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Philippe Sarret

Professeur, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Département de pharmacologie-physiologie


Sujet de recherche

Communication neuronale et neurotransmission, Douleur, Signalisation cellulaire, Signalisation cellulaire et cancer, Récepteurs et transporteurs

Disciplines de recherche

Neurosciences, Pharmacologie


biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, douleur, internalisation, microscopie confocale, neuroanatomie, neuropeptides, neurotensine, pharmacologie et toxicologie, RCPG, signalisation

Intérêts de recherche

Rôle des Récepteurs Couplés aux Protéines-G (RCPG) dans la Douleur

Centre de recherche

Centre de recherche du CHUS

Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français


(2004). (Postdoctorat, Postdoctorat). McGill University.

(2000). (Doctorat, Ph. D.).

(1996). (Équivalent de la maîtrise, D.E.A.). Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis.

(1994). (Équivalent de la maîtrise, Maîtrise). Université de Nice.

(1993). (Baccalauréat, Licence). Université de Nice.

(1991). (Baccalauréat, DEUG). Université de Nice.

Expérience académique

Directeur de l'Institut de Pharmacologie de Sherbrooke. (2021-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Directeur du Thème Neurosciences et douleur. (2019-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Directeur du Neuropôle. (2019-). Centre Hospitalier Univ. de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Professeur associé, Département d'anesthésiologie. (2016-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Professeur associé, Département de médecine/service de neurologie. (2007-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Prix et distinctions

  • (2026) Chaire de Recherche du Canada, Niveau 1. Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada. (Distinction).
  • (2023) Prix de la recherche et de la création. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prix).
  • (2020) Prix du doyen. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prix).
  • (2017) Prix du doyen. Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé, UdeS. (Prix).
  • (2016) Prix Jean-de-Margerie. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prix).
  • (2016) Prix de la recherche et de la création. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prix).
  • (2014) Prix Pierre et Danielle Bourgaux - Chercheur de moins de 10 ans de carrière. Université de Sherbrooke. (Honneur).
  • (2013) Chercheur boursier J2. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Distinction).
  • (2011) Nouveau chercheur. Institut de recherche en santé d'Ottawa. (Distinction).
  • (2010) Prix Jean-de-Margerie - Meilleure publication de l'année. Université de Sherbrooke. (Honneur).
  • (2009) Prix Relève à la recherche médicale - Chercheur de moins de 10 ans de carrière. Fondation du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke. (Honneur).
  • (2008) Chercheur boursier J 1. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Distinction).
  • Chargé de recherche classe 2 - position déclinée. INSERM. (Distinction).
  • Early Career Award. The Canadian Pain Society. (Honneur).
  • Éric Marsault. Université de Sherbrooke. (Prix).


  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Neurophysiopharmacologie de la douleur chronique. Chaire de Recherche, Niveau 1. Chaires de Recherche du Canada (CRC). CRC - Niveau 1. 1 400 000 $. (2019-2026)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Targeting the endocannabinoid system to correct GABA abnormalities in patients with Fragile-X syndrom. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Subvention de fonctionnement. 531 675 $. (2021-2026)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Développement d’analgésiques non opioïdergiques ciblant le récepteur NTS2 de la neurotensine. Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation - Québec. PSO. 775 593 $. (2022-2025)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. The Acuity-Qc consortium: predicting and imaging drug action. Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament (CQDM). Fonds d’Accélération des Collaborations en Santé. 26 398 352 $. (2021-2024)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Deciphering the role of the newly uncovered dopaminergic pathways to brainstem locomotor circuits in mammals: from cell to behavior. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). subventions de fonctionnement. 585 225 $. (2019-2024)
  • Subvention. (En cours d’évaluation). Candidat principal. Development of bifunctional opioid - neurotensin peptidomimetics for chronic pain treatment. Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO) - Vlaanderen (Belgique). Bilateral Scientific Cooperation Québec (FRQ). 600 000 $. (2021-2024)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Neurosciences Sherbrooke. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). Dialogue. 40 000 $. (2022-2024)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cochercheur. Médicament Québec. Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation - Québec. -. 369 443 $. (2021-2023)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Exploiting ELABELA and analogues to Protect from Septic Shock. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Subventions de fonctionnement. 707 626 $. (2018-2023)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Developing immune reconstituted glioblastoma tumor neurospheres to evaluate treatment efficacy with cannabinoids and immunotherapy. Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Sherbrooke Inc. (CRCHUS) (Sherbrooke, QC). Projets Structurants. 75 000 $. (2020-2022)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Targeting the Apelin receptor to manage heart failure. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Subvention de fonctionnement Volet projet. 665 550 $. (2017-2022)
  • Contrat. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Intranasal administration of a THC:CBD formulation to a rat model of glioblastoma. Ovensa-Tetrabiopharma. Research contract. 229 964 $. (2021-2022)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Structure-fonction et dynamique du récepteur à l’apéline, une cible prometteuse pour les maladies cardiovasculaires. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). FRQS-NFSC. 381 000 $. (2019-2022)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Development of a Cell-Based High-Throughput Functional Screening Assay To Study Host-Virus (COVID-19) Interaction. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Subventions Alliance - COVID-19. 50 000 $. (2020-2021)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Centre d'excellence en Neuroscience de l'Université de Sherbrooke. Université de Sherbrooke. Programme des Centres d'excellence. 330 000 $. (2015-2021)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Echo-diagnostic et écho-therapie de la douleur. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC). Audace. 127 000 $. (2019-2021)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Quebec Pain Research Network. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). Réseaux thématiques_FRQS. 3 200 000 $. (2017-2021)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. Optogenetic activation of brainstem neurons to improve locomotor function in a model of Parkinson’s disease. Centre Hospitalier de Sherbrooke. Projet pilote. 25 000 $. (2019-2021)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Cell-based plasmonic biosensor for the quantification of SARS-CoV-2 incorporation in live cells.. Institut de Pharmacologie de Sherbrooke. IPS-Innovation fund. 40 000 $. (2021)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Candidat principal. Neuropôle. Centre Hospitalier de Sherbrooke. Pôle d'excellence. 150 000 $. (2019-2021)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Preclinical validation of humanized chicken recombinant antibodies targeting GPCRs overexpressed in cancers. Consortium québécois sur la découverte du médicament (CQDM). SynergiQc. 1 088 985 $. (2018-2020)
  • Contrat. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Evaluation of MaxSimil vs NKO cannabinoids formulations on improvement of pharmacokinetic parameters. Neptune Wellness Solutions. Contrat de recherche. 44 460 $. (2018-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. Modulation du récepteur Neurotensine 1 par les pepducines. Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT). PROJET DE RECHERCHE EN ÉQUIPE. 205 740 $. (2017-2020)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Cocandidat. Confocal calcium imaging and electrophysiology in live brain cells for neuroscience research at Université de Sherbrooke. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Research Tools and Instruments - Category I. 149 916 $. (2019-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. Optogenetics to improve locomotor circuits in a model of Parkinson’s disease. Université de Sherbrooke. Centre d'excellence. 12 500 $. (2019-2020)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. Surface tactile par réflexion d’ondes ultrasonores. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). De l’idée à l’innovation (I2IPJ) phase Ib. 60 000 $. (2019-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Nouvelles approches de livraison d’ARN interférents ciblant le récepteur CCR2 pour le traitement des métastases osseuses. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). Mitacs-Accélération Québec – Programme de Stages de Recherche. 186 662 $. (2017-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. Exploiting ELABELA and Analogues to Protect from Septic Shock. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Subventions de fonctionnement. 100 000 $. (2018-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Développement d’un traitement pharmaco-génique contre le cancer utilisant les domaines b-HLH-LZ de Max comme agents antiprolifératifs et vecteurs de livraison d’ARNs interférents. Société de recherche sur le cancer (La). Subvention de fonctionnement. 120 000 $. (2016-2018)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Nouvelles approches de livraison d’ARN interférents ciblant le récepteur CCR2 pour le traitement des métastases osseuses. Merck Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratory. Subvention de recherche. 390 000 $. (2016-2018)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Optimization of conformational epitopes against the NTS1 and P2Y6 receptors. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). Mitacs-Accélération Québec – Programme de Stages de Recherche. 186 666 $. (2016-2018)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Candidat principal. Genome-wide transcriptional profiling of primary nociceptors in mouse models of bone cancer, neuropathic and inflammatory pain. Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur. Projet pilote. 25 000 $. (2015-2017)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Cocandidat. A parallel evaporator for peptides, peptidomimetics and macrocycles. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Research Tools and Instruments – Category I. 149 690 $. (2016-2017)


