Brigitte Guérin
Professeure, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Dép. médecine nucléaire et radiobiologie
Sujet de recherche
Synthèse chimique et catalyse, Molécules organiques et biomolécules, Diagnostic et détection du cancer, Cancer du sein, Cancer de la prostate
Disciplines de recherche
Médecine nucléaire, Chimie
chélateur, hétérodimère peptidique, peptide cyclique, radioisotopes, radiomarquage, radiométaux, radiopharmaceutique, réaction chemosélective, synthèse de peptide, TEP
Intérêts de recherche
Des nouveaux outils diagnostiques peuvent améliorer le suivi clinique de patients atteints de cancer. La tomographie à émission de positron (TEP) est une technique d’imagerie puissante qui permet de suivre la distribution d’infimes concentrations de composés marqués servant à la détection des cancers. Mes intérêts de recherche portent sur le design, la synthèse et la validation préclinique de radiotraceurs peptidiques ciblant des biomarqueurs surexprimés dans divers cancers pour l’imagerie TEP. Plus spécifiquement, je m’intéresse au développement de méthodes de radiosynthèse ultra-rapide permettant d’incorporer efficacement le 18F ou d’autres radiométaux émetteurs de positrons tels le 64Cu, 89Zr et le 68Ga aux dérivés peptidiques. Cette dernière approche implique le développement de chélateurs qui pourraient accélérer le marquage de peptides dans des conditions très douces et offrir une grande stabilité de complexation in vivo.
Centre de recherche
Centre de recherche du CHUS
Langues parlées et écrites
Anglais, Français
(2007). (Postdoctorat, Postdoctorat en chimie). Université de Sherbrooke.
(1995). (Postdoctorat, Postdoctorat en chimie). Université de Montréal.
(1994). (Doctorat, Doctorat en chimie). Université de Sherbrooke.
(1988). (Baccalauréat, Baccalauréat en chimie). Université de Sherbrooke.
Prix et distinctions
- (2020) Research Chair Jeanne et Jean-Louis Lévesque de radiobiologie. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prix).
- (2019) 2018 Clara Benson Award Winner. Sponsored by the Canadian Council of University Chemistry Chairs (CCUCC),. Chemical Institute of Canada/Canadian Society for Chemistry. (Prix).
- First Winner- Category Quality of Care and Services: 68Ga-DOTA-TATE--. Centre intégré universitaire de santé et des services sociaux de l'Estrie (CIUSSE)-CHUS. (Distinction).
- Mérite Estrien for my leadership in the cyclotron-produced Tc-99m project. La Tribune for a regional recognition. (Distinction).
- Prix d'excellence de groupe, catégorie Rayonnement for a national effort to develop an alternative production method for Tc-99m using cyclotron. Centre Hospitalier Univ. de Sherbrooke. (Distinction).
- Prix du Doyen au Gala du Mérite Dean's Award Production of Tc-99m by cyclotron. Université de Sherbrooke. (Distinction).
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Tools for the preparation of peptide-based radioligands. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Discovery grant. 145 000 $. (2019-2024)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Combined 4FMFES and FDG-PET imaging in advanced breast cancer: a phase II study. Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF). Innovation to Impact Grants. 449 668 $. (2020-2023)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Etude des interactions supramoléculaires des feuillets pour la détection précoce et la désagrégation des protéines amyloïdes. Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT). Team grant. 190 500 $. (2020-2023)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Imaging, understanding, and managing radiotherapy inflammation and radiation necrosis. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Project grant. 914 175 $. (2017-2022)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Implantation des normes BPL et BPF pour la plateforme d’imagerie du CIMS-CRCHUS. Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation. Soutien aux plateformes technologiques stratégiques du MÉI. 585 666 $. (2019-2022)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Early detection and in vivo estrogen receptor status determination of uterine and ovarian cancers using the novel PET tracer 4FMFES: a phase I/II study. Société Canadienne du Cancer. Innovative Grants - 2018. 199 672 $. (2018-2021)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Optimizing care for castration-resistant prostate cancer patients using triple-tracer molecular imaging and targeted radioligand therapy. Oncopole. Oncopole-EMC2. 1 500 000 $. (2018-2021)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. APPROVISIONNEMENT EN TECHNÉTIUM AU QUÉBEC. Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux (MSSS). N/A. 859 905 $. (2017-2020)
- Chaire de recherche. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Chaire Jeanne et Jean-Louis Lévesque de radiobiologie. Fonds Institutionnel de Recherche de l'Université de Sherbrooke. Chaire institutionnelle. 575 000 $. (2016-2020)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Conception et réalisation d'une unité de synthèse automatisée pour la préparation du [18F]-FMPEP-d2.. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). EGP - Subventions d'engagement partenarial pour les universités. 25 000 $. (2019-2020)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Imaging agents for the early detection of amyloid and neurodegenerative diseases. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). Partenariat MOST/ FRQNT/FRSQ. 150 000 $. (2017-2020)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Optimiser les soins des patients atteints du cancer de la prostate résistant à la castration. Fondation du CHUS/Bombardier produits récréatifs. N/A. 300 000 $. (2019-2020)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. Biopsie corps entier du cancer du sein par imagerie TEP: Meilleur diagnostic non-invasif pour un traitement plus personnalisé. Fonds Jean-Luc Mongrain et de la Fondation du CHUS. N/A. 50 000 $. (2018-2019)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Développement d’un nouveau traceur TEP de l’activité microgliale et validation en contexte de douleur chronique. RQRD-RBIQ. Concours de subvention inter-réseaux RQRD-RBIQ 2017-2018. 20 000 $. (2018-2019)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Vers l’exploitation de biopsies pancorporelles non-invasives dans le cancer du sein : développement d’une capacité multicentrique en vue d’une étude de phase II d’imagerie TEP ciblant les récepteurs d’estrogène (ER) et HER2 à l’aide du 4FMFES et du 8. RBIQ. INITIATIVE STRATÉGIQUE. 25 000 $. (2018-2019)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. Imagerie TEP des récepteurs d’œstrogène au 4FMFES : du cancer du sein vers les cancers gynécologiques. Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Sherbrooke (CRCHUS). PAFI. 25 000 $. (2018-2019)
- Subvention. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Fight hypoxia for personalized brain cancer therapy. Merck Sharp & Dohme. Don de Merck Sharp & Dohme. 50 000 $. (2016-2017)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. High affinity inhibitors of PACE4 with therapeutic implications for prostate cancer. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Project grant. 696 150 $.
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Validation of a PET imaging agent for the detection of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. MEI. Projets de maturation technologique. 300 000 $.
Articles de revue
- Aiman H. Alnahwi, Samia Ait-Mohand, Véronique Dumulon-Perreault, Yves L. Dory, and Brigitte Guérin*. (2020). A new zirconium-89 chelator with superior performance. ACS Omega 5 (119), 10731–10739. (Article publié).
- M. Paquette, S. Phoenix, C. Lawson, B. Guérin, R. Lecomte, L.-H. Tai, É. E. Turcotte, J. V. Leyton. (2020). A preclinical PETdual-tracer imaging protocol for ER and HER2 phenotyping in breast cancer xenografts. EJNMMI Research 10 (69), 1-13. (Article publié).
- M. Habashi, S. Vutla, P. S. Chauhan, S. Senapati, M. Richman, B. Guérin*, W. D. Lubell*, and S. Rahimipour* * Co-last authors. (2020). Azaglycine insertioninto cyclic D,L-α-peptides affects nanotube assembly enhancing disruption andcytotoxic mitigation of amyloid forming protein. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. N/A N/A. (Article soumis).
- A.-M. Carreau, C. Noll, D. P. Blondin, F. Frisch, M. Nadeau, M. Pelletier, S. Phoenix, S. C. Cunnane, B. Guérin, E. E. Turcotte, L. Biertho2 A. Tchernof, and A. C. Carpentier. (2020). Bariatric surgery rapidly decreases cardiacdietary fatty acid partitioning and hepatic insulin resistance throughincreased intra-abdominal adipose tissue storage and reduced spillover in type2 diabetes. Diabetes N/A N/A. (Article accepté).
- G. Richard, C. Noll, M. Archambault, R. Lebel, L. Tremblay, S. Ait-Mohand, B. Guérin, D. P. Blondin, A. C. Carpentier, M. Lepage. (2020). Contribution ofperfusion to the 11C-acetate signal in brown adipose tissue assessedby DCE-MRI and 68Ga-DOTA PET in a rat model. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.28535 N/A N/A. (Article accepté).
- M. Paquette; S. Phoenix; É. Lavallée; J.A. Rousseau; B. Guérin; É.E. Turcotte; R. Lecomte. (2020). Cross-species physiological assessment of brainestrogen receptor expression using 18F-FES and 18F-4FMFESPET imaging. Molecular Imaging and Biology 22 1403-1413. (Article publié).
- D. P. Blondin, S Nielsen, E. N. Kuipers, M. C. Severinsen, V. H. Jensen, S. Miard, N. Z. Jespersen, S. Kooijman, M. R. Boon, M. Fortin, S. Phoenix, F. Frisch, B. Guérin, É. E. Turcotte, F. Haman, D. Richard, F. Picard, P. C.N. Rensen, C. Scheele, A. C. Carpentier. (2020). Human brown adipocytethermogenesis is driven by the β2-AR stimulation. Cell Metabolism 32 (2), 287-300. (Article publié).
- A.R. Jalilian, J.A. Osso Jr., J. Vera-Araujo, V. Kumar, M.J. Harris, B. Gutfilen, B. Guérin, H. Li, F. Zhuravlev, R. Chakravarty, B. Alirezapour, M. A. Ávila-Rodríguez, I. Ullah Khan, I. Aljammaz, T. Assaad , G. Luurtsema, J. Smith, A. Duatti. (2020). IAEA contribution to the development of copper-64 radiopharmaceuticals for theranostic applications. The Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging N/A N/A. (Article soumis).
