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Alan Cohen

Professeur, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
FMSS Département de médecine de famille


Sujet de recherche

Processus de vieillissement, Évolution et phylogénie, Métabolisme (Organismes vivants), Physiologie, Déterminants sociaux de la santé

Disciplines de recherche

Biologie et autres sciences connexes, Épidémiologie et biostatistique


Vieillissement, Biostatistiques, Démographie, Écologie, Épidémiologie, Physiologie, Inégalités de santé, Santé des populations

Intérêts de recherche

Mes études portent sur le vieillissement chez l'humain et d'autres espèces, dans le but de comprendre les changements dans les mécanismes physiologiques à travers le temps, et comment ces changements affectent les mesures de santé dans les populations.

Centre de recherche

Centre de recherche du CHUS

Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement du CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS

Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Espagnol (castillan), Français, Italien, Japonais


(2010). (Postdoctorat, ). Université de Sherbrooke.

(2010). (Postdoctorat, ). University of Toronto.

(2008). (Postdoctorat, ). Johns Hopkins University.

(2007). The Role of Antioxidants in the Physiology, Ecology, and Life Histories of Wild Birds (Doctorat, Biologie). University of Missouri - St. Louis.

(1999). (Baccalauréat, BS summa cum laude). University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Expérience académique

Associate Professor. (2016-). Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.

Affiliated researcher. (2010-).

Affiliated researcher. (2010-).

Prix et distinctions

  • (2020) CIHR New Investigator Salary Award ($300,000). Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada. (Prix / Récompense).
  • (2016) Junior 1 Research Scholar ($235,698, ranked 1st in committee). Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). (Prix / Récompense).
  • (2015) CIHR Institute of Aging New Investigator Prize of Excellence in Research on Aging. Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada. (Prix / Récompense).
  • (2008) Postdoctoral Training Fellowship. National Institute of Aging. (Prix / Récompense).
  • (2007) NSF Predoctoral Fellowship (US $90,000, declined). US National Science Foundation. (Prix / Récompense).
  • (2007) Howard Hughes Medical Institute Doctoral Fellowship (US $187,500). Howard Hughes Medical Institute. (Prix / Récompense).
  • (2003) University Fellowship (US $ 32,000). University of Missouri - St. Louis. (Prix / Récompense).
  • (1999) James B. Angell Scholar. University of Michigan. (Distinction).
  • Fellow. Gerontological Society of America. (Distinction).
  • New Investigator Prize of Excellence in Research on Aging. Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada. (Distinction).


  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Co-chercheur. NuAge: une cohorte unique pour l’étude des trajectoires de vieillissement selon une perspective globale et multidimensionnelle. Fonds de recherche du Québec. Plateform of funding programs for intersectoral research on aging – Cohort component. 1 500 000 $. (2019-2024)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Demandeur principal. The role of physiological complexity in aging and evolution. Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et Génie du Canada (CRSNG). Discovery Grants. 200 000 $. (2018-2023)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Diet, physiological dysregulation, and aging: understanding longitudinal links through trajectory analysis. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Projet. 1 090 125 $. (2017-2022)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Collaborateur. Early prediction of bone erosiveness in rheumatoid arthritis using miRNAs. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Project Grants. 611 600 $. (2016-2021)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Demandeur principal. Démystifier l’écosystème immunitaire afin de protéger la santé et l’environnement. Fonds de recherche du Québec. AUDACE. 100 000 $. (2019-2021)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Co-chercheur. Rupture avec l’âgisme: co-construction d'un plan d’action intersectoriel favorisant une santé, une valorisation et une participation sociale accrues des Québécois vieillissants. Fonds de recherche du Québec. Plateform of funding programs for intersectoral research on aging – AUDACE component. 100 000 $. (2019-2021)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Co-chercheur. Health-age: a composite biomarker measure to estimate healthy aging in older Canadians. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). 69 850 $. (2019-2020)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Co-chercheur. Les causes et les conséquences du dysfonctionnement olfactif dans la maladie de Huntington. Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement de l'IUGS. 20 000 $. (2019-2020)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Co-demandeur. Peut-on utiliser un seul biomarqueur pour l’évaluation du risque de survenue de l’infarctus du myocarde de chez la personne âgée? L’exemple de la troponine à haute sensibilité. Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement de l'IUGS. Initiatives stratégiques du Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement 2019-2020. 20 000 $. (2019-2020)
  • Subvention. (Obtenu). Chercheur principal. Toward a clinically applicable characterization of sex differences in biological aging. Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada (IRSC). Catalyst Grant: Integrating Sex as a Variable in Biomedical or Translational Research. 149 452 $. (2016-2019)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Co-chercheur. Nouveau paradigme dans la pathogenèse de la maladie d'Alzheimer: peut-elle être d'origine infectieuse?. Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement. Strategic Initiative. 20 000 $. (2017-2018)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Co-chercheur. Integrating large scale microbiome signatures from patients to predict cancer and metabolic diseases. (2015-2017)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Co-chercheur. Caractéristiques environnementales favorisant la participation sociale : développement d’un outil d’intervention adapté aux particularités de la population québécoise vieillissante. (2014-2017)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Characterization of physiological systems: biomarkers and statistical methods to measure changes in physiology across time and species. (2011-2017)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Understanding the physiology of aging by modeling longitudinal changes in networks of biomarkers in humans. (2012-2017)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Co-chercheur. The alternative proteome: a new paradigm in translational research and personalized medicine. (2014-2016)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Co-chercheur. Faire-face Aux Changements Ensemble (FACE) : Mieux s'adapter aux Changements Climatiques au Canada et en Afrique de l'Ouest dans le domaine des ressources en eau. (2011-2016)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Co-chercheur. Le sexe et l'âge du patient devrait-ils être pris en compte dans le choix d'un antipsychotique?. (2014-2016)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Plateforme pour l’analyse de biomarqueurs dans la recherche sur le vieillissement. (2015-2016)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Soutien à la programmation scientifique. (2012-2016)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Comprendre la physiologie du vieillissement par la modélisation longitudinale des changements dans les réseaux de biomarqueurs chez l'humain (Ranked 1st in committee). (2012-2015)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Diet, physiological dysregulation, and aging: understanding longitudinal links through trajectory analysis. (2014-2015)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Co-chercheur. Mécanismes responsables du déclin des oiseaux insectivores aériens soumis à l'intensification agricole: le cas de l'Hirondelle bicolore. (2012-2015)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Novel approaches to aging physiology: Using statistics and data mining to understand dysregulation of biomarker networks in human populations. (2012-2015)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Co-chercheur. Études appliquées à la relation maladies cadiovasculaires-météorologie/climat au Québec. (2011-2015)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Innovative analysis of large data sets: bringing researchers and data together to understand complexity. (2013-2014)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Startup funds. (2010-2014)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Demandeur principal. Comprendre la physiologie du vieillissement par modélisation longitudinale des changements dans les réseaux de biomarqueurs chez l'humain. (2012-2013)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Infrastructure statistique. (2012-2013)
  • Subvention. (Terminé). Chercheur principal. Understanding the physiology of aging and chronic disease by modeling longitudinal changes in networks of biomarkers in humans. (2011-2012)