Articles de revue

  • Le Moal. E., Collerette-Tremblay J., Liu Y., Dumontier S., Boutin J., Dort J., Orfi Z., Michaud J., Giguère H., Desroches A., Trân K., Vézina F., Bedard S., Raynaud C., Balg F., Sarret, P., Scott M.S., Feige J.N., Denault J.B., Dumont A.A., Marsault E., Auger-Messier M. and Bentzinger C.F. (2022). Apelin stimulation of the perivascular MuSC niche enhances endogenous repair in muscular dystrophy. Science Translational Medicine - (-), -. (Révision demandée).
  • Girard M., Dagenais-Bellefeuille S., Eiselt E., Arguin G., Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P. and Gendron F.P. (2022). Ligand-dependent intracellular trafficking of the G protein-coupled receptor P2Y6 receptor. Traffic - (-), -. (Révision demandée).
  • Trân K., Sainsily X., Côté J.*, Coquerel D., Couvineau P., Simard L., Saibi S., Haroune L., Besserer-Offroy E., Flynn-Robitaille J., Resua Rojas M., Longpré J.M.*, Auger-Messier M., Lesur O., Bouvier M., Marsault E., Boudreault P.L. and Sarret P. (2022). Side-reduced macrocyclic analogs of [Pyr1]-apelin-13 showing negative Gα12 bias still produce prolonged cardiac effects. J. Med Chem. 65 (1), 531-551. (Article publié).
  • Yue Y., Liu L., Wu L., Wu Y., Wang L., Li F., Liu J., Han G.W., Chen B., Lin X., Brouillette R.L., Breault E., Longpré J.M.*, Shi S., Lei H., Sarret P., Stevens R.C., Hanson M.A. and Xu F. (2022). Structural insight into apelin receptor-G protein stoichiometry. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 29 (7), 688-697. (Article publié).
  • Coquerel D, Lamoureux J, Chagnon F, Trân K, Sage M, Fortin-Pellerin E, Delile E, Sainsily X, Fournier J, Dumont AA, Auger-Messier M, Sarret P, Marsault E, Praud JP, Fülöp T, Lesur O. (2021). Apelin-13 in septic shock: effective in supporting hemodynamics in sheep but compromised by enzymatic breakdown in patients. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 22770. (Article publié).
  • Trân K., Van Den Hauwe R., Sainsily X., Couvineau P., Côté J.* Simard L., Echeverria M., Murza A., Serre A., Théroux L., Saibi S., Haroune L., Longpré J.M.*, Lesur O., Auger-Messier M., Spino C., Bouvier M., Sarret P., Ballet S., and Marsault E. (2021). Constraining the side chain of C-terminal amino acids in apelin-13 greatly increases affinity, modulates signaling and improves the pharmacokinetic profile. J Med Chem. 64 (9), 5345-5364. (Article publié).
  • Chartier M., Desgagné M., Sousbie M., Côté J.*, Longpré J.M.*, Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2021). Design, structural optimization and characterization of the first selective macrocyclic neurotensin receptor type 2 non-opioid analgesic. J Med Chem. 64 (4), 2110-2124. (Article publié).
  • Sainsily X., Coquerel D., Giguère H., Dumont L., Trân K., Noll C., Ionescu A.L., Côté J. *, Longpré J.M.*, Carpentier A., Marsault E., Lesur O., Auger-Messier M. and Sarret P. (2021). Elabela protects spontaneously hypertensive rats from hypertension and cardiorenal dysfunctions exacerbated by dietary high-salt intake. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12 709467. (Article publié).
  • Van der Zouwen C.I., Fougère M., Flaive A., Boutin J., Vivancos M., Santuz A., Akay T., Sarret P., Ryczko D. (2021). Freely behaving mice brake and turn during optogenetic stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 15 (-), 639900. (Article publié).
  • Coquerel D., Delile E., Dumont L., Chagnon F., Murza A., Sainsily X., Salvail D., Sarret P., Marsault E., Auger-Messier M. and Lesur. O. (2021). Galphai-Biased apelin analogue protects against isoproterenol-induced myocardial dysfunction in rats. Am. J. of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 320 (4), H1646-H1656. (Article publié).
  • Midavaine É., Côté J.*, Marchand S. and Sarret P. (2021). Glial and neuroimmune cell choreography in sexually dimorphic pain signaling. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 125 (-), 168-192. (Article publié).
  • Dansereau M.A., Midavaine É., Bégin-Lavallée V, Belkouch M., Beaudet N.*, Longpré J.M.*, Melik-Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2021). Mechanistic insights into the role of the chemokine CCL2/CCR2 axis in dorsal root ganglia to peripheral inflammation and pain hypersensitivity. J. of Neuroinflammation 18 (15), 79. (Article publié).
  • Vivancos M., Fanelli R., Besserer-Offroy E., Beaulieu S., Chartier M., Resua Rojas M., Mona, C.E., Previti S., Rémond E., Longpré J.M.*, Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2021). Metabolically stable neurotensin analogs exert potent and long-acting analgesia without hypothermia. Behavioral Brain Research 405 (-), 113189. (Article publié).
  • Comeau K Ries B., Stadelmann T., Tremblay J., Poulet S., Fröhlich U., Côté J.*, Boudreault P.L., Derbali M., Sarret P., Grandbois M., Leclair G., Riniker S. and Marsault E. (2021). Modulation of the passive permeability of semipeptidic macrocycles N- and C- methylations fine-tune conformation and properties. J Med Chem. 64 (9), 5365-5383. (Article publié).
  • Fougère M., Van der Zouwen C.I., Boutin J., Neszvecsko K., Sarret P., Ryczko D. (2021). Optogenetic stimulation of glutamatergic neurons in the cuneiform nucleus controls locomotor movements in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. PNAS 118 (43), e2110934118. (Article publié).
  • Chartier M., Desgagné M., Sousbie M., Rumsby C., Chevillard L., Théroux L., Haroune L., Côté J.*, Longpré J.M.*, Boudreault P.L., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2021). Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profiles of a neurotensin receptor type 2 (NTS2) analgesic macrocyclic analog. Biomedecine and Pharmacotherapy 141 111861. (Article publié).
  • Trân K., Sainsily X., Côté J.*, Coquerel D., Couvineau P., Simard L., Saibi S., Haroune L., Besserer-Offroy E., Flynn-Robitaille J., Resua Rojas M., Longpré J.M.*, Auger-Messier M., Lesur O., Bouvier M., Marsault E., Boudreault P.L. and Sarret P. (2021). Side-reduced macrocyclic analogs of [Pyr1]-apelin-13 showing negative Gα12 bias still produce prolonged cardiac effects. J Med Chem. - (-), -. (Article accepté).
  • Michaelian N., Sadybekov A., Besserer-Offroy É., Han G.W., Krishnamurthy H., Krishnamurthy H., Zamlynny B.A., Fradera X., Siliphaivanh P., Presland J., Spencer K.B., Soisson S.M., Popov P., Sarret P., Katritch V. and Cherezov V. (2021). Structural insights on ligand recognition at the human leukotriene B4 receptor 1. Nat. Commun. 12 (15), 2971. (Article publié).
  • Trân K., Murza A., Sainsily X., Delile E., Couvineau P., Côté J.*, Coquerel D., Peloquin M., Auger-Messier M., Bouvier M., Lesur O., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2021). Structure-activity relationship and bioactivity of short analogues of ELABELA as agonists of the apelin receptor. J Med Chem. 64 (15), 602-615. (Article publié).
  • Midavaine É., Côté J.* and Sarret P. (2021). (2021). The Multifaceted roles of the chemokines CCL2 and CXCL12 in osteophilic metastatic cancers. Cancer and Metastasis Reviews 40 (2), 427-445. (Article publié).
  • Biet M., Dansereau M.A., Dumaine R. and Sarret P. (2021). The neuronal potassium current IA is a potential target for pain during chronic inflammation. Physiological Reports (London) 9 (15), e14975. (Article publié).
  • Sarret P. (2021). Éric Marsault (1971-2021): A legacy through the prism of relationship chemistry. J. Med Chem. 64 (9), 5221-5224. (Article publié).
  • Besserer-Offroy É., Brouillette R.L., Longpré J.M.* and Sarret P. (2020). Assessing Gαq/15-signaling with IP-One: Single plate transfection and assay protocol for cell-based high-throughput assay. Bio-Protocol 10 (16), e3715. (Article publié).
  • Constanzo J., Midavaine E., M., Lepage, Descoteaux M., Kirby K.*, Fouquet J., Tremblay L., Masson-Coté L., Geha S., Longpré J.M.*, Pouget J.P., Whittingstall K., Paquette B and Sarret P. (2020). Brain irradiation leads to persistent neuroinflammation and long-term neurocognitive dysfunction in a region-specific manner. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Chemistry 102 (-), 109954. (Article publié).
  • Brouillette R., Besserer-Offroy É., Mona C.E., Chartier M., Lavenus S., Sousbie M., Belleville K.*, Longpré J.M.*, Marsault E., Grandbois M., and Sarret P. (2020). Cell-penetrating pepducins targeting the neurotensin receptor type 1 relieve pain. Pharmacological Research 155 (-), 104750. (Article publié).
  • Besserer-Offroy É., Tétreault P., Brouillette R.L., René A., Murza A., Fanelli R., Kirby K.*, Parent A.J., Dubuc I., Beaudet N.*, Côté J.*, Longpré J.M.*, Martinez J., Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2020). Data set describing the in vitro biological activity of JMV2009, a novel silylated neurotensin(8-13) analog. Data in Brief 31 105884. (Article publié).
  • Previti S., Vivancos M., Rémond E., Beaulieu S., Longpré J.M.*, Ballet S., Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2020). Insightful backbone modifications preventing proteolytic degradation of neurotensin analogues improve NTS1-induced protective hypothermia. Frontiers in Chemistry 882 406. (Article publié).
  • Gonzalez S., Dumitrascuta M., Eiselt E., Louis S., Kunze L., Blasiol A., Vivancos M., Previti S., Dewolf E., Martin C., Tourwé D., Cavelier F., Gendron L., Spetea M., Ballet S and Sarret P. (2020). Optimized Opioid-neurotensin multitarget peptides: From design to structure-activity relationship studies. J. Med. Chem. 63 (21), 12929-941. (Article publié).
  • Tétreault P., Besserer-Offroy É., René A., Murza A., Fanelli R., Kirby K.*, Parent A., Dubuc I., Beaudet N.*, Longpré J.M.*, Martinez J., Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2020). Pain relief devoid of opioid side effects following central action of a silylated neurotensin analog. European Journal of Pharmacology 882 173174. (Article publié).
  • Barrière D.A., Boumezbeur F., Dalmann R., Cadeddu R., Richard D., Sarret P., Whittingstall K., Keller M., Mérieaux S., Eschalier A. and Mallet. C. (2020). Paracetamol is a centrally acting analgesic using mechanisms located in periaqueductal grey matter. British Journal of Pharmacology 177 (8), 1773-1792. (Article publié).
  • Sadybekov A., Brouillette R.L., marin E., Luginina A., Gusach A., Mishin A., Besserer-Offroy É., Longpré J.M.*, Borshchevskiy V., Cherezov V., Sarret P., Katritch V. (2020). Structure-based virtual screening of ultra-large library yields potent antagonists for a lipid GPCR. Biomolecules 10 (12), E1634. (Article publié).
  • Girard M., Dagenais-Bellefeuille S., Eiselt E., Placet M., Arguin G., Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P. and Gendron F.P. (2020). The P2Y6 receptor signals through Gaq/Ca2+/PKCa and Ga13/ROCK pathways to drive the formation of membrane protrusions and dictate cell migration. Journal of Cellular Physiology 235 (13), 19676-9690. (Article publié).
  • Eiselt E., Otis V., Belleville K., Larocque A., Gaoqiang Y., Regina A., Demeule M., Gendron L. and Sarret P. (2020). Use of a non-invasive brain penetrating peptide-drug conjugate strategy to improve the delivery of opioid pain relief medications to the brain. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 374 (12), 152-61. (Article publié).
  • Boulkeroua C., Khalfaoui T., Lafrance M., Ekindi N., Sabbagh R., Dumaine R., Lesur O., Sarret P. and Chraibi A. (2019). Apelin-13 regulates vasopressin-induced aquaporin2 expression and trafficking in kidney collecting duct cells. Cell Physiology & Biochemistry 53 (4), 687-700. (Article publié).
  • Claff T., Yu J., Blais V., Patel N. Martin C., Wu. L., Han G.W., Holleran B.J., Van der Poorten O., Hanson M.A., Sarret P. Gendron L., Cherezov V., Katritch V., Ballet S., Liu Z.J. Müller C.E. and Stevens R.C. (2019). Crystal structures provide insights into delta-opioid receptor activation by peptide and small molecule agonists. Science Advances 5 (11), eaax9115. (Article publié).
  • Barrière D.A., Midavaine É., Doré-Savard L., Kirby K.*, Tremblay L., Beaudoin J.F., Beaudet N.*, Longpré J.M.*, Lecomte R., Lepage M. and Sarret P. (2019). Dichotomic effects of clinically used drugs on tumor growth, bone remodeling and pain management. Scientific Reports 9 (1), 20155. (Article publié).
  • Eiselt E., Gonzalez S., Martin C., Betti C., Longpré J.M.*, Cavelier F., Tourwé D., Gendron L., Ballet S. and Sarret P. (2019). Neurotensin analogues containing cyclic surrogates of tyrosine at position 11 improve NTS2-slectivity leading to analgesia without hypotension and hypothermia. ACS Chemical Neuroscience 10 (11), 4535-4544. (Article publié).
  • Gusach A., Luginina A., Marin E., Brouillette R.L., Besserer-Offroy É., Longpré J.M.*, Ishchenko A., Popov P., Patel N., Fujimoto T., Maruyama B., Stauch B., Romanovskaya D., Stepko A., Kovalev K., Shevtsov M., Gordeliy V., Han G.W., Katritch V., Borshchevskiy V, Mishin A., Cherezov V. and Sarret P. (2019). Structural basis of ligand selectivity and disease mutations in cysteinyl leukotriene Receptors. Nat. commun. 10 (1), 5573. (Article publié).
  • Luginina A., Gusach A., Marin E., Mishin A., Brouillette R.L., Povov P., Shiryaeva A., Besserer-Offroy É., Longpré J.M.*, Lyapina E., Ishchenko A., Patel N., Polovinkin V., Safronova N., Bogorodskiy A., Edelweiss E., Liu W., Batyuk A., Gordeliy V., Han G.W., Sarret P. Borshchevskiy V., Katritch V. and Cherezov V. (2019). Structure-based mechanism of cysteinyl leukotriene receptor inhibition by antiasthmatic drugs. Science Advances 5 (10), eaax2518. (Article publié).
  • Eiselt E., Côté J., Longpré J.M.* Gendron L. and Sarret P. (2019). The combination of opioid and neurotensin receptor agonists improves their analgesic/adverse effect ratio. Eur. J. of Pharmacol. 848 80-87. (Article publié).
  • Sousbie M., Besserer-Offroy É., Brouillette R., Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Sarret P. and Marsault E. (2018). . In search of the optimal macrocyclization sites for neurotensin. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 9 (3), 227-32. (Article publié).
  • Murza A., Trân K., Bruneau-Cossette L., Lesur O., Auger-Messier M., Lavigne P., Sarret P. and Marsault E. (2018). Apelins, ELABELA and their derivatives:Peptidic regulators of the cardiovascular system and beyond. Peptide Science - -. (Article publié).
  • Tran K., Murza A., Sainsily X., Coquerel D., Côté J., Belleville K.*, Longpré J.M.*, Dumaine R., Salvail D., Lesur O., Auger-Messier M., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2018). A systemic exploration of macrocylization in apelin-13 – Impact on binding, signaling, stability and physiological effects. J. Med. Chem. 61 (6), 2266-77. (Article publié).
  • Willemse T., Eiselt, E., Hollander K., Schepens W., van Vlijmen H., Chung N., Blais V., Holleran B., Longpré J.M.*, Schiller P., Bert U., Maes W., Gendron, L., Ballet, S, Sarret, P. (2018). Chemical space screening around Phe3 in opioid peptides: modulation µ versus δ agonism by Suzuki-Miyaura cross-couplings. Bioorg Med. Chem. Lett. 28 (13), 2320-2323. (Article publié).
  • Barrière D.A., Noll C., Roussy G., Kirby K.*, Belleville K*, Lizotte F., Kessai A., Tremblay L., Beaudoin J.F., Sarrhini O., Longpré J.M.*, Lecomte R. Carpentier A., Geraldes P. and Sarret P. (2018). Combination of high-fat/high fructose diet and low-dose streptozotocin to modeling long-term type-2 diabetes complications. Scientific Reports 8 (1), 424. (Article publié).
  • Constanzo J., Dumont M., Tremblay L., Masson-Côté, L., Whittingstall, K., Geha, S., Sarret, P., Lepage, M, Paquette B. and Descoteaux M. (2018). Diffusion MRI monitoring of specific structures in the irradiated rat brain. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 80 (4), 1614-1625. (Article publié).
  • Normandeau C.P., Torruella Suarez M.L., Sarret P., McElligott Z.A. and Dumont E.C. (2018). Neurotensin and dynorphin bi-directionally modulate CeA inhibition of oval BNST neurons in male mice. Neuropharmacology 143 113-121. (Article publié).
  • Sousbie M., Vivancos M., Brouillette R., Besserer-Offroy É., Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2018). Structural optimization and characterization of new potent analgesic macrocyclic analogues of neurotensin (8-13). J. Med. Chem. 61 (16), 7103-7115. (Article publié).
  • Maurice-Gélinas C., Deslauriers J., Monpays C., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2018). The 5alpha-reductase inhibitor and prevents clozapine-induced beneficial effects in an animal model of schizophrenia. Physiology & Behavior 191 65-72. (Article publié).
  • Coquerel D., Sainsily X., Dumont L., Sarret P., Marsault E., Auger-Messier M. and Lesur O. (2018). The apelinergic system as an alternative to catecholamines in low-output septic shock. Critical Care Medicine. 22 (10), 1-7. (Article publié).
  • Besserer-Offroy E., Bérubé P., Côté J., Murza A., Longpré J.M.*, Dumaine R., Lesur O., Auger-Messier M., Leduc R., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2018). The hypotensive effect of activated apelin receptor is correlated with b-arrestin recruitment. Pharmacological Research 131 7-16. (Article publié).
  • Chagnon F., Coquerel D., Salvail D., Marsault E., Dumaine R., Auger-Messier M., Sarret P., and Lesur O. (2017). Apelin compared with dobutamine exerts cardioprotection and extends survival in a rat model of endotoxin-induced myocardial dysfunction. Critical Care Medicine 45 (4), 391-398. (Article publié).
  • Van der Poorten, O., Van Den Hauwe, R., Eiselt, E., Betti, C., Guillemyn, K., Chung, N., Hallé, F., Bihel, F. Schiller, P., Tourwé, D., Sarret, P., Gendron, L., Ballet, S. (2017). Chi-Space Screening of Dermorphin-Based Tetrapeptides Through Use of Constrained Arylazepinone and Quinolinone Scaffolds. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 8 (11), 1177-82. (Article publié).
  • Choinière M., Ware, M.A, Pagé G., Lacasse A., Lanctôt H. Altier A., Beaudet N.* Boulanger A., Bourgault P. Cloutier C., Coupal L., De Koninck Y, Dion D., Dolbec D., Germain L., Martin V., Sarret P. Shir Y, Taillefer M.C., Trépanier A., Tousignant B., Truchon R. (2017). Development and implementation of a registry of patients attending multidisciplinary pain treatment clinics: The Quebec Pain Registry. Pain Research and Management. - -. (Article publié).
  • Coquerel D., Chagnon F., Sainsily X., Dumont L., Murza A. Côté J., Dumaine R., Sarret P., Marsault E., Salvail D., Auger-Messier M. and Lesur O. (2017). ELABELA improves cardio-renal syndrome outcome in fatal experimental septic shock. Critical Care Medicine 45 (11), e1139-48. (Article publié).
  • Ferland C.E., Parent A.J., Bote S., Saran N., Ingelmo P.M., Marchand S., Sarret P., Ouellet J.A. (2017). Preoperative norepinephrine levels in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma correlate with pain intensity after paediatric orthopedic surgery. Spine Deformity 5 (5), 325-333. (Article publié).
  • Murza A., Sainsily X., côté J., Bruneau-Cossette L., Besserer-Offroy E., Longpré J.M.*, Leduc. R., Dumaine R., Lesur O., Auger-Messier M., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2017). Structure-activity Relationship of novel macrocyclic biased apelin receptor agonists. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry Journal 15 (2), 449-458. (Article publié).
  • Besserer-Offroy E., Brouillette R., Lavenus S., Froehlich U., Brumwell A., Murza A., Longpré J.M.*, Marsault E., Leduc. R. and Sarret P. (2017). The signaling signature of the neurotensin type 1 receptor with endogenous ligands. European Journal of Pharmacology 805 1-13. (Article publié).
  • Fanelli R., Floquet N., Besserer-Offroy E., Bartholomé D., Vivancos M., Longpré J.M.*, Renault P., Martinez J., Cavelier F., Sarret P. (2017). Use of molecular modeling to design selective-NTS2 neurotensin analogues. J Med Chem. 60 (8), 3303-13. (Article publié).
  • Deslauriers J., Belleville K., Beaudet N., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2016). A two-hit model of suicide-trait-related behaviors in a context of schizophrenia-like phenotype: distinct effects of lithium chloride and clozapine. Physiology & Behavior 156 48-58. (Article publié).
  • Gervais J., Otis C., Guillot M., Gervais J.A., Gauvin D., Péthel C., Authier S., Dansereau M.A., Sarret P. and Troncy E. (2016). Concurrent validity of different functional and neuroproteomic pain assessment methods inthe rat osteoarthritis monosodium iodoacetate (MIA) model. Arthritis Research & Therapy 18 150. (Article publié).
  • Parent A.J., Tétreault P., Roux M., Belleville K.*, Longpré J.M.*, Beaudet N.*, Goffaux P. and Sarret P. (2016). Descending nociceptive inhibition is modulated in a time-dependent manner in a double-hit model of chronic/tonic pain. Neuroscience 315 70-8. (Article publié).
  • Murza A., Sainsily X., Coquerel D., Côté J., Marx P., Besserer-Offroy E., Longpré J.M.*, Salvail D., Dumaine R., Leduc. R., Lesur O., Auger-Messier M., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2016). Discovery and structure-activity relationships of a bioactive fragment of ELABELA that modulates vascular and cardiac functions. J. Med Chem. 59 (7), 2962-72. (Article publié).
  • Bégin-Lavallée V., Élora Midavaine, Tétreault P., Jacobi A., Rose S.D., Behlke M.A., Beaudet N.*and Sarret P. (2016). Functional inhibition of CCR2 by Dicer-substrate siRNA prevents pain development. Molecular Pain - -. (Article publié).
  • Thomas J.B., Vivancos M., Giddings, A.M., Olepu S., Wiethe R.W., Warner K.R., Murza A., Besserer-Offroy E., Longpre J.M.*, Runyon S.P., Gilmour B.P. and Sarret P. (2016). Identification of 2-({[1-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1H-pyrazol-3-yl]carbonyl}amino)tricyclo[,7]decane-2-carboxylic acid (NTRC-844) as a selective antagonist for the Neurotensin Receptor type 2. ACS Chem Neurosci. 7 (9), 1225-31. (Article publié).
  • Souissi H., Fréchette Y., Murza A., Masse M.H., Marsault E., Sarret P., D’Aragon F., Parent A.J., and Sansoucy Y. (2016). Intracuff 160 mg alkalinized lidocaine reduces cough upon emergence from general anesthesia without N2O: a controlled, randomized, double blind clinical trial. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia -63 (7), 862-870. (Article publié).
  • Monpays C., Deslauriers J., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2016). Mitochondrial dysfunctions in schizophrenia: Determination of mitochondrial activity in a two-hit mouse model. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 59 (4), 440-51. (Article publié).
