Jay Lacey
Professeur, Faculté de génie
FAC. GÉNIE Civil et bâtiment
Sujet de recherche
Fresh Water, Running Water Hydrosystem, Ecological and Ecophysiological Processes, Fishery Resources, Landscape and Restoration
Disciplines de recherche
Civil Engineering, Earth Science
ecohydraulics, environmental hydraulics, fish habitat, flow visualization, fluvial geomorphology, river engineering, river restoration, sediment transport, turbulent flow in rivers, velocimetry instrumentation
Intérêts de recherche
My research investigates the physical flow processes (e.g., flow resistance, generation and advection of coherent flow structures, sediment transport) occurring in rivers and open channels and the relationships between flow structure and aquatic biota (i.e., fish). Many of my projects involve the characterisation of flow structure in open-channels.
Langues parlées et écrites
Anglais, Français
(2009). (Post-doctorate, Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow). Wageningen Agricultural University.
(2008). (Post-doctorate, Postdoctoral Fellow). University of Aberdeen.
(2008). (Doctorate, Ph.D.). Université de Montréal.
(2001). (Master's Thesis, M.A.Sc.). University of British Columbia.
(1996). (Bachelor's, B.Sc.(Eng.)). University of Guelph.
Titres de compétence
Prix et distinctions
- Prix du mérite Jacques Bazinet 2014 (Teaching excellence award). L’Association générale des étudiants en génie de l’Université de Sherbrooke (AGEG). (Prize / Award).
- Prix du mérite Jacques Bazinet 2015 (Teaching excellence award). L’Association générale des étudiants en génie de l’Université de Sherbrooke (AGEG). (Prize / Award).
- Prix du mérite Jacques Bazinet 2017 (Teaching excellence award). L’Association générale des étudiants en génie de l’Université de Sherbrooke (AGEG). (Prize / Award).
- Prix du mérite Jacques Bazinet 2018 (Teaching excellence award). L’Association générale des étudiants en génie de l’Université de Sherbrooke (AGEG). (Prize / Award).
- Prix du mérite Jacques Bazinet 2019 (Teaching excellence award). L’Association générale des étudiants en génie de l’Université de Sherbrooke (AGEG). (Prize / Award).
- Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Use of velocity, turbulence, and attachment-inhibiting substrate to provide selective passage at sea lamprey barriers. Great Lakes Fishery Commission (USA). Sea Lamprey Research Program. 349 848 $. (2022-2024)
- Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Analysis of the accuracy and uncertainty of flow measurements taken via LSPIV (Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry). Consortium on Regional Climatology and Adaptation to Climate Change : Ouranos. Climate change adaptions. 199 295 $. (2021-2023)
- Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Approche expérimentale et numérique pour l’étude des effets de bout causés sur les ouvrages de protection côtière pour l’adaptation aux changements climatiques. Ministère des Transports (Québec). Projet de recherche en adaptation aux changements climatiques. 295 585 $. (2020-2023)
- Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Approche expérimentale et numérique pour l’étude des paramètres de conception des champs d’épis courts pour la protection côtière pour l’adaptation aux impactas des changements climatiques. Ministère des Transports (Québec). Projet de recherche en adaptation aux changements climatiques. 295 500 $. (2020-2023)
- Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Characterisation and prediction of fluvial bank retreat and planform change using novel physical and numerical experiments. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). Projets de recherche en équipe. 200 000 $. (2020-2023)
- Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Fish passage and ice processes in relation to turbulent flow in open channels. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Discovery Grants - Individual. 105 000 $. (2017-2022)
- Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Développement et validation de deux outils numériques en accès libre permettant de prédire les forces et débits de franchissement générés par des vagues sur des murs verticaux. Ministère des Transports (Québec). proposition de projet de recherche en adaptation aux changements climatiques No réf. : PACC13-20/6.2. 198 200 $. (2018-2021)
- Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Laboratory wave generator for studying wave impacts on retaining walls. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Research Tools and Instruments. 112 350 $. (2019-2019)
- Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. CFD modelling of sediment transport: case study of the Castle River, QC. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Engage. 25 000 $. (2019-2019)
- Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. CFD modelling of air entrainment and sediment in open-channels using OpenFOAM. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Engage Grant. 25 000 $. (2018-2018)
Articles de revue
- Duguay J, Lacey RWJ, Massé A. (2021). Evaluating the Euler-Euler approach for predicting a strongly 3D bubble induced recirculatory flow with OpenFOAM. Chemical Engineering Science 229 (115982), (Published).
- *Croquer,S; Poncet,S; Lacey,J; Nistor I. (2020). Statistical analysis and prediction of force and overtopping rates on large scale vertical walls using support vector machine and random forest regression. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (Submitted).
- *Bulat M, Biron P, Lacey J, Botrel M, Maranger R, Hudon C. (2019). A 3D numerical model investigation of the impact of macrophytes on flow dynamics in a large fluvial lake. Freshwater Biology 64 1627–1642. (Published).
- *Duguay JM, Lacey RWJ, Castro-Santos, T. (2019). Influence of baffles on upstream passage of brook trout and brown trout in an experimental box culvert. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 28–41. (Published).
