, A.D. Bass & P. Cloutier. (2010). Oxygen radiosensitization of low-energy-electron damage to self-assembled monolayers of DNA. International Workshop on Radiosensitization : From fundamental processes involved in radiosensitization to biological applications. (Article publié).
- L. Sanche. (2010). Radiosensitization: From fundamental aspects to applications. International Workshop on Radiosensitization : From fundamental processes involved in radiosensitization to biological applications. (Article publié).
- Leon Sanche. (2010). Reactions induced by low energy electrons on molecules physisorbed on surfaces. 10th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons, ECAMP10,. (Article publié).
- T. Tippayamontri, B. Paquette, R. Kotb & L. Sanche. (2010). Response of platinum-radiosensitizing agents in human colorectal cancer with true concomitant chemoradiotherapy. 56th Annual meeting of the radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. (2010). Role of low-energy electron in gold nanoparticles radiosensitization of DNA. 10th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons, ECAMP10. (Article publié).
- E. Alizadeh, P. Cloutier & L. Sanche. (2010). Soft X-ray and LEE induced damage to DNA under cellular conditions. 7th International Conference on radiation damage on biomolecular systems. (Article publié).
- Y. Park, J.R. Wagner, Z. Li, P. Cloutier & L. Sanche. (2010). Structural modification of DNA induced by low energy electrons (LEEs): Formation of 5,6-dihydrothymine as major product in the irradiation of TTT oligonucleotide trimer. 7th International Conference on radiation damage on biomolecular systems. (Article publié).
- A. Stypczy?ska, S. Ptasi?ska, B. Bahnev, T. Pengpan, L. Sanche & N.J. Mason. (2010). The effect of amino-acids on DNA damage induced by cold plasma and low energy electrons. International Workshop on Radiosensitization : From fundamental processes involved in radiosensitization to biological applications. (Article publié).
- S. Ptasi?ska, Z. Li, N.J. Mason & L. Sanche. (2010). The influence of amino acids on the fragmentation of oligonucleotides exposed to low energy electrons. 56th Annual meeting of the radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
- V. Lemelin & L. Sanche. Absolute vibrational and electronic cross sections for low-energy electron scattering from condensed Thymidine. 65th Annual Meeting Radiation Research Society.
- V. Lemelin, A.D. Bass & L. Sanche. Absolute vibrational and electronic cross sections for low-energy electron scattering from condensed Thymidine. XXXIst International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions.
- W. Liu, Y. Gao, V. Lemelin, Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. Base damages induced in DNA by 10 eV electrons: contribution to the radiosensitization mechanism of platinum chemotherapeutic drugs. XXXIst International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions.
- Y. Gao, X. Wang, Y. Dong, Y. Zheng & L. Sanche. Clustered DNA Damage Induced by 2-20 eV Electrons and Correlation to Cell Death. International Symposium on Photocatalysis, Photofunctional Materials and Nano-Science & Technology.
- G. Khorsandgolchin, V. Lemelin, P. Cloutier, L. Sanche & R. Wagner. DNA damage in Thymidyl (3’-5’) thymidine (TpT) induced by very low energy electrons. XXXIst International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions.
- A. Huwaidi, G. Robert, P. Cloutier, B. Guérin, J.R. Wagner & L. Sanche. Enhancement of X-ray-induced DNA damage arising from low electrons emitted by gold nanoparticles. 65th Annual Meeting Radiation Research Society.
- A. Huwaidi, G. Robert, P. Cloutier, B. Guérin, L. Sanche & J.R. Wagner. Gold nanoparticles enhance X-ray-induced DNA damage arising from the emission of low energy electrons from the gold surface: a LC-MS/MS study of DNA damage". 1st Eastern Canada Mass Spectrometry Conference,.
- L. Sanche. Interaction of low energy (0-30 eV) electrons (LEEs) with DNA: Fundamental mechanisms and applications. The Nova Biophysica Conference.
- M. Khosravifarsani, S. Ait-Mohand, L. Sanche & B. Guérin. L.SancheIn-vitro cytotoxic effectof 64Cu/NOTA-terpyridine platinum conjugate, as a novel theranostic agent". Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Annual Meeting, Anaheim, USA (2019) M. Khosravifarsani, S. Ait-Mohand, & B. Guérin. Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Annual Meeting.
- L. Sanche. Low-energy electrons in Radiation Research: from diatomic molecules to DNA - 2019 Failla Lecture. 65th Annual Meeting Radiation Research Society.
- S. Esmaili, A. Bass, P. Cloutier, L. Sanche & M. Huels. Low energy electron induced chemistry in CO2:NH3:CH4 ices. XXXIst International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions.
- M.D. Sevilla, L. Sanche, D. Becker, A. Kumar & A. Adhikary. Mechanisms of DNA Radiation Damage from LEE and high LET Radiations. 65th Annual Meeting Radiation Research Society.
