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François Michaud

Professeur, Faculté de génie
FAC. GÉNIE Électrique et informatique


Sujet de recherche

Algorithms, Computer Systems, Control System, Distributed and Simultaneous Processing, Mechatronics

Disciplines de recherche

Computer Engineering and Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronic Engineering


Artificial vision/audition, Autonomous systems, Computational architecture, Group robotics, Human-robot interaction, Mechatronic design, Mobile robotics, Robotic learning, Social robotics, System integration

Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français


(1997). (Post-doctorate, Computer Science). Brandeis University.

(1996). (Doctorate, Electrical Engineering). Université de Sherbrooke.

(1993). (Master's Thesis, Electrical Engineering - Masters). Université de Sherbrooke.

(1992). (Bachelor's, Electrical Engineering). Université de Sherbrooke.

Titres de compétence

(2017) Ingénieur.

Expérience académique

Adjunct Professor / Professeur associé. (2021-2024). Université Laval. Canada.

Prix et distinctions

  • (2021) Nomination Honoris Genius - Research and Teaching. Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec. (Honor).
  • (2020) Nomination Honoris Genius - Research and Teaching. Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec. (Honor).
  • (2017) Best Poster Award. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation. (Prize / Award).
  • (2014) Best Student Paper Award (to Leconte F, on a joint paper). Artificial General Intelligence Society. (Prize / Award).
  • Best Student Paper Award (to Fauteux P, on a joint paper). ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Best 2009 Student Paper Award in Mechatronics. (Prize / Award).
  • Best Student Paper Award (to Fauteux P, on a joint paper). IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronic. (Prize / Award).
  • IEEE Senior Member / IEEE membre senior. IEEE. (Distinction).
  • Junior TechnoScience Award / Prix Relève TechnoScience. Association pour le développement de la recherche et de l'innovation du Québec. (Prize / Award).
  • Mise en candidature | Engagement professionnel au sein de l'UdeS | Prix Inspiration 2018. Université de Sherbrooke. (Distinction).
  • Mise en candidature | Initiative-innovation | Prix Inspiration 2018. Université de Sherbrooke. (Distinction).
  • Mérite Estrien - Catégorie innovation. La Tribune. (Distinction).
  • NTF Award for Entertainement Robots and Systems. New Technology Promotion Foundation (NTF), IEEE Intelligent Robots and Systems. (Prize / Award).
  • Outstanding Volunteer of the Year / Bénévole de l'année. Robotique FIRST Québec. (Honor).
  • Prix d'excellence du Conseil d'administration du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke - Créativité et innovation: groupe. Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS). (Prize / Award).


