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Research Projects

Here is a project that the GRTP team is currently working on.

The PHIG project for the synthesis of industrial H2 without GHG emissions developed by KWI in partnership with the University of Sherbrooke consists of combining 3 reactors: an autothermal pyrolyzer patented by TTS and KWI, a plasma reactor for the synthesis of carbon black graphene and H2 without GHG emissions from methane, owned by KWI, and a carbon nanofilament and H2 synthesis reactor patented by TTS. The methane enters the plasma reactor and comes out in the form of hydrogen and hydrocarbons for the gaseous fraction and in the form of carbon black or graphene for the solid fraction.

End-of-life plastic destined for landfill is treated in the autothermal pyrolyzer and the gaseous fraction that comes out is combined with the hydrocarbons coming out of the plasma reactor to enter a carbon nanofilament (NFC) synthesis reactor that will produce hydrogen and CO in its gas phase and carbon nanofilaments in its solid phase. The residual CO and methane are separated from the hydrogen; the CO is used to operate the autothermal pyrolyzer and the methane is returned to the plasma reactor feed. The three reactors already exist and are installed in the pilot plant at the University of Sherbrooke.

Researchers involved: F. GitzhoferN. Abatzoglou and I. E. Achouri