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Mélanie Plourde

Professeure, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Département de médecine


Sujet de recherche

Nutrition et vieillissement, Maladies neurodégénératives, Métabolisme, Métabolisme cérébral

Disciplines de recherche

Diététique et nutrition, Neurosciences


Acide linoléique conjugué, Acides gras oméga-3, Analyses de lipides, Apolipoprotéine E epsilon 4, Isotope stable d'acide gras au carbone 13, Lipidomique, Nutrition et métabolisme, Pharmacocinétiques, Physiologie, Vieillissement

Intérêts de recherche

Mes intérêts combinent les oméga-3, le vieillissement et l'impact des variations génétiques sur le risque pour le déclin cognitif. J'étudie également les interactions gènes-diète dans le vieillissement.

Centre de recherche

Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement du CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS

Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français


(2010). Analyse d'association à l'échelle du génome sur des gènes communs à l'adiposité et à l'inflammation Genome-wide association scans on common adiposity and inflammation genes. (Postdoctorat, Génétique de l'obésité). Université Laval.

(2009). Agents nutraceutiques pour stimuler la production de corps cétoniques, le carburant alternatif pour le cerveau vieillissant Use of nutraceuticals molecules for producing ketone bodies, an (Postdoctorat, Médecine). Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement, Sherbrooke.

(2006). Étude des effets physiologiques des acides alpha-linoléniques conjugués Physiological effects of alpha-linolenic acids (Doctorat, Science de la vie). Université de Bourgogne.

(2003). Utilisation d'un catalyseur nanostructurés pour réduire la formation de gras trans lors de l'hydrogénation d'huiles végétales Hydrogenation of vegetable oils with reduced trans fatty acids using a novel supported catalyst (Maîtrise avec mémoire, Sciences - Maîtrise). Université Laval.

(2001). N/A (Baccalauréat, B.Sc). Université Laval.

Expérience académique

Full professor/Professeure titulaire. (2020-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Prix et distinctions

  • (2021) CIHR New Investigator award (no rank available). Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada. (Prix).
  • (2021) Young Investigator Award for Outstanding Research (National Prize). Canadian Nutrition Society. (Prix).
  • (2020) Junior 2 salary award (Rank 4/15). Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prix).
  • (2019) ILSI North America Future Leader in Nutrition (International Prize). International Life Science Institute North America. (Prix).
  • (2018) Pierre-et-Danielle Bourgaux Prize (Institutional distinction). Université de Sherbrooke. (Distinction).
  • (2016) Junior 1 salary award, (rank 2/29). Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prix).
  • (2016) CIHR INMD/CNS-New Investigator Partnership Prize (National Prize). Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada. (Prix).
  • (2010) Jean-de-Margerie prize- Best clinical paper (Institutional Prize). Université de Sherbrooke. (Prix).
  • (2008) Travel Grant. Research Center on Aging. (Distinction).
  • (2008) Travel Grant. International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids. (Distinction).
  • (2007) Travel Grant. Advanced Foods and Materials Network. (Distinction).
  • (2007) Travel Grant to Germany-selected among world-wide candidates in food science and technology for discussing direction of research for the upcoming 10 years and the challenges associated with a career in research for new investigators. International Union of Food Science and Technology. (Distinction).
  • (2006) Travel Grant. Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Scholarship Trust Inc. (Distinction).
  • (2005) Best Poster Award. Colloque Stela. (Distinction).
  • (2003) Travel Grant. Bureau International, Laval University. (Distinction).
  • (2003) Dairy Product Research Grant. STELA Dairy research group, Laval University. (Distinction).
  • (2002) Best Poster Award. American Oil Chemists' Society Canadian section (CAOCS). (Distinction).
  • (2002) Travel Grant. American Oil Chemists' Society Canadian section (CAOCS). (Distinction).
  • 8th Young Principal Investigator Meeting organized by the Institute of genetics (National Prize). Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada. (Distinction).
  • Age+Prize- Best publication in aging funded by the Institute of Aging (National Prize). Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada. (Distinction).
  • Best Presentation Award. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Distinction).


  • Subvention. (En cours d’évaluation). Candidat principal. Choroid plexus is the effector of dietary omega-3 fatty acids during aging. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Operating grant. 1 520 000 $. (2024-2029)
  • Subvention. (En cours d’évaluation). Cocandidat. Decoding and challenging the choroid plexus inflammation in the aging brain. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Operating grants. 1 335 000 $. (2024-2029)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Décrypter et challenger le vieillissement du plexus choroïde. Fondation Turmel. N/A. 1 000 000 $. (2023-2028)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. International Research Program - CHOROIRP (Choroid Plexus IRP). Conseil national de recherche Scientifique. Laboratoire International Associé. 50 000 $. (2022-2027)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Imaging the contribution of early cerebrovascular inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease,. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Project grant Fall 2021. 1 002 150 $. (2022-2027)
  • Subvention. (En cours d’évaluation). Collaborateur. A double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial of omega-3 supplement for targeting CNS symptoms of GWI. Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program.. N/A. 1 000 000 $. (2023-2026)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Fatty acid metabolism in carriers of apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele: determining blood and brain bioavailability. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Project Grant : Winter 2020. 864 450 $. (2020-2026)
  • Subvention. (En cours d’évaluation). Cocandidat. Système cholinergique et pathologie A-beta: quels sont les facteurs clés dans la maladie d'Alzheimer? Proposition d'une nouvelle stratégie thérapeutique.. Région Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes. Pack Ambition International 2019. 38 500 $. (2022-2025)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Investigating the effects of milk protein versus soy protein on essential omega-3 fatty acid metabolism: A randomized parallel-arm human trial in healthy Canadian adults -. Producteurs Laitiers du Canada (Les). Nutrition Research Funding. 140 000 $. (2023-2025)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. TherMai- Développement de lipides d’intérêt nutritionnel à visée thérapeutique contre la maladie d’Alzheimer. Pack Ambition International 2021. Pack Ambition International 2021. 33 500 $. (2022-2025)
  • Subvention. (En cours d’évaluation). Candidat principal. Santé du cerveau et réduction du risque de déclin cognitif lié à l'âge:où en sommes-nous et où devrions-nous aller?. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Synthèse et mobilisation des connaissances: santé cérbrale et déruction du risque de déficience cogn. 100 000 $. (2023-2024)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Collaborateur. Influence of APOE genotypes on blood brain barrier transport of DHA by mfsd2a in Alzheimer's Disease. USA Veterans’ Administration. BLR&D services. 710 000 $. (2019-2024)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Towards investigating apolipoprotein E genotypes on the metabolism of long chain fatty acids.. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Discovery grant-renewal. 198 000 $. (2018-2024)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Modulation des réponses immunitaires à la vaccination contre la COVID-19 par une intervention sur le microbiote intestinal : un essai randomisé contrôlé. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Emerging COVID-19 Research Gaps & Priorities (July 2021). 999 810 $. (2021-2022)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Nutrition riveraine et vieillissement. Réseau Québec Maritime. Programme Phase Odyssée Saint-Laurent. 200 000 $. (2018-2022)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Évaluation de l'efficacité des probiotiotiques sur les affectations post-COVID-19. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Emerging COVID-19 Reasearch Gaps & Priorities - Post COVID-19 condition. 997 273 $. (2021-2022)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Pharmacokinetics of an omega-3 + curcumin supplement vs a commercial formulation.. Biodroga and PARI program. public-private partnership. 249 644 $. (2019-2022)
  • Chaire de recherche. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Chaire CRMUS sur le métabolisme des lipides lors du vieillissement / CRMUS Research Chair on lipid metabolism during aging. Centre de recherche médicale de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Research chair. 240 000 $. (2016-2021)
  • Bourse de recherche. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Understanding the contribution of long chain omega-3 balance in brain health. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). New Investigator Award. 300 000 $. (2016-2021)
  • Subvention. (En cours d’évaluation). Candidat principal. Purchase of a dual injection gas chromatograph (GC-FID) for the analysis of fatty acid profiles. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). RTI. 104 737 $. (2020-2021)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Pharmacokinetics of an omega-3 + CoQ10 supplement vs a commercial formulation.. Biodroga Nutraceuticals. N/A. 249 644 $. (2019-2021)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Les choroïdes plexus pendant le vieillissement chez la souris APOE4: évaluer leur transcriptome en fonction de l'âge et de leur consommation en acide gras omega-3.. Réseau Québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement. Projet pilote RT-Nutrition. 27 000 $. (2019-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Validate the use of peptide derived from BMP-9 alone or together with other bioactive molecules for treating Alzheimer's disease. Institut de pharmacologie de Sherbrooke (IPS). Projet structurant. 30 000 $. (2018-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Effects of nutrition on choroid plexus in healthy and diseased brain.. Institut de la nutrition et des aliments fonctionnels. Pilot grant. 9 000 $. (2019-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Facteurs nutritionnels associés à la préservation de la masse et des fonctions musculaires chez les personnes âgées de la cohorte NuAge: au-delà de l'apport protéique.. Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement. Projet-pilote du RT-nutrition 2017-2018. 23 000 $. (2017-2020)
  • Bourse de recherche. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Déterminer les facteurs qui influencent l'efficacité des acides gras oméga-3 à prévenir le déclin cognitif au cours du vieillissement.. Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ). Junior 2 Salary Award. 286 986 $. (2016-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Development of a stem cell reprogramming platform: a new way to understand aging-related mechanisms. Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement. Structuring projects. 75 000 $. (2019-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Pharmacokinetics of omega-3 in monoglycerides vs. ethyl esters vs. triglycerides.. Neptune Wellness Solutions. Passeport Innovation. 242 716 $. (2018-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. To determine if DHA treatment in murine models of MCI mitigate the olfactory system deficits.. Centre des neurosciences de Sherbrooke. pilot grant. 12 500 $. (2019-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Lipid metabolism during aging and in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Fondation Canadienne pour l'Innovation (FCI). John R. Evans Leaders Fund – Funding for research infrastructure. 502 484 $. (2017-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Recognition evening for participants of the Research Center for Aging.. Réseau de recherche en santé cardiométabolique, diabète et obésité. Knowledge transfer grant. 1 500 $. (2019-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cochercheur. Plateforme québécoise des Interventions Multidomaines chez la Personnes Âgées visant à Améliorer la Cognition : Plateforme IMPAAC-Q. Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement. Structuring project. 75 000 $. (2018-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Dietary patterns associated with cognition during aging. International Life Science Institute North America. Future Leader award in Nutrition. 30 000 $. (2017-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Structurer la recherche en immuno-inflammation. Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement. Capacity building projects. 75 000 $. (2018-2018)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Collaborateur. Les déterminants génétiques de la réponse métabolique à une supplémentation en acides gras oméga-3. Réseau de santé cardiométabolique, diabète et obésité. Initiatives nationales et internationales. 30 000 $. (2016-2017)