  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Restoring the volitional control of a paralyzed limb using patient- controlled spinal cord stimulation. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Tri-Agency Interdisciplinary - Insight Grant and Discovery Horizons. 500 000 $. (2022-2027)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Applicant. Robot Learning and Discovering Through Memorizing Visual and Auditory Interactions. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Discovery Grant. 240 000 $. (2022-2027)
  • Grant. (Under Review). Co-investigator. COMFORT: Co-creating an Outcome Measure For sOcial RoboTs in the management of pediatric anxiety. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Project grant. 325 000 $. (2023-2026)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Applicant. INTER - Engineering of Interactive Rehabilitation Technologies / Ingénierie de technologies interactives en réadaptation. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). Regroupement stratégique. 3 360 000 $. (2019-2026)
  • Grant. (Under Review). Co-investigator. Optimisation de systèmes robotiques de précision pour le désherbage mécanique de cultures de légumes racines. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). Programme de recherche en partenariat - Agriculture durable II. 750 000 $. (2023-2026)
  • Grant. (Under Review). Principal Investigator. Human-Robot Symbiosis (HuRoS) Living Lab Continuum: Assistive Healthcare and Work Environments. Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). Contributions from eligibles partners. Innovation Funds. 4 444 084 $. (2023-2025)
  • Grant. (Under Review). Co-investigator. Développement d'une plateforme robotique automatisant la création de microorganismes synthétiques et analyse des impacts philosophiques et éthiques. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). AUDACE. 1 000 000 $. (2023-2025)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. PROMOHEALTH : Co-Creation of a Telehealth Program / PROMOSANTÉ: Co-création d’un programme de télésanté axé sur l’autogestion de la santé et de la participation sociale de personnes aînées à risque de déconditionnement. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). Plateforme de financement de la recherche intersectorielle sur le vieillissement / Living Lab. 708 374 $. (2021-2024)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Axel : Robot compagnon pour contrer l’isolement social des personnes aînées. IVADO. Financement de recherche collaborative en science des données au service du développement durable. 180 000 $. (2022-2024)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Restoring gait in a paralyzed cat through continuous, real-time induction of spinal cord reflexes. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). New Frontiers in Research Fund. 250 000 $. (2022-2024)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Modular Magnetorheological Actuators for Humanoid Robots - Exonetik inc.. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). Acceleration. 60 000 $. (2022-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Applicant. Enabling Technologies for Collaborative Robotics in Manufacturing (CoRoM). Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Collaborative Research and Training Experience. 1 650 000 $. (2017-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Designing Innovative Social Robots through end-User ParTicipation (DISRUPT). Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE). AGE-WELL. 550 000 $. (2020-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. From Fiction to Reality : How Science-Fiction and Make Machine Intelligence Emerge to Reduce Social Isolation of Seniors / De la fiction à la réalité : comment la science-fiction peut amener l’émergence d’une IA pour réduire l’isolement. Fonds de recherche du Qu. AUDACE. 100 000 $. (2021-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. SMART - Socially Mobile Assistive Robots for Telecare and Daily Activities of Older Adults. Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE). AGE-WELL. 575 000 $. (2020-2023)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Centre d’excellence en gestion de l’entreprise manufacturière innovante (CEGEMI) : le « Living Lab » de l’Industrie 4.0 au Québec. Ministère de l'Économie, de la Science et de l'Innovation. Centres d'excellence - Plan d'actions en économie numérique. 1 000 000 $. (2018-2022)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Automatisation de protocoles biologiques à l'aide d'un robot collaboratif - TATUM Bioscience. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). Acceleration. 15 000 $. (2022-2022)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Conception et réalisation d'un robot désherbeur pour agriculture maraîchère. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). IMPULSION. 100 000 $. (2021-2022)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Détection et évitement d’obstacles pour un drone nautique autonome avec utilisation d’un échosondeur multifaisceaux - ABTech inc.. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). Acceleration. 15 000 $. (2022-2022)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Principal Investigator. Vers une robotique intelligente à l'appui du virage numérique des PMEs. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). Acceleration. 13 333 $. (2022-2022)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Robotic System to Remove Weeds in Biological Crops. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). Impulsion. 100 000 $. (2021-2022)
  • Grant. (Under Review). Principal Investigator. From Fiction to Reality : How Science-Fiction and Make Machine Intelligence Emerge to Reduce Social Isolation of Seniors / De la fiction à la réalité : comment la science-fiction peut amener l’émergence d’une IA pour réduire l’isolement. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC). Audace. 100 000 $. (2020-2022)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-applicant. Intersectorial Proposal on Rehabilitation and Social Integration / Vers une société québécoise plus inclusive - Proposition d'une initiative de recherche intersectorielle en adaptation-réadaptation et soutien à l'intégration sociale. Fond recherche Québec (FRQ). Projet intersectoriel. 1 350 000 $. (2017-2022)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. MOvIT-UP - Evaluating and scaling up MOvIT+. Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE). AGE-WELL. 229 300 $. (2019-2022)
  • Grant. (Awarded). Co-investigator. Optimizing Patient Adherence to Stroke Rehabilitation Treatment: A Telerehabilitation Trial. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Project Grant. 700 000 $. (2020-2022)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Underground Drone for Scanning Mines / Drone souterrain pour le scan de chantiers miniers. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Collaborative Research and Development. 395 000 $. (2019-2021)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Applicant. INTER Research Center at Université de Sherbrooke / Centre de recherche INTER de l'Université de Sherbrooke. University of Sherbrooke. Programme de reconnaissance des centres. 373 878 $. (2015-2021)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Integrated Speech Processing System for Human-Robot Interaction in Rehabilitation / Système intégré de traitement de la parole pour interaction humain-robot en réadaptation. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). Projet de recherche en équipe / Team grant. 162 000 $. (2017-2021)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Mon futur chez-moi en 3D. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC). Société inclusive. 25 000 $. (2019-2020)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-applicant. An Integrated Platform for Genome Engineering. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). Team Grant. 162 000 $. (2017-2020)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. DISRUPT - Designing Innovative Social Robots through end-User ParTicipation. Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE). AGE-WELL. 30 000 $. (2019-2020)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-applicant. Integrated platform for genome engineering. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). Team grant. 162 000 $. (2017-2020)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Multi-Function Mobile Manipulator Robot Platform with Advanced Visualization Interfaces. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Research Tools and Instruments. 150 000 $. (2019-2020)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. SMART - Socially Mobile Assistive Robots for Telecare and Daily Activities of Older Adults. Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE). AGE-WELL. 30 000 $. (2019-2020)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Applicant. Système intégré de traitement de la parole pour interaction humain-robot en réadaptation. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). Team grant. 162 000 $. (2017-2020)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Development of a Position and Control System for an Omnidirectional Platform Using Vision, LIDAR and Line Following Technologies. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Engage. 25 000 $. (2019-2019)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Development of a Position and Control System for an Omnidirectional Platform Using Vision, LIDAR and Line Following Technologies. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Engage. 25 000 $. (2018-2019)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Applicant. INTER - Engineering of Interactive Rehabilitation Technologies / Ingénierie de technologies interactives en réadaptation. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). Regroupement stratégique. 600 000 $. (2017-2019)
  • Grant. (Under Review). Principal Applicant. Multi-Function Mobile Manipulator Robot Platform With Advanced Visualization Interfaces. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Research Tools and Instruments. 150 000 $. (2018-2019)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-applicant. Optimizing a Home-Based Virtual Reality Exercise Program for Chronic Stroke Patients: A Telerehabilitation Approach. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Project Grant. 197 481 $. (2017-2019)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Optimizing a home-based virtual reality exercise program for chronic stroke patients : A tele rehabilitation approach. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Project Grant. 197 481 $. (2017-2019)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. MapIt – Providing Occupational Therapists with a 3D Mapping Tool to Enhance Home Adaptation and Assistive Technology Provision Meeting the Needs of Older Adults and their Caregivers. Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE). AGE-WELL. 30 000 $. (2017-2018)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Ubiquitous Robotics to Support Older Adults with Dementia. Ontario Center of Excellence (OCE). Crosswings Robotics inc.. Smart Computing R&D Challenge. 100 000 $. (2016-2018)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-investigator. Développement d'un dispositif d'aide à la TEVA assisté par la technologie pour les jeunes présentant une déficience physique / Development of a technological system to support transition in adult life for persons with physical disabilities. Office des Personnes Handicapées du Québec. MSSS-OPHQ. 100 000 $. (2017-2018)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-applicant. Innovations sociales et technologiques en adaptation-réadaptation: Vers une société québécoise plus inclusive. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). Projets intersectoriels. 30 000 $. (2015-2018)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Applicant. Trajectory Planning of an Autonomous Vehicle / Planificateur de trajectoires modélisant automatiquement la dynamique d'un véhicule autonome en fonction de la perception de son environnement par un capteur de vision tridimensionnelle. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). Acceleration. 15 000 $. (2017-2017)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Visual Recognition and Management of Dynamic Scenes / Développement d’une méthode de reconnaissance et de gestion des changements visuels dynamiques dans un environnement pour une plateforme robotique autonome. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). Accélération. 30 000 $. (2016-2017)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Appearance-based Navigation Capabilities for a Semi-Autonomous Control of Powered Wheelchairs - Cyberwork Robotics inc.. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). ENGAGE / Engagement partenariat. 25 000 $. (2016-2016)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Appearance-based Navigation Capabilities for a Semi-Autonomous Control of Powered Wheelchairs. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Subvention d'engagement partenarial. 25 000 $. (2016-2016)
  • Grant. (Completed). Principal Investigator. Appearance-based Navigation Capabilities for a Semi-Autonomous Control of Powered Wheelchairs. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Engage Grants / Subventions d'engagement partenariat. 25 000 $. (2016-2016)
  • Grant. (Completed). Co-applicant. Intersectorial Proposal on Rehabilitation and Social Integration / Vers une société québécoise plus inclusive - Proposition d'une initiative de recherche intersectorielle en adaptation-réadaptation et soutien à l'intégration sociale. Fonds recherche Québec. Projet intersectoriel. 30 000 $. (2015-2016)