  • Hapău D., Rémond E., Fanelli R., Vivancos M., René A., Côté J., Besserer-Offroy E. Longpré J.M.*, Martinez J., Zaharia V., Sarret P. and Cavelier F. (2016). Stereoselective Synthesis of β-(5arylthiazolyl) α-amino acids and use in neurotensin analogues. European J. of Organic Chemistry 5 1017-1024. (Article publié).
  • Quaegebeur N., Masson P., Beaudet N., Sarret P. (2016). Touchscreen surface based on interaction of ultrasonic guided waves with a contact impedance. IEEE Sensors 16 (10), 3564-71. (Article publié).
  • Constanzo J., Masson-Côté, L., Lepage, M. Tremblay L., Sarret, P., Whittingstall, K., Fouquet, J., Geha, S., Paquette B. (2016). Understanding the continuum of radionecrosis and vascular disorders in the brain following gamma knife irradiation : An MRI study. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 78 (4), 1420-31. (Article publié).
  • Murza A., Besserer-Offroy E., Côté J., Bérubé P., Longpré J.M.*, Dumaine R., Lesur O., Auger-Messier M., Leduc R. Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2015). C-terminal modifications of apelin-13 significantly change ligand binding, receptor signaling and hypotensive action. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 58 (5), 2431-40. (Article publié).
  • François Brial, Carine R. Lussier, Karine Belleville, Philippe Sarret, and François Boudreau. (2015). Ghrelin inhibition restores glucose homeostasis in hepatocyte nuclear factor-1alpha (MODY3)- deficient mice. Diabetes 64 (9), 3314-20. (Article publié).
  • Thomas J.B., Giddings, A.M., Olepu S., Wiethe R.W., Harris D.L., Narayanan S.,Warner K.R., Sarret P., Longpré J.M.*, Runyon S.P., Gilmour B.P. (2015). Identification of N-{[6-chloro-4-(2,6-dimethoxyphenyl)quinazolin-2-yl]carbonyl}-l-leucine(NTRC-808), a novel nonpeptide chemotype selective for the neurotensin receptortype 2. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 25 (2), 292-96. (Article publié).
  • Parent A.J., Beaudet N.*, Daigle K., Sabbagh R., Sansoucy Y., Marchand S., Goffaux P. Sarret P. (2015). Relationship between blood- and CSF-bound neurotransmitter concentrations and conditioned pain modulation in pain-free and chronic pain subjects. Journal of Pain 16 (5), 436-44. (Article publié).
  • Fanelli, R., Besserer-Offroy, E., René, A., Côté, J., Tétreault, P., Collerette-Tremblay, J., Longpré, J.M., Leduc, R., Martinez, J., Cavelier, F., Sarret, P. (2015). Synthesis, in vitro and in vivo characterization of (L)-(trimethylsilyl)alanine containing neurotensin analogues. J. Med Chem. 58 (19), 7785-95. (Article publié).
  • Thomas JB, Giddings AM, Olepu S, Wiethe RW, Warner KR, Sarret P, Longpre JM, Runyon SP, Gilmour BP. (2015). The amide linker in nonpeptide neurotensin receptor ligands plays a key role in calcium signaling at the neurotensin receptor type 2. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 25 (10), 2060-64. (Article publié).
  • Demeule M, Beaudet N, Régina A, Besserer-Offroy E, Murza A, Tétreault P, Belleville K, Ché C, Larocque A, Thiot C, Béliveau R, Longpré JM, Marsault E, Leduc R, Lachowicz JE, Gonias SL, Castaigne J.P. and Sarret P. (2014). Conjugation of a brain-penetrant peptide with neurotensin provides antinociceptive properties. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 124 (3), 1199-1213. (Article publié).
  • Belkouch M , Dansereau MA , Tétreault P , Biet M , Beaudet N , Dumaine R , Chraibi A , Mélik-Parsadaniantz S , Sarret P. (2014). Functional up-regulation of Nav1.8 sodium channel in Abeta afferent fibers subjected to chronic peripheral inflammation. Journal of Neuroinflammation 11 (1), 45. (Article publié).
  • Thomas JB , Giddings AM , Wiethe RW , Olepu S , Warner KR , Sarret P , Gendron L , Longpre JM , Zhang Y , Runyon SP , Gilmour BP. (2014). Identification of 1-({[1-(4-Fluorophenyl)-5-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1H-pyrazol-3-yl]carbonyl}amino)cyclohexane Carboxylic Acid as a Selective Non-peptide Neurotensin Receptor Type 2 Compound. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 57 (12), 5318-32. (Article publié).
  • Thomas JB, Giddings AM, Wiethe RW, Olepu S, Warner KR, Sarret P, Gendron L, Longpre JM, Zhang Y, Runyon SP, Gilmour BP. (2014). Identification of N-[(5-{[(4-Methylphenyl)sulfonyl]amino}-3-(trifluoroacetyl)-1H-indol-1-yl)acetyl]-l-leucine (NTRC-824), a Neurotensin-like Nonpeptide Compound Selective for the Neurotensin Receptor Type 2. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 57 (17), 7472-77. (Article publié).
  • Deslauriers J , Desmarais C , Sarret P , Grignon S. (2014). Implication of the ERK/MAPK pathway in antipsychotics-induced dopamine D2 receptor upregulation and in the preventive effects of (±)-?-lipoic acid in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 52 (3), 378-383. (Article publié).
  • Deslauriers J , Racine W , Sarret P , Grignon S. (2014). Preventive effect of alpha-lipoic acid on prepulse inhibition deficits in a juvenile two-hit model of schizophrenia. Neuroscience 272 261-270. (Article publié).
  • Murza A , Belleville K , Longpré JM , Sarret P , Marsault E. (2014). Stability and degradation patterns of chemically modified analogs of apelin-13 in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. Biopolymers 101 (4), 297-303. (Article accepté).
  • *Deslauriers J , Desmarais C , Sarret P , Grignon S. (2013). Alpha-Lipoic acid interaction with dopamine D2 receptor-dependent activation of the Akt/GSK-3? signaling pathway induced by antipsychotics: potential relevance for the treatment of schizophrenia. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience : MN 50 (1), 134-45. (Article publié).
  • *Doré-Savard L , *Beaudet N , Tremblay L , Xiao Y , Lepage M , Sarret P. (2013). A micro-imaging study linking bone cancer pain with tumor growth and bone resorption in a rat model. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis 30 (2), 225-36. (Article publié).
  • *Deslauriers J , Larouche A , Grignon S, Sarret P. (2013). Combination of prenatal immune challenge and restraint stress affects prepulse inhibition and dopaminergic/GABAergic markers. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 45C 156-64. (Article publié).
  • Beaudet N , Courteau J , Sarret P , Vanasse A. (2013). Improving the selection of true incident cases of low back pain by screening retrospective administrative data. European Journal of Pain (London, England) 18 (7), 923-931. (Article publié).
  • *Doré-Savard L , *Barrière DA , *Midavaine E , Bélanger D , *Beaudet N , Tremblay L , Beaudoin JF , Turcotte EE , Lecomte R , Lepage M , Sarret P. (2013). Mammary Cancer Bone Metastasis Follow-up Using Multimodal Small-Animal MR and PET Imaging. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : the official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine 54 (6), 944-52. (Article publié).
  • Quaegebeur N , Masson P , *Beaudet N , Sarret P. (2013). Pressure mapping system based on guided waves reflection. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133 (5), 3546. (Article publié).
  • *Beaudet N , Courteau J , Sarret P , Vanasse A. (2013). Prevalence of claims-based recurrent low back pain in a Canadian population: a secondary analysis of an administrative database. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 14 (151), 1-8. (Article publié).
  • *Tétreault P , *Beaudet N , Perron A , *Belleville K , René A , Cavelier F , Martinez J , Stroh T , Jacobi AM , Rose SD , Behlke MA , Sarret P. (2013). Spinal NTS2 receptor activation reverses signs of neuropathic pain. FASEB Journal : the official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 27 (9), 3741-52. (Article publié).
  • *Murza A , *Parent A , *Besserer-Offroy E , Tremblay H , Karadereye F , *Beaudet N , Leduc R , Sarret P , Marsault É. (2012). Elucidation of the structure-activity relationships of apelin: influence of unnatural amino acids on binding, signaling, and plasma stability. ChemMedChem 7 (2), 318-25. (Article publié).
  • *Parent AJ , *Beaudet N , Beaudry H , Bergeron J , *Bérubé P , Drolet G , Gendron L and Sarret P. (2012). Increased anxiety-like behaviors in rats experiencing chronic inflammatory pain. Behavioural Brain Research 229 (1), 160-67. (Article publié).
  • Guillemette A , *Dansereau MA , *Beaudet N , Richelson E , Sarret P. (2012). Intrathecal administration of NTS1 agonists reverses nociceptive behaviors in a rat model of neuropathic pain. European Journal of Pain (London, England) 16 (4), 473-84. (Article publié).
  • Girard S , Sébire H , Brochu ME , Briota S , Sarret P , Sébire G. (2012). Postnatal administration of IL-1Ra exerts neuroprotective effects following perinatal inflammation and/or hypoxic-ischemic injuries. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 26 (8), 1331-39. (Article publié).
  • Chen A , Gössling EK , Witkowski L , Bhindi A , Bauch C , *Roussy G , Sarret P , Kreienkamp HJ , Stroh T. (2012). Regional and subcellular distribution of the receptor-targeting protein PIST in the rat central nervous system. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 520 (5), 889-913. (Article publié).
  • *Deslauriers J , Lefrançois M , Larouche A , Sarret P , Grignon S. (2011). Antipsychotic-induced DRD2 upregulation and its prevention by alpha-lipoic acid in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Synapse (New York, N.Y.) 65 (4), 321-31. (Article publié).
  • *Doré-Savard L., Tremblay L., *Belleville K., *Beaudet N., Lecomte R., Lepage M. and Sarret P. (2011). Approche d'imagerie médicale multimodale dans l'étude de la douleur cancéreuse. Douleur et Analgésie 24 (2), S4-6. (Article publié).
  • Van Steenwinckel J , Reaux-Le Goazigo A , Pommier B , Mauborgne A , *Dansereau MA , Kitabgi P , Sarret P , Pohl M , Mélik Parsadaniantz S. (2011). CCL2 released from neuronal synaptic vesicles in the spinal cord is a major mediator of local inflammation and pain after peripheral nerve injury. The Journal of Neuroscience : the official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience 31 (15), 5865-75. (Article publié).
  • Maloum F , Allaire JM , Gagné-Sansfaçon J , Roy E , *Belleville K , Sarret P , Morisset J , Carrier JC , Mishina Y , Kaestner KH , Perreault N. (2011). Epithelial BMP signaling is required for proper specification of epithelial cell lineages and gastric endocrine cells. American Journal of Physiology. Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 300 (6), G1065-79. (Article publié).
  • *Benoit CE , Rowe WB , Menard C , Sarret P , Quirion R. (2011). Genomic and proteomic strategies to identify novel targets potentially involved in learning and memory. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 32 (1), 43-52. (Article publié).
  • *Tétreault P., *Beaudet N. and Sarret P. (2011). L'interférence de l'ARN: une nouvelle approche pour traiter la douleur. 24 (2), S35-37. Douleur et Analgésie 24 (2), S35-37. (Article publié).
  • Rostène W , *Dansereau MA , Godefroy D , Van Steenwinckel J , Reaux-Le Goazigo A , Mélik-Parsadaniantz S , Apartis E , Hunot S , *Beaudet N , Sarret P. (2011). Neurochemokines: a menage a trois providing new insights on the functions of chemokines in the central nervous system. Journal of Neurochemistry 118 (5), 680-94. (Article publié).
  • Otis V , Sarret P , Gendron L. (2011). Spinal activation of delta opioid receptors alleviates cancer-related bone pain. Neuroscience 183 221-29. (Article publié).
  • *Belkouch M , *Dansereau MA , Réaux-Le Goazigo A , Van Steenwinckel J , *Beaudet N , Chraibi A , Melik-Parsadaniantz S , Sarret P. (2011). The chemokine CCL2 increases Nav1.8 sodium channel activity in primary sensory neurons through a G??-dependent mechanism. The Journal of Neuroscience : the official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience 31 (50), 18381-90. (Article publié).
  • *Tétreault P , *Dansereau MA , *Doré-Savard L , *Beaudet N , Sarret P. (2011). Weight bearing evaluation in inflammatory, neuropathic and cancer chronic pain in freely moving rats. Physiology & Behavior 104 (3), 495-502. (Article publié).
  • *Roussy G , Beaudry H , *Lafrance M , *Belleville K , *Beaudet N , Wada K , Gendron L , Sarret P. (2010). Altered morphine-induced analgesia in neurotensin type 1 receptor null mice. Neuroscience 170 (4), 1286-94. (Article publié).
  • *Doré-Savard L , Otis V , *Belleville K , Lemire M , Archambault M , Tremblay L , Beaudoin JF , *Beaudet N , Lecomte R , Lepage M , Gendron L , Sarret P. (2010). Behavioral, medical imaging and histopathological features of a new rat model of bone cancer pain. PloS ONE 5 (10), e13774. (Article publié).
  • Sarret P , *Doré-Savard L , *Beaudet N. (2010). Direct application of siRNA for in vivo pain research. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.) 623 383-95. (Article publié).
  • Hwang JR , Baek MW , Sim J , Choi HS , Han JM , Kim YL , Hwang JI , Kwon HB , *Beaudet N , Sarret P , Seong JY. (2010). Intermolecular cross-talk between NTR1 and NTR2 neurotensin receptor promotes intracellular sequestration and functional inhibition of NTR1 receptors. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 391 (1), 1007-13. (Article publié).
  • *Lafrance M , *Roussy G , *Belleville K , Maeno H , *Beaudet N , Wada K , Sarret P. (2010). Involvement of NTS2 receptors in stress-induced analgesia. Neuroscience 166 (2), 639-52. (Article publié).
  • *Benoit CE , Bastianetto S , Brouillette J , Tse Y , Boutin JA , Delagrange P , Wong T , Sarret P , Quirion R. (2010). Loss of quinone reductase 2 function selectively facilitates learning behaviors. The Journal of Neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 30 (38), 12690-700. (Article publié).
  • Chamberland C , Barajas-Martinez H , Haufe V , Fecteau MH , Delabre JF , Burashnikov A , Antzelevitch C , Lesur O , Chraibi A , Sarret P , Dumaine R. (2010). Modulation of canine cardiac sodium current by Apelin. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 48 (4), 694-701. (Article publié).
  • *Roussy J.F., Chagnon F., Gallo-Payet N., Dumaine R., Sarret P., Chraibi A., Chouinard L., Hogue B. and Lesur O. (2010). Proven infection-related sepsis induces a differential stress response early after ICU admission. Crit. Care 14 (4), R131. (Article publié).
  • Girard S , Kadhim H , *Beaudet N , Sarret P , Sébire G. (2009). Developmental motor deficits induced by combined fetal exposure to lipopolysaccharide and early neonatal hypoxia/ischemia: a novel animal model for cerebral palsy in very premature infants. Neuroscience 158 (2), 673-82. (Article publié).
  • *Roussy G , *Dansereau MA , Baudisson S , Ezzoubaa F , *Belleville K , *Beaudet N , Martinez J , Richelson E , Sarret P. (2009). Evidence for a role of NTS2 receptors in the modulation of tonic pain sensitivity. Molecular Pain 5 38. (Article publié).
  • *Doré-Savard L., Tremblay L., *Belleville K., Archambault M., Beaudoin J.F., *Beaudet N., Lecomte R., Sarret P. and Lepage M. (2009). Tumor Growth Characterization in a Rat Bone Cancer Pain Model Using MRI-PET Coregistration. Mol Imaging Bio 12 408. (Article publié).
  • Gosselin RD , *Dansereau MA , Pohl M , Kitabgi P , *Beaudet N , Sarret P , Mélik Parsadaniantz S. (2008). Chemokine network in the nervous system: a new target for pain relief. Current Medicinal Chemistry 15 (27), 2866-75. (Article publié).
  • *Dansereau MA , Gosselin RD , Pohl M , Pommier B , Mechighel P , Mauborgne A , Rostene W , Kitabgi P , *Beaudet N , Melik-Parsadaniantz S, Sarret P. (2008). Spinal CCL2 pronociceptive action is no longer effective in CCR2 receptor antagonist-treated rats. Journal of Neurochemistry 106 (2), 757-69. (Article publié).
  • *Roussy G , *Dansereau MA , *Doré-Savard L , *Belleville K , *Beaudet N , Richelson E , Sarret P. (2008). Spinal NTS1 receptors regulate nociceptive signaling in a rat formalin tonic pain model. Journal of Neurochemistry 105 (4), 1100-14. (Article publié).
  • Larouche A , *Berube P , Sarret P , Grignon S. (2008). Subacute H2O2, but not poly(IC), upregulates dopamine D2 receptors in retinoic acid differentiated SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma. Synapse (New York, N.Y.) 62 (1), 70-73. (Article publié).
  • Sharif N , Gendron L , Wowchuk J , Sarret P , Mazella J , *Beaudet A , Stroh T. (2007). Coexpression of somatostatin receptor subtype 5 affects internalization and trafficking of somatostatin receptor subtype 2. Endocrinology 148 (5), 2095-2105. (Article publié).
  • Perron A , Sharif N , Sarret P , Stroh T , *Beaudet A. (2007). NTS2 modulates the intracellular distribution and trafficking of NTS1 via heterodimerization. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 353 (3), 582-90. (Article publié).
  • Sarret P , *Beaudet N , *Roussy G. (2007). NTS2 receptor: slamming the brakes on pain. Médecine sciences : M/S 23 (1), 11-12. (Article publié).
  • Stroh T , Sarret P , Tannenbaum GS , *Beaudet A. (2006). Immunohistochemical distribution and subcellular localization of the somatostatin receptor subtype 1 (sst1) in the rat hypothalamus. Neurochemical Research 31 (2), 247-57. (Article publié).
  • Perron A , Sarret P , Gendron L , Stroh T , Beaudet A. (2005). Identification and functional characterization of a 5-transmembrane domain variant isoform of the NTS2 neurotensin receptor in rat central nervous system. The Journal of biological chemistry 280 (11), 10219-27. (Article publié).
  • Sarret P., Esdaile M.J., Perron A., Stroh T., Martinez J. and Beaudet A. (2005). Potent spinal analgesia elicited through stimulation of NTS2 neurotensin receptors. The Journal of Neuroscience : the official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience 25 (36), 8188-96. (Article publié).
  • Gendron L , Perron A , Payet MD , Gallo-Payet N , Sarret P , Beaudet A. (2004). Low-affinity neurotensin receptor (NTS2) signaling: internalization-dependent activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2. Molecular pharmacology 66 (6), 1421-30. (Article publié).
  • Sarret P , Esdaile MJ , McPherson PS , Schonbrunn A , Kreienkamp HJ , Beaudet A. (2004). Role of amphiphysin II in somatostatin receptor trafficking in neuroendocrine cells. The Journal of biological chemistry 279 (9), 8029-37. (Article publié).
  • Sarret P , Krzywkowski P , Segal L , Nielsen MS , Petersen CM , Mazella J , Stroh T , Beaudet A. (2003). Distribution of NTS3 receptor/sortilin mRNA and protein in the rat central nervous system. The Journal of comparative neurology 461 (4), 483-505. (Article publié).
  • Sarret P , Perron A , Stroh T , Beaudet A. (2003). Immunohistochemical distribution of NTS2 neurotensin receptors in the rat central nervous system. The Journal of comparative neurology 461 (4), 520-38. (Article publié).
  • Sarret P , Gendron L , Kilian P , Nguyen HM , Gallo-Payet N , Payet MD , Beaudet A. (2002). Pharmacology and functional properties of NTS2 neurotensin receptors in cerebellar granule cells. The Journal of biological chemistry 277 (39), 36233-43. (Article publié).
  • Dal Farra C , Sarret P , Navarro V , Botto JM , Mazella J , Vincent JP. (2001). Involvement of the neurotensin receptor subtype NTR3 in the growth effect of neurotensin on cancer cell lines. International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer 92 (4), 503-9. (Article publié).
  • Navarro V , Martin S , Sarret P , Nielsen MS , Petersen CM , Vincent J , Mazella J. (2001). Pharmacological properties of the mouse neurotensin receptor 3. Maintenance of cell surface receptor during internalization of neurotensin. FEBS letters 495 (1-2), 100-5. (Article publié).
  • Stroh T , Jackson AC , Sarret P , Dal Farra C , Vincent JP , Kreienkamp HJ , Mazella J , Beaudet A. (2000). Intracellular dynamics of sst5 receptors in transfected COS-7 cells: maintenance of cell surface receptors during ligand-induced endocytosis. Endocrinology 141 (1), 354-65. (Article publié).
  • Boudin H , Sarret P , Mazella J , Schonbrunn A , Beaudet A. (2000). Somatostatin-induced regulation of SST(2A) receptor expression and cellsurface availability in central neurons: role of receptor internalization. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 20 (16), 5932-9. (Article publié).
  • cDubuc I , Sarret P , Labbé-Jullié C , Botto JM , Honoré E , Bourdel E , Martinez J , Costentin J , Vincent JP , Kitabgi P , Mazella J. (1999). Identification of the receptor subtype involved in the analgesic effect of neurotensin. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 19 (1), 503-10. (Article publié).
  • Nouel D , Sarret P , Vincent JP , Mazella J , Beaudet A. (1999). Pharmacological, molecular and functional characterization of glial neurotensin receptors. Neuroscience 94 (4), 1189-97. (Article publié).
  • Sarret P , Nouel D , Dal Farra C , Vincent JP , Beaudet A , Mazella J. (1999). Receptor-mediated internalization is critical for the inhibition of the expression of growth hormone by somatostatin in the pituitary cell line AtT-20. The Journal of biological chemistry 274 (27), 19294-300. (Article publié).
  • Sarret P , Botto JM , Vincent JP , Mazella J , Beaudet A. (1998). Preferential expression of sst2A over sst2B somatostatin receptor splice variant in rat brain and pituitary. Neuroendocrinology 68 (1), 37-43. (Article publié).
  • Sarret P , Beaudet A , Vincent JP , Mazella J. (1998). Regional and cellular distribution of low affinity neurotensin receptor mRNA in adult and developing mouse brain. The Journal of comparative neurology 394 (3), 344-56. (Article publié).
  • Botto JM , Chabry J , Sarret P , Vincent JP , Mazella J. (1998). Stable expression of the mouse levocabastine-sensitive neurotensin receptor in HEK 293 cell line: binding properties, photoaffinity labeling, and internalization mechanism. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 243 (2), 585-90. (Article publié).
  • Botto JM , Sarret P , Vincent JP , Mazella J. (1997). Identification and expression of a variant isoform of the levocabastine-sensitive neurotensin receptor in the mouse central nervous system. FEBS letters 400 (2), 211-4. (Article publié).
  • Mazella J , Botto JM , Guillemare E , Coppola T , Sarret P , Vincent JP. (1996). Structure, functional expression, and cerebral localization of the levocabastine-sensitive neurotensin/neuromedin N receptor from mouse brain. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 16 (18), 5613-20. (Article publié).

