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Pedro Alejandro Segura » Autres publications
Autres publications
Segura, P. A., Gagnon, C., Yargeau, V. (2012) On the Application of High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry to Environmental Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Remediation, 1: 85-92.
Segura, P. A., Kaplan, P., Erythropel, H. C., Yargeau, V. (2012) Comparative rapid toxicity screening of commercial and potential green plasticizers using bioluminescent bacteria. Industrial and Engineering Chemical Research, 51: 11555-11560.
Lajeunesse A., Segura P. A., Gélinas M., Hudon C., Thomas K., Quilliam M.A., Gagnon C. (2012) Detection and confirmation of saxitoxins analogues in freshwater benthic Lyngbya wollei algae collected in the St. Lawrence River (Canada) by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Science of the Total Environment, 1219: 93-103.
Segura P. A., Macleod S., Lemoine P., Sauvé S., Gagnon C. (2011) Quantification of carbamazepine and atrazine and screening of suspect organic contaminants in surface and drinking waters. Chemosphere, 84: 1085-1094.
Garcia-Ac A., Segura P. A., Viglino L., Gagnon C., et Sauvé S. (2011) Comparison of APPI, APCI and ESI for the LC-MS/MS analysis of bezafibrate, cyclophosphamide, enalapril, methotrexate and orlistat in municipal wastewater. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 46: 383–390.
Segura P.A., Tremblay P., Picard P., Gagnon C., Sauvé S. (2010) High-throughput quantitation of seven sulfonamide residues in dairy milk using laser diode thermal desorption-negative mode atmospheric pressure chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 58:1442-1446.
Garcia-Ac A., Segura P. A., Viglino L., Fürtös A., Gagnon C., Prévost M., Sauvé, S. (2009)On-line solid-phase extraction of large-volume injections coupled to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for the quantitation and confirmation of 14 selected trace organic contaminants in drinking and surface water. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216: 8518-8527.
Segura P. A., Gagnon C., Sauvé S. (2009) Application of turbulent flow chromatography load columns to the on-line analysis of anti-infectives in wastewaters. Chromatographia, 70: 239-245.
Segura P. A., François M., Gagnon C., Sauvé S. (2009) Review of the occurrence of anti-infectives in contaminated wastewaters and natural and drinking waters. Environmental Health Perspectives, 117: 675-684.
Garcia-Ac A., Segura P. A., Gagnon C., Sauvé S. (2009)Determination of bezafibrate, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, orlistat and enalapril in waste and surface waters using on-line solid-phase extraction liquid chromatography coupled to polarity-switching electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 11: 830-838.
Segura P. A., Gagnon C., Sauvé S. (2007) A fully automated on-line preconcentration and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the analysis of anti-infectives in wastewaters. Analytica Chimica Acta, 604: 147-157.
Segura P. A., Garcia-Ac A., Lajeunesse A., Ghosh D., Gagnon C., Sauvé S. (2007)Determination of six anti-infectives in wastewater using tandem solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 9: 307-313.