Gilles Boire
Professeur associé, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Département de médecine
Sujet de recherche
Arthrite / arthrose, Expression et régulation génique, Maladies des tissus conjonctifs, Organisation des soins de santé, Ostéoporose
Disciplines de recherche
Médecine préventive et communautaire, Rhumatologie
ARN, Autoanticorps, Autoantigènes, Biochimie, Biologie moléculaire, Études longitudinales, Marqueurs pronostiques, Polyarthrite débutante, Rhumatologie, Ribonucléoprotéines
Intérêts de recherche
Définir la valeur pronostique de marqueurs sérologiques, cliniques et génétiques identifiables précocement chez des patients atteints de polyarthrite inflammatoire. Étudier la contribution des séquences apparentées aux ARN Y dans la mise en forme du génome et dans l'expression des gènes où ces séquences sont insérées. Améliorer les soins au niveau populationnel en situation post-fracture de fragilité (prévention secondaire)
Centre de recherche
Centre de recherche du CHUS
Recherche clinique
Langues parlées et écrites
Anglais, Français
(1990). Caractérisation et immunogénicité de l'autoantigène Ro et signification clinique des autoanticorps anti-Ro (Maîtrise avec mémoire, M.Sc. - Maîtrise). Université de Sherbrooke.
(1989). (Postdoctorat, Rheumatology fellow). Yale University.
(1987). Bourse des doyens des Facultés de médecine du Québec (Certificat, Cinquième année de résidence en rhumatologie). Université de Sherbrooke.
(1986). (Diplôme, Certification). College Royal des Médecins et Chirurgiens du Canada.
(1985). (Diplôme, Certification). College Royal des Médecins et Chirurgiens du Canada.
(1981). (Diplôme, Docteur en médecine - M.D.). Université de Sherbrooke.
(1974). (Baccalauréat, B.Sc.). Université de Montréal.
Titres de compétence
CSPQ Internal Medicine. Collège des médecins du Québec.
CSPQ Rheumatology. Collège des médecins du Québec.
FRCPC Internal Medicine. Collège Royal des Médecins et Chirurgiens du Canada.
FRCPC Rheumatology. Collège Royal des Médecins et Chirurgiens du Canada.
LMCC. Conseil médical du Canada.
Prix et distinctions
- (2019) Président de l'Assemblée facultaire (elected by my peers, both basic scientists and clinicians). Université de Sherbrooke. (Honneur).
- (2014) Bourse de formation médicale continue de l'AMRQ 2013 en reconnaissance du travail accompli pour le rayonnement de la rhumatologie au Québec. (Distinction).
- (2007) Prix d'excellence en recherche 2007. (Distinction).
- (2003) Jeffrey Shiroky Award. (Distinction).
- (2002) Chercheur-Boursier Senior. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prix / Récompense).
- (1998) Chercheur-Boursier Junior II. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prix / Récompense).
- (1995) Clinical Associateship. (Prix / Récompense).
- (1995) Fonds d'établissement de jeune chercheur. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prix / Récompense).
- (1990) Chercheur-Boursier Junior I (declined). Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prix / Récompense).
- (1989) Research Fellowship. (Prix / Récompense).
- (1988) Northeast Region's Rheumatology Fellows Award. (Prix / Récompense).
- (1987) Award for best presentation on lupus at the Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. (Prix / Récompense).
- (1987) Philip Rosen Award. (Prix / Récompense).
- (1987) Resident award. (Prix / Récompense).
- (1987) Scholarship of the Deans of the medical schools of the Province of Québec. (Prix / Récompense).
- (1987) Resident Award. (Prix / Récompense).
- (1974) Merit Award. (Prix / Récompense).
- Prix d'Excellence du CMDP- Research- Teaching and Clinical implication. (Distinction).
Articles de revue
- Chan MO, Petty RE, Guzman J, Oen K, Huber AM, Duffy KW,Boire G, Shiff N, Berard RA, Levy DM, Stringer E, Scuccimarri R, Morishita K, Johnson N, Cabral DA, Rosenberg AM, Larché M, Dancey P, Laxer RM, Silverman ED, Miettunen P, Chetaille AL, Haddad E, Houghton K, Spiegel L, Turvey SE, Schmeling H, Lang B, Ellsworth J, Ramsey SE, Bruns A, Roth J, Campillo S, Benseler S, Chedeville G, Schneider R, Tse SML,Bolaria R, Gross K, Feldman B, Feldman D, Cameron B, Jurencak R, Dorval J, Leblanc C, St. Cyr C, Gibbon M, Yeung RSM, Duffy CM, Tucker LB. (2016). A family history of psoriasis in a first-degree relative in children with JIA: to include or exclude?. J Rheumatology 43 (5), 944-947. (Article publié).
- Challener GJ, Jones JD, Pelzek AJ, Hamilton BJN, Boire G, de Brum-Fernandes AJ, Masetto A, Carrier N, Ménard HA, Silverman GJ, Rigby WFC. (2016). Anti-Carbamylated Protein Antibody Levels Correlate With Anti-Sa (Citrullinated Vimentin) Antibody Levels in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology 43 (2), 273-81. (Article publié).
- Bykerk VP, Bingham CO, Choy EH, Lin D, Alten R, Christensen R, Furst DE, Hewlett S, Leong A, March L, Woodworth T, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Jamal S, Keystone EC, Pope J, Tin D, Thorne JC, Bartlett SJ, on behalf of the OMERACT RA Flare Group and CATCH Investigators. (2016). Identifying flares in rheumatoid arthritis: reliability and construct validation of the OMERACT RA Flare Core Domain Set. RMD Open 2 (1), e000225. (Article publié).
- Lee JJ , Bykerk VP , Dresser GK , Boire G , Haraoui B , Hitchon C , Thorne C , Tin D , Jamal S , Keystone EC , Pope JE. (2016). Reduction in Serum Uric Acid May Be Related to Methotrexate Efficacy in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Data from the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort (CATCH). Clinical medicine insights. Arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders 9 37-43. (Article publié).
- Omair MA, Keystone E, Bykerk V, Lin D, Xiong J, Sun Y, Boire G, Thorne JC, Pope J, Hitchon C, Haraoui B, Tin D, Akhavan PS; Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort investigators. (2016). SDAI 50 is more stringent than EULAR response measure and a better predictor of low disease state/remission in early rheumatoid arthritis in the first 6 months: Results from an Early Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Care Research (Hoboken) NA (NA), NA. (Article accepté).
- Hitchon C, Boire G, Haraoui B, Keystone E, Pope J, Jamal S, Tin D, Thorne C, Bykerk V. (2016). Self-reported comorbidity is common in early inflammatory arthritis and associated with poorer function and worse arthritis disease outcomes: Results from the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. Rheumatology (Oxford) 55 (10), N1751-62. (Article publié).
- Carrier N, Marotta A, de Brum-Fernandes AJ, Liang P, Masetto A, Ménard HA, Maksymowych WP, Boire G. (2016). Serum levels of 14-3-3η protein supplement C-reactive protein and rheumatoid arthritis-associatedantibodies to predict clinical and radiographic outcomes in a prospectivecohort of patients with recent-onset inflammatory polyarthritis. Arthritis Research & Therapy 18 37. (Article publié).
- Widdifield J, Moura CS, Wang Y, Abrahamowicz M, Paterson JM, Huang A, Beauchamp ME, Boire G, Fortin PR, Bessette L, Bombardier C, Hanly JG, Feldman D, Bernatsky S, CANAIM. (2016). The Long-Term Impact Of Early Intensive Treatment Of Seniors with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Comparison OfTwo Population-Based Cohort Studies On Time To Joint Replacement Surgery. Journal of Rheumatology 43 (5), 861-868. (Article publié).
- Hazlewood GS , Thorne JC , Pope JE , Lin D , Tin D , Boire G , Haraoui B , Hitchon CA , Keystone EC , Jamal S , Bykerk VP , CATCH Investigators. (2016). The comparative effectiveness of oral versus subcutaneous methotrexate for the treatment of early rheumatoid arthritis. Annals of the rheumatic diseases 75 (6), 1002-1008. (Article publié).
- Guzman J, Oen K, Huber AM, Watanabe Duffy K, Boire G, Shiff N, Berard RA, Levy DM, Stringer E, Scuccimarri R, Morishita K, Johnson N, Cabral DA, Rosenberg AM, Larché M, Dancey P, Petty RE, Laxer RM, Silverman E, Miettunen P, Chetaille AL, Haddad E, Houghton K, Spiegel L, Turvey SE, Schmeling H, Lang B, Ellsworth J, Ramsey SE, Bruns A, Roth J, Campillo S, Benseler S, Chédeville G, Schneider R, Tse SM, Bolaria R, Gross K, Feldman B, Feldman D, Cameron B, Jurencak R, Dorval J, LeBlanc C, St Cyr C, Gibbon M, Yeung RS, Duffy CM, Tucker LB; ReACCh-Out investigators. (2016). The risk and nature of flares in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: results from the ReACCh-Out cohort. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75 (6), 1092-8. (Article publié).
- Levis AW, Harel D, Kwakkenbos L, Carrier ME, Mouthon L, Poiraudeau S, Bartlett SJ, Khanna D, Malcarne VL, Sauve M, van den Ende CH, Poole JL, Schouffoer AA, Welling J, Thombs BD; SPIN Investigators G Boire is a SPIN Investigator. (2016). Using Optimal Test Assembly Methods for Shortening Patient-Reported Outcome Measures: Development and Validation of the CochinHand Function Scale-6 - A Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network(SPIN) Cohort Study. Arthritis Care & Research (Hoboken) 68 (11), 1704-13. (Article publié).
- Maksymowych WP, Boire G, van Schaardenburg D, Wichuk S, Turk S, Boers M, Siminovitch KA, Bykerk V, Keystone E, Tak PP, van Kuijk AW, Landewé R, van der Heijde D, Murphy M, Marotta A. (2015). 14-3-3η Autoantibodies: Diagnostic use in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology 42 (9), 1587-1594. (Article publié).
- Leblanc-Trudeau C, Dobkin PL, Carrier N, Cossette P, de Brum-Fernandes AJ, Liang P, Masetto A, Boire G. (2015). Depressive symptoms predict future simple disease activity index scores and simple disease activity index remission in a prospective cohort of patients with early inflammatory polyarthritis. Rheumatology 54 (12), 2205-2214. (Article publié).
- Curtis JR , Yang S , Chen L , Pope JE , Keystone EC , Haraoui B , Boire G , Thorne JC , Tin D , Hitchon CA , Bingham CO , Bykerk VP. (2015). Determining the minimally important difference in the clinical disease activity index for improvement and worsening in early rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis care & research 67 (10), 1345-53. (Article publié).
- Barber CE, Marshall DA, Alvarez N, Mancini GB, Lacaille D, Keeling S, Aviña-Zubieta JA, Khodyakov D, Barnabe C, Faris P, Smith A, Noormohamed R, Hazlewood G, Martin LO, Esdaile JM; Quality Indicator International Panel G Boire is a member of the Quality Indicator International Panel. (2015). Development of Cardiovascular Quality Indicators for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results from an International Expert Panel Using aNovel Online Process. Journal of Rheumatology 42 (9), 1548-55. (Article publié).
- Yang G, Bykerk VP, Boire G, Hitchon CA, Thorne JC, Tin D, Haraoui B, Keystone EC, Pope JE, and the CATCH Investigators. (2015). Does Socioeconomic Status Affect Outcomes in Early Inflammatory Arthritis? Data from a Canadian Multisite Suspected Rheumatoid Arthritis Inception Cohort. The Journal of Rheumatology 42 (1), 46-54. (Article publié).
