
séminaire CRMQ

Date : 11 septembre 2018 12:30

Type : CRMQ

Lieu : D3-2034

1. Samuel Boutin Title: “Majorana zero modes in quantum wires: A short introduction” 2. Jaychandran Padayasi Title: “Analogue Gravity: Creating Black Holes in the lab” Abstract: Analogue gravity is the loose term used for the collective endeavor in physics literature to construct theoretical and experimental models that mimic the effects of gravity in real spacetime. In this talk, I shall briefly review the paradigm of constructing such systems, how they can be useful and end with a brief discourse on current developments in observing acoustic black holes in the lab. Analogue gravity in the quantum regime has been investigated through condensed matter systems. Popular examples are Bose-Einstein Condensates, Superfluid 3He and Exciton-Polariton Condensates. This research avenue is exciting because it makes it possible to construct experiments to verify theories like Hawking radiation, which we have little to no hope of detecting in astronomical black holes.

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