Articles de revue

  • Cohen, A.A. (2020). Is aging biology ageist?. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences NA NA. (Article sous presse).
  • T.W. Wey, É. Roberge, V. Legeault, J.W. Kemnitz, L. Ferrucci, A.A. Cohen. (2019). An emergent integrated aging process conserved across primates. The Journals of Gerontology: Biological Sciences 74 (11), 1689-1698. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Coste C, Li X-Y, Bourg, S, Pavard, S. (2019). Are trade-offs really the key drivers of aging and lifespan?. Functional Ecology 1-14. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Fülöp, T., Larbi, A., Abdelouahed, K., Cohen, A.A., Witkowski, JM. (2019). Are we ill because we age?. Frontiers in Physiology 10 1508. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Renaud, L.A., Blanchet, F.G., Cohen, A.A., Pelletier, F. (2019). Causes and short-term consequences of variation in milk composition in wild sheep. Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (6), 857-869. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Dansereau, G., Wey, T.W., Legault, V., Brunet, M.A., Kemnitz, J.W., Ferucci, L., Cohen, A.A. (2019). Conservation of physiological dysregulation signatures of aging across primates. Aging Cell 18 (2), e12925. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Hägg, S., Belsky, D.W. Cohen, A.A. (2019). Developments in Molecular Epidemiology of Aging. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences 3 (4), 411-421. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Fuellen, G., Jansen, L., Cohen, A.A., Luyten, W., Gogol, M., Simm, A., Saul, N., Cirulli, F., Berry, A., Antal, P., Köhling, R., Möller, S. (2019). Health and Aging: Unifying Concepts, Scores, Biomarkers and Pathways. Aging and Disease 10 (4), 883-900. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Arbeev, K.G., Svetlana V.U., Bagley, O., Zhbannikov, I.Y., Cohen, A.A., Kulminski, A.M., Yashin., A.I. (2019). “Physiological Dysregulation” as Promising Measure of Robustness and Resilience in Aging Studies and New Indicator of Preclinical Disease. Journals of Gerontology: Biological Sciences 74 (4), 462-468. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Belsky, D., Moffitt, T., Cohen, A.A., Corcoran, D., Prinz, J., Levine, M., Schaefer, J., Sugden, K., Williams, B., Poulton, R., and Caspi, A. (2018). Eleven telomere, epigenetic clock, and biomarker-composite quantifications of biological aging: Do they measure the same thing?. American Journal of Epidemiology 187 (6), 1220-1230. DOI. (Article publié).
  • T. Fulop, A. Larbi, G. Dupuis, A. Le Page, E. H. Frost, A. A Cohen, J. M. Witkowski, C. Franceschi. (2018). Immunosenescence and Inflamm-Aging as Two Sides of the Same Coin: Friends or Foes?. Frontiers Immunology 8 1960. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Legault V*, Li Q*, Fried LP, Ferrucci L. (2018). Men sustain higher dysregulation levels without becoming frail. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences 73 (2), 175-184. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Fowler, M. A., Paquet, M.*, Legault, V.*, Cohen, A. A., Williams, T. D. (2018). Physiological predictors of reproductive performance in the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Frontiers in Zoology 15 45. DOI. (Article publié).
  • M. A. Brunet*, S. A. Levesque, D. J. Hunting, A. A. Cohen, and X. Roucou. (2018). Recognition of the polycistronic nature of human genes is critical to understanding the genotype-phenotype relationship. Genome Research 28 (5), 609-624. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Cohen, A.A. (2017). Aging across the tree of life: the importance of a comparative perspective for the use of animal models in aging. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease S0925-4439 (17), 30219-3. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Alan A. Cohen , Caroline Isaksson, Roberto Salguero-Gómez. (2017). Co-existence of multiple trade-off currencies shapes evolutionary outcomes. PLOS ONE 12 (12), e0189124. DOI. (Article publié).
  • S. Samandi, A. Roy, V. Delcourt, J.F. Lucier, J. Gagnon, M. Beaudoin, B. Vanderperre, M.A. Breton, J. Motard, J.F. Jacques, M. Brunelle, I. Gagnon-Arsenault, I. Fournier, A. Ouangraoua, D. Hunting, A. Cohen, C. Landry, M. Scott, X. Roucou. (2017). Deep transcriptome annotation enables the discovery and functional characterization of cryptic small proteins. eLife 6 e27860. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Carrier, J.D., Blais, L., Cohen, A., Courteau, J., Roberge, P., Larouche, A.*, Grignon, S., Fleury, M.J., Lesage, A., Demers, M.F., Roy, M.A., Delorme, A., Vanasse, A. (2017). Initiating an antipsychotic drug treatment for schizophrenia: the situation in Quebec, Canada, from 1998 to 2006. Santé mentale au Québec – Santé mentale des populations 42 (1), 85-103. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Milot E, Moreau C, Gagnon A, Cohen AA, Brais B, Labuda D. (2017). Mother’s curse neutralizes natural selection against a human genetic disease over three centuries. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1 (9), 1400-1406. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Bagna, M.*, Léonard, G., Cohen, A.A., Carrier, J. D., Payette. H. (2017). Re: Costa et al. ‘‘Nutritional Risk Is Associated with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain in Community-Dwelling Older Persons: The PAINEL Study’’ (Letter to the Editor). Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics 36 (4), 199-203. (Article publié).
  • Cohen A.A. (2017). The mystery of life beyond menopause. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (11), 1604-1605. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Legault V*, Fuellen G, Fulop T, Fried LP, Ferrucci L. (2017). The risks of biomarker-based epidemiology: associations of circulating calcium levels with age, mortality, and frailty vary substantially across populations. Experimental Gerontology 107 11-17. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Vanasse A., Cohen A.A., Courteau J., Bergeron P.*, Dault R., Gosselin P., Blais C., Bélanger D., Rochette L., Chebana F. (2016). Association between floods and acute cardiovascular diseases: A population-based cohort study using a geographic information system approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13 (2), 168. DOI. (Article publié).