Articles de revue

  • Guay, M; Clavet, A; Métivier-Francis, A; Chamberland, K; Labbé, M; Leblanc, F; Michaud, F. (2022). . Cartographier en 3D avec MapIt : une plus-value pour un parcours de professionnalisation selon la perspective étudiante/Mapping in 3D with MapIt: an added value for a professionalization path from the student perspective. Canadian Medical Education Journal / Revue canadienne de l’éducation médicale (Published).
  • *Labbé M; Michaud F. (2022). Multi-session visual SLAM for illumination invariant re-localization in indoor environments. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Robot and Machine Vision - -. (Accepted).
  • Grondin F; Létourneau D; *Godin C; *Lauzon JS; *Vincent J; Michaud S; Faucher S; Michaud F. (2022). ODAS: Open embeddeD Audition System. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Com 9 -. DOI. (Published).
  • Allegue, DR; Kairy, D; Higgins, J; Archambault, P; Michaud, F; Miller, W; Sweet, SN; Tousignant, M. (2022). Rehabilitation of upper extremity by telerehabilitation combined with exergames in chronic stroke survivors: Preliminary findings from a feasibility clinical trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research - -. (Accepted).
  • Dosso, J; Bandari, E; Malhotra, A; Hoey, J; Guerra, G; Michaud, F; Prescott, T; Robillard, J. (2022). User perspectives on emotionally aligned social robots for older adults and persons living with dementia. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering (Accepted).
  • Guay, M; *Labbé, M; Séguin-Tremblay, N; Auger, C; Goyer, G; Veloza, E; Chevalier, N; Polgar, J; Michaud, F. (2021). Adapting a person’s home in 3D using a mobile App (MapIt): Participatory design framework investigating the App’s acceptability. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) - Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology - -. (Accepted).
  • Allegue, DR; Kairy, D; Higgins, J; Archambault, P; Michaud, F; Miller, W; Sweet, SN; Tousignant, M. (2021). A personalized home-based rehabilitation program using exergames combined with a telerehabilitation application in a chronic stroke survivor: A mixed methods case study. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) - Serious Games - -. (Accepted).
  • *Bounakoff, C; Hayward, V; Genest, J; Michaud, F; Beauvais, J. (2021). Artificial fast-adapting mechanoreceptor based on carbon nanotube percolating network. Science Advances - -. (Submitted).
  • Gaboury, I; Tousignant, M; Corriveau, H; Menear, M; Le Dorze, G; Rochefort, C; Vachon, B; Rochette, A; Gosselin, S; Michaud, F; Bollen, J; Dean, S. (2021). Effects of telerehabilitation on patient adherence to rehabilitation plan: A mixed method trial protocol. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Research Protocols - -. (Accepted).
  • *Bounakoff, C; Hayward, V; Genest, J; Michaud, F; Beauvais, J. (2021). Electronic-skin using biomimetic phasic sensing for person-machine interaction. Science Robotics - -. (Submitted).
  • Guay, M; *Labbé, M; Séguin-Tremblay, N; Auger, C; Goyer, G; Veloza, E; Chevalier, N; Polgar, J; Michaud, F. (2021). Jointly exploring home adaptations without a home visit: Development of a mobile app to scan rooms producing a 3D representation. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) - Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies - -. (Accepted).
  • *Panchea, A; Létourneau, D; *Labbé, M; Ferland, F; Grondin, F; Michaud, F. (2021). OpenTera: A microservice architecture solution for rapid prototyping of robotic solutions to COVID-19 challenges in care facilities. Health and Technology - -. (Submitted).
  • Gaboury, I; Tousignant, M; Corriveau, H; Menear, M; Le Dorze, G; Rochefort, C; Vachon, B; Rochette, A; Gosselin, S; Michaud, F; Bollen, J; Dean, S. (2021). Optimizing patient adherence to stroke rehabilitation: A mixed method telerehabilitation trial. JMIR Research Protocols - -. (Submitted).
  • Renard, M; Gaboury, I; Michaud, F; Tousignant, M. (2021). The acceptability of two remote monitoring modalities for patients waiting for services in a physiotherapy outpatient clinic. Musculoskeletal Care - -. (Accepted).
  • Renard, M; Gaboury, I; Michaud, F; Tousignant, M. (2021). The acceptability of two remote monitoring modalities for patients waiting for services in a physiotherapy outpatient clinic. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare - -. (Submitted).
  • *Laniel, S; Létourneau, D; *Grondin, F; *Labbé, M; *Ferland, F; Michaud, F. (2021). Toward enhancing the autonomy of a telepresence mobile robot for remote home care assistance. Palady, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 12 214-237. (Accepted).
  • Guay, M; Dubois, MF; St-Jean, J; Séguin-Tremblay, N; *Labbé, M; Goyer G; Auger, C; Poldma, T; Archambault, P; Michaud, F. (2021). Usability of virtual measurements relevant in adapting a person’s home using MapIt. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal - -. (Submitted).
  • Dosso, J; Bandari, E; Malhotra, A; Hoey, J; Michaud, F; Prescott, T; Robillard, J. (2021). User perspectives on emotionally aligned social robots for older adults and persons with dementia. RATE - -. (Submitted).
  • Guay, M; Auger, C; Séguin-Tremblay, N; Michaud, F; *Labbé, M; Chevalier, N; Plante, M; Goyer, G; Veloza, E; Polgar, J. (2021). Utility of the 3D modeling of a person’s living environment in occupational therapy. Social Science & Medicine - -. (Submitted).
  • Allegue, DR; Kairy, D; Higgins, J; Archambault, P; Michaud, F; Miller, W; Sweet, SN; Tousignant, M. (2021). What we learned about using telerehabilitation combined with exergames, from clinicians and chronic stroke survivors: A multiple case study. Journal of Medical Internet Research - Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies - -. (Submitted).
  • Robillard, JM; Goldman, IP; Prescott, TJ; Michaud, F. (2020). Addressing the ethics of telepresence applications through end-user engagement. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 76 (2), 457-460. (Published).
  • Routhier, F; Duclos, N; Lacroix, E; Lettre, J; Turcotte, E; Hamel, N; Michaud, F; Duclos, C; Archambault, P; Bouyer, L. (2020). Clinicians’ perspectives on inertial measurement units in clinical practice. PLoS ONE 15 (11), e0241922. (Published).
  • Allegue, DR; Kairy, D; Higgins, J; Archambault, P; Michaud, F; Miller, W; Sweet, SN; Tousignant, M. (2020). Optimization of upper extremity rehabilitation by combining telerehabilitation with an exergame in people with chronic stroke: a mixed-methods study protocol. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) - Research Protocols 21 (9), 58-68. (Published).
  • Campeau-Vallerand, C; Michaud, F; Routhier, F; Archambault, P; Létourneau, D; Gélinas-Bronsard, D; Auger, C. (2019). Development of a web-based monitoring system for power tilt-in-space: Formative evaluation. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) - Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies 6 (2), e13560. DOI. (Published).
