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Strategic planning

The IRCUS strategic planning is the result of extensive consultations with members and management to establish the institute’s priorities for the coming years.

It represents IRCUS’ commitment to its members—professor-researchers, students, postdoctoral fellows, medical residents, professionals and patient-partners—to develop an institute that reflects them.

Strategic Plan 2022–2025

Directions and objectives

Enhance the quality of research and training at IRCUS

  1. Create a multidisciplinary master’s and doctoral program in cancer sciences (oncology, molecular oncology).
  2. Strengthen interdisciplinary supervision of graduate students and energize scientific life at IRCUS to create a rich training environment suited to the complex challenges of oncology.
  3. Value the contribution of residents, patient-partners, users, knowledge-users and decision-makers by promoting their interaction with IRCUS members.
  4. Support the recruitment and establishment of leaders in oncology research and provide exceptional scientific resources for our researchers.

Promote medical oncology research at IRCUS

  1. Develop early-stage research offering for oncology patients with no other therapeutic alternative.
  2. Develop collaborations between clinicians and fundamental researchers by supporting translational research.
  3. Attract pharmaceutical industry partners to collaborate with our researchers, to develop new therapeutic molecules or study those at the development stage.
  4. Support the participation of students (residents, graduates) in research projects to develop the next generation of clinician-researchers.

Position IRCUS locally, nationally and internationally

  1. Stand out through our brand image and organizational culture.
  2. Create an exemplary culture in which the synergy between clinicians, patients and researchers is carried out in a collegial and respectful manner.
  3. Value success by supporting the dissemination of our research work and practices in the rest of Canada and internationally.
  4. Support large-scale innovative initiatives through to funding by philanthropic sources, partnerships or major funding agencies.

Accelerate knowledge creation, transfer and application

  1. Enhance the value of innovative technological platforms to promote and maximize the use of expertise within IRCUS.
  2. Promote the establishment of collaborative projects among IRCUS researchers.
  3. Foster synergy between those who develop knowledge, those who apply it and those who benefit from it.
  4. Promote collaborations with cancer research centres and industrial partners, nationally or internationally.