  • A. Vanasse, L. Blais, J. Courteau, A. A. Cohen, P. Roberge, A. Larouche*, S. Grignon, M.-J. Fleury, A. Lesage, M.-F. Demers, M.-A. Roy, J.-D. Carrier, A. Delorme. (2016). Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Antipsychotic Drugs in Schizophrenia Treatment: A Real World Observational Study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 134 (5), 374-384. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA. (2016). Complex systems dynamics in aging: new evidence, continuing questions. Biogerontology 17 (1), 205-220. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Morissette-Thomas V*, Ferrucci L, Fried LP. (2016). Deep biomarkers of aging are population-dependent. Aging 8 (9), 2253-2255. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Serme Y*, Abdelouahab N, Pasquier J-C, Cohen AA and Takser L. (2016). Maternal levels of thyroid disruptors, Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, in early pregnancy are not associated with lower birth weight in the Canadian birth cohort GESTE. Environmental Health 15 (1), 49. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Arbeev KG, Cohen AA, Arbeeva LS, Milot E*, Stallard E, Kulminski AM, Akushevich I, Ukraintseva SV, Christensen K, and Yashin AI. (2016). Optimal versus Realized Trajectories of Physiological Dysregulation in Aging and their Relation to Sex-Specific Mortality Risk. Frontiers in Public Health 4 3. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Ruel G, Taylor A, Lévesque JF, Cohen AA, Shi Z, Jenkins A, Grant J, Martin S, Januszewski A, Dal Grande E, Kroger E, and Wittert G. (2015). Association between inflammatory markers and evolution of multimorbidity. Canadian Medical Association Journal NA NA. (Article soumis).
  • Watson H, Cohen AA, and Isaksson C. (2015). A theoretical model of the evolution of actuarial senescence under environmental stress. Experimental Gerontology 71 80-8. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Milot E*, Li Q*, Bergeron P*, Poirier R*, Dusseault-Bélanger F*, Fulop T, Leroux M*, Legault V*, Metter EJ, Fried LP, and Ferrucci L. (2015). Detection of a novel, integrative aging process suggests complex physiological integration. PLoS One 10 (3), e0116489. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Barnwell-Ménard JL*, Li Q*, and Cohen AA (senior author). (2015). Effects of categorization method, regression type, and variable distribution on the inflation of Type-I error rate when categorizing a confounding variable. Statistics in Medicine 34 (6), 936-949. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Levasseur M, Cohen AA, Dubois MF, Généreux M, Richard L, Therrien FH, and Payette H. (2015). Environmental factors associated with social participation of older adults living in metropolitan, urban and rural areas, from the NuAge study. American Journal of Public Health 105 (8), 1718-25. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Li, Q*, Wang S, Milot E*, Bergeron P*, Ferrucci L, Fried LP, and Cohen AA (senior author). (2015). Homeostatic dysregulation proceeds in parallel in multiple physiological systems. Aging Cell 14 (6), 1103-12. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Vanasse A, Orzanco MG, Bergeron P*, Cohen AA, Niyonsenga T, Leroux D, Cloutier L, Asghari S, and Courteau J. (2015). Neighbourhood immigration, health care utilization and outcomes in patients with diabetes in a metropolitan region (Canada): a population health perspective. BMC Health Services Research 15 (1), 146. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA. (2015). Physiological and comparative evidence fails to confirm an adaptive role for aging in evolution. Current Aging Science 8 14-23. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Li Q*, Milot E*, Leroux M*, Faucher S*, Morissette-Thomas V*, Legault V*, Fried LP, and Ferrucci L. (2015). Statistical distance measures of physiological dysregulation are largely robust to variations in calculation method. PLoS One 10 e0122541. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Milot E*, Cohen AA (senior author), Vézina F, Buehler DM, Matson KD, and Piersma T. (2014). A novel integrative method for measuring body condition in ecological studies based on physiological dysregulation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (2), 146-155. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Brouwers F, Courteau J, Cohen AA, Farand P, Cloutier L, Asghari S, and Vanasse A. (2014). Beta-blockers are associated with increased risk of first cardiovascular events in non-diabetic hypertensive elderly patients. Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety 23 (11), 1139-1146. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Milot E*, Li Q*, Legault V*, Fried LP, and Ferrucci L. (2014). Cross-population validation of statistical distance as a measure of physiological dysregulation during aging. Experimental Gerontology 57 203-210. (Article publié).
  • Morissette-Thomas V*, Cohen AA (senior author), Fülöp T, Riesco É, Li Q*, Milot E*, Dusseault-Bélanger F*, and Ferrucci L. (2014). Inflammaging does not simply reflect increases in pro-inflammatory markers. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 139 49-57. (Article publié).
  • Vasunilashorn S and Cohen AA. (2014). Stress Responsive Biochemical Anabolic/Catabolic Ratio and Telomere Length in Older Adults. Biodemography and Social Biology 60 174-184. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Milot E*, Morissette-Thomas V*, Li Q*, Fried LP, Ferrucci L, and Cohen AA (Senior author). (2014). Trajectories of physiological dysregulation predicts mortality and health outcomes in a consistent manner across three populations. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 141-142 56-63. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Milot E*, Yong J*, Seplaki CL, Fülöp T, Bandeen-Roche K, and Fried LP. (2013). A novel statistical approach shows evidence for multi-system physiological dysregulation during aging. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 134 (3-4), 110-7. (Article publié).
  • Ngamini Ngui A*, Cohen AA, Courteau J, Lesage A, Fleury MJ, Grégoire JP, Moisan J, and Vanasse A. (2013). Does elapsed time between first diagnosis of schizophrenia and migration between health territories vary by place of residence? A survival analysis approach. Health & Place 20C 66-74. (Article publié).