- *Benchikh Le Hocine AE, Lacey RWJ, Poncet S. (2019). Multiphase modeling of the free surface flow through a Darrieus horizontal axis shallow-water turbine. Renewable Energy 143 1890-1901. (Published).
- *Benchikh Le Hocine AE, Poncet S, Lacey J. (2019). Numerical modeling of a Darrieus horizontal axis shallow-water turbine. Journal of Energy Engineering - ASCE 146 (5), 04020050-1 to 14. (Published).
- *Duguay J, *Foster B, Lacey RWJ, Castro-Santos T. (2018). Sediment infilling benefits rainbow trout passage in a baffled channel. Ecological Engineering 125 38-49. (Published).
- *Benchikh Le Hocine AE, Lacey RWJ, Poncet S. (2018). Turbulent fow over a D-section bluff body: a numerical benchmark. Environmental Fluid Mechanics 1-22. DOI. (Published).
- *Duguay JM, Lacey RWJ, Gaucher J. (2017). A case study of a pool and weir fishway with OpenFOAM an FLOW-3D. Ecological Engineering 103 31-42. (Published).
- Enders EC, Castro-Santos T, Lacey RWJ. (2017). The effects of horizontally- and vertically-oriented baffles on flow structure and swimming performance of upstream migrating fish. Journal of Ecohydraulics 2 (1), 38-52. (Published).
- *Duguay JM, Lacey RWJ. (2016). Numerical study of an innovative fish ladder design for perched culverts. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 43 173-181. (Published).
- *Duguay J, Lacey RWJ. (2015). Effect of fish baffles on the hydraulic roughness of slip-lined culverts. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering - ASCE 141 (1), (Published).
- *Duguay J, Lacey J. (2015). Numerical evaluation of the velocities and depths of the proposed Craig Creek culvert. Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute. 4 p.
Articles de conférence
- Lacey J, Duguay J, MacVicar B. (2018). Comparison of velocityand turbulence profiles obtained with a Vectrino Profiler and PIV. Proceedings of the International conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, pp. 7. (Published).
- *Nicol P, Lacey RWJ. (2016). The effect of flow depth on the characteristics of in situ secondary currents in a gravel-bed river. Proceedings of the International conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, 209-214. (Published).
- *Bleau DA, Lacey J, Leconte R, Bergeron N. (2015). Sediment transport caused by ice processes: a quantitative approach. 18th Workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice Covered Rivers. (Published).
Autres contributions
Cours enseignés
- Hydraulique fluviale. GCI724. (2011-09-01).
- Mécanique des fluides et thermodynamique. GCI400. (2010-09-01).
- Hydraulique. GCI410. (2010-05-04).
Activités de collaboration internationale
- Principal investigator. United States. I have continuing collaborations with T. Castro-Santos a well-known fish biologist working at the USGS-S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center (CAFRC) in MA, USA. In 2015, we conducted experiments on fish passage over baffles of varying geometry at the CAFRC. We have as well submitted a paper together with E. Enders investigating fish preference for vertical- and horizontal-baffled channels (CV:JA1).
- *Duguay J, *Foster B. (2018). A 3D world: sediment deposition affects passage and behaviour of juvenile rainbow trout in a baffled laboratory flume. 7th Water Resources Engineering Graduate Student Research Symposium. Sherbrooke, Canada
- *Benchikh Lehocine AE, Poncet S. (2018). Numerical optimization of a Darrieus hydrokinetic turbine. 7th Water Resources Engineering Graduate Student Research Symposium. Sherbrooke, Canada
- *Benchikh Lehocine AE, Poncet S. (2017). Application of proper orthogonal decomposition on bluff body wake flow. Eastern Canada Water Resources Engineering Graduate Student Symposium. Montréal, Canada
- *Duguay J, *Benchikh Lehocine AE, MacVicar B. (2017). Comparison of velocity and turbulence statics obtained using a Nortek Vectrino Profiler and stereo particle image velocimetry. Hydraulic Measurements & Experimental Methods Conference. Durham, United States
- *Duguay J, *Benchikh Lehocine AE , MacVicar B. (2017). Comparison of velocity and turbulence statics obtained using a Nortek Vectrino profiler and stereo particle image velocimetry. Eastern Canada Water Resources Engineering Graduate Student Symposium. Montréal, Canada
- *Benchikh Lehocine AE, Poncet S. (2017). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Turbulent Flow over D-Shaped Bluff Body. 14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics. Canada
- *Duguay J. (2016). Experimental validation of an open-sourced and a commercial numerical model for simulating flows within a large scale pool and weir fishway in Québec, Canada. Fish Passage 2016: International Conference on River Connectivity. Amherst, United States
- *Benchikh Lehocine AE. (2016). Numerical simulation of wake flow over a D-section: mesh size and turbulence model comparison. Eastern Canada Water Resources Engineering Graduate Student Symposium. Ottawa, Canada
- *Duguay J. (2016). OpenFOAM CFD modeling case study of a pool and weir fishway with implications for free-surface flows. Eastern Canada Water Resources Engineering Graduate Student Symposium. Ottawa, Canada
- *Bleau DA, Lacey J, Leconte R, Bergeron N. (2015). Sediment tracking throughout the winter and spring breakup in a gravel-bed river. AGU 2015 Joint Assembly. Montreal, Canada