Alexandre Cabral
Professeur, Faculté de génie
FAC. GÉNIE Civil et bâtiment
Sujet de recherche
Contamination industrielle et urbaine des terres, Eaux souterraines et nappes phréatiques, Géotechnique, Technologies propres
Disciplines de recherche
Eau et environnement, Génie civil
géoenvironnement, oxydation du méthane, sites d'enfouissement, sols non saturés, valorisation de résidus
Intérêts de recherche
Atténuation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre provenant des sites d'enfouissement par l'installation de biorecouvrements d'oxydation passive du méthane. Écoulements non-saturés (barrières capillaires). Valorisation des résidus industriels comme matériaux géotechniques. Dans tous les cas, continuer a faire de la recherche en partenariat avec l'industrie et avec des chercheurs étrangers.
Langues parlées et écrites
Anglais, Espagnol (castillan), Français, Portuguais
(1992). A study ofclay compatibility to heavy metal transport in permeability testing (Doctorat, Ph. D.). McGill University.
(1988). Réacidificationdes effluents traités d'un parc à résidus miniers après émission dans le milieunaturel (Maîtrise avec mémoire, Maîtrise - Maîtrise). École Polytechnique de Montréal.
(1981). (Baccalauréat, Baccalauréat). Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro.
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Biowindows to mitigate fugitive and residual methane emissions from landfills. Dillon Consulting. Valoris. Alliance (NSERC). 75 000 $. (2023-2026)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Continuous quantification of methane emission reductions achieved by passive methane oxidation biosystems (PMOB). Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Mission Alliance. 875 603 $. (2023-2026)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Assessment of landfill final covers employing contaminated soils. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Alliance. 80 000 $. (2022-2024)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Passive methane oxidation biosystems for long term mitigation of fugitive emissions from old landfills. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Alliance. 311 794 $. (2020-2024)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Méthode alternative de contrôle de compactage. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Découverte. 186 000 $. (2018-2024)
- Contrat. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Méthode Sherbrooke de contrôle de compactage (avec MTQ). Ministère des Transports du Québec. Contrat de recherche. 210 435 $. (2021-2023)
- Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Biofiltre passif pour la réduction des émissions de GES associées au biogaz appauvri dans les sites d’enfouissement. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). Visage Municipal. 140 000 $. (2021-2023)
- Contrat. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Parameters for the design of passive methane oxidation biosystems. Dillon Consulting. Contrat de recherche. 36 481 $. (2022-2022)
Articles de revue
- Andrade, V.C, Parent, E. and Cabral, A.R. (2023). Machine learning-based regression models to improvecompaction control when applying the Sherbrooke Method. Computers and Geotechnics (Article soumis).
- Andrade, V. C., Dibgolongo, P.A.R., and Cabral, A.R. (2023). Novel non-nuclear methodology for coarse granular soil compaction control: the Sherbrooke Method. Road Materials and Pavement Design (Article soumis).
- Kahale, T., Des Aliers, L., Ouédraogo, O., and Cabral, A.R. (2023). (2023). Sols contaminés « BC » dans les LET : Pourquoi les enfouir si on peut les valoriser?. Vecteur Environnement Juin 2023 34-41. (Article publié).
- Gebert, J., Huber-Humer, M., and Cabral, A.R. (2022). Design of microbial methane oxidation systems for landfills. Frontiers in Environmental Science (doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.907562) (Article publié).
- Thierry Kahale, Ousmane Ouédraogo, Mauro Duarte Neto, Virginie Simard and Alexandre R. Cabral. (2022). Field-based assessment of the design of lysimeters for landfill final cover seepage control. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 72 (12), 1477-1488. (Article publié).
- Thierry Kahale and Alexandre R. Cabral. (2022). Field and numerical evaluation of breakthrough suction effects in lysimeters design. Environmental Technology (Article publié).
- Brienne Nelson, Richard G. Zytner, Yohan Dulac and Alexandre R. Cabral. (2022). Mitigating fugitive methane emissions from closed landfills: a pilot-scale field study. Science of the Total Environment 851 158351. (Article publié).
- O. Ouédraogo (Grad St) M. Duarte (Grad St) T. Kahale (Grad St) T. Abichou (Collaborator) A.R. Cabral. (2022). Parametric analysis of the efficacy of lysimeter designs using numerical modelling. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering Journal ( (Article publié).
- Franqueto, R., Cabral, A.R., Capanema, M.A. and Schirmer, W.N. (2019). Fugitive methane emissions from two experimental biocovers constructed with tropical residual soils: field study using a large flux chamber. Detritus 7 119-127. (Article publié).