  • *Grondin, F; Michaud, F. (2019). Lightweight and optimized sound source localization tracking methods for open and closed microphone array configurations. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 113 63-80. DOI. (Published).
  • *Clavien, L; Lauria, M; Michaud, F. (2018). Estimation of the instantaneous centre of rotation with nonholonomic omnidirectional mobile robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 106 47-57. DOI. (Published).
  • Nadeau, S; Michaud, F; Bourbonnais, D; Pérennou, D. (2018). France-Canada: Technology at the heart of rehabilitation sciences. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 61 187-188. (Published).
  • *Labbé, M; Michaud, F. (2018). Long-term online multi-session graph-based SPLAM with memory management. Autonomous Robots 42 (6), 1133-1150. (Published).
  • Lajeunesse, V; Routhier, F; Vincent, C; Lettre, J; Michaud, F. (2018). Perspectives of individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury concerning the usability of lower limb exoskeletons: An exploratory study. Technology and Disability 30 63-76. DOI. (Published).
  • *Lajeunesse V, Routhier F, Vincent C, Lettre J, Michaud F. (2018). Perspectives of individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury concerning the usability of lower limb exoskeletons: An exploratory study. Technology and Disability 30 63-76. DOI. (Published).
  • *Labbé, M; Michaud, F. (2018). RTAB-Map as an open-source lidar and visual SLAM library for large-scale and long-term online operation. Journal of Field Robotics 36 (2), 416-446. (Published).
  • *Ferland, F; *Reveleau, A; *Leconte, F; Létourneau, D; Michaud, F. (2017). Coordination mechanism for integrated design of human-robot interaction scenarios. Paladyn Journal on Behavioral Robotics 8 (1), 100-111. DOI. (Published).
  • *Viau, J; Chouinard, P; Lucking Bigué, JP; Julio, G; Michaud, F; Plante, JS. (2017). Tendon-driven manipulator actuated by magneto-rheological clutches exhibiting both high-power and soft motion capabilities. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 22 (1), 561-71. (Published).
  • *Leconte, F; *Ferland, F; Michaud, F. (2016). Design and integration of a spatio-temporal memory with emotional influences to categorize and recall the experiences of an autonomous mobile robot. Autonomous Robots, dos:10.1007/510514-015-9496-2 40 (5), 831-848. (Published).
  • *Boisvert AC, Auger C, *Jobin K, *Brodeur D, Michaud F. (2016). Perception of the usefulness of socially assistive robots for adherence to home-based rehabilitation exercises. International Journal of Social Robotics (Submitted).
  • *Grondin F, Michaud F. (2016). Robust lightweight sound source localization for speech processing on a mobile robot. Computer Speech and Language, Special Issue on Multi-Microphone Speech Recognition in Everyday Environments (Revision Requested).
  • *Ferland, F; Michaud, F. (2016). Selective attention by perceptual filtering in a robot control architecture. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development 8 (4), 256-70. (Published).
  • *Lajeunesse, V; Vincent ,C; Routhier, F; Careau, E; Michaud, F. (2015). Exoskeletons’ design and usefulness evidence according to a systematic review of lower limb exoskeletons used for functional mobility by people with spinal cord injury. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology Online (Online), 1-13. (Published).
  • *Iannuzzi, D; Grant, A; Corriveau, H; Boissy, P; Michaud, F. (2015). Specification of an integrated information architecture for a mobile teleoperated robot for inhome telecare and assistance. Informatics for Health and Social Care 41 (4), 350-361. (Published).
  • *Reveleau, A; *Ferland, F; *Labbé, M; Létourneau, D; Michaud, F. (2015). Visual representation of interaction force and sound source in a teleoperation user interface for a mobile robot. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction 4 (2), 1-23. (Published).
  • Pineau J, *Moghaddam AK, *Hiu K Y, Archambault PS, Routhier F, Michaud F, Boissy P. (2014). Automatic detection and classification of unsafe events during power wheelchair use. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine - -. (Published).
  • *Chauvin R, Hamel M, Brière S, *Ferland F, *Grondin F, Létourneau D, Tousignant M, Michaud F. (2014). Contact-free respiration rate monitoring using a pan-tilt thermal camera for stationary bike telerehabilitation sessions. IEEE System Journal PP (99), 1-10. (Published).
  • *Frémy J, *Ferland F, Letourneau D, Michaud F, Lauria M. (2014). Force-guidance of a compliant omnidirectional non-holonomic platform. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 62 (4), 579-90. (Published).
  • *Labbé M, Michaud F. (2013). Appearance-based loop closure detection in real-time for large-scale and long term operation. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 29 (3), 734-745. (Published).
  • *Frémy J, Michaud F, Lauria M. (2013). Force-guidance of a compliant omnidirectional non-holonomic platform. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 62 (4), 579-590. (Submitted).
  • *Rousseau V, *Ferland F, Létourneau D, Michaud F. (2013). Sorry to interrupt, but may I have your attention? Design and evaluation of an autonomous robot engaging interaction with people. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, Special Issue on HRI System Studies 2 (3), 41-61. (Accepted).
  • *Grondin F, Létourneau D, *Ferland F, *Rousseau V, Michaud F. (2013). The ManyEars open framework - Microphone array open software and open hardware system for robotic applications. Autonomous Robots, Special Issue on Open Source Software for Robotics 34 217-232. (Published).
  • *Ferland F, Létourneau D, *Frémy J, Legault M-A, Lauria M, Michaud F. (2012). Natural interaction design of a humanoid robot. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, Special Issue on HRI Perspectives and Projects from Around the Globe 1 (2), 118-134. (Published).
  • *Fauteux P, Lauria M, *Heintz B, Michaud F. (2010). Dual differential rheological actuator for high performance physical robotic interaction. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 26 (4), 607-618. (Published).
  • Michaud F, Boissy P, *Labonté D, Brière S, Perrault K, Corriveau H, Grant A, *Cloutier R, *Roux MA, *Iannuzzi D, Royer MP, *Ferland F, *Pomerleau F et Lauria M. (2010). Exploratory design and evaluation of a homecare teleassistive mobile robotic system. Mechatronics, Special Issue on Design and Control Methodology in Telerobotics 20 (7), 751-766. (Published).
  • *Salter T, Michaud F, Larouche H. (2010). How wild is wild? A taxonomy to categorize the wildness of child-robot interaction. International Journal of Social Robotics 2 (4), 405-415. (Published).