Articles de revue

  • Khatir I, Brunet MA, Meller A, Amiot F, Tushar P, Lapointe X, Avila-Lopez J, Guilloy Castonguay A, Husain MA, J, St-Germain J, Boisvert FM, Plourde M, Roucou X, Laurent B. (2023). CITED BY 2Decoupling of mRNA and protein expression imaging brains reveals the age-dependent adaptation of specific gene subsets (). Cells (IF: 7.66) 615 N/A. (Article publié).
  • *Andriambelo B, Stiffel M, Roke K, Plourde M. (2023). CITED BY 3New perspectives on randomized controlled trials with omega-3 fatty acid supplements and cognition: a systematic review (). Aging Research Reviews (IF: 11.78) 85 101835. (Article publié).
  • *Husain MA, Vachon A, *Chouinard-Watkins R, Vandal M, Calon F, PLOURDE M. (2023). CITED BY 4Investigating the plasma-liver-brain axis of omega-3 fatty acid metabolismin mice knock-in for the human apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele (). Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry (IF 6.1, rank 17/131 in nutrition and dietetics) N/A N/A. DOI. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Stiffel M. (2023). Letter to the editor: Inrandomized controlled trials with nutrient supplementation, participants withsubjective memory complaints should not be combined with those having a mildcognitive impairments diagnosis. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (IF: 8.47) N/A N/A. (Article accepté).
  • *Matteau I, Tessier D, Léveillé P, Perron P, Plourde M. (2023). Long-chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids Supplementation and Impact of FastingLipid Profile by Group Age: Subgroup analysis of a 6-month RandomizedControlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Lipidology N/A N/A. (Article soumis).
  • *Chappus-McCendie H#, *Poulin MA#, *Chouinard-Watkins R, *Vandal M, Calon F, Lauzon MA, PLOURDE M # authors contributed equatlly. (2022). CITED BY 1A diet rich in docosahexaenoic acid enhances reactive astrogliosis and ramified microglia morphology in apolipoprotein E epsilon 4-targeted replacement mice (). Aging brain open access open access. (Article publié).
  • Abolghasemi A, Carullo M.P., *Cisneros Aguilera E, Laroui A, Plantefeve R, Rojas D, Benachenhou S, Corbin F, PLOURDE M, Farez, M, Cogram P, Caku A. (2022). CITED BY 1Alteration of fatty acids profile in Fragile X syndrome. (). International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (18), 10815. (Article publié).
  • *Maltais M, Lorrain D, *Léveillé P, *Houeto NA, Viens I, Presse N, PLOURDE M. (2022). CITED BY 5Long-chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids Supplementation and Cognitive Performance throughout Adulthood: A 6-month Randomized Controlled Trial (). Prostaglandins, leukotrienes and essential fatty acids (IF: 3.01) 178 102415. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Duchaine C.S, Carmichael P-H, Presse N, PLOURDE M, Fiocco AJ, Lampuré A, Allès B, Gaudreau P, Ferland G, Laurin D. (2022). CITED BY 5Omega-3 fatty acids and cognitive function in older adults: Exploring the impact of other fatty acids and sex. (). Journal of Nutrition (IF: 4.73) 152 2117-2124. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Hamilton LK, Moquin-Beaudy G, Mangahas CL, Pratesi F, Aubin M, Aumont A, Joppé SE, Légiot A, Vachon A, PLOURDE M, Mounier C, Tétreault M, Fernandes KJL. (2022). CITED BY 8Fatty acid links the genetic triggers of Alzheimer’s disease to downstream immune, synaptic and functional impairments (). Nature Communications (IF 17.69) 13 2061. (Article publié).
  • *Cisneros Aguilera E, Vachon A, Plourde M. (2022). Comparative pharmacokinetic of curcuminoids formulations with an omega-3 fatty acids monoglyceride carrier: a randomized cross-over triple-blind study. Nutrients (IF: 6.7) 14 5347. (Article publié).
  • *Balakrishnan J, *Husain MA, Vachon A, *Chouinard-Watkins R,*Léveillé P, Perron P, PLOURDE M. (2022). Omega-3 supplementation increases omega-3 fatty acids in lipid compartments that can be taken up by the brain independent of APOE genotype status: A secondary analysis from a randomised controlled trial. Nutrition and Healthy Aging (IF 6.156) 7 147-158. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Lagacé JC, Paquin J, Tremblay R, St-Martin P, Tessier D, PLOURDE M, Riesco E, Dionne I.J. (2022). The influence of family history of type 2 diabetes on metabolism during submaximal aerobic exercise andin the immediate recovery period in postmenopausal women – A pilot study. Nutrients (IF: 6.71) 14 4638. (Article publié).
  • Gascon S, Jann J, *Langlois-Blais C, PLOURDE M, Lavoie C, Faucheux N. (2021). CITED BY 10Peptides derived from growth factors to treat Alzheimer's disease (). International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IF: 6.21) 22 (11), 671. (Article publié).
  • Myette-Côté E, St-Pierre V, Beaulieu S*, Castellano CA, Fortier M, PLOURDE M, Bocti C, Fulop T, Cunnane SC. (2021). CITED BY 16The effect of a 6-month Ketogenic Medium-Chain Triglyceride Supplement on Plasma Cardiometabolic and Inflammatory Markers in Mild Cognitive Impairment. (). Prostaglandins, Leukotriene and Essential Fatty Acids (IF: 2.9, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 30/130 in Clinical Biochemistry) N/A N/A. (Article publié).
  • *Chevalier L, Vachon A, PLOURDE M. (2021). CITED BY 21Pharmacokinetics in humans of omega-3 fatty acids esterified in monoglycerides, ethyl esters, or triglycerides (). Journal of Nutrition (IF: 4.2, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 8/128 in Nutrition and Dietetics) open access N/A. (Article publié).
  • Pifferi F, Laurent B, PLOURDE M. (2021). CITED BY 42Lipid transport and metabolism at the blood-brain interface: implications in health and disease (). Frontiers in Physiology, article collection on Lipid Metabolism and Transport in CNS Health and Disease (IF: 4.1, Scimago quartile 2 - ranked 52/186 in Physiology) open access N/A. (Article publié).
  • *Husain MA, Laurent B, PLOURDE M. (2021). CITED BY 119APOE and Alzheimer's disease: from lipid transport to physiopathology and therapeutics (). Frontiers in Neuroscience, section neurodegeneration (IF: 3.6, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 52/596 in Physiology) open access N/A. (Article publié).
  • Racey M, MacFarlane A, Carlson S, Stark K, PLOURDE M, Field C, Yates A, Wells G, Grantham A, Bazinet R, Ma D. (2021). CITED BYDietary reference intakes based on chronic disease endpoints: outcomes from a case study workshop for omega-3’s EPA and DHA. ( 7). Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism (IF: 3.5 Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 26/128 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 46 (5), 530-539. (Article publié).
  • Lessard-Beaudoin M, Gonzales LM, AlOtaibi M, Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M, Calon F, Graham RK. (2021). Diet enriched in omega-3 fatty acids alleviates olfactory system deficits in APOE4 transgenic mice. European Journal of Neuroscience 54 (9), 7092-7108. (Article publié).
  • *Beaulieu S, Vachon A, PLOURDE M. (2021). Women have higher levels of CoQ10 than men when supplemented with a single dose of CoQ10 with monoglycerides omega-3 or rice oil and followed for 48 h: a crossover randomized triple blind controlled study. Journal of Nutritional Science open access N/A. (Article publié).
  • *Chevalier L, PLOURDE M. (2020). CITED BY 19Comparison of pharmacokinetics of omega-3 fattyacid supplements in monoacylglycerol or ethyl ester in humans: a randomizedcontrolled trial (). European Journal of Clinical Nutrition N/A N/A. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M. (2020). Lipid metabolism and apolipoprotein E. Académie Français de médecine N/A (N/A), N/A. (Article publié).
  • *Chappus-McCendie H, *Chevalier L, Roberge C, PLOURDE M. (2019). CITED BY 33Omega-3 PUFA metabolism and brain modifications during aging. (). Prog Neuro-psychopharmacol Biological Psychiatry (IF : 4.2, invited) 94 109662. (Article publié).
  • Coulombe K, Kerdiles O, Tremblay C, Emond V, Lebel M, Boulianne AS, PLOURDE M, Cicchetti F, Calon F. (2018). (CITED BY 24)Impact of DHA intake in a mouse model of synucleinopathy. Experimental Neurology. (IF: 4.483, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 18/154 in Neurology) 301 (Pt A), 39-49. (Article publié).
  • Brenna JT, PLOURDE M, Stark KD, Jones PJ, Lin YH. (2018). (CITED BY 150)Best practices for the design, laboratory analysis, and reporting of trials involving fatty acids. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (IF 6.549, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 2/124 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 108 211-227. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE, M. (2018). Aging, cognitive decline, apolipoprotein E and docosahexaenoic acid metabolism. OCL - Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids. (Scimago quartile 3 - ranked 160/307 in Food Science) Invited 25 (2), 1-6. (Article publié).
  • *Léveillé P, Hamel M, Ardilouze JL, Pasquier JC, Deacon C, Whittingstall K, PLOURDE M. (2018). CITED BY 3Pilot study of EEG in neonates born to mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus. (). International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. (IF: 2.495, Scimago quartile 2 - ranked 16/34 in Developmental neuroscience) 66 37-44. (Article publié).
  • *Léveillé P, *Rouxel C, PLOURDE M. (2018). Diabetic pregnancy, maternal and fetal docosahexaenoic acid: a review of existing evidence. Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. (IF: 1.493, Scimago quartile 2 - ranked 64/182 in Obstetrics and Gynecology) 31 (10), 1358-1363. (Article publié).
  • Mélanie Plourde. (2018). La maladie d’Alzheimer et la nutrition : les enjeux socio-scientifiques liés à cette maladie complexe. Bulletin du Centre de recherche sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage des sciences S/O (5), 20-27. (Article publié).
  • *Léveillé P, *Chouinard-Watkins R, Windust A, Lawrence P, Cunnane SC, Brenna JT, PLOURDE M. (2017). (CITED BY 19, Metabolism of uniformly labeled 13C-eicosapentaenoic acid and 13C-arachidonic acid in young and old men. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, (IF: 6.549, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 2/124 in Nutrition and Dietetics) won the FRQS student-star researcher prize 106 (2), 467-474. (Article publié).
  • Arguin G, Bourzac JF, Placet M, Molle CM, Paquette M, Beaudoin JF, Rousseau JA, Lecompte R, PLOURDE M, Gendron FP. (2017). (CITED BY 21)The loss of P2X7 receptor expression leads to increase intestinal glucose transit and hepatic steatosis. Scientific Reports. (IF: 4.122, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 5/115 in Multidisciplinary; cited by 3) 7 (1), 12917 (1-16). (Article publié).
  • *Nock TG, *Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M. (2017). (CITED BY 36)Carriers of an apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele are more vulnerable to a dietary deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids and cognitive decline. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids. (IF: 4.966, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 50/284 in Cell Biology) 1862 (10 Pt A), 1068-1078. (Article publié).
  • Ma DW, Bertolo RF, Robbins S, Marchand V, Duncan AM, PLOURDE M, Grantham A. (2017). Discussion of the impact of CIHR reforms on the funding of nutritional sciences in Canada. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. (IF: 2.518, Scimago quartile 2 - ranked 40/124 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 42 (1), 86-87. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, Vandal M, *Léveillé P, *Pinçon A, Calon F, PLOURDE M. (2017). Docosahexaenoic acid prevents cognitive deficits in human apolipoprotein E epsilon 4-targeted replacement mice. Neurobiology of Aging, (IF: 4.454, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 47/587 in Neuroscience (all)) 57 28-35. (Article publié).
  • *Pinçon A, *Coulombe JD, *Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M. (2016). (CITED BY 5)Human apolipoprotein E allele and docosahexaenoic acid intake modulate peripheral cholesterol homeostasis in mice. Journal of nutritional biochemistry (IF: 4.518, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 24/232 in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism) 34 83-88. (Article publié).
  • *Léveillé P, Ardilouze JL, Pasquier JC, Deacon C, Whittingstall K, PLOURDE M. (2016). (CITED BY 7)Fatty acid profile in cord blood of neonates born to optimally controlled gestational diabetes mellitus. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (IF: 2.653, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 19/132 in Clinical Biochemistry) 115 48-52. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, *Pinçon A,*Coulombe JD, *Spencer R, *Massenavette L, PLOURDE M. (2016). (CITED BY 13)A diet rich in docosahexaenoic acid restores liver arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid concentrations in mice homozygous for the human apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele. Journal of Nutrition (IF: 4.145, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 9/126 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 146 (7), 1315-1321. (Article publié).
  • *Dang TM, *Conway V, PLOURDE M. (2015). (CITED BY 3)Disrupted fatty acid distribution in HDL and LDL according to apolipoprotein E allele. Nutrition (IF: 2.839, Scimago quartile 1 – ranked 33/124 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 31 (6), 807-812. (Article publié).