- Fedrizzi, F., Cabana, H., Ndanga Mbakop, É. and Cabral, A.R. (2018). Biofiltration of methane from cow barns: effects of climatic conditions and packing bed media acclimatization. Waste Management 78 669-676. (Article publié).
- Barbosa, F.J.L., Cabral, A.R., Capanema, M.A. and Schirmer, W.N. (2018). Biogas Generation Potential of Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Municipal Solid Wastes and Livestock Manures. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management 44 (3), 248-258. (Article publié).
- Ahoughalandari, B., Cabral, A.R. and Leroueil, S. (2018). Design of Passive Methane Oxidation Biosystems: Considerations about Compaction and Hydraulic Characteristics on Biogas Migration. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering Journal 36 (4), 2593-2609. (Article publié).
- Demers Bonin, M.*, Cabral, A.R. and Nuth, M. (2018). Examination of the effects of solids content on thickened gold mine tailings sedimentation and self-weight consolidation. Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASCE (Article publié).
- Lizanne Obersky; Reza Rafiee; Alexandre R Cabral; Suzanne D. Golding; and William P Clarke. (2018). Methodology to determine the extent of anaerobic digestion, composting and CH4 oxidation in a landfill environment. Waste Management Online. (Article publié).
- Follmann, H. D. M.; Schirmer, W. N.; Cabral, A.R.; Dourado, D. C. ; Stroparo, E. C. Crovador, M.I.C. (2017). Avaliação de parâmetrosfísico-químicos na degradação de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) de diferentesidades e sua relação com a geração de biogás. ESPACIOS 38 9-17. (Article publié).
- Ahoughalandari, B.* and Cabral, A.R. (2017). Influence of capillary barrier effect on biogas distribution at the base of passive methane oxidation biosystems: Parametric study. Waste Management 63 172-187. (Article publié).
- Ahoughalandari, B.* and Cabral, A.R. (2017). Landfill gas Distribution at the Base of Passive Methane Oxidation Biosystems: Transient State Analysis of Several Configurations. Waste Management 69 298-314. (Article publié).
- Lagos, D.A.*, Héroux, M., Gosselin, R. and Cabral, A.R. (2017). Optimization of a landfill gas collection shutdown based on an adapted first-order decay model. Waste Management 63 238-245. (Article publié).
- Schirmer, W.N., Crovador, M.I.C., Martins, K.G., Franqueto, R.*, Cabral, A.R. et Capanema, M.A.*. (2016). Análise por componentes principais para o volume de biogás gerado em aterro sanitário e a correlação com variáveis físico-químicas. Revista Gestão e Sust. Ambiental 5 (2), 149-164. (Article publié).
- Schirmer, W.N., Barbosa, F.J.L., Cabral, A.R., Crovador, M.I.C., Capanema, M.A.*. (2016). Biogas generation from anaerobic codigestion of municipal solid waste with swine manure (In Portuguese). Revista Ciência & Tecnologia - Fatec-JB, Jaboticabal 8 (Article publié).
- Schirmer, W.N., Barbosa, F.J.L., Cabral, A.R., Capanema, M.A.*. (2016). Biogas generation potential by the analysis of the physical-chemical parameters of municipal solid waste co-digested with swine manure (In Portuguese). Revista Ciência & Tecnologia - Fatec-JB, Jaboticabal 8 (Article publié).
- Ndanga, É.*, Lopera, C.*, Bradley, R. L. and Cabral, A.R. (2016). Effects of Preconditioning the Rhizosphere of Different Plant Species on Biotic Methane Oxidation Kinetics. Waste Management 55 313-320. (Article publié).
- Crovador, M.I.C., Schirmer, W.N. and Cabral, A.R. (2016). Energy generation from municipal solid waste and the current scenario of biogas recovery in Brazil. Revista CIATEC – UPF 8 (1), 1-11. (Article publié).
- Schirmer, W.N., Gauer, M.A., Tomaz, E., Rodrigues, P.R.P., de Souza, S.N.M., Chaves, L.I., Villetti, L., Olanyk, L.Z. and Cabral, A.R. (2016). Power generation and gaseous emissions performance of an internal combustion engine fed with blends of soybean and beef tallow biodiesel. Environmental Technology 37 (12), 1480-1489. (Article publié).
- Lakhouit, A.*, Cabral, A.R. and Cabana, H. (2016). Two novel biofilters to remove volatile organic compounds emitted by landfill sites. Water Air and Soil Pollution 227 (4), (Article publié).
- Ndanga, É.N.*, Bradley, R.L. and Cabral, A.R. (2015). Does Vegetation Affect the Methane Oxidation Efficiency of Passive Biosystems?. Waste Management 38 240-249. (Article publié).