- É. Montastier, R. Z. Ye, C. Noll, L. Bouffard, M. Fortin, F. Frisch, S. Phoenix, B. Guérin, É. E Turcotte, G. F. Lewis, A. C. Carpentier. (2020). Increased postprandial nonesterified fatty acid flux in prediabetes is temperedby enhanced dietary fatty acid trapping in adipose tissues. Diabetes N/A N/A. (Article soumis).
- C. Noll; É. Montastier; M. Amrani; M. Kunach; F. Frisch; M. Fortin; L. Bouffard; S. Dubreuil; S. Phoenix; S. C. Cunnane; B. Guérin; E. E. Turcotte; M, Laville and A. C. Carpentier. (2020). Seven-day overfeeding enhances adipose tissuedietary fatty acid storage and decreases myocardial and muscle dietary fattyacid partitioning in healthy subjects. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 318 (2), E286-E296. (Article publié).
- H. Ali; B. Guérin; J.E. van Lier. (2020). gemSynthesis, spectral andcrystal structures of -dibromovinyl boron dipyrrins. Dyes and Pigments 179 108399. (Article publié).
- A. H. Alnahwi, S. Tremblay, S. Ait-Mohand, V. Dumulon-Perreault, J.-F. Beaudoin and B. Guérin. (2019). Automated radiosynthesisof 68Ga for large-scale routine production using 68Zn pressed target. Applied Radiation and Isotopes N/A N/A. (Article soumis).
- F. Alves, S. Bertrand, T. Degrado, K. Gagnon, B. Guérin, C. Hoehr, M. Pandey, S. Tremblay. (2019). Gallium-68Cyclotron Production. IAEA TECDOC-1863 N/A N/A. (Article publié).
- T, Tippayamontri, B. Guérin, R. Ouellet, O. Sarrhini, J. Rousseau, R. Lecomte, B. Paquette and L. Sanche. (2019). Intra-tumoral18F-FLT infusion in metabolic targeted radiotherapy. EJNMMI Research 9 33. (Article publié).
- J.-L., Beaudeau*; V. Blais, B. Holleran, G. Pineyro, B. Guérin, L. Gendron, Y. Dory. (2019). N-guanidyland C-tetrazole Leu-Enkephalin Derivatives: Efficient Delta Opioid ReceptorAgonists with Improved Pharmacological Properties. ACS Chemical Neuroscience N/A N/A. (Article accepté).
- H. Ali; J.E. van Lier; B. Guérin. (2019). Radiolabeled BODIPYs: AnOverview. J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 23 781–796. (Article publié).
- H. Ali; B. Guérin; J.E. van Lier. (2019). gem-DiBromovinylBoron Dipyrrins: Synthesis, Spectral Properties and Crystal Structures. Dalton Trans. 48 (30), 11492-11507. (Article publié).
- A. H. Alnahwi*, S. Tremblay*, B. Guérin. (2018). ComparativeStudy with 89Y-foil and 89Y-pressed Targets for theProduction of 89Zr. Appl. Sci. 8 1579. (Article publié).
- A. Kwiatkowska, F. Couture, S. Ait-Mohand, R. Desjardins, Y. L. Dory, B. Guérin, and R. Day. (2018). Enhancedanti-tumor activity of the Multi-Leu peptide PACE4 inhibitor transformed intoan albumin-bound tumor-targeting prodrug. Scientific Reports 9:2118 1-12. (Révision demandée).
- N. Mansour*, M. Paquette*, S. Ait-Mohand*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, B. Guérin. (2018). Evaluation of a novel GRPR antagonist for prostate cancer PET imaging: [64Cu]-DOTHA2-PEG-RM26. Nuclear Medicine and Biology 56 31–38. (Article publié).
- D. Bella Ndong*,V Blais, B. J. Holleran, A. Proteau-Gagne, I. Cantin-Savoie, W Robert, J.-F. Nadon, S. Beauchemin, R. Leduc, G Pineyro, B. Guerin, L. Gendron, Y. L. Dory. (2018). Explorationof the fifth position of leu-enkephalin and its role in binding and activatingdelta (DOP) and mu (MOP) opioid receptors. Peptide Science 111 (1), e24070. (Article publié).
- M. Paquette,* É. Lavallée, S. Phoenix*, R. Ouellet*, H. Senta, J. E. van Lier, B. Guérin, R. Lecomte, and É. E. Turcotte. (2018). Improved Estrogen Receptor assessment by PET using the novel tracer 4FMFES over FES inER+ breast cancer patients in an ongoing phase II clinical trial. J. Nucl. Med. 59 197-203. (Article publié).
- S. Beaudoin*, M. Paquette*, L. Fafard-Couture, M.A. Tremblay, R. Lecomte, B. Guerin, and J.V. Leyton. (2018). Initial evaluation of antibody-conjugates modified with viral-derived peptides for increasingcellular accumulation and improving tumor targeting. Journal of Visualized Experimentation (JOVE) 133 N/A. (Article publié).
- M. Paquette*, S. Beaudoin*, M.-A.Tremblay, S. Jean, A. Lopez, R. Lecomte, B. Guérin, M. Bentourkia, R. Sabbagh, J Leyton. (2018). NLS-cholic acid conjugation to IL-5R?-specific antibody improves cellular accumulation andin vivo tumor-targeting properties in a bladder cancer model. Bioconjug. Chem. 29 (4), 1352–1363. (Article publié).
- René Ouellet*, Sébastien Tremblay*, Brigitte Guérin. (2017). A new simple method for the purification of sodium pertechnetate produced by cyclotron and therecycling of molybdenum. Nuclear Medicine and Biology (Article soumis).
- S. Osati,* H. Ali*, F. Marques, M. Paquette*, S. Beaudoin*, B. Guerin, J. V. Leyton, J. E. van Lier. (2017). BODIPY-17a-ethynylestradiol conjugates: Synthesis,fluorescence properties and receptor binding affinities. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 27 443–446. (Article publié).
- D.P. Blondin, H. C. Tingelstad, C.Noll, F. Frisch, S. Phoenix*, B. Guérin, É. E. Turcotte, D. Richard, F Haman, A. C. Carpentier. (2017). Dietary fatty acid metabolism of brown adipose tissue in cold-acclimatedmen. Nature Communications 14146 N/A. (Article publié).
- N. Mansour,* V. Dumulon-Perreault*, S. Ait-Mohand*, M. Paquette,* R. Lecomte, B. Guérin. (2017). Impact of charged linker on biodistribution of [64Cu]NOTA peptide-based GRPR antagonists. Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 60 (4), 200-212. (Article publié).
- D.P. Blondin, F. Frisch, S. Phoenix*, B. Guérin, É. E. Turcotte, D. Richard, F. Haman, A. C. Carpentier. (2017). Inhibition of intracellular triglyceride lipolysis suppresses coldinduced brown adipose tissue metabolism and increases shivering in humans. Cell Metab. 25 438-447. (Article publié).
- F. Panet, F. Couture*, A. Kwiatkowska, R. Desjardins, B. Guérin , R. Day. (2017). PACE4 is an important driver of ZR-75-1 estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer proliferation andtumor progression. European Journal of Cell Biology 96 (5), 469-475. (Article publié).
- S.V. Selivanova*, É. Lavallée, H. Senta, L. Caouette, A. J. McEwan, B. Guérin, R. Lecomte, É. Turcotte. (2017). Phase I clinical trial using sodium pertechnetate 99mTc produced with a medium-energycyclotron. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 58 (5), 791-798. (Article publié).
- S. Osati*, H. Ali*, B. Guérin and J. E. van Lier. (2017). Steroid-photosensitizerconjugates: Syntheses and applications. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 21 701–730. (Article publié).
- A Pirisedigh,* V. D. Blais, S. Ait-Mohand*, K. Abdallah, B. J. Holleran, R. Leduc, Y. L. Dory, L. Gendron, B. Gue?rin. (2017). Synthesis and Evaluation of a Novel 64Cu/NOTA-TIPP Conjugate, a Selective?-Opioid Receptor PET Imaging Agent. Organic Letters 19 (8), 2018-2021. (Article publié).
- S. Osati*; H. Ali*; B. Guérin; J. E. van Lier. (2017). Synthesis and spectral properties of estrogen- and androgen-BODIPY conjugates. Steroids 123 27–36. (Article publié).
- M. Paquette,* L.-G. Perez-Vilera, S. Beaudoin*, N. Ekindi-Ndongo, P.-L. Boudreaut, M.-A. Bonin, M.-C. Battista, M. Bentourkia, A. Lopez, R. Lecomte, E. Marsault, B. Guerin, R. Sabbagh, and J. Leyton. (2017). Targeting IL-5R? with antibody-conjugates reveals a strategy for imaging and therapy for invasive bladder cancer. OncoImmunology 6 (10), e1331195. (Article publié).
- J.-F.Nadon,* K. Rochon, G. Langlois, S. Grastilleur, B. Guérin, L. Gendron, Y. Dory. (2017). ZSynthesis of Gly-?[()CF=CH]-Phe,a fluoroalkene dipeptide isostere and its incorporation into a Leu-enkephalinpeptidomimetic. ACS Chemical Neuroscience 8 (1), 40-49. (Article publié).
- M. Shi,* B. Paquette, T. Thippayamontri, L. Gendron, B. Guérin & L. Sanche. (2016). Increased radio-sensitivity of colorectal tumor with intra-tumoral injection of low doseof gold nanoparticles. International Journal of Nanomedicine 11 5323-5333. (Article publié).
- C. Zhang, J. Pan, K.-S. Lin, I. Dude, J. Lau, H. Merkens, S. Jenni, B. Guérin, F. Bénard. (2016). Targeting the neuropeptide Y1 receptor for cancer imaging by positron emission tomographyusing novel truncated peptides. Molecular Pharmaceutics N/A (7), 3657-3664. (Article publié).
- D P. Blondin, S M. Labbé, S Phoenix*, B Guérin, É E. Turcotte, D Richard, A C. Carpentier, and F Haman. (2015). Contributions of white and brown adipose tissues and skeletal muscles to acute cold-induced metabolic response in healthy men. Journal of Physiology 593 (3), 701-14. (Article publié).
