Summer schools

Since 2009, IQ research members have been organizing state-of-the-art schools (generally presented in summer) to offer a unique learning experience in an enchanting environment – Mount Orford National Park – and thus encourage not only the acquisition of new knowledge but also exchanges between participants and between participants and guest speakers of remarkable quality. In addition, the possibility of obtaining between 2 and 4 doctoral level credits gives schools an increased interest in participating. Don’t hesitate to consult information about upcoming and past schools.

Upcoming schools


From September 22 to October 1, 2019, the advanced school of the International Associated Laboratory (LIA) is open to doctoral students and young researchers. This leading international English-language school is at the interface between the physics of quantum circuits and quantum materials. It aims to enrich both communities by providing an educational perspective on both of them.

A privileged forum for reflection and learning, it is structured around plenary courses, research seminars, as well as a day reserved for students who will be able to share their research work with each other.

The great availability of speakers encourages exchanges in small groups throughout the stay and thus gives the opportunity to expand its network of research collaboration.

Deadline for Admission and Room Reservation: August 15, 2019

For more details 


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