  • Pigeon G, Bélisle M, Garant D, Cohen AA, and Pelletier F. (2013). Ecological immunology in a fluctuating environment: an integrative analysis of tree swallow nestling immune defense. Ecology and Evolution 3 (4), 1091-1103. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Levitis DA, and Burton-Chellew M. (2013). The importance of distinguishing mathematical and biological plausibility: A comment on Morton RA, Stone JR, Singh RS "Mate Choice and the Origin of Menopause". PLoS Computational Biology 9 (6), e1003092. (Article publié).
  • Dusseault-Belanger F*, Cohen AA (senior author), Hivert MF, Courteau J, and Vanasse A. (2013). Validating metabolic syndrome through principal component analysis in a medically diverse, realistic cohort. Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders 11 (1), 21-8. (Article publié).
  • Levitis DA and Cohen AA. (2013). Why Women Lose Fertility: Mating behavior is an unlikely driver of women's reproductive aging. The Scientist 29 (9), 28-29. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Bowman R, Boughton RK, Bridge E, Heiss RS, Schoech SJ, and McGraw KJ. (2012). Circulating carotenoid levels are negatively associated with previous reproductive success in Florida Scrub-Jays. Canadian Journal of Zoology 91 (2), 64-70. (Article publié).
  • Hivert MF, Dusseault-Bélanger F*, Cohen AA, Courteau J, and Vanasse A. (2012). Modified metabolic syndrome criteria for identification of patients at risk of developing diabetes and coronary heart diseases: longitudinal assessment via electronic health records. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology 28 (6), 744–749. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Martin LB, Wingfield JC, McWilliams SR, and Dunne JA. (2012). Physiological regulatory networks: ecological roles and evolutionary constraints. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 27 (8), 428-35. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Vanasse A, and Courteau J. (2012). Specialized cardiological care may be overutilized in urban areas of Quebec. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 19 (4), 731-7. (Article publié).
  • Simons MJ, Cohen AA, and Verhulst S. (2012). What does carotenoid-dependent coloration tell? Plasma carotenoid level signals immunocompetence and oxidative stress state in birds-a meta-analysis. PloS One 7 (8), e43088. (Article publié).
  • Heiss RS, Cohen AA, Bowman R, Boughton RK, Bridge E, McGraw KJ, and Schoech SJ. (2011). Circulating carotenoid concentrations are positively correlated with later clutch initiation in Florida Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens). Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A, Ecological genetics and physiology 315A (2), 101–110. (Article publié).
  • Dhingra N, Jha P, Sharma VP, Cohen AA, Jotkar RM, Rodriguez PS*, Bassani DG, Suraweera W, Laxminarayan R, and Peto R. (2010). Adult and child malaria mortality in India: a nationally representative mortality survey. The Lancet 376 (9754), 1768-74. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, De Magalhaes JP, and Gohil K. (2010). Ecological, biomedical, and epidemiological approaches to oxidative balance and aging: what they can teach each other. Functional Ecology (Special Issue) 24 (5), 997-1006. (Article publié).
  • Hõrak P and Cohen AA. (2010). How to measure oxidative stress in an ecological context: methodological and statistical issues. Functional Ecology (Special Issue) 24 (5), 960-970. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Tillinghast J, and Canudas-Romo V. (2010). No consistent effects of prenatal or neonatal exposure to Spanish flu on late-life mortality in 24 developed countries. Demographic Research 22 (20), 579-634. (Article publié).
  • Vanasse A, Courteau J, Cohen AA, Orzanco MG, and Drouin C. (2010). Rural-urban disparities in the management and health issues of chronic diseases in Quebec (Canada) in the early 2000s. Rural and Remote Health 10 (4), 1548. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Dhingra N, Jotkar RM, Rodriguez PS*, Sharma VP, and Jha P. (2010). The Summary Index of Malaria Surveillance (SIMS): a stable index of malaria within India. Population Health Metrics 8 1. (Article publié).
  • McGraw KJ, Cohen AA, Costantini D, and Hõrak P. (2010). The ecological significance of antioxidants and oxidative stress: a marriage between mechanistic and functional perspectives. Functional Ecology (Special Issue) 24 (5), 215. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Mauck RA, Wheelwright NT, Huntington CE, and McGraw KJ. (2009). Complexity in relationships between antioxidants and demographic parameters in a seabird and a songbird. Oikos 118 (12), 1854-1861. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA and McGraw KJ. (2009). No simple measures for antioxidant status in birds: Complexity in inter- and intraspecific correlations among circulating antioxidant types. Functional Ecology 23 (2), 310-320. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, McGraw KJ, and Robinson WD. (2009). Serum antioxidant levels in wild birds vary in relation to diet, season, life history strategy, and species. Oecologia 161 (4), 673-83. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, McGraw KJ, Wiersma P, Williams JB, Robinson WD, Robinson TR, Brawn JD, and Ricklefs RE. (2008). Interspecific associations between circulating antioxidant levels and life-history variation in birds. The American Naturalist 172 (2), 178-93. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA , Hau M , Wikelski M. (2008). Stress, metabolism, and antioxidants in two wild passerine bird species. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 81 (4), 463-72. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Klasing KC, and Ricklefs RE. (2007). Measuring circulating antioxidants in wild birds. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology 147 (1), 110-121. (Article publié).
  • Matson KD, Cohen AA, Klasing KC, Ricklefs RE, and Scheuerlein A. (2006). No simple answers for ecological immunology: relationships among immune indices at the individual level break down at the species level in waterfowl. Proceedingsof the Royal Society Series B: Biological Sciences 273 (1588), 815-22. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA. (2004). Female post-reproductive lifespan: a general mammalian trait. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 79 (4), 733-50. (Article publié).
  • Ricklefs RE , Scheuerlein A , Cohen AA. (2003). Age-related patterns of fertility in captive populations of birds and mammals. Experimental Gerontology 38 (7), 741–745. (Article publié).