- Moura CS, Abrahamowicz M, Beauchamp ME, Lacaille D, Wang Y, Boire G, Fortin PR, Bessette L, Bombardier C, Widdifield J, Hanly JG, Feldman D, Maksymowych W, Peschken C, Barnabe C, Edworthy S, Bernatsky S; CAN-AIM. (2015). Early medication use in new-onset rheumatoid arthritis may delay joint replacement: results of a large population-based study. Arthritis Research & Therapy 17 (August 3), 197. (Article publié).
- Wong LE , Huang WT , Pope JE , Haraoui B , Boire G , Thorne JC , Hitchon CA , Tin D , Keystone EC , Bykerk VP , for the CATCH Investigators. (2015). Effect of age at menopause on disease presentation in early rheumatoid arthritis: Results from the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis care & research 67 (5), 616-623. (Article publié).
- Ombrello MJ, Remmers EF, Tachmazidou I, Grom A, Foell D, Haas JP, Martini A, Gattorno M, Özen S, Prahalad S, Zeft AS, Bohnsack JF, Mellins ED, Ilowite NT, Russo R, Len C, Hilario MO, Oliveira S, Yeung RS, Rosenberg A, Wedderburn LR, Anton J, Schwarz T, Hinks A, Bilginer Y, Park J, Cobb J, Satorius CL, Han B, Baskin E, Signa S, Duerr RH, Achkar JP, Kamboh MI, Kaufman KM, Kottyan LC, Pinto D, Scherer SW, Alarcón-Riquelme ME, Docampo E, Estivill X, Gül A; British Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology (BSPAR) Study Group; Childhood Arthritis Prospective Study (CAPS) Group; Randomized Placebo Phase Study of Rilonacept in sJIA (RAPPORT) Investigators; Sparks-Childhood Arthritis Response to Medication Study (CHARMS) Group; Biologically Based Outcome Predictors in JIA (BBOP) Group, de Bakker PI, Raychaudhuri S, Langefeld CD, Thompson S, Zeggini E, Thomson W, Kastner DL, Woo P; International Childhood Arthritis Genetics (INCHARGE) Consortium; British Society of Pediatric and ad BSPAR. (2015). HLA-DRB1*11 and variants of the MHC class II locusare strong risk factors for systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 (52), 15970-5. (Article publié).
- Barnabe C, Sun Y, Boire G, Hitchon CA, Haraoui B, Thorne JC, Tin D, van der Heijde D, Curtis JR, Jamal S, Pope JE, Keystone EC, Bartlett S, Bykerk VP, CATCH Investigators. (2015). Heterogeneous Disease Trajectories Explain Variable Radiographic, Function and Quality of Life Outcomes in the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort (CATCH). PLoS ONE 10 (8), e0135327. (Article publié).
- Shu J, Bykerk VP, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Thorne JC, Tin D, Keystone EC, Pope JE; for CATCH Investigators. (2015). Missing AnticitrullinatedProtein Antibody Does Not Affect Short-term Outcomes in Early Inflammatory Arthritis: From the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. J Rheumatol 42 (11), 2023-8. (Article publié).
- Guzman J , Oen K , Tucker LB , Huber AM , Shiff N , Boire G , Scuccimarri R , Berard R , Tse SM , Morishita K , Stringer E , Johnson N , Levy DM , Duffy KW , Cabral DA , Rosenberg AM , Larché M , Dancey P, Petty RE, Laxer RM, Silverman E, Miettunen P, Chetaille AL, Haddad E, Houghton K, Spiegel L, Turvey SE, Schmeling H, Lang B, Ellsworth J, Ramsey S, Bruns A, Campillo S, Benseler S, Chéville G, Schneider R, Yeung R, Duffy CM, for the ReACCh-Out investigators. (2015). The outcomes of juvenile idiopathic arthritis in children managed with contemporary treatments: results from the ReACCh-Out cohort. Annals of the rheumatic diseases 74 (10), 1853-60. (Article publié).
- Sale JEM, Jain R, Akilan K, Senior K, Beaton D, Bogoch E, Boire G, Beaulieu M-C, Lightfoot D, Funnell L. (2015). What do we know about individuals who are assessed as moderate risk for future fracture in Canada? A scoping review. Health 7 514-520. (Article publié).
- Maksymowych WP, Van Der Heijde D, Allaart CF, Landewé R, Boire G, Tak PP, Gui Y, Ghahary A, Kilani R, Marotta A. (2014). 14-3-3eta is a novel mediator associated with the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis and joint damage. Arthritis Research & Therapy 16 (2), R99. (Article publié).
- Arnold MB, Bykerk VP, Boire G, Haraoui BP, Hitchon C, Thorne C, Keystone EC, Pope JE, on behalf of CATCH Investigators. (2014). Are there differences between young-and older- onset early inflammatory arthritis and do these impact outcomes? An analysis from the CATCH cohort. Rheumatology (Oxford) 53 (6), 1075-86. (Article publié).
- Kuriya B , Xiong J , Boire G , Haraoui B , Hitchon C , Pope J , Thorne JC , Tin D , Keystone E , Bykerk V. (2014). Earlier Time to Remission Predicts Sustained Clinical Remission in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis - Results from the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort (CATCH). The Journal of rheumatology 41 (11), 2161-6. (Article publié).
- Barnabe C , Xiong J , Pope JE , Boire G , Hitchon C , Haraoui B , Carter Thorne J , Tin D , Keystone EC , Bykerk VP. (2014). Factors associated with time to diagnosis in early rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology international 34 (1), 85-92. (Article publié).
- Choy T, Bykerk VP, Boire G, Haraoui BP, Hitchon C, Thorne C, Keystone EC, Pope JE, CATCH Investigators. (2014). Physician global assessment at 3 months is strongly predictive of remission at 12 months in early rheumatoid arthritis : results from the CATCH cohort. Rheumatology (Oxford) 53 (3), 482-90. (Article publié).
- Barra L , Pope JE , Orav JE , Boire G , Haraoui B , Hitchon C , Keystone EC , Thorne JC , Tin D , Bykerk VP , the CATCH Investigators. (2014). Prognosis of Seronegative Patients in a Large Prospective Cohort of Patients with Early Inflammatory Arthritis. The Journal of rheumatology 41 (12), 2361-9. (Article publié).
- Beaulieu MC, Boire G, Cabana F. (2014). Prévention des fractures de fragilisation. Un travail d'équipe. Le Médecin du Québec 49 (7), 41-46. (Article publié).
- Bernatsky S, Dekis A, Hudson M, Pineau C, Boire G, Fortin P, Bessette L, Jean S, Chetaille A, Belisle P, Bergeron L, Feldman D, Joseph L. (2014). Rheumatoid arthritis prevalence in Quebec. BMC Research Notes 7 (1), 937-943. (Article publié).
- Jones JD, Hamilton BJ, Challener GJ, de Brum-Fernandes AJ, Cossette P, Liang P, Masetto A, Ménard HA, Carrier N, Boyle DL, Rosengren S, Boire G, Rigby WF. (2014). Serum C-X-C motif chemokine 13 is elevated in early and established rheumatoid arthritis and correlates with rheumatoid factor levels. Arthritis Research & Therapy 16 (2), R103. (Article publié).
- Roux S , Cabana F , Carrier N , Beaulieu M , April PM , Beaulieu MC , Boire G. (2014). The World Health Organization Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX) Underestimates Incident and Recurrent Fractures in Consecutive Patients With Fragility Fractures. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 99 (7), 2400-8. (Article publié).
- Barra L , Bykerk V , Pope JE , Haraoui BP , Hitchon CA , Thorne JC , Keystone EC , Boire G. (2013). Anticitrullinated Protein Antibodies and Rheumatoid Factor Fluctuate in Early Inflammatory Arthritis and Do Not Predict Clinical Outcomes. The Journal of rheumatology 40 (8), 1259-67. (Article publié).
- Bissonnette L , April PM , Dumais R , Boire G , Roux S. (2013). Atypical fracture of the tibial diaphysis associated with bisphosphonate therapy: A case report. Bone 56 (2), 406-9. (Article publié).
- Shah M , Targoff IN , Rice MM , Miller FW , Rider LG;Childhood Myositis Heterogeneity Collaborative Study Group. (2013). Brief report: ultraviolet radiation exposure is associated with clinical and autoantibody phenotypes in juvenile myositis. Arthritis and rheumatism 65 (7), 1934-41. (Article publié).
- Harris JA , Bykerk VP , Hitchon CA , Keystone EC , Thorne JC , Boire G , Haraoui B , Hazlewood G , Bonner AJ , Pope JE. (2013). Determining Best Practices in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis by Comparing Differences in Treatment at Sites in the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. The Journal of rheumatology 40 (11), 1823-30. (Article publié).
- Mussen L , Boyd T , Bykerk V , de Leon F , Li L , Boire G , Hitchon C , Haraoui B , Thorne JC , Pope J. (2013). Low prevalence of work disability in early inflammatory arthritis (EIA) and early rheumatoid arthritis at enrollment into a multi-site registry: results from the catch cohort. Rheumatology international 33 (2), 457-65. (Article publié).
- Durand M, Komarova SV, Bhargava A, Trebec-Reynolds DP, Li K, Fiorino C, Maria O, Nabavi N, Manolson MF, Harrison RE, Dixon SJ, Sims SM, Mizianty MJ, Kurgan L, Haroun S, Boire G, de Fatima Lucena-Fernandes M, de Brum-Fernandes AJ. (2013). Monocytes from patients with osteoarthritis display increased osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption: the In Vitro Osteoclast Differentiation in Arthritis study. Arthritis and rheumatism 65 (1), 148-58. (Article publié).
- Yougbaré I , Boire G , Roy M , Lugnier C , Rouseau E. (2013). NCS 613 exhibits anti-inflammatory effects on PBMCs from lupus patients by inhibiting p38 MAPK and NF-κB signalling pathways while reducing proinflammatory cytokine production. Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 91 (5), 353-61. (Article publié).
- Gaboury I , Corriveau H , Boire G , Cabana F , Beaulieu MC , Dagenais P , Gosselin S , Bogoch E , Rochette M , Filiatrault J , Laforest S , Jean S , Fansi A , Theriault D , Burnand B. (2013). Partnership for fragility bone fracture care provision and prevention program (P4Bones): study protocol for a secondary fracture prevention pragmatic controlled trial. Implementation science : IS 8 (janv 24), 10. (Article publié).
- Dobkin PL , Liu A , Abrahamowicz M , Carrier N , de Brum-Fernandes AJ , Cossette P , Boire G. (2013). Predictors of pain for patients with early inflammatory polyarthritis. Arthritis care & research 65 (6), 992-9. (Article publié).
- Masetto A , Beaulieu MC , Boire G. (2013). Prevention of rheumatoid arthritis: the very first steps. The Journal of rheumatology 40 (6), 752-4. (Article publié).
- Roux S , Beaulieu M , Beaulieu MC , Cabana F , Boire G. (2013). Priming primary care physicians to treat osteoporosis after a fragility fracture: an integrated multidisciplinary approach. The Journal of rheumatology 40 (5), 703-11. (Article publié).
- Rider LG, Shah M, Mamyrova G, Huber AM, Rice MM, Targoff IN, Miller FW;Childhood Myositis Heterogeneity Collaborative Study Group. (2013). The Myositis Autoantibody Phenotypes of the Juvenile Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies. Medicine 92 (4), 223-43. (Article publié).
- Boyd TA , Bonner A , Thorne C , Boire G , Hitchon C , Haraoui BP , Keystone EC , Bykerk VP , Pope JE. (2013). The Relationship Between Function and Disease Activity as Measured by the HAQ and DAS28 Varies Over Time and by Rheumatoid Factor Status in Early Inflammatory Arthritis (EIA). Results from the CATCH Cohort. The open rheumatology journal 28 (7), 58-63. (Article publié).
