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Klaus Klarskov

Professeur, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Département de pharmacologie-physiologie


Sujet de recherche

Functional and Structural Proteomics, Proteins

Disciplines de recherche

Biochemistry, Pharmacology


adverse drug reactions, Electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, Multi-dimensional Nano-LC, oxidative stress, post tranlational modifications, protein chemistry, xenobiotics

Intérêts de recherche

Massspectrometry-based differential proteomics approaches applied in the field ofmolecular biology. Especially, protein modifications induced by exo- andendogenous oxidative stress associated compounds and their potential pathologicalimplications.

Langues parlées et écrites

Danish, Anglais, Français


(2001). (Post-doctorate, Senior Research Fellow - Fellow). Mayo Clinic.

(1997). (Post-doctorate, Research Fellow). State University of Ghent (Gent or Gand).

(1994). (Post-doctorate, Postdoctorate). Université de Strasbourg 1- U Louis Pasteur.

(1991). (Doctorate, Doctor of Philosophiae). Odense University.

(1988). (Master's Thesis, Master of Science - Masters). Odense University.


Articles de revue

  • A. Flandrin, S. Allouche, Y. Rolland, F. O. McDuff, J. R. Wagner and K. Klarskov. (2015). Characterization of dehydroascorbate mediated modification of glutaredoxinby mass spectrometry. Journal of Mass Spectrometry (In Press).
  • Flandrin A., Allouchea S., Rolland Y, McDuff F-O, Wagner J. R. and Klarskov K. (2015). ProteinS-ascorbylation: dehydroascorbate mediated modification of glutaredoxin. Anal. Biochem. (Submitted).
  • Downey J., Lauzier D, Kloen P, Klarskov K, Richter M, Hamdy R, Faucheux N, Scimè A, Balg F, Grenier G. (2014). Prospective heterotopic ossification progenitors in adult human skeletal muscle. Bone 71 164-170. (Published).
  • Kouass Sahbani Saloua Klarskov Klaus Kouass Salah and Landoulsi Ahmed. (2013). Epigallocatechin-3-gallate protect α and β-casein against gamma irradiation: polyphenol/protein ratio dependant. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry (Submitted).
  • Ranyuk E , Lebel R , Bérubé-Lauzière Y , Klarskov K , Lecomte R , van Lier JE , Guérin B. (2013). (68)Ga/DOTA- and (64)Cu/NOTA-Phthalocyanine Conjugates as Fluorescent/PET Bimodal Imaging Probes. Bioconjugate chemistry 24 (9), (Published).
  • Kay, Phyla; Wagner, Richard; Hugo Gagnon;Robert Day; Klarskov, Klaus. (2013). Modification of Peptide and Protein Cysteine Thiol Groups by Conjugation with a Degradation Product of Ascorbate. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 26 (9), 1333-9. (Published).
  • Sahbani, S.K., Klarskov, K., Aloui, A., Kouass, S., Landoulsi, A. (2013). Protective role of ascorbic acid in the decontamination of cow milk casein by gamma-irradiation. International Journal of Radiation Biology 89 (6), (Published).
  • Ranyuk E; Lebel, R; Bérubé-Lauziere Y; Klarskov K; Lecomte; van Lier J; Guérin B. (2013). 68Ga/DOTA- and 64Cu/NOTA-Phthalocyanine Conjugates as Potential Fluorescent/PET Bimodal Imaging Probes. Bioconjugate Chemistry 24 (9), 1624-33. (Published).
  • Sharma AM , Klarskov K , Uetrecht J. (2013). Nevirapine bioactivation and covalent binding in the skin. Chemical research in toxicology 26 (3), (Published).
  • Ranyuk, E., Cauchon, N., Klarskov, K., Guérin, B., Van Lier, J.E. (2013). Phthalocyanine-peptide conjugates: Receptor-targeting bifunctional agents for imaging and photodynamic therapy. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 56 (4), 1520-15. (Published).
  • Regulus P, Desilets JF, Klarskov K, Wagner JR. (2011). Characterization and detection in cells of a novel adduct derived from the conjugation of glutathione and dehydroascorbate. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 49 (6), 984-991. (Published).
  • Defoy, D., Dansette, P.M., Neugebauer, W., Wagner, J.R., Klarskov, K. (2011). Evaluation of deuterium labeled and unlabeled bis-methyl glutathione combined with nanoliquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to screen and characterize reactive drug metabolites. Chemical Research in Toxicology 24 (3), 412-17. (Published).
  • Defoy D , Dansette PM , Neugebauer W , Wagner JR , Klarskov K. (2011). Evaluation of deuterium labeled and unlabeled bis-methyl glutathione combined with nanoliquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to screen and characterize reactive drug metabolites. Chemical research in toxicology 24 (3), (Published).
  • Regulus P , Desilets JF , Klarskov K , Wagner JR. (2010). Characterization and detection in cells of a novel adduct derived from the conjugation of glutathione and dehydroascorbate. Free radical biology & medicine 49 (6), (Published).
  • Bernard S , Defoy D , Dory YL , Klarskov K. (2009). Efficient synthesis of nevirapine analogs to study its metabolic profile by click fishing. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 19 (21), (Published).