Numéros de revue

  • NA. (2010). The Ecology of Antioxidants & Oxidative Stress in Animals. Functional Ecology 24 (5), 215 p. (Article publié).

Chapitres de livre

  • Steinsaltz, D., Christodoulou, M.D., Cohen, A.A., Steiner, U.K. (2020). Chance Events in Aging. Reference Module in Biomedical Research (NA, NA). Elsevier Press. (Article sous presse).
  • Fulop, T., Witkowski, J.M., Larbi, A., Cohen, A.A., Frost, E., Pawelec, G. (2020). Immunological Theory of Aging. Gu, D. and Dupre, M.E.. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging (NA, NA). Springer. (Article sous presse).
  • Fulop, T., Cohen, A., Wong, G., Witkowski, J.M., Larbi, A. (2019). Are There Reliable Biomarkers for Immunosenescence and Inflammaging?. Alexey Moskalev. Biomarkers of Human Aging: Healthy Ageing and Longevity (1, 10, 231-251). Suisse : Springer. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Bandeen-Roche K, Morissette-Thomas V*, Fülöp T. (2018). A robust characterization of inflamm-aging and other immune processes through multivariate analysis of cytokines from longitudinal studies. Tamas Fülöp, Claudio Franceschi, Katsuiku Hirokawa and Graham Pawelec. Handbook of Immunosenescence: Basic Understanding and Clinical Applications (1-16). Pays-Bas : Springer. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Fulop, T., Pawelec, G., Witkowski, J.M., Cohen, A.A., Fortin, C., Le Page, A., Garneau, H., Dupuis, G., Larbi, A. (2018). Immunological Methods and the Concept of Inflammaging in the Study of Human Aging. Micheal Conn. Handbook of Models for Human Aging (2nd Edition, 45-58). États-Unis : Elsevier Academic Press. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA. (2017). Taxonomic diversity, complexity, and the evolution of senescence. Shefferson, RP, Salguero-Gomez, R, and Jones, OR. The Evolution of Senescence in the Tree of Life (56-82). Royaume-Uni : Cambridge University Press. (Article publié).
  • Fulop T, McElhaney J, Pawelec G, Cohen AA, Morais J, Dupuis G, Baehl S, Camous X, Witkowski JM, and Larbi A. (2015). Frailty, Inflammation and Immunosenescence. Rockwood K and Theou O. Frailty in ageing: biological, clinical and social implications (41, 26-40). Suisse : Karger. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Holmes DJ. (2014). Evolution and the Biology of Aging. Holmes DJ. Reference Modules in Biomedical Sciences (NA). Royaume-Uni : Elsevier. (Article publié).
  • Fulop T, Witkowski JM, Pawelec G, Cohen AA, Larbi A. (2014). On the immunological theory of aging. Robert L, Fülöp T. Aging, Facts and Theories (Interdisciplinary Topics in Gerontology) (39, 163-176). Suisse : Karger. (Article publié).
  • Holmes DJ, Cohen AA. (2014). Overview: Aging and Gerontology. Holmes DJ. Reference Modules in Biomedical Sciences (NA). Royaume-Uni : Elsevier Press. (Article publié).
  • Martin LB and Cohen AA. (2014). Physiological regulatory networks: the orchestra of life?. Martin LB, Woods HA, Ghalambor C. Integrative Organismal Biology (137-152). États-Unis : Wiley Blackwell. (Article publié).
  • Fulop T, Cohen AA, McElhaney J, Morais J, and Larbi A. (2013). Physiopathologie : fragilité et maladies chroniques. Béland, F., Michel, H.. La fragilité des personnes âgées: définitions, controverses et perspectives d'action (51-66). France : Presses de l'École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique. (Article publié).
  • Miwa, S. and Cohen A.A. (2006). Drosophila models of aging. Conn, M. ed. Elsevier. Handbook of Models for Human Aging Pays-Bas : Academic Press. (Article publié).

Articles de journaux

  • (2014). Le vieillissement mieux compris et mieux analysé pour des solutions optimales. La Tribune.


  • Vanasse, A., Cohen, A., Courteau, J., Bergeron, P.*, Chebana, F., Gosselin, P., Rochette, L., Blais, C., and Ouarda, T. B. M. J. (2015). Projet E4 : Impact des inondations importantes sur la santé cardiovasculaire au Québec: Les cas de Saguenay (1996) et de St-Jean-sur-Richelieu (2011). INRS Eau Terre Environnement. Rapport de recherche no R1637. Institut national de santé publique du Québec. 83 p.