  • Hennebelle M, Harbeby E, Tremblay S, *Chouinard-Watkins R, Pifferi F, PLOURDE M, Guesnet P, Cunnane SC. (2015). (CITED BY 8)Challenges to determining whether DHA can protect against age-related cognitive decline. Clinical lipidology (IF: 0.769, Scimago quartile 3 - ranked 150/235 in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism) 10 (1), 91-102. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, *Conway V, Minihane AM, Jackson KG, Lovegrove JA, PLOURDE M. (2015). (CITED BY 26)Interaction between BMI and APOE genotype is associated with changes in the plasma long-chain–PUFA response to a fish-oil supplement in healthy participants. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (IF: 6.703, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 2/124 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 102 (2), 505-513. (Article publié).
  • Castellano CA, Baillargeon JP, PLOURDE M, Briand SI, Angers P, Giguère A, Matte JJ. (2014). (CITED BY 5)Dietary conjugated alpha-linolenic acid did not improve glucose tolerance in a neonatal pig model. European Journal of Nutrition. (IF: 3.467, Scimago quartile 2 - ranked 31/119 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 53 (3), 761-768. (Article publié).
  • Castellano CA, PLOURDE M, Briand SI, Angers P, Giguère A, Matte JJ. (2014). (CITED BY 5)Safety of dietary conjugated ?-linolenic acid (CLNA) in a neonatal pig model. Food and Chemical Toxicology (IF: 2.895, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 35/290 in Food Science) 64 119-125. (Article publié).
  • *Conway V, *Allard M-J, Minihane AM, Jackson KG, Lovegrove JA, PLOURDE M. (2014). (CITED BY 9)Postprandial enrichment of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins with omega-3 fatty acids: lack of an interaction with apolipoprotein E genotype?. Lipids in Health and Disease (IF: 2.219, Scimago quartile 2 - ranked 41/131 in Clinical Biochemistry) paper HIGHLY ACCESSED) 13 148 (1-9). (Article publié).
  • *Conway V, *Larouche A, Alata W, Vandal M, Calon F, PLOURDE M. (2014). (CITED BY 13)Apolipoprotein E isoforms disrupt long-chain fatty acid distribution in the plasma, the liver and the adipose tissue of mice. Prostaglandin, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (IF: 2.346, Scimago quartile 2 - ranked 34/131 in Clinical Biochemistry) 91 (6), 261-267. (Article publié).
  • Hennebelle M, PLOURDE M, *Chouinard-Watkins R, Castellano CA, Barberger-Gateau P, Cunnane SC. (2014). (CITED BY 32)Ageing and apoE change DHA homeostasis: relevance to age-related cognitive decline. The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society(IF: 5.273, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 11/119 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 73 (1), 80-86. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, *Chouinard-Watkins R, *Rioux-Perreault C, Fortier M , *Dang MT, *Allard MJ, Tremblay-Mercier J, Zhang Y, Lawrence P, Vohl MC, Perron P, Lorrain D, Brenna JT, Cunnane SC. (2014). (CITED BY 39)Kinetics of 13C-DHA before and during fish-oil supplementation in healthy older individuals. American journal of clinical nutrition . (IF: 6.770, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 2/119 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 100 (1), 105-112. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M. (2014). (CITED BY 41)Fatty acid metabolism in carriers of apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele: is it contributing to higher risk of cognitive decline and coronary heart disease?. Nutrients (IF: 3.270, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 21/290 in Food Science) 6 (10), 4452-4471. (Article publié).
  • Vandal M, Alata W, Tremblay C, *Rioux-Perreault C, Salem Jr N, Calon F, PLOURDE M. (2014). (CITED BY 80)Reduction in DHA transport to the brain of mice expressing human APOE4 compared to APOE2. Journal of Neurochemistry (IF: 4.281, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 46/425 in Biochemistry) 129 (3), 516-526. (Article publié).
  • Hennebelle M, Castellano CA, PLOURDE M. (2014). New insights into docosahexaenoic acid homeostasis during age-related cognitive decline. Lipid Technology (Scimago quartile 3 - ranked 158/290 in Food Science) 26 (4), 79-81. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Vohl MC, Bellis C, Carless M, Dyer T, Dolley G, Marette A, Després JP, Bouchard C, Blangero J, Pérusse L. (2013). (CITED BY 21)A variant in the LRRFIP1 gene is associated with adiposity and inflammation. Obesity (IF 4.389, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 10/125 in Endocrinology) 21 (1), 185-192. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R , *Rioux-Perreault C, Fortier M, Tremblay-Mercier J, Zhang Y, Lawrence P, Vohl MC, Perron P, Lorrain D, Brenna JT, Cunnane SC, PLOURDE M. (2013). (CITED BY 65)Disturbance in uniformly 13C-labelled DHA metabolism in elderly human subjects carrying the apoE ?4 allele. The British Journal of Nutrition (IF: 3.342, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 20/120 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 110 (10), 1751-1759. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M. (2011). 2 CITATIONSOmega-3 PUFA in Aging - INVITED PAPER. Lipid Technology 23 (2), 32-34. (Article publié).
  • Marc I, PLOURDE M, Lucas M, Sterescu A, Piedboeuf B, Dufresne A, Nuyt AM, Lévy E, Dodin S. (2011). 15 CITATIONSEarly docosahexaenoic acid supplementation of mothers during lactation leads to high plasma concentrations in very preterm infants. The Journal of Nutrition (IF: 3.916, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 8/120 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 141 (2), 231-236. (Article publié).
  • Joseph SV, Jacques H, PLOURDE M, Mitchell PL , McLeod RS, Jones PJ. (2011). 57 CITATIONSConjugated linoleic acid supplementation for 8 weeks does not affect body composition, lipid profile, or safety biomarkers in overweight, hyperlipidemic men. The Journal of Nutrition (IF: 3.916, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 8/120 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 141 (7), 1286-1291. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, *Chouinard-Watkins R, Vandal M, Zhang Y, Lawrence P, Brenna JT, Cunnane SC. (2011). 76 CITATIONSPlasma incorporation, apparent retroconversion and ?-oxidation of 13C-docosahexaenoic acid in the elderly. Nutrition & Metabolism (IF: 2.885, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 46/215 in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism) 8 (5), 1-9. (Article publié).
  • Barberger-Gateau P, Samieri C, Féart C, PLOURDE M. (2011). INVITED PAPER - 91 CITATIONSDietary omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and Alzheimer's disease: interaction with apolipoprotein E genotype -. Current Alzheimer research (IF: 3.953, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 30/145 in Neurology) 8 (5), 479-491. (Article publié).
  • Tremblay-Mercier J, Tessier D, PLOURDE M, Fortier M, Lorrain D, Cunnane SC. (2010). 23 CITATIONSBezafibrate mildly stimulates ketogenesis and fatty acid metabolism in hypertriglyceridemic subjects. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (IF: 4.017, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 28/164 in Molecular Medicine) 334 (1), 341-346. (Article publié).
  • Lucas M, Asselin G, PLOURDE M , Cunnane SC, Dewailly E, Dodin S. (2010). 37 CITATIONSn-3 Fatty acid intake from marine food products among Quebecers: comparison to worldwide recommendations. Public Health Nutrition (IF: 2.075, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 24/120 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 13 (1), 63-70. (Article publié).
  • Fortier M, Tremblay-Mercier J, PLOURDE M, *Chouinard-Watkins R, Vandal M, Pifferi F, Freemantle E, Cunnane SC. (2010). INVITED PAPER - 21 CITATIONSHigher plasma n-3 fatty acid status in the moderately healthy elderly in southern Québec: higher fish intake or aging-related change in n-3 fatty acid metabolism?. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Essential Fatty Acids (IF: 1.653, Scimago quartile 2 - ranked 33/127 in Clinical Biochemistry) 82 (4-6), 277-280. (Article publié).
  • Freemantle E, Vandal M, Tremblay-Mercier J, PLOURDE M, Poirier J, Cunnane SC. (2009). 38 CITATIONSMetabolic response to a ketogenic breakfast in the healthy elderly. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging (IF: 1.712, Scimago quartile 2 - ranked 42/118 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 13 (4), 293-298. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Vohl MC, Vandal M, Couture P, Lemieux S, Cunnane SC. (2009). 90 CITATIONSPlasma n-3 fatty acid response to an n-3 fatty acid supplement is modulated by apolipoprotein E ?4 but not by the common PPAR-alpha L162V polymorphism in men. The British Journal of Nutrition (IF: 3.446, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 18/118 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 102 (8), 1121-1124. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Tremblay-Mercier J, Fortier M, Pifferi F, Cunnane SC. (2009). Age+Prize Award, CIHR - 24 CITATIONSEicosapentaenoic acid decreases post-prandial ?-hydroxybutyrate and free fatty acid responses in healthy young and elderly. Nutrition (IF: 2.604, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 23/118 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 25 (3), 289-294. (Article publié).
  • Cunnane SC, PLOURDE M, Pifferi F , Bégin M, Féart C, Barberger-Gateau P. (2009). INVITED PAPERFish, docosahexaenoic acid and Alzheimer's disease. Progress in Lipid Research(IF: 8.167, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 10/359 in Biochemistry) 48 (5), 239-256. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Cunnane SC. (2008). 6 CITATIONSErratum: Extremely limited synthesis of long-chain polyunsaturates in adults: implications for their dietary essentiality and use as supplements. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. (IF 1.591, Scimago quartile 2 - ranked 34/115 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 33 (1), 228-229. (Article publié).
  • Pifferi F, Tremblay S, PLOURDE M, Tremblay-Mercier J, Bentourkia M, Cunnane SC. (2008). 11 CITATIONSKetones and brain function: Possible link to polyunsaturated fatty acids and availability of a new brain PET tracer, 11C-acetoacetate. Epilepsia (IF 3.733, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 17/130 in Neurology) 49 (Suppl 8), 76-79. (Article publié).
  • Vandal M, Freemantle E, Tremblay-Mercier J, PLOURDE M, Fortier M, Bruneau J, Gagnon J, Bégin M, Cunnane SC. (2008). 51 CITATIONSPlasma omega-3 fatty acid response to a fish oil supplement in the healthy elderly. Lipids (IF: 1.888, Scimago quartile 2 - ranked 64/157 in Organic Chemistry) 43 (11), 1085-1089. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Jew S, Cunnane SC, Jones PJ. (2008). 80 CITATIONSConjugated linoleic acids: why the discrepancy between animal and human studies?. Nutrition reviews (IF: 3.503, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 11/115 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 66 (7), 415-421. (Article publié).
  • Cunnane SC, PLOURDE M, Vandal M, Freemantle E, Tremblay-Mercier J, Bégin M. (2007). 7 CITATIONSLinking low docosahexaenoic acid intake to Alzheimer’s disease: caution recommended. OCL - Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids (Scimago quartile 3 - ranked 124/197 in Food Science) 14 (3), 177-181. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Ledoux M, Grégoire S, Portois L, Fontaine JJ, Carpentier YA, Angers P, Chardigny JM, Sébédio JL. (2007). 10 CITATIONSAdverse effects of conjugated alpha-linolenic acids (CLnA) on lipoprotein profile on experimental atherosclerosis in hamsters. Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience (IF:NA (0.994 in 2008), in 2008: Scimago quartile 2 – ranked 116/333 in Animal Science and Zoology) 1 (6), 905-910. (Article publié).
  • Cunnane SC, PLOURDE M, Stewart K, Crawford MA. (2007). 49 CITATIONSDocosahexaenoic acid and shore-based diets in hominin encephalization: a rebuttal. American Journal of Human Biology (IF: 1.805, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 10/47 in Anatomy) 19 (4), 578-581. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Fortier M, Vandal M, Tremblay-Mercier J, Freemantle E, Bégin M, Pifferi F, Cunnane SC. (2007). 52 CITATIONSUnresolved issues in the link between docosahexaenoic acid and Alzheimer's disease. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Essential Fatty Acids (IF: 2.000, Scimago quartile 2 - ranked 31/116 in Clinical Biochemistry) 77 (5-6), 301-308. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Destaillats F, Chouinard PY, Angers P. (2007). Conjugated ?-linolenic acid isomers in bovine milk and muscle. Journal of Dairy Science (IF: 2.361, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 21/197 in Food Science) 90 (11), 5269-5275. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Cunnane SC. (2007). INVITED REVIEW - Extremely limited synthesis of long chain polyunsaturates in adults: implications for their dietary essentiality and use as supplements. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism (IF: 1.000, Scimago quartile 2 - ranked 31/108 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 32 (4), 619-634. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Sergiel JP, Chardigny JM, Grégoire S, Angers P, Sébédio JL. (2006). 24 CITATIONSAbsorption and metabolism of conjugated ?-linolenic acid given as free fatty acid or triacylglycerols in rats. Nutrition & Metabolism. (IF:? (3.000 in 2008), Scimago quartile 2 - ranked 23/98 in Nutrition and Dietetics) 3 8 (1-7). (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Belkacemi K, Arul J. (2004). 50 CITATIONSHydrogenation of sunflower oil with novel Pd catalysts supported on structured silica. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. (IF: 1.424, Scimago quartile 1 - ranked 154/771 in Chemistry) 43 (10), 2382-2390. (Article publié).