- Couture F*, Ly K, Levesque C, Kwiatkowska A, Ait-Mohand S*, Desjardins R, Guérin B, Day R. (2015). Multi-Leu PACE4 Inhibitor Retention within Cells Is PACE4 Dependent and a Prerequisite for Antiproliferative Activity. Biomed Res Int. 2015 824014. (Article publié).
- C. Levesque , F. Couture*, A .Kwiatkowska, R. Desjardins , B. Guérin , W. Neugebauer, R. Day. (2015). PACE4 Inhibitors and Their Peptidomimetic Analogs Block Prostate Cancer Tumor Progression Through Quiescence Induction, Increased Apoptosis and Impaired Neovascularisation. Oncotarget 6 (6), 3680-93. (Article publié).
- Selivanova SV*, Lavallée É, Senta H, Caouette L, Sader JA, van Lier EJ, Zyuzin A, van Lier JE, Guérin B, Turcotte É, Lecomte R. (2015). Radioisotopic Purity of Sodium Pertechnetate 99mTc Produced with a Medium-Energy Cyclotron: Implications for Internal Radiation Dose, Image Quality, and Release Specifications. J Nucl Med. 56 (10), 1600-8. (Article publié).
- D. P. Blondin, S. M. Labbé, C. Noll, M. Kunach, S. Phoenix*, B Guérin, É E. Turcotte, F Haman, D Richard, A C. Carpentier. (2015). Selective impairment of glucose, but not fatty acid or oxidative metabolism in brown adipose tissue of subjects with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 64 (7), 2388-97. (Article publié).
- Noll C, Kunach M, Frisch F, Bouffard L, Dubreuil S, Jean-Denis F, Phoenix S*, Cunnane SC, Guérin B, Turcotte EE, Carpentier AC. (2015). Seven-day caloric and saturated fat restriction increases myocardial dietary fatty acid partitioning in impaired glucose-tolerant subjects. Diabetes 64 (11), 3690-9. (Article publié).
- S. Ait-Mohand*, C. Denis,* G. Tremblay,* M. Paquette* and B. Guérin. (2014). Development of Bifunctional Chelates Bearing Hydroxamate Arms for Highly Efficient 64Cu Radiolabeling. Organic Letters 16 4512-4515. (Article publié).
- M Kunach, C Noll, S Phoenix*, B Guérin, J-P Baillargeon, E E. Turcotte, AC. Carpentier. (2014). Effect of Sex and Impaired Glucose Tolerance on Organ-Specific Dietary Fatty Acid Metabolism in Humans. Diabetes 64 (7), 2432-41. (Article publié).
- Labbé SM , Noll C , Grenier-Larouche T , Kunach M , Bouffard L , Phoenix S*, Guérin B , Baillargeon JP , Langlois MF , Turcotte EE , Carpentier AC. (2014). Improved cardiac function and dietary fatty acid metabolism after modest weight loss in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism 306 (12), E1388-E1396. (Article publié).
- Blondin DP , Labbé SM , Christian Tingelstad H , Noll C , Kunach M , Phoenix S*, Guérin B , Turcotte EE , Carpentier AC , Richard D , Haman F. (2014). Increased brown adipose tissue oxidative capacity in cold-acclimated humans. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 99 (3), E438–E446. (Article publié).
- F Couture*, C Levesque, V Dumulon-Perreault, S Ait-Mohand, F D’Anjou, R Day*, B Guérin*. (2014). PACE4-based molecular targeting of prostate cancer using an engineered 64Cu-radiolabeled peptide inhibitor. Neoplasia 16 (8), 634-643. (Article publié).
- Ranyuk E,* Lebel R , Bérubé-Lauzière Y , Klarskov K , Lecomte R , van Lier JE , Guérin B. (2013). (68)Ga/DOTA- and (64)Cu/NOTA-Phthalocyanine Conjugates as Fluorescent/PET Bimodal Imaging Probes. Bioconjugate chemistry 24 (9), 1624–1633. (Article publié).
- Inkster J*, Lin KS , Ait-Mohand S*, Gosselin S*, Bénard F , Guérin B, Pourghiasian M , Ruth T, Schaffer P, Storr T. (2013). 2-Fluoropyridine prosthetic compounds for the (18)F labeling of bombesin analogues. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 23 (13), 3920-6. (Article publié).
- Beaudoin J, Ekici S, Daldal F, Ait-Mohand S*, Guérin B, Labbé S. (2013). Copper transport and regulation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Biochem Soc Trans 41 (6), 1679–1686. (Article publié).
- M. Kunach, C. Noll, S.M. Labbé, T. Grenier-Larouche, L. Bouffard, S. Phoenix, B. Guérin, J.P. Baillargeon, M.F. Langlois, E.E. Turcotte, A.C. Carpentier. (2013). Improved Cardiopulmonary Functional Capacity Following a One-Year Lifestyle Intervention Regimen Does Not Explain Improved Postprandial Myocardial Dietary Fatty Acid Metabolism in Patients with Impaired Glucose Tolerance. Can. J. Diabetes 37 (S4), S50. (Article publié).
- Ranyuk E,* Cauchon N , Klarskov K , Guérin B , van Lier JE. (2013). Phthalocyanine-Peptide Conjugates: Receptor-Targeting Bifunctional Agents for Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 56 (4), 1520–1534. (Article publié).
- Rochon K , Proteau-Gagné A, Bourassa P , Nadon JF , Côté J , Bournival V , Gobeil F , Guérin B, Dory YL , Gendron L. (2013). Preparation and Evaluation at the Delta Opioid Receptor of a Series of Linear Leu-Enkephalin Analogues Obtained by Systematic Replacement of the Amides. ACS chemical neuroscience DOI: 10.1021/cn40005 1204-16. (Article publié).
- C. Noll, M. Kunach, S. Phoenix*, B. Guérin, E.E. Turcotte, A.C. Carpentier. (2013). Seven-Day Caloric and Saturated Fat Restriction Increases Myocardial Dietary Fatty Acid Partitioning in Subjects with Impaired Glucose Tolerance. Can. J. Diabetes 37 (S4), S70. (Article publié).
- Proteau-Gagné A , Rochon K , Roy M , Albert PJ , Guérin B, Gendron L , Dory YL. (2013). Systematic replacement of amides by 1,4-disubstituted[1,2,3]triazoles in Leu-enkephalin and the impact on the delta opioid receptor activity. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 23 (19), 5267-9. (Article publié).
- Lebel, R., Zarifyussefian, N., Letendre-Jauniaux, M., Daigle, O., Ranyuk, E.*, Van Lier, J., Guérin, B., Lecomte, R., Massonneau, M., Ducharme, M.-E., and Bérubé Lauzière,. (2013). Ultra-high sensitivity detection of bimodal probes at ultra-low noise for combined fluorescence and positron emission tomography imaging. Proc. SPIE 8574, Multimodal Biomedical Imaging VIII, SPIE BiOS - Photonics 85740M 1-7. (Article publié).
- S M. Labbé, É E. Turcotte, B Guérin,R Lecomte et A C. Carpentier. (2012). Avancées de l’imagerie par tomographie d’émission par positrons pour l’élucidationdes mécanismes menant aux complications cardiométaboliques de l’obésité. Médecine Sciences Amérique 1 (4), 135-150. (Article publié).
- Ouellet V, Labbé SM, Blondin DP, Phoenix S*, Guérin B, Haman F, Turcotte EE, Richard D, Carpentier AC. (2012). Brown adipose tissue oxidative metabolism contributes to energy expenditure during acute cold exposure in humans. The Journal of clinical investigation 122 (2), 545-52. (Article publié).
- P. Fournier,* V. Dumulon-Perreault*, S. Ait-Mohand*, R. Langlois, F. Bénard, R. Lecomte and B. Guérin. (2012). Comparative study of 64Cu/NOTA-[D-Tyr6,?Ala11,Thi13,Nle14]BBN(6-14) monomer and dimers for prostate cancer PET imaging. EJNMMI Res. 2 (8), 8. (Article publié).
- Bessi VL , Labbé SM, Huynh DN, Ménard L, Jossart C, Febbraio M, Guérin B, Bentourkia M, Lecomte R, Carpentier AC, Ong H, Marleau S. (2012). EP 80317, a selective CD36 ligand, shows cardioprotective effects against post-ischaemic myocardial damage in mice. Cardiovascular research 96 (1), 99-108. (Article publié).
- Labbé SM, Grenier-Larouche T, Noll C , Phoenix S*, Guérin B, Turcotte EE, Carpentier AC. (2012). Increased myocardial uptake of dietary fatty acids linked to cardiac dysfunction in glucose-intolerant humans. Diabetes 61 (11), 2701-10. (Article publié).
- Fournier P,* Dumulon-Perreault V*, Ait-Mohand S*, Tremblay S*, Bénard F, Lecomte R, Guérin B. (2012). Novel radiolabeled peptides for breast and prostate tumor PET imaging: (64)Cu/and (68)Ga/NOTA-PEG-[D-Tyr(6),?Ala(11),Thi(13),Nle(14)]BBN(6-14). Bioconjugate chemistry 23 (8), 1687-93. (Article publié).
- A. Radulska, S. Ait-Mohand*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, R. Lebel, R. Zriba, B. Guérin, W.Neugebauer, M. Lepage. (2012). Stability studies on MMP-2 specific peptides for the preparation of molecular probes. Proceedings of the 32nd European Peptide Symposium, George Kokotos, Violetta Constantinou-Kokotou, John Matsoukas (Editors)European Peptide Society N/A 228-9. (Article publié).
- Inkster JA, Liu K, Ait-Mohand S*, Schaffer P, Guérin B, Ruth TJ, Storr T. (2012). Sulfonyl fluoride-based prosthetic compounds as potential (18) f labelling agents. Chemistry, A Europeen Journal 18 (35), 11079-87. (Article publié).