Articles de conférence

  • Brochu R., Rolland Y., Wagner J. R. and Klarskov K. (2014). Possible relationship between oxidized vitamin C and homocysteinethiolactone; S- versus N-homocysteinylation. Society for Free Radical Biology in Medecine. (Published).
  • Eloraby G., McDuff FO., Wagner RJ and Klarskov K. (2013). Ascorbylation and Glutathionylation of Glutaredoxin-1 by Dehydroascorbate. 10th International ISSX Meeting. (Accepted).
  • Klarskov K., Flandrin A., McDuff FO, Wagner RJ. (2013). Protein ascorbylation of human Glutaredoxin-1 by a reactive degradation product of oxidized ascorbate. 61st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. (Published).
  • Downey J., Klarskov K., Balg F., and Grenier G. (2012). Isolement, caractérisation et contribution potentielle des cellules stromales souches du muscle squelettique humain dans l’ossification hétérotopique. Journee PHARE. (Published).
  • Cauchon N., Ranyuk E., Klarskov K., Guérin B. and Van Lier J. E. (2012). Phthalocyanine-peptide conjugates: Receptor-targeted bi-functional agents for imaging and photodynamic therapy. Symposium on Frontiers of Drug Delivery in Photomedicine: Bi-annual meeting of the American Society for Photobiology. (Published).
  • Downey J., Balg F, Grenier G., and Klarskov K. (2012). Isolement et caractérisation des cellules stromales du muscle squelettique humain impliquées dans l’ossification hétérotopique. Symposium PROTEO. (Published).
  • Klarskov K., Kay P., and Wagner J. R. (2012). Modification of peptide and protein cysteine thiol groups by reaction with oxidation products of vitamin C. 60st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Vancouver. (Published).
  • Haider W. Y., and Klarskov K. (2012). Nevirapine Induced Idiosyncratic Hepatotoxicity. Symposium annuel de PROTEO. (Published).
  • Kay P., Wagner J. R., and Klarskov K. (2012). Peptide and protein cysteine thiol-modification by oxidation products of vitamin C. Symposium annuel de PROTEO Sherbrooke, 2012. (Published).
  • Kay P. Wagner J. R., and Klarskov K. (2011). Modification des thiols des cystéines des protéines et peptides en présence de dehydroascorbate. Symposium PROTEO. (Published).
  • Sathoud Y. Fortin D., and Klarskov K. (2011). Études in vitro de l’inhibition de la voie du TGF-β par l’avasimibe et la chloroquine : les conséquences sur le métabolisme du glioblastome. Symposium PROTEO. (Published).
  • Sathoud Y. Fortin D., and Klarskov K. (2011). Études in vitro de l’inhibition de la voie du TGF-β par l’avasimibe et la chloroquine: les conséquences sur le métabolisme du glioblastome. 79e congrès de l'Acfas. (Published).
  • Kay P. Wagner J. Richard, and Klarskov K. (2011). Modification des thiols des cystéines des protéines et peptides en présence de dehydroascorbate. , Sherbrooke, May 2011. 79e congrès de l'Acfas. (Published).
  • Kay P., Wagner J. R., and Klarskov K. (2010). Modification des thiols libres de la chaine β de l’insuline en presence de dehydroascorbate. Symposium PHARE. (Published).
  • Sathoud Y., Fortin D., and Klarskov K. (2010). Études in vitro de l’inhibition de la voie du TGF-β par l’avasimibe et la chloroquine : les conséquences sur le métabolisme du glioblastome. Sherbrooke, QC, canada, 2010. symposium PHARE,. (Published).
  • Dansette P. M., Defoy D., Neugebauer W., Wagner J. R., and Klarskov K. (2010). Evaluation of two stable deuterium labelling approaches combined with nanoliquid chromatography coupled on-line with mass spectrometry to capture and characterize reactive drug metabolites. 9th International ISSX Conference. (Published).
  • Klarskov K., Defoy D., Neugebauer W., Wagner J. R., and Dansette P. M. (2010). Stable deuterium labelling approaches combined with nanoliquid chromatography coupled on-line with massspectrometry to screen and characterize reactive drug metabolites. 8th International Symposium on Biological Reactive Intermediates. (Published).
  • Wagner J. R., Regulus, P., Desilets, J-F., and Klarskov, K. (2009). Conjugation of glutathione with oxidized ascorbate: A structural analysis of an adduct and its detection in cells. 8th Mass spectrometry symposium. (Published).
  • Klarskov, K., Defoy, D., Neugebauer, W., and Hasibu, I. (2009). Inexpensive stable isotope labeling approaches combined with mass spectrometry for screening and characterization of reactive drug metabolites. , Canada, 2009. 8th Mass spectrometry symposium. (Published).

Autres contributions


  • (2012). Modification of peptide and protein cysteine thiol groups by reaction with oxidation products of vitamin C. Montreal Post-ASMS Symposium. Montreal