Articles de conférence

  • Provost, G.*, Cohen, A., Ferrucci, L., Fried, L.P. (2019). A comparison of biological aging measures. Third edition of the Biology of Aging International Symposium: Understanding Aging to Better Intervene. (Article publié).
  • Liu, M.*, Legault, V., Bouslimi, F.*, Leung, D.L.*, Fulop, T., Côté, A.M., Nakazato, Y., Cohen, A. (2019). Comparison of approaches to measure physiological variability in hemodialysis patients. Third edition of the Biology of Aging International Symposium: Understanding Aging to Better Intervene. (Article soumis).
  • Cohen, A.A., Wey, T.W., Dansereau, G.*, Roberge, E.*, Legault, V., Brunet, M., Kemnitz, J.W., Ferrucci, L. (2019). Conservation of integrative physiological aging mechanisms across primates. Innovation in Aging, DOI. (Article publié).
  • Dufour, F.*, Jacques, P.E., Cohen, A. (2019). Dysregulation patterns of gene expression with age differ acrossdatasets (prize: best poster). Third edition of the Biology of Aging International Symposium: Understanding Aging to Better Intervene. (Article publié).
  • Cohen, A.A., Nakazato, Y., Sugiyama, T., Leung, D.L.*, Legault, V., Côté, A-M. (2019). Increased Physiological Variability Predicts Declining Health and Critical Transitions in Hemodialysis Patients. Innovation in Aging, DOI. (Article publié).
  • Cohen, A.A., Dufour, F., Jacques, P.E. (2018). Broad-scale, multi-system dysregulation of gene expression: Toward clinical quantification of aging. Innovation in Aging, 62. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Cohen, A.A. (2018). Can we simplify physiology for use in demographic models?. Meeting of the Evolutionary Demography Society. (Article publié).
  • Cohen, A.A., Dusseault-Bélanger, F.*, Morissette-Thomas, V.*, Leung, D.L.*, Fülöp, T. (2018). Emergent Physiological Processes: A new type of emergence to understand the maintenance of homeostasis in biological systems. Ninth International Conference on Complex Systems. (Article publié).
  • Dufour, F.*, Jacques, P.E., Cohen, A.A. (2018). Mahalanobis Distance as a Proxy for Physiological System Dysregulation: Application to Expression Data. Ninth International Conference on Complex Systems. (Article publié).
  • Leung, D.L.*, Fried, L.P., Ferrucci, L., Cohen A.A. (2018). Measuring Loss of Homeostasis in Aging. Unifying Themes in Complex Systems IX., Suisse, 326–334. DOI. (Article publié).
  • Leung, D.L.*, Cohen, A.A. (2018). Measuring loss of homeostasis during aging. Ninth International Conference on Complex Systems. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA. (2017). An objective measure of individual health and aging for population surveys. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Legault V*, Fuellen G, Fülöp T, Fried LP, and Ferrucci L. (2017). Challenges understanding aging through biomarkers across populations: the example of calcium. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics. (Article publié).
  • Jarry V*, Payette H, and Cohen AA. (2017). Inégalités de santé : L’association entre le sexe, le statut socioéconomique et les trajectoires decapacités fonctionnelles et cognitives aux grands âges. ACFAS. (Article publié).
  • Jarry, V.*, Payette, H., and Cohen, A.A. (2017). Links Between Gender, Socioeconomic Status and Trajectories of Physical health in older adults. The Population Association of America Annual Meeting. (Article accepté).
  • Jarry V*, Payette H, and Cohen AA. (2017). Links between gender, socioeconomic status and trajectories of physiological dysregulation in old age. XXVIII International Population Conference. (Article publié).
  • Li Q* and Cohen AA. (2015). An econometric approach to understanding links between underlying health state and income among the elderly. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Morissette-Thomas V*, Cohen AA, Riesco E, and Ferrucci L. (2015). Complex Interactions Between Inflammation and Metabolic Hormones During Aging. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Vanasse A, Orzanco MG, Bergeron P*, Cohen AA, Niyonsenga T, and Courteau J. (2015). Contribution of Immigration Neighbourhood Attributes to Health Inequalities. Assessment. International Forum on Health Inequality, Annual International Conference on Public Health. (Article publié).
  • Bagna M*, Payette H, Levasseur M, Wang S, and Cohen AA. (2015). Data mining methods reveal association between social participation and nutritional risk in older adults: A Study on the NuAge cohort database. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Naud, D., Levasseur, M., Vanasse, A., Généreux, M., Cohen, A.A., Kestens, Y., Bruneau, J.F., Alauzet, A. (2015). La participation sociale des aînés et ses obstacles : différences selon le genre, l’âge et les provinces. 11e Journée scientifique du Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement. (Article publié).
  • Jarry V*, Cohen AA, and Payette H. (2015). Links between socioeconomic status and trajectories of physiological dysregulation. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Isaksson C, Cohen AA, and Salguero-Gómez R. (2015). Oxidative stress and life-history trade-offs: Is it evolutionarily stable to have single physiological currencies?. International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry. (Article publié).
  • Vanasse A, Cohen AA, Gosselin P, Blais C, Ruel G, and Bergeron P*. (2014). Impact of extreme meteorological events on health care: the case of flooding and cardiovascular diseases. 2014 NAPCRG Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Morrisette-Thomas V*, Cohen AA, Fulop T, Riesco E, Legault V*, Li Q*, Milot E*, Dusseault-Bélanger F*, Ferrucci L. (2014). Inflammaging does not simply reflect increases in pro-inflammatory markers (prize: best MSc poster). International Symposium: The Challenges of Biological Research on Aging in the 21st century: from Cells to Clinics. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Milot E*, Payette H, Gaudreau P, and Malo N. (2014). Interactions between Nutritional Patterns and Physiological Dysregulation Trajectories during Aging. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Milot E*, Moreau C, Gagnon A, Cohen AA, and Labuda D. (2014). Mother’s curse overrides natural selection against a genetic disease in humans. Evolutionary Demography Society 2nd Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Martin LM and Cohen AA. (2014). Physiological regulatory networks: the orchestra of life?. APS Intersociety Meeting: Comparative Approaches to Grand Challenges in Physiology. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Isaksson C, and Salguero-Gomez R. (2014). Single versus multiple trade-off mechanisms can produce different evolutionary outcomes. Evolutionary Demography Society 2nd Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Vanasse A, Orzanco MG, Asghari S, Cohen AA, Courteau J, Bergeron P*, Niyonsenga T, Cloutier L, and Leroux D. (2014). The Neighbourhood Effect of Immigration on an Urban Diabetic Population. 2014 NAPCRG Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Milot E*, Cohen AA, Li Q*, Fried LP, and Ferrucci L. (2013). Bayesian Analysis of Physiological Dysregulation Trajectories during Aging. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Brouwers F, Courteau J, Cohen AA, Farand P, Cloutier L, Asghari S, and Vanasse A. (2013). Beta-blockers are associated with less effective prevention of adverse outcomes among elderly patients with uncomplicated hypertension: A series of population-based nested case-control studies. 2013 International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare. (Article publié).
