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A common front in research to better fight against cancer

In spring 2021, the Université de Sherbrooke recognized the excellence of university-based cancer research by creating the Université de Sherbrooke Cancer Research Institute (IRCUS). Bringing together more than 600 professor-researchers, students, postdoctoral fellows, medical residents, professionals and patient-partners, IRCUS facilitates collaboration between existing research teams. This decompartmentalization helps to accelerate discoveries and propel innovations through to their integration into the healthcare system, for the benefit of people affected by cancer.

IRCUS brings together a wide range of complementary expertise including genomics, RNA biology, cell biology, immunology, radiobiology, medical imaging, theranostics, neuroscience, pharmacology, microbiology, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, physical activity, clinical trials, active surveillance, securing healthcare, and health law and administration.