- Ait-Mohand S, Fournier P,* Dumulon-Perreault V, Kiefer GE, Jurek P, Ferreira CL, Bénard F, Guérin B. (2011). Evaluation of 64Cu-labeled bifunctional chelate-bombesin conjugates. Bioconjugate chemistry 22 (8), 1729-35. (Article publié).
- A. Proteau-Gagné, J.-F. Nadon, S. Bernard, B. Guérin,* L. Gendron* and Y. L. Dory. (2011). Kinetic deconjugation: a gateway to the synthesis of Xxx-Gly (E)-alkene dipeptide isosteres. Tetrahedron Letters 52 (49), 6603-6605. (Article publié).
- Labbé SM , Croteau E , Grenier-Larouche T , Frisch F , Ouellet R , Langlois R , Guérin B , Turcotte EE , Carpentier AC. (2011). Normal postprandial nonesterified fatty acid uptake in muscles despite increased circulating fatty acids in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 60 (2), 408-15. (Article publié).
- Labbé SM, Grenier-Larouche T, Croteau E, Normand-Lauzière F, Frisch F, Ouellet R, Guérin B, Turcotte EE, Carpentier AC. (2011). Organ-specific dietary fatty acid uptake in humans using positron emission tomography coupled to computed tomography. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 300 (3), E445-53. (Article publié).
- Ranyuk ER,* Cauchon N, Ali H, Lecomte R, Guérin B, van Lier JE. (2011). PET imaging using 64Cu-labeled sulfophthalocyanines: synthesis and biodistribution. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 21 (24), 7470-3. (Article publié).
- Ali H, Ait-Mohand S, Gosselin S,* van Lier JE, Guérin B. (2011). Phthalocyanine-peptide conjugates via palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 76 (6), 1887-90. (Article publié).
- S. M. Aly,* H. Guernon, B. Guérin, and P. D. Harvey. (2011). Polyoligopeptides Functionalized Zinc(II)porphyrins. A Step Towards Artificial Hemes. J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 15 1–12. (Article publié).
- B. Guérin, A. Zyuzin, S. Tremblay, E. J. van Lier, S. Rodrigue, J. A. Rousseau, V. Dumulon-Perreault, R. Lecomte, and J. E. van Lier. (2010). Comparing Cyclotron- with generator- produced 99mTc. In Technetium and Other Radiometals in Chemistry and Medicine, Edited by Ulderico Mazzi, William C. Eckelman, Wynn A. Volkert Non applicable 497-500. (Article publié).
- Guérin B, Tremblay S, Rodrigue S, Rousseau JA, Dumulon-Perreault V, Lecomte R, van Lier JE, Zyuzin A, van Lier EJ. (2010). Cyclotron production of 99mTc: an approach to the medical isotope crisis. J Nucl Med. 51 (4), 13N-6N. (Article publié).
- Guérin B , Ait-Mohand S , Tremblay MC , Dumulon-Perreault V,* Fournier P,* Bénard F. (2010). Total solid-phase synthesis of NOTA-functionalized peptides for PET imaging. Organic letters 12 (2), 280-3. (Article publié).
Documents de travail
- Véronique Dumulon-Perreault, Etienne Croteau, Samia Ait-Mohand, Jean-François Beaudoin, René Ouellet, Jacques A. Rousseau, Éric, Lavallée, Roger Lecomte, Éric Turcotte, Brigitte. Positron emitting tracers as alternatives to 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals for pulmonary ventilation/perfusion scan.
Articles de conférence
- G. Charest*, S. Ait-Mohand*, O. Sarrhini, J. Rousseau, D. Stanimirovic, R. Hutchison, D. Fortin and B. Guérin. (2018). Measurement of blood brain barrier transport using radiolabeled antibodies. ESRR’18 – 19th European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals. (Article publié).
- G. Charest*, S. Ait-Mohand*, O. Sarrhini, J. Rousseau, D. Stanimirovic, R. Hutchison, D. Fortin and B. Guérin. (2018). Radiolabeled antibodiesto validate blood brain barrier penetration. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2018. (Article publié).
- A. H. Alnahwi*, S. Tremblay*, B. Guérin. (2017). 89Zr production via the 89Y(p,n)89Zrreaction using pressed target. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Symposium in the Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Division. (Article publié).
- M. Paquette*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, S. Ait-Mohand*, B. Guérin. (2017). A New 64Cu-Labeled,Metabolic-Resistant Peptide with Nanomolar Affinity for NPY-Y1R for BreastCancer Targeting. EANM’17. (Article publié).
- M. Paquette*, S. Ait-Mohand*, V. Dumulon-Perreault, F. Bénard, B. Guérin. (2017). A Novel 64Cu/NOTA-labeled Peptide with High Metabolic-resistance and NPY-Y1R Affinity. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Symposium in the Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Division. (Article publié).
- M. Paquette*, S. Beaudoin*, S. Phoenix*, L. Fafard-Couture, É. E. Turcotte, B. Guérin, R. Lecomte, J. V. Leyton. (2017). A Successive Triple PET Tracer Approach to Characterize ER and HER2 Status In Vivo in a Breast Cancer Mouse Xenograft Model. EANM’17. (Article publié).
- B Guérin, M Savard, V Dumulon-Perreault, C Dubuc, S. Ait-Mohand*, F Gobeil Jr. (2017). A new 64Cu-radiolabeledpeptide conjugate for kinin B1R positive tumors. 22nd International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (ISRS 2017). (Article publié).
- G. Charest*, O. Sarrhini, D. Fortin, D. Stanimirovic, R. Gabathuler, B. Guérin. (2017). Antibody-based PET imaging of brain cancer cells infiltration.SNO-SCIDOT joint conference ontherapeutic delivery to the CNS. SNO-SCIDOT joint conference on therapeutic delivery to the CNS. (Article publié).
- B. Guérin, R. Ouellet*, S. Tremblay*. (2017). A simple method for the purification of Technetium-99m produced by cyclotron and the recycling of molybdenum. 22nd International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (ISRS 2017). (Article publié).
- M. Paquette*, É. Lavallée, S. Phoenix*, H. Senta, B. Guérin, J. E. van Lier, R. Lecomte, É. E. Turcotte. (2017). Combined FDG and 4FMFES PET Imaging in ER+ Breast Cancer Patients for Improved Diagnostic andPrognostic Value. EANM’17. (Article publié).
- M. Paquette*, S. Phoenix*, J. A. Rousseau, O. Sarrhini, B. Guérin, É. E. Turcotte, R. Lecomte. (2017). Cross-Species Physiological Assessment of Brain Estrogen Receptor Expression Using 4FMFES PET Imaging. EANM’17. (Article publié).
- S. Phoenix*, S. Tremblay*, S. Ait-Mohand*, R. Ouellet*, P.Thibault, H. Senta, L. Caouette and B. Guérin. (2017). Gallium-68 DOTATATE Production with an Automated Synthesis System. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Symposium in the Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Division. (Article publié).
- A. H. Alnahwi*, S. Tremblay*, B. Guérin. (2017). Improved production yield, processing using cassette-based module and specific activity of Zirconium-89. Journée scientifique CANCER - INFLAMMATION – DOULEUR. (Article publié).
- A. Alnahwi*, S. Tremblay* and B. Guerin. (2017). J. Nucl. Med. Improved production yield, processing and specific activity of 89Zr. 2017 58:335. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2017. (Article publié).
- A. Alnahwi*, S. Ait-mohand*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, and B. Guerin. (2017). N-Radiolabeling and validation of a new acyclicchelator bearing hydroxy--methyl succinamide pendant arms for Zirconium-89 radionuclide, superior performance in comparison with DFO. 2017 58:67. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2017. (Article publié).
- A. H. Alnahwi*, S. Ait-mohand*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, B. Guérin. (2017). NA new acyclic chelator bearing -hydroxy--methyl succinamide pendant arms for Zirconium-89 radionuclide: Radiolabeling and validation. Journée scientifique CANCER - INFLAMMATION – DOULEUR. (Article publié).
- S. Aït-Mohand*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, B. Guérin. (2017). NSuperior performance of a new acyclic chelator bearing -hydrox--methyl succinamide pendant arms, 4HMSA, in comparison with DOTA and NOTA for 68Ga PET. May 1, 2017 vol. 58:671. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2017. (Article publié).
- B. Guérin, S. Aït-Mohand*, A. Alnahwi*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*. (2017). Novel Acyclic Chelatorsfor 89Zr and 68Ga. ESRR’18 – 19th European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals. (Article publié).
- C. Zhang, J. Pan, K.-S. Lin, J. Zeisler, B. Guerin, and F. Benard. (2017). Stabilizing truncated peptides targeting the neuropeptide Y1 receptor for cancer imaging. JNucl Med 2017 58:693. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2017,. (Article publié).
- M. Paquette*, É. Lavallée, S. Phoenix*, H. Senta, J. E. van Lier, R. Lecomte, B. Guérin, É. E. Turcotte. (2017). Successful Diagnosis ofa CT-Negative, Bone Scintigraphy-Negative and FDG-PET-Negative Metastatic Recurrence Case Using ER-Targeting 4FMFES-PET. EANM’17. (Article publié).
- N. Mansour*, M. Paquette*, S. Ait-Mohand*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, R. Lecomte, B. Guérin. (2016). : Novel RadiolabeledPeptide for PET Imaging of Prostate Cancer64Cu-DOTHA2-PEG-RM26. Oral presentation given by B. Guérin. ESRR’16 – 18th European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals. (Article publié).
- S. Ait-Mohand*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, B. Guérin. (2016). A new NPY-Y1R targeting peptide for breast cancer PET imaging. Oral presentation given by Guerin. ESRR’16 – 18th European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals. (Article publié).
- S. Osati*, M. Paquette*, S. Beaudoin*, H. Ali*, F. Marques, B. Guérin, J.V. Leyton and J. E. van Lier. (2016). BODIPY-estradiol conjugates as multi-modality tumor imaging agents. ESRR’16 – 18th European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals. (Article publié).
