Cao Minh Ta
Professeur, Faculté de génie
FAC. GÉNIE Électrique et informatique
Sujet de recherche
Roadways, Control System, Industrial and Power Electronics, Electricity Conversion and Distribution, Energy Storage, Mechatronics, Solar and Wind Energy
Disciplines de recherche
Electrical Engineering and Electronic Engineering
Electric Motor Drives, Advanced Control Techniques, Power Electronics, Control of Electric Vehicles (EVs), Motion Control, Multi-motor Control Systems for EVs, Fuzzy Logic Control and Estimation, Efficiency Optimization Control, Smart Steering Systems, Smart-grid and Renewable Energy
Intérêts de recherche
Motor drives, power electronics, advanced control techniques and their applications to electric vehicles and energy conversion systems
Centre de recherche
Langues parlées et écrites
Czech, Anglais, Français, Japonais, Vietnamien
(1998). (Doctorate, ). Université Laval.
(1986). (Bachelor's Honours, ).
Expérience académique
Associate Professor. (2020-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
Associate Professor. (2010-2020).
Visiting Professor. (2019-2019).
Visiting Professor. (2018-2018).
Visiting Professor. (2017-2017). Technische Universitat Munich. Germany.
Visiting Professor. (2015-2015).
Visiting Professor. (2012-2012). University of Technology, Sydney. Australia.
Visiting Professor. (2010-2010). National Taiwan University of S&T. Taiwan.
Senior Lecturer. (2004-2009).
Post-doctoral Fellow, supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). (1999-2001). University of Tokyo. Japan.
Post-doctoral Researcher. (1998-1999). Kyushu University. Japan.
Lecturer. (1987-1992).
Prix et distinctions
- 2017 Nagamori Award for "Implementation of innovative control techniques to improve performance and to save energy of electric motor drives". Nagamori Foundation, Kyoto, Japan. (Prize / Award).
- 2018 IEEE-VPPC Best Paper Award, Chicago, USA, Aug. 2018. IEEE-VTS Vehicle Power Propulsion Technical Committee (VPP TechCom). (Distinction).
- The IET Premium Awards 2022. The Institution of Engineering and Technology. (Distinction).
- Grant. (Awarded). Principal Applicant. Unified Framework of Motor Control and Motion Control for Future e-mobility. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Discovery grant. 165 000 $. (2024-2029)
- Grant. (Under Review). Collaborator. Enhancing educational innovation in distributed renewable energy systems (ENDRES). The Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir). UTFORSK 2024. 480 000 $. (2025-2028)
- Grant. (Awarded). Principal Applicant. Startup funding. Faculty of Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke. Startup funding. 70 000 $. (2020-2024)
- Scholarship. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Électrification d’un véhicule lourd de cour. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). Stage de stratégie d'entreprise Mitacs. 60 000 $. (2024-2024)
- Grant. (Completed). Collaborator. The Kurata Grants: "Glocal (Global/Local) Energy Management for Multi-motor Electric Vehicles". The Hitachi Global Foundation. The Kurata Grants. 10 000 $. (2021-2022)
Articles de revue
- Nguyen-Minh, T*; Nguyễn, B-H; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC; Trovão, JPF; Antunes, C. H. (2024). A Universal Optimal Sizing for Hybrid Energy Storage System of Electric Vehicles. Journal of Energy Storage (Published).
- Vo-Duy, T; Nguyen, B-H; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2024). A unified anti-slip cruise control strategy for electric vehicles. Nonlinear Dynamics DOI. (Published).
- Hoang, Q-M*; Nguyễn, B-H; Vo-Duy, T; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2024). Decoupled Average Model-based Sliding Mode Current Control of LC-filtered Inverters in Rotating Frame. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM) (Published).
- Nguyen, H-LT*; Pham, KT*; Nguyễn, B-H; Vo-Duy, T; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2024). Model Predictive Costate Control for Power Allocation of Hybrid Energy Storage System: Real-time Signal Hardware-in-the-loop Validation. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (Submitted).
- Duong, H-N*; Nguyễn, B-H; Vo-Duy, T; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2024). Multi-objective Dual-State-Constrained Optimal Control for Energy Management Benchmark of Fuel-cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (Revision Requested).