Chapitres de livre

  • Senoussaoui M, Saria-Paja MO, Cardinal P, Falk TH, Michaud F. (2020). State-of-the-art speaker recognition methods applied to speakers with dysarthria. Neustein A. Voice Technologies for Speech Reconstruction and Enhancement (7-34). United States of America : De Gruyter Online - Academic publishing. (Published).
  • Michaud F, Nicolescu N. (2016). Behavior-Based Systems. Siciliano B, Khatib O. Handbook of Robotics, Second Edition (13.1-13.29). Germany : Springer. (Accepted).
  • *Grondin F, Michaud F. (2014). Real-time audition system for autonomous mobile robots. Markowitz J A. Robots that Talk and Listen: Technology and Social Impact (1-16). United States of America : De Gruyter. (Published).
  • *Salter T, Michaud F. (2010). Considerations on robotic devices and autism. Chow T. Pediatric Rehabilitation Engineering: From Disability to Possibility (241-290). Canada : CRC Press. (Published).
  • *Raïevsky C, Michaud F. (2009). Emotion generation based on a mismatch theory of emotions for situated agents. Vallverdú J, Casacuberta D. Handbook of Research on Synthetic Emotions and Sociable Robotics: New Applications in Affective Computing and Artificial Intelligence (247-266). Spain : IGI-Global. (Published).


  • Michaud F, Nadeau S, Archambault P, Patenaude J, Hamel N. (2014). Financer la recherche interdisciplinaire et intersectorielle en technologies de la réadaptation – un défi réalisable. INTER-REPAR. 101 p.