Chapitres de livre

  • Sarret P. and Cavelier F. (2018). Neurotensin and receptors. -. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. (-, -). États-Unis : Elsevier. (Article publié).
  • Doré-Savard, L., Beaudet, N. and Sarret, P. (2017). Chapter in Landmark Papers in Pain. Wolfgang Walz and Craig W. Stevens. Neuromethods (Oxford University Press, -). États-Unis : Wolfgang Walz and Craig W. Stevens. (Article publié).
  • Deslauriers J., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2015). The impact of oxidative stress on the dopaminergic neurotransmission. S. Grigon & A. Dietrich-Muszalska. Oxidative and nitrative stress in psychiatric disorders. (Springer-Verlag, -). États-Unis : S. Grigon & A. Dietrich-Muszalska. (Article publié).
  • L. Doré-Savard*, L. Tremblay*, K. Belleville*, N. Beaudet*, R. Lecompte, M. Lepage and P. Sarret*. (2011). Approche d'imagerie médicale multimodale dansl'étude de la douleur cancéreuse. F. Cesselin. Douleur et analgésie (24, 2, S4-6). France : Springer Verlag. (Article publié).
  • Tétreault, P.*, Beaudet N.* and Sarret P.*. (2011). L'interférence de l'ARN: une nouvelle approche pour traiter la douleur. F. Cesselin. Douleur et analgésie (24, 2, S35-37). France : Springer Verlag. (Article publié).
  • Sarret P., *Doré-Savard L., *Tétreault P., *Dansereau M.A., *Bégin-Lavallée V. and *Beaudet N. (2011). Using RNA interference to down-regulate GPCRs. Wolfgang Walz and Craig W. Stevens. G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Technology (60, 379-402). États-Unis : Springer-Verlag (Humana Press). (Article publié).
  • Sarret P., *Doré-Savard L., *Tétreault P., *Bégin-Lavallée V. and *Beaudet N. (2010). Application of dicer-substrate siRNA in pain research. Book chapter in RNA. Volker A. Erdmann and Jan Barciszewski. Technologies and Their Applications (XVI, 161-191). Allemagne : Springer-Verlag. (Article publié).
  • Melik-Parsadaniantz S., Sarret P. and Rostène W. (2010). Chemokine and chemokine receptors in the brain. O.Meucci. Chemokines Receptors Function and NeuroAids (XVI, 173-191). États-Unis : Springer-Verlag. (Article publié).
  • Sarret P, *Doré-Savard L, *Beaudet N. (2010). Direct application of siRNA for in vivo pain research. John M. Walker. Methods Molecular Biology (623, 383-395). Allemagne : Springer. (Article publié).