Chapitres de livre

  • PLOURDE M. (2020). Métabolisme des lipides et apolipoprotéine E. Tillement JP, Hauw JJ. Déclin cognitif, obésité, diabètes et autres troubles métaboliques (67-72). France : Lavoisier Médecine Sciences. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M. (2011). Fatty acid intake and cognitive decline. David Benton. In Lifetime nutritional influences on cognition, behaviour and psychiatric illness (Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 525-542). Royaume-Uni : David Benton. (Article publié).
  • Bégin ME, PLOURDE M, Pifferi F, Cunnane SC. (2010). Are fish and docosahexaenoic acid linked to lower cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. Ramassamy C and Bastianetto S. In Recent Advances on Nutrition and the Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease (Research Signpost/Transworld Research Network, 71-96). États-Unis d'Amérique : Ramassamy C and Bastianetto S. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M. (2009). Does altered omega-3 fatty acid metabolism contributing to cognitive aging?. Gariépy Q and Ménard R. In Cognitive Aging: Causes, Processes and Effects (Nova Science Publishers, 305-322). États-Unis d'Amérique : Gariépy Q and Ménard R. (Article publié).
  • Bégin ME, PLOURDE M, Pifferi F, Cunnane SC. (2009). What is the link between DHA, progressive cognitive deterioration and Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly?. Montmayeur JP, Le-Coutre J. Fat Detection: Taste, Texture, and Post Ingestive Effects (485-506). États-Unis d'Amérique : CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group. (Article publié).