Articles de conférence

  • *Panchea, A; *Maheux, M-A; Létourneau D; *Godin, C; *Labbé, M; Ferland, F; Grondin, F; Michaud, F. (2021). Engineering autonomous robotic solutions for older adults in long-term care facilities. International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics. (Published).
  • Maheux, M-A*; Caya, C*; Létourneau, D; Michaud, F. (2021). T-Top, a SAR experimental platform. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. (Accepted).
  • Michaud, S; *Faucher, S; Grondin, F,;*Lauzon, J-S; *Labbé, M; Létourneau, D; Ferland, F; Michaud, F. (2020). 3D localization of a sound source using mobile microphone arrays referenced by SLAM. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. (Accepted).
  • Guay, M; Goyer, G; *Labbé, M; Auger, C; Polgar, J; Plante, M; Chevalier, N; Séguin-Tremblay, N; D’Amours, M; Michaud, F. (2020). Adapting inpatient rehabilitation interventions for the frail elderly using a 3D representation of the home environment. International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research (ICFSR). (Published).
  • Guay M, Goyer G, Labbé M*, Auger C, Polgar J, Plante M, Chevalier N, Séguin-Tremblay N, D’Amours M, Michaud F. (2020). Adapting inpatient rehabilitation interventions for the frail elderly using a 3D representation of the home environment. International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research. (In Press).
  • *Vincent, J; *Labbé, M; *Lauzon, J-S; Grondin, F; Comtois-Rivet, P-M; Michaud, F. (2020). Dynamic object tracking and masking for visual SLAM. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. (Published).
  • Grondin, F; Lauzon, J-S;, Vincent, J; Michaud, F. (2020). GEV beamforming supported by DOA-based masks generated on pairs of microphones. INTERSPEECH. (Accepted).
  • Guay M, Labbé M*, Auger C, Polgar J, Plante M, Chevalier N, D’Amours M, Michaud F. (2019). Co-design of a 3D modeling App of older adults’ homes by occupational therapists. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress. (Published).
  • Guay, M; Veloza, E; *Labbé, M; Auger, C; Polgar, J; Plante, M; Chevalier, N; D’Amours, M; Michaud, F. (2019). Co-design of a 3D modeling App of older adults’ homes by occupational therapists. , May 23th – 25rd 2019, Gothenburg (Sweden). International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress. (Published).
  • Guay, M; Goyer, G; *Labbé, M; Auger, C; Polgar, J; Plante, M; Chevalier, N; Veloza, E; Séguin-Tremblay, N; D’Amours, M; Michaud, F. (2019). How MapIt, a mobile application for 3D virtual representation of older adults’ living spaces, could enhance homecare clinical practices. 2nd Council of Occupational Therapists for European Countries – European in Higher Education. (Published).
  • Auger, C; Campeau-Vallerand, C; Routhier, F; Archambault, P; Létourneau, D; Gélinas-Bronsard, D; Michaud, F. (2019). Participatory Design to Develop and Evaluate a Monitoring System for Power Tilt-in-space Wheelchairs. Oceania Seating Symposium. (Published).
  • Allegue, DR; Kairy, D; Higgins, J; Archambault, P; Michaud, F; Miller, W; Sweet, SN; Tousignant, M. (2019). Remote rehabilitation training using the combination of an exergame and telerehabilitation application: A case report of an elderly chronic stroke survivor. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR). (Published).
  • Allegue, DR; Kairy, D; Higgins, J; Archambault, P; Michaud, F; Miller, W; Sweet, SN; Tousignant, M. (2019). Remote rehabilitation training using the combination of an exergame and telerehabilitation application: A case report of an elderly chronic stroke survivor. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation. (Published).
  • *Bounakoff, C; Genest, J; Hayward, V; Michaud, F; Beauvais, J. (2019). Transient compliant tactile cell array for human-robot interaction. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Workshop on E-Skin. (Published).
  • Gagnon, M; Beaudoin, AJ; Raby-Nahas, C; Vézina, M; Laverdière, O; Létourneau, D; Golliot, J*; Mérat, Y-M; Michaud, F; Couture, M. (2018). A robot to help diagnose autism spectrum disorder?. American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Annual Conference. (Published).
  • *Bounakoff, C; Genest, J; Michaud, F; Beauvais, J. (2018). Compliant interface based on carbon nanotube piezoresistive films for social interaction. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (Accepted).
  • Auger, C; Jobin, K; Michaud, F. (2018). Exploring needs in robot audition for people with dementia: Perceived applicability for surveillance in health care institutions. 47th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology. (Published).
  • *Laniel, S; Létourneau, D; *Labbé, M; *Grondin, F; Polgar, J; Michaud, F. (2017). Adding navigation, artificial audition and vital sign monitoring capabilities to a telepresence robot for remote home care applications. IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robots. (Published).
  • Burhanpurkar, M; *Labbé, M; Guan, C; Michaud, F; Kelly, J. (2017). Cheap or robust? The practical realization of self-driving wheelchair technology. IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robots. (Published).
  • *Laniel, S; Létourneau, D; *Labbé, M; *Grondin, F; Michaud, F. (2017). Enhancing a beam+ telepresence robot for remote home care applications. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation. (Published).
  • *Lauzon, JS *Grondin, F; Létourneau, D; Lussier Desbiens, A; Michaud, F. (2017). Localization of RW-UAVs using particle filtering over distributed microphone arrays. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. (Accepted).
  • Milot, MH; Hamel, M; Provost, PO; Bernier-Ouellet, J; *Dupuis, M; Létourneau, D; Michaud, F. (2016). Exerciser for Rehabilitation of the Arm (ERA): Development and unique features of a 3D end-effector robot. IEEE International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. (Accepted).
  • *Brodeur, D; *Grondin, F; Michaud ,F. (2016). Integration framework for speech processing with live visualization interfaces. IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. (Accepted).
  • *Grondin, F; Michaud, F. (2016). Noise mask for TDOA sound source localization of speech on mobile robots in noisy environments. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). (Accepted).
  • *Grondin, F; Michaud, F. (2016). Robust speech/non-speech discrimination based on pitch estimation for mobile robots. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). (Accepted).
  • Lepage, P; Letourneau, D; Hamel, M; Brière, S; Corriveau, H; Tousignant, M; Michaud, F. (2016). Telehomecare telecommunication framework: From remote patient monitoring to video visits and robot telepresence. IEEE International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. (Accepted).
  • *Golliot, J; Salter, T; *Raby-Nahas, C; *Vezina, M; Merat, Y.-M; Côté, B; Duclos, C; Lavoie, M; *Beaudoin, AJ; Couture, M; Michaud, F. (2015). A tool to diagnose autism in children aged between two to five years old: An exploratory study with the robot Queball. Proceedings, 61-62. (Published).
  • Lepage, P; Létourneau, D; Brière, S; Hamel, M; Corriveau, H; Tousignant, M; Michaud, F. (2015). Configurable audio/video/physiological data telehealth platform designed for physical medicine and rehabilitation. Proceedings, (Published).
  • *Boisvert, AC; *Boivin, K; *Houde, J; Grondin, F; Brodeur, D; Michaud, F. (2015). Exploration des besoins en robotique interactive dans les activités quotidiennes pour les personnes atteintes de conditions neurologiques et neurodégénératives : protocole du volet qualitatif. Carrefour des connaissances - Centre de réadaptation Lucie-Bruneau. (Published).
  • Vincent, C; *Lajeunesse, V; Routhier, F; Carreau, E; Michaud, F. (2015). Lower limb exoskeletons used for functional mobility by people with spinal cord injury in community. ISCoS and ASIA Joint Scientific Meeting. (Published).
  • *Viau, J; Chouinard, P; *Lucking Bigué, JP; Julio, G; Michaud, F; Shimoda, S; Plante, JS. (2015). Projected PID controller for tendon-driven manipulators actuated by magneto-rheological clutches. Proceedings, (Published).
  • *Labbé M, Michaud F. (2015). SPLAM-MM: Simultaneous planning, localization and mapping using a memory management approach. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). (Submitted).
  • *Grondin, F; Michaud, F. (2015). Time Difference of Arrival estimation based on binary frequency mask for sound source localization on mobile robots. Proceedings, (Published).