- Shah M , Mamyrova G , Targoff IN , Huber AM , Malley JD , Rice MM , Miller FW , Rider LG. (2013). The clinical phenotypes of the juvenile idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. Medicine 92 (1), 25-41. (Article publié).
- O'Dell JR , Mikuls TR , Taylor TH , Ahluwalia V , Brophy M , Warren SR , Lew RA , Cannella AC , Kunkel G , Phibbs CS , Anis AH , Leatherman S , Keystone E;CSP 551 RACAT Investigators. (2013). Therapies for active rheumatoid arthritis after methotrexate failure. The New England journal of medicine 369 (4), 307-18. (Article publié).
- Lee YC , Lu B , Boire G , Haraoui BP , Hitchon CA , Pope JE , Thorne JC , Keystone EC , Solomon DH , Bykerk VP. (2012). Incidence and predictors of secondary fibromyalgia in an early arthritis cohort. Annals of the rheumatic diseases 72 (6), 949-54. (Article publié).
- Pyne L , Bykerk VP , Boire G , Haraoui B , Hitchon C , Thorne JC , Keystone EC , Pope JE. (2012). Increasing Treatment in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Is Not Determined by the Disease Activity Score But by Physician Global Assessment: Results from the CATCH Study. The Journal of rheumatology 39 (11), 2081-7. (Article publié).
- McKeown E , Bykerk VP , De Leon F , Bonner A , Thorne C , Hitchon CA , Boire G , Haraoui B , Ferland DS , Keystone EC , Pope JE. (2012). Quality assurance study of the use of preventative therapies in glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in early inflammatory arthritis: results from the CATCH cohort. Rheumatology (Oxford) 51 (9), 1662-9. (Article publié).
- Kuriya B , Sun Y , Boire G , Haraoui B , Hitchon C , Pope JE , Thorne JC , Keystone EC , Bykerk VP. (2012). Remission in early rheumatoid arthritis -- a comparison of new ACR/EULAR remission criteria to established criteria. The Journal of rheumatology 39 (6), 1155-8. (Article publié).
- Bykerk VP , Jamal S , Boire G , Hitchon CA , Haraoui B , Pope JE , Thorne JC , Sun Y , Keystone EC. (2012). The Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort (CATCH): Patients with New-onset Synovitis Meeting the 2010 ACR/EULAR Classification Criteria But Not the 1987 ACR Classification Criteria Present with Less Severe Disease Activity. The Journal of rheumatology 39 (11), 2071-80. (Article publié).
- Tavares R, Pope JE, Tremblay JL, Thorne C, Bykerk VP, Lazovskis J, Blocka KL, Bell MJ, Lacaille D, Hitchon CA, Fitzgerald AA, Fidler WK, Bookman AA, Henderson JM, Mosher DP, Sholter DE. (2012). Time to Disease-modifying Antirheumatic Drug Treatment in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Its Predictors: A National, Multicenter, Retrospective Cohort. The Journal of rheumatology 39 (11), 2088-97. (Article publié).
- Budarf ML , Goyette P , Boucher G , Lian J , Graham RR , Claudio JO , Hudson T , Gladman D , Clarke AE , Pope JE , Peschken C , Smith CD , Hanly J , Rich E , Boire G , Barr SG , Zummer M , GenES Investigators, Fortin PR, Wither J, Rioux JD. (2011). A targeted association study in systemic lupus erythematosus identifies multiple susceptibility alleles. Genes and immunity 12 (1), 51-8. (Article publié).
- Tavares R, Pope JE, Tremblay JL, Thorne C, Bykerk VP, Lazovskis J, Blocka KL, Bell MJ, Lacaille D, Hitchon CA, Fitzgerald AA, Fidler WK, Bookman AA, Henderson JM, Mosher DP, Sholter DE, Khraishi M, Haraoui B, Chen H, Li X, Laupacis A, Boire G, Tomlinson G, Bombardier C. (2011). Early management of newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis by Canadian rheumatologists: a national, multicenter, retrospective cohort. The Journal of rheumatology 38 (11), 2342-5. (Article publié).
- Haraoui B , Bokarewa M , Kallmeyer I , Bykerk VP. (2011). Safety and effectiveness of rituximab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis following an inadequate response to 1 prior tumor necrosis factor inhibitor: the RESET Trial. The Journal of rheumatology 38 (12), 1548-56. (Article publié).
- Durand M , Boire G , Komarova SV , Dixon SJ , Sims SM , Harrison RE , Nabavi N , Maria O , Manolson MF , Mizianty M , Kurgan L , de Brum-Fernandes AJ. (2011). The increased in vitro osteoclastogenesis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is due to increased percentage of precursors and decreased apoptosis - the In Vitro Osteoclast Differentiation in Arthritis (IODA) study. Bone 48 (3), 588-96. (Article publié).
- Katchamart W , Bourré-Tessier J , Donka T , Drouin J , Rohekar G , Bykerk VP , Haraoui B , Leclerq S , Mosher DP , Pope JE , Shojania K , Thomson J , Thorne JC , Bombardier C , Canadian 3e Initiative Consensus Group. (2010). Canadian recommendations for use of methotrexate in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The Journal of rheumatology 37 (7), 1422-30. (Article publié).
- Cheng CK , McDonald-Blumer H , Boire G , Pope JE , Haraoui B , Hitchon CA , Thorne C , Sun Y , Bykerk VP. (2010). Care gap in patients with early inflammatory arthritis with a high fracture risk identified using FRAX(®). The Journal of rheumatology 37 (11), 2221-5. (Article publié).
- Cooper GS , Wither J , Bernatsky S , Claudio JO , Clarke A , Rioux JD , CaNIOS GeNES Investigators, Fortin PR. (2010). Occupational and environmental exposures and risk of systemic lupus erythematosus: silica, sunlight, solvents. Rheumatology (Oxford, England) 49 (11), 2172-80. (Article publié).
- Guzian MC , Carrier N , Cossette P , de Brum-Fernandes AJ , Liang P , Ménard HA , Boire G. (2010). Outcomes in recent-onset inflammatory polyarthritis differ according to initial titers, persistence over time, and specificity of the autoantibodies. Arthritis care & research 62 (11), 1624-32. (Article publié).
Numéros de revue
- Boire G. (2008). A structured approach to investigation in rheumatology Raisonner l'investigation en rhumatologie. Le rhumatologue 6 (November), 8 p. (Article publié).
Articles de conférence
- Carrier N, Fernandes A, Liang P, Masetto A, Gui Y, Michienzi S, Marotta A, Maksymowych W, Boire G. (2015). 14-3-3η Levels Predict Radiographic Progression in Recent-Onset Polyarthritis Patients. J Rheumatol; 42(7):1295, (Article publié).
- Lee J, Bykerk VP, Dresser G, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Thorne JC, Tin D, Jamal S, Keystone EC, Pope JE, CATCH Investigators. (2015). AReduction in Serum Uric Acid Levels May be Related to Methotrexate Efficacy inEarly Rheumatoid Arthritis: Data from a Canadian Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Goodman SM, Ma Y, Zhang W, Schulman E, Bartlett SJ, Andersen KM, Hitchon C, Boire G, Jamal S, Thorne JC, Tin D, Keystone EC, Haraoui B, Pope J, Bykerk VP. (2015). Body Mass Index is an Independent Risk Factor for not Achieving Sustained Remission in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results from the CATCH Observational Study. Ann Rheum Dis; 74(Suppl 2):138, (Article publié).
- Boire G, Carrier N, de Brum-Fernandes A, Liang P, Masetto A, Gui Y, Savill J, Michienzi S, Ménard H, Maksymowych W, Marotta A. (2015). CRPand 14-3-3ηAre Each Associated with Joint Damage Progression, Their Titres Do NotCorrelate and Are Better Predictors of Progression Together Than Alone. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Barra L, Pope JE, Hitchon C, Boire G, Lin D, Thorne JC, Tin D, Keystone EC, Haraoui B, Bykerk VP, CATCH investigators. (2015). CardiovascularDisease in a Large Incident Cohort of Early Inflammatory Arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Barra L, Pope JE, Hitchon C, Boire G, Lin D, Thorne JC, Tin D, Keystone EC, Haraoui B, Bykerk V, CATCH Investigators. (2015). Cardiovascular disease in the Canadian early arthritis cohort. Arthritis Rheum 67 (Suppl 10), (Article publié).
- Andersen K, Lin D, Bartlett SJ, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Jamal S, Keystone EC, Pope JE, Tin D, Thorne JC, Bykerk VP and CATCH Investigators. (2015). Characteristics and Outcomes Associated with Early Corticosteroid Use in a Large MulticenterCanadian RA Cohort. Arthritis Rheum 67 (Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Pope JE, Haraoui BP, Boire G, Hitchon C, Thorne C, Tin D, Keystone E, Bykerk VP. (2015). Characteristics of Patients with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (ERA) over time: Date from the CATCH Cohort Demonstrate that more Patients Achieve Remission in recent years. Ann Rheum Dis; 74(Suppl 2):984, (Article publié).
- Bykerk VP, Bingham III CO, Choy EH, Lin D, Alten R, Christensen R, Furst DE, Guillemin F, Hewlett S, Leong AL, March L, Woodworth T, Boire G, Hitchon C, Jamal S, Keystone EC, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Tin D, Bartlett SJ, CATCH Investigators, OMERACT Flare Group. (2015). ClinicallyImportant Worsening (CIW) of RA Disease Activity Requiring an Increase in TherapyCan be Identified Using a Combined Patient and Physician Report of Flare. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Thorne JC, Boire G, Chow A, Garces K, Liu F, Poulin-Costello M, Walker V, Haraoui B. (2015). Comparisonof Dose Escalation and Co-Therapy Intensification Between Patients withRheumatoid Arthritis Initiating Biologic Treatment with Etanercept, Adalimumaband Infliximab. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Lee J, Thorne C, Jamal S, Boire G, Hitchon C, Haraoui B, Tin D, Keystone E, Bykerk V, Pope J, The CATCH Investigators (Canada). (2015). Does Methotrexate Lower Serum Uric Acid Levels? Data from the CATCH Cohort. J Rheumatol; 42(7):1305, (Article publié).
- Lee JJ, Bykerk V, Dresser G, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Thorne C, Tin D, Jamal S, Keystone E, Pope JE. (2015). Does Methotrexate lower serum uric acid levels? Data from the CATCH cohort. Ann Rheum Dis. 2015; 74(Suppl 2):248, (Article publié).
- Barnabe C, Sun Y, Bartlett SJ, Boire G, Hitchon C, Keystone EC, Haraoui B, Thorne JC, Tin D, Pope JE, Bykerk VP and CATCH Investigators. (2015). EarlyRheumatoid Arthritis Patients in the Worse Disease Trajectory Group Fail toAchieve Improvement in Physical Function. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Pope J, Wong L, Huang WT, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Thorne C, Tin D, Keystone E, Bykerk V. (2015). Effect of Age at Menopause on Disease Presentation in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results from the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. J Rheumatol; 42(7):1302, (Article publié).
- Carrier N, Marotta A, de Brum-Fernandes A, Liang P, Masetto A, Gui Y, Savill J, Michienzi S, Ménard H, Maksymowych W, Boire G. (2015). Elevated 14-3-3η Serum Protein Levels Increase RA Confirmation Rates in Recent-OnsetPolyarthritis Patients. American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
- Carrier N, Marotta A, de Brum Fernandes AJ, Liang P, Masetto A, Gui Y, Savill J, Michienzi S, Menard HA, Maksymowych WP, Boire G. (2015). Elevated 14-3-3η Serum Protein Levels Increase RA Confirmation in Recent-Onset Polyarthritis Patients. J Rheumatol; 42(7):1267, (Article publié).
