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Making your partnership a success

Research partnerships bring enrichment, learning and innovation. There is, however, one way to approach them in order to maximize the positive spin-offs. Here are three basic tips to guide you towards a partnership that will more than meet your expectations.

    Tip 1

    Communication is key

    • The initial meeting between partners is crucial to get the partnership off to a good start. It serves to establish the basis of the relationship, to agree on the involvement of each partner and to define the objectives of the project. 
    • Throughout the project, it is important not to lose contact. This is why we encourage follow-ups and meetings.
    • The meetings serve to keep up to date with the project and, if necessary, to readjust.

    Tip 2 

    Involvement is essential

    • All partners must feel concerned and be strongly involved in the project.  

    Tip 3 

    Meeting commitments

    • To ensure good relations between the partners, it is very important that the agreements established at the initial meeting are respected.
    • The standards agreed upon at the beginning of the collaboration are the supporting pillars of a good agreement.
    • In the event of a major change in priorities, objectives or the nature of the project, it is imperative that all stakeholders be notified. 
    • Frank discussion can avoid misunderstandings and ultimately improve the relationship between partners.