Articles de conférence

  • *Loukil I, *Cisneros Aguilera E, *Léveillé P, Vachon A, Plourde M. (2023). APOE4, BMI, and sex modify the EPA plasma phospholipidresponse to an omega-3 fatty acid supplementation: a secondary analysis. International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids. (Article publié).
  • *Loukil I, Mutch DM, Plourde M. (2023). FADSAssociation between and genetic variants with EPA or DHA levels in human blood pools : A scoping review. International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids. (Article publié).
  • *Loukil I, *Bouchard R, Plourde M. (2023). FADSGenetic implications of and polymorphisms in determining circulating levels of EPA and DHA in humans. Société Québécoise de Lipidologie, Nutrition et Métabolisme. (Article publié).
  • Chaudron Y, Boyer C, Marmonier C, Plourde M, Vachon A, Delplanque B, Taouis M, Pifferi F. (2023). Microcebus murinusImpactof dairy fat supplementation on cognition during aging in a primate model, thegrey mouse lemur (). International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids. (Article publié).
  • *Andriambelo B, *Avila-Lopez J, Vachon A, Laurent B, Plourde M,. (2023). Modifications liées à l’âgedu profil lipidique des choroïdes plexus des souris APOE3 et APOE4. Société Québécoise de Lipidologie, Nutrition et Métabolisme - Awarded best poster prize. (Article publié).
  • *Andriambelo B, Vachon A, Laurent B, Plourde M. (2023). Multi-omics profile ofthe choroid plexus in mice carrying the APOE4 allele and supplemented withLPC-omega-3 for four months: a pilot study. International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids. (Article publié).
  • *Andriambelo B, Stiffel M, Roke K, Plourde M. (2023). New perspectives on randomized controlled trials with omega-3 fatty acidsupplements and cognition: a scoping review. International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids. (Article publié).
  • Vachon A, *Avila-Lopez J, Laurent B, Plourde M. (2023). Phospholipid profile of the lateral ventriclechoroid plexus in ApoE4 mice during aging. International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids. (Article publié).
  • Pelletier RM., *Avila-Lopez J., Balthazar P., Prévost K., Plourde M., Laurent B., Massé E. (2022). Effect of DHA enriched diet on microbiota of APOE3 and APOE4 mice. Journée scientifique du 1er cycle UDS - Awarded second place in its category. (Article publié).
  • *Loukil I, Vachon A, Plourde M. (2022). Est-ce que les omega-3 à base d’huile de krill sont meilleurs pour le cerveau que ceux d’huile de poisson?. Journée annuelle du Centre des neurosciences de Sherbrooke. (Article publié).
  • *Avila-Lopez J, Brunet MA, St-Germain J, Avino M, *Husain MA, *Rocha J, Champagne D, Miard S, Picard F, Plourde M, Laurent B. (2022). Is the inflammation of the choroid plexus the trigger of brain aging?. CIACCO symposium - Awarded the best presentation prize. (Article publié).
  • Plourde M, Vachon A, *Avila Lopez J, Laurent B. (2022). Lipidomics of the lateral choroid plexus during aging. Gordon conference on lipidomics. (Article publié).
  • *Andriambelo B, Vachon A, Plourde M. (2022). Modifications multi-omiquesdes interfaces sang-cerveau liées au port de l’allèle APOE4 et à lasupplémentation en acides gras oméga-3 chez la souris. Journée annuelle du Centre des neurosciences de Sherbrooke. (Article publié).
  • *Cisneros Aguilera E, Vachon A, Plourde M. (2022). Pharmacocinétique comparative des curcuminoïdesavec ou sans acides gras omega-3. Journée annuelle du Centre des neurosciences de Sherbrooke, Magog. (Article publié).
  • *Cisneros Aguilera E, Vachon A, Plourde M. (2022). Sex, BMI, age and APOE 4 status increase plasma phospholipids EPAresponse during an omega-3 fatty acid supplementation. Canadian Nutrition Society Annual meeting. (Article publié).
  • *Avila-Lopez J, Brunet MA, St-Germain J, Avino M, *Husain MA, *Rocha J, *Champagne D, Miard S, Picard F, Plourde M and Laurent B. (2022). The choroid plexus transcriptomics during aging. Journée Pivot du Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement - Awarded the Réjean Hébert prize for the best oral presentation. (Article publié).
  • *Avila Lopez J, Brunet MA, St-Germain J, Avino M, *Husain MA, *Rocha J, *Champagne D, Miard S, Picard F, PLOURDE M, Laurent B. (2021). Aging hallmarks of the choroid plexus-cerebral spinal fluid system. Journée PIVOT : Mieux vieillir. Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement. Prix annuel FRQ-S pour la meilleure présentation. (Article publié).
  • *Husain MA, Vachon A, Chouinard-Watkins R, Vandal M, Calon F, PLOURDE M. (2021). Investigating the plasma-liver-brain axis of omega-3 fatty acid metabolism in mice knock-in for the human apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele. web, --. (Article publié).
  • *Balakrishnan J, Vachon A, *Léveillé P, *Houeto A, *Chouinard-Watking R, Lorrain D, PLOURDE M. (2021). Metabolism of omega-3 fatty acids in apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 carriers. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Nutrition Society. (Article publié).
  • *Aubin M, Aumont A, Vachon A, PLOURDE M, Fernandes K. (2021). Synchronized analysis of metabolic changes and Alzheimer's disease features in the aging 5xFAD model of familial Alzheimer's disease. web, --. (Article publié).
  • *Avila Lopez J, Brunet MA, St-Germain J, Avino M, *Husain MA, *Rocha J, Miard S, Picard F, PLOURDE M, Laurent B. (2021). Transcriptomic study of the choroid plexus during aging. Ribo Club Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • *Avila Lopez J, Brunet MA, St-Germain J, Avino M, *Husain MA, *Rocha J, Miard S, Picard F, PLOURDE M, Laurent B. (2021). Transcriptomic study of the choroid plexus during aging. TREnD Toronto RNA Enthusiasts' day. Oral presentation. (Article publié).
  • *Champagne D, Laurent B, PLOURDE M. (2021). Validation des changements d'expression de gènes dans le plexus choroïde au cours du vieillissement. 17e Journée Scientifique du 1er cycle de la Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l'Université de Sherbrooke. (Article publié).
  • *Rocha J, Brunet MA, *St-Germain J, *Avila Lopez J, Miard S, Picard F, PLOURDE M, Laurent B. (2020). Age-related changes in the transcriptomic signature of the adult mouse choroid plexus. Cerebral Fluid Flow and Function: Lymphatics, Glymphatics and the Chroroid Plexus. (Article publié).
  • *Cisnero Aguilera E, Vachon A, PLOURDE M. (2020). Augmentations plasmatiques des acides gras omega-3 après 1 mois de supplémentation en omega-3. 16e Journée scientifique du 1er cycle. Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé. Université de Sherbrooke. Évènement virtuel. (Article publié).
  • *Maltais M, Lorrain D, Léveillé P, Huoeto A, Viens I, Presse N, PLOURDE M. (2020). Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids supplementation and cognitive performance throughout adulthood: a 6-month randomized controlled trial. Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging. (Article publié).
  • *Charette A, PLOURDE M, Vachon A. (2020). The homeostasis of the omega-3 DHA and the omega-6 ARA in the parietotemporal cortex is affected by different diets. 16e Journée scientifique du 1er cycle. Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé. Université de Sherbrooke. (Article publié).
  • *Rocha J, Brunet MA, St-Germain J, *Avila Lopez J, Miard S, Picard F, PLOURDE M, Laurent B. (2019). Age-related changes in the transcriptomic signature of the adult mouse choroid plexus. RiboClub Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Chappus-McCendie H*, Léveillé P*, Ardilouze JL, Pasquier JC, Deacon C, Whittingstall K, PLOURDE M. (2019). Does pre-gestational type 1 or type 2 diabetes lower the transfer ofarachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid from mother to fetus?. APNM, 44(4,supp1),S10. (Article publié).
  • Houeto A*, Léveillé P*, Lorrain D, PLOURDE M. (2019). Interaction between age, fatty fish consumption andcognitive performance. APNM, 44(4,supp1),S22. (Article publié).
  • *Chevalier L, Roberge C, PLOURDE M. (2019). Pharmacokinetics of a new omega-3 fatty acid formula as a natural product. APNM, 44(4,supp1),S10. (Article publié).
  • Chappus-McCendie H, Coulombe JD, Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M. (2018). Docosahexaenoic acid and brain micro-vascularization in mice with targeted replacement human apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele. 15e édition des journées de la recherche du réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement. (Article publié).
  • Girard R, Darsigny M, Jones C, Maloum F, St-Jean S, *Coulombe J-D, Perreault N, PLOURDE M, Boudreau F. (2018). HNF4A orchestrates physiological regulations from the intestine through incretins. Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology, 1(supp2), 442. (Article publié).
  • Girard R., Darsigny M, Jones C, Maloum F, St-Jean S, *Coulombe J-D, Perreault N, PLOURDE M, Boudreau F. (2018). Intestinal epithelial specific deletion of HNF4a prevents obesity in high-fat diet fed mice withou affecting intestinal uptake of fatty acids. Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology, 1(supp1), 545-546. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M. (2018). Kinetics of uniformly labeled carbon 13 fatty acids. Nutrition 2018. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M. (2018). Kinetics of uniformly labeled carbon 13 fatty acids. International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids. (Article publié).
  • *Nock TG, *Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M. (2017). A diet rich indocosahexaenoic acid (DHA) reduces neuroinflammation in apolipoprotein E epsilon (APOE4) mice. 9e Journée scientifique du Centre d'excellence en neurosciences de l'Université de Sherbrooke. (Article publié).
  • Nock TG, Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M. (2017). A diet rich in docosahexaenoic acid, reduces neuroinflammation in APOE4 mice. Annual meeting of the Canadian Nutrition Society. (Article publié).
  • Coulombe JD, Chouinard-Watkins R, Nock TG, PLOURDE M. (2017). A diet rich in docosahexaenoic acid partially decreases loss of the structural integrity of the blood-brain barrier in knock-in mice for human E 4 apolipoprotein. Annual meeting of the Canadian Nutrition Society. (Article publié).
  • Al-Otaibi M, Lessard-Beaudoin M, Loudghi A, Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M, Calon, F., Castellano CA, Cunanne SC, Payette H, Gaudreau P, Graham RK. (2017). Decrease in olfactory cortex volume and alterations in caspase expression in the olfactory bulb in the pathogenesis of AD.-.-. 19th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience,. (Article publié).
  • Al-Otaibi M, Lessard-Beaudoin M, Loudghi A, Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M, Calon F, Castellano CA, Cunanne SC, Payette H, Gaudreau P, Graham RK. (2017). Olfactory dysfunction in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry and European Society for Neurochemistry. (Article publié).
  • *Léveillé P, Lorrain D, *Houeto A, Viens I, *Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M. (2017). Supplémentation en omega-3 et cognition : résultats préliminaires d'une étude randomisée contrôlée en double aveugle. 13e Journée scientifique du CDRV et 27e Édition du Gérontoclub. (Article publié).
  • *Léveillé P, *Chouinard-Watkins R, Cunnane S C, Brenna JT, PLOURDE M. (2016). Cinétique des acides eicosapentaénoïques (13C-EPA) et arachidonique (13C-ARA) marqués au carbone 13 lors du vieillissement sain. Société québécoise de lipidologie, de nutrition et de métabolisme. (Article publié).
  • *Coulombe JD, *Chouinard-Watkins R, *Pinçon A, PLOURDE M. (2016). Docosahexaenoic acid intake disturbed enterocyte fatty acid in mice knock-in forhuman APOE. Canadian Nutrition Society annual meeting. (Article publié).
  • *Léveillé P, *Massenavette L, *Lesur J, *Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M. (2016). Higher plasma omega-3 fatty acids during aging: a cross-sectional study. Canadian Nutrition Society annual meeting. (Article soumis).
  • *Léveillé P, *Chouinard-Watkins R, Cunnane SC, Brenna T, PLOURDE M. (2016). Kinetics of uniformly labelled 13C-eicosapentaenoic acid in young and older participants. Canadian Nutrition Society annual meeting. (Article publié).
  • *Léveillé P, *Chouinard-Watkins R, Lawrence P, Windust A, Cunnane SC, Brenna JT, PLOURDE M. (2016). Metabolism of uniformly labelled 13C-eicosapentaenoicacid and 13C-arachidonic acid during healthy aging. 2nd edition of international symposium on Biology of Aging : paving the way for healthy aging. Léveillé was awarded a Travel award for the congress from CIHR to attend the meeting. (Article publié).
  • *Léveillé P, *Chouinard-Watkins R, Cunnane SC, Brenna JT, PLOURDE M. (2016). Metabolism of uniformly labelled 13C-eicosapentaenoic acid and13C–arachidonic acid during healthy aging. Experimental Biology. (Article accepté).
  • *CHOUINARD-WATKINS R, Vandal M, Traversy MT, Calon F, PLOURDE M. (2015). A diet rich in DHA prevents visual and spatial memory loss in 12 months old mice carrying thehuman apolipoprotein E e4 allele. Canadian Nutrition Society - CHOUINARD-WATKINS was awarded a travel award, selected for an oral presentation and awarded 2nd place in the competition. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, Vandal M, Calon F, PLOURDE M. (2015). A docosahexaenoic acid diet prevented cognitive decline in mice knock-in for human apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele. Society for Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • *Coulombe JD, *Chouinard-Watkins R, Boudreau F. (2015). Caractérisation des voies métaboliques d’absorption des acides gras. 13è journée du Réseau Québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M. (2015). Disrupted docosahexaenoic acid metabolism in carriers of apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele: is there a link with the risk of developing cognitive decline?. Canadian Association for Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • *Pinçon A, *Coulombe JD, *Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M. (2015). Docosahexaenoic acid intake improve visual memory and decreases the lipolysis-lipoproteinstimulated receptor (LSR) in mice knock-in for human APOE. Society for Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • *LÉVEILLÉ P, Ardilouze JL, Pasquier JC, Deacon C, Whittingstall K, PLOURDE M. (2015). Docosahexaenoic acid status and neurodevelopment at birth are comparable in controls and neonates born to well-controlled gestational diabetes mellitus. Canadian Association for Neurosciences meeting - LÉVEILLÉ won a travel award from the Canadian Association for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • *Léveillé P, Ardilouze JL , Pasquier JC, Deacon C, Whittingstall K, Plourde M. (2015). Docosahexaenoic acid status and neurodevelopment at birth are comparable in controls and neonates born towell-controlled gestational diabetes mellitus. Canadian Nutrition Society. (Article publié).