Articles de conférence

  • Breault É., De Neve J., Previti S., Vangeloven E., Brouillette R., Chartier M., Holleran B., Eiselt É., Longpré J.M.*, Gendron L., Ballet S., and Sarret P. (2022). Analgesic effectiveness of biased opioid-neurotensin bifunctional ligands. 51st Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Bélair F., De Neve J., Vangeloven E., Vivancos M., Eiselt É., Côté J.*, Longpré J.M.*, Ballet S., and Sarret P. (2022). Exploring neurotensin receptor type 1 biased agonism: how to induce hypothermia over hypotension?. 51st Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Cavelier F., Previti S., Vivancos M., Chastel A., Rémond E., Longpré J.M.*, Morgat C., Sarret P. (2022). Neurotensin, a short peptide of multiple facets. 36th European Peptide Symposium. (Article publié).
  • Previti S., Vivancos M., Bodin S., Rémond E., Morgat C., Sarret P and Cavelier F. (2022). Novel modified neurotensin analogues as potential agents for different therapeutic purposes. 22e GFPP. (Article publié).
  • Brouillette R., Besserer-Offroy É., Mona C., Côté J.*, Longpré J.M.*, Marsault E. Grandbois M., and Sarret P. (2022). Pepducins allosterically modulate neurotensin receptor type 1 signaling and function. 51st Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Meneboo N., Desgagné M., Comeau C., Ferkova C., Murza A., Landry W., Chartier M., Brochu I.*, Côté J.*, Longpré J.M.*, Boudreault P.L., and Sarret P. (2022). Towards the development of brain-penetrating neurotensin receptor type 2 (NTS2) non-opioid analgesics. 51st Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Chartier M., Desgagné M., Soubie M., Longpré J.M.*, Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2020). Constrained NTS2-selective macrocyclic neurotensin (8-13) analogs produce potent analgesia in various pain conditions. 18TH World Congress on Pain. (Article publié).
  • Neurotensin, a multi-faceted peptide. (2020). Previti S., , Chastel A., Rémond E., Morgat CSarret P and Cavelier F. 2020 Italian Medicinal Chemistry. (Article publié).
  • Trépanier A., Midavaine É., Longpré J.M.*, Côté J.* and Sarret P. (2020). Spinal inhibition of the CXCL12/CXCR4 axis promotes pain relief in both male and female tumor-bearing rats. 18TH World Congress on Pain. (Article publié).
  • Vivancos M., Fanelli R., René A., Longpré J.M.*, Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2019). Analgesic efficacy of highly selective and biologically stable neurotensin type 2 receptor (NTS2) analogs. 49TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Besserer-Offroy É., Lafrance M., Dansereau M.A., Ouirzane M., Bode N., Murza A., Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Behlke M., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2019). Bias factor toward beta-arrestin-2 predicts analgesic effects of efficacy at apelin receptor. 20Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Midavaine E., Brouillette R., De Armas Guitart G., Besserer-Offroy É., Zeugin V., Mona, C., Longpré J.M.*, Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2019). CCR2 pepducins alleviate neuroimmune-driven bone cancer pain through allosteric antagonism. 49TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Midavaine E., Trépanier A., De Armas Guitar G., Zeugin V., Mona, C., Longpré J.M.*, Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2019). CCR2-induced neuroimmune communication drives bone cancer pain and breast tumor growth. 01st Pain Circuits Conference. (Article publié).
  • Girard M., Dagenais-Bellefeuille S., Arguin G., Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P. and Gendron FP. (2019). Characterization of receptor P2Y6 signaling in cell migration. CDDWTM Canadian Association of Gastroenterology. (Article publié).
  • Eiselt E., Girard M., Grastilleur S., Beaulieu S., Longpré J.M.* Gendron L. and Sarret P. (2019). Characterization of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the coding region of the human neurotensin receptor 1 (NTS1): potential implication in cancer. 01st Chronic inflammation, Immunity, and Cancer. (Article publié).
  • Desgagné M., Chartier M., Sousbie M., Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P. and Marsault E. (2019). Constrained NTS2-selective macrocyclic peptides to deliver powerful pain relief. 20Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Vivancos M., Fanelli R., Orliaguet M., Longpré J.M.*, Martinez J., Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2019). Decreased anxiety-like behaviors in rats experiencing chronic inflammatory pain following central delivery of NTS2-selective analgesics. 20Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Chartier M., Desgagné M., Rumsby C., Haroune L., Dansereau M.A., Vivancos M., Longpré J.M.*, Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2019). Development of a NTS2-selective macrocyclic neurotensin (8-13) analog showing a good analgesic benefit/adverse effect profile. 49TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Gonzalez S., Dumitrascuta M., Eiselt E., Stevany L., Kunze L., Blasiol A., Dewolf E., Martin C. Tourwé D., Cavelier F., Gendron L., Sarret P, Spetea M., Ballet S. (2019). Development of hybrid opioid-NTS2 multitarget ligands for improved pain treatments. 21ième Congrès du Groupe Français des Peptides et des Protéines. (Article publié).
  • Dansereau M.A., Neszvecsko K., Jacobi A.M., Rose S.C. Behlke M.A., Longpré J.M.* and Sarret P. (2019). Dicer-substrate small interfering RNA to study GPCR function in physiological and pathological processes : The case of CCR2 in chronic pain. 20Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Midavaine E., Brouillette R., Mona, C., Longpré J.M.*, Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2019). Dichotomic efficacy of orthosteric blockade or pepducin-based allosteric antagonism of the CCR2 receptor in the pathophysiology of chronic pain. 20Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Sainsily X., Coquerel D., Giguere H., Dumont L., Noll C., Bruneau-Cossette L., Carpentier A., Marsault É., Lesur O., Sarret P. and Auger-Messier M. (2019). ELABELA protects spontaneously hypertensive rats from salt-exacerbated cardio-renal dysfunction. 20Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Trân K., Van Den Hauwe R., Sainsily X., Murza A., Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P., Ballet S. and Marsault E. (2019). Exploring of apelin bias using chi-constrained amino acids. 102st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. (Article publié).
  • Nepveu-Traversy M.E., Boudreault P.L., McManus S., Longpré J.M.*, Grbic D., Dugast G., Gaudreau S., Gendron F.P., Marsault E., Gobeil F.P., and Sarret P. (2019). Functional recombinant antibodies targeting the 3D structure of the neurotensin high-affinity receptor 1 (NTS1): potential therapeutic and diagnostic applications. 20Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Lagard C., Vivancos M. Chartier M., Fanelli R., Previti S., Desgagné M., René A., Côté J.*, Longpré J.M.*, Marsault E., Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2019). Optimization of NTS2-selective neurotensin (8-13) analogs to relieve bone cancer pain. 20Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Brouillette R., Besserer-Offroy É., Mona C., Chartier M., Lavenus S., Côté J.*, Soubie M., Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Grandbois M., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2019). Pepducins derived from the intracellular loops of the neurotensin type 1 receptor relieve pain. 49TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Chartier M., Desgagné M., Sousbie M., Dansereau M.A., Longpré J.M.*, Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2019). Potent analgesia without adverse effects produced by the first NTS2 highly-selective macrocyclic neurotensin (8-13) analog. 20Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Besserer-Offroy É., Longpré J.M.*, Hébert, T.E. and Sarret P. (2019). Signaling signature of DREADDs: Are they completely biased receptors?. 49TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Eiselt E., Girard M., Grastilleur S., Beaulieu S., Longpré J.M.* Gendron L. and Sarret P. (2019). Single-nucleotide polymorphisms and cancer susceptibility: the case of the human neurotensin receptor type 1 (NTS1). 20Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Murza A., Tran K., Sainsily X., Lesur O., Auger-Messier M., Sarret P. and Marsault E. (2019). Structure-activity relationship of a short bioactive derivative of ELABELA. 102st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. (Article publié).
  • Boudreault P.L., Bruneau-Cossette L., Nepveu-Traversy M.E., Besserer-Offroy É., Brouillette R., Kirby K.*, Morissette S., Traboulsi H., Longpré J.M.*, Breton B., Gendron F.P., Gaudreau S., Sarret P. and Marsault E. (2019). Structure-based design of macrocyclic peptides to generate functional antibodies againt G-protein coupled receptors – Part 1: Design and synthesis. 20Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Trépanier A., Midavaine E., Côté, J.*, Longpré J.M.*, and Sarret P. (2019). Targeting the CXCL12/CXCR4 to relieve bone cancer pain in both male and female rats. 20Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Girard M., Dagenais-Bellefeuille S., Placet M., Arguin G., Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P. and Gendron FP. (2019). The P2Y6 receptor stimulates cell migration through a Gαq-dependent pathway. 20Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Dansereau M.A., Neszvecsko K., Jacobi A.M., Rose S.C. Behlke M.A., Longpré J.M.* and Sarret P. (2019). in vivo Use of Dicer-substrate small interfering RNA to decipher the time-related contribution of the CCL2/CCR2 signaling in chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain. 49TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Neszvecsko K., Dansereau M.A., Côté J.*, Longpré J.M.* and Sarret P. (2019). in vivo Use of new lipid nanoparticle formulations for delivery of messenger RNA in the central nervous system. 49TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Brouillette R., Besserer-Offroy É., Mona C., Lavenus S., Côté J., Soubie M., Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Grandbois M., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2018). Allosteric modulation of the neurotensin 1 receptor by a series of cell-penetrating pepducins targeting the first intracellular loop. 17TH World Congress on Pain. (Article publié).
  • Côté J., Belleville K.*, Kirby K.*, Murza A., Longpré J.M.* and Sarret P. (2018). Analgesic efficacy and safety of a brain-penetrant LRP-1 ligand/neurotensin(8-13) hybrid peptide. 17TH World Congress on Pain. (Article publié).
  • Vivancos M., Fanelli R., Orliaguet M., Longpré J.M.*, Martinez J., Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2018). Anxiety-like behaviors are attenuated by a NTS2-selective analgesic in rats experiencing chronic inflammatory pain. 48TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Besserer-Offroy É., Lafrance M., Dansereau M.A., Ouirzane M., Bode N., Murza A., Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Behlke M., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2018). Bias towards b-arrestin-2 mediates the analgesic effects of apelin receptor-selective ligands. 48TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Girard M., Dagenais-Bellefeuille S., Arguin G., Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P. and Gendron FP. (2018). Caractérisation du rôle du récepteur P2Y6 dans la migration cellulaire. 60ème édition de la réunion annuelle du Club de Recherches Cliniques du Québec (CRCQ). (Article publié).
  • Côté J., Belleville K.*, Murza A., Longpré J.M.* and Sarret P. (2018). Characterization of a brain-penetrant neurotensin(8-13) conjugate exerting potent analgesic activity after systemic delivery. 11TH FENS Forum of Neuroscience. (Article publié).
  • Vivancos M., Fanelli R., Besserer-Offroy É., Longpré J.M.*, Martinez J., Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2018). Design of metabolic stable NT(8-13) analogs exhibiting increased potency as analgesics. 17TH World Congress on Pain. (Article publié).
  • Eiseilt E., Betti C., Martin C., Longpré J.M.*, Spetea M., Ballet S., Gendron L. and Sarret P. (2018). Development of opioid/neurotenin bifunctional hybrid peptides for the treatment of pain. 17TH World Congress on Pain. (Article publié).
  • Dansereau M.A., Jacobi A.M., Tharmarajah G., Rose S.C. Behlke M.A., Longpré J.M.* and Sarret P. (2018). Elucidating the temporal contribution of the CCL2/CCR2 chemokine system in different pain paradigms by using small interfering RNA. 17TH World Congress on Pain. (2018). (Article publié).
  • Eiselt E., Grastilleur S., Beaulieu Sandrine, Longpré J.M.* Gendron L. and Sarret P. (2018). Exploring the effects of neurotensin receptor 1gene (NTSR1) polymorphisms on receptor function. 48TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Hubert O., Maurice-Gelinas C., Deslauriers J., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2018). Increased mitochondrial respiration without parallel changes in ATP production and sexually dimorphic responses to indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase inhibition in a murine two-hit model of schizophrenia. 48TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Sainsily X., Coquerel D., Dumont L., Bruneau-Cossette L., Marsault É., Lesur O., Sarret P. and Auger-Messier M. (2018). New mechanistic insights into the role of the sodium ion binding site in the allosteric modulation of the APJ receptor binding, signaling and function. 22nd International Symposium on Regulatory Peptides. (Article publié).
  • Midavaine E., Besserer-Offroy É., Zeugin V., Mona C., Jacobi A., Rose S., Belkhe M., Longpré J.M.*, Marsault É and Sarret P. (2018). Pharmacological,genetic and allosteric modulation of the CCR2 receptor uncovers distinct analgesic efficacy and anti-cancer activity in a bone cancer pain model. 17TH World Congress on Pain. (Article publié).
  • Constanzo J., Midavaine E., M., Lepage, Descoteaux M., Kirby K.*, Fouquet J., Tremblay L., Masson-Coté L., Geha S., Longpré J.M.*, Pouget J.P., Whittingstall K., Sarret P. and Paquette B. (2018). Rat brain region-specific sensitivity following localized irradiation. 64Th Annual International Meeting, Radiation Research Society. (Article publié).
  • Brouillette R., Besserer-Offroy É., Mona C., Lavenus S., Côté J., Soubie M., Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Grandbois M., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2018). Targeting pain with a cell-penetrating neurotensin type 1 receptor (NTS1) pepducin. 48TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Midavaine E., Trépanier A., Dansereau M.A., Jacobi A., Rose S., Belkhe M., Longpré J.M.* and Sarret P. (2018). Therapeutic gene modulation of the CCR2 chemokine receptor confers analgesia and anti-proliferative activity in a rat model of cancer-induced bone pain. 48TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Murza A., Sarret P., Lesur O., Marsault E., Auger-Messier M. and Haroune L. (2018). Toward a better understanding of endogenous apelin peptides analysis in biological matrices. 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. (Article publié).
  • Trân K., Murza A., Sainsily X., Coquerel D., Côté J., Belleville K.*, Haroune L., Longpré J.M.*, Dumaine R., Salvail D., Lesur O., Auger-Messier M., Sarret P. and Marsault E. (2018). in vivoMacrocycle as tools to modulate the stability andagonistic properties of Pyr1-apelin-13 peptide. 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. (Article publié).
  • Brouillette R., Besserer-Offroy É., Mona C., Lavenus S., Côté J., Soubie M., Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Grandbois M., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2017). Allosteric modulation of the neurotensin 1 receptor by a series of cell-penetrating pepducins targeting the first intracellular loop. 18Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Brouillette R., Mona C., Besserer-Offroy É., Lavenus S., Côté J., Soubie M., Belleville K.*, Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Grandbois M., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2017). Allosteric modulation of the neurotensin 1 receptor by a series of cell-penetrating pepducins targeting the first intracellular loop. Neurosymposium. (Article publié).
  • Nepveu-Traversy M.E., Morissette S., Boudreault P.L., Besserer-Offroy É., Kirby K.*, Longpré J.M.*, Gendron F.P., Breton B., Marsault E., Gaudreau S, and Sarret P. (2017). Characterization of chicken antibodies targeting the 3D structure of the second extracellular loop of the neurotensin receptor type 1. 14TH Annual Protein and Antibody Engineering Summit, PEGS. (Article publié).
  • Nepveu-Traversy M.E., Morissette S., Boudreault P.L., Besserer-Offroy É., Kirby K.*, Longpré J.M.*, Gendron F.P., Breton B., Marsault E., Gaudreau S, and Sarret P. (2017). Chicken antibodies engineered to target the 3D structure of extracellular loops of GPCRs. 18Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Eiselt E., Blais V., Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P. and Gendron L. (2017). Combining neurotensin and opioid receptor agonists to relieve pain. 47TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Tiffinger A., Besserer-Offroy É., Côté J., Coquerel D., Murza A., Longpré J.M.*, Auger-Messier M., Lesur O., Marsault E., Dumaine R. and Sarret P. (2017). Effects of C-terminally-modified apelin-13 analogs on cardiovascular function. 18Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Tran K., Murza A., Sainsily X., Côté J., Belleville K.*, Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P. and Marsault E. (2017). N-terminal macrocyclic derivatives of pyr-apelin-13. 25rd American Peptide Symposium. (Article publié).
  • Fanelli R., Floquet N., Delort B., Besserer-Offroy E., Vivancos M., Longpré J.M.*,Renault P., Martinez J., Sarret P. Cavelier F. (2017). NTS1 and NTS2 diversity by molecular modelling drives the synthesis of new selective neurotensin analogues. 20ième Congrès du Groupe Français des Peptides et des Protéines. (Article publié).
  • Maurice-Gelinas C., Deslauriers J., Hubert O., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2017). Neurosteroids abnormalities in a murine two-hit model of suicide-related behaviors in a schizophrenia-like context. 47TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article publié).