- Duong, H-N*; Tran, L; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC; Nguyen, B-H. (2024). Serial and parallel Pontryagin’s minimum principle for optimal control of multi-sourceenergetic systems: A unified framework. Control Engineering Practice (Submitted).
- Nguyen, H-N*; Nguyen, B-H; Vo-Duy, T; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2024). Sliding-Mode Energy Management Strategy for Dual-Source ElectricVehicles Handling Battery Rate of Change of Current. Control Engineering Practice (Revision Requested).
- Ta, MC; Nguyen, A-T*. (2023). Advanced control algorithms for electric machine drives. Elsevier 454-471. (Published).
- Nguyen, H-N*; Nguyễn, B-H; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC; Trovão, JPF. (2023). Average Model-Based Sliding Mode Control Schemes of Bidirectional Boost DC-DC Converters. ELECTRIMACS 2022. ELECTRIMACS 2021. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Springer, Cham. 993 55-68. (Published).
- Nguyen, B-M; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2023). Double-Layer Energy Management for Multi-Motor Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 72 (7), 8623-8635. (Published).
- Nguyen, CTP*; Nguyễn, B-H; Ta, MC; Trovão, JPF. (2023). Dual-motor Dual-source High Performance EV: A Comprehensive Review. Energies (Published).
- Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC. (2023). Fundamental design of electric motor control systems. Elsevier 428-453. (Published).
- Nguyen, CTP*; Nguyễn, B-H; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2023). Optimal Energy Management Strategy based on Driving Pattern Recognition for a Dual-Motor Dual-Source Electric Vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (Published).
- Nguyen, CTP*; Nguyễn, B-H; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2023). Torque Distribution Optimization for a Dual-Motor Electric Vehicle using Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (Published).
- Mande, D*; Trovão, JP; Ta, MC; Do, TV*. (2022). Dual-source Bidirectional Quasi-Z-source Inverter Development for Off-Road Electric Vehicles. World Electric Vehicle Journal 13 (174), (Published).
- Nguyen, HV; Suleimenov, K*; Nguyễn, B-H; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC; Do, TD. (2022). Dynamical Delay Unification of Disturbance Observation Techniques for PMSM Drives Control. IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics (Published).
- Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2022). Electric Vehicle Efficient Power and Propulsion Systems. Energies 15 (3863), (Published).
- Ta, MC; Li, K; Bouscayrol, A. (2022). Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Innovative Electrified Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71 (6), 5674-5676. (Published).
- Nguyen, BM; Trovão, JPF; Minh C. Ta, MC; Kawanishi, M. (2021). Longitudinal motion control of electric vehicles: Glocal model and design using passivity. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 16 (3), 75-86. (Published).
- Nguyen Tran, HL*; Vo-Duy, T; Nguyễn, B-H; Ta, MC; Troão, JPF. (2021). Modeling and Control of Wind-Solar-Battery Energy System – Energetic Macroscopic Representation Approach. Journal of Measurement, Control and Automation (Published).
- Nguyen, CTP*; Nguyễn, B-H; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2021). Optimal Drivetrain Design Methodology for Enhancing Dynamic and Energy Performances of Dual-motor Electric Vehicles. Journal of Energy Conversion and Management (Published).
- Nguyễn, B-H; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC; Troão, JPF. (2021). Optimal Energy Management of Hybrid Storage Systems Using an Alternative Approach of Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 7 (4), 2224-2237. (Published).
- Bui Dang, Q*; Ta, MC. (2020). Battery Loss Minimization Using Dynamic Programming for Energy Management in EVs. Journal of Technical Universities (141), 1-7. (Published).
- Mande, D*; Trovão, JP; Ta, MC. (2020). Comprehensive Review on Main Topologies of Impedance Source Inverter Used in Electric Vehicle Applications. World Electric Vehicle Journal 11 (2) (37), (Published).
- Nguyen, CTP*; Nguyễn, B-H; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2020). Effect of battery voltage variation on electric vehicle performance driven by induction machine with optimal flux-weakening strategy. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation 10 (4), 351-359. (Published).
- Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC; Nguyễn, B-H; Trovão, JPF. (2020). Experimental Platform for Evaluation of On-Board Real-Time Motion Controllers for Electric Vehicles. Energies 13 (23), (Published).
- Bouscayrol, A; Ta, MC. (2020). Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on More Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (12), 14128-14130. (Published).
- Nguyen, B-M; Nguyen, HV; Ta-Cao, M; Kawanishi, M. (2020). Longitudinal Modelling and Control of In-Wheel-Motor Electric Vehicles as Multi-Agent Systems. Energies 13 (20), (Published).
- Vo-Duy, T*; Ta, MC. (2019). Multi-sensor data synthesis and its application in estimation of electric vehicle speed. Journal of Technical Universities (132), (Published).
- Vo Duy, T*; Le, DL*; Nguyen, VQ *; Ta, MC. (2018). Control the maximum transmissible torque of electric vehicle based on slip ratio estimation. Journal on Measurement, Control and Automation 21 (2), 68-72. (Published).
- Bui Dang, Q*; Ta, MC. (2018). Energy Management Using Dynamic Programming for Battery Current Optimization. Journal on Measurement, Control and Automation 21 (3), 54-60. (Published).
- Nguyen, DD*; Fujita, G; Bui-Dang, Q*; Ta, MC. (2018). Reduced-order Observer-based Control System for Dual-Active-Bridge DC/DC Converter. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 54 (4), 3426-3439. (Published).
Numéros de revue
- Do, TV*; Kandidayeni, M; João Pedro F. Trovão, JPF; Boulon, L; Doan, TM*; Nguyễn, B-H; Vo-Duy, T; Gonzalez-Aguirre, E; Behi, H; Gastelurrutia, J; Luis del Portillo-Valdés, L; Kaleybar, HJ; Brenna, M; Foiadelli, F; Zaninelli, D; Chanal, D; Steiner, NY; Chamagne, D; Pera, M-C; Feng, Y; Tang, Z; Xu, Y; Hu, Q; Lizaso-Eguileta, O; Gil, E; Martinez-Laserna, E; Rivas, M; Miguel, E; Iraola, U; Cantero, I; Berriel, RO*; Delarue, P; Mayet, C; Bouscayrol, A; Brocart, C. (2023). More Integrated Electrified Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (In Press).
- Barreras, JV; de Castro, R; Wan, Y; Dragicevic, T; Ouyang, Q; Ma, R; Wu, Z; Xu, G; Wang, Z; Ryu, J-H; Lee, J-H; Lee, J-S; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC; Nguyen, B-H; Trovão, JPF; Nguyen, B-M; Nguyen, HV; Kawanishi, M; De Pinto, S; Camocardi, P; Chatzikomis, C; Sorniotti, A; Bottiglione, F; Mantriota, G; Perlo, P; Wei, C; Hofman, T; Ilhan Caarls, E; Maddumage, W; Perera, M; Attalage, R; Kelly, P; German, R; Bouscayrol, A; Ghobadpour, A; Amamou, A; Kelouwani, S; Zioui, N; Zeghmi, L; Wang, L; Wu, Z; Cao, C. (2022). Electric Vehicle Efficient Power and Propulsion Systems. Energies 2022 Energies 2022, 15(11), 3863 3863 (15(11)), 257 p. (Published).
- Guo, N; Zhang, X; Zou, Y; Du, G; Wang, C; Guo, L; Ferrara, A; Hametner, C; Ghaderi, R; Kandidayeni, M; Soleymani, M; Boulon, L; Trovão, JF; Olmos, J; Gandiaga, I; Lopez, D; Larrea, X; Nieva, T; Aizpuru, I; Huynh, T-A; Chen, P-H; Hsieh, M-F; Komal, K; Islam, E-S; Pablo, A. (2022). Special Section on Innovative Electrified Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (Published).
- Pelletier, L; LeBel F A; Antunes, CH; Trovão, JPF; Jinlei, S; Qian, M; Chuanyu, T; Tianru, W; Tao, J; Yong, T; Amamou, A; Kandidayeni, M; Kelouwani, S; Boulon, L; Park, S; Ahn, C; Jia, Y; Jibrin, R; Goerges, D; Botte, M; D’Acierno, L; Pagano, M. (2020). Special Section on More Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (Published).