- Molecular Radiosensitization Mechanisms of Pt-chemotherapeutic drugs in Cancer Chemoradiation Therapy. International Symposium on Photocatalysis, Photofunctional Materials and Nanoscience & Technology.
- H. Belmouaddine, G.S. Madugundu, J.R. Wagner, A. Couairon, D. Houde & L. Sanche. Radiation chemistry with primary ions and low-energy electrons: femtosecond laser-induced low-density plasma mediated DNA damage in aqueous solutions. 65th Annual Meeting Radiation Research Society.
- Tamon Kusumoto, Michel Fromm, Pierre Cloutier, Andrew Bass and Leon Sanche. Role of low-energy (below 50 eV) electrons in Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors:Anion and cation yields from PADC surrogate molecules. 65th Annual Meeting Radiation Research Society.
- M. Khosravifarsani, S. Ait-Mohand, B. Guérin & L. Sanche. The synthesis and cytotoxicity of 64Cu/NOTA-terpyridine platinum conjugate, as a novel theranostic agent. International Symposium on Trends in Radiopharmaceuticals (ISTR-2019).
Propriétés intellectuelles
- (2012). COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING A RADIOSENSITIZER AND AN ANTI-CANCER AGENT AND METHODS OF USES THEREOF Approuvé en Europe, au Canada et en instance aux USA. 61/172,482. Canada. (En instance).
Autres contributions
Activités de collaboration internationale
- Collaborator. Japon.
- Collaborator. Arabie Saoudite.
- Collaborator. Australie.
- Collaborator. Thaïlande.
- Collaborator. Espagne.
- Scientific collaborator. Chine.
- Scientific collaborator. France.
- Scientific collaborator. États-Unis.
- Scientific collaborator. Allemagne.
- Scientific collaborator. France.
- Scientific collaborator. Pologne.
- Scientific collaborator. France.
- Scientific collaborator. Turquie.
- Scientific collaborator. États-Unis.
- Scientific collaborator. États-Unis.
- Scientific collaborator. Royaume-Uni.
- Scientific collaborator. États-Unis.
- Scientific collaborator. France.
- Scientific collaborator. Canada.
- Scientific collaborator. Royaume-Uni. Interactions of electrons with solid matter. Collaborator: Jimina Gorfinkiel, Open University, Milton Keynes.
- Scientific collaborator. Irlande.
- Scientific collaborator. Corée, République de.
- (2019). Interaction of low energy (0-30 eV) electrons (LEEs) with DNA: Fundamental mechanisms and applications. The Nova Biophysica Conference. Lisbone, Portugal
- (2019). Low-energy electrons in Radiation Research: from diatomic molecules to DNA. 2019 Failla Lecture, 65th Annual Meeting Radiation Research Society. San Diego, États-Unis
- Andrew Bass*. (2017). Principles of low energy electron interactions with simple molecular solids and condensed biomolecules. Sources, Interaction with Matter, Detection and Analysis of Low Energy Electrons 2017 (SIMDALEE2017). Italie
- (2016). Les aspects nanoscopiques de la radiosensibilisation: nouveau role pour les physiciens medicaux cliniques. Association Quebecoise des Physicien(ne)s Medicaux Cliniques, Sherbrooke. Canada
- (2016). Low energy electron interactions and cross sections of relevance to radiation dose calculations in biological media. Symposium on low energy electron interactions and cross sections of relevance to radiation dose calculations in biological media. Canada
- (2016). Nanoscopic aspects of radiosensitisation: application to chemoradiation therapy. Herald International Conference and Exhibition on Nanomedicine and Technology. États-Unis
- (2015). Mechanisms of low-energy electron- induced processes in atomic and molecular solids. Second Workshop on Experimental Laboratory Astrophysics. États-Unis
- (2014). DNA Damage caused by low-energy electrons: Applications to radiosensitization by gold nanoparticles and Pt-drugs. 13th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA. États-Unis
- (2014). From low energy electron DNA damage to Chemoradiation therapy. 60th Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas. États-Unis
- Andrew Bass*. (2014). Interactions of Slow Electrons with Organic Matter. Low Energy Electron Microscopy Workshop(LEEM/PEEM 9). Allemagne
- Andrew Bass*. (2014). Low-energy Electron Induced Chemistry of simple Molecular Solids. 248th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. États-Unis
- (2012). Low energy electron driven processes in physics, chemistry, biology, and their applications. Gordon Research Conference on Radiation Chemistry. Andover, États-Unis
- Darel J. Hunting. (2011). How can we exploit the properties of low energy and hydrated electrons to improve radiotherapy. 14th International Congress of Radiation Research. Varsovie, Pologne
- Y. Zheng. (2011). Radiosensitization by gold nanoparticles: implication for radiotherapy. ESP International Congress on Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. Nanjing, Chine
- M. Michaud. (2010). Measurement of inelastic cross sections for low-energy electron scattering from DNA bases. MC2010 Workshop,. Suède