Christian Bocti
Professeur, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Département de médecine
Sujet de recherche
Cognition, Imagerie, Maladie d'Alzheimer, Maladies neurodégénératives, Neuropsychologie cognitive du vieillissement
Disciplines de recherche
Gériatrie-gérontologie, Neurosciences, Radiologie
AVC, Cognition, Démence, Imagerie cérébrale, Maladie d'Alzheimer, Maladie neurodégénérative, Neurologie, Neuropsychologie
Centre de recherche
Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement du CSSS-IUGS
Recherche clinique
Langues parlées et écrites
Anglais, Français
(2004). (Post-doctorat, Scholarship Alzheimer Society - professionnels de la santé). Inst. Lady Davis de recherches médicales.
(2003). (Post-doctorat, Fellowship). University of Toronto.
(2002). (Diplôme, Diplome d'Etudes Spécialisés). Université de Montréal.
(1997). (Doctorat, Doctorat en Médecine - M.D.). Université de Montréal.
(1993). (Diplôme, Année préparatoire à la médecine). Université de Montréal.
Titres de compétence
Certificat de Spécialité en Neurologie.
FRCP(C), Neurology.
Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada.
Prix et distinctions
- (2012) Chercheur-boursier clinicien. (Prix / Récompense).
- (2005) Post-doctoral Research Award. (Prix / Récompense).
- (2005) Post-doctoral Training Award (declined). (Prix / Récompense).
- (2004) Young Investigator Award. (Distinction).
- (2003) Young Investigator Award. (Distinction).
Articles de revue
- S Nugent, CA Castellano, C Bocti, I Dionne, T Fulop, SC Cunnane. (2015). Relationship of metabolic and endocrine parameters to brain glucose metabolism in older adults: do cognitively-normal older adults have a particular metabolic phenotype?. Biogerontology (Article accepté).
- Geneviève Nolze-Charron, Abderazzak Mouiha, Simon Duchesne, and Christian Bocti. (2015). White matter hyperintensities in MCI and lower risk of cognitive decline. Journal of Alzheimer's disease 46 (4), 855. (Article publié).
- Charlotte Leblanc-Trudeau, Ariel Masetto, Christian Bocti. (2015). Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Associated with Belimumab in a Lupus Patient. The Journal of Rheumatology 42 (3), 551. (Article publié).
- Karine Bourgade; Hugo Garneau; Genevieve Giroux; Aurélie Le Page; Christian Bocti; Gilles Dupuis; Eric H Frost; Tamas Fulop. (2015). Alzheimer’s Disease-Associated β-Amyloid Peptides Display Antiviral Activity Against Enveloped Herpes Simplex Virus-1. Biogerontology 2015 85. (Article publié).
- Castellano CA, Nugent S, Paquet N, Tremblay S, Bocti C, Lacombe G, Imbeault H, Turcotte É, Fulop T, Cunnane SC. (2015). Lower Brain 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake But Normal 11C-Acetoacetate Metabolism in Mild Alzheimer's Disease Dementia. J Alzheimers Dis 43 1343. (Article publié).
- Scott Nugent, Sebastien Tremblay, Kewei W. Chen, Napatkamon Ayutyanont, Auttawut Roontiva, Christian-Alexandre Castellano, Melanie Fortier, Maggie Roy, Alexandre Courchesne-Loyer, Christian Bocti, Martin Lepage, Eric Turcotte, Tamas Fulop, Eric M. Reiman, Stephen C. Cunnane. (2014). Brain glucose and acetoacetate metabolism: a comparison of young and older adults. Neurobiology of Aging 35 1386. (Article publié).
- Nugent S, Castellano CA, Goffaux P, Whittingstall K, Lepage M, Paquet N, Bocti C, Fulop T, Cunnane SC. (2014). Glucose hypometabolism is highly localized, but lower cortical thickness and brain atrophy are widespread in cognitively normal older adults. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 66 1315. (Article publié).
- Caroline Bertrand-Gauvin, Luc Faucher, Christian Bocti, Marie-Josée Gagnon & Yves Joanette. (2014). Cognition sociale et accident vasculaire cérébral : perspective neuropsychologique. Revue de neuropsychologie 6 99. (Article publié).
- Pascale Bourgeois, Jean Rivest, Christian Bocti. (2014). Rheumatoid Meningitis Presenting with Stroke-Like Episodes. Neurology 82 1564. (Article publié).
- Bocti, C, Roy-Desruisseaux J, Roberge P. (2013). Benzodiazepines and dementia : time for a reappraisal. Maturitas 75 pp. 105-606. (Article publié).