- Barreras, JV; de Castro, R; Wan, Y; Dragicevic, T; Ouyang, Q; Ma, R; Wu, Z; Xu, G; Wang, Z; Ryu, J-H; Lee, J-H; Lee, J-S; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC; Nguyen, B-H; Trovão, JPF; Nguyen, B-M; Nguyen, HV; Kawanishi, M; De Pinto, S; Camocardi, P; Chatzikomis, C; Sorniotti, A; Bottiglione, F; Mantriota, G; Perlo, P; Wei, C; Hofman, T; Ilhan Caarls, E; Maddumage, W; Perera, M; Attalage, R; Kelly, P; German, R; Bouscayrol, A; Ghobadpour, A; Amamou, A; Kelouwani, S; Zioui, N; Zeghmi, L; Wang, L; Wu, Z; Cao, C. (2022). Electric Vehicle Efficient Power and Propulsion Systems. (Energies 2022, 15(11), 3863). MDPI. (Published).
Chapitres de livre
- Ta, MC; Nguyen, A-T. (2022). Advanced control algorithms for electric machine drives. Garcia, J. Elservier Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering (3, 454–471). Elservier. (Published).
- Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC. (2022). Fundamental design of electric motor control systems. Garcia, J. Elservier Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering (3, 428–453). Elservier. (Published).
- Ta, MC; Nguyen, B-M; Vo-Duy, T. (2022). Fuzzy Logic Control for Motor Drive Performance Improvement in EV Applications. Blondin MJ, Trovão JPF, Chaoui H, Pardalos PM. Intelligent Control and Smart Energy Management (ISBN_978-3-030-84473-8, 395-427). Springer. (Published).
- Ta, CM. (2019). Control of PM Brushless DC motor Drives. Rahman MF, Dwivedi SK. Modelling, Simulation and Control of Electrical Drives (ISBN 978-1-78561-587-0, 118, 245 –274). IET The Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK. (Published).
- Ta, MC. (2023). "Machines électriques tournantes: principe, modélisation, contrôle et applications", Notes de cours. (Revision Requested).
Articles de conférence
- Nguyen, A-T*; Nguyen, B-M; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2024). A Basic Study on Modelling and Range-Extension Control for Dual IM-PMSM Electric Vehicles. The 2024 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion (IEEE VPPC 2024). United States of America, (Accepted).
- Luong-Gia, H*; Nguyen, B-H; Tran, LH; Ta, MC; Vo-Duy, T. (2024). Modeling and Control of Multi-phase Motor Fed by Multi-level Inverter for Electric Vehicles. The 2024 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion (IEEE VPPC 2024). United States of America, (Accepted).
- Shakhin, Y*; Alhassan, AB*; Ta, MC; Nguyen, B-M; Do, TD. (2024). Robust Wheel Speed Control of Electric Vehicles with Respect to Backlash and Dead-time in Powertrains. The 2024 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion (IEEE VPPC 2024). United States of America, (Accepted).
- Lenoir, T*; Trovão, JPF; Messier, P*; Ta, MC. (2023). Electric Powertrain Modeling and Control in Vehicular Applications using Energetic Macroscopic Representation. Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering (CSME) Congress. (Published).
- Gonzalez-Rubio, R; Bouscayrol, A; Trovão, JPF; German, R; Ta, MC. (2023). Energetic Macroscopic Representation Graphical Tool for Automatic Drawing. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference. (Published).
- Nguyen, NT*; Ta, MC; Vo-Duy, T; Ivanov, V. (2023). Enhanced Fuzzy-MFC-based Traction Control System for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC). (Published).
- Nguyen, A-T*; Nguyen, B-M; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2023). Modelling and Control of Dual-Motor All-Wheel Drive Electric Vehicles using Energetic Macroscopic Representation. Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering (CSME) Congress. (Published).
- Duong, H-N*; Nguyễn, B-H; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC; Trovão, JPF. (2023). Optimal Sizing of Li-ion Capacitor for Off-road Electric Vehicles. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference. (Published).