- Hazlewood GS, Barnabe C, Boire G, Hitchon C, Keystone EC, Haraoui B, Thorne JC, Tin D, Pope JE, Lin D, Bykerk VP, CATCH investigators. (2015). EnhancingComparative Effectiveness Research By Combining Observational and RandomizedTrial Data to Personalize the Choice Between Methotrexate and Triple Therapyfor Methotrexate-Naïve Patients with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Shivamurthy V, Guzman J, Huber A, Boire G, Kiem O, WatanabeDuffy K, Robert B, Shiff N, Stringer E, Morishita K, Tucker L, Yeung R, Levy D, Scuccimarri R, Duffy C. (2015). Feasibility of Applying the Flare Definition using the ACR Core Set Variables in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis in Routine Practice: Results fromthe ReACCh-Out Cohort. J Rheumatol; 42(7):1341, (Article publié).
- Shivamurthy V, Levy DM, Boire G, Watanabe Duffy KN, Stringer E, Scuccimarri R, Yeung RSM, Huber AM, Oen K, Shiff N, Tucker LB, Berard R, Morishita K, Duffy CM, Guzman J. (2015). FlareDefinitions for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) Based on ACR Core Set Variablesand Patient Reported Outcomes: Results from the Research in Arthritis inCanadian Children-Emphasizing Outcomes Prospective Cohort. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Goodman S, Ma Y, Zhang W, Schulman E, Bartlett S, Hitchon C, Boire G, Jamal S, Thorne C, Tin D, Keystone E, Haraoui B, Pope J, Bykerk V. (2015). High BMI Negatively Affects Patients’ Ability to Achieve Sustained Remission in Early RA in a Multicenter Canadian Cohort. J Rheumatol; 42(7):1305, (Article publié).
- Schulman E, Andersen K, Zhang M, Goodman SM, Lin D, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Jamal S, Keystone EC, Pope JE, Tin D, Thorne C, Bykerk VP, CATCH Investigators. (2015). HighBody Mass Index Negatively Impacts Time to Achieving Sustained Remission in EarlyRheumatoid Arthritis: Results from a Multicenter Early Arthritis Cohort Study. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Bartlett S, Bingham CO, Lin D, Boire G, Hitchon C, Haraoui B, Keystone E, Tin D, Thorne J, Pope JE, Bykerk VP, CATCH Investigators. (2015). How patients self-manage rheumatoid arthritis flares: Findings from CATCH. Ann Rheum Dis. 2015; 74(Suppl 2):792, (Article publié).
- Boire G, Carrier N, de Brum-Fernandes AJ, Liang P, Masetto A, Gui Y, Savill J, Michienzi S, Ménard H, Maksymowych W, Anthony Marotta A. (2015). In Early Undifferentiated Polyarthritis,14-3-3ηSeroreversion or Sustained Negativity Is Associated with Better RadiographicOutcomes, Even in DAS-28 Remitters. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- 320. Ramiro S, Landewé RBM, van der Heijde D, FitzGerald O, Østergaard M, Homik J, Elkayam O, Thorne JC, Larche M, Ferraccioli G, Backhaus M, Boire G, Combe B, Schaeverbeke T, Saraux A, Dougados M, Adami S, Govoni M, Sinigaglia L, Cantagrel AG, Allaart CF, Barnabe C, Bingham III CO, Tak PP, van Schaardenburg D, Hammer HB, Dadashova R, Hutchings E, Paschke J, Maksymowych WP. (2015). IsTreat-to-Target Really Working? A Longitudinal Analysis in BIODAM. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Garner S, Barnabe C, Boire G, Hitchon C, Keystone EC, Haraoui B, Thorne JC, Tin D, Pope JE, Bykerk VP and CATCH Investigators. (2015). NoSex Bias in the Escalation of Therapy in the Treatment of Early InflammatoryArthritis. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Maksymowych W, Homik J, Thorne C, Shaikh S, Boire G, Hitchon C, Barnabe C, Martin L, Rahman P, Larche M, Dadashova R, Hutchings E, Paschke J. (2015). Non-adherence to Treat-to-Target of Rheumatoid Arthritis in The International RA BIODAM Program: What Defines this Population?. J Rheumatol; 42(7):1344, (Article publié).
- Bykerk V, Kim Y, Lin D, Jamal S, Bartlett S, Boire G, Hitchon C, Haraoui B, Keystone E, Tin D, Thorne C, Pope J, Salmon J. (2015). Patient-Reported Stress Negatively Impacts Composite Patient-Reported Outcomes in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. J Rheumatol; 42(7):1306, (Article publié).
- Bykerk VP, Kim YA, Lin D, Bartlett SJ, Boire G, Hitchon CA, Haraoui B, Keystone E, Tin D, Thorne JC, Pope J, Salmon J. (2015). Patient Reported “Negative” Life Events that Cause Stress can Impact Patient Reported Outcomes in Early Rheumatoid Arthristis; an Analysis of the CATCH Study. Ann Rheum Dis; 74(Suppl 2):1300, (Article publié).
- Osborne A, Carrier N, de Brum-Fernandes AJ, Liang P, Masetto A, Boire G. (2015). Quantificationof T-Cell Receptor Excision Circles (TREC) from Peripheral Blood in Patientswith Inflammatory Polyarthritis of Recent Onset (EPA): Association withRadiographic Joint Damage. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Omair M, Keystone EC, Bykerk VP, Haraoui B, Boire G, Thorne JC, Pope JE, Lin D, Hitchon C, Akhavan PS. (2015). SDAI50 Is More Stringent Than the EULAR Response Measure and a Better Predictor ofLow Disease State/Remission in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results from anEarly Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Barnabe C, Sun Y, Boire G, Hitchon C, Haraoui B, Thorne C, Tin D, van der Heijde D, Curtis J, Pope J, Keystone E, Bykerk V. (2015). Sociodemographic and Health Status Characteristics Explain Five Clinical Outcome and Radiographic Trajectories in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Data from the CATCH Cohort. J Rheumatol; 42(7):1277, (Article publié).
- Jean S, Gamache P, Hudson M, Bessette L, Fortin P, Boire G, Bernatsky S. (2015). Temporal Trends in Incidence and Mortality for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases in Quebec, Canada: A Population-based Study. J Rheumatol; 42(7):1316, (Article publié).
- Widdifield J, Moura C, Wang Y, Abrahamowicz M, Beauchamp ME, Paterson M, Huang A, Boire G, Fortin P, Bessette L, Bombardier C, Hanly J, Feldman D, Bernatsky S. (2015). The Influence of Drug Exposures on Joint Surgeries in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: Cross-Provincial Comparisons. Ann Rheum Dis; 74(Suppl 2):72, (Article publié).
- Widdifield J, Moura C, Wang Y, Abrahamowicz M, Beauchamp ME, Paterson M, Huang A, Boire G, Fortin P, Bessette L, Bombardier C, Hanly J, Feldman D, Bernatsky S. (2015). The Influence of Time-Dependent Drug Exposures on Joint Replacements in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: Cross-Provincial Comparisons. J Rheumatol; 42(7):1268, (Article publié).
- Bartlett SJ, Bingham III CO, Lin D, Andersen K, Boire G, Hitchon C, Haraoui B, Keystone EC, Tin D, Thorne JC, Pope JE, Bykerk VP, CATCH Investigators, OMERACT Flare Group. (2015). WorkingHarder to Stay in Control: Patient Reports of Flare in Early RA Are Associatedwith Higher Disease Activity and More Intensive Self Management. Arthritis Rheum 67(Suppl 10), NA. (Article publié).
- Kuriya B, Lin D, Barnabe C, Boire G, Hitchon C, Jamal S, Haraoui B, Tin D, Thorne C, Pope J, Keystone E, Bykerk V. (2015). Working Status and Improvements in Work Productivity Over Time in an Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (ERA) Cohort. J Rheumatol; 42(7):1272, (Article publié).
- Barnabe C, Bartlett S, Sun Y, Boire G, Hitchon CA, Keystone E, Haraoui B, Thorne C, Tin D, Pope JE, Bykerk VP, CATCH Investigators. (2015). Worse disease trajectory in Early RA patients is associated with lower improvements in health related quality of life: Results from a multicenter early RA cohort. Ann Rheum Dis. 2015; 74(Suppl 2):317, (Article publié).
- Boire G, Carrier N, Fernandes A, Liang P, Masetto A, Gui Y, Murphy M, Maksymowych WP, Marotta A. (2014). 14-3-3Eta predicts radiographic progression in recent-onset polyarthritis patients. Ann Rheum Dis; 73(Suppl 2):603-604, (Article publié).
- Bartlett SJ, Bingham CO, Choy E, Boire G, Haraoui B, Lin D, Pope JE, Thorne C, Hitchon CA, Tin D, Keystone EC, Bykerk V, on behalf of CATCH investigators and OMERACT Flare Working Group. (2014). Assessing significant flares in rheumatoid arthritis: Validity of the Omeract preliminary flare questionnaire (PFQ) in the canadian early arthritis cohort. Ann Rheum Dis; 73(Suppl 2):625, (Article publié).
- Bartlett S, Bingham C, Choy E, Xiong J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Pope J, Thorne C, Hitchon C, Tin D, Keystone E, Bykerk V. (2014). Assessing significant flares in rheumatoid arthritis: Validity of the outcome measures in rheumatology preliminary flare questions in the canadian early arthritis cohort. J Rheumatol; 41(7):1492, (Article publié).
- Visser K, Bartlett S, Bingham III CO, Choy EH, Lin D, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Keystone EE, Thorne C, Tin D, Bykerk VP, on behalf of CATCH Investigators, OMERACT Flare Group. (2014). Changes in patient-reported joint counts and composite indices can identify flare of disease activity in recent onset. Ann Rheum Dis; 73(Suppl 2):277-278, (Article publié).
- Leblanc-Trudeau C, Dobkin PL, Carrier N, de Brum Fernandes AJ, Liang P, Masetto A, Cossette P, Boire G. (2014). Depressive symptoms at baseline predict higher simple disease activity index (SDAI) scores and longer time to remission in patients with recent-onset arthritis. J Rheumatol; 41(7):1546, (Article publié).
- Curtis JR, Yang S, Chen L, Pope JE, Keystone EC, Haraoui B, Boire G, Thorne JC, Tin D, Hitchon CA, Bingham III CO, Bykerk VP. (2014). Determining the absolute change in the clinical disease activity index (CDAI) to define a minimally important difference. Ann Rheum Dis; 73(Suppl 2):275, (Article publié).
- Yang G, Bykerk V, Haraoui BP, Thorne C, Tin D, Hitchon C, Boire G, Keystone E, Pope JE, on behalf of CATCH ERA cohort. (2014). Does socioeconomic status affect outcomes in early rheumatoid arthritis? Data from a multi-site canadian inception cohort. Ann Rheum Dis; 73(Suppl 2):271, (Article publié).
- Yang G, Bykerk V, Boire G, Hitchon C, Thorne C, Tin D, Haraoui B, Keystone E, Pope J, CATCH investigators. (2014). Does socioeconomic status affect outcomes in early rheumatoid arthritis? Data from a multi-site canadian inception cohort. J Rheumatol; 41(7):1529, (Article publié).
- Kuriya B, Akhavan P, Xiong J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Barnabe C, Pope J, Thorne C, Tin D, Keystone E, Bykerk V. (2014). Do sustained clinical remission and sustained low disease activity equally predict functional status in early rheumatoid arthritis?. J Rheumatol; 41(7):1499, (Article publié).
- Cabana F, Beaulieu MC, Carrier N, Roux S, Boire G. (2014). How long does the therapeutic window ofopportunity persist after a fragility fracture?. J Bone Miner Res; 29(Suppl 1), (Article publié).