  • *Beaudoin AJ, *Rabi-Naras C, *Vezina M, Golliot J, Côté B, Duclos C, Lavoie M, Salter T, Gagnon M, Merat YM, Michaud F, Couture M. (2015). Une étude exploratoire sur l’utilisation d’un robot-boule comme outils d’aide au diagnostic pour des enfants de 2 à 5 ans avec des troubles neurodéveloppementaux. Proceedings, (Published).
  • Routhier, F; *Lajeunesse, V; Vincent, C; Michaud, F. (2015). Usability of lower limb exoskeletons in the community: Perspective of people with an incomplete spinal cord injury. ISCoS and ASIA Joint Scientific Meeting. (Published).
  • *Ferland, F; *Reveleau, A; Michaud, F. (2015). Visualization of sound source location in a teleoperation interface for a mobile robot. Proceedings, 51-52. (Published).
  • Auger, C; Ahmed, S; Demers, L; Michaud, F; Bier, N; Guay, M; Mortenson, B; Jutai, J; Miller, WC. (2015). Web-based systematic telemonitoring and teletraining of user-caregiver dyads after provision of assistive technology : conceptual framework. Procedings, (Published).
  • *Ferland F, *Leconte F, Tapus A, Michaud F. (2014). An architecture for integrated episodic memory for adaptive robot behavior. Proceedings, (Published).
  • Salter T, Davey N, Michaud F. (2014). Designing and developing QueBall: A robotic device for autism therapy. Proceedings, 574-579. (Published).
  • Lepage P, Létourneau D, Hamel M, Brière S, Tousignant M, Michaud F. (2014). From teletraining to telehomecare – Design of mobile and multi-stream telehealth systems. Proceedings, 1-4. (Published).
  • *Leconte F, *Ferland F, Michaud F. (2014). Fusion Adaptive Resonance Theory Networks used as episodic memory for an autonomous robot. Proceedings, 63-72. (Published).
  • *Ferland F, *Chauvin R, Létourneau D, Michaud F. (2014). Hello Robot, can you come here? Using ROS4iOS to provide remote perceptual capabilities for visual location, speech and speaker recognition. Proceedings (video), 101. (Published).
  • *Ouellet S, *Grondin F, *Leconte F, Michaud F. (2014). Multimodal biometric identification system for mobile robots combining human metrology to face recognition and speaker identification. Proceedings, 323-328. (Published).
  • *Labbé M, Michaud F. (2014). Online global loop closure detection for large-scale multi-session graph-based SLAM. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). (Accepted).
  • *Chauvin R, *Ferland F, Létourneau D, Michaud F. (2014). ROS4iOS: Native ROS development on iOS devices. Proceedings (video), 2085. (Accepted).
  • Salter T, Davey N, Michaud F. (2014). The design and implementation of a robotic device to aid in autism therapy. International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Autism (ITASD). (Published).
  • Lajeunesse V, Vincent C, Routhier F, Michaud F. (2014). Usability of lower limb exosqueletons: Perspective of people with an incomplete spinal cord injury. MEDTEQ Scientific Conference. (Published).
  • *Grondin F, Létourneau D, *Ferland F, Michaud F. (2013). An open hardware and software microphone array for robotic applications. Peer-reviewed demonstrations, (Published).
  • *Ferland F, *Aumont A, Létourneau D, Michaud F. (2013). Taking your robot for a walk: Force-guiding a mobile robot using compliant arms. Proceedings (video), 309-316. (Published).
  • *Fréchette M, Létourneau D, Valin J-M, Michaud F. (2012). Integration of sound source localization and separation to improve dialogue management on a robot. Proceedings (video), 2358-2363. (Published).
  • *Ferland F, *Aumont A, Létourneau D, Legault M-A, Michaud F. (2012). Johnny-0, a compliant, force-controlled and interactive humanoid autonomous robot. Proceedings (video), 417-418. (Published).
  • Gemme S, *Gingras D, Salerno A, Dupuis E, *Pomerleau F, Michaud F. (2012). Pose refinement using ICP applied to 3-D LIDAR data for exploration rovers. Proceedings, (Published).
  • *Beaudry E, Kabanza F, Michaud F. (2012). Using a classical forward search to solve temporal planning problems under uncertainty. Proceedings, (Published).
  • *Grondin F, Michaud F. (2012). WISS, a speaker identification system for mobile robots. Proceedings, 1817-1822. (Published).
  • *Labbé M, Michaud F. (2011). Memory managment for real-time appearance-based loop closure detection. Proceedings, 1271-1276. (Published).
  • Moghaddam A.K, Pineau J, Frank J, Archambault P, Routhier F, Audet T, Polgar J, Michaud F, Boissy P. (2011). Mobility profile and wheelchair driving skills of powered wheelchair users: Sensor-based event recognition using a support vector machine classifier. Proceedings, 7336-7339. (Published).
  • Delisle A, Marchand J, *Choquet D, Plamondon A, Gagnon D, Larivière C, Rouat J, Michaud F. (2011). Predicting the lumbar moment from trunk kinematics and electromyography: multiple linear regression or artificial neural network. Proceedings, (Published).
  • Boissy P, Brière S, Corriveau H, Grant A, Lauria M, Michaud F. (2011). Usability testing of a mobile robotic system for in-home telerehabilitation. Proceedings, 1839-1842. (Published).
  • *Thanh TTT, Michaud F, Bellemarre C, Martin M, Masson P, Le Dinh CT, Létourneau D, *Moisan P, Lemieux R. (2011). User interfaces for a robotized camera system providing infinite number of viewpoints for telecoaching. Proceedings, (Published).
  • *Beaudry E, Kabanza F, Michaud F. (2010). Combining MDPs and Bayesian networks for planning with actions concurrency under uncertainly. Proceedings, (Published).
  • Boissy P, Polgar J.M., Routhier F, Archambault P, Audet T, Michaud F. (2010). Ecological assessment of power mobility use and safety as outcome measures for user training and clinical decision making. 26th International Seating Symposium. (Published).
  • *Frémy J, *Ferland F, *Clavien L, Létourneau D, Michaud F, Lauria M. (2010). Force-controlled motion of a mobile platform. Proceedings (video), 2517-2518. (Published).
  • *Chamberland S, *Beaudry É, *Clavien L, *Kabanza F, Michaud F, Lauria M. (2010). Motion planning of an omnidirectional non-holonomic robot with steering constraints. Proceedings, 4305-4310. (Published).
  • *Bedwani J-L, Rekleitis I, Michaud F, Dupuis E. (2010). Multi-layer atlas system for map management. Proceedings, 207-214. (Published).
  • *Beaudry E, Kabanza F, Michaud F. (2010). Planning for concurrent actions with probabilistic durations using dynamically generated Bayesian Networks. Proceedings, 10-17. (Published).
  • *Frémy J, Michaud F, Lauria M. (2010). Pushing a robot along - A natural interface for human-robot interaction. Proceedings, 3440-3445. (Published).
  • *Ferland F, *Clavien L, *Frémy J, Létourneau D, Michaud F, Lauria M. (2010). Teleoperation of AZIMUT-3, an omnidirectional non-holonomic platform with steerable wheels. Proceedings (video), 2515-2516. (Published).
  • *Heintz B, *Fauteux P, Létourneau D, Michaud F, Lauria M. (2010). Using a dual differential rheological actuator as a high-performance haptic interface. Proceedings (video), 2519-2520. (Published).
  • *Salter T, Michaud F, Létourneau D. (2009). A preliminary investigation into the effects of adaptation in child-robot interaction. Proceedings, 1-6. (Published).
  • *Fauteux P, Lauria M, Legault M-A, *Heintz B, Michaud F. (2009). Dual differential rheologic actuator for robotic interaction tasks. Proceedings, 47-52. (Published).
  • *Ferland F, *Pomerleau F, Le Dinh C.T, Michaud F. (2009). Egocentric and exocentric teleoperation interface using real-time, 3D video projection. Proceedings, 37-44. (Published).
  • *Badali A, Valin J-M, Michaud F, Aarabi P. (2009). Evaluating real-time audio localization algorithms for artificial audition on mobile robots. Proceedings, 2033-2038. (Published).
  • *Brière S, Boissy P, Michaud F. (2009). In-home telehealth clinical interaction using a robot. Proceedings, 225-226. (Accepted).
  • *Clavien L, Lauria M, Michaud F. (2009). Instantaneous center of rotation estimation of an omni-directional mobile robot. Proceedings, 5435-5440. (Published).
  • *Pomerleau F, Colas F, *Ferland F, Michaud F. (2009). Kd-ICP for fast and robust map registration. Proceedings, 47-52. (Published).
  • *Salter T, Michaud F, Létourneau D. (2009). Roball interacting with children. Proceedings, 209. (Published).
  • *Salter T, Létourneau D, Michaud F. (2009). What are the benefits of adaptation when applied in the domain of child-robot interaction. Proceedings, 237-238. (Published).