- Nguyen, CTP*; Trovão, JPF; Nguyễn, B-H; Ta, MC. (2023). Reduced-Scale Hardware-in-the-Loop Platform for Dual-Source Off-Road Electric Vehicle using Energetic Macroscopic Representation. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC). (Published).
- Nguyen, A-T*; Nguyen B-M; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2022). Acceleration Slip Regulation for Electric Vehicles Based on Fuzzy PID Controller. The 11th International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS 2022). (Published).
- Hoang, Q-M*; Nguyen, B-H; Vo-Duy, T; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2022). Active Power Filter DC Voltage Control Based on Capacitor Energetic Model. The 11th International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS 2022). (Published).
- Nguyen, H-N*; Nguyen, B-H; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC; Trovão, JPF. (2022). Average Model-based Sliding Mode Control Schemes of Bidirectional Boost DC-DC Converters. 14th International Conference of the International Association for Mathematics and Computer in Simulation (Electrimacs 2022). (Published).
- Hoang, Q-M; Nguyen, B-H; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC; Trovão, JPF. (2022). Decoupled Average Model-based Sliding Mode Current Control of LC-filtered Inverters in Rotating Frame. 14th International Conference of the International Association for Mathematics and Computer in Simulation (Electrimacs 2022). (Published).
- Bui-Dang, Q*; Ta, MC. (2022). Design of a Combined Fuzzy and Frequency-based Controller for Hybrid Energy Storage System of Electric Vehicles. The 6th International Exhibition and Conference on Control and Automation (VCCA-2022). Viet Nam, (Published).
- Nguyen, CTP*; Nguyen, B-H; Trovão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2022). Effect of Battery/Supercapacitor Hybrid Storage System on Battery Voltage in Electric Vehicles. The 2022 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2022). (Published).
- Ta, MC; Nguyen, A-T; Nguyen, B-M; Messier, P; Trovão, JPF. (2022). Four-wheel Independently Driven Formula: Experimental EV for Motion Control Studies. 2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). 1-8. (Published).
- Nguyen, Q-H*; Nguyen, A-T*; Vo-Duy, T; Nguyen B-M; Ta, MC. (2022). Modeling and Control of All-wheel-independent-steering, All-wheel-driven Electric Vehicles - Energetic Macroscopic Representation Approach. The 11th International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS 2022). (Published).
- Vu-Ngoc, L*; Nguyen, B-H; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC; Trovão, JPF. (2022). Power Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of Hybrid Energy Storage System Considering Supercapacitor Voltage Limitation. The 2022 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2022). (Published).
- Nguyen-Minh, T*; Vo-Duy, T; Nguyen, B-H; Ta, MC; Trovão, JPF. (2022). Sizing of Battery/Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System for Electric Vehicles. The 2022 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2022). (Published).
- Dang, K-L*; Nguyen, B-H; Ta, MC; Trovão, JPF; Vo-Duy, T. (2022). Sliding Mode Solution for IM Rotor Flux Estimation and Control Using Energetic Macroscopic Representation. The 11th International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS 2022). (Published).
- Nguyen, A-T*; Nguyen, B-M; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC. (2022). Steering Vector Control for Lateral Force Distribution of Electric Vehicles. The 2022 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2022), Merced, USA, 1-4 Nov. 2022. (Published).
- Nguyen, B-M; Kawanishi, M; Troão, JPF; Ta, MC; Narikiyo, T. (2021). Altitude Control for VTOL Flying Vehicles with Respect to Actuator Properties: A Practical Approach Using Sector Bounded Nonlinearity. The 2021 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2021). (Published).
- Nguyen, B-M; Ta, MC; Troão, JPF; Kawanishi, M. (2021). Glocal Energy Management System with Optimal Torque-Flux and Speed Controllers. The 2021 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2021). (Published).
- Vo-Duy, T; Troão, JPF; Jemei, S; Boulon, L; Ta, MC; Bouscayrol, A. (2021). IEEE VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge 2022 - Sizing and Energy Management of Hybrid Dual-Energy Storage System for a Commercial Electric Vehicle. The 2021 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2021). (Published).
