
Catherine Klauss - Rédaction scientifique / Scientific writing - Horizon IQ

Date : 9 septembre 2020 14:30

Type : Institut Quantique

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Passcode: HorizonIQ 


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Good scientists tell stories. Forming the basis of teaching, sharing, or asking for money, stories fall just behind curiosity as a driver of science. In this seminar, we will uncover the story structure behind influential science papers and discuss best practices in word choice. This seminar is suitable for any quantum scientist or student eager to strengthen their writing skills. Attendees should bring an abstract or short excerpt (1 page or less) from a drafted science paper, grant application, or general public article for peer editing. 

Dr. Catherine Klauss is a physicist and science editor based in Boulder, CO. For over ten years, she studied atom interactions at both ultracold and room temperatures. More recently, she has worked as a science writer, editor, and teacher working to help scientists become better communicators. Between freelance, Catherine has taught and implemented science communication strategies at JILA, IBM Quantum, and NPR.

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