- M Paquette*, S Beaudoin*, L Fafard-Couture, L-G Vilera-Perez, N Ekindi-Ndongo, A Lopez, R Lecomte, R Sabbagh, B Guerin, and J Leyton. (2016). ChAcNLS-A14, a novel antibody-conjugate PET tracer for targeting human IL-5R?-positive muscle invasive bladder cancer. J Nucl Med 2016, 57:52. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2016. (Article publié).
- L. Fafard-Couture, S. Osati*, S. Beaudoin*, V. Dumoulon-Perreault*, R. Lebel, M. Lepage, B. Guerin, J. van Lier, and J. Leyton. (2016). ChAcNLS-A14-B105, a novel photodynamic imaging agent for detection of muscle invasive bladder cancer. AACR Annual Meeting 2016. (Article publié).
- S. Ait-Mohand*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, F. Benard B. Guérin. (2016). Design optimization of a new 64Cu/NOTA truncated NPY analog with improved stability and Y1 affinity, the first step toward successful breast cancer PET Imaging. J Nucl Med, 2016, 57:1076. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2016,. (Article publié).
- C Zhang, J Pan, K-S Lin, I Dude, J Lau, H Merkens, S Jenni, B Guerin, and F Benard. (2016). Improved 68Ga-labelled truncated peptides targeting the neuropeptide Y1 receptor for cancer imaging by positron emission tomography. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2016. (Article publié).
- DP Blondin, B Guérin, EE Turcotte, D Richard, F Haman , AC Carpentier. (2016). Inhibition of intracellular triglyceride lipolysis significantly impairs BAT oxidative metabolism in humans. Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. (Article publié).
- M Paquette*, S Beaudoin*, L Fafard-Couture, A Lopez, R Lecomte, B Guerin, and J Leyton. (2016). Novel 64Cu-labeled antibody-conjugates designed to evade the endosomal-lysosomal pathway for increased intracellular radio-accumulation in target IL-5R?-positive muscle invasive bladder cancer cells. J Nucl Med 2016, 57:391. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2016. (Article publié).
- G Tremblay*, S Aït-Mohand*, R Ouellet* and B Guérin. (2016). Novel syntheticapproach for one-pot F-18 labeling of unprotected peptides for PET imaging. Journée Phare 2016, Congrès québécois en sciences de la santé. (Article publié).
- M Paquette*, E Lavallee, S Phoenix, H Senta, B Guerin, J van Lier, R Lecomte, and E Turcotte. (2016). Ongoing Phase II Trial Comparing 4FMFES and FES Estrogen-Receptor PET Tracers in Breast CancerPatients: an Update. J Nucl Med 2016, 57:567. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2016,. (Article publié).
- A Pirisedigh*, Y Dory, L Gendron, B Guerin. (2016). Preparation and evaluation of a series of 19F-enkephalin analogues; the first step in the design of potent and selective 18F-labeled PET tracers for delta opioid receptor imaging. 252 nd ACS National Meeting. (Article publié).
- F Gobeil Jr, M Savard, V Dumulon-Perreault*, C Dubuc*, E Croteau, and B Guerin. (2016). Theranostic potential of a new [64Cu]-radiolabeled R-954 conjugate for kinin B1R positive tumors. J Nucl Med 2016, 57:1164. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2016. (Article publié).
- G Tremblay*, S Aït-Mohand*, R Ouellet* and B Guérin. (2015). .Novel synthetic approach for one-pot F-18 labeling of unprotected peptides for PET imaging. 26th Québec/Ontario Mini-Symposium in Bioorganic and Organic Chemistry. (Article publié).
- M. Paquette*, S. Beaudoin*, L. Couture-Fafard, L.Vilera, N, Ekindy, R. Sabbagh, R. Lecomte, B. Guérin, A. Lopez, and J. V. Leyton. (2015). A Novel Antibody-Conjugate Design To Exploit Internalization and Trafficking of Interleukin-5 Receptor ?-subunit– Implications For More Effective Tumor Targeting. CRCL 2015 (2nd International Symposium of the Cancer Research Center of Lyon). (Article accepté).
- S. Osati*, H. Ali*, M. Paquette*, B.Guérin and J. E. van Lier. (2015). BODIPY- Estradiol Conjugates for Fluorescence Imaging of Breast Cancer. European Society for Photobiology 2015 Congress. (Article accepté).
- N. Mansour*, M. Paquette*, S. Ait-Mohand*, B. Guerin. (2015). Biological evaluation of 64Cu-radiolabeled gastrin-releasing peptide receptors antagonist conjugated to DOTHA2 a new bifunctional chelator bearing hydroxamic acid arms. 2nd International Conference on Prostate Cancer and Treatment. (Article accepté).
- A. Pirisedigh*, Y. Dory, L. Gendron, B. Guérin. (2015). Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Selective 19F-Enkephalin Analogs; A First Step in the Development of PET Tracers for DOP Imaging. 26th Québec/Ontario Mini-Symposium in Bioorganic and Organic Chemistry. (Article accepté).
- É. Croteau*, C.-A. Castellano, S. Tremblay, B. Guérin, L. De Beaumont, S.C. Cunnane. (2015). Imagerie cérébrale de l’activité métabolique et de la protéine ?-amyloïde chez d’anciens athlètes universitaires ayant subi un traumatisme craniocérébral léger. Journée scientifique 2015. (Article publié).
- S. V. Selivanova*, É. Lavallée, O. Sarrihni, B. Guérin, É. Turcotte, R. Lecomte. (2015). Investigation of Image Quality with Sodium Pertechnetate 99mTc Produced by Cyclotron. EANM'15 - Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine. (Article publié).
- C. Zhang, J. Pan, J. Lau, N. Colpo, S. Jenni, S. Park, B. Guerin, K.Lin, F. Bénard. (2015). In vitro and in vivo evaluation of a novel 68Ga-labeled BVD15 analogue for neuropeptide Y1 receptor imaging with positron emission tomography. WMIC 2015, 8th Annual World Molecular Imaging Congress. (Article publié).
- F. Gobeil jr, M. Savard, C. Dubuc, J. Côté,, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, M. Paquette*, É.Croteau, S. Ait-Mohand*, B. Guérin. (2015). Novel Kinin-Based Analogues as Potential BBB-Penetration Enhancers for Delivery of Chemotherapy and as New Theranostic Agents for Imaging and Treatment of Malignant Brain Cancer. Kinin 2015 - International Meeting on Kinin System and Peptide Receptors. (Article publié).
- G. Tremblay*, S. Aït-Mohand*, R. Ouellet*, B. Guérin. (2015). Novel Synthetic approach for one-pot 18F radiolabeling of unprotected peptides for PET imaging. Journée scientifique 2015. (Article accepté).
- G. Tremblay*, S. Ait-Mohand*, R. Ouellet, and B. Guerin. (2015). Novel synthetic approachfor one-pot F-18 labeling of unprotected peptides for PET imaging. J NuclMed 2015 56:221. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2015,. (Article accepté).
- F Couture, K Ly, C Levesque, A Kwiatkowska, R Desjardins, B Guérin, R Day. (2015). PACE4-dependent cellular uptake and retention of the Multi-Leucine peptide inhibitor into cancer cells. AACR Annual Meeting 2015. (Article publié).
- S. Selivanova*, É. Lavallée, H. Senta, L. Caouette, A. Zyuzin, A. McEwan, J. van Lier, B. Guerin, R. Lecomte, and É. Turcotte. (2015). Phase I clinical trial using sodium pertechnetate 99mTc produced by medium-energy cyclotron. J Nucl Med 2015 56:475. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2015. (Article accepté).
- M. Paquette*, L. Fafard-Couture, S. Beaudoin, B. Guérin, J. Leyton. (2015). Évaluation préliminaire in vivo par imagerie TEP d'un anticorps-NLS-acide cholique marqué au cuivre-64 et ciblant IL5-R? dans un modèle de cancer de la vessie. Journée scientifique 2015. (Article accepté).
- A. Rondeau*, S. Beaudoin*, B. Guerin, M. Bentourkia, and J. V. Leyton. (2014). A novel delivery system for enhanced cellular accumulation inside IL-3Ra+ leukemic stem cells using functionalized 7G3 antibody. Symposium Imaginez l'imagerie. (Article accepté).
- S. V. Selivanova, É. Lavallée, H. Senta, J. Sader, E.J. van Lier, A. Zyuzin, J. E. van Lier, B. Guérin, R. Lecomte, É. Turcotte. (2014). Clinical quality sodium pertechnetate Tc-99m is reached with cyclotron at 24 MeV. EANM Congress 2014. (Article publié).
- G. Tremblay*, S. Ait-Mohand*, C. Denis*, M. Paquette* and B. Guérin. (2014). DOTHA2 and NOTHA2, New Chelates for Highly Efficient Cu-64 Radiolabeling. Journée Phare 2014. (Article accepté).
- G. Tremblay*, S. Ait-Mohand*, C. Denis*, M. Paquette* and B. Guérin. (2014). DOTHA2 and NOTHA2, New Chelates for Highly Efficient Cu-64 Radiolabeling. Symposium Imaginez l'imagerie. (Article publié).
- S. Ait-Mohand*, C. Denis*, G. Tremblay*, M. Paquette* and B. Guérin. (2014). DOTHA2 and NOTHA2—New Chelates for Highly Efficient Cu-64 Radiolabeling. TERACHEM 2014 Symposium. (Article accepté).
- Blanchette M, Gascon S, Tremblay S*, Tremblay L, Guérin B, Lepage M, Lecomte R, Fortin D. (2014). Does Osmotic blood-brain Barrier Disruption allows efflux pump substrates delivery to the tumor and CNS?. 19th Annual Scientific Meeting and Education Day of the Society for Neuro-Oncology. (Article soumis).