- Daouda, M*; Troão, JPF; González-Rubio, R; Ta, MC. (2021). Multi-source Bidirectional Quasi-Z-source Inverter Using Fractional Order PI Controller for Electric Traction System. The 2021 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2021). (Published).
- Nguyen Tran, HL*; Nguyen, VS*; Hoang, TX*, Vo-Duy, T; Nguyen, B-H; Ta, MC. (2021). Optimal Energy Management of a Dual-motor Electric Vehicle using Dynamic Programming. The 2021 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2021). (Published).
- Doan, TM*; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC. (2021). Optimal Traction Power Distribution Strategy for Dual-motor Electric Vehicles. The 2021 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2021). (Published).
- Nguyen, B-M; Kawanishi, M; Hara, S; Nguyen, VH*; Ta, MC, Troão, JPF; Tatsuo Narikiyo, T. (2021). Passivity Based Hierarchically Decentralized Range Extension Control of In-wheel-motor Vehicles with Local Disturbance Observers. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (IEEE ICM 2021). (Published).
- Nguyen, VH*; Nguyen, B-M; Ta, MC. (2020). A unified battery-QZSI model and IMC based dc-link-voltage control for EV applications. The 2020 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2020). (Published).
- Vo-Duy, T; Nguyễn, B-H; Ta, MC, Troão, JPF; Nguyen, NHP. (2020). Different Voltage and Current Control Schemes for Multi-pack Battery of Electric Scooters. The 2020 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2020). (Published).
- Nguyen Tran, HL*; Vo-Duy, T; Nguyễn, B-H; Ta, MC; Troão, JPF. (2020). Modeling and Control of Wind-Solar-Battery Energy System – Energetic Macroscopic Representation Approach. International Symposium on Power, Energy and Cybernetics. (Published).
- Bui-Dang, Q*; Dinh, AV*, Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC. (2019). An Energy Management System Based on Fuzzy-LPF for HESS of Electric Vehicles. The 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2019). (Published).
- Vu, DA*; Bui-Dang, Q*; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC. (2019). An Energy Management System Based on Fuzzy Control for Hybrid Energy Storage System of Electric Vehicles. The 5th International Exhibition and Conference on Control and Automation. Viet Nam, (Published).
- Nguyen, VH*, Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC. (2019). Comparative Study of Disturbance Observer-based Control and Active Disturbance Rejection Control in Brushless DC Motor Drives. The 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2019). (Published).
- Daouda, M*; Troão, JPF; González-Rubio, R; Ta, MC. (2019). Comparison of Different Power Train Topologies for an Off-Road Electric Vehicle. The 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2019). (Published).
- Nguyen, VN*; Vo-Duy, T; Nguyen, VH*; Ta, MC; Troão, JPF. (2019). Extension of DC Supply Working Range Voltage in EVs Using Bidirectional Quasi-Z-Source Inverter. The 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2019). (Published).
- Nguyen, TPC*; Nguyen, B-H; Troão, JPF; Ta, MC. (2019). Impact of Battery Temperature on Motor Flux Weakening Operations in Electric Vehicles. The 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2019). (Published).
- Bui-Dang, Q*; Nguyen, DN*; Vu, HP; Ta, MC. (2019). Implementation of Frequency-approach-based Energy Management for EVs Using Typhoon HIL402. The 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2019). (Published).
- Nguyen, BS*; Nguyen, VH*; Ta, MC. (2019). Improved Advance-phase Technique for Brushless DC Motor Control in High Speed Region. The 10th International Conference on Power Electronics-ECCE Asia (ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia). (Published).
- Nguyen, CTP*; Trovão, JPF; Nguyen, B-H; Ta, MC. (2019). Powertrain Analysis of an All-Wheel-Drive Off-Road Electric Vehicle. The 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2019). (Published).
- Doan, TK*; Tran MT*; To, TT*; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC. (2019). Traction Control System of Electric Vehicles Based on Fuzzy Controller and Adhesive Coefficient Estimation. The 5th International Exhibition and Conference on Control and Automation (VCCA-2019). Viet Nam, (Published).
