
Séminaire IQ - Mikhail Litvinov

Date : 17 avril 2024 11:00

Type : Institut Quantique

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Mercredi 17 avril, à 11h, Mikhail Litvinov(Stony Brook University) va présenter ses recherches sur Quantum phases ofmatter à l’Institut Quantique (Auditorium D9). Le séminaire peutêtre suivi en ligne :

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ID de réunion : 211313 296 882

Code secret : TL6XV7

Mikhail Litvinov
Stony Brook University

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One of the fundamental questions in physics is to classify possible quantum phases of matter. The usual classification based on unitary circuits completely disregards the possibility of measurement. We will explore how measurement being a natural player in QI can be used to circumvent fundamental constraints imposed by unitary dynamics and efficiently prepare ground state in finite time. 

First, I will talk about the usual classification of phases of matter using the ground state wave-function and unitary circuits. Second, I will give an introduction to the symmetry-protected topological (SPT) states. Then I will consider how a trivial state can be connected to a spontaneously broken GHZ state with the help of a cluster state and measurement in the 1+1d setup. Also, I will touch upon the gauging procedure and generalization to higher dimensions. Furthermore, I will introduce a new classification of phases of matter based on symmetric measurements and unitary circuits in 1+1d.

The presentation will be educational with important concepts demonstrated with simple examples. 

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