- N. Mansour*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, L. Matei*, S. Ait-Mohand*, B. Guerin. (2014). Impact des espaceurs sur la biodistribution in vivo d'antagonistes de GRPR marqués au 64Cu/NOTA. 56e réunion annuelle du CRCQ. (Article accepté).
- S. V. Selivanova*, E. Lavallée, J. Sader, E. J. van Lier, A. Zyuzin, J. E. van Lier, É. Turcotte, R. Lecomte, B. Guérin. (2014). Isotopic purity of 100Mo targetis paramount for cyclotron production of clinical quality 99mTc. American Chemical Society Meeting. (Article accepté).
- C. Denis*, S. Ait-Mohand*, N. Mansour*, G. Tremblay*, B. Guérin. (2014). Le 64Cu , un radionucléide à visée théranostique pour le cancer. Symposium de la recherche sur le cancer. (Article publié).
- F.Couture*, C. Levesque, V. Dumulon-Perreault, S. Ait-Mohand*, F. D’Anjou, B. Guérin, R. Day. (2014). Molecular imaging of prostate cancer using an engineered PACE4 radiolabelled peptide inhibitor. Symposium Imaginez l'imagerie. (Article accepté).
- A.Zyuzin, J. Sader, E. Jenei, S. Tremblay*, P. Thibault, B. Guérin. (2014). New Targetry Possibilities from the TR-24. 15Th Internanional Workshop on targetry and target chemistry. 15Th Internanional Workshop on targetry and target chemistry. (Article accepté).
- G. Tremblay*, S. Ait-Mohand* et B. Guérin. (2014). Novel synthetic approaches to 18F radiolabeling of gastrin receptor targeting peptides for breast and prostate cancer PET imaging. Journée scientifique de la faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé. (Article publié).
- G. Tremblay*, S. Ait-Mohand* et B. Guérin. (2014). Novel synthetic approaches to 18F radiolabeling of gastrin receptor targeting peptides for breast and prostate cancer PET imaging. Symposium de la recherche sur le cancer. (Article publié).
- G. Tremblay*, S. Ait-Mohand* et B. Guérin. (2014). Novel synthetic approaches to 18F radiolabeling of gastrin receptor targeting peptides for breast and prostate cancer PET imaging. 56e réunion annuelle du CRCQ. (Article accepté).
- C. Levesque, F. Couture, S. Ait-Mohand*, B. Guérin, R. Day. (2014). PACE4 Inhibitors and Their Peptidomimetic Analogs Block Prostate Cancer Tumor Progression Through Quiescence Induction, Increased Apoptosis and Impaired Neovascularisation. Gordon Research Conference on Protein Processing, Trafficking and Secretions. (Article publié).
- S. Ait-Mohand*, C. Denis*, G. Tremblay*, M. Paquette*, B. Guérin. (2014). Synthesis and Evaluation of DOTHA2 and NOTHA2 Bifunctional Chelators Bearing N-Methyl-Hydroxamic Acid Arms. 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. (Article publié).
- G. Tremblay*, S. Ait-Mohand*, C. Denis*, B. Guérin. (2014). Synthesis and evaluation of DOTHA2 and NODHA2 bifunctional chelators bearing methyl-hydroxamic acid arms. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
- V. Dumulon-Perreault*, S. Ait-Mohand*, L. Matei*,P. Fournier*, J.F Beaudoin, F. Benard,B. Guerin. (2013). 64Cu-labeled GRPR agonist and antagonist in prostate cancer PET imaging. SNMMI 2013, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 8-12, 2013. (Article publié).
- S. V. Selivanova*, L. Matei*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, J. Rousseau, É. Turcotte, B. Guérin R. Lecomte. (2013). 99mTc-Pertechnetate Production Using a Cyclotron: Considerations for Patient Dosimetry and Personnel Radiation Protection. CRPA Conference, Sherbrooke, Quebec, May 26 – 30. (Article publié).
- S. Selivanova*, L. Matei*, R. Lecomte, J. van Lier, E. Turcotte, J. Sader, E. van Lier, A. Zyuzin, University of Alberta, B. Guérin. (2013). 99mTc-Pertechnetate production using a medium-energy cyclotron. SNMMI 2013, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 8-12, 2013. (Article publié).
- S. Selivanova*, L. Matei*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, J. Rousseau, J. Sader, E. J. van Lier, A. Zyuzin, J. E. van Lier, É. Turcotte, R. Lecomte, B. Guérin. (2013). 99mTc-pertechnetate manufacturing using a medium-energy cyclotron: from target irradiation to quality control. Radiometals 2013, Santa Rosa, California, USA, June 13-16, 2013. (Article publié).
- J. Fortin*, M.-O. Benoit Biancamano, B. Guérin. (2013). Caractérisation du rôle de l'amyline (IAPP) dans le diabète de type 2 et les tumeurs des îlots pancréatiques. Congrès de l’ACFAS, Université Laval, Qc, Canada, May 7, 2013. (Article accepté).
- A. Zyuzin, E. van Lier, J. Sader, B. Guerin, R. Lecomte, M. Toussaint, E Turcotte, D Abrams, A McEwan, John Wilson, S. McQuarrie, S. Jakeway. (2013). Cyclotron production of 99mTc in Canada. 245th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA. (Article publié).
- M. Pourghiasian, J. A.Inkster, N. Hundal, B. Guerin, T. Ruth, K.S. Lin, F. Benard. (2013). PEGylated F-18 labeled bombesin derivatives for improved GRP receptor imaging in prostate cancer. SNMMI 2013, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 8-12, 2013. (Article publié).
- P. Fournier*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, S. Ait-Mohand*, R. Langlois, F. Benard, R. Lecomte, B. Guerin. (2012). Comparative study of GRPR-targeting monomer and dimers for prostate cancer PET imaging. SNM Annual Meeting, Miami, Fl, June 9-13, 2012.J Nucl Med. 2012; 53 (Supplement 1): 1646. (Article publié).
- E. Turcotte, M. Paquette*, E. Lavallée, R. Langlois, S. Dubreuil, H. Senta, R. Lecomte, B. Guerin, F. Benard, J. Van Lier. (2012). Comparison of 4FMFES-PET with FES-PET in a phase II trial to detect estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer: Preliminary results. SNM Annual Meeting, Miami, Fl, June 9-13, 2012. J Nucl Med. 2012; 53 (Supplement 1):281. (Article publié).
- P. Fournier*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, S. Ait-Mohand*, R. Lecomte, F. Bénard and B. Guérin. (2012). Labelling of a novel peptide for GRPR breast and prostate tumor PET imaging with 64Cu and 68Ga, an in vitro and in vivo comparative study. World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC 2012). (Article publié).
- V. Dumulon-Perreault*, E. Croteau, S. Ait-Mohand*, R. Ouellet*, J. Rousseau, J.-F. Beaudoin, J.-F. Gagnon, R. Lecomte, E. Turcotte, B. Guerin. (2012). PET imaging of pulmonary embolism with 18F-Fluorogas and 64Cu-MAA. SNM Annual Meeting, Miami, Fl, June 9-13, 2012, J Nucl Med. 2012; 53 (Supplement 1):487. (Article publié).
- Dumulon-Perreault, V.*; Croteau, E.; Ait-Mohand, S.*; Ouellet, R.*; Rousseau, J. A.; Beaudoin, J.-F.; Lecomte, R.; Turcotte, E. E.; Guerin, B. (2012). PET imaging of pulmonary embolism with 18F-Fluorogas and 64Cu-MAA. World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC 2012). (Article publié).
- N. Cauchon, E. Ranyuk*, B. Guérin, K. Klarskov, J. E. van Lier. (2012). Phthalocyanine-Peptide Conjugates: Receptor-Targeted Bi-Functional Agents for Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy. 36th meeting of the American Society for Photobiology (ASP). (Article publié).
- M. Paquette*; É. Lavallée; R. Langlois; E. Croteau; B. Guerin; F. Benard; J.E. van Lier; R. Lecomte; E.E. Turcotte. (2012). Preliminary Results of a Phase II Trial Comparing 4FMFES to FES in PET imaging of Breast Cancer Patients. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, (Article publié).
- A. Radulska, S. Ait-Mohand*, V. Dumulon-Perreault*, R. Lebel, R. Zriba, B. Guérin, W.A. Neugebauer, M. Lepage. (2012). Stability studies of peptides specific for MMP-2 as potential PET probes. 22ND European Peptide Symposium. (Article publié).
- J. van Lier, E. Ranyuk*, N. Cauchon, H. Ali*, R. Lecomte, B. Guérin. (2012). Synthesis of Cu-64 labelled phthalocyanine-based photosensitizers to generate PET-derived biodistribution patterns for structure-activity relationships. 16th European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals April 26-29, 2012 Nantes, France J. Nucl. ed. Mol. Im, 2012;.56, Suppl 1-2, 69-70. (Article publié).
- R.Day, F. D’Anjou, F. Couture, C. Levesque, A. Kwaitkowska, S. Routhier, R. Desjardins, B. Guérin, Al. Doueik, M. Carmel, and R. Sabbagh. (2012). Targeting the Proprotein Convertases in Prostate Cancer. 67th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Urological Association - CUA 2012. (Article publié).
- A. McEwan, S. McQuarrie, D. Abrams, K. Gagnon, J Wilson, E. Turcotte, B.Guerin, R.Lecomte. (2012). Technetium-99m (Tc-99m) pertechnetate (TcO4) imaging with cyclotron produced Tc-99m compared with generator Tc-99m. SNM Annual Meeting, Miami, Fl, June 9-13, 2012. J Nucl Med. 2012; 53 (Supplement 1):487. (Article publié).
- Pourghiasian, M.; Inkster, J.; Hundal, N.; Mesak, F.; Guerin, B.; Ait-Mohand, S.; Ruth,T.; Adam, M.; Lin, K.-S.; Benard, F. (2011). 18F-BVD-15 for NPY Y1 receptor imaging in breast cancer and neuroblastoma models by PET. SNM Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, June 4-8, 2011. J. Nucl Med. 2011; 52 (Supplement 1):1682. (Article publié).