- Lacroix Vachon, B.*, Abdolahzadeh, A.M.* and Cabral, A.R. (2015). Predicting the diversion length of capillary barriers using steady state and transient state numerical modeling: case study of the Saint-Tite-des-Caps landfill final cover. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 52 2141-2148. (Article publié).
- Lakhouit, A.*, Schirmer, W.N., Johnson, T.R., Cabana, H. and Cabral, A.R. (2014). Evaluation of the efficiency of an experimental biocover to reduce BTEX emissions from landfillbiogas. Chemosphere 97 98-101. (Article publié).
- Demers Bonin, M.*, Nuth, M., Dagenais, A-M. and Cabral, A.R. (2014). Experimental study and numerical reproduction of self-weight consolidation behavior of thickened tailings. Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 140 (12), 04014068-1 to 10. (Article publié).
- Kjeld, A.*, Cabral, A.R., Gústafsson, L.E., Andradóttir, H.Ó., Bjarnadóttir, H.J. (2014). Microbial Methane Oxidation at the Fíflholt landfill in Iceland. Verktækni - Journal of the Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland and The Icelandic Society of Engineers 20 (1), 31-36. (Article publié).
- Capanema, M.A.*, Cabana, H. and Cabral, A.R. (2014). Reduction of odours in pilot-scale landfill biocovers. Waste Management 34 770-779. (Article publié).
- Jugnia, L-B., Mottiar, Y., Djuikom, E., Cabral, A.R., and Greer, C.W. (2012). Effect of compost, nitrogen salts and NPK fertilizers on methane oxidation potential at different temperatures. Applied Microbiology and biotechnology 93 2633-2643. (Article publié).
- Capanema, M.A.* and Cabral, A.R. (2012). Evaluating Methane Oxidation Efficiencies in Experimental Landfill Biocovers by Mass Balance and Carbon Stable Isotopes. Water Air and Soil Pollution 223 (9), 5623-5635. (Article publié).
- Roncato, C.D.L.* and Cabral, A.R. (2012). Evaluation of methane oxidation efficiency of two biocovers: field and laboratory results. Journal of Environmental Engineering 138 (2), 164-173. (Article publié).
- Abdolahzadeh, A.M.*, Lacroix Vachon, B.* and Cabral, A.R. (2011). Assessment of the Design of an Experimental Cover with Capillary Barrier Effect Using Four Years of Field Data. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 29 (5), 783-802. (Article publié).
- Gebert, J., Röwer, I. U., Schraff, H., Roncato, C. D. L.* and Cabral, A. R. (2011). Can soil gas profiles be used to assess microbial CH4 oxidation in landfill covers?. Waste Management 31 (5), 987-994. (Article publié).
- Lafond, J. A., Allaire, S. E. and Cabral, A. R. (2011). Evaluation of methane oxidation in a landfill cover material using a simple indicator approach. International Journal of Environmental Engineering (IJEE) 3 (3/4), 298-317. (Article publié).
- Abdolahzadeh, A.M.*, Lacroix Vachon, B.* and Cabral, A.R. (2011). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Cover with Capillary Barrier Effect to Control Infiltration into a Waste Disposal Facility. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 48 (7), 996-1009. (Article publié).
Chapitres de livre
- Parent, S-É.*, Abdolahzadeh, A.M.*, Nuth, M. and Cabral, A.R. (2011). Hydraulic conductivity and water retention curve of highly compressible materials: From a mechanistic approach through phenomenological models. Developments in Hydraulic Conductivity Research (Chap. 3). InTech Open Access Publishers. (Article publié).
Articles de conférence
- Almeida, J.L., Dumouchel, J., Neves Santos, J.J., Sellez, R., Dulac, Y., and Cabral, A.R. (2023). Large-scale pilot biofilter to abate methane emissions from a depleted landfill gas. 19th Intern. Symp. on Waste Management, Resource Recovery and Sustainable Landfilling, Paper 2409. (Article publié).
- Kanmacher, Z.L., Zytner, R.G. #, Short, E., Yochim, A., Vaillancourt, R., Lake, E., Nelson., B.R., Dulac, Y. and Cabral, A. R. (2023). Resilience of a methane oxidation biosystem treating residual methane emissions from a closed landfill. 19th Intern. Symp. on Waste Management, Resource Recovery and Sustainable Landfilling, Paper 2337. (Article publié).