- Nguyen, KT*; Nguyen, VN*; Vo-Duy, T; Ta, MC. (2019). Traction Control System of Electric Vehicles Based on Sliding Mode Controller. The 5th International Exhibition and Conference on Control and Automation (VCCA-2019). Viet Nam, (Published).
- Daouda, M*; Troão, JPF; González-Rubio, R; Ta, MC. (2018). Comparison of Bidirectional Quasi Z-Source and Bidirectional Conventional Two-Stage-Inverter for Electric Traction System. The 2018 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2018). (Published).
- Vo-Duy, T*; Ta, MC. (2018). Slip Ratio Estimation for Traction Control of Electric Vehicles. The 2018 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2018). (Published).
Propriétés intellectuelles
- Ta CM, Kobayashi H. (2011). Control device of electric power steering apparatus. EP 1591300 B1. Japan. (Granted/Issued).
- Ta CM, Endo S. (2011). Motor and drive control device therefor. EP 1587210 B1. Japan. (Granted/Issued).
- Ta CM. (2010). Motor drive-controlling device and electric power-steering device. EP 1583217 B1. Japan. (Granted/Issued).
- Endo S, Aoki Y, Kobayashi H, Ta CM. (2009). Control apparatus of electric power steering apparatus. US 7548035 B2. Japan. (Granted/Issued).
- Ta CM, Jiang C, Endo S. (2009). Controller for electric power steering device. US 7574294 B2. Japan. (Granted/Issued).
- Ta CM, Jiang C, Kobayashi H. (2009). Method and apparatus for controlling electric power steering system. US 8285451 B2. Japan. (Granted/Issued).
- Ta CM, Kobayashi H, Endo S. (2008). Control device for electric power steering apparatus. US 7443131 B2. Japan. (Granted/Issued).
- Ta CM, Takase H, Kobayashi H. (2008). Device for controlling electric-motor power steering device. US 7345442 B2. Japan. (Granted/Issued).
- Ta CM, Endo S. (2008). Motor and drive control device therefor. US 7339346 B2. Japan. (Granted/Issued).
- Ta CM, Endo S. (2008). Motor and drive control device therefor. US 7463006 B2. Japan. (Granted/Issued).
- Kobayashi H, Ta CM. (2007). Control device for electric power steering. DE 602005000487 T2. Japan. (Granted/Issued).
- Ta CM, Endo S, Kobayashi H, Saito M. (2007). Motor drive apparatus and electric power steering apparatus. US 7187154 B2. Japan. (Granted/Issued).
Autres contributions
Cours enseignés
- Machines électriques tournantes. GEL-345. (2024-06-25 à 2024-07-15).(3CR).
- Électronique de puissance. GEL-331. (2024-06-10 à 2024-06-21).(2CR).
- Machines synchrones et traction électrique. GEI-784. (2024-02-13 à 2024-03-15).(3CR).
- Modélisation et commande de véhicules électriques. GEI-786. (2024-01-09 à 2024-02-02).(3CR).
- Machines électriques tournantes. GEL-345. (2023-06-27 à 2023-07-17).(3CR).
- Électronique de puissance. GEL-331. (2023-06-12 à 2023-06-26).(2CR).
- Éléments de circuit en courant alternatif et Transformateurs de puissance. GEL-342. (2023-05-29 à 2023-06-09).(2CR).
- Machines synchrones et traction électrique. GEI-784. (2023-02-14 à 2023-03-17).(3CR).
- Modélisation et commande de véhicules électriques. GEI-786. (2023-01-10 à 2023-02-03).(3CR).
- Machines électriques tournantes. GEL-345. (2022-06-28 à 2022-07-18).(3CR).
- Électronique de puissance. GEL-331. (2022-05-30 à 2022-06-10).(2CR).
- Machines synchrones et traction électrique. GEI-784. (2022-02-15 à 2022-03-18).(3CR).
- Modélisation et commande de véhicules électriques. GEI-786. (2022-01-11 à 2022-02-04).(3CR).
- Machines électriques tournantes. GEL-345. (2021-11-01 à 2021-11-19).(3CR).