- B. Guérin, P. Fournier, V. Dumulon-Perreault, S. Ait-Mohand, R. Lecomte, F. Bénard. (2011). 64Cu/NOTA-[D-Tyr6,?Ala11,Thi13,Nle14]BBN(6-14) monomers and dimers for breast and prostate cancer PET imaging. 19th International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Aug.28-Sept.02, 2011. J Label Compd Radiopharm 2011; 54: S232. (Article publié).
- J.A.H.Inkster, K. Liu, P. Schaffer, B. Guerin, T. Ruth, T. Storr. (2011). Assessing the potential of sulfonyl fluorides as 18F-bearing prosthetic molecules. 19th International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Aug.28-Sept.02, 2011. J Label Compd Radiopharm 2011; 54: S75. (Article publié).
- Dumulon-Perreault, V.; Ait-Mohand, S.; Fournier, P.; Kiefer, G.; Jurek, P.; Ferreira, C.; Guerin, B. (2011). Bifunctional chelates for 64Cu radiolabelling of BBN peptides for PET imaging, a comparative study. SNM Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, June 4-8, 2011. J. Nucl Med. 2011; 52 (Supplement 1):471. (Article publié).
- A.Zyuzin, E. J. van Lier, K. Gagnon, D. Abrams, J Wilson, S. McQuarrie, R. Lecomte, J.E. van Lier, B. Guérin. (2011). Commercializing cyclotron production of 99mTc in Canada: the Canadian ACS-ES approach. 19th International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Aug.28-Sept.02, 2011. J Label Compd Radiopharm 2011; 54: S341. (Article publié).
- Fournier, P.; Dumulon-Perreault, V.; Ait-Mohand, S.; Bénard, F.; Lecomte, R.; Guerin, B. (2011). Comparative study of 64Cu/NOTA-[D-Tyr6, ?Ala11, Thi13, Nle14]BBN(6-14) monomer and dimer for breast cancer PET imaging. SNM Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, June 4-8, 2011. J. Nucl Med. 2011; 52 (Supplement 1):1575. (Article publié).
- Ranyuk, E.; Cauchon, N.; Ali, H.; Gosselin, S.; Guérin, B.; van Lier, J. (2011). Copper-64 Labeling of phthalocyanine based- Photosensitizers for Positron Emission Tomography. Radiopharmaceuticals and Imaging posters, 94th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Palais des Congrès, Montréal, Qc, Canada, June 5-9, 2011. (Article publié).
- Pourghiasian, M.; Inkster, J.; Hundal, N.; Mesak, F.; Guerin, B.; Ait-Mohand, S.; Ruth,T.; Adam, M.; Lin, K.-S.; Benard, F. (2011). Improved tumor targeting of F-18 bombesin analogs labeled by click chemistry is achieved by addition of a PEG side chain. SNM Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, June 4-8, 2011. J. Nucl Med. 2011; 52 (Supplement 1):1579. (Article publié).
- Fournier P., A.; Dumulon-Perreault, V.; Ait-Mohand, S.; Bénard, F.; Lecomte, R.; Guérin, B. (2011). Le DOTA-Aoc-BBN(6-14) marqué au 64Cu et 68Ga pour la détection du cancer du sein par imagerie TEP. Congrès de l’ACFAS, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada, May 6-13, 2011. (Article publié).
- Ait-Mohand, S.; Ali, H.; Ranyuk, E.; Gosselin, S.; van Lier, J.; Guérin, B. (2011). Les peptides couplés aux phthalocyanines via des réactions de couplage croisé catalisées au palladium pour l’imagerie bimodale de fluorescence et TEP. Congrès de l’ACFAS, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada, May 6-13, 2011. (Article publié).
- Rémillard, A.; Ait-Mohand, S.;Bernatchez, G.; Guérin, B. (2011). Nouveaux radiotraceurs peptidiques analogues de la bradykinine pour améliorer le diagnostic du cancer du sein et de la prostate par tomographie d'émission par positrons. 40e Édition de la Journée Scientifique de Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences de la Santé, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada, March 22-23 2011. [Prix FRSQ (CRC Étienne-Le Bel) -. (Article publié).
- Fournier, P.; Dumulon-Perreault, V.; Ait-Mohand, S.; Lecomte, R.; Bénard, F.; Guerin, B. (2011). Novel radiolabeled peptides for breast and prostate tumor PET imaging: 64Cu/ and 68Ga/NOTA-PEG-BBN(6-14). SNM Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, June 4-8, 2011. J. Nucl Med. 2011; 52 (Supplement 1):470. (Article publié).
- B. Guérin, V. Dumulon-Perreault, E. Croteau, S. Ait-Mohand, R. Ouellet, J. Rousseau, R. Lecomte, E. Turcotte. (2011). PET imaging of pulmonary embolism with 18F-Fluorogas and 64Cu-MAA. 19th International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Aug.28-Sept.02, 2011. J Label Compd Radiopharm 2011; 54: S144. (Article publié).
- E. Ranyuk, N. Cauchon, H. Ali, B. Guérin, J.E. van Lier. (2011). Preparation of Cu-64 labeled analogs of phthalocyanine-based photosensitizers for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging and in vivo studies of phthalocyanine biodistribution. 19th International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Aug.28-Sept.02, 2011. J Label Compd Radiopharm 2011; 54: S129. (Article publié).
- Fournier P., A.; Ait-Mohand, S.; Dumulon-Perreault, V.; Guérin, B. (2011). Étude comparative in vitro des dérivés du BBN(6-14) radiomarqués au 64Cu et 68Ga pour la détection du cancer du sein par imagerie TEP. 40e Édition de la Journée Scientifique de Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences de la Santé, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada, March 22-23 2011. (Article publié).
- Guérin, B.; Zyuzin, A.; Tremblay, S.; van Lier, E.; Rodrigue, S.; Rousseau, J.; Dumulon-Perreault, V.; Lecomte, R; van Lier, J. E. (2010). Comparing cyclotron- with generator-produced Tc-99m. International Symposium on Technetium and other Radiometals in Chemistry and Medicine, Bressanone (BZ), Italy. (Article publié).
- A. Zyuzin, B. Guérin, E.J. van Lier, S. Tremblay, S. Rodrigue, J.A. Rousseau, V. Dumulon-Perreault, R. Lecomte, J.E. van Lier. (2010). Cyclotron production of 99mTc. 13th International Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry, Roskilde, Denmark. (Article publié).
- Guérin, B.; Zyuzin, A.; Tremblay, S.; van Lier, E.; Rodrigue, S.; Rousseau, J.; Dumulon-Perreault, V.; Lecomte, R; van Lier, J. E. (2010). Direct production of 99mTc with a medical cyclotron?. Pacifichem 2010, Honolulu, Hawaï, USA,. (Article publié).
- B. Guérin, A. Zyuzin, S. Tremblay, E.J. van Lier, S. Rodrigue, J.A. Rousseau, V. Dumulon-Perreault, R. Lecomte, J.E. van Lier. (2010). Direct production of 99mTc with a medical cyclotron?. Society of Nuclear Medicine 57th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah Inclusion in the “high-lights” lecture. (Article publié).
- Labbé SM, Ouellet R, van Lier JE, Guérin B, Lecomte R, Carpentier A. (2010). Impact des gras alimentaires dans le developpement de la lipotoxicite des tissus non-adipeux. 11e réunion annuelle de la SQLNM, Prix de la meilleure présentation poster au niveau doctoral. (Article publié).
- P Fournier, S Ait-Mohand, V Dumulon-Perreault et B Guérin. (2010). In vitro comparative study of DOTA- and NOTA-BBN(6-14) radiolabelled with 64Cu for breast cancer PET imaging. Colloque Uppsala /Sherbrooke, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada. (Article publié).
- Turashvili G, Aparicio S, Guérin B, Watson P, Bénard F. (2010). Overexpression of peptide receptors as target for PET or SPECT radiopharmaceuticals: a tissue microarray study (TMA). Society of Nuclear Medicine 57th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. (Article publié).
- P Fournier, S Ait-Mohand, V Dumulon-Perreault et B Guérin. (2010). Peptides radiomarqués au Cuivre-64 et au Gallium-68 pour la détection du cancer du sein par tomographie d’émission par positron. 39e Édition de la Journée Scientifique de Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences de la Santé, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada Prix Jean-Marie Beauregard. (Article publié).
- Guérin, B.; Ali, H.; Ait-Mohand, S.; Gosselin, S.; van Lier, J. E. (2010). Phthalocyanine-functionalized peptides via palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions. Pacifichem 2010, Honolulu, Hawaï, USA,. (Article publié).
- E.J. van Lier, J. Garret, B. Guérin, S. Rodrigue, J.E. van Lier, S. McQuarrie, J. Wilson, K. Gagnon, M.S. Kovacs, J. Burbee, A. Zyuzin,. (2010). Targets for Cyclotron Production of Tc-99m. 13th International Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry, Roskilde, Denmark. (Article publié).
- Fournier,P.; Ait-Mohand, S.; Dumulon-Perreault, V.; Guérin, B. (2010). Étude compartive in vitro de derivés du BBN(6-14) radio marqués au 64Cu et au 68Ga pour la détection du cancer du sein par imagerie TEP. Journée Phare 2010 de l’Université de Sherbrooke , Sherbrooke, QC, Canada. (Article publié).
- M. Paquette, E. Lavallée, S. Phoenix, H. Senta, R. Lecomte, B. Guerin, E. Turcotte. 4FMFES-PET in ER+ lobular breast cancer: revealing what FDG-PET could not. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2018 J Nucl Med 2019 60:1227.
- M. Paquette, S. Phoenix, R. Lecomte, B. Guerin, E. Turcotte. 4FMFES and FDG-PET of a ER+ uterine cancer mousexenograft model. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2018 J Nucl Med 2019 60:1418.