- 3. Y. Dulac, Z.L. Kanmacher, R.G. Zytner, A. Yochim, R. Vaillancourt, D. Lake, B.R. Nelson, A. Cabral. (2023). Validation of a methaneoxidation biosystem design method. 19th Intern. Symp. on Waste Management, Resource Recovery and Sustainable Landfilling, Paper 2413. (Article publié).
- Yohan Dulac (Grad Student) Brienne Nelson (Grad Stud; U of Guelph) Richard G. Zytner Zachary Kanmacher (Undergrad st) April Yochim (Partner) Rachel Vaillancourt (Partner) Brent Boss (Partner) Alexandre R. Cabral. (2021). Determination of a critical design parameter a passive methaneoxidation biosystem. Sardinia 2021, (Article publié).
- Thierry Kahale (Grad student) Ousmane Ouedraogo (Grad student) Loriane Des Alliers (Undergrad student) Julie Roger (Partner) Alexandre R. Cabral. (2021). Impact of contaminated soils used as final cover material. Sardinia 2021, (Article publié).
- Brienne Nelson (Grad Stud; U of Guelph) Richard G. Zytner Zachary Kanmacher (Undergrad st) April Yochim (Partner) Rachel Vaillancourt (Partner) Brent Boss (Partner) Yohan Dulac (Grad Student) Alexandre R. Cabral. (2021). Mitigating fugitive methane emissions from closedlandfills: a pilot-scale field study. Sardinia 2021, (Article publié).
- Virginie Simard 1, Mauro Duarte Neto 1, Ghislain Lacombe 2 (1) Étudiants (présents à la conférence) (2) Partenaire industriel. (2019). Design, construction andmonitoring of large-scale lysimeters to assess seepage through experimentalfinal cover designs. 17th Int. Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Article 193. (Article accepté).
- Ahoughalandari, B.* and Cabral, A.R. (2017). A new design criterion to consider biogas flow behavior in performance evaluations of passive methaneoxidation biosystems. 16th International Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2017). Paper 547. (Article publié).
- Fedrizzi, F.*, Finotti, A.R., Soares, S.R., and Cabral, A.R. (2017). Characterization of insular sewage sludge stabilization by liming and thermal treatment. 16th International Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2017). Paper 371. (Article publié).
- Ahou Ghalandari, B.*, Cabral, A.R. and Leroueil, S. (2015). Assessment of biogas distribution at the base of passive methane oxidation biosystems. XV Panamerican Conf. Soil Mech. and Geotech. Eng. (Article publié).
- Leroueil, S., Hight, D.W. and Cabral, A.R. (2015). Practical implications of gas-water interactions in soils (Key-Note). XV Panamerican Conf. Soil Mech. and Geotech. Eng. (Article publié).
- Demers Bonin, M.*, Dagenais, A.M., Nuth, M. and Cabral, A.R. (2015). Thickened tailings deposition modeling using a large strain consolidation model. 68th Canadian Geotech. Conf. Quebec City. (Article publié).
- Capanema, M.A.*, Ndanga, E.*, Lakhouit, A.* and Cabral, A.R. (2013). Methane oxidation efficiencies of a 6-year-old experimental landfill biocover. 14th International Landfill Symposium. (Article publié).
- Tétreault, P.*, Cabral, A.R. and Abdolahzadeh, A.M.*. (2013). Non-uniform distribution of biogas under a biocover due to capillary barrier effect: case studies. 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference - GeoMontreal 2013. (Article publié).
- Ndanga, E.*, Cabral, A.R., Bradley, R. and Johnson, T. R. (2013). Potential effect of vegetation on methane oxidation efficiency of biocovers: laboratory and field experiments. International Landfill Symposium. (Article publié).
- Demers Bonin, M.*, Nuth, M., Cabral, A.R. and Dagenais, A.-M. (2013). Self-weight consolidation behavior of thickened gold mine tailings. 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference - GeoMontreal 2013. (Article publié).
- Lakhouit, A.*, Cabral, A. R. and Cabana, H. (2012). Reduction of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions by experimental passive biocovers: The fate of toluene as a model VOC. Proc. Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, 829-838. (Article publié).
- Roncato, C.D.L.*, Capanema, M.A.* and Cabral, A.R. (2011). Evaluating methane oxidation efficiencies of soils contaminated with heavy metals. 13th International Landfill Symposium. (Article publié).
- Capanema, M.A.*, Cabral, A.R., Cabana, H. and Massé, D. (2011). Evaluating odour reduction emissions from an experimental landfill biocover. 13th International Landfill Symposium. (Article publié).
- Létourneau, M.*, Cabral, A.R. and Johnson, T.R. (2011). Evaluation of candidate materials for the construction of a biocover. 13th International Landfill Symposium. (Article publié).