  • Besserer-Offroy É., Mona C., Brouillette R., Boudreault P.L., Belleville K.*, Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2017). Phosphomimetic lipopeptides as new tools to investigate b-arrestin-mediated functions. 18Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Vivancos M., Fanelli R., Orliaguet M., Floquet N., Belleville K. *, Côté J., Murza A., Besserer-Offroy E., Longpré J.M.*, Thomas, J.B., Martinez J., Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2017). Preferentially targeting the NTS2 receptor: a promising avenue for the development of new neurotensinergic analgesic compounds. Neurosymposium. (Article publié).
  • Vivancos M., Fanelli R., Orliaguet M., Floquet N., Côté J., Besserer-Offroy E., Murza A., Longpré J.M.*, Thomas, J.B., Martinez J., Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2017). Preferentially targeting the NTS2 receptor: a promising avenue for the development of new neurotensinergic analgesic compounds. 18Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Constanzo J., Masson-Coté L., Descoteaux M., Lepage M., Tremblay L., Dumont M., Longpré J.M.*, Kirby K.*, Geha S., Sarret P., Paquette B. (2017). Rat brain region-specific sensitivity following localized irradiation. EACR-AACR-SIC Special Conference. (Article publié).
  • Sousbie M., Besserer-Offroy É., Brouillette R., Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P., Leduc R. and Marsault E. (2017). Rational design of neurotensin 8-13 macrocyclic peptidic analogues. Conformational investigation and hit discovery. 5rd American Peptide Symposium. (Article publié).
  • Tran K., Murza A., Sainsily X., Côté J., Belleville K.*, Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P. and Marsault E. (2017). Structure-activity relationships of N-terminal macrocyclic analogues of pyr-apelin-13. 18Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Midavaine E., Brouillette R., Besserer-Offroy É., Mona C., Jacobi A., Rose S., Belkhe M., Longpré J.M.* and Sarret P. (2017). Targeting the CCL2-CCR2 chemokine axis in bone cancer pain: Uncovering analgesic efficacy using non-classical pharmacological approaches. 18Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Eiselt E., Côté J., Blais V., Longpré J.M.*, Gendron L. and Sarret P. (2017). The combination of neurotensin and opioid receptor agonists improves their analgesic benefit/adverse effect ratio. 18Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Gaudreau S., Boudreault P.L., Gendron F.P., Traboulsi H., Marsault E., Sarret P., Leduc F. and Arcand M. (2016). 3D-specific IgY antibodies targeting GPCR extracellular loops. 12TH Annual Protein and Antibody Engineering Summit, PEGS. (Article accepté).
  • Vivancos M., Fanelli R., Orliaguet M., Côté J., Besserer-Offroy E., Murza A., Longpré J.M.*, Thomas, J.B., Martinez J., Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2016). Characterization of new stable NTS2-selective neurotensin analogs. 46TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Brouillette R., Mona C., Besserer-Offroy E., Lavenus S., Côté J., Sousbie M., Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Grandbois M., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2016). Deciphering the cellular and physiological actionsof cell-penetrating pepducins affecting NTS1 signalling. 46TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Murza A., Sainsily X., Coquerel D., Côté J., Marx, P., Besserer-Offroy É., Longpré J.M.*, Lesur O., Auger-Messier M., Sarret P. and Marsault E. (2016). Design,synthesis and exploration of structure-function relationship studies of newmacrocyclic derivatives of apelin-13. 17Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Midavaine E., Longpré J.M. * and Sarret P. (2016). Efficacité analgésique de l’inhibition pharmacologique ou génique du récepteur chimiokinergique CCR2 dans la douleur cancéreuse osseuse. 41e Colloque de la société de Neuroendocrinologie. (Article publié).
  • Lesur O, Coquerel D., Dumaine R., Marsault E., Sarret P. and Auger-Messier M. (2016). Elabela, a novel APJ receptor agonist, linits cardio-renal dysfunction and improves fluid homeostasis during experimental sepsis. 29TH Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. (Article accepté).
  • Côté J., Besserer-Offroy E., Murza A., Belleville K.*, Eiselt E., Larocque A., Régina A., Longpré J.M.*, Demeule M. and Sarret P. (2016). Improving the blood-brain penetration to convert neurotensin bioactive peptide to painkillers. 46TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Tran K., Murza A., Sainsily X., Côté J., Sarret P. and Marsault E. (2016). Macrocycle mimics active conformation of pyr-apelin-13. International Symposium on Regulatory Peptides. (Article accepté).
  • Besserer-Offroy E., Bérubé P., Côté J., Murza A., Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Marsault E., Sarret P. (2016). Modulating the structure of apelin to bias signalling of the APJ receptor: impact and potential in cardiovascular diseases. Canadian Student Health Research Forum. (Article accepté).
  • Marsault E., Murza A., Trân K., Sainsily X., Côté J., Besserer-Offroy E., Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P., Coquerel D., Dumaine R., Auger-Messier M. and Lesur O. (2016). Modulating the structure of apelin to bias signalling of the APJ receptor: impact and potential in cardiovascular diseases. 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. (Article accepté).
  • Marsault E., Besserer-Offroy E., Bérubé P., Côté J., Murza A., Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Coquerel D., Dumaine R., Auger-Messier M. and Lesur O and Sarret P. (2016). Molecular engineering of apelin to modulate stability, signalling and cardiovascular functions. International Symposium on Regulatory Peptides. (Article accepté).
  • Cavelier F., Fanelli R., Floquet N., Vivancos M., Besserer-Offroy E., Longpré J.M.*, Martinez J., and Sarret P. (2016). Molecular modelling, design, and synthesis of new NTS2-selective neurotensin analogues. International Symposium on Regulatory Peptides. (Article accepté).
  • Fanelli. R., Floquet N., Vivancos M., Delort B., Besserer-Offroy E., Longpré J.M.*, Martinez J., Sarret P and Cavelier F. (2016). NTS1 and NTS2 diversity delineated by molecular modeling drives the synthesis of new selective neurotensin analogues. 34TH European Peptide Symposium. (Article accepté).
  • Constanzo J., Dumont M., Tremblay L., Sarret P., Longpré J.M.*, Kirby K.*, Geha S., Masson-Coté L., Paquette B and Descoteaux M. (2016). Neuroplasticity changes in rat brain following targeted irradiation assessed by diffusion MRI tractography validated by histology and behavioral tests. 24TH International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. (Article accepté).
  • Roux M., Lemire M., Lainé J., Longpré J.M.*, Jacobi A.M., Rose S.C. Behlke M.A., and Sarret P. (2016). Newactors of the regulated secretory pathway involved in pain modulation. 41e Colloque de la société de Neuroendocrinologie. (Article publié).
  • Midavaine E., Jacobi A.M., Rose S.C. Behlke M.A., Longpré J.M.* and Sarret P. (2016). Pharmacological- and DsiRNA-based inhibition of the CCR2 chemokine receptor relieve bone cancer pain. 16TH World Congress on Pain. (Article accepté).
  • Besserer-Offroy E., Mona C., Boudreault P.L., Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2016). Phosphomimetic lipopeptides as new tools to investigate beta-arrestin-mediated functions. 46TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Constanzo J., Masson-Coté L., Descoteaux M., Lepage M., Tremblay L., Dumont M., Longpré J.M.*, Kirby K.*, Geha S., Sarret P. and Paquette B. (2016). Rat brain region-specific sensitivity following localized irradiation. 63ND Annual International Meeting, Radiation Research Society. (Article accepté).
  • Sousbie M., Besserer-Offroy É., Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P., Leduc R. and Marsault E. (2016). Rational design of neurotensin 8-13 macrocyclic peptidic analogues. Conformational investigation and hit discovery. 17Th Great lakes GPCR retreat. (Article publié).
  • Fourquet, J.P., Constanzo J., Masson-Coté L., Tremblay L., Sarret P., Geha S., Whittingstall K., Paquette B and Lepage M. (2016). T2*-weighted and DCE-MRI as complementary tools to characterize the continuous process of radionecrosis and neovascularization. 24TH International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, ISMRM. (Article accepté).
  • Dansereau M.A., Jacobi A.M., Rose S.C. Behlke M.A., Longpré J.M.* and Sarret P. (2016). Temporal contribution of the CCL2/CCR2 chemokine axis to chronic inflammatory pain elucidated by Dicer-substrate small interfering RNA. 46TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Maurice-Gélinas C., Monpays C., Deslauriers J., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2016). The 5alpha-reductase inhibitor finesteride increases suicide-related aggressive behaviors in a schizophrenia-like phenotype. 46TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Eiselt E., Otis V., Belleville K.*, Larocque A., Régina A., Longpré J.M.*, Demeule M., Gendron L. and Sarret P. (2016). Use of a non-invasive Trojan horse strategy toimprove the delivery of opioid pain relief medications to the brain. 46TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (2016). 11-16 November, San Diego, CA (USA). (Article accepté).
  • Côté J., Demeule M., Beaudet N.*, Regina A., Belleville K.*, Larocque A., Longpré J.M.*, Lachowicz J., Castaigne J.P. and Sarret P. (2015). Creation of a new brain-penetrant peptide-neurotensin(8-13) conjugate exerting analgesic activities after systemic administration. 45TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Besserer-Offroy É., Lafrance M., Ouirzane M., Murza A., Longpré J.M., Marsault E., Leduc R., Sarret P. (2015). Design, synthesis and exploration of structure-function relationship studies of new macrocyclic dérivatives of apelin-13. 45TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Monpays C., Deslauriers J., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2015). Determination of mitochondrial activity in a mice juvenile two-hit model of schizophrenia. 45TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Dansereau M.A., Jacobi A.M., Rose S.C. Behlke M.A., Longpré J.M.* and Sarret P. (2015). Interfering with chronic inflammatory pain: the case of Dicer-substrate siRNAs targeting the CCL2/CCR2 chemokine system. 45TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Girard R., Maurice-Gelinas C., Faye C., Pare G., Monpays C., Deslauriers J., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2015). Lack of preventive effect of acute DHA and subacute EPA/DHA combination on PPI disruption in a murine juvenile two-hit model of schizophrenia. 45TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Marsault, E., Murza, A., Besserer-Offroy, É., Côté, J., Longpré. J.M. and Sarret, P. (2015). Modulating the apelin receptor signaling with macrocyles. Pacificem. (Article accepté).
  • Constanzo J., Descoteaux M., Lepage M., Tremblay L., Dumont M., Longpré J.M., Kirby K., Geha L., Masson-Coté L., Sarret P. and Paquette B. (2015). Neuroplasticity changes in rat brain following targeted gamma knife irradiation. 45TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Constanzo J., Lepage M., Tremblay L., Descoteaux M., Kirby K., Masson-Coté L., Sarret P. and Paquette B. (2015). Neurovascular coupling assessment in rat brain following targeted gamma knife irradiation. 61ST Annual Meeting-Radiation Research Society. (Article accepté).
  • Midavaine E., Longpré J.M. * and Sarret P. (2015). Selective CCR2 chemokine receptor antagonists as potentiel treatment of bone cancer pain. 45TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Vivancos M., Besserer-Offroy É., Brouillette R., René A., Fanelli R., Lafrance M., Tétreault P., Colerette-Tremblay J., Longpré J.M.*, Martinez J., Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2015). Site-selective modifications of the neurotensin hexapeptide fragment lead to the generation of highly active and metabolically stable NT(8-13) analogs. 45TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Rémond E., Hap?u D., René A., Martinez J., Sarret P, Zaharia V., Cavelier F. (2015). Synthèse diastéréosélective de dérivés thiazoles ?-aminoacides et applications pour la synthèse de nouveaux analogues de la neurotensine. 19ième Congrès du Groupe Français des Peptides et des Protéines. (Article accepté).
  • Buckley S.M., Unsain N., Osso L., Midavaine E., Belleville K., Barriere D., Longpre J.M., Mogil J.S., Sarret P., Seguela P. and Barker P. (2015). p75NTR deletion enhances chronic one cancer pain but does not alter acute pain responses. Neurotrophic Factors Gordon Research Conference. (Article accepté).
  • Lafrance, M., René A., Beaudet, N., Lonpré J.M., Cavelier F., Martinez J. and Sarret, P. (2014). Activation of NTS2 receptors in the rostral ventromedial medulla induces analgesia through serotoninergic-mediated descending inhibition in a rat model of tonic pain. 15th World Congress on Pain. (Article accepté).
  • Tétreault P., Besserer-Offroy É., Murza A., Parent A., Bérubé P., René A., Dubuc I., Longpré J.M.*, Beaudet N.*, Leduc R., Marsault É., Martinez J., Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2014). Analgesic potency of a new neurotensin analog in different experimental pain models. 15Th Great Lakes GPCR Retreat. (Article accepté).
  • Tétreault P., Besserer-Offroy É., Murza A., Parent A., Bérubé P., René A., Dubuc I., Longpré J.M.*, Beaudet N.*, Leduc R., Marsault É., Martinez J., Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2014). Analgesic potency of a new neurotensin analog in different experimental pain models. 15Th Great Lakes GPCR Retreat. (Article accepté).
  • Besserer-Offroy É., Murza A., Bérubé P., Dinh T., Longpré J.M.*, Leduc R., Marsault É. and Sarret P. (2014). C-terminal modifications of Apelin-13: generation of new biased analogs and impact on hypotensive effect. 15Th Great Lakes GPCR Retreat. (Article accepté).
  • Darbaky Y., Chirat C., Maffre V., Duval A., Gobron S., Miolt-Noirault E., Miladi I., Barrière D., Midavaine E., Sarret P. and Diop L. (2014). Cancer-induced bone pain in rat : Cellular, behavioral, pharmacological and medical imaging characterization. 44TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Darbaky, Y., Chirat, C., Maffre, V., Duval, A., Gobron, S., Miolt-Noirault, E., Miladi, I., Barrière D., Midavaine, E., Sarret, P. and Diop, L. (2014). Characterization of a rat model of cancer-induced bone pain using cellular, behavioral, pharmacological and medical imaging methods. 15th World Congress on Pain. (Article accepté).
  • Marsault, E., Murza, A., Besserer-Offroy, E., Bérubé, P., Longpré, J.M. and Sarret, P. (2014). Deciphering the structure function of apelin with unnatural amino acids and macrocycles. 33rd European Peptide Symposium. (Article accepté).
  • Murza A., Besserer-Offroy É., Bérubé P., Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P. and Marsault E. (2014). Design, synthesis and exploration of structure-function relationship studies of new macrocyclic derivatives of apelin-13. 15Th Great Lakes GPCR Retreat. (Article accepté).
  • Murza, A., Besserer-Offroy, E., Bérubé, P., Parent, A., Longpré, J.M., Leduc, R., Sarret, P. and Marsault E. (2014). Design, synthesis and structure-activity relationship studies of new macrocyclic analogs of apelin-13. 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. (Article accepté).
  • Beaudet, N., Courteau, J., Michaud, F., Sarret, P., Vanasse A. (2014). Epidemiology of claims-bsed recurrent low back pain in Canada using secondary analyses of administrative data. Australian Pain Society's 34th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM). (Article accepté).
  • Besserer-Offroy É., Brumwell A., Murza A., Longpré J.M.*, Sarret P. and Leduc R. (2014). Establishing the signaling signature of hNTS1 by Neurotensin, Neurotensin 8-13 or Neuromedin N. 15Th Great Lakes GPCR Retreat. (Article accepté).
  • Buckley S.M., Osso L., Belleville K.*, Barrière D., Longpré J.M.*, Mogil J.S., Sarret P., Seguela P. and Barker P. (2014). Investigating the role of p75NTR in nociception using conditional knockout mice. 44TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Roux M., Tétreault P., Longpré J.M.*, Jacobi A.M., Rose S.C. Behlke M.A. and Sarret P. (2014). Novel antisense technology-based drugs for the targeted treatment of pain: Proof-of-concept with the NTS2 receptor in a context of acute and persistent pain. 15Th Great Lakes GPCR Retreat. (Article accepté).
  • Deslauriers J., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2014). Potential implication of the kynurenine pathway in a juvenile two-hit animal model of schizophrenia: Reversal of PPI deficits by the inhibition of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase. 44TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Monpays C., Tremey A., Deslauriers J., Racine W., Asli K., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2014). Sleep deprivation at juvenile age causes alterations in cortical GAD67 levels in juvenile mice and induces prepulse inhibition deficit in adult female mice. 44TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Midavaine É., Tétreault P., Barrière D., Longpré J.M. and Sarret P. (2014). Targeting CCL2/CCR2 signaling in the management of metastatic bone pain. 15Th Great Lakes GPCR Retreat. (Article accepté).
  • Midavaine, E., Tétreault, P., Barrière D., Longpré, J.M. and Sarret, P. (2014). Targeting CCL2/CCR2 signaling in the management of metastatic bone pain. 15th World Congress on Pain. (Article accepté).