- O. Belissant Benesty, V. Dumulon-Perreault, S. Ait-mohand, M.-C. Milot, S. Tremblay, J.-F. Beaudoin, E. Rousseau, E. Turcotte, J.-M. Beauregard, F. Pouliot, B. Guérin. 68Ga-PSMA-617:cellular evidence supporting later acquisition of PET images. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2020. Virtual Edition J Nucl Med. 2020, 61:1226.
- O. Belissant Benesty, V. Dumulon-Perreault, S. Ait-mohand, S. Tremblay, J.-F. Beaudoin, E. Rousseau, E. Turcotte, J.-M. Beauregard, F. Pouliot, B. Guérin. 68Ga-PSMA-617: from gallium production by cyclotron to clinical application. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2020. Virtual Edition J Nucl Med. 2020, 61:96.
- S. Beaudoin, S, Tremblay, S. Ait-mohand, J. Leyton, B. Guerin. A new PET imaging agent for monitoring HER2 status using Trastuzumabantibody conjugated with a novel 89Zr-chelator. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2018 J Nucl Med 2019 60:1009.
- M.-C. Milot, O. Belissant Benesty, V. Dumulon-Perreault, S. Ait-mohand, E. Rousseau, P. Richard, B. Guérin. Astronger chelation for a superior theranostic : the preclinical study of 64Cu-DOTHA2-PSMAin prostate cancer animal model. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2020. Virtual Edition J Nucl Med. 2020, 61:1200.
- J.-M. Beauregard, P. Cadieux, F.-A. Buteau, A. Beaulieu, B. Guérin, E. Turcotte. Development ofTheranostic Response Criteria In Solid Tumors (THERCIST) and tumor burdenquantification methods for 68Ga-PET/CT and 177Lu-QSPECT/CT. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2018 J Nucl Med 2019 60:626.
- L. Dery, G. Charette, L. Sanche, B. Guérin. D. Fortin. 2nd price, poster presentation to L. Dery. Gliotrap: un nouveau traitement contre les tumeurscérébrales primaires. Symposium de la recherche sur le cancer.
- E. Croteau, E. Rousseau, P. Prud'Homme, S. Cunnane, V. Dumulon-Perreault, M. Archambault, O. Sarrhini, M.-A. Richard, S. Tremblay, B. Guerin, R. Lecomte. Heart ketone uptakereserve in diabetic ZDF rats with an acute ketone ester supplementation: a [11C]-acetoacetaterest-stress study. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2018 J Nucl Med 2019 60:36.
- M. Khosravifarsani, S. Ait-Mohand, L. Sanche, B. Guérin. In-vitro cytotoxiceffect of 64Cu/NOTA-terpyridine platinum complex, as a novel chemoradiationtherapy (CRT) agent. Symposium de la recherche sur le cancer.
- M. Khosravifarsani, S. Ait-mohand, L. Sanche, B. Guérin. In-vitro cytotoxic effect of 64Cu/NOTA-terpyridineplatinum conjugate, as a novel theranostic agent. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2018 J Nucl Med 2019 60:1615.
- A. Alnahwi, S. Tremblay, S. Ait-Mohand, J.-F. Beaudoin, B. Guerin. Large-scale routineproduction of 68Ga using 68Zn-pressed target. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2018 J Nucl Med 2019 60:634.
- S. Kanh Ali, S. Ait-Mohand, V. Dumulon-Perreault, B. Guérin. Best poster presentation to S. Kanh Ali. Le 68Ga-4HMSA, un traceur TEP pourl’imagerie de l’inflammation ?. Symposium de la recherche sur le cancer.
- J.-M. Beauregard, F.-A. Buteau, A. Beaulieu, F. Arsenault, M. Del Prete, N. Lafrenière, E. Turcotte, B. Guérin. Planning ofpersonalized 177Lu-octreotate PRRT with 68Ga-octreotate-PET/CT:the tumor sink effect and the renal uptake as predictors of renal dosimetry. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2018 J Nucl Med 2019 60:628.
- J.-M. Beauregard, V. Forget, A. Desy, O. Belissant Benesty, F.-A. Buteau, A. Beaulieu, F. Arsenault, G. April, G. Bouvet, B. Guérin, E. Turcotte. Quantitative 177Lu-SPECT(QSPECT) during second cycle predicts 68Ga-octreotate-PET/CTmolecular response to 177Lu-octreotate PRRT. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2020. Virtual Edition J Nucl Med,2020, 61:411.
- J.-F. Beaudoin, S. Tremblay, A. Alnahwi, B. Guerin. Target carrier anddissolution system for facilitating end-to-end in-vault cyclotron production ofradiometals in large quantities. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2018 J Nucl Med 2019 60:1162.
- M. Khosravifarsani, S. Ait-mohand, L. Sanche B. Guérin. The synthesis andcytotoxicity of 64Cu/NOTA-terpyridine platinum conjugate, as a noveltheranostic agent. International Symposium on Trends in Radiopharmaceuticals (ISTR-2019).
- V. Dumulon-Perreault, S. Ait-mohand, S. Tremblay, E. Rousseau, E. Turcotte, J.-M. Beauregard, F. Pouliot, B. Guerin. Validation of 68Ga-4HMSA-PSMA,a novel PSMA radioligand for PET Imaging of Prostate Cancer. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2018 J Nucl Med 2019 60:1044.
- V. Dumulon-Perreault, S. Tremblay, J.-F, Rousseau, S. Ait-Mohand, E. Rousseau, E. Turcotte, J.-M. Beauregard, F. Pouliot, B. Guerin. Validation of [68Ga]-Ga-DOTA-TATE using 68Gaproduced by cyclotron. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, SNMMI 2018.
Propriétés intellectuelles
- (2006). New peptidic and peptidoid bradykinin b1 receptor antagonists and uses thereof. WO 2006017938 A1. Canada. (Délivré).
Autres contributions
Gestion d'évènements
- Organizing Committee, Local. (2012) 10th International NPY-PYY-PP meeting. (Conférence).
Activités de collaboration internationale
- Expert in radiochemistry. Autriche. 2nd Research Coordination Meeting on Copper-64Radiopharmaceuticals for Theranostic Applications 7-11 May 2018, IAEAHeadquarters Vienna, Austria.
- Expert in radiochemistry,. Autriche. Consultants’ Meeting on Formulationof an IAEA TECDOC on “Ga-68 Cyclotron Production” 26-29 March 2018, IAEAHeadquarters.
- Expert in radiochemistry. Arabie Saoudite. Presentation given at Riyadh and Jeddah on the feasibility ofcyclotron-based production of medical 99mTc, as an alternativeto nuclear-reactor based procedures.
- (2019). Cyclotron Production of Zr-89 and Ga-68 Using Pressed Targets. TRIUMF Science week. Vancouver. Canada
- (2019). ONCOPOLE : Optimiser les soins des patients atteints du cancer de la prostate résistant à la castration en utilisant une stratégie de triple traceur en imagerie moléculaire et en radiothérapie ciblée. Symposium de la recherche sur le cancer,Sherbrooke. Canada
- (2019). Optimizing care for prostate cancer patients using molecular imaging and targeted radioligand therapy. 11th Scientific Day QBIN, Montreal. Canada
- (2019). Our experience on metallic radiopharmaceuticals Development of 68Ga-Octreotate and 68Ga-PSMA for molecular imaging using 68Ga-produced by cyclotron. CONSULTANTS’ MEETING (EVT1701715), IAEA Headquarters, Vienna. Autriche
- (2018). 18F-labelled BODIPY-steroid conjugates as potential bimodal imaging agents. Tenth International Conference on Porphyrins & Phthalocyanines, ICPP?10. Munich, Allemagne
- (2018). Cyclotron production of 68Ga via 68Zn(p,n)68Ga reaction using pressed target. Consultants’ Meeting on Formulation of an IAEA TECDOC on “Ga-68 Cyclotron Production. Vienna, Autriche
- (2018). New 64Cu peptides for prostate and breast cancers for PET imaging. 2nd Research Coordination Meeting on Copper-64 Radiopharmaceuticals for Theranostic Applications. Vienna, Autriche
- (2018). Optimizing care for castration-resistant prostate cancer patients using triple-tracer molecular imaging and targeted radioligand therapy. Symposium Oncopole. Canada
- (2018). Outils pour l’imagerie TEP, une ouverture vers le développement de théranostiques. Lecture at UQAM's chemistry department. Canada
- (2018). Tools for peptide radiolabeling, Clara Benson Award Lecture. 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Edmonton, Canada
- Martin Savard, Veronique Dumulon-Perreault, Celena Dubuc, Samia Ait-Mohand, Fernand jr Gobeil. (2017). Theranostic potential of a new 64Cu-radiolabeled peptide conjugate for kinin B1R positive tumors. BIT’s 10th Annual World Cancer Congress, WCC 2017. Espagne
- (2016). BODIPY-estradiol conjugates as multi-modality tumor imaging agents. Ninth International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP9). Nanjing, Chine
- (2015). Produire des isotopes médicaux sans réacteur nucléaire. Symposium mondial sur l’uranium. Québec, Canada
- Alex Zyuzin. (2015). Project for Producing Tc-99m for Medical Use. State of Molybdenum-99 Production and Utilization and Progress toward Eliminating Use of Highly Enriched Uranium. Ottawa, Canada
- (2013). Development of PET radioeptides to Improve Cancer Diagnostic. Radiochemistry Symposium, 96th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition,. Québec, Canada
- (2012). Radiolabelled NPY peptides to improve cancer diagnosis by PET. 10th International NPY-PYY-PP meeting. Canada, Canada
- (2012). TR-24 Canadian experience. Invitation of the Saudi Arabian National Guard. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Arabie Saoudite
- (2011). Optimization and Biological Evaluation of Radiolabelled Peptides as Diagnostic Tools for PET Imaging. Peptide Science Symposium, 94th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Montréal, Canada
- (2011). Radiolabelled Peptides to Improve Cancer Diagnostic by Positron Emission Tomography. Radiopharmaceuticals and Imaging Symposium, 94th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Montréal, Canada