- Machines électriques tournantes. GEL-345. (2021-06-28 à 2021-07-16).(3CR).
- Machines synchrones et traction électrique. GEI-784. (2021-02-15 à 2021-03-12).(3CR).
- Modélisation et commande de véhicules électriques. GEI-786. (2021-01-13 à 2021-02-03).(3CR).
- Moteur à courant continu pour la robotique. GRO-301. (2020-05-04 à 2020-05-15).(2CR).
Gestion d'évènements
- General Chair. (2024) The 2024 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE-VPPC’2024), Washington DC, USA. (Conference).
- Recent Results Co-Chair. (2023) The 2023 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion (IEEE VPPC 2023). (Conference).
- Co-Chair. (2022) Special Session on “Advanced Control Technologies for Multi-Motor Multi-Source Vehicles” in the 19th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2022), Merced, USA. (Conference).
- Plenary Co-Chair. (2022) The 11th International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS 2022). (Conference).
- Tutorial Co-Chair. (2022) The 2022 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2022). (Conference).
- Awards Co-Chair. (2021) The 2021 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2021). (Conference).
- Awards Co-Chair. (2020) The 2020 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE VPPC 2020). (Conference).
- Co-Chair. (2020) Special Session on “EMR and Other Graphic Descriptions” in the 17th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2020), Gijon, Spain. (Conference).
- General Chair. (2019) The 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE-VPPC’2019), Hanoi, Vietnam. (Conference).
- General Chair. (2018) The 11th International Summer School – EMR’2018 “Modelling and control using Energetic Macroscopic Representation – Application to hybrid electric vehicles and others”, Hanoi, Vietnam. (Workshop).
Activités de collaboration internationale
- Collaborator. Japan. Research project "Glocal (Global/Local) Energy Management for Multi-motor Electric Vehicles" at Toyota Technological Institute.
- (2024). Electric Propulsion Systems for EVs: Status and Trends. The 49th VPEC webinar on "Electric Vehicles: Opportunities and Challenges". Hanoi, Viet Nam
- (2023). Tutorial: "Advanced Motor Control and Motion Control for Electric Vehicle (EV) Applications". The 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS 2023). Hanoi, Viet Nam
- João Pedro F. Trovão. (2022). Energy Management and Motor, Motion Control of Electric Vehicles. The 6th Vietnam Conference on Control and Automation (VCCA). HoChiMinh city, Viet Nam
- (2022). Motion Control of EVs: Recent development and future trends. The 33rd VPEC webinar on "Technological Challenges of EVs". Hanoi, Viet Nam
- Binh-Minh Nguyen. (2022). Tutorial: "Advanced Motor Drive Control and Motion Control for EVs". The 6th Vietnam Conference on Control and Automation (VCCA). HoChiMinh city, Viet Nam
- (2021). EMR and Inversion-based Control of an Electric Vehicle. The 14th International Summer School – EMR’2021 “Modelling and control using Energetic Macroscopic Representation - Application to hybrid electric vehicles and others”. Lille, France
- (2021). Electric vehicles – environment-friendly means of transport for sustainable development. The 2nd Vietnam Summit in Japan. Tokyo, Japan
- (2021). State-of-the-art of motor control and related technologies for electric vehicles. The 8th EVF (Energy and Cities of the Future) International Conference. Cergy, France
- (2020). Electrified automotive industry: A review on trends, key technologies, and recommendations on roadmap for Vietnam. The 1st International Symposium on Power, Energy and Cybernetics (ISPEC 2020). Hanoi, Viet Nam
- (2018). Control of Electric Vehicles : State-of-the-art and Prospectives. The 5th Symposium on Energy and City of the Future (EVF’2018). Fès, Morocco
- (2018). Performance Improvement of Industrial Motor Drives using Artificial-Intelligence based Control Techniques. The 2018 Vietnam joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Life (AI4Life-2018). Hanoi, Viet Nam
- Thanh Vo-Duy. (2018). Tutorial: "Advanced Motor Drive Control and Motion Control for EVs". The 14th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2018), Chicago, USA, Aug. 26-30, 2018. Chicago, United States of America