  • *Murza A., *Besserer-Offroy E., *Lafrance M., Roux M., *Beaudet N., *Longpré J.M., Leduc R., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2013). Chronic neuropathic pain evokes adaptive changes in the response to endogenous pain inhibition in rats. 43TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Parent A., *Tétreault P., Roux M., *Belleville K., Aurais-Blais C., Goffaux P. and Sarret P. (2013). Chronic neuropathic pain evokes adaptive changes in the response to endogenous pain inhibition in rats. 43TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Besserer-Offroy E., *Tétreault P., *Lafrance M., *Murza A., René A., *Longpré J.M., Cavelier F., Matinez J., Marsault E., Leduc R. and Sarret P. (2013). Deciphering the NTS1 receptor signalling pathways leading to analgesia and hypothermia. 43TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Monpays C., Tremey A., *Deslauriers J., Racine W., Asli K., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2013). Development of manic symptoms by sleep deprivation at juvenile age. 43TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Deslauriers J., *Belleville K., *Beaudet N., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2013). Distinct effects of lithium chloride and clozapine in preventing suicide-related behaviors in a two-hit model of schizophrenia. 43TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Deslauriers J., *Belleville K., *Beaudet N., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2013). Distinct effects of lithium chloride and clozapine in preventing suicide-related behaviors in a two-hit model of schizophrenia. IASR World Congress on Suicide. (Article accepté).
  • *Parent A., *Tétreault P., *Belleville K., Roux M., Goffaux P. and Sarret P. (2013). Endogenous inhibitory responses in rats change when chronic pain sets in: Evidence of initial compensation and subsequent extinction. 4th International Congress on Neuropathic Pain. (Article accepté).
  • Bergeron J., Allard M.J., *Deslauriers J., Sarret P. and Grignon S., Fortier L.C., Poyart C., Sébire G. (2013). Group B streptococcus inflammatory response induced during gestation leads to perinatal injuries and subsequent behavioral impairments in male offspring mimicking autistic features. 43TH Annual Meeting-Society for eurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Lafrance M., *Murza A., *Besserer-Offroy E., *Longpré J.M., Leduc R., Stroh T., Marsault E., Sarret P. (2013). Impact of the incorporation of unnatural amino acids at the C-terminal end of the apelin peptide on pain inhibition. 8Th EFIC – Pain in Europe Congress. (Article accepté).
  • *Beaudet N., Courteau J., Sarret P, Vanasse A. (2013). Improving the selection of true incident cases of low back pain by screening retrospective administration data. 8Th EFIC – Pain in Europe Congress. (Article accepté).
  • *Murza A., *Besserer-Offroy E., *Lafrance M., *Parent A., *Beaudet N., Leduc R., Sarret P. and Marsault E. (2013). Incorporation of unnatural amino acids in apelin: Influence on biased signaling and activity in animal models of pain. 96th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. (Article accepté).
  • *Belkouch M., *Dansereau M.A., *Beaudet N., Chraibi A., Pohl M., Melik-Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2013). Increase Nav1.8 current in large-diameter sensory neurons following chronic inflammatory pain. 20TH Colloque des Canaux ioniques. (Article accepté).
  • *Doré-Savard L., *Barrière D., *Midavaine É., Bélanger D., *Beaudet N.*, Tremblay L., Beaudoin J.F, Turcotte E., Lecomte R., Sarret P. and Lepage M. (2013). MRI-PET imaging applied to a novel rat model of bone cancer pain. PSMR 2013 / 4th Jülich MR-PET Workshop. (Article accepté).
  • *Tétreault P., *Parent A., *Besserer-Offroy E., *Murza A., René A., Dubuc I., *Beaudet N., Leduc R., Marsault E., Martinez J. Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2013). Pain relief devoid of opioid side effects following central action of a new neurotensin analog. 14TH World Congress on Pain. (Article accepté).
  • *Tétreault P., *Beaudet N., Martinez J. Cavelier F., Jacobi A.M., Rose S.D., Behlke M.A. and Sarret P. (2013). Pharmacological activation of NTS2 receptors reduces behavioral hypersensitivity after peripheral nerve injury. 4th International Congress on Neuropathic Pain. (Article accepté).
  • *Midavaine É., *Barrière D., *Tétreault P., *Longpré J.M. and Sarret P. (2013). Pharmacological inhibition of the CCL2/CCR2 chemokinergic system reduces cancer-related pain behaviors. 43TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Quaegebeur N., Masson P., Brault L.P., *Beaudet N., Sarret P. (2013). Pressure mapping system based on guided waves reflection. SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring. (Article accepté).
  • *Parent A., *Beaudet N., Gagnon R., Fortin M., Bherer P., Daigle K., Sabbagh R, Sansoucy Y., Aurais-Blais C., Goffaux P. and Sarret P. (2013). Quantification of neuropeptides in rodent and human cerebrospinal fluid: Use of mass spectrometry to identify biomarkers in pain research. 14TH World Congress on Pain. (Article accepté).
  • *Deslauriers J., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2013). Therapeutic potential of -lipoic acid on PPI deficits in a juvenile two-hit animal model of schizophrenia. 14TH International Congress on Schizophrenia Research. (Article accepté).
  • *Besserer-Offroy E., Demeule M., *Beaudet N., Régina A., *Tétreault P., *Belleville K., Ché C., Larocque A., Lachowicz J., Castaigne J.P., Sarret P. (2013). Use of peptide technology for analgesic brain delivery. 23rd American Peptide Symposium. (Article accepté).
  • *Parent A., *Tétreault P., Roux M., *Belleville K., Aurais-Blais C., Sabbagh R., Sansoucy Y., Sarret P. and Goffaux P. (2013). Épuisement des mécanismes endogènes d’inhibition de la douleur chez les patients souffrant de douleur chronique: l’hypothèse des cliniciens était bonne depuis le début. 55ème réunion annuelle du Club de Recherches Cliniques du Québec. (Article accepté).
  • *Lafrance M., *Murza A., *Besserer-Offroy E., Bossé S., *Beaudet N., Leduc R., Stroh T., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2012). Analgesic effect of apelin and structural analogs on pain modulation. 14TH World Congress on Pain. (Article accepté).
  • Lachowicz J., Demeule M., Larocque A., Ché C., *Beaudet N., *Belleville K., Castaigne J.P. and Sarret P. (2012). Analgesic properties of a new brain-penetrant Angiopep-2-neurotensin derivative (ANG2002) for treating chronic pain. 42TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • Demeule M., Lachowicz J., Yang Q., Ché C., Otis V., Sarret P., Castaigne J.P. and Gendron L. (2012). A new brain-penetrant Angiopep-2-morphine-6-glucuronide derivative (ANG2010) with pain relieving properties. 42TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Parent A., *Tétreault P., Shooner J., *Beaudet N., Aurais-Blais C., Goffaux P. and Sarret P. (2012). Central and peripheral modulation of serotoninergic activity after DNIC activation in rodent with chronic inflammatory pain. 42TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Barrière D., *Doré-Savard L., Tremblay L., *Beaudet N., Lepage M., Lecomte R. and Sarret P. (2012). Contribution of micro-imaging studies and neurotensinergic agonists in the research for a bone cancer pain treatment. 42TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Lafrance M., René A., *Beaudet N., Martinez J. Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2012). Descending pain inhibition by brainstem NTS2 receptors. 42TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Murza A., *Parent A., *Besserer-Offroy E., Tremblay H., Karadereye F., *Beaudet N., Leduc R., Sarret P. and Marsault E. (2012). Elucidation of the structure-activity relationships of apelin: Influence of unnatural amino acids on binding, signaling and plasma stability. 32nd European Peptide Symposium. (Article accepté).
  • *Lemire M., *Lainé J., *Beaudet N. and Sarret P. (2012). Identification of the secretory protein secretogranin III as an interaction partner of the neurotensin NTS2 receptor. 42TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Tétreault P., *Parent A., *Besserer-Offroy E., *Murza A., René A., Dubuc I., *Beaudet N., Leduc R., Marsault E., Martinez J. Cavelier F. and Sarret P. (2012). Neurotensin receptor-based therapy: Achieving analgesia without opioid-related side effects. 42TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Belkouch M., *Dansereau M.A., *Tétreault P., *Beaudet N., Chraibi A., Melik-Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2012). Phenotypic switch in A? afferent fibers mediates inflammatory pain hypersensitivity. 14TH World Congress on Pain. (Article accepté).
  • *Tétreault P., *Beaudet N., Martinez J. Cavelier F., Rose S.D., Jacobi A.M., Behlke M.A. and Sarret P. (2012). Spinal NTS2 agonists reverses signs of neuropathic pain. 42TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Doré-Savard L., Tremblay L., *Beaudet N., Lepage M. and Sarret P. (2011). A micro-imaging study to correlate bone cancer pain with tumor growth and bone resorption in the rat. 41TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Dansereau M.A., *Murza A., *Beaudet N., Marsault E., Melik-Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2011). Behavioral evaluation of a CCR2 antagonist against clinically effective drugs in an animal model of arthritic pain. Annual Scientific Conference of the Canadian Arthritis Network. (Article accepté).
  • *Belkouch M., *Dansereau M.A., Pohl M, *Beaudet N., Chraibi A., Melik-Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2011). CCL2 increases Nav1.8 current and nociceptor excitability through a Gi/o dependent-mechanism. 8TH IBRO World congress of Neuroscience. (Article accepté).
  • *Dansereau M.A., *Murza A., *Beaudet N., Marsault E., Melik-Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2011). (2011). Chronic inflammatory pain: should we bet on a CCR2 antagonist?. 41TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Tétreault P., *Dansereau M.A., *Doré-Savard L., *Beaudet N. and Sarret P. (2011). Dynamic weight bearing: from characterization to drug screening. 41TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Barrière D., *Midavaine É., *Doré-Savard L., *Longpré J.M. and Sarret P. (2011). Effect of long-term morphine treatment on the progression of bone metastases. 43TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Roussy G., *Belleville K., *Kirby K., *Beaudet N., Wada K., Martinez J. and Sarret P. (2011). Impact of NTS2 receptor activation on bone cancer pain development and pain-related behaviors. 41TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Parent A., *Beaudet N., Bergeron J., *Bérubé P., Drolet G., Sarret P. and Gendron L. (2011). Increased anxiety-like behaviors in rats experiencing chronic inflammatory pain. Annual Scientific Conference of the Canadian Arthritis Network. (Article accepté).
  • *Lafrance M., *Murza A., Bossé S., *Beaudet N., Stroh T., Marsault E. and Sarret P. (2011). Involvement of the apelinergic system in pain modulation. 41TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Deslauriers J., Larouche A., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2011). Neurochemical changes in schizophrenia are primed by the synergistic action of prenatal immune challenge and restraint stress. 41TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Murza A, Tremblay H, Karadereye F, *Parent A, *Beaudet N., Sarret P. and Marsault E. (2011). Structure-activity relationships of apelin derivatives; National Meeting of the Canadian Society for Chemisty. 94TH National Meeting of the Canadian Society for Chemisty. (Article accepté).
  • *Deslauriers, J., *Belleville, K., *Kirby, K., *Beaudet, N., Sarret, P. and Grignon S. (2011). Suicide-related behaviors induced by social isolation in a model of schizophrenia. 41TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Deslauriers J., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2011). Synergistic disruption of prepulse inhibition by prenatal immune challenge and restraint stress. 13TH International Congress on Schizophrenia Research. (Article accepté).
  • René A., Martinez J., Cavelier F., *Tétreault P., *Beaudet N., Lepage M. and Sarret P. (2011). Synthesis of neurotensin analogues as potent antinociceptive agents. 3rd West Mediterranean Chemistry Meeting. (Article accepté).
  • *Belkouch M., *Dansereau M.A., Pohl M, *Beaudet N., Chraibi A., Melik-Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2011). The Chemokine CCL2 enhances TTX-resistant Nav1.8 sodium currents in dissociated rat sensory neurons via a Gi/o-dependent mechanism. 10TH Société des Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Dansereau M.A., Pohl M., *Beaudet N., Melik-Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2010). A CCR2 antagonist to alleviate inflammatory pain. Annual Scientific Conference of the Canadian Arthritis Network. (Article accepté).
  • *Dansereau M.A., Pohl M., *Beaudet N., Melik-Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2010). A CCR2 antagonist to alleviate inflammatory pain. 13TH World Congress on Pain. (Article accepté).
  • *Parent A., Bergeron J., Beaudry H., *Belleville K., *Beaudet N., Sarret P. and Gendron L. (2010). A meaningful rat model for the study of anxiety caused by chronic inflammatory pain. Annual Scientific Conference of the Canadian Arthritis Network. (Article accepté).
  • *Doré-Savard L., Tremblay L., *Belleville K., Archambault M., Beaudoin J.F., Martinez J., *Beaudet N., Lecomte R., Lepage M. and Sarret P. (2010). Analgesic efficacy of NTS2 agonists in relieving breast tumor-induced bone pain. 40TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Belkouch M., *Begin-Lavallée V., *Beaudet N., Chraibi A., Melik-Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2010). CCL2 modulates Nav1.8 sodium channel activity in dorsal root ganglia neurons. 40TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Bégin-Lavallée V., *Dansereau M.A., Rose S.D., Jacobi A.M., *Beaudet N., Behlke M.A., Melik-Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2010). Dicer-substrate-siRNA: A potential gene therapy approach to prevent nociceptive hypersensitivity caused by monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in healthy rats. 13TH World Congress on Pain. (Article accepté).
  • *Parent A., *Kirby K., *Beaudet N., Drolet G., Sarret P. and Gendron L. (2010). Effect of diazepam and morphine on anxiety-like behaviours induced by chronic pain. 40TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Doré-Savard L., Otis V., Tremblay L., *Belleville K., Archambault M., *Beaudet N., Lepage M., Gendron L. and Sarret P. (2010). Imaging, Behavioural and Neurochemical Characteristics of a Clinically Relevant Bone Cancer Pain Model. Annual Scientific Conference of the Canadian Arthritis Network. (Article accepté).
  • *Deslauriers J., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2010). In vitro involvement of Akt/GSK-3 signaling pathway in antipsychotic-induced dopamine D2 receptor up-regulation. 40TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Deslauriers J., Larouche A., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2010). In vitro prevention, by -estradiol, of haloperidol-induced dopamine D2 receptor up-regulation. 4th Annual Meeting- Canadian Association for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Lafrance M., *Roussy G., *Belleville K., Maeno H., *Beaudet N., Wada K. and Sarret P. (2010). Involvement of neurotensin receptors in stress-induced analgesia. 40TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Deslauriers J., Larouche A., Sarret P. and Grignon S. (2010). Mechanisms underlying antipsychotics-induced dopamine D2 receptor up-regulation. 4th Annual Meeting- Canadian Association for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Belkouch M., *Begin-Lavallée V., *Beaudet N., Chraibi A., Melik-Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2010). Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 enhances TTX-resistant sodium currents in isolated rat DRG neurons. 13TH World Congress on Pain. (Article accepté).
  • *Doré-Savard L., Tremblay L., *Belleville K., Archambault M., Beaudoin J.F., *Beaudet N., Lecomte R., Lepage M. and Sarret P. (2010). Neurotensin analog reveals an analgesic potential in metastasis-induced bone pain. Annual Scientific Conference of the Canadian Arthritis Network. (Article accepté).
  • *Doré-Savard L., Tremblay L., *Belleville K., Archambault M., Beaudoin J.F., *Beaudet N., Lecomte R., Lepage M. and Sarret P. (2010). Neurotensin analog reveals an analgesic potential in metastasis-induced bone pain. 13TH World Congress on Pain. (Article accepté).
  • *Dansereau M.A., Pohl M., *Beaudet N., Melik Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2010). Potent Analgesic Effects of a CCR2 Antagonist on Inflammatory Pain. Annual Scientific Conference of the Canadian Arthritis Network. (Article accepté).
  • *Dansereau M.A., *Murza, A., *Beaudet N., Marsault E., Melik-Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2010). Pronociceptive role of spinal CCR2 receptors in inflammatory unilateral arthritis. 40TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Tétreault P., *Belleville K., Martinez J., *Beaudet N. and Sarret P. (2010). Reduced nerve-injury-induced neuropathic pain in NTS2 agonist-treated rats. 40TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Bégin-Lavallée V., *Dansereau M.A., Rose S.D., Jacobi A.M., *Beaudet N., Behlke M.A., Melik-Parsadaniantz S. and Sarret P. (2010). Spinal delivery of Dicer-substrate siRNA targeting CCR2 prevents the pronociceptive action of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1. 40TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Roussy G., *Lemire M., *Belleville K., *Beaudet N., Martinez, J. and Sarret P. (2010). Targeting neurotensin receptors for bone cancer pain relief. 40TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. (Article accepté).
  • *Roussy G., *Lemire M., *Belleville K., *Beaudet N., Martinez J. and Sarret P. (2010). Targeting the neurotensinergic system to soothe bone cancer pain. 13TH World Congress on Pain. (Article accepté).
  • *Parent A., *Beaudet N., Drolet G., Sarret P. and Gendron L. (2010). Temporal characterization of an animal model of anxiety-like behaviours caused by chronic pain. Annual Scientific Conference of the Canadian Arthritis Network. (Article accepté).
  • *Parent A., *Beaudet N., Drolet G., Sarret P. and Gendron L. (2010). Temporal characterization of an animal model of anxiety-like behaviours caused by chronic pain. 13TH World Congress on Pain. (Article accepté).
  • *Doré-Savard, L., Tremblay L., Archambault M., Beaudoin J.F., *Beaudet N., Turcotte E., Lecomte R., Sarret P. and Lepage M. (2010). Toward a better understanding of bone metastatic pain: a multimodal micro-imaging approach. 18TH International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, ISMRM. (Article accepté).