  • Brouwers F, Cohen AA, Courteau J, Farand P, Cloutier L, Asghari S, and Vanasse A. (2013). Comparative efficacy of blood pressure lowering drugs in primary prevention for elderly patients. ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference. (Article publié).
  • Li Q*, Wang S, Cohen AA, Milot E*, and Ferrucci L. (2013). Data Mining and Informatics Approaches to Biomarker Analysis During Aging. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA and Milot E*. (2013). Exploratory SEM on longitudinal data: Causal modeling in the absence of a priori hypotheses. XXVII International Union for the Scientific Study of Population. (Article publié).
  • Xue QL, Cohen AA, Bandeen-Roche K, Cappola AR, Chaves HP, Semba R, Walston JD, and Fried LP. (2013). Longitudinal Evidence on Coevolution of Physiological Changes in Older Women. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Arbeev KG, Cohen AA, Arbeeva L, Milot E*, Akushevich I, Kulminski A, and Yashin AI. (2013). Mathematical Models of Physiological Dysregulation Trajectories during Aging. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Morissette-Thomas V*, Cohen AA, Dusseault-Bélanger F*, Legault V*, and Ferrucci L. (2013). Multivariate Analysis of Inflammatory Markers and their Relationship with Age. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Poirier R*, Cohen AA, Leroux M*, Dusseault-Bélanger F*, Fried LP, and Ferrucci L. (2013). PCA Identifies Stable Biological Processes that Predict Frailty, Death, and Chronic Diseases. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Leroux M*, Cohen AA, Milot E*, Poirier R*, Li Q*, Fried LP, and Ferrucci L. (2013). Reference Populations for Statistical Distance of Physiological Dysregulation Demonstrate Within-country Homogeneity but Inter-country Heterogeneity of Biomarker Patterns in Aging. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Milot E*, Cohen AA, Mercier-Gauthier R*, Bergeron P*, Pelletier F, Réale D, Boisvert M, Pasquier JC, and Mayer FM. (2013). Selection on vital rates and maternal mortality in a preindustrial population. Annual Meeting of the Evolutionary Demography Society. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Milot E*, and Morissette-Thomas V*. (2013). Statistical distance: A promising measure of physiological dysregulation in biodemographic studies. XXVII International Union for the Scientific Study of Population. (Article publié).
  • Vasunilashorn S and Cohen AA. (2013). Stress Responsive Biochemical Anabolic/Catabolic Imbalance and Telomere Length in Older Adults. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Vasunilashorn S and Cohen AA. (2013). Stress Responsive Biochemical Anabolic/Catabolic Ratio and Telomere Length in Older Adults. Integrating Genetics and the Social Sciences Boulder. (Article publié).
  • Mercier-Gauthier R*, Cohen AA, Mayer FM, Bergeron P*, Pelletier F, Réale D, Boisvert M, Pasquier JC, and Milot E*. (2013). Sélection sur la mortalité en couches dans une population préindustrielle. Congrès annuel de la société québécoise pour l'étude biologique du comportement. (Article publié).
  • Xue QL, Tian J, Bandeen-Roche K, Cappola AR, Chaves HP, Cohen AA, Semba R, and Fried LP. (2013). Threshold Effect of Multisystem Physiological Dysregulation on the Development of Frailty in Older Women. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Yasar S, Fulop T, Bandeen-Roche K, Xue QL, Yong J*, Fried LP, and Ferrucci L. (2012). Electrolyte Dysregulation in Aging: a New Type of Dysregulation Identified by Multivariate Distribution Analysis Session Title: Studies Using Biomarkers to Understand Multisystemic Dysregulation in Aging. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Dusseault-Bélanger F*, Fried LP, and Ferrucci L. (2012). Multi-System Biomarker Analyses in Two Aging Populations: Same Big Picture, Different Details for WHAS and InCHIANTI. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA. (2012). Statistics-based Multi-biomarker Tools to Follow Physiological Dysregulation In Patients. North American Primary Care research Group. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA and Scheuerlein A. (2012). Systemic physiological constraints: A new evolutionary theory of aging. 1st Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology. (Article publié).
  • Dusseault-Bélanger F*, Cohen AA, Xue QL, Fried LP, and Ferrucci L. (2012). Understanding the Aging Process Using Principal Component Analysis on Longitudinal Biomarkers Suites: InCHIANTI. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA. (2011). A Novel Bayesian Method for Modeling Cause of Death by Type and Sub-type. Population Association of America Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Vanasse A, and Courteau J. (2011). Specialized cardiologic care may be over-utilized in urban areas of Quebec. 39th North American Primary Care research Group Annual Meeting. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, El-Mousselly A*, Dusseault-Bélanger F*, Xue QL, and Fried LP. (2011). Statistical and Mathematical Approaches to Understanding Longitudinal Changes in Suites of Biomarkers. Gerontological Society of America's 64th annual meeting. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA. (2011). The evolution of physiological systems and the emergent properties of regulatory networks. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. (Article publié).
  • Dusseault-Belanger F*, Cohen AA, Xue QL, and Fried LP. (2011). Understanding the Aging Process Using Principal Component Analysis on Biomarkers Suite. Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA. (2010). Developmental Effects of the 1918-19 Flu Pandemic on Late-Life Mortality: Reconciling Disparate Findings. Population Association of America. (Article publié).
  • Vanasse A, Asghari S, Cohen AA, Brais G, Couture E, Desnoyers S, Fortin-Langelier B, and Simard A. (2010). Healthcare providers’ absenteeism during the H1N1 pandemic in Quebec: Is care for unimmunized relatives a problem?. American Public Health Association 138th Annual Meeting & Expo. (Article publié).
  • Morris SK, Bassani DG, Kesler M, Cohen AA, Kumar R, and Jha P. (2010). Neonatal and childhood mortality from acute respiratory infections in India: A population based study. Pediatric Academic Society. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA. (2010). The Systemic Constraints Theory of Aging: Integrating Evolutionary and Mechanistic Approaches. 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Tillinghast J, and Canudas-Romo V. (2009). 'Lexis cohorts’: Extracting information on half-year cohorts from 1-year format Lexis data. International Union for the Scientific Study of Population. (Article publié).
  • Cohen AA, Tillinghast J, and Canudas-Romo V. (2009). No consistent effects of prenatal or neonatal exposure to Spanish flu on late-life mortality in 24 developed countries. Population Association of America. (Article publié).
  • Cohen, A.A. (2006). Antioxidants and uric acid in avian physiology and ecology: a life-history perspective. North American Ornithological Congress. (Article publié).
  • Cohen, A.A. (2006). Female post-reproductive lifespan: not unique to humans. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference, St. Louis University. (Article publié).