- Maksymowych W, Thorne C, Shaikh S, Boire G, Hitchon C, Barnabe C, Rahman P, Larché M, Homik J, Dadashova R, Tempest M. (2014). Impact of adherence to treat-to-target of rheumatoid arthritis in real world practice: Data from the international RA BIODAM program. J Rheumatol; 41(7):1510, (Article publié).
- Shu J, Bykerk V, Haraoui B, Thorne C, Keystone E, Boire G, Hitchon C, Tin D, Pope J, CATCH investigators. (2014). Impact of missing anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) antibody serology on clinical outcomes in early rheumatoid arthritis: Results from CATCH (Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort). J Rheumatol; 41(7):1534, (Article publié).
- Beaulieu MC, Corriveau H, Gaboury I, Cabana F, Boire G. (2014). Implementation of FLS in the province of Quebec(Canada) : perseverance and creativity. J Bone Miner Res; 29(Suppl 1), (Article publié).
- Beaulieu MC, Cabana F, Beaulieu M, Carrier N, Roux S, Boire G. (2014). Improving treatment adherence through rapid integrated interdisciplinary intervention after a fragility fracture: the OPTIMUS initiative. J Rheumatol; 41(7):1459, (Article publié).
- Moura C, Abrahamowicz M, Beauchamp ME, Lacaille D, Wang Y, Bombardier C, Widdifield J, Hanly JG, Boire G, Feldman D, Maksymowych W, Peschken C, Barnabé C, Edworthy S, Fortin PR, Bessette L, Behlouli H, Bernatsky S. (2014). Is early DMARD use associated with less joint replacement surgery? an analysis of 5 199 incident rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Ann Rheum Dis; 73(Suppl 2):219-220, (Article publié).
- Masetto A, Hamelin A, Carrier N, Beaulieu MC, Liang P, Fernandes A, Boire G. (2014). Practical learning about inflammatory arthritis improves the precision of patients' referral in rheumatology. Results of PRADA, a regional CME activity in Sherbrooke (Québec). J Rheumatol; 41(7):1515, (Article publié).
- Barra L, Pope J, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Thorne C, Keystone E, Tin D, Boire G, Bykerk V, CATCH investigators. (2014). Prognosis of seronegative patients in a large prospective cohort of patients with early inflammatory arthritis. J Rheumatol; 41(7):1462, (Article publié).
- Barnabe C, Ye S, Boire G, Hitchon C, Keystone EC, Thorne JC, Haraoui B, Curtis JR, Van Der Heijde D, Tin D, Pope JE, Bykerk VP. (2014). Radiographic progression differs between trajectory clusters defined by DAS28 scores in early rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum; 66(Suppl 10):S611-S612, (Article publié).
- Barnabé C, Huang W-T, Sun Y, Boire G, Hitchon CA, Keystone EC, Thorne JC, Haraoui B, Curtis J, Tin D, Pope JE, Bykerk V, on behalf of CATCH investigators. (2014). Socio-demographic and health status characteristics explain clinical outcome trajectories in early inflammatory arthritis (EIA). Ann Rheum Dis; 73(Suppl 2):74, (Article publié).
- Hazlewood G, Thorne C, Pope J, Xiong J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Keystone E, Tin D, Bykerk V. (2014). Subcutaneous delivery of methotrexate is associated with improved treatment survival compared to oral administration for the initial treatment of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol; 41(7):1437, (Article publié).
- Osborne A, Carrier N, de Brum Fernandes AJ, Liang P, Masetto A, Cossette P, Boire G. (2014). T-cell receptor excision circles (TREC) quantification in inflammatory polyarthritis of recent onset (EIA) and in control subjects. J Rheumatol; 41(7):1439, (Article publié).
- Shu J, Bykerk VP, Boire G, Hitchon AC, Thorne JC, Tin D, Keystone EC, Haraoui B, Pope JE. (2014). The impact of missing anti-citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA) on outcomes in early rheumatoid arthritis : From the canadian early arthritis cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 66(Suppl 10):S157, (Article publié).
- Shu J, Bykerk V, Haraoui B, Thorne C, Keystone E, Boire G, Hitchon C, Tin D, Pope J, CATCH Investigators. (2014). The impact of missing anti-citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA) serology on outcomes in early rheumatoid arthritis: results form CATCH (Canadian Early Arthritis cohort). Ann Rheum Dis; 73(Suppl 2):886-887, (Article publié).
- Bykerk VP, Bingham III CO, Choy EH, Boire G, Haraoui BP, Lin D, Pope JE, Thorne J, Hitchon C, Tin D, Keystone EC, Bartlett SJ, on behalf of OMERACT Flare Group and CATCH investigators. (2014). The omeract preliminary flare questionnaire (PFQ) is responsive to change and able to detect clinically important worsening indicating need for treatment change in the canadian early arthritis cohort. Ann Rheum Dis; 73(Suppl 2):418-419, (Article publié).
- Goodman SM, Ma Y, Zhang W, Schulman E, Pope JE, Hitchon C, Bartlett SJ, Haraoui B, Lin D, Boire G, Tin D, Thorne JC, Jamal S, Keystone EC, Bykerk VP. (2014). Very low or high body mass index negatively affects patients' ability to achieve sustained remission in early RA in a multicenter canadian cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 66(Suppl 10):S168, (Article publié).
- Cabana F, Péladeau M, Carrier N, Beaulieu MC, Beaulieu M, Roux S, Boire G. (2014). Which patients with low-trauma ankle fractures are at risk for subsequent fragility fractures in the Optimus cohort?. J Rheumatol; 41(7):1459, (Article publié).
- Kuriya B, Lin D, Barnabe C, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Jamal S, Thorne JC, Tin D, Pope JE, Keystone E, Bykerk VP. (2014). Working status and improvements in work productivity over time in an early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA) cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 66(Suppl 10):S1050-S1051, (Article publié).
- Boire G, Carrier N, Fernandes A, Liang P, Masetto A, Gui Y, Murphy M, Maksymowych W, Marotta A. (2014). η14-3-3 Induces key factors associated with RA pathogenesis and its serum expression in early RA predicts higher joint damage. J Rheumatol; 41(7):1433, (Article publié).
- Masetto A, Fernandes A, Liang P, Cossette P, Boire G. (2013). 2010 ACR/EULAR Rheumatoid Arthritis Classification Criteria Predicts Radiogical, but Not Clinical Outcomes at 18 Months into Disease in a Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. J Rheumatol; 40(6):951, (Article publié).
- Omair M, Keystone EC, Xiong J, Boire G, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Hitchon CA, Haraoui B, Tin D, Weber D, Bykerk VP, Akhavan P. (2013). Are SDAI50 and DAS28 Response Measures Comparable In Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients?. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):978, (Article publié).
- Arnold M, Bykerk VP, jaraoui BP, Boire G, Hitchon C, Thorne E, Keystone E, Pope JE. (2013). Are There Differences Between Young and Older Onset Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Does This Impact Outcomes? An Analysis From the CATCH Cohort. Ann Rheum Dis; 72(Suppl 3):384, (Article publié).
- Arnold M, Bykerk VP, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon CA, Thorne JC, Keystone E, Pope JE. (2013). Are There Differences Between Young and Older Onset Early Rheumatoid Arthritis and Does This Impact Outcomes? An Analysis From The Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):567, (Article publié).
- Arnold M, Bykerk V, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Thorne C, Keystone E, Pope J. (2013). Are there Differences between Young and Older Onset Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and does this Impact Outcomes? An Analysis from the CATCH Cohort. J Rheumatol; 40(6):1004, (Article publié).
- Bartlett SJ, Bingham III CO, Choy E, Xiong J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Hitchon CA, Tin D, Keystone EC, Bykerk VP. (2013). Assessing Significant Flares In Rheumatoid Arthritis: Validity Of The Outcome Measures In Rheumatology Preliminary Flare Questions In The Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):953, (Article publié).
- Jones JD, Hamilton BJ, Challener G, Fernandes A, Cossette P, Liang P, Masetto A, Menard HA, Carrier N, Boire G, Rigby W. (2013). CXCL13 Is Elevated In Early and In Established Seropositive Rheumatoid Arthritis and Correlates With Rheumatoid Factor Levels. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):589, (Article publié).
- Visser K, Bartlett SJ, Bingham III CO, Choy E, Lin D, Xiong J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon CA, Keystone E, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Tin D, Bykerk VP. (2013). Changes In Patient-Reported Joint Counts and Composite Indices Can Identify Flare Of Disease Activity In Recent Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):1230, (Article publié).
- Bykerk VP, Pope JE, Xiong J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Thorne JC, Hitchon CA, Tin D, Keystone EC, CATCH Investigators. (2013). Comparison of DAS28 Using ESR and CRP in an Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Cohort. Ann Rheum Dis; 72(Suppl 3):590, (Article publié).
- Curtis JR, Yang S, Chen L, Pope JE, Keystone EC, Haraoui B, Boire G, Thorne JC, Tin D, Hitchon CA, Bingham III CO, Bykerk VP. (2013). Determining The Absolute Change In The Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) To Define a Minimally Important Difference. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):1228, (Article publié).
- Akhavan P, Bykerk V, Xiong J, Thorne C, Pope J, Boire G, Hitchon C, Keystone E, CATCH Investigators. (2013). Discrepancy Between Patient and Physician Global Assessments Over Time in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. J Rheumatol; 40(6):1010, (Article publié).
- Kuriya B, Xiong J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon CA, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Tin D, Keystone EC, Barnabe C, Akhavan P, Bykerk VP. (2013). Do Sustained Clinical Remission And Sustained Low Disease Activity Equally Predict Functional Status In Early Rheumatoid Arthritis?. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):552, (Article publié).
- Yang G, Bykerk VP, Thorne JC, Boire G, Tin D, Hitchon CA, Keystone E, Haraoui B, Pope JE. (2013). Does Socioeconomic Status Affect Outcomes In Early Rheumatoid Arthritis? Data From An Inception Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):969, (Article publié).
- Wong L, Huang WT, Xiong J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Hitchon CA, Tin D, Keystone E, Bykerk VP. (2013). Effect Of Age At Menopause In Women With Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):162, (Article publié).
- Wong LE, Xiong J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Hitchon CA, Tin D, Keystone EC, Bykerk VP, CATCH Investigators. (2013). Effect of Duration in Menopause on Disease Presentation in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Ann Rheum Dis; 72(Suppl 3):590, (Article publié).
- Bartlett SJ, Bingham CO, Choy E, Xiong J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Hitchon CA, Tin D, Keystone EC, Bykerk VP, CATCH Investigators, OMERACT RA Flare Group. (2013). Establishing the Content Validity of OMERACT Preliminary Flare Questions (PFQ) for Detecting and Measuring Disease Exacerbations in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis; 72(Suppl 3):585, (Article publié).
- April PM, Cabana F, Roux S, Beaulieu MC, Beaulieu M, Boire G. (2013). Limitations of Estimated FRAX® 10-Year Fracture Risk at the Time of Incident Fracture and Upon Refracture: Results from the OPTIMUS Initiative. J Rheumatol; 40(6):1009, (Article publié).
- Beaulieu MC, Corriveau H, Boire G, Cabana F, Bogoch E, Dagenais P, Gosselin S, Theriault D, Burnand B, Jean S, Filiatrault J, Laforest S, Rochette M, Fansi A, Gaboury I. (2013). Management of Fragility Fracture: An Integrated Interdisciplinary Approach. J Bone Miner Res; 28(Suppl 1), (Article publié).
- Choy T, Bykerk VP, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon CA, Thorne JC, Keystone EC, Pope JE. (2013). Physician Global Assessment At Three Months Is Strongly Predictive Of Remission At 12 Months In Early Rheumatoid Arthritis.Results From The Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):562, (Article publié).