Propriétés intellectuelles


  • (2021). Apelinergic macrocycles and uses thereof. #63/290,394. Canada. (En instance).
  • MASSON P., QUAEGEBEUR N., LANGLOIS DEMERS D., ELKOUN S., OSTIGUY P-C., BEAUDET, N., SARRET, P. Active Acoustic Pressure Mapping System. US 61/679,232. États-Unis. (Accordé).
  • SARRET, P., MARSAULT, É., BOUDREAULT P.L., TRABOULSI H., NEPVEU-TRAVERSY M.E., GAUDREAU S., LEDUC F., LARRIVÉE J.F., ARCAND M. Antibodies specific for NTSR1 and uses thereof. WO 2020/041896 A1. Canada. (Délivré).
  • SARRET, P., MÉLIK-PARSADANIANTZ, S., BEAUDET, N. Chemokines : a novel therapeutics approach for the treatment of pain. États-Unis. (En instance).
  • MARSAULT, É., SOUSBIE, M., LEDUC, R., LONGPRÉ, JM., BESSERER-OFFROY, E., BROUILETTE, R., SARRET, P. Macrocyclic compounds and methods of preventing or treating pain. 2018/0362582 A1. Canada. (Délivré).
  • Method of treating skeletal muscle stem cell pathologic dysfunction. -. Canada. (En instance).
  • MARSAULT, É., DESGAGNÉ M., SOUSBIE, M., CHARTIER M., LONGPRÉ, JM., SARRET, P. Neurotensinergic agonists and method of using same preventing or treating pain. PCT/CA2020/50176. Canada. (Délivré).
  • LAVIGNE, P., MONTAGNE, M., ROY, V., LONGPRÉ, JM., SARRET, P. New Max design proteins as a delivery carrier of nucleic acids in cells. Canada. (En instance).
  • SARRET, P., BEHLKE, M., MÉLIK-PARSADANIANTZ, S., BEAUDET, N. Utilisation des Dicer Duplex siRNA dans le traitement central de la douleur chronique. États-Unis. (En instance).

Autres contributions

Cours enseignés

  • Endocrinologie cellulaire et moléculaire (8 hres/année). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
  • Hormones et système nerveux central. PHS 710. Université de Sherbrooke. Canada. (2CR).
  • Le cerveau: en conditions physiologiques et pathologiques (3 hres/année). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
  • Neurophysiologie de la douleur (4 hres/année). GDL 720. Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
  • Pharmacologie du comportement (6 hres/année). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
  • Récepteurs et transducteurs (4 hres/année). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
  • Évaluation de la douleur (4 hres/année). GDL 730. Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Gestion d'évènements

  • Membre du Comité organisateur. (2014) 15th Annual Joint Meeting of the Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Cubl des récepteurs à sept domaines transmembranaires du Québec. (Conférence).
  • Membre du Comité organisateur. (2011) 37e Colloque de la Société de Neuroendocrinologie et 4e Colloque franco-québécois. (Conférence).
  • Organisateur. (2010) La neurotensine et ses analogues pour le traitement de la douleur chronique d'origine cancéreuse dans le cadre des rencontres scientifiques universitaires Sherbrooke – Montpellier. Sherbrooke, 5-8 octobre 2010. (Conférence).
  • Organisateur. (2010) Symposium satellite « Francophonie and Pain : Translational Challenges » du 13e congrès mondial sur la douleur. (Conférence).

Activités de collaboration internationale

  • Initiateur. Japon. Collaboration avec le Dr Keiji Wada, Directeur de l'Institut des neurosciences de Tohyo, Japon, sur la thématique: Douleur et stress.
  • Initiateur. France. Cotutelle de thèse avec le Dr. Stéphane Mélik-Parsadaniantz sur la thématique des chimiokines. Cette cotutelle s’inscrit dans des accords d’échange que j’ai mis en place en 2007 entre l’Université de Sherbrooke et l’Université Paris VI (France) pour le développement des plateformes neurosciences et de la recherche biomédicale.
  • Initiateur. France. Rôle central des récepteurs neurotensine. Collaboration avec le Pr Jean Martinez (Université de Montpellier, France).


  • (2016). Chimiokines et réactivité gliale dans la modulation de la douleur chronique cancéreuse. 41e Colloque de la Société de Neuroendocrinologie. Corte, France
  • (2016). Crossing the blood brain barrier for delivery of analgesic peptides. 16th World Congress of Pain, IASP. Yokohama, Japon
  • (2016). Nouveaux acteurs de la voie de sécrétion régulée impliqués dans la modulation de la douleur. 41e Colloque de la Société de Neuroendocrinologie. Corte, France
  • (2015). Déjouer la barrière hématoencéphalique pour traiter la douleur chronique. Faculté de médecine dentaire, Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada
  • (2014). Characterization of a New Brain-Penetrant Angiopep2-Neurotensin Derivative (ANG2002) with Antinociceptive Properties. The 10Th annual PEGS Meeting. Boston, États-Unis
  • (2014). Les complications neurologiques du diabète ? La neuropathie diabétique. Café scientifique, IRSC. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2013). La barrière hématoencéphalique: Un obstacle au traitement de la douleur chronique. 4ième rencontre Montpellier-Sherbrooke Les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G à Sherbrooke et Montpellier. Montpellier, France
  • (2013). Mieux comprendre le cerveau. Parlons Sciences. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • (2013). Pharmacological inhibition of the CCL2/CCR2 chemokinergic system reduces cancer-related pain behaviors. 43TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. San Diego, États-Unis
  • (2013). Use of peptide technology for analgesic brain delivery. CIHR training program in biological therapeutics. Toronto, Canada
  • (2012). Spinal NTS2 agonists reverse signs of neuropathic pain. 42TH Annual Meeting-Society for Neurosciences. New Orleans, États-Unis
  • (2010). Approches non-opioïdes pour le traitement de la douleur. 36e Colloque de la Société de Neuroendocrinologie et 1er Colloque franco-italien. Nice, France
  • (2010). Douleur due au cancer: vers un modèle cliniquement représentatif. IFR 79 - Santé Auvergne. Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • (2010). Le récepteur NTS2: Une nouvelle cible thérapeutique pour le traitement de la douleur chronique. Rencontre Montpellier-Sherbrooke. Montpellier, France
  • (2010). Les récepteurs de la neurotensine : de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques pour le traitement de la douleur chronique. IFR 79 - Santé Auvergne. Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • (2010). Rôle des récepteurs de la neurotensine dans le contrôle de la douleur. Angiochem. Montréal, Canada
  • (2010). Utilité des modèles animaux pour la compréhension des mécanismes de la douleur et la prédiction de l’efficacité analgésique chez l’humain. 5e Édition des journées d'étude des comités d'éthique de la recherche et de leurs partenaires. Montréal, Québec, Canada, Canada