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Structure and Governance

Structure and Governance

The Institute’s Council

The Pharmacology Institute of Sherbrooke (IPS) has its own Council on which the Vice-President of Research, the deans of the faculties involved, and the Director of the Institute are ex-officio members. The Institute’s Council ensures a link between University management and the Institute, approves the Institute's development and budget, ensures that research initiatives are compatible with the university's strategic actions, and serves as the body that exercises authority over the Director of the Institute.

External Advisory Board

The External Advisory Board is made up of representatives from the pharmaceutical, business, and academic communities. Its role is to identify emerging fields in pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry, as well as to recognize and seize opportunities for scientific collaboration with external partners, in keeping with the Institute’s strategic plan.

Steering and Strategic Direction Committee

The mission of the Institute's Steering and Strategic Direction Committee is to support management in scientific leadership and to refine the Institute’s strategic initiatives. This committee also ensures the dissemination and transfer of information among members, teams, and scientific partners while coordinating the joint action required for the advancement of research. The latter is also aided by several researchers, together forming an expanded Committee.

IPS Executive Team

The current management team was appointed in July 2013 and renewed in January 2018 upon the renewal of the management mandate. A new, original co-management approach was approved, composed of Prof. Éric Marsault, Director, and Prof. Philippe Sarret, Co-director. Together, the management team reflects the diversity of the Institute, combining academic and industrial expertise in medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and physiology.

IPS organizational chart

  • Institute
  • History
  • Mission