- Gao FQ, Pettersen JA, Bocti C, Black SE. (2013). Can large vessel tortuosity contribute to Alzheimer's disease? A study of the internal carotid artery termination and basal forebrain nuclei. Neurobiol Aging 34 (7), 1807-14. (Article soumis).
- Soucy JP, Bartha R, Bocti C, Borrie M, Burhan AM, Laforce RJr, Rosa-Neto P. (2013). Clinical applications of neuroimaging in patients with cognitive impairment: a review from the Canadian Consensus Conference on Dementia. Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy 5 (Suppl 1), S3. (Article publié).
- Amer M Burhan, Robert Bartha, Christian Bocti, Michael Borrie, Robert Laforce, Pedro Rosa-Neto, Jean-Paul Soucy. (2013). Research applications of neuroimaging in patients with cognitive impairment: a review from the Canadian Consensus Conference on Dementia. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 5 (Suppl 1), S4. (Article publié).
- Bocti C , Legault V , Leblanc N , Berger L , Nasreddine Z , Beaulieu-Boire I , Yaneva K , Boulanger JM. (2013). Vascular Cognitive Impairment: Most Useful Subtests of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in Minor Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 36 (3-4), (Article publié).
- Gauthier S , Patterson C , Chertkow H , Gordon M , Herrmann N , Rockwood K , Rosa-Neto P , Soucy JP ,. (2012). 4th Canadian Consensus Conference on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia. The Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiques 39 (6 Suppl 5), (Article publié).
- Beaulieu-Boire I , Lortie A , Bissonnette J , Prevost S , Bergeron D , Bocti C. (2012). Hemimegalencephaly in an adult with normal intellectual function and mild epilepsy. Developmental medicine and child neurology 54 (3), (Article publié).
- Coyle-Gilchrist IT , Peck LF , Rowe JB. (2012). Research paper does not show causal link between benzodiazepine use and diagnosis of dementia. BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 345 (Article publié).
- Roy-Desruisseaux J, Landry J, Bocti C, Tessier D, Hottin P, Trudel JF. (2011). Domperidone-induced tardive dyskinesia and withdrawal psychosis in an elderly woman with dementia. Ann Pharmacother. 45 (9), (Article publié).
- Roy-Desruisseaux J , Landry J , Bocti C , Tessier D , Hottin P , Trudel JF. (2011). Domperidone-induced tardive dyskinesia and withdrawal psychosis in an elderly woman with dementia. The Annals of pharmacotherapy 45 (9), (Article publié).
- Villeneuve S, Massoud F, Bocti C, Gauthier S, Belleville S. (2011). The nature of episodic memory deficits in MCI with and without vascular burden. Neuropsychologia. 49 (11), (Article publié).
- Cunnane SC, Nugent S, Roy M, Begdouri H, Courchesne-Loyer A, Croteau E, Tremblay S, Pifferi F, Bocti C, Paquet N, Bentourkia M, Barberger-Gateau P, Fulop T and Rapoport SI. (2011). Brain fuel metabolism, aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Nutrition 27 (1), (Article publié).
Articles de journaux
- Bocti C. (2008). Imaging and Alzheimer’s Disease: A review. Canadian Review of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias. 13-17.
- Bocti C. (2007). Healthy Brain Aging. Coup de Pouce.
- Bocti C. (2005). Which MCI patients are least likely to become demented. Neurology Reviews.
- Bocti C. (2003). Book Review: Dementia, Second Edition. Geriatrics and Aging. volume 6. 81.
Lignes directrices en matière de soins cliniques
- Gauthier S, Patterson C, Chertkow H, Gordon M, Herrmann N, Rockwood K, Rosa-Neto P,Soucy JP, Rashed A, Bartha R, Bergman H, Bethell J, Black S, Bocti C, Borrie M, Burham A, Cook C, Crowson J, Donnely. (2012). Fourth Canadian Consenssu on Dementia.
Articles de conférence
- Louis Royer-Perron, Charles Deacon, Louis-Charles Perrier-Ferland, Christian Bocti. (2013). Trends in the treatment of new-onset epilepsy in the elderly. International Epilepsy Congress. (Article accepté).
- Geneviève Nolze-Charron, Simon Duchesne, Abderazzak Mouiha, Christian Bocti. (2013). White matter hyperintensities in the cholinergic tracts in MCI patients from the ADNI database longitudinal study. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. (Article publié).
- Geneviève Nolze-Charron, Simon Duchesne, Abderazzak Mouiha, Christian Bocti. (2013). White matter hyperintensities in the cholinergic tracts in MCI patients from the ADNI database longitudinal study. Alzheimer’s Imaging Consortium Conference. (Article publié).