  • *Léveillé P, *Massenavette L, *Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M. (2015). Est-ce que l'âge influence les niveaux d'acides gras polyinsaturés oméga-3 et oméga-6?. 11e Journée scientifique du Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement et 25e Édition du Gérontoclub. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, *Vandal M, Calon F, PLOURDE M. (2015). Est-ce que la diète et le génotype de l'apolipoprotéine E modifient les protéines synaptiques chez la souris?. 7e Journée scientifique du Centre d'Excellence en Neuroscience de l'Université de Sherbrooke. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, *Conway V, Minihane AM, Jackson KG, Lovegrove JA, PLOURDE M. (2015). Interaction between BMI and apolipoprotein E e4 genotype on long chain polyunsaturated fatty acidplasma response to a fish oil supplement in healthy participants. Canadian Nutrition Society. (Article publié).
  • *LESUR J, *Léveillé P, Ardilouze JL, PLOURDE M. (2015). Le diabète de type 1 ou 2 pré-grossesse modifie t-il la cinétique de l'acide docosahexaénoïque et le neurodéveloppement du nouveau-né?. Diabète Québec Lesur won a travel award to present her poster at the conference. (Article publié).
  • *Léveillé P, *Massenavette L, *Lesur J, PLOURDE M. (2015). L’âge influence-t-il les niveaux d’acides gras polyinsaturés omega-3 et omega-6?. 13e journée du Réseau Québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, *Conway V, Minihane AM, Jackson KG, Lovegrove JA, PLOURDE M. (2015). Métabolisme des acides gras oméga-3 chez les porteurs de l'apolipoprotéine E epsilon4 : l'IMC comme variable confondante?. 11e Journée scientifique du Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement et 25e Édition du Gérontoclub. (Article publié).
  • LÉVEILLÉ P, Ardilouze JL, Pasquier JC, Deacon C, Whittingstall K, PLOURDE M. (2015). Neurodevelopment using quantitative EEG: a pilot study in neonates born to well-controlled gestationaldiabetes mellitus. Institute of cardiometabolism and nutrition 3rd confrerence series LÉVEILLÉ won a travel award to attend this conference. (Article publié).
  • *Léveillé P, Ardilouze JL, Pasquier JC, Deacon C, Whittingstall K, PLOURDE M. (2015). Un diabète gestationnel bien contrôlé par l’insuline assure des niveaux d’acides gras polyinsaturés omega-3 aux bébés similaires à ceux des bébés contrôles. Société québécoise de lipidologie, nutrition et métabolisme. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M. (2014). Apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 genotype and docosahexaenoic acid metabolism: data from mice and humans. 1st Canadian Alzheimer's Disease Research Symposium, Québec, Canada Main Audience: Researcher. (Article publié).
  • *Conway V, *Larouche A, Alata W, Vandal M, Calon F, PLOURDE M. (2014). Human apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 genotype disrupts fatty acids distribution in organs of transgenic mice. 11th Biennial International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipid Congress. Suède, (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, Minihane AM, Jackson KG, Lovegrove JA, PLOURDE M. (2014). Interaction between diet and APOE genotype on relative % of total saturated fatty acids and docosapentaenoic acid in plasma lipid classes. 11th Biennial International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipid Congress. (Article publié).
  • *CONWAY V, *Allard MJ, Minihane AM, Jackson KG, Lovegrove JA, Plourde M. (2014). Postprandial omega-3 fatty acids in lipoproteins: lack of an interaction with apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 genotype. 11th Biennial International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipid Congress - CONWAY was awarded a CIHR travel award and a new investigator award to attend the meeting. (Article publié).
  • Beltempo M, Bélanger S, Sterescu A, Piedboeuf B, PLOURDE M, Levy É, Marc I. (2013). Plateau effect of docohexaenoic acid supplementation on neurodevelopment at 18 months in very preterm infants. Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • *Conway V, *Allard MJ, *Rioux-Perreault C, Minihane AM, Jackson KG, Lovegrove JA, PLOURDE M. (2013). Post-prandial transport of omega-3 fatty acids : Lack of an interaction with apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 genotype?. International Society of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics. (Article publié).
  • *Dang MTM, *Rioux-Perreault C, PLOURDE M. (2013). Transport of omega-3 fatty acids in lipoproteins according to apolipoprotein E genotype. International Society of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, Zhang Y, Lawrence P, Lorrain D, Perron P, Brenna JT, Brenna JT, Cunnane SC, PLOURDE M. (2012). Métabolisme de l'acide docosahexaénoïque marqué au carbone 13 avant et après une supplémentation en huile de poisson. Cahier des résumés, 17. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, Lorrain D, Viens I, Normand M-P, Perron P, *Rioux-Perreault C, Cunnane SC, PLOURDE M. (2012). Performances cognitives avant et après une supplémentation en huile de poisson. Journée du Centre des neurosciences de Sherbrooke. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, Lorrain D, Viens I, Normand M-P, Perron P, *Rioux-Perreault C, Cunnane SC, PLOURDE M. (2012). Performances cognitives avant et après une supplémentation en huile de poisson. 10e Édition des Journées de la recherche sur le vieillissement du Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement. (Article publié).
  • *Dang, MTM, *Rioux-Perreault C, Plourde M. (2012). Réponse de biomarqueurs à la suite d'une consommation d'acides gras oméga-3. Journée du Centre des neurosciences de Sherbrooke. (Article publié).
  • *Dang MTM, *Rioux-Perreault C, PLOURDE M. (2012). Réponse de biomarqueurs à la suite d'une consommation d'acides gras oméga-3. 9e journée scientifique du Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement. (Article publié).
  • *Allard M-J, *Rioux-Perreault C, Minihane AM, Jackson KG, Lovegrove J, PLOURDE M. (2012). Transport des acides gras oméga-3 en post-prandial : interaction avec le génotype de l'Apolipoprotéine E epsilon 4?. Journée du Centre des neurosciences de Sherbrooke. (Article publié).
  • *Allard M-J, *Rioux-Perreault C, Minihane AM, Jackson KG, Lovegrove J, PLOURDE M. (2012). Transport des acides gras oméga-3 en post-prandial : interaction avec le génotype de l'Apolipoprotéine E epsilon 4?. 9e journée scientifique du Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M, Zhang Y, Lawrence P, Brenna JT, Cunnane SC. (2011). 13C-DHA metabolism before and after an omega-3 fatty acids supplementation. Lipids and brain 2. (Article publié).
  • *Rioux-Perreault C, *Focillon C, *Chouinard-Watkins R, Cunnane S C, PLOURDE M. (2011). Débalancement de la distribution des acides gras oméga-3 chez les porteurs de l’APOE4. 9e Journée du Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement. (Article publié).
  • Beltempo M, Bélanger S, Sterescu A, PLOURDE M, Lucas M, Piedboeuf B, Dufresne A, Njoya M, Nuyt AM, Lévy E, Dodin S, Marc I. (2011). Impact of docosahexaenoic acid supplementation on neonatal outcomes and development in very preterm infants. 88th CPS Annual Conference. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M, Viens I, Vigneault M, Fortier M, Lorrain D, Brenna JT, Cunnane SC. (2011). Métabolisme de l’acide docosahexaénoïque selon le génotype de l’apolipoprotéine E. Journée de la recherche, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, *Rioux-Perreault C, Zhang Y, Lawrence P, Brenna JT, Cunnane SC, Plourde M. (2011). Métabolisme de l’acide docosahexaénoïque selon le génotype de l’apolipoprotéine E epsilon 4. 9e Journée du Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M, Viens I, Vigneault M, Fortier M, Lorrain D, Brenna JT, Cunnane SC. (2011). Métabolisme de l’acide docosahexaénoïque selon le génotype de l’apolipoprotéine E epsilon 4. 79e congrès de l’ACFAS. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, *Chouinard-Watkins R, Vandal M, Zhang Y, Lawrence P, Brenna JT, Cunnane SC. (2010). Altered metabolism of 13C-docosahexaenoic acid during healthy aging. 9th Biennial International Meeting of ISSFAL. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Vohl MC, Caron-Dorval D, Couture P, Lemieux S, Cunnane SC. (2010). Apolipoprotein E4 polymorphism altered levels in EPA and DHA following an omega-3 supplementation. DHA Celebration Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Marc I, PLOURDE M, Lucas M, Dufresne A, Piedboeuf P, Dodin S. (2010). Docosahexaenoic acid in plasma of very premature infants: Impact of an early supplementation of the mother during lactation. 9th Biennial Scientific Meeting of ISSFAL. (Article publié).
  • Marc I, PLOURDE M, Lucas M, Dufresne A, Piedboeuf P, Dodin S. (2010). Docosahexaenoic acid in plasma of very premature infants: impact of an early supplementation of the mother during lactation. DHA Celebration Meeting. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M. (2010). Does altered EPA and DHA metabolism contributing to cognitive decline: impact of aging and ApoE4. 9th Biennial International Meeting of ISSFAL. (Article publié).
  • Viens I, *Chouinard-Watkins R, Fortier M, Tremblay-Mercier J, Lorrain D, PLOURDE M. (2010). Does the link between cognitive scores and plasma omega-3 status is altered by Apolipoprotein E4 polymorphism?. AFMNet's 6th Annual Scientific Conference. (Article publié).
  • Rudkowska I, PLOURDE M, Julien P, Lemieux S, Couture P, Vohl MC. (2010). Fatty acids of plasma phospholipids and erythrocytes are reliable biomarkers of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation. FASEB. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, Vandal M, PLOURDE M, Cunnane SC. (2010). Métabolisme de l’acide docosahexaènoïque lors du vieillissement. 7e Journée scientifique du Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Vohl MC, Bouchard C, Dolley G, Marette A, Pérusse L. (2010). Une analyse d’association à l’échelle du génome suggère la présence de gènes communs entre l’obésité et l’inflammation. 11e réunion annuelle de la Société québécoise de lipidologie, nutrition et métabolisme. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M. (2009). Genetics, nutrition and aging: Investigating their interactions to prevent cognitive decline. New principal investigator meeting – CIHR. (Article publié).
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, Vandal M, PLOURDE M, Cunnane SC. (2009). Métabolisme de l’acide docosahexaènoïque lors du vieillissement. RQRV. (Article publié).
  • *Vandal M, Zhang Y, PLOURDE M, Fortier M, *Tremblay-Mercier J, Pifferi F, Bégin M, Windust A, Brenna T, Cunnane SC. (2008). 13C-DHA metabolism during aging. Société québécoise de lipidologie, nutrition et métabolisme. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Vohl MC, Caron-Dorval D, Couture P, Lemieux S, Cunnane SC. (2008). E4 polymorphism influence plasma omega-3 incorporation in adult men following an omega-3 supplementation. Brain Lipids Conference. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Vohl MC, Caron-Dorval D, Couture P, Lemieux S, Cunnane SC. (2008). Impact of ApoE4 and PPAR-alpha L162V polymorphisms on plasma omega-3 fatty acid incorporation. Société québécoise de lipidologie, nutrition et métabolisme. (Article publié).
  • *Tremblay-Mercier J, Fortier M, PLOURDE M, *Vandal M, Cunnane SC. (2008). Impact of Bezafibrate on plasma lipids and ketones in 8 subjects with slight hypertriglyceridemia. Société québécoise de lipidologie, nutrition et métabolisme. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Tremblay-Mercier J, Fortier M, Cunnane SC. (2008). Omega-3 supplementation lowers plasma ?-hydroxybutyrate and free fatty acids concentrations in healthy young and elderly adults. CFBS Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Tremblay-Mercier J, Fortier M, Cunnane SC. (2008). Omega-3 supplementation lowers plasma ?-hydroxybutyrate and free fatty acids concentrations in healthy young and elderly adults. 8th Biennial International Scientific Meeting of ISSFAL. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Fortier M, Vandal M, Tremblay-Mercier J, Bégin M, Pifferi F, Cunnane SC. (2008). Unresolved issues in the link between docosahexaenoic acid and Alzheimer disease. Brain Lipids Conference. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Jew J, Cunnane SC, Jones P. (2007). Conjugated linoleic acids: Why the discrepancy between animal and human studies?. Canadian Workshop on Conjugated Linoleic Acid 2007 (June 18th). Canadian Nutrition Congress. (Article publié).
  • Gagnon J, PLOURDE M, Fortier M, Paradis AM, Vohl M-C, Cunnane SC. (2007). Ketone production and plasma lipid profile in men carriers of the L162V polymorphism of PPAR-alpha. 3rd edition of undergraduate Scientific Day. (Article publié).
  • Cunnane SC, *Vandal M, *Tremblay-Mercier J, PLOURDE M, *Freemantle E, Tremblay S, Bégin M. (2007). Linking low docosahexaenoic acid to Alzheimer's disease: caution recommended. 8th Fatty Acids in Cells Signalling Meeting. (Article publié).
  • *Tremblay-Mercier J, *Freemantle E, *Vandal M, PLOURDE M, *Tremblay S, Bégin ME, Morris MC, Schneider J, Cunnane SC. (2007). Omega-3 PUFA, brain energy substrates and brain function during aging. AFECG and DGF Joint Meeting on PUFA Metabolism, Function and Protection Against Diseases. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Ledoux M, Fontaine JJ, Portois L, Carpentier Y, Chardigny JM, Grégoire S, Angers P, Sébédio JL. (2006). Comparative effects of rumenic acid and conjugated alpha-linolenic acids (CLnAs) on experimental atherosclerosis in hamsters. Société Québécoise de lipidologie, de nutrition et de métabolisme. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Sergiel JP, Chardigny JM, Grégoire S, Angers P, Sébédio JL. (2005). Absorption and metabolism of conjugated alpha-linolenic acid given as free fatty acids or triacylglycerols in rats. Symposium Institut des nutraceutiques et des aliments fonctionnels (INAF). (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Ledoux M, Fontaine JJ, Portois L, Carpentier Y, Chardigny JM, Grégoire S, Angers P, Sébédio JL. (2005). Comparative effects of rumenic acid and conjugated alpha-linolenic acids (CLnAs) on experimental atherosclerosis in hamsters. Symposium Institut des nutraceutiques et des aliments fonctionnels (INAF). (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Ledoux M, Fontaine JJ, Portois L, Carpentier Y, Chardigny JM, Grégoire S, Angers P, Sébédio JL. (2005). Comparative effects of rumenic acid and conjugated alpha-linolenic acids (CLnAs) on experimental atherosclerosis in hamsters. 26th World Congress and Exhibition of the International Society for Fat Research (ISF). (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Chardigny JM, Grégoire S, Angers P, Sébédio JL. (2005). Effect of conjugated alpha-linolenic acid (CLnA) on feed intake. 96th American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS) Annual Meeting & Expo. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Chardigny JM, Grégoire S, Angers P, Sébédio JL. (2005). Effects of conjugated alpha-linolenic acid (CLnA) on feed intake. Symposium STELA. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Hamoudi S, Arul J, Belkacemi K. (2002). Hydrogenation of sunflower oil with a new generation of supported Pd-catalysts. 17th Annual CAOCS Meeting. (Article publié).
  • PLOURDE M, Hamoudi S, Arul J, Belkacemi K. (2002). Hydrogenation of sunflower oil with a novel tailored catalysts. 93th American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS) Annual Meeting & Expo. (Article publié).