- Choy T, Bykerk VP, Haraoui BP, Boire G, Hitchon C, Thorme C, Keystone E, Pope JE. (2013). Physician Global Assessment at Three Months is Strongly Predictive of Disease Activity at 12 Months in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. Results from the CATCH Cohort. Ann Rheum Dis; 72(Suppl 3):384, (Article publié).
- Choy T, Bykerk V, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Thorne C, Keystone E, Pope J. (2013). Physician Global Assessment at Three Months is Strongly Predictive of Disease Activity at 12 Months in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. Results from the CATCH Cohort. J Rheumatol; 40(6):972, (Article publié).
- Kuriya B, Xiong J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Pope J, Thorne C, Keystone E, Tin D, Bykerk V. (2013). Predictors of Sustained Clinical Remission in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis-Results from the CATCH Cohort. J Rheumatol; 40(6):987, (Article publié).
- Popescu M, Villeneuve E, Haraoui B, Boire G, Hitchon CA, Keystone EC, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Tin D, Bykerk VP. (2013). Prevalence and Impact Of Soft Tissue Manifestations In Early Inflammatory Arthritis : Results From The Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):557, (Article publié).
- Barra LJ, Pope JE, Haraoui B, Hitchon AC, Thorne JC, Keystone EC, Tin D, Boire G, Bykerk VP. (2013). Prognosis Of Seronegative patients In a Large Prospective Cohort Of Patients With Early Inflammatory Arthritis. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):553, (Article publié).
- Levy DM, Tse SML, Stringer E, Guzaman J, Berard RA, Duffy KW, Rumsey D, Chan MO, Scuccimarri R, Huber AM, Tucker LB, Yeung RSM, Duffy CM, Oen K, REACCH OUT Investigators. (2013). REACCH OUT : Rhe Research In Arthritis In Canadian Children Emphasizing Outcomes (ReACCh Out) Cohort: Are We Achieving Clinically Important Outcomes?. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):1194, (Article publié).
- Akhavan P, Kuriya B, Keystone EC, Xiong J, Pope JE, Boire G, Tin D, Haraoui B, Hitchon CA, Bykerk VP. (2013). Reaching The Target Of Low Disease Activity At 6 Months Predicts Better Long-Term Functional Outcome In Patients With Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):762, (Article publié).
- Omair M, Akhavan P, Keystone EC, Xiong J, Boire G, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Hitchon CA, Haraoui B, Tin D, Weber DA, Bykerk VP, CATCH Investigators. (2013). Relationship Between DAS28 1.2 and SDAI50 Responses in Rheumatology Arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis; 72(Suppl 3):1024, (Article publié).
- Visser K, Pope JE, Choy E, Bingham III CO, Bartlett SJ, Boire G, Hitchon AC, Thorne JC, Haraoui B, Tin D, keystone E, Bykerk VP. (2013). Reliability and Validity Of Patient- Reported Joint Counts and Determinants Of Disagreement With The Physician In Recent Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):1229, (Article publié).
- Bykerk VP, Visser K, Choy E, Bingham III CO, Lin D, Xiong J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon CA, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Tin D, Keystone EC, Bartlett SJ, CATCH Investigators and OMERACT Flare Working Group. (2013). Responsiveness Of The Outcomes Measures In Rheumatology Clinical Trials Initiatives: Preliminary Flare Questions To Detect Flares Within Patients In The Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):2275, (Article publié).
- Bartlett S, Bingham C, Xiong J, Choy E, Boire G, Hitchon C, Pope J, Thorne C, Tin D, Haraoui B, Keystone E, Bykerk V. (2013). Self Management Strategies of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Experiencing a Disease Flare. J Rheumatol; 40(6):1017, (Article publié).
- Hitchon C, Boire G, Haraoui B, Keystone E, Pope J, Thorne C, Bykerk V, CATCH Investigators. (2013). Self Reported Comorbidity is Common in Early Inflammatory Arthritis and Associated with Poorer Function and Quality of Life and Greater Disease Activity : Results from the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. J Rheumatol; 40(6):998, (Article publié).
- Hazlewood GS, Thorne JC, Pope JE, Xiong J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon CA, Keystone EC, Tin D, Bykerk VP. (2013). Subcutaneous Delivery Of Methotrexate Is Associated With Improved Treatment Survival Compared To Oral Administration For The Initial Treatment Of Patients With Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):627, (Article publié).
- Hazlewood G, Thorne C, Pope J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Keystone EC, Tin D, Bykerk VP, CATCH Investigators. (2013). The Comparative Effectiveness of Oral Methotrexate Versus Subcutaneous Methotrexate for the Initial Treatment of Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis; 72(Suppl 3):246, (Article publié).
- Hazlewood G, Thorne C, Pope J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Keystone E, Tin D, CATCH Investigators, Bykerk V. (2013). The Comparative Effectiveness of Oral Methotrexate versus Subcutaneous Methotrexate for the Treatment of Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. J Rheumatol; 40(6):971, (Article publié).
- Jean S, Gamache P, Hudson M, Bessette L, Fortin PR, Boire G, Bernatsky S. (2013). Trends In Incidence and Mortality In Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases In Quebec, Canada: A Population-Based Study. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):746, (Article publié).
- April PM, Cabana F, Beaulieu M-C, Beaulieu M, Roux S, Boire G. (2013). Up to half of First Fragility Fractures (FF), and a Third of Recurrent FF, Occur in Patients with Low or Moderate Estimated Frax® 10-Year Fracture Risk: Results From the Optimus Initiative. Ann Rheum Dis; 72(Suppl 3):294, (Article publié).
- Cabana F, Carrier N, Beaulieu MC, Beaulieu M, Roux S, Boire G. (2013). Which Patients with Ankle Fractures Are at Risk for Recurrent Fragility Fractures? Results from the OPTIMUS Initiative. J Bone Miner Res; 28(Suppl 1), (Article publié).
- Maksymowych WP, Van Schaardenburg D, Van Der Heijde DS, Landewe R, Boire G, Boers M, Bykerk VP, Keystone EC, Siminovitch KA, Murphy M, Marotta A. (2013). η91% Of Early RA Patients Are Positive For Serum 14-3-3 Or Its Auto-Antibodies. Arthritis Rheum; 65(Suppl 10):760, (Article publié).
- Masetto A, Fernandes AJ, Liang P, Cossette P, Boire G. (2012). 2010 ACR/EULAR Rheumatoid Arthritis ClassificationCriteria Predicts Radiogical, but Not Clinical Outcomes At 18 Months IntoDisease in a Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 64(Suppl 10):S332, (Article publié).
- Bykerk VP, Bartlett SJ, Choy E, Boire G, Hitchon C, Pope J, Thorne C, Haraoui B, Keystone E, Bingham CO III, on behalf of OMERACT RA Flare Group and CATCH. (2012). An evaluation of flare in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis using the OMERACT preliminary flare questionnaire. Ann Rheum Dis; 71(Suppl 3):180, (Article publié).
- Harris J, Bykerk V, Hitchon C, Keystone E, Thorne C, Boire G, Haraoui BP, Hazelwood G, Bonner A, Pope J, and CATCH ERA Cohort. (2012). Can we improve outcomes in early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA) by determining best practices? An analysis of the Canadian ERA cohort (CATCH). Ann Rheum Dis; 71(Suppl 3):336, (Article publié).
- Pyne L, Bykerk V, Hitchon C, Keystone E, Thorne C, Boire G, Haraoui BP, Bonner A, Pope J, and CATCH. (2012). DAS does not predict increasing treatment in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (ERA): Results from the CATCH study. Ann Rheum Dis; 71(Suppl 3):504, (Article publié).
- Akhavan P, Bykerk V, Sun Y, Choi M, Pope J, Hitchon C, Boire G, Haraoui B, Thorne C, Tin D, Keystone E, and CATCH Investigators. (2012). Discrepancy between Patient and Physician Global Assessments in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) – the need for swollen joint evaluation. Ann Rheum Dis; 71(Suppl 3):340, (Article publié).
- Choi M, Bykerk V, Sun Y, Akhavan P, Boire G, Thorne C, Pope J, Hitchon C, Haraoui B, Ferland D, Keystone E, all CATCH investigators. (2012). Discrepancy between Patient and Physician Global Assessments of Disease Activity in Early and Established Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. J Rheumatol; 39(8):1729, (Article publié).
- Bykerk VP, Bartlett SJ, Choy E, Boire G, Hitchon C, Pope J, Thorne C, Haraoui B, Keystone E. Bingham CO III, on behalf of Omeract RA Flare Group and CATCH. (2012). Early RA patients reportinga flare identify more tender than swollen joints. Ann Rheum Dis; 71(Suppl 3):509, (Article publié).
- April PM, Roux S, Beaulieu MC, Beaulieu M, Cabana F, Boire G. (2012). Estimated FRAX® 10-year fracture risk at the time of incident fracture and upon refracture: results from the OPTIMUS initiative. Accepted as a Plenary Poster Presentation. J Bone Miner Res; 27(Suppl 1), (Article publié).
- Akhavan P, Hazlewood G, Sun Y, Keystone E, Thorne C, Boire G, Pope J, Hitchon C, Haraoui B, Ferland D, Bykerk V, all CATCH investigators. (2012). Factors Affecting Glucocorticoid Use in Early RheumatoidArthritis. Results from an Early Arthritis Cohort. J Rheumatol; 39(8):1733, (Article publié).
- Pyne L, Bykerk V, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Thorne C, Keystone E, Ferland D, Pope J. (2012). Factors Predicting Increasing Treatment in EarlyRheumatoid Arthritis (ERA): Results from the CATCH Study. It is not the DAS butthe Physician Global Assessment and the Swollen Joint Count that are StronglyAssociated with Increasing Treatment. J Rheumatol; 39(8):1707, (Article publié).
- Boyd T, Bykerk V, Boire G, Hitchon C, Thorne C, Keystone E, Haraoui B, Ferland D, Pope J. (2012). Function and Disease Activity Vary by Rheumatoid Factor Status in Early Inflammatory Arthritis with Stronger Associations in RF Positive Patients: Results from the CATCH Cohort. J Rheumatol; 39(8):1737, (Article publié).
- Akhavan P, Bykerk V, Sun Y, Thorne C, Pope J, Hitchon C, Haraoui B, Boire G, Ferland D, Keystone E, all CATCH investigators. (2012). Improving Clinical Trial Recruitment in a Real WorldPractice. Results from the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. J Rheumatol; 39(8):1733, (Article publié).
- Harris J, Bonner A, Hazlewood G, Thorne C, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Keystone E, Ferland D, Bykerk V, Pope J. (2012). Improving Outcomes in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis by Determining Best Practices: Does Site Size Matter OR is it Best Treatment Early? An Analysis of the Canadian ERA Cohort. J Rheumatol; 39(8):1738, (Article publié).
- Cabana F, Roux S, Beaulieu MC, Beaulieu M, Boire G. (2012). Incidence of subsequent fractures according to site of initial non-vertebral fractures and treatment status: the first 3 years ofthe OPTIMUS initiative. Ann Rheum Dis; 71(Suppl 3):589, (Article publié).
- Beaulieu MC, Roux S, Poirier N, Beaulieu M, Cabana F, Boire G. (2012). Management of Fragility Fractures: Impact of the Optimus Initiative onFamily Physicians. J Bone Miner Res; 27(Suppl 1), (Article publié).
- Beaulieu MC, Cabana F, Beaulieu M, Roux S, Boire G. (2012). Management of fragility fractures: impact of the OPTIMUS initiative on family physicians. Ann Rheum Dis; 71(Suppl 3):596, (Article publié).
- Akhavan P, Bykerk V, Sun Y, Pope J, Thorne C, Hitchon C, Ferland D, Haraoui B, Boire G, Keystone E, all CATCH investigators. (2012). Patients with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Determined to be Inadequate Responders after 12 Weeks May Still Have Substantial Improvement in Core Set Measures. Results from an Early Arthritis Cohort. J Rheumatol; 39(8):1730, (Article publié).