- Geneviève Nolze-Charron, Caroline Presseau, Maxime Descoteaux, Dominique Lorrain, Tamas Fulop, Christian Bocti. (2013). White matter hyperintensities in the cholinergic tracts and cognition: a HARDI tractography study. Proceeding of: 6th Congress of the International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders. (Article accepté).
- C Bocti, M Tetreault, H Imbeault, F Langlois, N Duval, C Bourgeois, G Lacombe, T Fulop. (2013). Impact of Orthostatic Hypotension on Cognitive Performance in MCI. J International Neuropsychological Society, sup1; 243. (Article publié).
- Bocti C, Cossette P, Pépin F, Lacombe G, Letourneau C, Fulop T. (2012). Designing an abridged Montreal Cognitive Assessment for more efficient cognitive screening. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 8(4):P539. (Article publié).
- Bocti C, Girard ME, Rockel C, Gao FQ, Black SE. (2011). Simple Visual Rating of Lobar Atrophy in the Diagnosis of Frontotemporal Dementia. 10e International Conference Alzheimer’s Disease/Parkinson’s Disease. (Article publié).
- Bocti C, Whatmough C, Zannibi K, Chertkow H. (2011). The Time Course of Semantic and Episodic Memory Decline in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Early Alzheimer's Disease. Neurodegenerative Dis, 8(Suppl.1):1. (Article publié).
- Bocti C, Girard ME, Rockel C, Gao FQ, Black SE. (2011). Simple Visual Rating of Lobar Atrophy in the Diagnosis of Frontotemporal Dementia. Neurodegenerative Dis, 8(Suppl.1):1. (Article publié).
- Bocti C, Cossette P, Pépin F, Legault V, Lacombe G, Fülöp T. Designing an abridged Montreal Cognitive Assessment for more efficient cognitive screening. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. (Article publié).
- Castellano C.A., Nugent S., Tremblay S., Fortier M., Paquet N., Bocti C., Lacombe L., Turcotte E., Fulop T., Cunnane S.C. Evaluation of brain fuel metabolism during normal aging and in mild alzheimer’s disease: comparison of 18-fluorodeoxyglucose with a novel PET ketone tracer – carbon-11-acetoacetate. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, (Article accepté).
- Bocti C, Rochette L, Emond V, Kroger E. Prevalence of dementia in Québec, Canada 1999-2010: an observational study based on administrative data. Neuroepidemiogy, (Article accepté).
- Bocti C, Whatmough C, Zannibi K, Chertkow H. The Time Course of Semantic and Episodic Memory Decline in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Early Alzheimer's Disease. Dixième International Conference Alzheimer’s Disease/Parkinson’s Disease. (Article publié).
Autres contributions
Cours enseignés
- Système Nerveux. MDP 144. (2010-01-01).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
- Fonctions du système nerveux. PSL1984. (2008-01-01).Université de Montréal. Canada.
- Exploration du système nerveux. MMD1232. (2006-01-01).Université de Montréal. Canada.
- Le déficit neurologique aigu. (2004-06-01).Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont. Canada.
- Normal and abnormal cognitive aging. (2004-01-01).McGill University. Canada.
- Introduction to Behavioral Neurology. (2002-11-01).University of Waterloo. Canada.
- L’examen neurologique et l’examen cognitif. (2001-02-01).Centre hospitalier de l'université de Montréal. Canada.
- Exploration du système nerveux. (2001-01-01).Université de Montréal. Canada.
Gestion d'évènements
- membre de comité scientifique. 1er congrès québécois sur la maladie d'Alzheimer. (Conférence).
- membre de comité. 4e Conférence canadienne de consensus sur le diagnostic et le traitement de la démence. (Conférence).
- Membre de l'exécutif. 5th Canadian Conference on Dementia. (Conférence).
- (2014). Bocti C . La formation des équipes de première ligne dans les programmes d’implantation ciblés du Plan National pour la maladie d’Alzheimer. Plan National pour la maladie d’Alzheimer. Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux.
- (2014). Cognitive neurology review 2014. National Review Course for Neurology Residents.
- (2013). Est-ce qu'on peut prévenir la Maladie d'Alzheimer?. Société Alzheimer de l’Estrie. Sherbrooke
- (2013). Top 10 de la littérature récente en démence. Congrès FMSQ.
- (2013). Le rôle de la neuroimagerie dans le diagnostic des démences. Association des Neurologues du Québec. Orford