Autres contributions

Activités de collaboration internationale

  • Membre du International Research Program CHOROID-RP. France. Avec mes collègues Fabien Pifferi (France) et Benoit Laurent (Université de Sherbrooke), nous avons déposé une demande au CNRS pour former un laboratoire International de recherche. Cette reconnaissances par le CNRS nous donnera un financement annuel d'environ 15 000 euros par ans sur 5 ans pour financer des déplacements et des projets pilotes entre nos équipes. Nous avons déposé la demande en mars 2020 cependant, avec la crise mondiale du COVID-19, nous n'avons toujours pas reçu l'acceptation de notre demande.
  • Member. France. International Research Network.
  • Principal Investigator. États-Unis d'Amérique. Le Dr Tom Brenna et moi collaborons ensemble depuis 2009. Il effectue des analyses d'acides gras marqués au carbone 13 dans le plasma de nos participants. Nous avons 3 publications ensemble.
  • Co-chair. États-Unis d'Amérique. This initiative from the International Life Science Institute to create a group for drafting the fatty acid best practice guide in analysis since there are a lot of discrepency in meta-analysis about how to report fatty acid profile in the blood.
  • Principal Investigator. Royaume-Uni. Projet de collaboration avec Anne-Marie Minihane, Kim Jackson et Julie Lovegrove pour effectuer des analyses complémentaires d'échantillons prélevés dans le cadre d'un projet au Royaume-Uni (SATgene). Les résultats ont généré deux publications dont une dans American Journal of Nutrition, le meilleur journal en nutrition selon Thomson Reuters.


