
CRMQ seminar

Date : 14 novembre 2017 12:30

Type : CRMQ

Lieu : D3-2034

1. Charles-David Hébert Title: "A Naive Introduction to Impurity Solvers " Abstract: Investigating the properties of strongly interacting fermions on a lattice is undoubtedly one of the main goals of condensed matter physics. Numerically, this boils down to calculating the two-particle green function for a given model in a usually self-consistent manner. In DMFT for example, a single interacting site is coupled to a non-interacting bath of free electrons. This impurity green function is related self-consistently to the “real lattice” by projecting the lattice green function on the single site . The difficult part remains to calculate this impurity green function. This can be done by multiple methods. Exact diagonalization, tensor networks and their relatives, Quantum Monte Carlo… 2. Simon Verret Title: "The antiferromagnetic state in a one-band model of superconducting cuprates" Abstract: In depth presentation of one or two figures from my thesis that provide insights on the antiferromagnetic state. I will present the resulting band structure, the Fermi surface, and the gaps in the density of state. I will also present what happens to the superconducting gap when superconductivity and antiferromagnetism coexist.

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