- Hazlewood G, Akhavan P, Sun Y, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Keystone E, Thorne C, Ferland D, Pope J, Bykerk V. (2012). Patterns of Use and Predictors of Initial Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug Therapy in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis:Results From a Multicenter Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. J Rheumatol; 39(8):1730, (Article publié).
- Akhavan P, Bykerk V, Sun Y, Boire G, Thorne C, Pope J, Hitchon C, Haraoui B, Ferland D, Keystone E, CATCH Investigators. (2011). A Substantial Proportion of Patients Failing ToAchieve DAS28 or ACR20 Response at 12 Weeks of DMARD Therapy ExhibitImprovement in Core Set Measures. Results From an Early Arthritis Cohort. Ann Rheum Dis; 70(Suppl 3):649, (Article publié).
- Barra LJ, Bykerk V, Pope J, Haraoui P, Hitchon C, Thorne C, Keystone E, Ferland D, Boire G. (2011). Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibodies and Rheumatoid Factor Stability in Early Inflammatory Arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis; 70(Suppl 3):641, (Article publié).
- Hitchon CA, Boire G, Centola M, Lloyd A, Kay R, El-Gabalawy HS. (2011). Clinical Outcome in Early Undifferentiated Arthritis Is Best Predicted by a Combination of Baseline Clinical Features and Serum Biomarkers. Arthritis Rheum; 63(Suppl 10):S130, (Article publié).
- Hitchon C, Boire G, Lloyd A, Centola M, Kay R, El-Gabalawy H. (2011). Clinical Outcome in Early Undifferentiated Arthritisis Best Predicted By a Combination of Baseline Clinical Features and SerumBiomarkers. Ann Rheum Dis; 70(Suppl 3):284, (Article publié).
- Hitchon C, Dooley J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Pope J, Thorne C, Ferland D, Bykerk V, Network of Early Arthritis Researchers. (2011). Comorbidity is Commonly Reported in Early Inflammatory Arthritis. J Rheumatol; 38(6):1184, (Article accepté).
- Akhavan P, Bykerk V, Sun Y, Boire G, Haraoui B, Pope J, Thorne C, Ferland D, Hitchon C, Weber D, Keystone E. (2011). Disease Activity State at 3 Months is a Better Predictor of Outcome at 6 Months Than Response to Treatment (DAS28 Change) in a Cohort of Early Rheumatoid. Ann Rheum Dis; 70(Suppl 3):649, (Article publié).
- Akhavan PS, Hazlewood GS, Sun Y, Keystone EC, Boire G, Pope JE, Hitchon CA, Haraoui B, Ferland DS, Bykerk V and CATCH Investigators. (2011). Factors Affecting Glucocorticoid Use in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. Results from an Early Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 63(Suppl 10):S466, (Article publié).
- Boyd T, Bykerk V, Boire G, Hitchon CA, Thorne JC, Keystone E, Haraoui B, Ferland DS, Pope JE and CATCH Investigators. (2011). Function (HAQ) and Disease Activity (DAS) Varies by Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Status in Early Inflammatory Arthritis (EIA) with Stronger Associations in RF Positive Patients: Results From the CATCH Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 63(Suppl 10):S833, (Article publié).
- Akhavan P, Sun Y, Keystone E, Boire G, Haraoui B, Pope J, Thorne C, Ferland D, Bykerk V, CATCH Investigators. (2011). Glucocorticoid Use in Patients With Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. Results From an Early Arthritis Cohort. Ann Rheum Dis; 70(Suppl 3):278, (Article publié).
- Bykerk VP, Rohekar G, Sun Y, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Ferland D, Thorne C, Keystone EC, Pope JE, CATCH Investigators. (2011). High Disease Activity, Younger Age and Longer Symptom Duration Predict Which Patients With Early RA Will Receive Biological Therapy. Ann Rheum Dis; 70(Suppl 3):727, (Article publié).
- Akhavan PS, Bykerk V, Sun Y, Haraoui B, Thorne JC, Pope JE, Hitchon CA, Ferland DS, Boire G, Keystone EC and CATCH Investigators. (2011). Improving Clinical Trial Recruitment in a Real World Practice. Results From the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 63(Suppl 10):S736, (Article publié).
- Lee YC, Solomon DH, Lu B, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon CA, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Keystone E, Ferland DS, Bykerk V. (2011). Incidence and Predictors of Fibromyalgia in An Early Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 63(Suppl 10):S287, (Article publié).
- Cabana F, Beaulieu M, Lambert D, Côté PY, Vaillancourt M, Beaulieu MC, Roux S, Boire G. (2011). Incidence of subsequent fractures according to ageand site of initial non-vertebral fractures: the first 3 years of the OPTIMUSinitiative. J Bone Miner Res; 26(Suppl 1), (Article publié).
- Barnabe C, Pope J, Boire G, Hitchon C, Haraoui B, Thorne C, Keystone E, Ferland D, Bykerk V. (2011). Patient Sex Does Not Influence Pain Levels in Early Inflammatory Arthritis. J Rheumatol; 38(6):1149, (Article publié).
- Pooneh AS, Bykerk V, Sun Y, Boire G, Thorne JC, Pope J, Hitchon CA, Haraoui B, Ferland DS, Keystone E and CATCH Investigators. (2011). Patients with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Determined to Be Inadequate Responders After 12 Weeks May Still Have Substantial Improvement in Core Set Measures. Results from an Early Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 63(Suppl 10):S127, (Article publié).
- Sun Y, Lim C, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon CA, Keystone EC, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Ferland DS, Bykerk VP and CATCH Investigators. (2011). Patients with a Severe Clinical Disease Course Can Be Identified Using Cluster Analysis – Results From a Canadian National Early Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 63(Suppl 10):S957, (Article publié).
- Kuriya B, Sun Y, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon C, Pope J, Thorne C, Ferland D, Keystone E, Bykerk V, CATCH Investigators. (2011). Prevalence of Remission in Early RA – A Comparisonof New Remission Criteria to Established Criteria. Ann Rheum Dis; 70(Suppl 3):654, (Article publié).
- Kuriya B, Sun Y, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon CA, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Keystone E, Ferland DS, Bykerk V. (2011). Prevalence of Remission in Early RA—A Comparison of New Remission Criteria to Established Criteria. Arthritis Rheum; 63(Suppl 10):S121, (Article publié).
- Cao Y, Bonner A, Barra L, Thorne JC, Haraoui B, Boire G, Hitchon C, LeRiche N, Bell D, Thompson A, Keystone E, Bykerk V, Pope J. (2011). Response to Second-Line DMARDS and to TNFIs in Seropositive vs. Seronegative Patients in Early and Late RA. Results From The CATCH Cohort of Early RA and a Large Established RA Database. Ann Rheum Dis; 70(Suppl 3):257, (Article publié).
- Cao Y, Bonner A, Barra LJ, Thorne JC, Haraoui B, Boire G, Hitchon CA, Le Riche NGH, Thompson AE, Keystone E, Bykerk V, Pope JE and CATCH Investigators. (2011). Response to Second-Line DMARDs and TNFi in Seropositive and Seronegative Patients in Early and Late Rheumatoid Arthritis Are Not the Same: Results From the CATCH Cohort and a Large, Established Rheumatoid Arthritis Database. Arthritis Rheum; 63(Suppl 10):S859, (Article publié).
- Cao Y, Bonner A, Barra L, Thorne C, Haraoui B, Boire G, Hitchon C, Le Riche N, Thompson A, Keystone E, Bykerk V, Pope J. (2011). Response to Second-Line DMARDs and to Biologics in Seropositive vs. Seronegative Patientsin Early and Late RA: Results from the CATCH Cohort of Early RA and a LargeEstablished RA Database. J Rheumatol; 38(6):1134, (Article publié).
- Lee YC, Solomon DH, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon CA, Pope JE, Thorne JC, Keystone EC, Ferland DS, Bykerk VP, CATCH Investigators. (2011). The Prevalence of Secondary Fibromyalgia in an Early Inflammatory Arthritis Cohort Increases With Time But The Diagnosis May Not Be Permanent. Ann Rheum Dis; 70(Suppl 3):158, (Article publié).
- Boyd T, Bykerk V, Boire G, Hitchon C, Thorne JC, Keystone E, Ferland D, Pope J. (2011). The Relationship Between Function And DiseaseActivity as Measured by HAQ DI and DAS Varies by Rheumatoid Factor Status inERA. Results From The CATCH Cohort. Ann Rheum Dis; 70(Suppl 3):294, (Article publié).
- Boyd T, Bykerk V, Haraoui B, Thorne C, Hitchon C, Boire G, Pope J. (2011). The Relationship between Function and Disease Activity as Measured by HAQ DI and DAS Varies by Rheumatoid Factor Status in ERA. Results from the CATCH cohort. J Rheumatol; 38(6):1167, (Article publié).
- Bernard M, de Brum-Fernandes AJ, Liang P, Cossette P, Ménard HA, Masetto A, Boire G. (2011). The different definitions of remission in early inflammatory arthritis are not interchangeable. Ann Rheum Dis; 70(Suppl 3):76, (Article publié).
- Bernard M, de Brum-Fernandes AJ, Cossette P, Liang P, Masetto A, Ménard HA, Boire G. (2011). The long term consequences of adopting less stringent definitions for remission when treating to target. Ann Rheum Dis; 70(Suppl 3):645, (Article publié).
- Barra JL, Bykerk V, Pope J, Sun Y, Haraoui B, Hitchon CA, Ferland DS, Thorne JC, Keystone E, Boire G. (2011). Trajectory of Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibodies and Rheumatoid Factor Over Time Does Not Predict Disease Activity inthe Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 63(Suppl 10):S126, (Article publié).
- Beaulieu MC, Gosselin S, Gaboury I, Vanasse A, Cabana F, Boire G. (2011). Treating Osteoporosis After A Fragility Fracture: The Family Physician As The Hub. J Rheumatol; 38(6):1171, (Article publié).
- Bykerk V, Haraoui B, Boire G, Hitchon C, Keystone E, Thorne C, Ferland D, Pope J, CATCH Investigators of Canada. (2011). Validation of the 2010 Criteria to Diagnose RA in a Canadian Multicenter Cohort Of Patients with New Onset Inflammatory Arthritis. J Rheumatol; 38(6):1140, (Article publié).
- Kuriya B, Haraoui B, Boire G, Hitchon CA, Pope JE, Thorne JC, et al. (2010). Age, Sex, RF Antibodies, Baseline HAQ and DAS28 Score But Not the Type of Initial Treatment Are Predictive of Clinical Remission at 1 Year in Early Inflammatory Arthritis. Arthritis Rheum; 62(Suppl 10):S722, (Article publié).
- Guzian MC, Carrier N, Cossette P, Boire G. (2010). Categorizing intensity of DMARD treatments in longitudinal cohorts. J Rheumatol; 37(6):1287, (Article publié).
- Bykerk VP, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon CA, Ferland D, Thorne C, et al. (2010). DAS28 Level at Baseline Best Predicts Which Patients with New Onset Inflammatory Arthritis Will Ultimately Require Biologic Therapy. Arthritis Rheum; 62(Suppl 10):S124, (Article publié).
- Akhavan P, Bykerk VP, Sun Y, Hochman J, Pope JE, Pope JE, Hitchon CA, Boire G, Haraoui B, Ferland DS, Thorne JC, Weber DA, Keystone Ec and All CATCH Investigators. (2010). Disease Activity in Patients with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Receiving Stable Conventional DMARDs Significantly Influences the Timing of Achieving a Low Disease State and Remission at 3 Versus 6 Months. Arthritis Rheum; 62(Suppl 10):S127, (Article publié).