Autres contributions

Cours enseignés

  • Atelier sur le "Evidence Based Medicine". (2017-09-15 à 2017-09-15).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
  • Formation en biostatistique. NA. (2017-01-09 à 2017-02-28).Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke. Niveau : .
  • Introduction aux méthodes et données génomiques. BFT708. (2015-01-05 à 2017-12-22).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada. (1CR).
  • Atelier d’application de la bio-statistique. PHS714. (2013-09-02 à 2020-04-30).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada. (2CR).
  • Analyses de données en sciences cliniques. SCL718. (2011-09-01 à 2012-05-31).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada. (3CR).
  • Series of practical statistics workshops. (2011-09-01 à 2012-05-31).Université de Sherbrooke. Canada.
  • Community Ecology class. (2005-01-01 à 2005-05-31).University of Missouri - St. Louis. États-Unis.
  • Biology. (2004-10-01 à 2004-11-30).University of Missouri - St. Louis. États-Unis.
  • Introduction à la consultation statistique. STT619. Université de Sherbrooke. Canada. (2CR).

Gestion d'évènements

  • Co-president of the scientific committee. (2019) Biology of Aging: Understanding aging to better intervene. (Conférence).

Activités de collaboration internationale

  • Principal Investigator. États-Unis.
  • Principal Investigator. Australie.
  • Principal Investigator. États-Unis.
  • Principal Investigator. Allemagne.
  • Principal Investigator. États-Unis.
  • Principal Investigator. États-Unis.
  • Collaborator. Niger.
  • Co-researcher. États-Unis.
  • Co-researcher. États-Unis.
  • Co-researcher. États-Unis.
  • Principal investigator. Pays-Bas.
  • Principal investigator. Danemark.
  • Principal Investigator. États-Unis.
  • Co-researcher. Pays-Bas.
  • Collaborator. Uruguay.
  • Principal Investigator. Royaume-Uni.


  • (2020). Complex system dynamics and aging in physiological systems. Columbia University. New York, États-Unis
  • (2019). Complex systems dynamics and aging: Impacts on evolution and mechanisms. Calico Life Sciences. États-Unis
  • Dufour, F.*, Jacques, P.E., Cohen, A.A. (2019). Physiological Dysregulation During Aging: a Gene Expression Analysis. Gordon Research Seminar on Biology of Aging. Newry, États-Unis
  • (2018). A complex systems perspective on the biology and evolution of aging. Max Planck Institute for the Biology of Aging,. Cologne, Allemagne
  • (2018). Biomarker-based metrics of general health and aging for population surveys: theory and progress. Johann Sussmilch Lecture, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. Rostock, Allemagne
  • (2018). Biomarkers as general predictors of health outcomes: potential, pitfalls, and integration approaches. University of Rostock. Rostock, Allemagne
  • (2018). Quel avenir pour l’écophysiologie dans un monde multivarié et complexe?. Université Pierre et Marie Curie. Paris, France
  • Cohen AA. (2017). Aging, with and without an evolutionary perspective. Queens University. Kingston, ON, Canada
  • (2017). C'est quoi le vieillissement, et comment peut-on le mesurer?. BistroBrain. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Cohen, AA. (2017). How physiological complexity impacts our understanding of trade-offs, ecophysiology, and the aging process. Queens University. Kingston, ON, Canada
  • Cohen, AA. (2016). Biological, clinical, and population impacts of a complex-systems approach to aging. Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development, Duke University. Durham, États-Unis
  • Cohen AA. (2015). How important are complex system dynamics in aging biology? Emerging evidence, recurring questions. McGill University Centre for Applied Mathematics in Bioscience and Medicine Speaker Series. Montreal, Canada
  • Cohen AA. (2014). How longitudinal studies can make us rethink the underlying biology of aging. The Challenges of Biological Research on Aging in the 21st Century: From Cells to Clinics. Canada
  • Cohen AA. (2013). Complexité physiologique et vieillissement: implications pour les processus populationnels. Université de Montréal Department of Demography. Montreal, Canada
  • Cohen AA. (2013). Data from multiple sources – studies of aging. Turning Patient Health Data into Accessible Information Knowledge for an Improved Health Care System. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Cohen AA. (2013). La dérégulation physiologique : Nouvelle approche pour comprendre le vieillissement. Réunion scientifique en gérontopsychiatrie. Montréal, Canada
  • Cohen AA. (2013). Une compréhension de dérégulation physiologique : quel rôle pour l’amélioration de soins en médecine de famille?. Journées d’orientation départementales en Médecine de famille. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Cohen AA. (2012). Why Physiology Matters in Evolutionary Demography. Workshop on Evolutionary Demography, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. Rostock, Allemagne
  • Cohen AA. (2011). Antioxydants et régulation physiologique chez les oiseaux: vers où va l’écophysiologie?. Université de Québec à Rimouski. Québec, Canada
  • Cohen AA. (2011). Biomarkers, physiological change, and age. Stanford Workshop in Biodemography: Human Life History, Stanford University. Palo Alto, États-Unis
  • Cohen AA. (2011). Trois projets en biostatistique appliquée. Dépt. de Mathématique, Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Cohen AA. (2011). Understanding metabolic syndrome through principal components analysis in a sick Quebec population. CIHR New Principal Investigators Meeting. Mont-Gabriel, Canada
  • Cohen AA. (2010). Aging and the Complexity of Physiological Systems: What We Can Learn from Avian Antioxidants. Dept. de Biologie, Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Cohen AA. (2010). PCAT en Canada y Uruguay: situación y preguntas. Conferencia sobre la implementacion del PCAT en Uruguay, Universidad de la Republica. Montevideo, Uruguay, Uruguay
  • Cohen AA. (2010). Vieillissement et complexité des systèmes physiologiques: Leçons des antioxydants chez les oiseaux, Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement. Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Cohen AA. (2009). Complexities in linking physiology to ecological and evolutionary patterns: A cautionary tale from antioxidants. Trent University, Department of Biology Seminar Series. Canada
  • Cohen AA. (2009). Modeling malaria to strengthen surveillance systems. MITAC/Signal Detection Conference, University of Toronto/Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Cohen AA. (2008). Female Post-Reproductive Lifespan: Not Unique to Humans. Gerontology Interest Group Poster Competition, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Baltimore, États-Unis
  • Cohen AA. (2007). Antioxidants and biomarkers of aging in animals. Workshop on Age Determination, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. Rostock, Germany, Allemagne
  • Cohen AA. (2006). Antioxidants and uric acid in avian physiology and ecology: a life-history perspective. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Annual Fellows Meeting. Chevy Chase, MD, États-Unis
  • Cohen AA. (2006). What We Can Learn about Aging from Wild Animals: 3 short topics. Aging Journal Club, Washington University. St. Louis, MO, États-Unis
  • Scheuerlein A, Ricklefs RE, and Cohen AA. (2003). Age related patterns of fertility in captive populations of birds and mammals. Symposium on Organisms with Slow Aging, University of Southern California. Los Angeles, CA, États-Unis