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Business Partnership Group

Sherbrooke Entrepreneurship Headquarters

80 Wellington Street South, Suite 6500
Sherbrooke, Québec J1H 5C7


The members of this team are responsible for effectively guiding potential or current partners of the University towards the offers best adapted to their needs in partnership research. Their main mandate is to identify new opportunities in order to foster the creation of partnerships between organizations (NPOs, groups, industries, businesses) and the university research community.


The members of this team are mandated to meet the needs of an external partner (research and development director, innovation manager, etc.) by coordinating the relationship between them and the university's expertise, i.e. researchers, as well as research resources, i.e. infrastructure and equipment.

Other members

Miguel Aubouy

Miguel Aubouy

Innovation advisor

819 821-8000, ext. 62104

Gabriel Bédard

Gabriel Bédard

Data management consultant

819 821-8000, poste 63379