- Hitchon C, Boire G, Haraoui B, Jamal S, Pope J, Thorne C, Mosher D, Bensen W, Zummer M, Kraishi M, Nair B, Klinkhoff A, Cividino A, Bykerk V. (2010). Patient Self Reported Health Related Quality of Life Improves with Effective Treatment in Early Inflammatory Arthritis (EIA). J Rheumatol; 37(6):1329, (Article publié).
- Cabana F, Lambert D, Beaulieu M, Boire G. (2010). Priming Primary Care Practitioners to treat Osteoporosis in their patients with a fragility fracture. J Rheumatol; 37(6):1313, (Article publié).
- McKeown E, Pope J, De Leon F, Thorne C, Hitchon C, Boire G, Bykerk V. (2010). Quality Assurance Study of the Use of Preventative Therapies in Glucocorticoid Induced Osteoporosis (GIOP) in Early Inflammatory Arthritis: Results from the CATCH Cohort. J Rheumatol; 37(6):1299, (Article publié).
- McKeown E, Bykerk VP, Deleon F, Thorne JC, Hitchon CA, Boire G, et al. (2010). Quality Assurance Study of the Use of Preventative Therapies in Glucocorticord Induced Osteoporosis (GIOP) in Early Inflammatory Arthritis (EIA): Results from the CATCH Cohort. Arthritis Rheum; 62(Suppl 10):S406, (Article publié).
- Hitchon C, Dooley J, Boire G, Haraoui B, Pope J, Thorne C, Ferland D, Bykerk V, Network of Early Arthritis Reseachers. (2010). Self Reported Comorbidity is Common in Early Inflammatory Arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis; 69(Suppl 3):372, (Article publié).
- Bykerk VP, Boire G, Haraoui B, Hitchon CA, Keystone EC, Thorne JC, et al. (2010). The Revised 2010 ACR/EULAR Diagnostic Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis Identify Many More Patients Who Are Eligible for Treatment and for Clinical Trials. Arthritis Rheum; 62(Suppl 10):S274, (Article publié).
- Akhavan P, Bykerk VP, Sun Y, Hochman J, Pope JE, Hitchon CA, et al (Boire G). (2010). Three Months of Therapy with DMARDs Is an Inadequate Period of Time To Alter the Treatment in Patients with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis When Treating to a Target of Low Disease State or Remission. Results from Canadian Early ArThritis CoHort (CATCH). Arthritis Rheum; 62(Suppl 10), S144. (Article publié).
- Boire G, Cabana F, Mikhail S, Lambert D. (2010). Who is Not Ttreated Following the Implementation of OPTIMUS, a Successful Initiative to Treat Osteoporosis Following a Fragility Fracture. J Bone Miner Res; 25(Suppl 1), (Article publié).
- Boire G, Cabana F, Beaulieu M, Mikhail S, Lambert D. (2010). Who is not Treated?Characteristics of Untreated Patients Following the Implementation of OPTIMUS,a successful Initiative to Treat Osteoporosis Following a Fragility Fracture. Ann Rheum Dis; 69(Suppl 3):588, (Article publié).
Autres contributions
Cours enseignés
- Tolerance and autoimmunity. IML 710. (2016-01-18).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
- Tolerance and autoimmunity. IML 720. (2014-11-13).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
- RNA and Human Diseases. BCH 718. (2014-03-10).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
Gestion d'évènements
- Supervisor. Lecture club Rheumatology. (Séminaire).
- (2016). ACPA Positivity: A clinically unreliable dividing line in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients. 4Th World Congress on Controversies, Debates and Consensus in Bone, Muscle and Joint Diseases October 22, 2016. Barcelona, Espagne
- (2016). Mieux vivre avec la polyarthrite rhumatoïde. Living better with rheumatoid arthritis. Rencontre provinciale sur l'arthrite The Arthritis Society - Division of Québec. Montréal, Canada
- (2016). OPTIMUS-OPTI-FRAC programs. Towards A Strategy for Secondary Fracture Prevention in Quebec. Montreal, Canada
- (2016). Towards a strategy for secondary fracture prevention in Quebec. 5th FFN Global Congress, 1–3 September 2016. Rome, Italie
- (2015). Appropriate use of biomarkers in early inflammatory arthritis. Weekly meeting of the Rheumatology Division. Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis. Lévis, Canada
- (2015). Biologics in rheumatology. Division of Internal Medicine, Hôpital du Suroit,. Valleyfield, Canada
- (2015). Biomarkers in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Hôpital Sacré-Cœur de Montréal Weekly meeting of the Department of Medicine. Montréal, Canada
- (2015). Biomarkers in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont de Montréal Réunion du service de rhumatologie. Montréal, Canada
- (2015). Biomarkers in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Weekly meeting of the Centre de recherche en ostéoporose et rhumatologie de Québec. Montréal, Canada
- (2015). Biomarkers in daily clinical practice. 3rd World Congress on Controversies, Debates & Consensus in Bone, Muscle & Joint Diseases (BMJD). Montreal, Canada
- (2015). CRP and 14-3-3η titres do not correlate and are better predictors of joint damage progression together than alone. 46th Laurentian Conference of Rheumatology. Mont-Tremblant, Canada
- (2015). Corticosteroids. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. 3rd World Congress on Controversies, Debates & Consensus in Bone, Muscle & Joint Diseases (BMJD). Montreal, Canada
- (2015). Elevated 14-3-3η (14-3-3eta) Serum Protein Levels Increase RA Confirmation in Recent-Onset Polyarthritis Patients. Annual meeting of the Canadian Rheumatology Association. Quebec City, Canada
- (2015). Osteoporosis in 2015: what we all agree on and the good practices L'ostéoporose en 2015 : les consensus et les bonnes pratiques. Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec -- Congrès La thérapeutique. Montréal, Canada
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- (2014). 14-3-3η predicts radiographic progression in recent-onset polyarthritis patients. Annual meeting of the Canadian Rheumatology Association. Whistler, Canada
- (2014). Depression scores best predict future SDAI scores and SDAI Remission in patients with Early Inflammatory Arthritis. 45th Laurentian Conference of Rheumatology. Mont-Tremblant, Canada
- (2014). How Wide is the Therapeutic Window To Initiate Treatment After a Fragility Fracture?. Fragility Fracture Network Annual Meeting. Madrid, Espagne
- (2014). Osteoporosis in men L'ostéoporose masculine. Weekly meeting Clinique médicale Rock Forest. Sherbrooke, Canada
- (2014). Osteoporosis in men L'ostéoporose masculine. Weekly meeting Centre hospitalier La providence. Magog, Canada
- (2014). Predicting the course of disease and response to therapy. SYMPOSIUM: IMMUNE MEDIATED INFLAMMATORY DISEASES – MANAGING INFLAMMATION OBJECTIVELY. Toronto, Canada
- (2014). T-Cell Receptor Excision Circles (TREC) Quantification in Inflammatory Polyarthritis of Recent Onset (EIA) and in Control Subjects. Annual meeting of the Canadian Rheumatology Association. Whistler, Canada
- (2014). Un nouveau mécanisme d’action dans le traitement du psoriasis: l’inhibition spécifique de la phosphodiestérase 4 (PDE4) par l’apremilast. Revue de présentations sur l’apremilast faites à l’ACR 2014. Réunion scientifique. Service de rhumatologie du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
- (2013). A critical view about treatment of osteoporosis. Centre de formation médicale continue. Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Orford, Canada
- (2013). Biologics used in rheumatology Produits biologiques utilisés en rhumatologie. Symposium francophone de médecine 2013. Une réalisation de Médecins francophones du Canada. Montréal, Canada
- (2013). Osteoporosis L'ostéoporose. Teleconference for 3 different clinics Amgen program. Sherbrooke, Canada
- (2013). Outcomes in Undifferentiated Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis: 18 months Results from a Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort. Annual meeting of the Canadian Rheumatology Association. Ottawa, Canada
- (2013). Rheumatoid arthritis. Journée de formation en rhumatologie. Centre de formation médicale continue. Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Orford, Canada
- (2013). Rheumatoid arthritis The role of primary care physicians L'arthrite rhumatoïde, Le rôle du médecin de première ligne. Centre de formation continue de la Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l'Univeristé de Sherbrooke. Magog, Canada
- (2013). Treating osteoporosis Le traitement de l'ostéoporose. Centre de formation continue de la Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l'Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
- (2012). treatment of osteoporosis OPTIMUS..ons le traitement de l’ostéoporose. Division of Orthopaedic Surgery weekly meeting Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
- (2012). Osteoarthritis. Diagnose it better to treat it better L’Arthrose. Mieux diagnostiquer pour mieux traiter. Astra Zeneca conference program (Program agreed by FMOQ). Danville, Canada
- (2012). Osteoarthritis. Know it better to treat it better L’Arthrose. Mieux diagnostiquer pour mieux traiter. Astra Zeneca conference program. (Program agreed upon by FMOQ). Sherbrooke, Canada
- (2012). Osteoporosis Update: New and Emerging Treatments and Controversies. Symposium sur la santé de la femme. Sherbrooke, Canada
- (2012). Rheumatoid arthritis: Recognize it. Understand it. Treat it better. For a better life! La polyarthrite rhumatoïde: Mieux reconnaître. Mieux comprendre. Mieux traiter.Pour mieux vivre!. The Arthritis Society Soirée d'information et de partage. Sherbrooke, Canada
- (2012). Splitting Recent Onset Rheumatoid Arthritides. Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg. Rheumatology Teaching Seminar Rounds. Winnipeg, Canada
- (2011). Diagnostic and Prognostic Serology in Recent-Onset Inflammatory Polyarthritis. Club inflammatoire du Québec. Quebec City, Canada
- (2011). Diagnostic and Prognostic Serology in Recent-Onset Inflammatory Polyarthritis. Second Mexican College of Rheumatology/Canadian College of Rheumatology Scientific Meeting. Cancun, Mexique
- (2011). How to evaluate the risk of progression of arthritis? Comment évaluer le risque de progression de l’arthrite?. The Arthritis Society Café scientifique. Canada
- (2011). OPTIMUS Faciliter le traitement en première ligne de l’ostéoporose démasquée par une fracture de fragilité osseuse. Directors of department and divisions of the CHUS (Table des chefs). Sherbrooke, Canada
- (2011). Treating Osteoporosis After A Fragility Fracture: The Family Physician As The Hub. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting. St John, Canada
- (2011). Treatment of osteoporosis. Teleconference (23 sites across the Province of Quebec). Centre de formation médicale continue. Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke and 23 other sites, Canada
- (2011). What's new in rheumatology?. Centre de formation médicale continue. Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Orford, Canada
- (2010). Arthritis is very frequent...<?>but this remains a secret!. The Arthritis Society General public meeting. Sherbrooke, Canada
- (2010). Injection workshop Atelier d'infiltrations. Clinique St-Vincent weekly meeting. Sherbrooke, Canada
- (2010). Injection workshop Atelier d'infiltrations. Clinique médicale St-Vincent. Sherbrooke, Canada
- (2010). OPTIMUS Faciliter le traitement en première ligne de l’ostéoporose démasquée par une fracture de fragilité osseuse. Journée annuelle de santé publique. Montreal, Canada
- (2010). Osteoporosis and prevention of bone fragility fractures Ostéoporose et Prévention des fractures de fragilité osseuse. CURSUS-Santé Université du 3e âge Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
- (2010). Tendonitis, bursitis and other ...itis Diagnosis and treatment Tendinites,bursites et encore autres …ites…<?>Diagnostic et traitement. Microprogramme de formation en douleur Centre de formation continue de l'Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
- (2010). Use of biologics in clinical practice. Clinique St-Vincent weekly meeting. Sherbrooke, Canada