Propriétés intellectuelles


  • (2011). Dual Differential Semi-Active Actuator Fit for Interaction Tasks and Fast Motion. PCT Patent Application filed on March 26th, 2009: PCT/CA2009/000390. Entry in national phases on Sep. United States of America. (Granted/Issued).


  • Dual Differential Semi-Active Actuator Fit for Interaction Tasks and Fast Motion, PCT/CA2009/000390, Canada 2,719,297, USA 12/934,415, Europe 09724318.2, Japan 2011-501072, South Korea 10-2010-7023148, China 2009 80111064.6. (Granted).
  • Mobile and Multi-Stream Tele-Consultation System for Homecare Assistance. (In Negotiation).
  • Robot ball Canada Patent no. CA 2,311,504, U.S. Patent no. 6,227,933. (Granted).
  • Robotized cameras for teletraumatology / Système de caméras robotisés pour la télétraumatologie. (Granted).

Autres contributions

Gestion d'évènements

  • Chair. (2021) Women in Robotics Seminar Series. (Seminar).
  • Co-Chair. (2021) Advanced in Collaborative Robotics for To Counter Labor Shortage / Avancées en robotique collaborative pour contrer la pénurie de main d’œuvre. (Workshop).
  • Chair. (2021) INTER-REPAR Summer School on Exosqueleton and Assistive Technology / École d’été INTER-REPAR sur les exo squelettes et les technologies d'assistance. (Workshop).
  • Co-Chair. (2020) Workshop on Robots for Health and Care (RoboHEC), International Conference on Robotics and Automation. (Workshop).
  • Chair. (2020) Advanced in Collaborative Robotics to Counter Labor Shortage / Avancées en robotique collaborative pour contrer la pénurie de main d’œuvre. (Workshop).
  • Chair. (2019) Mobile Robot Assistants for the Elderly, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. (Workshop).
  • Co-organizer / Co-organisateur. (2019) Quebec Congress in Adaptation-Rehabilitation Research / Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation. (Conference).
  • Chair. (2018) INTER-REPAR Summer School on Motion Charaterization Using Inertial Measurement Units / École d’été INTER-REPAR Caractérisation du mouvement à l’aide de centrales inertielles. (Workshop).
  • Co-Chair. (2018) RoboCup 2018 International Robot Competition. (Conference).
  • Co-organizer / Co-organisateur. (2017) 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). (Conference).
  • Committee Member, Program Committee. (2016) Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB) 2016. (Conference).
  • Special Sessions Co-Chair. (2015) 2015 International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR). (Conference).
  • Chair. (2015) INTER-REPAR Summer School on Innovation, creativity and communication serving rehabilitation technologies / École d’été INTER-REPAR Innovation, créativité et communication au service des technologies en réadaptation. (Workshop).
  • Co-organizer / Co-organisateur. (2015) Quebec Congress in Adaptation-Rehabilitation Research Uniting Forces and Excellence in Physical Rehabilitation / Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation Rencontre des forces vives et de l’excellence en réadaptation physique. (Conference).
  • Organisateur. (2014) Lancement de la compétition FIRST 2014 Sherbrooke. (Workshop).
  • Co-organizor / Co-organisateur. (2014) Open Forum for an Inclusive Society / Forum sur la société inclusive (FRQS, FRQNT, FRQSC). (Workshop).
  • Co-organizer / Co-organisateur. (2013) Financer la recherche interdisciplinaire et intersectorielle en technologies de la réadaptation – Un défi réalisable - Colloque 36 Acfas. (Workshop).
  • Organisateur. (2013) Lancement de la compétition FIRST 2013 Sherbrooke. (Workshop).
  • General Co-Chair. (2009) ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. (Conference).


  • Panchea, A; Létourneau, D. (2021). Symposium de l'innovation Agetech: L’autonomie et l’indépendance. AGE-WELL EPIC Conference. Canada
  • (2021). What Can Telepresence Robotics Contribute to eHealth?. The Role of Robotics in Supporting Care for Older Adults, organized by AGE-WELL (Canada) / AHSN (UK). United Kingdom
  • (2019). RTAB-Map and ODAS - Two Open Source Libraries for Robots in the Real World. Conference on Robotics and Vision 2019. Kingston, Canada
  • (2019). RTAB-Map and ODAS - Two Open Source Libraries for Robots in the Real World. Seminar, Electrical Engineering Department, University of Ottawa. Ottawa, Canada
  • (2018). Le parcours extraordinaire de robots audacieux. Colloque du scientifique en chef en partenariat avec Ubisoft La Forge. Montréal, Canada
  • (2018). Robots for healthcare. AAIC Technology & Dementia Preconference. Chicago, United States of America
  • (2018). Table ronde sur les objets du futurs. Musée de la civilisation. Québec, Canada
  • (2017). From remote patient monitoring to video visits and robot telepresence. Workshop on Medical Devices Enable by Internet of Things - National Research Council Canada. Ottawa, Canada
  • Nejat, Goldie. (2017). Robots for homecare of seniors. AGE-WELL General Assembly. Winnipeg, Canada
  • (2017). Table ronde sur la robotique contemporaine. Événement Décoder le monde | Robots au Musée de la civilisation. Québec, Canada
  • (2016). Bien vieillir avec nos robots?. Silver Economie and Habitat. Bordeaux, France
  • (2015). Configurable audio/video/physiological data telehealth platform designed for physical medicine and rehabilitation. 30ème Congrès de la Société Française de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation. Montpellier, France
  • (2015). La robotique au service de la téléréadaptation. CRIUGM Scientific Day. Montréal, Canada
  • (2015). La robotique en réadaptation. 28èmes Entretiens Jacques Cartier. Lyon, France
  • (2015). La robotisation en santé. SAGE-Innovation dinner with a delegation from Silver Valley, France. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2015). Robotique - Frontières entre la fiction et la réalité. CreativeMornings - Theme 30: Robots. Montréal, Canada
  • (2014). Interactive Robotics and Rehabilitation. CRV 2014 Invited Symposium: Assistive Technologies. Montréal, Canada
  • (2014). La robotique en réadaptation : une technologie en évolution. Colloque RéadaptATion 2014. Laval, Canada
  • (2014). Les technologies de la réadaptation - Rêves et enjeux. Journée scientifique REPAR - Réseau provincial en adaptation-réadaptation / Scientific Day REPAR. Montréal, Canada
  • (2014). Qu’est-ce que la robotique et les technologiques interactives peuvent contribuer à une société inclusive?. Forum interdisciplinaire et intersectoriel sur la société inclusive. Montréal, Canada
  • (2014). The Quest for Intelligent Autonomous Robots – An Interdisciplinary Adventure. Committee on Grants and Scholarships, NSERC. Ottawa, Canada
  • (2013). Défis et opportunités qu'apportent la robotique interactive en réadaptation. Séminaire du CIRRIS, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en réadaptation et inclusion sociale. Québec, Canada
  • (2013). La robotique contemporaine au service de la réadaptation – Nouvelles possibilités. Conférence Gustave-Gingras de l'École de réadaptation de Montréal. Montréal, Canada
  • (2013). Potentiel du numérique pour relevés les défis liés aux changements démographiques au Québec. Forum de réflexion FRQ-Prompt. Québec, Canada
  • (2013). Robotique interactive et téléréadaptation: Une combinaison gagnante!. Séminaire du CRIM - Centre de recherche informatique de Montréal. Montréal, Canada
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