  • (2023). Debate: Is Alzheimer's disease a type 3 diabetes?. Journée scientifique de l'axe/thème diabète, obésité et complications cardiovasculaires. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Plourde M, Vachon A, Laurent B. (2023). Lipidomics of the choroid plexus: involvement in neuroinflammation?. Roskamp Institute conferences. Sarasota, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • (2023). Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of different omega-3 formulations in humans. Annual meeting of the Canadian Nutrition Society. Québec, Canada
  • Plourde M, Vachon A, Avila Lopez J, Qiu Y, Kurland I, Laurent B. (2023). Phospholipids containing arachidonic acid are decreased in the choroid plexus during aging which can contribute to inflammation. American Oil Chemist Society. Denver, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • (2022). APOE4 mice rely more on the plasma DHA than APOE3 mice, especially in glia morphology and cognitive performance. Alzheimer’s Association International conference. États-Unis d'Amérique
  • (2022). APOE4 mice rely more on the plasma DHA than APOE3 mice, especially in glia morphology and cognitive performance. Alzheimer’s Association International conference. San Diego, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Vachon A, Avila Lopez J, Laurent B. (2022). Lipidomics of the lateral choroid plexus during aging. Gordon conference on lipidomics. États-Unis d'Amérique
  • (2022). Lipidomique des plexus choroïdes pendant le vieillissement. Centre d’Excellence en Recherche sur les Maladies Orphelines – Fondation Courtois. Montréal, Canada
  • (2022). New perspectives on randomized controlled trials with omega-3 fatty acid supplements and cognition: a systematic review. Food-Derived NHPs in Health and Disease. Virtual, Canada
  • Bijour Andriambelo, Michael Stiffel, Kaitlin Roke. (2022). New perspectives on randomized controlled trials with omega-3 fatty acid supplements and cognition: a systematic review. Global Organization for EPA and DHA, Virtual. Virtual, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2022). Pharmacokinetics of omega-3 supplements with liposoluble compounds. General Assembley of the European Society of Medicine. European Society of Medicine annual congress. Madrid, Espagne
  • (2022). The blood-to-brain transfert of omega-3 fatty acids to support the brain,. Rencontre Sherbrooke-Montpellier. France
  • (2022). The choroid plexus lipidomics: what can we learn to cupport brain health during aging?. Lipid Online, hosted by the Internatinal Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids. Virtual, Royaume-Uni
  • PLOURDE M, *Husain MA, Chouinard-Watkins R, Calon F. (2021). Blood to brain link of DHA in APOE4 carriers and its relation to cognition. Symposium of Optinutribrain and Food4BrainHealth. Vitual event, October 28. On line (virtual), France
  • PLOURDE M. (2021). My fatty acid story. Canadian Nutrition Society annual meeting-Keynote speaker. Virtual because of the pandemic, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2020). Les gras omega-3, sommes-nous prêts à établir des apports alimentaires recommandés pour prévenir le déclin cognitif : Révision des évidences. Conférence du département de Médecine, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2019). DHA metabolism in APOE4 carriers and risk of cognitive decline: is there a link?. Workshop day organized by Rosell Institute for Microbiome and Probiotics. Montpellier, France
  • *Balakrishnan J, Vachon A, PLOURDE M. (2019). DHA metabolism in APOE4 carriers and risk of cognitive decline: is there a link?. International Society for Neurochemistry. Montreal, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2019). Fatty acid profile of jujenum and duodenum in APOE4 carriers and non-carriers fed a docosahexaenoic acid diet. Third International Conference of the Joint International Research Unit between the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy, and Université Laval, Québec, Canada,. Sorrento, Italie
  • PLOURDE M. (2019). Métabolisme des lipides et apolipoprotéine E. Académie nationale de Médecine – Synergies Franco-Québécoises. Paris, France
  • PLOURDE M. (2019). Omega-3 fatty acids: Evidence for brain health and aging. DRI Workshop: How to Develop Dietary Reference Intakes Based on Chronic Disease Endpoints. Ottawa, Canada
  • Brenna JT, PLOURDE M, Stark K, Jones P, Lin Y-H. (2018). Best Practices for the Desing, Laboratory Analysis, and Reporting of Trials Involving Fatty Acids. International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids. Las Vegas, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Brenna JT, PLOURDE M, Star K, Jones P, Lin Y-H. (2018). Best Practices for the Desing, Laboratory Analysis, and Reporting of Trials Involving Fatty Acids. American Society of Nutrition. Boston, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • Brenna JT, PLOURDE M, Stark K, Jones P, Lin Y-H. (2018). Best Practices for the Desing, Laboratory Analysis, and Reporting of Trials Involving Fatty Acids. Annual meeting of the Canadian Nutrition Society. Halifax, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2018). Métabolisme des acides gras lors du vieillissement. Institut de la nutrition et des aliments fonctionnels. Québec, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2017). A day in the life of a professor. Student trainning pre-conference workshop of the Canadian Nutrition Society. Montreal, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2017). Ageing, cognitive decline, ApoE and DHA metabolism. Lipids and brain IV: Lipids in Alzheimer's disease. Nancy, France
  • PLOURDE M. (2017). DHA metabolism in carriers of an epsilon 4 allele of apolipoprotein E. Meeting of the Norwich medical school. Norwich, Royaume-Uni
  • PLOURDE M. (2017). DHA metabolism in carriers of an epsilon 4 allele of apolipoprotein E. Department of Nutrition, University of Toronto. Toronto, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2017). Est-ce que le métabolisme des acides gras joue un rôle dans la neuroinflammation?. 6e journée scientifique sur le diabète, obésité et complications cardio-vasculaires. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2017). La maladie d'Alzheimer et la nutrition : les enjeux socio-scientifiques liés à cette maladie complexe. Rencontre scientifique interfacultaire. Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2017). Metabolism of omega-3 fatty acids and their roles for an healthy brain during aging?. Endocrinology, Nutrition and Metabolism lecture series. Southampton, Royaume-Uni
  • PLOURDE M. (2017). Métabolisme des acides gras de longues chaînes pendant le vieillissement. Conférence annuelle du Réseau du médicament. Québec, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2017). Métabolisme des acides gras oméga-3 et leur rôle pour le cerveau en santé pendant le vieillissement. Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec - Université Laval. Québec, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2017). Métabolisme des acides gras oméga-3 et leur rôle pour un cerveau en santé pendant le vieillissement. Centre de recherche de l'Institut Universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal. Montréal, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2017). Métabolisme des acides gras oméga-3 et leur rôle pour un cerveau en santé pendant le vieillissement. Centre de recherche en neuropsychologie et cognition. Montréal, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2017). Using uniformly labeled carbon 13 fatty acids to evaluate the kinetics of long chain fatty acids. NIAAA- Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics; Section of Nutritional Neuroscience. Bethesda, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, Vandal M, Traversy MT, Calon F, PLOURDE M. (2016). A diet rich in DHA prevents visual and spatial memory loss in 12 months old mice carrying the human apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele. Biology of aging: Paving the way for healthy aging. Montréal, Canada
  • PLOURDE M, Léveillé P. (2016). DHA homeostasis and cognition: how aging and APOE4 allele confuse this relationship?. Club de recherche clinique du Québec. Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2016). Omega-3 fatty acids homeostasis during aging and in carriers of an epsilon 4 allele of apolipoprotein E. Canadian Nutrition Society annual conference. Gatineau, Canada
  • *Pinçon A, *Coulombe JD, *Chouinard-Watkins R, PLOURDE M. (2015). Homéostasie du cholestérol chez les porteurs de l’allèle epsilon 4 de l’apolipoprotéine E. 13e journée du Réseau Québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement, Montréal. Montreal, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2015). Parcours atypique en recherche : Des sciences et technologies sur les aliments au vieillissement. 13e journée du Réseau de recherche sur le vieillissement. Montreal, Canada
  • *CHOUINARD-WATKINS R, Vandal M, Calon F, PLOURDE M. (2014). A diet rich in DHA prevent visual and spatial memory loss in 12 months old mice carrying the human apolipoprotein E ?4 polymorphism. 11th Biennial International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipid Congress - SELECTED FOR AN ORAL PRESENTATION, RCW received a new investigator award. Stockholm, Suède
  • PLOURDE M. (2014). Apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele and docosahexaenoic acid metabolism: data from mice and humans. Canadian nutrition society meeting - SELECTED FOR AN ORAL PRESENTATION. Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2014). Apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele and docosahexaenoic acid metabolism: data from mice and humans. 11th Biennial International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipid Congress - SELECTED FOR AN ORAL PRESENTATION. Stockholm, Suède
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, Vandal M, Traversy MT, Calon F, PLOURDE M. (2014). Une diète riche en DHA prévient les pertes de mémoire chez des souris porteuses de l'allèle epsilon 4 de l'apolipoprotéine E humaine. 10e Journée scientifique du Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • PLOURDE M, *Chouinard-Watkins R, *Rioux-Perreault C, Fortier M, *Dang MTM, *Allard M, Tremblay-Mercier J, Zhang Y, Lawrence P, Vohl M, Perron P, Lorrain D, Brenna T, Cunnane SC. (2013). 13C-DHA metabolism before and after a fish oil supplement in healthy older humans. 11e Édition des Journées annuelles du Réseau Québécois de Recherche sur le Vieillissement (RQRV). Québec, Canada
  • Castellano CA, Baillargeon J-P, PLOURDE M, Matte IJ. (2013). L'acide alpha-linolénique conjugué (CLNA) peut-il contrer le surpoids et la résistance à l'insuline?. Journée scientifique du DOCC. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • PLOURDE M, *CHOUINARD-WATKINS R, Zhang Y, Lawrence P, Lorrain D, Brenna JT, Cunnane SC. (2012). Dysregulations in 13C-DHA metabolism in the elderly and in APOE4 carriers. 10th Congress of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids - SELECTED FOR AN ORAL PRESENTATION, RCW received a new investigator award. Vancouver, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2012). Imbalances in 13C-DHA metabolism in the elderly and in APOE4 carriers. 10th congress of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids. Vancouver, Canada
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, Lorrain D, Viens I, Normand M-P, *Rioux-Perreault C, Cunnane SC, PLOURDE M. (2012). Performances cognitives et huile de poisson : où en sommes-nous rendu dans les connaissances?. 9e journée scientifiques du Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2011). Acides gras et déclin cognitive. Lipides alimentaires et prévention des maladies chroniques. Lipides alimentaires et prévention des maladies chroniques. St-Hyacinthe, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2011). Captation cérébrale de l'acide docosahexaénoïque chez les souris porteuses de l'apolipoprotéine E epsilon 4 humaine. 79e Congrès de l'ACFAS. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • PLOURDE M, Cunnane SC. (2011). Do apolipoprotein E polymorphisms influence risk of cognitive decline by modulating omega-3 fatty acid metabolism. AFMNet's 7th Annual Scientific Conference. Guelph, Canada
  • *Chouinard-Watkins R, Viens I, Fortier M, Tremblay-Mercier J, Lorrain D, Zhang Y Lawrence P, Brenna JT, Cunnane SC, PLOURDE M. (2010). DHA metabolism in ApoE4 carriers. 6th Annual Scientific Conference of the Advanced Foods and Materials Network (AFMNet). Halifax, Canada
  • PLOURDE M, Lorrain D, Cunnane SC. (2010). Do apolipoprotein E polymorphisms influence risk of cognitive decline by modulating omega-3 fatty acid metabolism?. 6th Annual Scientific Conference of the Advanced Foods and Materials Network (AFMNet's). Halifax, Canada
  • Marc I, PLOURDE M, Lucas M, Dufresne A, Piedboeuf P, Dodin S. (2010). High dose of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) for very premature infants: Effects of mother supplementation on breastfed infant fatty acid status. Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2010). Omega-3 FA and non-cardiovascular Health Benefits. Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting. Edmonton, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2010). Vieillissement, nutrition et génétique: Comprendre leurs interactions pour prévenir le déclin cognitif. Gérontoclub. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • PLOURDE M. (2010). Vieillissement, nutrition et génétique : comprendre leurs interactions pour prévenir le déclin cognitif. Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • PLOURDE M, Cunnane SC. (2009). Do apolipoprotein E polymorphisms influence risk of cognitive decline by modulating omega-3 fatty acid metabolism. AFMNet's 5th Annual Scientific Conference. Guelph, Canada
  • *Pifferi F, PLOURDE M, Tremblay-Mercier J, Tremblay S, Bégin ME, Cunnane SC. (2009). Do problems of energy substrate supply contribute to age-related brain diseases?. 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. "Longevity, Health and Wealth". Paris, France
  • Pérusse L, PLOURDE M, Bellis C, Dyer T, Carless MA, Després JP, et al. (2009). Genome-wide association studies identifies gene linking abdominal fat, inflammation, and other cardiovascular disease risk factor in the Quebec Family Study. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. Orlando, Florida, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • *Pifferi F, PLOURDE M, Cunnane SC. (2009). Imaging brain fuel uptake in the elderly : Implication for understanding the link between cognition and brain metabolism. Meeting of Upsala and Sherbrooke Universities Delegations. University of Upsala. Upsala, Suède
  • PLOURDE M, Vohl M-C, Cunnane SC. (2009). Métabolisme des acides gras oméga-3, génétiques et cognition : existe-t-il un lien entre ces facteurs?. 6e Journée scientifique du Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement. Centre d'arts Orford. Orford, Canada
  • PLOURDE M, Vohl M-C, Caron-Dorval D, Couture P, Lemieux S, Cunnane SC. (2008). Apolipoprotein E and PPAR-alpha L162V polymorphisms influence plasma omega-3 response. 8th Biennial International Scientific Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL) - SELECTED FOR AN ORAL PRESENTATION. Kansas City, Missouri, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • *Vandal M, *Pifferi F, PLOURDE M, *Freemantle É, *Zhang Y, *Tremblay-Mercier J, et al. (2008). DHA metabolism in the healthy elderly. 8th Biennial International Scientific Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL). Kansas City, Missouri
  • PLOURDE M. (2008). Fueling the aging brain : Roles of ketones and omega-3 fatty acids. Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé. Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • *Pifferi F, PLOURDE M, Tremblay-Mercier J, *Vandal M, *Freemantle É, Tremblay S, Fortier M, Bégin M, Brenna JT, Cunnane SC. (2008). Is the aging brain starving? Colloque scientifique Nutrition et fonctions cérébrales. Symposium Nutrition and Cerebral Functions. Québec, Canada
  • *Pifferi F, Tremblay S, PLOURDE M, *Tremblay-Mercier J, Bentourkia M, Cunnane SC. (2008). Ketones, intractable seizures and brain function: possible links involving polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and availability of carbon-11 acetoacetate (11C-AcAc) - a new tracer for brain PET studies. International symposium on Dietary Therapies for Epilepsy and other Neurological Disorders. Phoenix, Arizona
  • PLOURDE M. (2008). Omega-3 fatty acids, cognition and aging. Lipids, multiple sources of functional foods and nutraceuticals. Centre Québécois de valorisation de la biomasse. Québec, Canada
  • PLOURDE M, Fortier M, Vandal M, Tremblay-Mercier J, Freemantle É, Bégin M, Pifferi M, Cunnane SC. (2008). Unresolved issues in the link between docosahexaenoic acid and Alzheimer disease. 8th Biennial International Scientific Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL). Kansas City, Missouri, États-Unis d'Amérique
  • PLOURDE M, Fortier M, *Vandal M, *Tremblay-Mercier J, *Freemantle É, Bégin M, *Pifferi F, Cunnane SC. (2008). Unresolved issues in the link between docosahexaenoic acid and Alzheimer disease. Canadian Federation of Biological Societies (CFBC) Annual Meeting. "Biology of aging - new answers to old questions". Winnipeg, Canada
  • PLOURDE M, Cunnane SC. (2007). How much ALA do humans convert to EPA and DHA and what are the health implications?. Canadian Nutrition Congress. Winnipeg, Canada
  • PLOURDE M, Cunnane SC. (2007). Omega-3 fatty acids in the maintenance of brain alertness. 2nd symposium of the student-scientists and postdoctoral fellows of the Institute of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. Bromont, Canada
  • PLOURDE M, Cunnane SC. (2007). Very limited synthesis of long chain polyunsaturates in adults: A review. 98th Annual Meeting of the American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS). Québec, Canada
  • PLOURDE M, Angers P, Sébédio JL. (2006). Evaluation of the physiological effects of conjugated alpha-linolenic acids. CAOCS. Longueuil, Canada
  • PLOURDE M, Angers P, Sébédio JL. (2006). Evaluation of the physiological effects of conjugated alpha-linolenic acids. 13th International Union of Food Science & Technology World Congress. Nantes, France
  • *Vandal M, *Tremblay-Mercier J, *Freemantle É, Bruneau J, PLOURDE M, Tremblay, S, Bégin M, Cunnane SC. (2006). Fatty acids and brain function across the lifespan: Dual roles as indirect energy substrates and as membrane components. 21st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Section of the American Oil Chemists' Society. Longueuil, Canada
  • *Tremblay-Mercier J, *Freemantle É, *Vandal M, Bruneau J, Tremblay, S, PLOURDE M, Bégin M, Cunnane SC. (2006). Genetics, omega-6 and omega 3 fatty acid metabolism and brain function during early development and aging. Symposium of the Letten and Mother and Child Foundations. London, Royaume-Uni
  • PLOURDE M, Sergiel JP, Chardigny JM, Grégoire S, Angers P, Sébédio JL. (2005). Absorption and metabolism of conjugated alpha-linolenic acid given as free fatty acids or triacylglycerols in rats. STELA Symposium. Sainte-Foy, Canada